
This document describes the procedure of deploying Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense Virtual and other network components on GCP using a terraform script.

End-to-End Process

The following flowchart illustrates the workflow for deploying Threat Defense Virtual in a new VPC on GCP.

Sample Topology

The following network topology is deployed on GCP.


Perform the following steps to deploy the required infrastructure in a new VPC.


Step 1

Download the terraform scripts from here.

Step 2

Extract the zip file and open the folder.

Step 3

Open the terraform.tfvars file by using a code editor or vim and provide inputs.

Step 4

Add the GCP project_id , vm_zones , and region in the space provided between the double quotes.

Step 5

Optionally, add a password for admin in the admin_password field. By default, the password is Admin123.

Step 6

If required, change the version of the Threat Defense Virtual in the "ftd_version" field.

Step 7

Initialize the providers and modules by using the following command:

terraform init 

Step 8

Submit the terraform plan by using the following command:

terraform plan --out  filename

Step 9

Verify the output of the plan in the terminal and then apply the plan by using the following command:

terraform apply  filename

Step 10

The terraform output displays the IP address of the management interface and the command to SSH into the firewall. Use these to access the Threat Defense Virtual over HTTPs/SSH.

Step 11

Open the GCP console after the deployment is complete. Go to your provided region and validate the final configuration.

  1. Go to Service > VPC to view all the configured subnets under your VPC.

  2. Go to Service > EC2 to view the EC2 instance of Threat Defense Virtual with the name - Cisco Threat Defense Virtual.



Do not delete the .terraform folder and terraform.tfstate files as they are required for the clean-up process.


We recommend that you delete the infrastructure deployment once it's not needed to prevent unnecessary billing on your GCP account.

To delete the infrastructure deployment that was created by terraform, enter the terraform destroy command from the same directory in which you entered the terraform apply command.

terraform destroy 
Type "yes" to delete the infrastructure deployment.

After entering the command, verify that all the resources are deleted from your GCP account.