Table Of Contents
Cisco ONS SONET TL1 for Beginners, Release 9.6.x
TL1 Message Types and Examples
Launch CTC and Open a TL1 Session
Use a Craft Interface to Open a TL1 Session
Command Actions and Categories
Obtaining Optical Networking Information
Where to Find Safety and Warning Information
Cisco Optical Networking Product Documentation CD-ROM
Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines
Cisco ONS Documentation Roadmap for Release 9.6.x
Quick Reference
Cisco ONS SONET TL1 for Beginners, Release 9.6.x
Cisco ONS 15454, Cisco ONS 15454 M2, and Cisco ONS 15454 M6
The terms "Unidirectional Path Switched Ring" and "UPSR" may appear in Cisco literature. These terms do not refer to using Cisco ONS 15xxx products in a unidirectional path switched ring configuration. Rather, these terms, as well as "Path Protected Mesh Network" and "PPMN," refer generally to Cisco's path protection feature, which may be used in any topological network configuration. Cisco does not recommend using its path protection feature in any particular topological network configuration.
What is TL1?
Transaction Language 1 (TL1) is a set of ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)-based instructions, or messages, that an operations support system (OSS) uses to manage a network element (NE) and its resources. TL1 provides a standard set of messages that can be used for communicating between operating systems and NEs, and personnel and NEs.
TL1 Message Types and Examples
There are two main types of standards-defined TL1 messages: command/responses and autonomous messages.
Command/Responses—These are initiated by a user and provide two parts: a request to the NE to set or get information, and a response from the NE containing completion or status codes and requested information. Request, or input messages are used to issue the request portions of command messages to the NE. Command messages are often referred to as command/response messages, where the request portion is an input message (OSS to NE) and the response portion is an output message (NE to OSS). Command/Responses can be further classified as follows:
Set information—The simplest type of messages are those that set information or instruct the NE to perform an action and return only a result with no data in the response:
Example: ENT-CRS-<STS_PATH> to create an STS cross-connection
Get information—Some TL1 commands get information or request information be returned from the NE.
Example: RTRV-ALM-ALL to show the current status of all active alarm conditions
Response message—The response portion of a command message correlates to a particular request message. If a command is successful, the NE sends a response message containing the COMPLD code.
SV192-DATA-461 2003-08-05 10:35:17M 123 COMPLD
If a command fails, the NE sends an error response which includes the DENY code and may or may not contain an error message.
SV192-DATA-461 2003-08-05 10:35:17M 123 DENY
The following list shows standard responses:
DENY—TL1 command failed
PRTL—Partially successful response. The requested action can be completed for some of the specified AIDs but not for all of them.
RTRV—The response is successful but is lengthy and is being returned in multiple parts. Each part has a RTRV response code, but the final response has a COMPLD response code.
Response acknowledgment—Responses may also include intermediate acknowledgment messages. Brief messages that update the user as to the status of a given command are called acknowledgments. When a command has been sent to the NE and the NE takes longer than two seconds to respond, the NE sends an acknowledgment message to be followed later by the full response. This class of responses, however, is yet to be supported by Cisco ONS platforms.
Autonomous messages—These messages are used to report alarms, configuration changes or condition changes. Many of these messages, such as those relating to alarm conditions, are spontaneously triggered by the NE itself without intervention. Other messages, such as those relating to the reporting of periodic condition states or performance data values are scheduled by the NE user via other commands. Autonomous messages are not issued to the NE and hence they do not include input formats or input examples.
Example: REPT ALM
For information on specific command and autonomous message syntax, refer to the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide.
Connect to TL1
The first step in using TL1 is to connect to TL1. You only have to connect to TL1 one time per session. A session is a related set of communication transactions between two or more network devices. There are three ways to connect to TL1: via CTC, telnet, or craft interface. Perform one of the following procedures to connect to TL1.
Launch CTC and Open a TL1 Session
Step 1
From the PC connected to the ONS node, start Netscape or Internet Explorer.
Step 2
Enter the IP address of the node you want to communicate with in the Netscape or Internet Explorer Web address (URL) field.
Step 3
Log into the CTC. The IP address at the title bar should match the IP address of the node you entered in Step 2.
Step 4
Once logged into the CTC, there are two ways to open a TL1 session:
Click Tools > Open TL1 Connection, or
Click on the Open TL1 Connection button
on the toolbar.
Step 5
From the Select Node dialog box choose the node you want to communicate with.
Step 6
Click OK.
A TL1 interface window opens. There are three sub-windows in the TL1 interface window: Request History, Message Log/Summary Log, and TL1 request. Type commands in the TL1 request window. You will see responses in the Message log window. The Request History window allows you to recall previous commands by double-clicking on them.
Step 7
Verify that the Connect button is selected (grayed out).
Step 8
You are ready to log into TL1. Follow the steps in the "Log Into TL1" section.
Telnet to Open a TL1 Session
To communicate with the ONS NE using TL1 commands using a telnet session over a craft interface or a LAN connection, you can choose from two ports:
Port number 3083 is a telnet port that uses the telnet protocol and associated telnet escape sequences.
Port number 2361 is an alternative telnet port.
Port number 3082 is a raw TCP/IP port; it is not an interactive port and is not recommended for use as an alternate telnet port.
Step 1
At the DOS prompt, type cmd and press Enter. (The same steps can also be done from a Unix prompt).
Step 2
At the DOS command prompt type:
The Node IP address or Node Name refers to the IP address or Node Name of the node you want to communicate with. Port number is the port (2361 or 3083) where TL1 commands are understood. If the connection is successful, a screen opens with a prompt.
Step 3
You are ready to log into TL1. Follow the steps in the "Log Into TL1" section.
Use a Craft Interface to Open a TL1 Session
Log Into TL1
Once you have connected to TL1, you must log into TL1 in order to issue commands. Logging into TL1 only has to be done once per session.
Step 1
Issue the ACT-USER command:
Input Format:
TID is the name of the node you want to access. If you only want to query the node you connected to leave the TID blank.
UID is your user ID. UID can be up to 10 characters.
CTAG is any non-blank character series that does not have to be unique.
PID is your password. PID can be up to 10 characters. PIDs are encrypted and are displayed as asterisks (*).
Input Example:
Step 2
Confirm you receive a COMPLD response to indicate the command was completed successfully.
Response Example:
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00
DXT:2003-01-02 14-04-49,0
Command Actions and Categories
When you have connected and logged into a TL1 session, you are ready to begin issuing TL1 commands and autonomous messages. TL1 commands and autonomous messages can be used to accomplish a variety of actions. Determining the correct command or autonomous message you need begins with identifying what action you want to perform. The first part of every command and autonomous message helps identify the action that command or autonomous message performs as shown in Table 1.
To further determine which command or autonomous message you need, identify what category the action applies to (i.e. BLSR, Cross Connections). In the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide, commands and autonomous messages are categorized based on the area of the NE that they effect. For example, if you want to create, edit, or delete a cross-connection, you will find the available commands in the Cross Connections category. Table 2 shows some examples of actions, categories, and commands that apply to the Cisco ONS 15454, Cisco ONS 15454 M2, and Cisco ONS 15454 M6. For a complete list of categories, commands and autonomous messages, refer to the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide.
Table 2 Some TL1 Category Examples
If You Want to Look in this Category Applicable Command or Autonomous MessageCreate a 2-fiber or 4-fiber BLSR
Delete a cross-connection on a VT path
Cross Connections
Set the attributes of the air conditioner
Environment Alarms and Controls
Delete a card from the NE
Lockout a user from the NE
See the alarms on a BITS
Change the date on the NE
Disconnect a test access path/point
Troubleshooting and Test Access
Perform a path protection protection switch on an STS path
Release a path protection protection switch on an STS path
1 REPT ALM BITS is an autonomous message. Autonomous messages are either spontaneously triggered by the NE or scheduled by the NE user via other commands.
In the "Ten Basic Commands" section, there are ten commands listed in detail to help get you started entering TL1 commands.
Ten Basic Commands
This section lists ten basic commands to help you get started. You must be connected and logged into a TL1 session. After you issue a command, confirm you receive a COMPLD response to indicate the command was completed successfully.
If you receive a DENY response, first check the syntax you entered for accuracy. If you entered the command correctly, refer to the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide for more information about that particular command and its components.
To change configuration information on a DS1 port see ED-T1.
To retrieve configuration information about a DS1 port see RTRV-T1.
To retrieve all alarms on a specific DS1 port see RTRV-ALM-T1.
To retrieve all conditions on a specific DS1 port see RTRV-COND-T1.
To retrieve all alarms on a system see RTRV-ALM-ALL.
To retrieve all conditions on a system see RTRV-COND-ALL.
To retrieve actual PM values on a DS1 port see RTRV-PM-T1.
To retrieve the thresholds in place for a DS1 port see RTRV-TH-T1.
To create a loopback see OPR-LPBK-T1.
To release a loopback see RLS-LPBK-T1.
When you are finished using TL1 remember to log out. Follow the steps in the "Log Out of TL1" section to log out.
For complete TL1 documentation, refer to the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide and the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Reference Guide. For a command quick reference guide, refer to the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Quick Reference Guide.
Use the ED-T1 command edits the attributes related to a DS1/T1 port. ED-T1 is from the Ports category.
Input Format:
TID is the name of the node you want to access. If you only want to query the node you connected to leave the TID blank.
AID is the access identifier to indicate slot and port.
CTAG is any non-blank character series that does not have to be unique.
LINECDE is a line code. Values are AMI or B8ZS.
FMT is a frame format. Values are D4, ESF, or unframed.
LBO is a line build out. Values are 0-131, 132-262, 263-393, 394-524, or 525-655.
TACC defines the STS as a test access port with a selected unique TAP number. The TAP number is in the range of 0, 1-999. When TACC is 0 (zero), the TAP is deleted.
TAPTYPE is the test access point type. Values are DUAL or SINGLE.
SOAK is IS-AINS to IS transition soak time as measured in 15 minute intervals, so a value of 4 translates to a soak time of 1 hour. The allowable range is 0-192 intervals (maximum of 48 hours).
SFBER identifies port SFBER; valid values are 1E-3, 1E-4 or 1E-5.
SDBER identifies port SDBER; valid values are 1E-5, 1E-6,...1E-9.
SYNCMSG is the synchronization status message. Values are NO or YES.
SENDDUS is the synchronization status message Don't use for Synchronization (DUS). Optional for ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6.
NAME is the name. Maximum length is 32 characters.
MODE type of DS1MODE.
SYNCMAP is the synchronization mapping for the DS1 facility. Only supported on ONS 15454.
ADMSSM is the administration synchronization status message. Only supported on ONS 15454.
VTMAP is the port to VT mapping type for that particular STS. Only supported on ONS 15454.
INHFELPBK indicates whether far end loopbacks are inhibited on the facility. Only supported on ONS 15454.
AISONLPBK is the AIS to be sent on what type of loopback.
CMDMDE is the command mode. Values are FRCD or NORM.
AISVONAIS is enabled or disabled.
AISONLOF is enabled or disabled.
BERTMODE specifies the mode [Test Pattern Generator (TPG) or Test Pattern Monitor (TPM)] of the port for BERT.
BERTPATTERN specifies the error pattern to be injected for BERT.
BERTERRCOUNT is the integer value. Value -1 indicates that BERT is disabled/not supported.
PST is primary state. Values are IS or OOS.
SST is secondary state. Values are MT or AINS.
Input Example:
Use the RTRV-T1 command to retrieve configuration information on a DS1 port. RTRV-T1 is from the Ports category.
Input Format:
TID is the name of the node you want to access. If you only want to query the node you connected to leave the TID blank.
AID is the access identifier to indicate slot and port.
CTAG is any non-blank character series that does not have to be unique.
Input Example:
Response Format:
AID is the access identifier to indicate slot and port.
LINECDE is a line code. Values are AMI or B8ZS.
FMT is a frame format. Values are D4, ESF, or unframed.
LBO is a line build out. Values are 0-131, 132-262, 263-393, 394-524, or 525-655.
TAP defines the STS as a test access port with a selected unique TAP number. The TAP number is in the range of 0, 1-999. When TACC is 0 (zero), the TAP is deleted.
TAPTYPE is the test access point type. Values are DUAL or SINGLE.
SOAK - IS-AINS to IS transition soak time as measured in 15 minute intervals, so a value of 4 translates to a soak time of 1 hour. The allowable range is 0-192 intervals (maximum of 48 hours).
SOAKLEFT is the time remaining for the transition from OOS-AINS to IS measured in 1 minute intervals.
SFBER identifies port SFBER; valid values are 1E-3, 1E-4 or 1E-5.
SDBER identifies port SDBER; valid values are 1E-5, 1E-6,...1E-9.
NAME is the name.
SYNCMSG is the synchronization status message enabled or disabled on the T1 facility. Optional for ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6.
SENDDUS is the synchronization status message Don't use for Synchronization (DUS). Optional for ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6.
RETIME indicates if retiming is needed. Values are NO or YES. Optional for ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6.
AISONLPBK is the AIS to be sent on what type of loopback.
AISVONAIS is enabled or disabled.
AISONLOF is enabled or disabled.
MODE type of DS1MODE.
SYNCMAP is the synchronization mapping for the DS1 facility. Only supported on ONS 15454.
ADMSSM is the administration synchronization status message. Only supported on ONS 15454.
PROVIDESYNC indicates whether the facility provides synchronization. Only supported on ONS 15454.
VTMAP is the port to VT mapping type for that particular STS. Only supported on ONS 15454.
INHFELPBK indicates whether far end loopbacks are inhibited on the facility. Only supported on the ONS 15454.
BERTMODE specifies the mode [Test Pattern Generator (TPG) or Test Pattern Monitor (TPM)] of the port for BERT.
BERTPATTERN specifies the error pattern to be injected for BERT.
BERTERRCOUNT is the integer value. Value -1 indicates that BERT is disabled/not supported.
BERTERRRATE specifies the BERT error rate received.
BERTSYNCSTATUS is the synchronization status of BERT values. The parameter type is Y_N, which specifies if synchronization status is up or down.
PST_PSTQ is primary state.
SSTQ is secondary state.
Response Example:
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00
Use the RTRV-ALM-T1 command to retrieve all alarms on a specific E1 port. The RTRV-ALM-T1 command is listed as RTRV-ALM-<MOD2ALM> in the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide. T1 is just one of the options you can enter. RTRV-ALM-T1 is from the Fault category.
Input Format:
TID is the name of the node you want to access. If you only want to query the node you connected to leave the TID blank.
AID is the access identifier to indicate slot and port.
CTAG is any non-blank character series that does not have to be unique.
NTFCNCDE is the 2-letter notification code. Values are CL (cleared), CR (critical), MJ (major), MN (minor), NA (not alarmed), and NR (not reported).
CONDTYPE is the alarm condition.
SRVEFF is the effect on service caused by the alarm condition. Values are NSA (not service affecting) or SA (service affecting).
LOCN is the location associated with a particular command.
DIRECTION is the PM count retrieval direction.
Input Example:
Response Format:
AID shows the port in question.
AIDTYPE shows the type of the port.
NTFCNCDE is the 2-letter notification code. Values are CL (cleared), CR (critical), MJ (major), MN (minor), NA (not alarmed), and NR (not reported).
CONDTYPE is the type of alarm condition.
SRVEFF is the effect on service caused by the alarm condition. Values are NSA (not service affecting) or SA (service affecting).
OCRDAT is the date when the specific event or violation occurred.
OCRTM is the time when the specific event or violation occurred.
LOCN is the location associated with a particular command.
DIRECTION is the PM count retrieval direction.
DESC is a condition description.
Response Example:
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00
Use the RTRV-COND-T1 command to retrieve all conditions on a specific DS1 port. The RTRV-COND-T1 command is listed as RTRV-COND-<MOD2ALM> in the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide. T1 is just one of the options you can enter. RTRV-COND-T1 is from the Fault category.
Input Format:
TID is the name of the node you want to access. If you only want to query the node you connected to leave the TID blank.
AID is the access identifier to indicate slot and port.
CTAG is any non-blank character series that does not have to be unique.
TYPEREQ is the type of condition to be retrieved. A null value is equivalent to ALL.
LOCN is the location associated with a particular command.
DIRECTION is the PM count retrieval direction.
Input Example:
Response Format:
AID shows the port in question.
AIDTYPE shows the type of the port.
NTFCNCDE is the 2-letter notification code. Values are CL (cleared), CR (critical), MJ (major), MN (minor), NA (not alarmed), and NR (not reported).
TYPEREP is the condition itself.
SRVEFF is the effect on service caused by the alarm condition. Values are NSA (not service affecting) or SA (service affecting).
OCRDAT is a date and is optional.
OCRTM is a time and is optional.
LOCN is the location associated with a particular command.
DIRECTION is the PM count retrieval direction.
DESC is a condition description.
Response Example:
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00
"FAC-1-1,T1:NR,TX-AIS,NSA,07-27,05-20-54,NEND,TRMT,\"Alarm Indication Signal in TX\""
;rtp1-454tl1-1 2008-07-27 06:42:29
"FAC-1-1,T1:MN,LOS,NSA,07-27,05-20-54,NEND,RCV,\"Loss Of Signal\"
Use the RTRV-ALM-ALL command to retrieve all of the alarms on the system. RTRV-ALM-ALL is from the Fault category.
Input Format:
TID is the name of the node you want to access. If you only want to query the node you connected to leave the TID blank.
AID is the access identifier ALL.
CTAG is any non-blank character series that does not have to be unique.
NTFCNCDE is the 2-letter notification code. Values are CL (cleared), CR (critical), MJ (major), MN (minor), NA (not alarmed), and NR (not reported).
CONDITION is the type of alarm condition.
SRVEFF is the effect on service caused by the alarm condition. Values are NSA (not service affecting) or SA (service affecting).
LOCN is the associated with a particular command. Identifies the location from which the PM mode is to be retrieved. The parameter type is LOCATION, which is the location where the action is to take place.
DIRN is the PM count retrieval direction. The parameter type is DIRECTION, which is the transmit and receive directions.
Input Example:
Response Format:
AID shows the port in question.
AIDTYPE shows the type of the port.
NTFCNCDE is the 2-letter notification code. Values are CL (cleared), CR (critical), MJ (major), MN (minor), NA (not alarmed), and NR (not reported).
CONDTYPE is the type of alarm condition.
SRVEFF is the effect on service caused by the alarm condition. Values are NSA (not service affecting) or SA (service affecting).
OCRDAT is a date.
OCRTM is a time.
DESC is a condition description.
AIDDET is the supplementary equipment identification.
Response Example:
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00
Use the RTRV-COND-ALL command to retrieve all of the conditions on the system. RTRV-COND-ALL is from the Fault category.
Input Format:
TID is the name of the node you want to access. If you only want to query the node you connected to leave the TID blank.
AID is the access identifier ALL
CTAG is any non-blank character series that does not have to be unique.
TYPEREQ is the type of condition to be retrieved. A null value is equivalent to ALL.
LOCN indicates the location.
DIRECTION is the direction of PM relative to the entity identified by the AID.
Input Example:
Response Format:
AID shows the port in question.
AIDTYPE shows the type of the port.
NTFCNCDE is the 2-letter notification code. Values are CL (cleared), CR (critical), MJ (major), MN (minor), NA (not alarmed), and NR (not reported).
TYPEREP is the condition itself.
SRVEFF is the effect on service caused by the alarm condition. Values are NSA (not service affecting) or SA (service affecting).
OCRDAT is a date and is optional.
OCRTM is a time and is optional.
LOCN indicates the location.
DIRECTION is the direction of PM relative to the entity identified by the AID.
DESC is a condition description.
Response Example:
rtp1-454tl1-1 2008-07-27 06:36:14
"FAC-3-2,OC3:MN,LOS,NSA,07-27,10-16-28,NEND,RCV,\"Loss Of Signal\""
Use the RTRV-PM-T1 command to retrieve actual performance monitoring values on a DS1 port. The RTRV-PM-T1 command is listed as RTRV-PM-<MOD2> in the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide. T1 is just one of the options you can enter. RTRV-PM-T1 is from the Performance category.
Input Format:
TID is the name of the node you want to access. If you only want to query the node you connected to leave the TID blank.
AID is the access identifier to indicate slot and port.
CTAG is any non-blank character series that does not have to be unique.
MONTYPE is a monitored type. A null value is equivalent to ALL.
MONLEV specifies the discriminating level for the requested monitored parameter. MONLEV is in the format of LEVEL-DIRN where LEVEL is the measured value of the monitored parameter (MONVAL) and DIRN is the type of DIRN. A null value defaults to 1-UP which means it only shows values 1 and higher.
LOCN indicates the location. A null value defaults to NEND.
DIRECTION is the direction of PM relative to the entity identified by the AID. DIRN defaults to ALL which means that the command retrieves all the registers irrespective of the PM direction. Values are BTH (both), RCV (receive), and TRMT (transmit).
TMPER is the accumulation time period for the PM information. A null value defaults to 15-MIN.
DATE is the beginning date of the PM or storage register period specified in TMPER. DATE is MM-DD where MM (month of year) ranges from 1 to 12 and DD (day of month) ranges from 1 to 31. A null value defaults to the current date.
TIME is the beginning time of day of the PM or storage register period specified in TMPER. TIME is HH-MM where HH (hour of day) ranges from 0 to 23 and MM (minute of hour) ranges from 0 to 59. A null value defaults to the current time (HH-MM).
Input Example:
Response Format:
AID shows the port in question.
AIDTYPE shows the type of the port.
MONTYPE shows the threshold type.
MONVAL shows the value.
VLDTY indicates if a full and complete PM value was returned.
LOCN indicates the location.
DIRECTION is the direction.
TMPER is the accumulation time period.
MONDAT is the date.
MONTM is the time.
Response Example:
rtp1-454tl1-1 2008-07-27 09:34:41
Use the RTRV-TH-T1 command to retrieve the thresholds in place for a DS1 port. The RTRV-TH-T1 command is listed as RTRV-TH-<MOD2> in the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide. T1 is just one of the options you can enter. RTRV-TH-T1 is from the Performance category.
Input Format:
TID is the name of the node you want to access. If you only want to query the node you connected to leave the TID blank.
AID is the access identifier to indicate slot and port.
CTAG is any non-blank character series that does not have to be unique.
MONTYPE is a monitored type. A null value is equivalent to ALL.
LOCN is the location. A null value defaults to NEND. Values are NEND (near end) or FEND (far end).
TMPER indicates the accumulation time period. A null value defaults to 15-MIN.
Input Example:
Response Format:
AID is the access identifier ALL.
AIDTYPE specifies the type of AID.
MONTYPE indicates the monitored type.
LOCN is a location.
THLEV is the threshold value.
TMPER is the accumulation time period for the PM information.
Response Example:
rtp1-454tl1-1 2008-07-27 09:34:41
Use the OPR-LPBK-T1 command to establish a loopback. The OPR-LPBK-T1 command is listed as OPR-LPBK-<MOD2> in the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide. T1 is just one of the options you can enter. OPR-LPBK-T1 is from the Troubleshooting and Test Access category.
Input Format:
TID is the name of the node you want to access. If you only want to query the node you connected to leave the TID blank.
AID is an access identifier. Valid values are facility, DS1, and STS.
CTAG is any non-blank character series that does not have to be unique.
LOCATION is the location where the operation is to be carried out.
LPBKTYPE is a loopback type and is optional. LPBKTYPE can be FACILITY or TERMINAL.
Input Example:
Use the RLS-LPBK-T1 command to release a loopback. The RLS-LPBK-T1 command is listed as RLS-LPBK-<MOD2> in the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide. T1 is just one of the options you can enter. RLS-LPBK-T1 is from the Troubleshooting and Test Access category.
Input Format:
TID is the name of the node you want to access. If you only want to query the node you connected to leave the TID blank.
SRC is an access identifier. Valid values are facility, DS1, and STS.
CTAG is any non-blank character series that does not have to be unique.
LOCATION is the location where the operation is to be carried out.
LPBKTYPE is a loopback type and is optional. LPBKTYPE can be FACILITY or TERMINAL.
Input Example:
Log Out of TL1
When you are finished using TL1, you must log out of the session. Logging out of TL1 only has to be done once per session.
Step 1
If you logged into TL1 via CTC, you must log out by pressing the Disconnect button or by issuing the CANC-USER command as shown in the following steps.
If you logged into TL1 via Telnet or craft interface, you must log out by issuing the CANC-USER command.
Input Format:
TID is the name of the node you want to access. If you only want to query the node you connected to leave the TID blank.
USERID is your user ID. Maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters.
CTAG is any non-blank character series that does not have to be unique.
Input Example:
Step 2
Confirm you receive a COMPLD response to indicate the command was completed successfully.
Response Example:
TID001 03-07-22 02:45:12
Obtaining Optical Networking Information
This section contains information that is specific to optical networking products. For information that pertains to all of Cisco, refer to the Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines section.
Where to Find Safety and Warning Information
For safety and warning information, refer to the Cisco Optical Transport Products Safety and Compliance Information document that accompanied the product. This publication describes the international agency compliance and safety information for the Cisco ONS 15454 system. It also includes translations of the safety warnings that appear in the ONS 15454 system documentation.
Cisco Optical Networking Product Documentation CD-ROM
Optical networking-related documentation, including Cisco ONS 15xxx product documentation, is available in a CD-ROM package that ships with your product. The Optical Networking Product Documentation CD-ROM is updated periodically and may be more current than printed documentation.
Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines
For information on obtaining documentation, obtaining support, providing documentation feedback, security guidelines, and also recommended aliases and general Cisco documents, see the monthly What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:
Subscribe to the What's New in Cisco Product Documentation as a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free service and Cisco currently supports RSS version 2.0.
Cisco ONS Documentation Roadmap for Release 9.6.x
To quickly access publications of Cisco ONS Release 9.6.x, see the
Cisco ONS Documentation Roadmap for Release 9.6.x.
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