Prepare System for Rollback
Before you begin
Before you proceed, ensure that you have completed these pre-requisites:
Connect port: Connect console port to terminal server. After the rollback to Cisco IOS XR, the console port will be connected the IOS XR plane. If necessary, the AUX port can be used to connect to XR plane.
Insert card: ensure all supported RSP, RP, FC, and LCs are inserted. Perform rollback using RSP/RP in slot 0.
Backup data: back up data on the router, the system admin plane, and the XR plane configurations to an external server. All data drives including harddiskb:/ (also known as eusb:/) drive are formatted during migration. All available data drives can be viewed using the show media location <location id> command.
Configure processor: ensure RSP4 and RP2 are configured to reach the external server to download the IOS XR ISO image.
What to do next
The router is prepared for migration. Roll back the system from IOS XR 64-bit to IOS XR OS.