Table Of Contents
Release Notes for the Cisco IE 2000U and Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EH
About the Cisco IE 2000U Series Switches
Upgrading to a New Software Release
Finding the Software Version and Feature Set
Upgrading a Switch by Using the CLI
Configuring the Device Manager and HTTP Server Interface
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
Release Notes for the Cisco IE 2000U and Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EH
First Published: July 30, 2013Last Updated: September 10, 2013Part No: OL-30137-02Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EH runs on the Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000U switch.
These release notes include important information about Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EH and any limitations, restrictions, and caveats that apply to the release. Verify that these release notes are correct for your switch:
If you are installing a new switch, see the Cisco IOS release label on the rear panel of your switch.
If your switch is on, use the show version privileged EXEC command. See the "Finding the Software Version and Feature Set" section.
If you are upgrading to a new release, see the software upgrade filename for the software version. See the "Deciding Which Files to Use" section.
For a complete list of IE 2000U switch documentation, see the "Related Documentation" section.
You can download the switch software from this site (registered users with a login password):
About the Cisco IE 2000U Series Switches
Upgrading to a New Software Release
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
About the Cisco IE 2000U Series Switches
Cisco IE 2000U Industrial Ethernet Switch (IE 2000U) provides a Gigabit Ethernet aggregation and small form factor switch for the substation automation family of Connected Grid switches. It is suitable for Connected Energy applications such as grid automation, distributed generation, integrated renewable energy, and track-side substations.
You can mount the switch on a DIN rail in an industrial enclosure. Its components are designed to withstand extremes in temperature, vibration, and shock that are common in an industrial environment.
Network Management
The switch supports these management options:
Cisco Configuration Professional
Cisco Configuration Professional is a PC-based application that provides device management for switches and routers. It simplifies configuration of features through easy-to-use wizards.
Device Manager
You can use the device manager, which is in the switch memory, to manage individual and standalone switches. This web interface offers quick configuration and monitoring. You can access the device manager from anywhere in your network through a web browser. For more information, see the
Cisco IE 2000U Switch Getting Started Guide and the device manager online help.Cisco IOS CLI
The switch CLI is based on Cisco IOS software to fully configure and monitor the switch. You can access the CLI either by connecting your management station directly to the switch management port, to a console port, or by using Telnet from a remote management station.
For console connections, you can connect the switch to a PC running Windows 7, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 2000, or Windows Server 2003.
For USB-to-USB connections between the switch and a PC, you must install the Cisco USB driver console driver, version 3.1. You can download this driver from
The switch also supports RJ-45 to DB-9 connections.
For more details on management connections, refer to the Cisco IE 2000U Switch Hardware Installation Guide and Cisco IE 2000U Switch Getting Started Guide at
SNMP Network Management
You can use SNMP applications such as CiscoWorks LAN Management Solution (LMS) and Cisco netManager to configure and manage the switch. You also can manage it from an SNMP-compatible workstation that is running applications such as Cisco netManager or SunNet Manager.
Software Features
Table 1 summarizes the software features supported on the IE 2000U.
Hardware Support
Table 2 summarizes the supported IE 2000U switches and their required software image.
All IE 2000U hardware platforms support LAN Base and IP Services software images. Both software images include support for IEEE 1588 PTP.
Table 3 summarizes the SFP modules supported on the IE 2000U switches.
For additional information about SFP modules, see the "Installing SFP Modules into SFP Module Slots" section of Chapter 2 in the Cisco IE 2000U Switch Hardware Installation Guide. For cable specifications, see the "SFP Module Cables" section in Appendix C of that guide.
System Requirements
Table 4 lists the minimum software requirements for the Cisco Configuration Professional.
Table 5 lists the minimum hardware requirements for Express Setup. You can find its minimum software requirements summarized under the table.
Table 4 Minimum Software Requirement for Cisco Configuration Professional
Component Minimum Software RequirementCisco Configuration Professional
Version 2.8
Table 5 Express Setup Minimum Hardware Requirements for a PC
Processor Speed DRAM Number of Colors Resolution Font Size233 MHz1
1024 x 768
1 We recommend 1 GHz.
2 We recommend 1 GB of DRAM.
Express Setup Minimum Software Requirements for a PC
PC with Windows 2000, XP, Vista, or Windows Server 2003
Web browser (Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, or Firefox 1.5, 2.0, 3.0) with JavaScript enabled
Express Setup verifies the browser version when starting a session, and it does not require a plug-in.
Straight-through or crossover Category 5 or 6 cable
Upgrading to a New Software Release
These are the procedures for downloading software. Before downloading software, read these sections for important information:
Finding the Software Version and Feature Set
Upgrading a Switch by Using the CLI
Finding the Software Version and Feature Set
The Cisco IOS image is stored as a bin file in a directory that is named with the Cisco IOS release. A subdirectory contains the files needed for web management. The image is stored on the compact flash memory card.
You can use the show version privileged EXEC command to see the software version that is running on your switch. The second line of the display shows the version.
You can also use the dir filesystem: privileged EXEC command to see the directory names of other software images stored in flash memory. For example, use the dir flash: command to display the images in the flash memory.
Deciding Which Files to Use
The upgrade procedures in these release notes describe how to perform the upgrade by using a combined tar file. This file contains the Cisco IOS image file and the files needed for the embedded device manager. You must use the combined tar file to upgrade the switch through the device manager. To upgrade the switch through the command-line interface (CLI), use the tar file and the archive download-sw privileged EXEC command.
Table 6 lists the filenames for this software release.
If you download the IP services image and plan to use Layer 3 functionality, you must use the Switch Database Management (SDM) routing template. To determine the currently active template, enter the show sdm prefer privileged EXEC command. If necessary, enter the sdm prefer global configuration command to change the SDM template to a specific template. For example, if the switch uses Layer 3 routing, change the SDM template from the default to the routing template.You must reload the switch for the new template to take effect.
Archiving Software Images
Before upgrading your switch software, make sure that you archive copies of both your current
Cisco IOS release and the Cisco IOS release to which you are upgrading. Keep these archived images until you have upgraded all devices in the network to the new Cisco IOS image and verified that the new Cisco IOS image works properly in your network.Cisco routinely removes old Cisco IOS versions from See Product Bulletin 2863 for information: can copy the bin software image file on the flash memory to the appropriate TFTP directory on a host by using the copy flash: tftp: privileged EXEC command.
Although you can copy any file on the flash memory to the TFTP server, it is time consuming to copy all of the HTML files in the tar file. We recommend that you download the tar file from and archive it on an internal host in your network.
You can also configure the switch as a TFTP server to copy files from one switch to another without using an external TFTP server by using the tftp-server global configuration command.
Upgrading a Switch by Using the CLI
This procedure is for copying the combined tar file to the switch. You copy the file to the switch from a TFTP server and extract the files. You can download an image file and replace or keep the current image.
Make sure that the compact flash card is in the switch before downloading the software.
To download software, follow these steps:
Step 1
Use Table 6 to identify the file that you want to download.
Step 2
Download the software image file. If you have a SMARTNet support contract, go to this URL, and log in to download the appropriate files: download the image for a IE 2000U switch, click Cisco IE 2000U software. To obtain authorization and to download the cryptographic software files, click IE 2000U 3DES Cryptographic Software.
Step 3
Copy the image to the appropriate TFTP directory on the workstation, and make sure that the TFTP server is properly configured.
For more information, see the "Assigning the Switch IP Address and Default Gateway" chapter in the Cisco Connected Grid Switches System Management Software Configuration Guide.
Step 4
Log into the switch through the console port or a Telnet session.
Step 5
(Optional) Ensure that you have IP connectivity to the TFTP server by entering this privileged EXEC command:
Switch# ping tftp-server-address
For more information about assigning an IP address and default gateway to the switch, see the
Cisco Connected Grid Switches System Management Software Configuration Guide.Step 6
Download the image file from the TFTP server to the switch.
If you are installing the same version of software that currently exists on the switch, overwrite the current image by entering this privileged EXEC command:Switch# archive download-sw /overwrite /reload tftp:[[//location]/directory]/image-name.tar•
The /overwrite option overwrites the software image in flash memory with the downloaded one.
The /reload option reloads the system after downloading the image unless the configuration has been changed and not saved.
For //location, specify the IP address of the TFTP server.
For /directory/image-name.tar, specify the directory (optional) and the image to download. Directory and image names are case sensitive.
This example shows how to download an image from a TFTP server at and to overwrite the image on the switch:
Switch# archive download-sw /overwrite tftp:// can also download the image file from the TFTP server to the switch and keep the current image by replacing the /overwrite option with the /leave-old-sw option.
Installation Notes
You can assign IP information to your switch using these methods:
The Express Setup program, as described in the Cisco IE 2000U Switch Getting Started Guide.
The CLI-based setup program, as described in the Cisco IE 2000U Switch Hardware Installation Guide.
The DHCP-based autoconfiguration, as described in the Cisco Connected Grid Switches System Management Software Configuration Guide.
Manually assigning an IP address, as described in the Cisco Connected Grid Switches System Management Software Configuration Guide.
Important Notes
Configuring the Device Manager and HTTP Server Interface
Configuring the Device Manager and HTTP Server Interface
We recommend this browser setting to enhance loading speed of the device manager from Microsoft Internet Explorer.
From Microsoft Internet Explorer:
Choose Tools > Internet Options.
Click Settings in the "Temporary Internet files" area.
From the Settings window, choose Automatically.
Click OK.
Click OK to exit the Internet Options window.
The HTTP server interface must be enabled to display the device manager. By default, the HTTP server is disabled on the switch. Use the show running-config privileged EXEC command to see if the HTTP server is enabled or disabled.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure the HTTP server interface:
The device manager uses the HTTP protocol (the default is port 80) and the default method of authentication (the enable password) to communicate with the switch through any of its Ethernet ports and to allow switch management from a standard web browser.
If you change the HTTP port, you must include the new port number when you enter the IP address in the browser Location or Address field (for example,, where 184 is the new HTTP port number). Be sure to write down the port number through which you are connected. Use care when changing the switch IP information.
If you are not using the default method of authentication (that is, enable password), you need to configure the HTTP server interface with the method of authentication used on the switch.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure the HTTP server interface:
Open Caveats
Symptom: When the PTP feature is working on an interface with Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) transceivers on the IE 2000U, the PTP path delay becomes negative affecting the PTP accuracy. The issue is specific to Gigabit Ethernet (1000Mbps) transceivers.
Conditions: The issue is seen mostly with the SFP transceivers and not with RJ45 copper interfaces.
Workaround: Enter the shutdown and no shutdown commands on the interface or reload the switch.
Symptom: Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is enabled by default on all IE 2000U interfaces. However, if you disable PTP on a specific port using the no ptp enable command, and then reload the switch after saving the configuration, the configuration change is lost. Instead, PTP is enabled on the port.
Conditions: Problem occurs when PTP is disabled on a port and the switch reloads after saving the configuration change.
Workaround: Disable PTP on the switch interface after the switch reloads by using the no ptp enable command.
Symptom: In some configurations, PTP accuracy for IE 2000U might not be optimal.
Conditions: Occurs when you employ 100 Mb/s on the ingress and 1000 Mb/s on the egress of the IE 2000 U. It can also occur when you have 1000 Mb/s on the ingress and 100 Mb/s on the egress.
Workaround: For best results, use the same speed, 100 Mb/s or 1000 Mb/s, on both on the ingress and egress.
Symptom: PTP accuracy might not be optimal when ports are operating at 10Mb/s.
Conditions: Occurs when the IE 2000U port interfaces run at 10 Mb/s.
Workaround: For best results, use port speeds of either 100 Mb/s or 1000 Mb/s.
Related Documentation
All of the following documents can be found at:
Cisco Connected Grid Switches High Availability and Redundancy Software Configuration Guide
Cisco IOS Basics and File Management for Connected Grid Switches
Cisco Connected Grid Switches Layer 2 Switching Software Configuration Guide
Cisco Connected Grid Switches Multicast Routing Software Configuration Guide
Cisco Connected Grid Switches QoS Software Configuration Guide
Cisco Connected Grid Switches Security Software Configuration Guide
Cisco Connected Grid Switches System Management Software Configuration Guide
Cisco Connected Grid Switches Unicast Routing Software Configuration Guide
Cisco IE 200U Switch Hardware Installation Guide
Cisco IE 2000U Switch Getting Started Guide
Cisco IE 2000U 65 W DC-Input Power Supply Installation Note
Regulatory Compliance and System Information (RCSI) Guide
User documentation on the Cisco Configuration Professional can be found at:
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
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This document is to be used in conjunction with the documents listed in the "Related Documentation" section.
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