Overview of Configuration Commands
The configuration command reference pages describe the CLI commands that you use to configure the functional network properties of vSmart controllers, vEdge devices, and vBond orchestrators. To configure a Cisco vEdge device, enter configuration mode by issuing the config command from operational mode in the CLI. You know that you are in configuration mode because the CLI prompt changes to include the string (config).
In the CLI, configuration commands are organized into functional hierarchies. The top-level configuration hierarchies are:
apply-policy—Apply control policy and data policy.
banner—Set login messages for the device.
bridge—Configure Layer 2 bridging for a rvEdge route.
omp—Configure properties for the Viptela Overlay Management Protocol.
policy—Configure control policy and data policy.
security—Configure IPsec parameters.
snmp—Configure SNMP parameters.
system—Configure basic system parameters.
vpn—Configure the properties of a VPN, including the interfaces that participate in the VPN and the routing protocols that are enabled in the VPN.
To manage a configuration session, use the Configuration Session Management Commands.