Table Of Contents
See the following items for additional information about Call Home feature and Smart Call Home service:
•Resources for Smart Call Home.
For More Information
For more information about Smart Call Home, there are several options available, you can:
• "Smart Call Home Service Introduction -
•Smart Call Home presentation -
•Catalyst 6500 Call Home Configuration Guide -
•Catalyst 6500 Command Reference -
•Generic Online Diagnostics on the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switch -
•Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series with Cisco IOS Software Modularity -
•Embedded Event Manager (EEM) on the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series -
•Cisco 7600 Series Command References -
•Cisco 7600 Series Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide, 12.2SX -
•Cisco 7600 Series Technical References -
•Cisco 7600 White Papers -
•Use the feedback box on the Smart Call Home web application
•Access the Smart Call Home Technical Overview -
•Contact Smart Call Home at email address -
Resources for Smart Call Home
The following items are resources that can be used with the Smart Call Home service:
•Cisco server certificate
•Download Transport Gateway
•Download (Smart) Call Home Configuration Script
•Smart Call Home Users' Guide
•Smart Call Home Technical Overview
•Call Home Configuration Guide
•Smart Call Home Web Application
The following list defines the different components, tools and terms used in Smart Call Home:
•Call Home (CH) - Product feature in IOS version 12.3(33)SXH that uses SMTP or HTTP connections established with a configurable destination to send formatted messages. The messages contain Inventory or Configuration information that are collected at scheduled intervals. Configuration, Diagnostics, Environmental, Inventory or System Log (syslog) information is collected during real-time events; Test, Inventory, Configuration Diagnostic and Environmental information are collected on-demand.
The IOS code incorporates device diagnostics (i.e. GOLD) that enables the sending of the following outbound alerts and alarms in email messages to Smart Call Home.
•Call Home Alert Group - Is a configurable Call Home feature that groups detectable events from one of the Configuration, Diagnostics, Environmental, Inventory or System Log categories for monitoring.
•Call Home Profile - Is a configurable Call Home feature that provides a structure to bundle together several Alert Groups, to select transport methods, to assign multiple destination addresses and to specify message format options.
•Call Home message formats - Are configurable formatting options used by the IOS Call Home feature when creating messages. The Short Text format is suitable for pagers or printed reports and the Long Text format contains Full formatted message information suitable for human reading. The XML Messages contain the same data as the Long Message, but with the addition of XML tagging and AML specific transport information to allow machine-readable parsing and routing of the message in the Smart Call Home System.
•Call Home message type - Is a field within an IOS Call Home message that indicates what type of message it contains: Configuration, Diagnostics, Environmental, Inventory, Test or System Log (syslog) information.
•Call Home message sub-type - Is a field within an IOS Call Home message that indicates that the message contains full or delta Configuration or Inventory information, Gold major, minor or normal Diagnostics information, minor or major Environmental information, Test or System Log (syslog) information.
• profile - Where information on Cisco contracts, case management permissions and user's company are kept for use by the Smart Call Home service.
•Cisco Backend (CBE) - Contains a collection of various tools and information:
–Smart Call Home service.
–Guided searches for the Smart Call Home reporting process.
–Generation of customized reports for Smart Call Home users.
–Device install-base data and their associated contracts.
–Customer device-based troubleshooting tools.
•Cisco Contracts:
Contract information is kept in the profile. A customer can register a device using one of the following types of branded contracts:
–Cisco Branded - Direct: Customer bought product directly from Cisco and contacts Cisco directly if they need support.
–Cisco Branded - CBR (Cisco Branded Reseller): Customer bought product from Cisco reseller and customer contacts Cisco directly if they need support.
–Other types of contracts will become supported in a future release.
•Customer Specific Network Alerts - Smart Call Home supports the following Call Home message types:
–Configuration - Contains image name and feature, running and startup configs, SW features technologies and sub-technologies.
–Environment - Contains information about environmental alarms for the device clock, VTT, power supply and modules. Depending on the type of alert, a notification is sent to the customer and a Service Request is generated.
–GOLD - Contains information about diagnostic tests, what tests were run, their status, and results. Depending on the type of failure, a Service Request is generated.
–Inventory - Contains information about the device, software, modules.
–Test - Contains information that is common to all message types. The content of test messages is not processed by Smart Call Home and hence no specific message processing results will be available for test messages.
–Embedded Event Manager (EEM) - Detects real time events and takes action based on a pre-defined rules policy. EEM has event detectors with which Call Home registers; the registration is dependent upon which alert-groups the EEM profile is configured. The profile can subscribe to alert-groups for the following type events:
•GOLD diagnostic
•Generic Online Diagnostics (GOLD) - Provides a common command-line interface (CLI) for manually generating Smart Call Home messages and scheduling run-time diagnostics.
GOLD can detect faults in hardware and provides the triggers that proactively engage high-availability features and actions, such as the switch-hitter of modules or turning off modules or individual ports. The GOLD test suite also gives support personnel the tools to test the functioning of hardware modules and troubleshoot down to the field-replaceable unit (FRU) level.
•Smart Call Home service- Is a service that captures and processes Call Home diagnostics and inventory alarms that are sent from a device containing the Smart Call Home feature. This service provides proactive messaging that resolves issues before they become problems and for those problems that occur, resolving them faster using enhanced diagnostics
•Smart Call Home Client - A device that sends or forwards IOS Call Home or other supported messages to Smart Call Home using SMTP or HTTPS connections; the messages must be registered with the Smart Call Home system.
•Smart Call Home supported messages - Currently is an AML/XML message, created by a device using the IOS Call Home Feature, that contains Configuration (full), Diagnostics (major & minor), Environmental (major & minor), Inventory (full), Test or System Log information.
•Transport Gateway (TG) - Securely transports Call Home messages from the customer hardware to the Smart Call Home service on the Cisco Backend. A Smart Call Home software client that runs on a device under the Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Solaris or Linux operating systems. The Transport Gateway acts as an intermediary device and is capable of forwarding supported messages collected from Smart Call Home Client devices and sends them to the Smart Call Home System using an HTTPS connection.
Security Certificate
The text between the start and stop markers is the actual Security Certificate, which can be used during the Call Home configuration process. You can copy the Security Certificate and paste it during the "copy and paste Security Certificate" part of the Call Home configuration process.
==== Start of Security Certificate ======= MIICPDCCAaUCEHC65B0Q2Sk0tjjKewPMur8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQECBQAwXzELMAkG
==== End of Security Certificate =======
Note Your copy of the Security Certificate should include each and every character between the start and end markers.