IP SLA—Service Performance Testing

This module describes how to configure the ITU-T Y.1564 Ethernet service performance test methodology that measures the ability of a network device to enable movement of traffic at the configured data rate.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/​go/​cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.

Information About Service Performance Operations

Y.1564 is an Ethernet service activation test methodology and is the standard for turning up, installing, and troubleshooting Ethernet and IP based services. Y.1564 is the only standard test methodology that allows a complete validation of Ethernet service-level agreements (SLAs) in a single test.

Service performance testing is designed to measure the ability of a Device Under Test (DUT) or a network under test to properly forward traffic in different states.

Effective with Cisco IOS XE Everest Release 16.5.1, 10 Gigabit (10G) SAT session is supported. Any SAT session with a rate-step greater than or equal to 1 Gbps is considered as 10G SAT session.

Cisco implementation of ITU-T Y.1564 has three key objectives:

  • To serve as a network SLA validation tool, ensuring that a service meets its guaranteed performance settings in a controlled test time.

  • To ensure that all services carried by the network meet their SLA objectives at their maximum committed rate, thus proving that under maximum load, network devices and paths can support all traffic as designed.

  • To perform medium-term and long-term service testing, confirming that network elements can properly carry all services while under stress during a soaking period.

The following Key Performance Indicators (KPI) metrics are collected to ensure that the configured SLAs are met for the service or stream. These are service acceptance criteria metrics.

  • Information Rate (IR) or throughput—Measures the maximum rate at which none of the offered frames are dropped by the device under test (DUT). This measurement translates into the available bandwidth of the Ethernet virtual connection (EVC).

  • Frame Transfer Delay (FTD) or latency—Measures the round-trip time (RTT) taken by a test frame to travel through a network device, or across the network and back to the test port.


    If the delay is more than 4.2 sec, then the software is not capable of capturing it in SADT statistics.
  • Frame Loss Ratio (FLR)—Measures the number of packets lost from the total number of packets sent. Frame loss can be due to a number of issues such as network congestion or errors during transmissions.

  • Frame Delay Variation (FDV) or jitter—Measures the variations in the time delays between packet deliveries.

Because they interconnect segments, forwarding devices (switches and routers) and network interface units are the basis of any network. If a service is not correctly configured on any one of these devices within the end-to-end path, network performance can be greatly affected, leading to potential service outages and network-wide issues such as congestion and link failures. Service performance testing is designed to measure the ability of DUT or network under test, to correctly forward traffic in different states. The Cisco implementation of ITU-T Y.1564 includes the following service performance tests:

  • Minimum data rate to CIR—Bandwidth is generated from the minimum data rate to the committed information rate (CIR) for the test stream. KPI for Y.1564 are then measured to ensure that the configured service acceptance criteria (SAC) are met.

  • CIR to EIR—Bandwidth is ramped up from the CIR to the excess information rate (EIR) for the test stream. Because EIR is not guaranteed, only the transfer rate is measured to ensure that CIR is the minimum bandwidth up to the maximum EIR. Other KPI is not measured.


    When SADT is configured, rate higher than CIR + EIR, then above EIR is not measured and hence stats for Above EIR remains 0 in show ip sla statistics.

Service performance supports four operational modes: two-way statistics collection, one-way statistics collection, passive measurement mode, and traffic generator mode. Statistics are calculated, collected, and reported to the IP SLAs module. The statistics database stores historical statistics pertaining to the operations that have been executed.

  • One-way statistics collection—Both the passive measurement mode and the traffic generator mode are used in conjunction with each other. One device sends traffic as the generator and another device receives traffic in the passive mode and records the statistics. The passive mode is distinct from the two-way mode, where the remote device records statistics instead of looping back the traffic and the sending device records only the transmit statistics.

  • Two-way statistics collection—All the measurements are collected by the sender. The remote target must be in the loopback mode for the two-way statistics to work. Loopback mode enables the traffic from the sender to reach the target and be returned to the sender.

  • Passive measurement mode—This mode is enabled by excluding a configured traffic profile. A passive measurement operation does not generate live traffic. The operation collects only statistics for the target configured for the operation.

  • Traffic generator mode—This mode records transmit statistics for the number of packets and bytes sent.

Information About Configure Y.1564 to Generate and Measure Ethernet Traffic

Y.1564 is an ethernet service activation or performance test methodology for turning up, installing, and troubleshooting ethernet and IP based services. This test methodology allows for complete validation of ethernet service-level agreements (SLAs) in a single test. Using the traffic generator performance profile, you can create the traffic based on your requirements. Network performance indicators like throughput, loss, and availability are analyzed using layer 2 traffic with various bandwidth profiles. Availability is inversely proportional to frame loss ratio.

The figure below shows the Traffic Generator topology describing the traffic flow in the external and internal modes. The traffic is generated at the wire-side of Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) and is transmitted to the responder through the same interface for the external mode. The traffic is generated at the User-to-Network Interface (UNI) and transmitted to the responder through NNI respectively for the internal mode. The external mode is used to measure the throughput and loss at the NNI port whereas internal mode is used to measure the throughput and loss at the UNI port. During traffic generation, traffic at other ports is not affected by the generated traffic and can continue to switch network traffic.

Figure 1. Traffic Generator Topology

The following table provides details of the different service types and traffic directions supported for each service type.

Table 1  Service Types and Their Corresponding Traffic Direction for IP Target SLA
Service Type Traffic Direction for IP Target SLA
Service Instance Internal
Interface (Physical) Internal
Bridge Domain Internal
VRF Internal
Table 2  Service Types and Their Corresponding Traffic Direction for Ethernet Target SLA
Service Type Traffic Direction for Ethernet Target SLA
Service Instance Internal and External
Bridge Domain Internal

Prerequisites for IP SLA - Service Performance Testing

Ensure that the direction configured for the measurement-type direction {internal | external} and the profile traffic direction {internal | external} commands is the same.

Scale and Limitations for Configuring IP SLA - Service Performance Operation

The following table shows the scaling numbers supported for different SAT sessions.
Table 3  Scaling Numbers for IP SLA


1G Scaling Numbers Supported

IP Target Color Aware SLA


IP Target Color Blind SLA


Ethernet Target Color-Aware SLA


Ethernet Target Color Blind SLA

8 (4 Internal SLA + 4 External SLA)

IP Target Loopback SLA



The scale limit with the combination of Color-Aware and Color Blind IP SLA depends on the number of TCAM entries that the combination of SAT sessions consume. The Color-Aware session takes 3 entries for each session and the Color Blind consumes 1 entry for each session. Hence, the maximum scale for Color-Aware sessions is 15 ( 3 * 5 = 15 entries) and that for the Color Blind sessions is 15 (15 * 1 = 15 entries). Combination of Color-Aware and Color Blind depends on the number of TCAM entries consumed by the SAT profile and it is limited to entries.

The following table lists the Y.1564 two-way throughput measurement.

Table 4  Throughput Measurement for Each Packet Size

Packet Size (Bytes)

1G Max Rate (kbps)

10G Max Rate (kbps)





























The Max Rate mentioned in the table above is the maximum SLA rate supported by router and it is independent of SLA sessions. Max Rate can be achieved in a single SLA session or combination of two or more SLA sessions. Exceeding the supported Max Rate might impact other services.

Restrictions for IP SLA - Service Performance Operation

  • The IP SLA sender egress and ingress VLAN should match. Ensure to configure VLAN translation in the same context.

  • Layer 3 IP SLA is not supported on external traffic direction.

  • Only DSCP-based marking is supported for IP Target operations.

  • The session duration is limited to multiples of 10; user input is rounded down to the nearest multiple of 10.

  • Layer 2 Color-Aware IP SLA is not supported for external traffic direction.

  • The bridge-domain target type is not supported for external traffic direction.

  • Color-Aware SLA for bridge-domain target type is not supported.

  • Since SAT traffic is intrusive, any other traffic is dropped for a particular EFP.

  • IPv6 address is not supported as a destination address.

  • Layer 3 SLA Loopback is not supported for labelled incoming packets.

  • For layer 3 Loopback, if the target type is service instance, the core and access side EFP should have the same encapsulation.

  • For layer 3 Loopback, if the target type is VRF, only encapsulation untagged is supported. The loopback session is not supported for the VRF target types even for same encapsulation on access and core EFPs.

  • For layer 3 Loopback, if the target type is bridge domain, only encapsulation untagged is supported. The loopback session is not supported for the bridge domain target types, even for the same encapsulation on access and core EFPs.

  • For two-way mode, the Multicast destination support is not available for IP SLA (layer 3 SLA).

  • IP SLA does not support enabling a signature.

  • SLA on the target with Custom Ethertype encapsulation is not supported.

  • SLA on the target with 802.1ad enabled is not supported.

  • Quality of Service (QOS) on any target type with IP SLA is not supported on layer 2 and layer 3 routers.

  • Simultaneous terminal SAT session and terminal loopback session cannot be performed on the same Ethernet EFP.

  • Multiple active sessions are not supported on the same Ethernet EFP.

  • For operations with passive measurement mode and target type EFP, the same destination MAC address cannot be used for any other traffic on a port as the loopback MAC Address Tables (CAM) tables contain the channel numbers and the destination MAC address. As a result, multiple SLAs with the same destination MAC address, on the same port active at the same time, are not supported for passive measurement mode.

  • For operations with two-way measurements, any one of the parameters, namely, port, destination MAC address, and encapsulation VLANs, should be different for SLA sessions that are simultaneously active.

  • Scaling is dependent on the availability of the terminal SAT session, terminal loopback session, and egress Span session.

  • For layer 2 virtual forwarding instance (VFI) or Switched Virtual Interface (SVI), only target type EFP and generator or measurement type terminal sessions should be used.

  • For operations with EFP using XConnect, only the target type EFP and terminal sessions for Tx and Rx statistics are supported.

  • Terminal and facility loopback sessions use different entries in the MAC Address tables (CAM) tables.

  • For layer 2 internal sessions with Rx statistics, either only four non-color-aware sessions, or one color-aware session and one non-color-aware session are supported.

  • When an internal SAT session is active, at the same time and on the same Ethernet EFP, an internal loopback session cannot be started.

  • For IMIX traffic, packet sizes of 64 bytes, 512 bytes, and 1518 bytes are supported. These packet sizes are forwarded in the ratio 7:4:1.

  • For operations with a port channel as target type, only one member link is supported.

  • When the source MAC address is not configured on layer 2 SLA, any one system reserved MAC of 16 MAC addresses is used.

  • For operations with SLA in PPS mode, an additional packet is forwarded.

  • For operations with layer 2 and layer 3 SLA on Trunk EFP, outer VLAN tag of the packet is mandatory.

  • While a SLA session is in progress, dynamic addition of MAC access lists (ACLs) does not affect the SLA traffic.

  • Priority tag SLA in external direction is supported only when the inner tag and outer tag are marked as priority tags.

  • Facility loopback session cannot be started on a port configured as a SPAN source.

  • Terminal SLA session cannot be started on a port configured as a SPAN destination.

  • Facility SLA session cannot be started on a port configured as a SPAN source.

  • Source MAC address should not be configured as multicast or broadcast MAC address.

  • PIM Sparse mode is not supported for traffic generator mode and passive mode.

  • SAT session fails with proper syslog messages for the following reasons:

    • Facility session cannot be started on a port configured as a Span source.

    • Terminal session cannot be started on a port configured as a Span destination.

    • Source MAC address should not be multicast or broadcast MAC address.

    • Only interface or service instance is supported for external session.

    • VLAN or Bridge-domain service types are not supported for facility Traffic Generator.

    • VLAN or Bridge-domain service types are not supported for facility Traffic Measurement.

    • EFP or Trunk EFP or bridge-domain is shut.

  • The following table shows the supported egress and ingress QOS on the sender side core interface for Ethernet and IP target SLA.

    Table 5  IP SLA and Type of QOS supported

    IP SLA

    Type of QOS

    Supported on sender side core interface

    IP Target SLA



    IP Target SLA



    Ethernet Target SLA



    Ethernet Target SLA



  • The following table shows how Ethernet Target SLA with multicast or broadcast source MAC address is supported on different operational modes.

    Table 6  Multicast or Broadcast MAC support criteria for SLA

    Source or destination MAC address

    Operational mode

    Support for Ethernet Target SLA

    Multicast or broadcast source MAC address

    Traffic generator mode

    Not supported

    Passive measurement mode

    Two-way statistics collection mode

    Multicast or broadcast destination MAC address

    Traffic generator mode

    SLA generates the traffic

    Passive measurement mode

    SLA receives the traffic

    Two-way statistics collection mode

    Not supported

  • Service Activation layer 3 Loopback is not supported with the target interface belonging to ASIC 1 in RSP2.

  • Generation of burst traffic is not supported; therefore, configuration of CBS and EBS is not supported.

  • IP SLAs configured with start-time now keyword need to be restarted after reload.

  • The minimum supported value for rate step is 1024 pps.

  • PPS mode is not supported with IMIX packet size.

  • When the pseudowire control-word is switched off, the Frame Transfer Delay (FTD) could not be calculated. By default, the control-word is switched on.

Restrictions for 10G SAT

  • 10G service activation test (SAT) is supported only for Layer 2 traffic in external direction.

  • 10G SAT is not supported in internal direction.

  • Only color blind configurations are supported and color-aware configurations are not supported.

  • Since 10G SAT is color blind, configuration of CIR, EIR and other color aware parameters is not supported.

  • 10G SAT can only run in two-way mode.

  • With 10G SAT, only throughput and frame loss can be measured. Delay and jitter measurements are not supported.

  • 10G SAT target type supported is only on access EFP.

  • A combination of 1G and 10G SAT sessions cannot be run in parallel. Also, two 10G SAT sessions cannot be run in parallel.

  • At SLA run time, SAT statistics may not match. Statistics need to be validated only after SLA completes. While SAT SLA is running, there might be instances where Rx might be greater than Tx. This is because of slow retrieval of statistics from the hardware. Statistics should be verified only after SAT operation is complete.

  • 10G SAT traffic can be ethernet looped back (ELB) using facility mode. 10G SAT cannot be looped back using terminal loopback.

  • Duration time is rounded off in multiples of 10.

  • Layer 3 packets for Layer 2 facility SAT 10G session is not supported.

    • Only Layer 2 related parameters (SRC, MAC, VLAN, COS) should be configured while constructing the packet profile.

    • Ethertype of IPv4 or IPv6 is not supported.

    • Layer 3 packet headers should not be used in profile packet.

  • Overall throughput in the system is slightly lesser than the rate-step mentioned value.

  • Multiple rate-steps mentioned in a single command can only be mentioned in incremental order.

  • With 10G SAT running in external mode, while QoS egress shaper policy is applied on the same SAT interface, SAT traffic generation is being affected based on the shaper value. SAT rate-step is adjusted by shaper policy. However, when policer based policy is applied inbound, there is no impact with regards to SAT traffic being policed. Despite the policer value configured, no policing happens for the return traffic on SAT interface. This is due to the configured internal ACL to handle the SAT statistics.

  • Broadcast and multicast destination MAC is not supported.

  • If a 10G SLA SAT session is running (with a rate-step greater than or equal to 1 Gbps), a second 1G or 10G SLA SAT session should not be run. That is, parallel SLA execution is not supported with 10G SAT.

  • The SAT rate-step upper limits should be defined in such a way that BFD has some bandwidth for itself and ensures that the OSPF flaps does not occur. The upper limit for FPGA traffic generation for SAT is same in both SAT 1G and 10G. So, the upper limit of SAT 1G x 10 are applicable for SAT 10G to avoid the OSPF flaps.

  • OIR and SSO are not supported with SAT. SLA is to be stopped and re-started manually after these triggers.

  • SAT SLA session and ethernet loopback (ELB) on the same service instance of an interface is not supported.

  • 10G SAT with 802.1ad is not supported.

  • A delay of 10 seconds is recommended between two 10G SAT iterations or between two SLA runs (serial run).

  • A combination of untagged and default should never be configured on an interface for launching 10G SLA session. 10G SAT on encapsulation default does not work when encapsulation untagged is configured on the interface.

  • Even with 10G SAT, maximum FPGA available is 1G. 10G SAT rate is achieved by generating the packets in FPGA (upto 1 Gbps) and multiplying it by 10 on the hardware. Hence, a maximum of 1G FPGA is only available for all processes including BFD, SAT, netflow, etc. So, crossing the 1G cumulative threshold in FPGA causes flaps on the various interfaces that involve FPGA.

  • 10G SAT is not supported over VRF and Port-Channel interfaces.

Restrictions for SAT Two-Way Sessions on EFP Xconnect

  • For operations with EFP using XConnect, the rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric command is not supported for two-way sessions when Class of Service (COS) value is a part of the packet profile.

  • For operations with EFP using XConnect, the rewrite command is not supported when Class of Service (COS) value is configured for the SLA.

  • For EVC with XConnect targets, CoS marking based on color for the color-aware cases is performed on the outer layer 2 header VLAN tags (if applicable). As a result, this marking should be retained across the network so that it is available on the packet, which is received at the remote end (passive measurement mode) or the same end after loopback at the remote end (two-way mode). If this CoS marking is not retained, there is no way identifying the color of the different packets and perform color-aware measurement.

  • Color-aware two-way sessions measurement is not supported for the restrictions listed above.

Generating Traffic Using Y.1564

Follow these steps to generate traffic using Y.1564:

    1.    Configure Ethernet Virtual Circuits (EVC).

    2.    Configure Traffic Generator on the transmitter.

    3.    Configure Ethernet Loopback at the remote end.

    4.    Start the IP SLA session by using the following command:

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1Configure Ethernet Virtual Circuits (EVC).   EVC is configured on the interface path such that the layer 2 path between the transmitter and the receiver is complete. For more information, see the "Configuring Ethernet Virtual Connections (EVCs)" section in the Carrier Ethernet Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release .  
    Step 2Configure Traffic Generator on the transmitter.

    Example:The following is a sample configuration of the traffic generator.
    Device(config)# ip sla 100
    Device(config-ip-sla)# service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr 0001.0002.0003 interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4 service instance 100
    Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# aggregation interval buckets 2
    Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# frequency iteration 2 delay 10
    Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile packet
    Device(config-sla-service-performance-packet)# packet-size 256
    Device(config-sla-service-performance-packet)# outer-vlan 100
    Device(config-sla-service-performance-packet)# profile traffic direction external
    Device(config-sla-service-performance-traffic)# rate-step kbps 1000
    Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# end
    Device #
    Step 3Configure Ethernet Loopback at the remote end.  

    For information on Ethernet Loopback, see "Understanding Ethernet Loopback" section in the Layer 2 Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release .

    Step 4Start the IP SLA session by using the following command:

    Router(config)# ip sla schedule [sla_id] start-time [hh:mm | hh:mm:ss | now | pending | random]
    Note    Due to packet overhead (64-byte packets), a total of only 469 Mbit/sec of traffic is supported at a time. This bandwidth is shared by all active sessions. This is applicable only for Cisco RSP2 module. For more information, see Table 4.

    How to Configure IP SLA - Service Performance Testing

    Configuring Ethernet Target Two-Way Color Blind Session

    Perform the following steps to configure ethernet target color blind traffic generation.


      1.    enable

      2.    configure terminal

      3.    ip sla sla_id

      4.    service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr dest-mac { service instance | bridge}

      5.    aggregation | default | description | duration | exit | frequency | no | profile

      6.    measurement-type direction {internal | external}

      7.    default | exit | loss | no | throughput | receive | delay | jitter

      8.    exit

      9.    profile packet

      10.    default | exit | inner-cos | inner-vlan | no | outer-cos | outer-vlan | packet-size | src-mac-addr

      11.    exit

      12.    profile traffic direction{external | internal}

      13.    default or exit or no or rate step kbps | pps

      14.    exit

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1enable

      Device> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      • Enter your password if prompted.

      Step 2configure terminal

      Device# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 3ip sla sla_id

      Device(config)# ip sla 100

      Specifies the SLA ID to start the IP SLA session.

      Step 4service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr dest-mac { service instance | bridge}

      Device(config-ip-sla))#service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr 0001.0001.0001 interface gigabitEthernet0/10 service instance 10

      Specifies the service performance type as Ethernet and the destination MAC address in H.H.H format.

      Specifies the target for the SLA session. The options are:

      • service instance

      • bridge

      Only service instance is supported as target-type on 10G SAT.

      Step 5aggregation | default | description | duration | exit | frequency | no | profile

      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# duration time 60

      Specifies the type of service performance. The options are:

      • aggregation - Represents the statistics aggregation.

      • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

      • description - Describes the operation.

      • duration - Sets the service performance duration configuration.

      • frequency - Represents the scheduled frequency. The options available are iteration and time. The range in seconds is from 20 to 65535.

      • profile - Specifies the service performance profile. If you use the packet or traffic options, go to Step 9 or Step 12, respectively.

      Step 6measurement-type direction {internal | external}

      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# measurement-type direction

      Specifies the statistics to measure traffic. The options available are external or internal; the default option is internal.

      Only external measurement-type direction is supported for 10G.

      Step 7 default | exit | loss | no | throughput | receive | delay | jitter

      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-measurement)# throughput

      Specifies the measurement type based on the service performance is calculated. The options are:

      • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

      • loss - Specifies the measurement, such as frame loss.

      • throughput - Specifies the measurement such as average rate of successful frame delivery.

      • receive - Specifies the passive measurement mode.

      • delay - Specifies the measurement that is frame delay (FTD). This is not supported on 10G.

      • jitter - Specifies the measurement that is frame delay variation (FDV). This is not supported on 10G.

      Step 8 exit

      Exits the measurement mode.

      Step 9profile packet

      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)#profile packet

      Specifies the packet profile. A packet profile defines the packets to be generated.

      Step 10default | exit | inner-cos | inner-vlan | no | outer-cos | outer-vlan | packet-size | src-mac-addr

      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-packet)#src-mac-addr 4055.3989.7b56

      Specifies the packet type. The options are:

      • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

      • inner-cos - Specifies the class of service (CoS) value for the inner VLAN tag of the interface from which the message will be sent.

      • inner-vlan - Specifies the VLAN ID for the inner vlan tag of the interface from which the message will be sent.

      • outer-cos - Specifies the CoS value that will be populated in the outer VLAN tag of the packet.

      • outer-vlan - Specifies the VLAN ID that will be populated in the outer VLAN tag of the packet.

      • packet-size - Specifies the packet size; the default size is 64 bytes. The supported packet sizes are 64 bytes,128 bytes, 256 bytes, 512 bytes, 1024 bytes, 1280 bytes, 1518 bytes, 9216 bytes, and IMIX.

      • src-mac-addr - Specifies the source MAC address in H.H.H format.

      Note    Ensure that the value of the configured packet profile matches the target configuration of the session.
      Step 11 exit

      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-packet)# exit

      Exits the packet mode.

      Step 12profile traffic direction{external | internal}

      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)#profile traffic direction external 

      Specifies the direction of the profile traffic. The options are external and internal.

      Only external profile traffic direction is supported for 10G.

      Note    This command is required to configure the rate step kbps command.
      Step 13default or exit or no or rate step kbps | pps

      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)#rate-step kbps 1000 

      Specifies the traffic type. The options are:

      • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

      • rate step kbps - Specifies the transmission rate in kbps. The rate-step range is from 1-10000000 (1 Kbps to 10 Gbps).

      • rate step pps - Specifies the transmission rate in pps. The rate-step range is from 1-1000000 (1 to 1000000 pps).

        Note    The command rate-step kbps | pps number is mandatory for traffic generation.
      Step 14exit

      Exits the traffic mode.


      Configuring Ethernet Target Color-Aware Traffic Generation

      Perform the following steps to configure ethernet target color-aware traffic generation.


        1.    enable

        2.    configure terminal

        3.    ip sla sla_id

        4.    service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr dest-mac-addr {bridge-domain domain_id | interface interface [service instance efp-id]}

        5.    frequency iteration number delay number

        6.    duration time seconds

        7.    profile packet

        8.    default | exit | inner-cos | inner-vlan | no | outer-cos | outer-vlan | packet-size | src-mac-addr

        9.    exit

        10.    profile traffic direction [internal | external] cir number or eir number or cbs number or ebs number or conform-color set-cos-transmit cos_value or exceed-color set-cos-transmit cos_value or default or exit or no or rate step kbps | pps number

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1enable

        Device> enable
        Enables privileged EXEC mode.
        • Enter your password if prompted.

        Step 2configure terminal

        Device# configure terminal

        Enters global configuration mode.

        Step 3ip sla sla_id

        Device(config)# ip sla 100

        Specifies the SLA ID to start the IP SLA session.

        Step 4service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr dest-mac-addr {bridge-domain domain_id | interface interface [service instance efp-id]}

        Device(config-ip-sla))#service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr 0001.0001.0001 interface gigabitEthernet0/0/10 service instance 10

        Specifies the service performance type as Ethernet and the destination MAC address in H.H.H format.

        Specifies the target for the SLA session. The option is:
        • service instance

        Step 5frequency iteration number delay number

        Device(config-ip-sla)# frequency iteration 1 delay 2

        Specifies the number of interactions and delay between the iteration.

        Step 6duration time seconds

        Device(config-ip-sla)# duration time 30

        Specifies the time period to send packets.

        Step 7profile packet

        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile packet

        Specifies the packet profile. A packet profile defines the packets to be generated.

        Step 8 default | exit | inner-cos | inner-vlan | no | outer-cos | outer-vlan | packet-size | src-mac-addr

        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-packet)#src-mac-addr 4055.3989.7b56
        Specifies the packet type. The options are:
        • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

        • inner-cos - Specifies the class of service (CoS) value for the inner VLAN tag of the interface from which the message is sent.

        • inner-vlan - Specifies the VLAN ID for the inner vlan tag of the interface from which the message is sent.

        • outer-cos - Specifies the CoS value that is populated in the outer VLAN tag of the packet.

        • outer-vlan - Specifies the VLAN ID that is populated in the outer VLAN tag of the packet.

        • packet-size - Specifies the packet size in bytes; the default size is 64. The supported packet sizes are 64,128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518, 9216 bytes, and IMIX.

        • src-mac-addr - Specifies the source MAC address in H.H.H format.


        Ensure that the value of the configured packet profile matches the target configuration of the session.

        Step 9 exit


        Exits the profile packet mode.

        Step 10 profile traffic direction [internal | external] cir number or eir number or cbs number or ebs number or conform-color set-cos-transmit cos_value or exceed-color set-cos-transmit cos_value or default or exit or no or rate step kbps | pps number

        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile traffic direction internal
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# cir 45000
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# eir 45000
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# cbs 45000
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# ebs 45000
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# conform-color set-cos-transmit 4
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# exceed-color set-cos-transmit 5
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# rate-step kbps 5000 9000
        Defines an upper limit on the volume of the expected service frames belonging to a particular service instance. If a Traffic profile is not specified, the Service Performance probe is in passive measurement mode.
        • cir - Committed Information Rate.

        • cbs - Committed Burst Size.

        • conform-color - Sets the color conform.


          coform-color and exceed-color keywords are available only when cir or eir is configured.

        • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

        • drop - Drops the packet.

        • eir - Excess Information Rate.

        • ebs - Excess Burst Size.

        • exceed-color - Sets the color-exceed.

        • exit - Exits the traffic mode.

        • no - Negates a command or sets its defaults.

        • set-cos-transmit cos_value - Sets the CoS value to a new value and sends the packet. The valid range is from 0 to 7.

        • transmit - Sends the packet without altering it. This is the default value.

        • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

        • rate step kbps - Specifies the transmission rate in kbps. The rate-step range is from 1 to 1000000 (1 Kbps to 1 Gbps).

        • rate step pps - Specifies the transmission rate in pps. The rate-step range is from 1 to 1000000.

          The command rate-step kbps | pps number is mandatory for traffic generation.



        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)#profile packet
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-packet)#outer-vlan 100
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-packet)#outer-cos 5
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)#profile traffic direction internal
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# cir 45000
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# eir 45000
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# cbs 45000
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# ebs 45000
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# conform-color set-cos-transmit 4
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# exceed-color set-cos-transmit 5
        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# rate-step kbps 1000
        Device(config-ip-sla)# duration time 15
        Device(config-ip-sla)# frequency iteration 4 delay 1

        Configuring Ethernet Target Two-Way Color-Aware Session

        Perform the following steps to configure ethernet target two-way color-aware session.


        The default frequency iteration command value may cause the duration command to be rejected for higher values. In this case, the frequency iteration command is recommended before the execution of duration command.


          1.    enable

          2.    configure terminal

          3.    ip sla sla_id

          4.    service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr dest-mac-addr |interface interface [service instance efp-id]

          5.    duration time seconds

          6.    profile packet

          7.    default | exit | inner-cos | inner-vlan | no | outer-cos | outer-vlan | packet-size | src-mac-addr

          8.    exit

          9.    profile traffic direction [internal |external] cir number or eir number or cbs number or ebs number or conform-color set-cos-transmit cos_value or exceed-color set-cos-transmit cos_value or default or exit or no or rate step kbps | pps number

          10.    measurement-type direction [internal |external] conform-color cos cos_value exceed-color cos cos value

          11.    default | exit | loss | throughput | receive | delay | jitter

          12.    frequency iteration number delay number

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1enable

          Device> enable
          Enables privileged EXEC mode.
          • Enter your password if prompted.

          Step 2configure terminal

          Device# configure terminal

          Enters global configuration mode.

          Step 3ip sla sla_id

          Device(config)# ip sla 100

          Specifies the SLA ID to start the IP SLA session.

          Step 4service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr dest-mac-addr |interface interface [service instance efp-id]

          Device(config-ip-sla))#service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr 0001.0001.0001 interface gigabitEthernet0/0/10 service instance 10

          Specifies the service performance type as Ethernet and the destination MAC address in H.H.H format.

          Specifies the target for the SLA session. The options are:
          • service instance

          • bridge

          Step 5duration time seconds

          Device(config-ip-sla)# duration time 30

          Specifies the time period to send packets.

          Step 6profile packet

          Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile packet

          Specifies the packet profile. A packet profile defines the packets to be generated. It also defines the filter for incoming packets to be measured.

          Step 7 default | exit | inner-cos | inner-vlan | no | outer-cos | outer-vlan | packet-size | src-mac-addr

          Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-packet)#src-mac-addr 4055.3989.7b56
          Specifies the packet type. The options are:
          • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

          • inner-cos - Specifies the class of service (CoS) value for the inner VLAN tag of the interface from which the message is sent.

          • inner-vlan - Specifies the VLAN ID for the inner vlan tag of the interface from which the message is sent.

          • outer-cos - Specifies the CoS value that is populated in the outer VLAN tag of the packet.

          • outer-vlan - Specifies the VLAN ID that is populated in the outer VLAN tag of the packet.

          • packet-size - Specifies the packet size in bytes; the default size is 64. The supported packet sizes are 64,128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518, 9216 bytes, and IMIX.

          • src-mac-addr - Specifies the source MAC address in H.H.H format.


          Ensure that the value of the configured packet profile matches the target configuration of the session.

          Step 8 exit


          Exits the profile packet mode.

          Step 9 profile traffic direction [internal |external] cir number or eir number or cbs number or ebs number or conform-color set-cos-transmit cos_value or exceed-color set-cos-transmit cos_value or default or exit or no or rate step kbps | pps number

          Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile traffic direction internal
          Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# cir 45000
          Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# eir 45000
          Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# cbs 45000
          Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# ebs 45000
          Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# conform-color set-cos-transmit 4
          Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# exceed-color set-cos-transmit 5
          Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# rate-step kbps 1000
          Specifies the in-line traffic profile or enables the selection of a preconfigured traffic profile. A traffic profile defines an upper limit on the volume of the expected service frames belonging to a particular service instance. If a Traffic profile is not specified, the Service Performance probe is in passive measurement mode.
          • cir - Committed Information Rate.

          • cbs - Committed Burst Size.

          • conform-color - Sets the color conform.

          • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

          • drop - Drops the packet.

          • eir - Excess Information Rate.

          • ebs - Excess Burst Size.

          • exceed-color - Sets the color-exceed.

          • exit - Exits the traffic mode.

          • no - Negates a command or sets its defaults.

          • set-cos-transmit cos_value - Sets the CoS value to a new value and sends the packet. The valid range is from 0 to 7.

          • transmit - Sends the packet without altering it. This is the default value.

            This command is required to configure the rate step kbps command.

          • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

          • rate step kbps - Specifies the transmission rate in kbps. The rate-step range is from 1 to 1000000 (1 Kbps to 1 Gbps).

            The command rate-step kbps | pps number is mandatory for traffic generation.

          Step 10measurement-type direction [internal |external] conform-color cos cos_value exceed-color cos cos value

          Device(config-ip-sla)# measurement-type direction internal cos 7

          Specifies the direction of measurement.

          Step 11default | exit | loss | throughput | receive | delay | jitter

          Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-measurement)# throughput
          Specifies the measurement type based on which the service performance is calculated. The options are:
          • default: Sets a command to its defaults.

          • loss: Specifies the measurement such as frame loss.

          • throughput: Specifies the measurement such as average rate of successful frame delivery.

          • receive: Specifies the passive measurement mode.

          • delay - Specifies the measurement that is frame delay (FTD).

          • jitter - Specifies the measurement that is frame delay variation (FDV).

          Step 12 frequency iteration number delay number

          Device(config-ip-sla)# frequency iteration 1 delay 2

          Specifies the number of interactions and delay between the iterations.



          ip sla 3
          service-performance type ether des
          0033.3333.3333 interface gig 0/0/3
          service instance 1 
          profile packet
          outer-vlan 100
          outer-cos 5
          packet-size 128
          ethertype ipv4 
          profile traffic direction internal 
          cir 45000
          eir 45000
          cbs 45000
          ebs 45000
          conform-color set-cos-transmit 7 
          exceed-color set-cos-transmit 5
          rate-step kbps 30000 45000 65000
          measurement-type direction internal 
          conform-color cos 7 
          exceed-color cos 5
          duration time 20
          frequency iteration 1 delay 2

          Configuring Ethernet Target Passive Color-Aware Measurement

          Perform the following steps to configure ethernet target passive color-aware measurement.


            1.    enable

            2.    configure terminal

            3.    ip sla sla_id

            4.    service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr dest_mac_addr {bridge-domain domain_id | interface interface [ service instance efp-id]}

            5.    duration time seconds

            6.    profile packet

            7.    default | exit | inner-cos | inner-vlan | no | outer-cos | outer-vlan | packet-size | src-mac-addr

            8.    exit

            9.    measurement-type direction [internal |external] conforn-color cos cos_value exceed-color cos cos_value

            10.    default | exit | loss | throughput | receive

            11.    frequency iteration number delay number

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1enable

            Device> enable
            Enables privileged EXEC mode.
            • Enter your password if prompted.

            Step 2configure terminal

            Device# configure terminal

            Enters global configuration mode.

            Step 3ip sla sla_id

            Device(config)# ip sla 100

            Specifies the SLA ID to start the IP SLA session.

            Step 4service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr dest_mac_addr {bridge-domain domain_id | interface interface [ service instance efp-id]}

            Device(config-ip-sla))#service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr 0001.0001.0001 interface gigabitEthernet0/0/10 service instance 10

            Specifies the service performance type as Ethernet and the destination MAC address in H.H.H format.

            Specifies the target for the SLA session. The options are:
            • service instance

            • bridge

            Step 5duration time seconds

            Device(config-ip-sla)# duration time 30

            Specifies the time period to send packets.

            Step 6profile packet

            Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile packet

            Specifies the packet profile. A packet profile defines the filter for incoming packets to be measured.

            Step 7 default | exit | inner-cos | inner-vlan | no | outer-cos | outer-vlan | packet-size | src-mac-addr

            Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-packet)#src-mac-addr 4055.3989.7b56
            Specifies the packet type. The options are:
            • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

            • inner-cos - Specifies the class of service (CoS) value for the inner VLAN tag of the interface from which the message is sent.

            • inner-vlan - Specifies the VLAN ID for the inner vlan tag of the interface from which the message is sent.

            • outer-cos - Specifies the CoS value that is populated in the outer VLAN tag of the packet.

            • outer-vlan - Specifies the VLAN ID that is populated in the outer VLAN tag of the packet.

            • packet-size - Specifies the packet size in bytes; the default size is 64. The supported packet sizes are 64,128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518, 9216 bytes, and IMIX.

            • src-mac-addr - Specifies the source MAC address in H.H.H format.


            Ensure that the value of the configured packet profile matches the target configuration of the session.

            Step 8 exit


            Exits the profile packet mode.

            Step 9measurement-type direction [internal |external] conforn-color cos cos_value exceed-color cos cos_value

            Device(config-ip-sla)# measurement-type direction internal cos 7

            Specifies the direction of measurement.

            Step 10default | exit | loss | throughput | receive

            Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-measurement)# throughput
            Specifies the measurement type based on which the service performance is calculated. The options are:
            • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

            • loss - Specifies the measurement such as frame loss.

            • throughput - Specifies the measurement such as average rate of successful frame delivery.

            • receive - Specifies the passive measurement mode.

            Step 11 frequency iteration number delay number

            Device(config-ip-sla)# frequency iteration 1 delay 2

            Specifies the number of interactions and delay between the iterations.



            ip sla 3
            service-performance type ether des
            0033.3333.3333 interface gig 0/0/3 
            service instance 1 
            profile packet
            outer-vlan 100
            outer-cos 5 
            packet-size 128 
            ethertype ipv4 
            measure direction internal 
            conform-color cos 7 
            exceed-color cos 5
            duration time 20
            frequency iteration 1 delay 2

            Configuring Ethernet Target for Color-Aware Traffic Generation with IMIX

            Perform the following steps to configure ethernet target for color-aware traffic generation with IMIX.

            SUMMARY STEPS

              1.    enable

              2.    configure terminal

              3.    ip sla sla_id

              4.    service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr dest_mac_addr {bridge-domain domain_id | interface interface [ service instance efp-id]}

              5.    duration time seconds

              6.    profile packet

              7.    default | exit | inner-cos | inner-vlan | no | outer-cos | outer-vlan | packet-size imix | src-mac-addr

              8.    exit

              9.    profile packet direction [internal | external] cir number or eir number or cbs number or ebs number or conform-color set-cos-transmit cos_value or exceed-color set-cos-transmit cos_value or default or exit or no or rate step kbps

              10.    frequency iteration number delay number

            DETAILED STEPS
               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1enable

              Device> enable
              Enables privileged EXEC mode.
              • Enter your password if prompted.

              Step 2configure terminal

              Device# configure terminal

              Enters global configuration mode.

              Step 3ip sla sla_id

              Device(config)# ip sla 100

              Specifies the SLA ID to start the IP SLA session.

              Step 4service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr dest_mac_addr {bridge-domain domain_id | interface interface [ service instance efp-id]}

              Device(config-ip-sla))#service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr 0001.0001.0001 interface gigabitEthernet0/0/10 service instance 10

              Specifies the service performance type as Ethernet and the destination MAC address in H.H.H format.

              Specifies the target for the SLA session. The options are:
              • service instance

              • bridge

              Step 5duration time seconds

              Device(config-ip-sla)# duration time 30

              Specifies the time period to send packets.

              Step 6profile packet

              Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile packet

              Specifies the packet profile. A packet profile defines the packets to be generated.

              Step 7 default | exit | inner-cos | inner-vlan | no | outer-cos | outer-vlan | packet-size imix | src-mac-addr

              Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-packet)#packet-size imix
              Specifies the packet type. The options are:
              • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

              • inner-cos - Specifies the class of service (CoS) value for the inner VLAN tag of the interface from which the message is sent.

              • inner-vlan - Specifies the VLAN ID for the inner vlan tag of the interface from which the message is sent.

              • outer-cos - Specifies the CoS value that is populated in the outer VLAN tag of the packet.

              • outer-vlan - Specifies the VLAN ID that is populated in the outer VLAN tag of the packet.

              • packet-size - Specifies the packet size in bytes; the default size is 64. The supported packet sizes are 64,128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518, 9216 bytes, and IMIX.

                For IMIX, the packet-size should be explicitly mentioned as IMIX.

              • src-mac-addr - Specifies the source MAC address in H.H.H format.


              Ensure that the value of the configured packet profile matches the target configuration of the session.

              Step 8 exit


              Exits the profile packet mode.

              Step 9profile packet direction [internal | external] cir number or eir number or cbs number or ebs number or conform-color set-cos-transmit cos_value or exceed-color set-cos-transmit cos_value or default or exit or no or rate step kbps

              Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile traffic direction internal
              Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# cir 45000
              Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# eir 45000
              Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# cbs 45000
              Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# ebs 45000
              Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# conform-color set-cos-transmit 4
              Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# exceed-color set-cos-transmit 5
              Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# rate-step kbps 1000
              Specifies the in-line traffic profile or enables the selection of a pre-configured traffic profile. A traffic profile defines an upper limit on the volume of the expected service frames belonging to a particular service instance. If a traffic profile is not specified, the Service Performance probe is in passive measurement mode.
              • cir - It is the Committed Information Rate.

              • cbs - It is the Committed Burst Size.

              • conform-color - Sets the conform color.

              • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

              • drop - Drops the packet.

              • eir - It is the Excess Information rate.

              • ebs - It is the Excess Burst Size.

              • exceed-color - Sets the exceed color.

              • exit - Exits the traffic mode.

              • no - Negates a command or sets its defaults.

              • rate step kbps - Sets the rate step.

              • set-cos-transmit cos_value - Sets the CoS value to a new value, and sends the packet. The valid range is from 0 to 7.

              • transmit - Sends the packet without altering it. This is the default value.

                This command is required to configure the rate step kbps command.

              • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

              Step 10frequency iteration number delay number

              Device(config-ip-sla)# frequency iteration 1 delay 2

              Specifies the number of interactions and delay between the iterations.



              ip sla 3
              service-performance type ether des 0033.3333.3333 interface gig 0/0/3
              service instance 1
              profile packet
              outer-vlan 100
              outer-cos 5
              packet-size mix
              ethertype ipv4
              profile traffic direction internal
              cir 45000
              eir 45000
              cbs 45000
              ebs 45000
              conform-color set-cos-transmit 7
              exceed-color set-cos-transmit 5
              rate-step kbps 30000 45000 65000 
              duration time 20
              frequency iteration 1 delay 2

              Configuration Examples for Configuring Y.1564 to Generate and Measure Ethernet Traffic

              This section shows sample configurations for traffic generation.

              Example: Traffic Generation — Target Service Instance

              This section shows sample configuration for traffic generation – target service instance.
              ip sla 100
              service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr 0001.0002.0003 interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4 service instance 100
              profile packet
              packet-size 256
              outer-vlan 100
              profile traffic direction internal
              rate-step kbps 1000
              aggregation interval buckets 2
              frequency iteration 2 delay 10

              Example: Traffic Generation — Target Bridge Domain

              This section shows sample configuration for traffic generation – target bridge domain.
              ip sla 100
              service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr 0001.0002.0003 bridge-domain 100
              profile packet
              packet-size 256
              outer-vlan 100
              aggregation interval buckets 2
              frequency iteration 2 delay 10

              Example: Two-Way Session—Target Service Instance

              The following is a sample configuration for a two-way measurement session of service instance internal target type.
              ip sla 100
              service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr 0001.0002.0003 interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/2 service instance 100
              measurement-type direction internal
              profile packet 
              packet-size 64
              outer-vlan 100
              inner-vlan 200
              profile traffic direction internal
              rate-step kbps 1000
              aggregation interval buckets 2
              frequency iteration 2 delay 10

              Example: Two-Way Session — Target Bridge Domain

              The following is a sample configuration for a two-way internal measurement and generation session with target type Bridge Domain.
              ip sla 100
              service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr 0001.0002.0003 bridge-domain 100
              measurement-type direction internal
              profile packet 
              packet-size 64
              outer-vlan 100
              inner-vlan 200
              profile traffic direction internal
              rate-step kbps 1000
              aggregation interval buckets 2
              frequency iteration 2 delay 10

              Example: Passive Measurement Mode — Target Service Instance

              The following is a sample configuration for passive measurement session for target service instance.
              ip sla 100
              service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr 0001.0002.0003 interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4 service instance 100
              measurement-type direction internal
              aggregation interval buckets 2
              frequency iteration 2 delay 10

              Example: Passive Measurement Mode — Target Bridge Domain

              The following is a sample configuration for passive measurement session for bridge domain target.
              ip sla 100
              service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr 0001.0002.0003 bridge-domain 100
              measurement-type direction internal
              aggregation interval buckets 2
              frequency iteration 2 delay 10

              Example: Traffic Generation Mode — Color Aware

              The following is a sample output for traffic generation mode—color aware.
              ip sla 3
              service-performance type ether des 0033.3333.3333 int gig 0/0/7 service instance 1
               profile packet
              outer-vlan 100
              outer-cos 5 packet-size 128 ethertype ipv4 exit
              profile traffic dir int cir 45000
              eir 45000
               cbs 45000
              ebs 45000
              conform-color set-cos-transmit 7 exceed-color set-cos-transmit 5
              rate-step kbps 30000 45000 65000 90000 exit
              duration time 20
              frequency iteration 1 delay 2

              Example: Traffic Generation Mode with IMIX — Color Aware

              The following is a sample output for traffic generation mode with IMIX — color aware.
              ip sla 3
              service-performance type ether des 0033.3333.3333 int gig 0/0/7 service instance 1
               profile packet
              outer-vlan 100 outer-cos 5 packet-size imix ethertype ipv4 exit
              profile traffic dir int
              cir 45000 eir 45000
               cbs 45000
              ebs 45000
              conform-color set-cos-transmit 7
              exceed-color set-cos-transmit 5
              rate-step kbps 30000 45000 65000 90000 exit
              duration time 20
              frequency iteration 1 delay 2

              Example: Two-way Color-Aware Measurement Session

              The following is a sample configuration for a two-way color-aware measurement session.
              ip sla 3
              service-performance type ether des 0033.3333.3333 int gig 0/0/7 service instance 1
               profile packet
              outer-vlan 100
              outer-cos 5 packet-size 128 ethertype ipv4 exit
              profile traffic dir int cir 45000
              eir 45000
               cbs 45000
              ebs 45000
              conform-color set-cos-transmit 7 exceed-color set-cos-transmit 5
              rate-step kbps 30000 45000 65000 90000 exit
              measure dir internal conform-color cos 7 exceed-color cos 5 receive
              throughput loss delay jitter
              duration time 20
              frequency iteration 1 delay 2

              Example: Passive Color-Aware Measurement Session

              The following is a sample configuration for a passive color-aware measurement session.
              ip sla 3
              service-performance type ether des 0033.3333.3333 int gig 0/0/7 service instance 1
               profile packet
              outer-vlan 100 outer-cos 5 packet-size 128 ethertype ipv4 exit
              measure dir internal conform-color cos 7 exceed-color cos 5 receive
              duration time 20
              frequency iteration 1 delay 2

              Example: Two-Way Session

              The following is a sample configuration for a two-way session.
              show ip sla statistics 12345
              IPSLAs Latest Operation Statistics
              IPSLA operation id: 12345
              Type of operation: Ethernet Service Performance
              Test mode: Two-way Measurement
              Steps Tested (kbps): 10000 20000 25000
              Test duration: 20 seconds
              Latest measurement:  *15:54:44.007 IST Mon May 18 2015
              Latest return code:  Oper End of Life
              Overall Throughput: 24850 kbps
              Step 1 (10000 kbps):
              IR(kbps) FL   FLR      Avail              FTD Min/Avg/Max      FDV Min/Avg/Max
              9944      0     0.00%  100.00%  41.44us/46.06us/77.68us  0ns/12.08us/34.52us
              Tx Packets: 16377 Tx Bytes: 24860286
              Rx Packets: 16377 Rx Bytes: 24860286
              Step Duration: 20 seconds

              Example: 10G Ethernet Two-Way Color Blind Session

              The following is a sample configuration for a 10G ethernet two-way color blind session:

              router#show run | sec ip sla 200
              ip sla 200
              service-performance type ethernet dest-mac-addr 0000.0000.2200 interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/2 service instance 200
                frequency iteration 2 delay 10
                aggregation interval buckets 2
                measurement-type direction external 
                profile packet
                 outer-cos 2
                 outer-vlan 200
                 packet-size 1024
                 src-mac-addr 0000.0000.4400
                profile traffic direction external
                 rate-step kbps 9000000
                duration time 60

              The following is the sample output for the 10G ethernet two-way color blind session:

              router#show ip sla statistics 200
              IPSLAs Latest Operation Statistics
              IPSLA operation id: 200
              Type of operation: Ethernet Service Performance
              Test mode: Two-way Measurement
              Steps Tested (kbps): 9000000
              Test duration: 60 seconds
              Latest measurement:  *18:04:34.975 IST Wed Mar 29 2017
              Latest return code:  Oper End of Life
              Overall Throughput: 8943460 kbps
              Step 1 (9000000 kbps):
              IR(kbps)  FL          FLR      Avail    
              8943460   0           0.00%    100.00%  
              Tx Packets: 65503860  Tx Bytes: 67075952640
              Rx Packets: 65503860  Rx Bytes: 67075952640
              Step Duration: 60 seconds

              How to Configure Y.1564 to Generate and Measure IP Traffic

              This section shows how to configure Y.1564 to generate and measure IP traffic.

              Effective Cisco IOS XE Release 3.16, the following features are supported on the routers:

              • IP flow parameters (DA/SA) Generation

              • IP flow parameters (DA/SA) Measurement

              • Color-Blind IP flow Generation and Measurement

              • Color-Aware IP flow Generation: Differentiated services code point (DSCP) based

              • Color-Aware IP flow Measurement: DSCP based

              • IMIX Traffic Generation type (combination of 64, 512, and 1518 byte packets)


              For vrf targets, the vrf-id specified in the SLA configuration should be the VRF Id derived from the output of the show vrf detail | include VRF Id STR
              #sh vrf det | i VRF Id 
              VRF Mgmt-intf (VRF Id = 1); default RD <not set>; default VPNID <not set> 
              VRF SAT (VRF Id = 2); default RD 100:1; default VPNID <not set>

              Configuring IP Target Color-Aware Traffic Generation

              Perform the following steps to configure IP target color-aware traffic generation.


              The default frequency iteration command value may cause the duration command to be rejected for higher values. In this case, the frequency iteration command is recommended before the execution of the duration command.


              Configuring source-ip-addr is mandatory for layer 3 IP SLA.

              SUMMARY STEPS

                1.    enable

                2.    configure terminal

                3.    ip sla sla_id

                4.    service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr dest-ip-addr {interface interface | interface interface [ service instance efp-id | vrf vrf_id}

                5.    frequency iteration number delay number

                6.    duration time seconds

                7.    profile packet

                8.    default | exit | no | outer-vlan | packet-size | source-ip-addr

                9.    exit

                10.    profile traffic direction [internal] cir number or eir number or cbs number or ebs number or conform-color set-dscp-transmit dscp_value or exceed-color set-dscp-transmit dscp_value or default or exit or no or rate step kbps | pps number

              DETAILED STEPS
                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1enable

                Device> enable
                Enables privileged EXEC mode.
                • Enter your password if prompted.

                Step 2configure terminal

                Device# configure terminal

                Enters global configuration mode.

                Step 3ip sla sla_id

                Device(config)# ip sla 100

                Specifies the SLA ID to start the IP SLA session.

                Step 4service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr dest-ip-addr {interface interface | interface interface [ service instance efp-id | vrf vrf_id}

                Device(config-ip-sla))# service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr interface gigabitEthernet0/0/10 service instance 10

                Specifies the service performance type as IP and the destination IP address.

                Specifies the target for the SLA session. The options are:
                • service instance

                • interface

                • vrf

                Step 5frequency iteration number delay number

                Device(config-ip-sla)# frequency iteration 1 delay 2

                Specifies the number of interactions and delay between the iteration.

                Step 6duration time seconds

                Device(config-ip-sla)# duration time 30

                Specifies the time period to send packets.

                Step 7profile packet

                Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile packet

                Specifies the packet profile. A packet profile defines the packets to be generated.

                Step 8 default | exit | no | outer-vlan | packet-size | source-ip-addr

                Specifies the packet type. The options are:
                • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

                • exit - Exists the packet mode.

                • no - Negates a command or sets its defaults.

                • outer-vlan - Specifies the VLAN ID that is populated in the outer VLAN tag of the packet.

                • packet-size - Specifies the packet size in bytes; the default size is 64. The supported packet sizes are 64,128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518, 9216 bytes, and IMIX.

                • src-ip-addr - Specifies the source IP address.


                Ensure that the value of the configured packet profile matches the target configuration of the session.

                Step 9 exit


                Exits the IP SLA Service Performance packet mode.

                Step 10 profile traffic direction [internal] cir number or eir number or cbs number or ebs number or conform-color set-dscp-transmit dscp_value or exceed-color set-dscp-transmit dscp_value or default or exit or no or rate step kbps | pps number

                Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile traffic direction internal
                Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# cir 45000
                Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# eir 45000
                Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# cbs 45000
                Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# ebs 45000
                Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# conform-color set-dscp-transmit af43
                Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# exceed-color set-dscp-transmit af41
                Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# rate-step kbps 1000
                Specifies the in-line traffic profile or selection of a pre-configured traffic profile. A traffic profile defines an upper bound on the volume of the expected service frames belonging to a particular service instance. If a traffic profile is not specified, the Service Performance probe is in passive measurement mode.
                • cir - It is the Committed Information Rate.

                • cbs - It is the Committed Burst Size.

                • conform-color - Sets the color conform.

                • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

                • drop - Drops the packet.

                • eir - It is Excess Information Rate.

                • ebs - It is the Excess Burst Size.

                • exceed-color - Sets the color-exceed.

                • exit - Exits the traffic mode.

                • no - Negates a command or sets its defaults.

                • rate step kbps - Sets the rate step.

                • set-dscp-transmit dscp_value - Sets the IP DSCP value to a new value and sends the packet. The valid range is from 0 to 63. You also can enter nemonic name for a commonly used value.

                • transmit - Sends the packet without altering it. This is the default value.

                  This command is required to configure the rate step kbps command.

                • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

                • rate step kbps - Specifies the transmission rate in kbps. The rate-step range is from 1 to 1000000 (1 Kbps to 1 Gbps).

                • rate step pps - Specifies the transmission rate in pps. The rate-step range is from 1 to 1000000 (1 pps to 1000000 pps).

                  The rate-step kbps | pps number is mandatory for traffic generation to happen.



                ip sla 1
                service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr vrf 2 
                frequency iteration 1 delay 1
                duration time 50 
                profile packet
                packet-size 512
                profile traffic direction internal 
                cir 45000
                eir 45000
                cbs 45000
                ebs 45000
                rate-step kbps 50000 90000
                conform-color set-dscp-transmit af43 
                exceed-color set-dscp-transmit af41

                Configuring IP Target Color Blind Traffic Generation

                Perform the following steps to configure IP target color blind traffic generation.

                SUMMARY STEPS

                  1.    enable

                  2.    configure terminal

                  3.    ip sla sla_id

                  4.    service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr dest-ip-addr {interface interface | bridge domain domain_id | interface interface [ service instance efp-id | vrf vrf_id}

                  5.    frequency iteration number delay number

                  6.    duration time seconds

                  7.    profile packet

                  8.    default | exit | no | outer-vlan | packet-size | source-ip-addr

                  9.    exit

                  10.    profile traffic direction internal

                  11.    default or exit or no or rate step kbps | pps

                DETAILED STEPS
                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1enable

                  Device> enable
                  Enables privileged EXEC mode.
                  • Enter your password if prompted.

                  Step 2configure terminal

                  Device# configure terminal

                  Enters global configuration mode.

                  Step 3ip sla sla_id

                  Device(config)# ip sla 100

                  Specifies the SLA ID to start the IP SLA session.

                  Step 4service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr dest-ip-addr {interface interface | bridge domain domain_id | interface interface [ service instance efp-id | vrf vrf_id}

                  Device(config-ip-sla)# service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr interface gigabitEthernet0/0/10 service instance 10

                  Specifies the service performance type as IP and the destination IP address.

                  Specifies the target for the SLA session. The options are:
                  • service instance

                  • interface

                  • vrf

                  • bridge domain

                  Step 5frequency iteration number delay number

                  Device(config-ip-sla)# frequency iteration 1 delay 2

                  Specifies the number of interactions and delay between the iteration.

                  Step 6duration time seconds

                  Device(config-ip-sla)# duration time 30

                  Sets the service performance duration configuration.

                  Step 7profile packet

                  Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile packet

                  Specifies the packet profile. A packet profile defines the packets to be generated.

                  Step 8 default | exit | no | outer-vlan | packet-size | source-ip-addr

                  Specifies the packet type. The options are:
                  • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

                  • exit - Exists the packet mode.

                  • no - Negates a command or sets its defaults.

                  • outer-vlan - Specifies the VLAN ID that is populated in the outer VLAN tag of the packet.

                  • packet-size - Specifies the packet size in bytes; the default size is 64. The supported packet sizes are 64,128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518, 9216 bytes, and IMIX.

                  • src-ip-addr - Specifies the source IP address.


                  Ensure that the value of the configured packet profile matches the target configuration of the session.

                  Step 9 exit


                  Exits the IP SLA Service Performance packet mode.

                  Step 10 profile traffic direction internal

                  Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile traffic direction internal

                  Specifies the in-line traffic profile or selection of a pre-configured traffic profile. A traffic profile defines an upper bound on the volume of the expected service frames belonging to a particular service instance. If a traffic profile is not specified, the Service Performance probe is in passive measurement mode.

                  Step 11default or exit or no or rate step kbps | pps

                  Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# rate-step kbps 1000

                  Specifies the traffic type. The options are:

                  • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

                  • rate step kbps - Specifies the transmission rate in kbps. The rate-step range is from 1 to 1000000 (1 Kbps to 1 Gbps).

                  • rate step pps - Specifies the transmission rate in pps. The rate-step range is from 1 to 1000000 (1 pps to 1000000 pps).

                    The command rate-step kbps | pps number is mandatory for traffic generation.



                  ip sla 1
                  service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr vrf 2 
                  frequency iteration 1 delay 1
                  duration time 50 
                  profile packet
                  packet-size 512
                  profile traffic direction internal
                  rate-step kbps 50000 90000

                  Configuring IP Target Color Blind Passive Measurement

                  Perform the following steps to configure IP target color blind passive measurement.

                  SUMMARY STEPS

                    1.    enable

                    2.    configure terminal

                    3.    ip sla sla_id

                    4.    service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr dest_ip_addr {interface interface | bridge domain domain_id | interface interface [service instance efp-id] | vrf vrf_id}

                    5.    frequency iteration number delay number

                    6.    duration time seconds

                    7.    profile packet

                    8.    default | exit | no | packet-size | source-ip-addr

                    9.    measurement-type direction internal

                    10.    default | exit | loss | throughput | receive

                  DETAILED STEPS
                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1enable

                    Device> enable
                    Enables privileged EXEC mode.
                    • Enter your password if prompted.

                    Step 2configure terminal

                    Device# configure terminal

                    Enters global configuration mode.

                    Step 3ip sla sla_id

                    Device(config)# ip sla 100

                    Specifies the SLA ID to start the IP SLA session.

                    Step 4service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr dest_ip_addr {interface interface | bridge domain domain_id | interface interface [service instance efp-id] | vrf vrf_id}

                    Device(config-ip-sla)# service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr interface gigabitEthernet0/0/10 service instance 10

                    Specifies the service performance type as IP and the destination IP address.

                    Specifies the target for the SLA session. The options are:
                    • service instance

                    • interface

                    • vrf

                    • bridge domain

                    Step 5frequency iteration number delay number

                    Device(config-ip-sla)# frequency iteration 1 delay 2

                    Specifies the number of interactions and delay between the iteration.

                    Step 6duration time seconds

                    Device(config-ip-sla)# duration time 30

                    Sets the service performance duration configuration.

                    Step 7profile packet

                    Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile packet

                    Specifies the packet profile. A packet profile defines the packets to be generated.

                    Step 8default | exit | no | packet-size | source-ip-addr

                    Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-measur ement)# throughput

                    Specifies the measurement type based on which the service performance is calculated. The options are:

                    • default - Sets a command to its default values.

                    • exit - Exists the packet mode.

                    • no - Negates a command or sets its defaults.

                    • packet-size - Specifies the packet size in bytes; the default size is 64. The supported packet sizes are 64,128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518, and 9216 bytes.

                    • source-ip-addr - Specifies the source IP address.

                    Step 9measurement-type direction internal

                    config-ip-sla-service-performance)#measurement-type direction internal

                    Specifies the direction of measurement.

                    Step 10default | exit | loss | throughput | receive

                    Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-measur ement)# throughput

                    Specifies the measurement type based on which the service performance is calculated. The options are:

                    • default - Sets a command to its default values.

                    • loss - Specifies the measurement such as frame loss.

                    • throughput - Specifies the measurement such as average rate of successful frame delivery.

                    • receive - Specifies the passive measurement mode.



                    ip sla 1
                    service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr vrf 2 
                    frequency iteration 1 delay 1
                    duration time 50
                    measurement-type direction internal 
                    profile packet
                    packet-size 512

                    Configuring IP Target Two-Way Color-Aware Session

                    Perform the following steps to configure IP target two-way color-aware session.


                    The default frequency iteration command value may cause the duration command to be rejected for higher values. In this case, the frequency iteration command is recommended before the execution of the duration command.

                    SUMMARY STEPS

                      1.    enable

                      2.    configure terminal

                      3.    ip sla sla_id

                      4.    service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr dest-ip-addr {interface interface | interface interface [service instance efp-id | vrf vrf_id}

                      5.    frequency iteration number delay number

                      6.    duration time seconds

                      7.    profile packet

                      8.    deafult | exit | no | outer vlan | packet-size | source-ip-addr

                      9.    exit

                      10.    profile traffic direction internal cir number or eir number or cbs number or ebs number or conform-color set-dscp-transmit dscp_value or exceed-color set-dscp-transmit dscp_value or default or exit or no or rate step kbps | pps number

                      11.    measurement-type direction internal conform-color dscp dscp_value exceed-color dscp dscp_value

                      12.    default | exit | loss | no | throughput | receive | delay | jitter

                    DETAILED STEPS
                       Command or ActionPurpose
                      Step 1enable

                      Device> enable
                      Enables privileged EXEC mode.
                      • Enter your password if prompted.

                      Step 2configure terminal

                      Device# configure terminal

                      Enters global configuration mode.

                      Step 3ip sla sla_id

                      Device(config)# ip sla 100

                      Specifies the SLA ID to start the IP SLA session.

                      Step 4service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr dest-ip-addr {interface interface | interface interface [service instance efp-id | vrf vrf_id}

                      Device(config-ip-sla)# service-performance type ip dest-ip interface gigabitEthernet0/0/10 service instance 10

                      Specifies the service performance type as IP and the destination IP address.

                      Specifies the target for the SLA session. The options are:
                      • service instance

                      • interface

                      • vrf

                      Step 5frequency iteration number delay number

                      Device(config-ip-sla)# frequency iteration 1 delay 2

                      Specifies the number of interactions and delay between the iteration.

                      Step 6duration time seconds

                      Device(config-ip-sla)# duration time 30

                      Sets the service performance duration configuration.

                      Step 7profile packet

                      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile packet

                      Specifies the packet profile. A packet profile defines the packets to be generated.

                      Step 8deafult | exit | no | outer vlan | packet-size | source-ip-addr

                      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-packet)# src-ip-addr
                      Specifies the packet type. The options are:
                      • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

                      • exit - Exists the packet mode.

                      • no - Negates a command or set its defaults.

                      • outer-vlan - Specifies the VLAN ID that is populated in the outer VLAN tag of the packet.

                      • packet-size - Specifies the packet size in bytes; the default size is 64. The supported packet sizes are 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518, 9216 bytes, and IMIX.

                      • source-ip-addr - Specifies the source IP address.


                      Ensure that the value of the configured packet profile matches the target configuration of the session.

                      Step 9exit

                      Device(config-ip-sla)# exit

                      Exists the IP SLA Service Performance packet mode.

                      Step 10 profile traffic direction internal cir number or eir number or cbs number or ebs number or conform-color set-dscp-transmit dscp_value or exceed-color set-dscp-transmit dscp_value or default or exit or no or rate step kbps | pps number

                      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile traffic direction internal
                      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# cir 45000
                      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# eir 45000
                      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# cbs 45000
                      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# ebs 45000
                      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# conform-color set-dscp-transmit af434
                      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# exceed-color set-dscp-transmit af41
                      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# rate-step kbps 1000
                      Specifies the in-line traffic profile or selection of a pre-configured traffic profile. A traffic profile defines an upper bound on the volume of the expected service frames belonging to a particular service instance. If a traffic profile is not specified, the Service Performance probe is in passive measurement mode.
                      • cir - It is the Committed Information Rate.

                      • cbs - It is the Committed Burst Size.

                      • conform-color - Sets the color conform.

                      • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

                      • drop - Drops the packet.

                      • eir - It is Excess Information Rate.

                      • ebs - It is the Excess Burst Size.

                      • exceed-color - Sets the color-exceed.

                      • exit - Exits the traffic mode.

                      • no - Negates a command or sets its defaults.

                      • rate step kbps - Sets the rate step.

                      • set-dscp-transmit dscp_value - Sets the IP DSCP value to a new value and sends the packet. The valid range is from 0 to 63. You also can enter nemonic name for a commonly used value.

                      • transmit - Sends the packet without altering it. This is the default value.

                        This command is required to configure the rate step kbps command.

                      • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

                      • rate step kbps - Specifies the transmission rate in kbps. The rate-step range is from 1 to 1000000 (1 Kbps to 1 Gbps).

                      • rate step pps - Specifies the transmission rate in pps. The rate-step range is from 1 to 1000000 (1 pps to 1000000 pps).

                        The rate-step kbps | pps number is mandatory for traffic generation.

                      Step 11measurement-type direction internal conform-color dscp dscp_value exceed-color dscp dscp_value

                      Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# measurement-type direction internal conform-color dscp af43 exceed-color dscp af41

                      Specifies the direction of measurement.

                      Step 12default | exit | loss | no | throughput | receive | delay | jitter
                      Specifies the measurement type based on which the service performance is calculated. The options are:
                      • default - Sets a command to its default value.

                      • loss - Specifies the measurement such as frame loss.

                      • throughput - Specifies the measurement such as average rate of successful frame delivery.

                      • receive - Specifies the passive measurement mode.

                      • delay - Specifies the measurement that is frame delay (FTD).

                      • jitter - Specifies the measurement that is frame delay variation (FDV).



                      ip sla 1
                       service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/3 service instance 1
                        frequency iteration 1 delay 1
                       measurement-type direction internal conform-color dscp af11 exceed-color dscp af12
                         profile packet
                         packet-size 512
                         outer-vlan 10
                        profile traffic direction internal
                         cir 100000
                         eir 100000
                         rate-step kbps 200000
                         conform-color set-dscp-transmit af11
                         exceed-color set-dscp-transmit af12
                        duration time 1200

                      Configuring IP Target Color-Aware IMIX Traffic Generation

                      Perform the following steps to configure IP target color-aware IMIX traffic generation session.

                      SUMMARY STEPS

                        1.    enable

                        2.    configure terminal

                        3.    ip sla sla_id

                        4.    service-performance type ip dest-mac-addr dest_ip_addr {interface interface | interface interface [service instance efp-id] | vrf vrf_id}

                        5.    frequency iteration number delay number

                        6.    duration time seconds

                        7.    profile packet

                        8.    default | exit | no | packet-size imix | source-ip-addr

                        9.    exit

                        10.    profile packet direction internal cir number or eir number or cbs number or ebs number or conform-color set-dscp-transmit dscp_value or exceed-color set-dscp-transmit dscp_value or default or exit or no or rate step kbps

                        11.    default or exit or no or rate step kbps

                      DETAILED STEPS
                         Command or ActionPurpose
                        Step 1enable

                        Device> enable
                        Enables privileged EXEC mode.
                        • Enter your password if prompted.

                        Step 2configure terminal

                        Device# configure terminal

                        Enters global configuration mode.

                        Step 3ip sla sla_id

                        Device(config)# ip sla 100

                        Specifies the SLA ID to start the IP SLA session.

                        Step 4service-performance type ip dest-mac-addr dest_ip_addr {interface interface | interface interface [service instance efp-id] | vrf vrf_id}

                        Device(config-ip-sla))#service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr interface gigabitEthernet0/0/10 service instance 10

                        Specifies the service performance type as IPt and the destination IP address.

                        Specifies the target for the SLA session. The options are:
                        • service instance

                        • interface

                        • vrf

                        Step 5frequency iteration number delay number

                        Device(config-ip-sla)# frequency iteration 1 delay 2

                        Specifies the number of interactions and delay between the iterations.

                        Step 6duration time seconds

                        Device(config-ip-sla)# duration time 30

                        Specifies the time period to send packets.

                        Step 7profile packet

                        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile packet

                        Specifies the packet profile. A packet profile defines the packets to be generated.

                        Step 8 default | exit | no | packet-size imix | source-ip-addr

                        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-packet)#packet-size imix
                        Specifies the packet type. The options are:
                        • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

                        • exit - Exists the packet mode.

                        • no - Negates a command or set its default.

                        • packet-size - Specifies the packet size in bytes; the default size is 64. The supported packet sizes are 64,128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518, 9216 bytes, and IMIX.

                          For IMIX, the packet-size should be explicitly mentioned as IMIX.

                        • source-ip-addr - Specifies the source IP address.


                        Ensure that the value of the configured packet profile matches the target configuration of the session.

                        Step 9 exit


                        Exits the profile packet mode.

                        Step 10profile packet direction internal cir number or eir number or cbs number or ebs number or conform-color set-dscp-transmit dscp_value or exceed-color set-dscp-transmit dscp_value or default or exit or no or rate step kbps

                        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)#profile traffic direction internal
                        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# cir 45000
                        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# eir 45000
                        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# cbs 45000
                        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# ebs 45000
                        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# conform-color set-dscp-transmit af43
                        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffi c)# exceed-color set-dscp-transmit af41
                        Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-traffic)# rate-step kbps 1000
                        Specifies the in-line traffic profile or enables the selection of a pre-configured traffic profile. A traffic profile defines an upper limit on the volume of the expected service frames belonging to a particular service instance. If a traffic profile is not specified, the Service Performance probe is in passive measurement mode.
                        • cir - It is the Committed Information Rate.

                        • cbs - It is the Committed Burst Size.

                        • conform-color - Sets the conform color.

                        • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

                        • drop - Drops the packet.

                        • eir - It is the Excess Information rate.

                        • ebs - It is the Excess Burst Size.

                        • exceed-color - Sets the exceed color.

                        • exit - Exits the traffic mode.

                        • no - Negates a command or sets its defaults.

                        • rate step kbps - Sets the rate step.

                        • set-cos-transmit cos_value - Sets the CoS value to a new value, and sends the packet. The valid range is from 0 to 7.

                        • transmit - Sends the packet without altering it. This is the default value.

                          This command is required to configure the rate step kbps command.

                        • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

                        Step 11default or exit or no or rate step kbps
                        Specifies the traffic type. The options are:
                        • default: Set a command to its default value.

                        • rate step kbps: Specifies the transmission rate in kbps. The rate-step range is from 1-1000000 (1 Kbps to 1Gbps).



                        ip sla 1
                        service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr vrf 2 
                        frequency iteration 1 delay 1
                        duration time 50 
                        profile packet
                        packet-size imix
                        profile traffic direction internal 
                        cir 45000
                        eir 45000
                        cbs 45000
                        ebs 45000
                        rate-step kbps 50000 90000
                        conform-color set-dscp-transmit af43 
                        exceed-color set-dscp-transmit af41

                        Configuration Examples for Configuring Y.1564 t o Generate and Measure IP Traffic

                        This section shows sample configurations for IP traffic generation and measurement.

                        Example: Passive Color-Aware Measurement Session

                        The following is a sample configuration for passive color-aware measurement session.
                        ip sla 1
                        service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/3 service instance 1
                        frequency iteration 1 delay 1
                        duration time 50
                        measurement-type direction internal 
                        conform-color dscp af43 
                        exceed-color dscp af41
                        profile packet
                        packet-size 512

                        Example: Color-Aware IMIX — Traffic Generation

                        The following is a sample configuration for color-aware IMIX — traffic generation session.
                        ip sla 1
                        service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/3 service instance 1 
                        frequency iteration 1 delay 1
                        duration time 50
                        profile packet
                        packet-size imix
                        profile traffic direction internal 
                        cir 45000
                        eir 45000
                        cbs 45000
                        ebs 45000
                        rate-step kbps 50000 90000
                        conform-color set-dscp-transmit af43 
                        exceed-color set-dscp-transmit af41

                        Example: Color-Aware — Traffic Generation

                        The following is a sample configuration for color-aware — traffic generation session.
                        ip sla 1
                        service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/3
                        frequency iteration 1 delay 1
                        duration time 50 
                        profile packet
                        packet-size 512
                        profile traffic direction internal 
                        cir 45000
                        eir 45000
                        cbs 45000
                        ebs 45000
                        rate-step kbps 50000 90000
                        conform-color set-dscp-transmit af43 
                        exceed-color set-dscp-transmit af41

                        Example: Color Blind — Traffic Generation

                        The following is a sample configuration for a color blind — traffic generation session.
                        ip sla 1
                        service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr bridge-domain 100
                        frequency iteration 1 delay 1
                        duration time 50
                        profile packet
                        packet-size 512
                        profile traffic direction internal 
                        rate-step kbps 50000 90000

                        Example: Color Blind — Passive Measurement

                        The following is a sample configuration for a color blind — passive measurement session.
                        ip sla 1
                        service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr vrf 2
                        frequency iteration 1 delay 1
                        duration time 50
                        measurement-type direction internal 
                        profile packet
                        packet-size 512

                        Example: Color-Aware — Two Way

                        The following is a sample configuration for a color-aware — two way session.
                        ip sla 1
                         service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/3 service instance 1
                          frequency iteration 1 delay 1
                         measurement-type direction internal conform-color dscp af11 exceed-color dscp af12
                           profile packet
                           packet-size 512
                           outer-vlan 10
                          profile traffic direction internal
                           cir 100000
                           eir 100000
                           rate-step kbps 200000
                           conform-color set-dscp-transmit af11
                           exceed-color set-dscp-transmit af12
                          duration time 100

                        Example: Color Blind — Two Way

                        The following is a sample configuration for a color blind — two way session.
                        ip sla 1
                         service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/3 service instance 1
                          frequency iteration 1 delay 1
                         measurement-type direction internal 
                           profile packet
                           packet-size 512
                           outer-vlan 10
                          profile traffic direction internal
                           rate-step kbps 200000
                          duration time 100

                        How to Configure IP (Layer 3) Loopback on Responder

                        This section shows how to configure IP (Layer 3) loopback on responder.

                        Enabling IP SLA Loopback on Responder

                        Perform the following steps to configure ethernet target traffic generation.


                        For layer 3 Loopback, the parameters dest-ip-addr and src-ip-addr are mandatory, otherwise the configuration fails. Outer-vlan is mandatory only for Trunk EFP and optional for other interface types.

                        SUMMARY STEPS

                          1.    enable

                          2.    configure terminal

                          3.    ip sla sla_id

                          4.    service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr dest-ip-addr interface interface

                          5.    frequency iteration number delay number

                          6.    loopback direction {internal}

                          7.    duration time seconds

                          8.    profile packet

                          9.    source-ip-addr ip-address | outer-vlan vlan-id

                          10.    exit

                        DETAILED STEPS
                           Command or ActionPurpose
                          Step 1enable

                          Device> enable
                          Enables privileged EXEC mode.
                          • Enter your password if prompted.

                          Step 2configure terminal

                          Device# configure terminal

                          Enters global configuration mode.

                          Step 3ip sla sla_id

                          Device(config)# ip sla 100

                          Specifies the SLA ID to start the IP SLA session.

                          Step 4service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr dest-ip-addr interface interface

                          Device(config-ip-sla))#service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr interface gigabitEthernet0/0/1

                          Specifies the service performance type as IP and the destination IP address.

                          Specifies the target for the SLA session. The options are:
                          • service instance

                          • interface

                          • vrf

                          • bridge-domain

                          Step 5frequency iteration number delay number

                          Device(config-ip-sla)# frequency iteration 1 delay 2

                          Specifies the number of interactions and delay between the iteration.

                          Step 6loopback direction {internal}

                          Device(config-ip-sla)# loopback direction internal

                          Configures loopback direction.

                          Step 7duration time seconds

                          Device(config-ip-sla)# duration time 30

                          Specifies the time period to send packets.

                          Step 8profile packet

                          Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance)# profile packet

                          Specifies the packet profile. A packet profile defines the packets to be generated.

                          Step 9 source-ip-addr ip-address | outer-vlan vlan-id

                          Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-packet)# source-ip-addr
                          Device(config-ip-sla-service-performance-packet)# outer-vlan 301
                          Specifies the packet type. The options are:
                          • default - Sets a command to its defaults.

                          • exit - Exists the packet mode.

                          • no - Negates a command or set its defaults.

                          • source-ip-addr - Specifies the source IP address.

                          • outer-vlan - Specifies the VLAN ID that is populated in the outer VLAN tag of the packet.


                          Ensure that the value of the configured packet profile matches the target configuration of the session.

                          Step 10 exit


                          Exits the profile packet mode.



                          ip sla 1
                          service-performance type ip dest-ip-addr interface gi0/0/0 service instance 1
                          frequency iteration 1 delay 1
                          loopback direction internal
                          profile packet
                          outer-vlan 301
                          duration time 30000

                          Additional References for IP SLA - Service Performance Testing

                          Related Documents

                          Related Topic

                          Document Title

                          Cisco IOS commands

                          Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

                          Cisco IOS IP SLAs commands

                          Cisco IOS IP SLAs Command Reference

                          Standards and RFCs



                          ITU-T Y.1564

                          Ethernet service activation test methodology

                          Technical Assistance



                          The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a Cisco.com user ID and password.
