Multicloud Defense Controller
The Multicloud Defense Controller is a Software as a Service (SaaS) component delivered with CDO. It operates as the control plane of the Multicloud Defense and provides administrators the ability to deploy, configure and manage all aspects of Multicloud Defense. It is also the translation layer between operations performed in the Multicloud Defense Controller or terraform provider, and the orchestration of those operations within the cloud service provider.
Capabilities that are provided through the Multicloud Defense Controller include the following:
Cloud service provider account on-boarding.
Cloud service provider asset and traffic visibility discovery.
Services VPC/VNet creation and management.
Spoke VPC/VNet protection management.
Gateway deployment, auto-scaling and updates.
Security policy definition and deployment.
3rd party SIEM and Alert integrations.
Traffic and security event investigation and analysis.
Discovery and threat awareness report generation.
CDO operations is responsible for updating the Multicloud Defense Controller. Enhancements and updates are provided frequently and can be delivered regularly based on planned release updates, or deployed by way of hot fixes to address critical fixes rapidly.