Uninstall a Version 6.5.0.x Patch

You can uninstall Firepower patches from:

  • FMCs and their managed devices

  • ASA FirePOWER modules managed by ASDM

Uninstalling a patch results in an appliance running the version you upgraded from.


You cannot uninstall a patch from an FTD device managed by FDM. You also cannot uninstall a major version of the Firepower software from any appliance. In those cases, you must freshly install.

For more information, see:

Guidelines and Limitations for Uninstalling

These important guidelines and limitations apply to uninstall.

Verify Uninstall is Supported for Your Patch

Uninstalling specific patches can cause issues on Firepower appliances, including:

  • Inability to deploy configuration changes after uninstall.

  • Incompatibilities between the operating system and the Firepower software.

  • FSIC (file system integrity check) failure when the appliance reboots, if you patched with security certifications compliance enabled (CC/UCAPL mode).


If security certifications compliance is enabled and the FSIC fails, Firepower software does not start, remote SSH access is disabled, and you can access the appliance only via local console. If this happens, contact Cisco TAC.

In these cases, if you need to revert to an earlier patch, we recommend you reimage and then upgrade.

The following table lists situations where you should not uninstall.

Table 1. Version 6.5.0.x Patches with Subsequent Issues on Uninstall
Platforms Uninstalling From If Upgraded From



Uninstall from Devices First, Using the Shell

In FMC deployments, uninstall patches from managed devices first. We recommend that FMCs run a higher version than their managed devices.

To uninstall a device patch, you must use the Linux shell, also called expert mode. This means that you uninstall from devices both individually and locally. In other words:

  • You cannot batch-uninstall patches from clustered, stacked, or high availability (HA) Firepower devices, or from clustered or failover ASA with FirePOWER Services devices. To plan an uninstall order that minimizes disruption, see Uninstall Order for HA/Scalability Deployments.

  • You cannot use an FMC, ASDM, or FDM to uninstall a patch from a device, nor can you use the local web interface on a 7000/8000 series device.

  • You cannot use an FMC user account to log into and uninstall the patch from one of its managed devices. Firepower appliances maintain their own user accounts.

  • You must have access to the device shell as the admin user for the device, or as another local user with CLI configuration access. If you disabled shell access, you cannot uninstall device patches. Contact Cisco TAC to reverse the device lockdown.

Uninstall from FMCs After Devices

Uninstall patches from FMCs after you uninstall from their managed devices. As with upgrade, you must uninstall from high availability FMCs one at a time; see Uninstall Order for HA/Scalability Deployments.

We recommend you use the FMC web interface to uninstall FMC patches. You must have Administrator access. If you cannot use the web interface, you can use the Linux shell as either the admin user for the shell, or as an external user with shell access. If you disabled shell access, contact Cisco TAC to reverse the FMC lockdown.

Verify NTP Synchronization

Before you uninstall, make sure Firepower appliances are synchronized with any NTP server you are using to serve time. Being out of sync can cause uninstall failure. In FMC deployments, the Time Synchronization Status health module does alert if clocks are out of sync by more than 10 seconds, but you should still check manually.

To check time:

  • FMC: Choose System > Configuration > Time.

  • Devices: Use the show time CLI command.

Appliance Access

Firepower devices can stop passing traffic during the uninstall (depending on interface configurations), or if the uninstall fails. Before you uninstall a patch from a Firepower device, make sure traffic from your location does not have to traverse the device itself to access the device's management interface. In Firepower Management Center deployments, you should also able to access the FMC management interface without traversing the device.

Disable ASA REST API on ASA FirePOWER Devices

Before you uninstall an ASA FirePOWER patch, make sure the ASA REST API is disabled. Otherwise, the uninstall could fail. From the ASA CLI: no rest api agent. You can reenable after the uninstall: rest-api agent.

Unresponsive Uninstalls

Do not deploy changes to or from, manually reboot, or shut down an uninstalling appliance. Do not restart an uninstall in progress. The uninstall process may appear inactive at times; this is expected. If you encounter issues with the uninstall, including a failed uninstall or unresponsive appliance, contact Cisco TAC.

A failed uninstall may require a reimage, which returns most settings to factory defaults. For this reason, we strongly recommend you back up event and configuration data to an external location before you reimage.

Traffic Flow, Inspection, and Device Behavior

Interruptions in traffic flow and inspection during an uninstall are the same as the interruptions that occur during an upgrade. We strongly recommend performing any uninstall in a maintenance window or at a time when any interruption will have the least impact on your deployment. For more information, see Traffic Flow, Inspection, and Device Behavior.

Uninstall Order for HA/Scalability Deployments

You uninstall patches from Firepower appliances individually, even those that you upgraded as a unit. Especially in high availability (HA) and scalability deployments, you should plan an uninstall order that minimizes disruption. Unlike upgrade, the system does not do this for you. The tables below outline uninstall order for HA/scalability deployments.

Note that in most cases, you will:

  • Uninstall from the secondary/standby/slave units first, then the primary/active/master.

  • Uninstall one at a time. Wait until the patch has fully uninstalled from one unit before you move on to the next unit.

Table 2. Uninstall Order for FMCs in HA
FMC Deployment Uninstall Order

FMC high availability

With synchronization paused, which is a state called split-brain, uninstall from FMC peers one at a time. Do not make or deploy configuration changes while the pair is split-brain.

  1. Pause synchronization (enter split-brain).

  2. Uninstall from the standby.

  3. Uninstall from the active.

  4. Restart synchronization (exit split-brain).

Table 3. Uninstall Order for FTD devices in HA or Clusters
FTD Deployment Uninstall Order

FTD high availability

You cannot uninstall a patch from FTD devices configured for high availability. You must break high availability first.

  1. Break high availability.

  2. Uninstall from the former standby.

  3. Uninstall from the former active.

  4. Reestablish high availability.

FTD cluster

Uninstall from one unit at a time, leaving the master unit for last. Clustered units operate in maintenance mode while the patch uninstalls.

  1. Uninstall from the slave modules one at a time.

  2. Make one of the slave modules the new master module.

  3. Uninstall from the former master.

Table 4. Uninstall Order for ASA with FirePOWER Services Devices in ASA Failover Pairs/Clusters
ASA Deployment Uninstall Order

ASA active/standby failover pair, with ASA FirePOWER

Always uninstall from the standby.

  1. Uninstall from the ASA FirePOWER module on the standby ASA device.

  2. Fail over.

  3. Uninstall from the ASA FirePOWER module on the new standby ASA device.

ASA active/active failover pair, with ASA FirePOWER

Make both failover groups active on the unit you are not uninstalling.

  1. Make both failover groups active on the primary ASA device.

  2. Uninstall from the ASA FirePOWER module on the secondary ASA device.

  3. Make both failover groups active on the secondary ASA device.

  4. Uninstall from the ASA FirePOWER module on the primary ASA device.

ASA cluster, with ASA FirePOWER

Disable clustering on each unit before you uninstall. Uninstall from one unit at a time, leaving the master unit for last.

  1. On a slave unit, disable clustering.

  2. Uninstall from the ASA FirePOWER module on that unit.

  3. Reenable clustering. Wait for the unit to rejoin the cluster.

  4. Repeat for each slave unit.

  5. On the master unit, disable clustering. Wait for a new master to take over.

  6. Uninstall from the ASA FirePOWER module on the former master.

  7. Reenable clustering.

Uninstall Instructions

The following sections explain how to uninstall Firepower patches from eligible appliances.

Uninstall from a Standalone FMC

Use this procedure to uninstall a patch from a standalone Firepower Management Center, including Firepower Management Center Virtual.

Before you begin

Uninstall patches from managed devices. We recommend that FMCs run a higher version than their managed devices.


Step 1

Deploy to managed devices whose configurations are out of date.

Deploying before you uninstall reduces the chance of failure.

Step 2

Perform prechecks.

  • Check health: Use the Message Center on the FMC (click the System Status icon on the menu bar). Make sure the appliances in your deployment are successfully communicating and that there are no issues reported by the health monitor.

  • Running tasks: Also in the Message Center, make sure essential tasks are complete. Tasks running when the uninstall begins are stopped, become failed tasks, and cannot be resumed. You can manually delete failed status messages later.

Step 3

Choose System > Updates.

Step 4

Click the Install icon next to the uninstall package for the FMC, then choose the FMC.

If you do not have the correct uninstall package, contact Cisco TAC.

Step 5

Click Install to begin the uninstall.

Confirm that you want to uninstall and reboot the FMC.
Step 6

Monitor progress in the Message Center until you are logged out.

Do not make configuration changes or deploy to any device while the patch is uninstalling. Even if the Message Center shows no progress for several minutes or indicates that the uninstall has failed, do not restart the uninstall or reboot the FMC. Instead, contact Cisco TAC.
Step 7

Log back into the FMC after the patch uninstalls and the FMC reboots.

Step 8

Verify success.

Choose Help > About to display current software version information.

Step 9

Use the Message Center to recheck deployment health.

Step 10

Redeploy configurations.

Uninstall from High Availability FMCs

Use this procedure to uninstall a patch from a Firepower Management Center in a high availability pair.

You uninstall from peers one at a time. With synchronization paused, first uninstall from the standby, then the active. When the standby FMC starts the uninstall, its status switches from standby to active, so that both peers are active. This temporary state is called split-brain and is not supported except during upgrade and uninstall. Do not make or deploy configuration changes while the pair is split-brain. Your changes will be lost after you restart synchronization.

Before you begin

Uninstall patches from managed devices. We recommend that FMCs run a higher version than their managed devices.


Step 1

On the active FMC, deploy to managed devices whose configurations are out of date.

Deploying before you uninstall reduces the chance of failure.

Step 2

Use the Message Center to check deployment health before you pause synchronization.

Click the System Status icon on the FMC menu bar to display the Message Center. Make sure the appliances in your deployment are successfully communicating and that there are no issues reported by the health monitor.

Step 3

Pause synchronization.

  1. Choose System > Integration.

  2. On the High Availability tab, click Pause Synchronization.

Step 4

Uninstall the patch from the FMCs one at a time—first the standby, then the active.

Follow the instructions in Uninstall from a Standalone FMC, but omit the initial deploy, and stop after you verify update success on each FMC. In summary, for each FMC:

  1. Perform prechecks (health, running tasks).

  2. On the System > Updates page, uninstall the patch.

  3. Monitor progress until you are logged out, then log back in when you can.

  4. Verify uninstall success.

Do not make or deploy configuration changes while the pair is split-brain.

Step 5

On the FMC you want to make the active peer, restart synchronization.

  1. Choose System > Integration.

  2. On the High Availability tab, click Make-Me-Active.

  3. Wait until synchronization restarts and the other FMC switches to standby mode.

Step 6

Use the Message Center to recheck deployment health.

Step 7

Redeploy configurations.

Uninstall from Any Device (FMC Managed)

Use this procedure to uninstall a patch from a single managed device in a Firepower Management Center deployment. This includes physical and virtual devices, security modules, and ASA FirePOWER modules.

Before you begin

  • Make sure you are uninstalling from the correct device, especially in HA/scalability deployments. See Uninstall Order for HA/Scalability Deployments.

  • For ASA FirePOWER modules, make sure the ASA REST API is disabled. From the ASA CLI: no rest api agent. You can reenable after the uninstall: rest-api agent.


Step 1

If the device's configurations are out of date, deploy now from the FMC.

Deploying before you uninstall reduces the chance of failure.

Exception: Do not deploy to mixed-version stacks, clusters, or HA pairs. In an HA/scalability deployment, deploy before you uninstall from the first device, but then not again until you have uninstalled the patch from all members.

Step 2

Perform prechecks.

  • Check health: Use the Message Center on the FMC (click the System Status icon on the menu bar). Make sure the appliances in your deployment are successfully communicating and that there are no issues reported by the health monitor.

  • Running tasks: Also in the Message Center, make sure essential tasks are complete. Tasks running when the uninstall begins are stopped, become failed tasks, and cannot be resumed. You can manually delete failed status messages later.

Step 3

Access the Firepower CLI on the device. Log in as admin or another Firepower CLI user with configuration access.

You can either SSH to the device's management interface (hostname or IP address) or use the console.

If you use the console, some devices default to the operating system CLI, and require an extra step to access the Firepower CLI.

Firepower 1000/2100 series

connect ftd

Firepower 4100/9300 chassis

connect module slot_number console, then connect ftd (first login only)


session sfr

Step 4

At the Firepower CLI prompt, use the expert command to access the Linux shell.

Step 5

Run the uninstall command, entering your password when prompted.

sudo install_update.pl --detach /var/sf/updates/uninstall_package_name

The package name varies by platform; see Uninstall Packages. Do not untar signed (.tar) packages.

Unless you are running the uninstall from the console, use the --detach option to ensure the uninstall does not stop if your user session times out. Otherwise, the uninstall runs as a child process of the user shell. If your connection is terminated, the process is killed, the check is disrupted, and the appliance may be left in an unstable state.

The system does not ask you to confirm that you want to uninstall. Entering this command starts the uninstall, which includes a device reboot. Interruptions in traffic flow and inspection during an uninstall are the same as the interruptions that occur during an upgrade. Make sure you are ready.
Step 6

Monitor the uninstall.

If you did not detach the uninstall, progress is displayed on the console or terminal. If you did detach, you can use tail or tailf to display logs:

  • FTD devices: tail /ngfw/var/log/sf/update.status

  • All other devices: tail /var/log/sf/update.status

Step 7

Verify success.

After the patch uninstalls and the device reboots, confirm that the device has the correct software version. On the FMC, choose Devices > Device Management.

Step 8

Use the Message Center to recheck deployment health.

Step 9

Redeploy configurations.

Exception: In a HA/scalability deployment, do not deploy to mixed-version stacks, clusters, or HA pairs. Deploy only after you repeat this procedure for all members.

What to do next

  • For HA/scalability deployments, repeat this procedure for each device in your planned sequence. Then, make any final adjustments. For example, in an FTD HA deployment, reestablish HA after you uninstall from both peers.

  • For ASA FirePOWER modules, reenable the ASA REST API if you disabled it earlier. From the ASA CLI: rest-api agent.

Uninstall from ASA FirePOWER (ASDM Managed)

Use this procedure to uninstall a patch from a locally managed ASA FirePOWER module. If you manage ASA FirePOWER with an FMC, see Uninstall from Any Device (FMC Managed).

Before you begin

  • Make sure you are uninstalling from the correct device, especially in ASA failover/cluster deployments. See Uninstall Order for HA/Scalability Deployments.

  • Make sure the ASA REST API is disabled. From the ASA CLI: no rest api agent. You can reenable after the uninstall: rest-api agent.


Step 1

If the device's configurations are out of date, deploy now from ASDM.

Deploying before you uninstall reduces the chance of failure.

Step 2

Perform prechecks.

  • System status: Choose Monitoring > ASA FirePOWER Monitoring > Statistics and make sure everything is as expected.

  • Running tasks: Choose Monitoring > ASA FirePOWER Monitoring > Tasks and make sure essential tasks are complete. Tasks running when the uninstall begins are stopped, become failed tasks, and cannot be resumed. You can manually delete failed status messages later.

Step 3

Access the Firepower CLI on the ASA FirePOWER module. Log in as admin or another Firepower CLI user with configuration access.

You can either SSH to the module's management interface (hostname or IP address) or use the console. If you use the console, note that ASA 5585-X series devices have a dedicated ASA FirePOWER console port. On other ASA models, the console port defaults to the ASA CLI and you must use the session sfr command to access the Firepower CLI.

Step 4

At the Firepower CLI prompt, use the expert command to access the Linux shell.

Step 5

Run the uninstall command, entering your password when prompted.

sudo install_update.pl --detach /var/sf/updates/Cisco_Network_Sensor_Patch_Uninstaller-version-build.sh.REL.tar

Do not untar signed (.tar) packages.

Unless you are running the uninstall from the console, use the --detach option to ensure the uninstall does not stop if your user session times out. Otherwise, the uninstall runs as a child process of the user shell. If your connection is terminated, the process is killed, the check is disrupted, and the appliance may be left in an unstable state.

The system does not ask you to confirm that you want to uninstall. Entering this command starts the uninstall, which includes a device reboot. Interruptions in traffic flow and inspection during an uninstall are the same as the interruptions that occur during an upgrade. Make sure you are ready.
Step 6

Monitor the uninstall.

If you did not detach the uninstall, progress is displayed on the console or terminal. If you did detach, you can use tail or tailf to display logs:

tail /var/log/sf/update.status

Do not deploy configurations to the device while the patch is uninstalling. Even if the log shows no progress for several minutes or indicates that the uninstall has failed, do not restart the uninstall or reboot the device. Instead, contact Cisco TAC.

Step 7

Verify success.

After the patch uninstalls and the module reboots, confirm that the module has the correct software version. Choose Configuration > ASA FirePOWER Configurations > Device Management > Device.

Step 8

Redeploy configurations.

What to do next

  • For ASA failover/cluster deployments, repeat this procedure for each device in your planned sequence.

  • For ASA FirePOWER modules, reenable the ASA REST API if you disabled it earlier. From the ASA CLI: rest-api agent.

Uninstall Packages

When you patch a Firepower appliances, the uninstaller for that patch is automatically created in the upgrade directory:

  • /ngfw/var/sf/updates on FTD devices

  • /var/sf/updates on the FMC and all other devices (7000/8000 series, ASA FirePOWER, NGIPSv)

If the package is not in the upgrade directory (for example, if you manually deleted it) contact Cisco TAC. Do not untar signed (.tar) packages.

Platform Package



Firepower 1000 series


Firepower 2100 series


Firepower 4100/9300 chassis


ASA 5500-X series with FTD

ISA 3000 with FTD



Firepower 7000/8000 series




