Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones Release Notes for Firmware Release 11.1(2)

Use these release notes with the following Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones running SIP Firmware Release 11.1(2).

  • Cisco IP Phone 7811 Multiplatform Phones

  • Cisco IP Phone 7821 Multiplatform Phones

  • Cisco IP Phone 7841 Multiplatform Phones

  • Cisco IP Phone 7861 Multiplatform Phones

The following table describes the individual phone requirements.


Support Server

Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones

BroadSoft BroadWorks 22.0

MetaSphere CFS version 9.4

Asterisk 11.0

New and Changed Features

Control Reverse Name Lookup

You can control the ability to display the caller name on the phone screen instead of the incoming or outgoing phone number. You must configure either the LDAP Directory or the XML directory. You enable or disable the reverse name lookup in the phone administration web page or with xml provisioning. By default reverse name lookup is enabled.

Where to Find More Information

  • Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide

  • Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones User Guide


You can add DHCP VLAN options for the voice VLAN of your phones. You configure a predefined DHCP option to learn the VLAN ID.

The phone sends the predefined DHCP option, such as option 132, as a DHCP request message in the existing VLAN. The server to which the phone is connected, returns the voice VLAN ID. When the phone receives the voice VLAN ID, it releases the IP address in the existing VLAN, switches to voice VLAN, and starts new DHCP settings.

The feature can be used when VLAN info is not available by CDP/LLDP and manual VLAN.

Where to Find More Information

  • Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide

Emergency 911 Support

You can register each IP-based phone with an emergency call service provider by supplying the E911 Geolocation information. Registration obtains the phone's location. The location can specify the street address, building number, floor, room, and other office location information. When you dial an emergency number, the emergency service receives the phone location and a call-back number. If an emergency call disconnects, the emergency service uses the call-back number to reconnect to the caller.

Where to Find More Information

  • Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide

  • Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones User Guide

    HTTPS Support in XSI Host Server

    You can enable HTTPs protocol for XSI service. When you add HTTPS:// in the XSI host server, the server uses HTTPS protocol instead of the default HTTP protocol.

    Where to Find More Information

    • Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide

    LDAP over TLS

    You can configure LDAP over TLS (LDAPS). LDAPS uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure communication between the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) clients and the LDAP servers.

    Where to Find More Information

    • Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide

    Upgrade the Firmware

    The Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Multiplatform Phones have a different firmware image. For more information, see the Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Multiplatform Phones Release Notes for Firmware Release 11.1(2), at this URL:

    The Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones support a single image upgrade using TFTP, HTTP, or HTTPS.

    After the firmware upgrade completes, the phone reboots automatically.


    Step 1

    Click the following URL:

    Step 2

    Select the IP Phone 7800 Series With Multiplatform Firmware in the middle pane.

    Step 3

    Select your phone model in the right pane.

    Step 4

    Select Multiplatform Firmware.

    Step 5

    In the All Releases > MPPv11 folder, select 11.1.2.

    Step 6

    (Optional) Place your mouse pointer on the filename to display the file details and checksum values.

    Step 7

    Download the file.

    Step 8

    Click Accept License Agreement when you accept the software license.

    Step 9

    Unzip the files.

    Step 10

    Put the files in the TFTP, HTTP, or HTTPS download directory.

    Step 11

    You can upgrade the phone firmware using either of the following methods:

    • Configure the Upgrade Rule on the Provisioning tab in the phone web page with the upgrade URL.

      URL Format: <upgrade_protocol>://<serv_ip[:port]>/<filepath>/sipMMxx.RR-nnn.loads


      Where the user input values are:

      • <upgrade_protocol>–HTTP, TFTP, or HTTPS.

      • <serv_ip[:port]>–Server IP address and optional port number.

      • <filepath>–File folder on the server that contains the firmware upgrade *.loads file.

      • MMxx–Cisco IP Phone MM Series with Multiplatform Firmware (for example, 68xx, 78xx, or 88xx)


        MMxx–Cisco specific phone model (for example, 8845_65 or 7832)

      • RR–Major and minor release numbers (for example, 11-1-2 or 11-1-1SR1)

      • nnn–Build number (for example, 351)


      Example using the Upgrade Rule for the 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones.



    • Provide a URL in a web browser that directs the call server to download the firmware to the phone.

      URL Format: <phone_protocol>://<phone_ip[:port]>/admin/upgrade?



      Where the user input values are:

      • <phone_protocol>–HTTP or HTTPS only.

      • <phone_ip[:port]–Phone IP address and optional port number.

      • <upgrade_protocol>–HTTP, TFTP, or HTTPS.

      • <serv_ip[:port]>–Server IP address and optional port number.

      • <filepath>–File folder on the server that contains the firmware upgrade *.loads file.

      • MMxx–Cisco IP Phone MM Series with Multiplatform Firmware (for example, 68xx, 78xx, or 88xx)


        MMxx–Cisco specific phone model (for example, 8845_65 or 7832)

      • RR–Major and minor release numbers (for example, 11-1-2 or 11-1-1SR1)

      • nnn–Build number (for example, 351)


      Example using the web browser URL for the 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones.



    Use the *.loads file in the URL. The *.zip file contains other files.

    Limitations and Restrictions

    Phone Behavior During Times of Network Congestion

    Anything that degrades network performance can affect phone voice and video quality, and in some cases, can cause a call to drop. Sources of network degradation can include, but are not limited to, the following activities:

    • Administrative tasks, such as an internal port scan or security scan

    • Attacks that occur on your network, such as a Denial of Service attack

    Caller Identification and Other Phone Functions

    Caller identification or other phone functions have not been verified with third-party applications for the visually or hearing impaired.

    No Beep Sound Heard when the Mute Key is Pressed

    When you press the Mute button during a call, you may not hear a beep sound. For anyone who is visually impaired, press the Mute button once to mute the phone and press the button twice to unmute the phone.

    Phone Has a Firmware Build Earlier than 11.0.0

    Sometimes, a phone taken out of the box has a firmware build earlier than 11.0.0. When this happens, you must upgrade the firmware on your phone to 11.0.0. Then you must update to 11.1.1 or later before you provision it.


    View Caveats

    You can search for caveats using the Cisco Bug Search tool.

    Known caveats (bugs) are graded according to severity level, and can be either open or resolved.

    Before you begin

    To view the caveats, you need the following items:

    • Internet connection

    • Web browser

    • user ID and password


    Step 1

    Perform one of the following actions:

    Step 2

    When prompted, log in with your user ID and password.

    Step 3

    (Optional) To look for information about a specific problem, enter the bug ID number (CSCxxnnnnn) in the Search for field, and press Enter.

    Open Caveats

    The following list contains the severity 1, 2, and 3 defects that are open for the Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones that use Firmware Release 11.1(2).

    For more information about an individual defect, you can access the online history for the defect by accessing the Bug Search tool and entering the Identifier (CSCxxnnnnn). You must be a registered user to access this defect information.

    Because a defect status continually changes, the list reflects a snapshot of the defects that were resolved at the time this report was compiled. For an updated view of the resolved defects or to view specific bugs, access the Bug Search Toolkit as described in the View Caveats.

    • CSCvi20892 Phone reboots when it has an incoming page call and maximum number calls.

    • CSCvi57576 Phone can only receive 5 calls but the phone screen GUI shows 8 calls.

    • CSCvi59903 Phone screen GUI displays Anonymous when changing the dial plan.

    • CSCvi88531 Different behavior of call status for shared conference bridge from private conference bridge.

    • CSCvi90594 Phone may un-register when switching between call history and personal directory.

    • CSCvi96787 Secure call one way-audio if the caller and callee's SDP support IP mode and use secondary dial steps.

    • CSCvi98838 Missing Back softkey when edit settings of the Enterprise Directory using the phone screen.

    • CSCvi99554 Secure call transfer, no audio if transferee and person transferring the call have different SIP & SDP preference modes.

    • CSCvj01440 Setting the wrong static IP, GW, or DNS at same time does not overwrite the older phone configuration.

    • CSCvj3115 PRT HTTPS Report Rule using a POST upload hangs up or becomes corrupted upon adding authentication.

    Resolved Caveats

    The following list contains the severity 1, 2, and 3 defects that are resolved for the Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones that use Firmware Release 11.1(2).

    For more information about an individual defect, you can access the online history for the defect by accessing the Bug Search tool and entering the Identifier (CSCxxnnnnn). You must be a registered user to access this defect information.

    Because a defect status continually changes, the list reflects a snapshot of the defects that were resolved at the time this report was compiled. For an updated view of the resolved defects or to view specific bugs, access the Bug Search Toolkit as described in the View Caveats.

    • CSCvg91741 phone can't access the webpage with http protocal

    • CSCvh13875 Agent associating multiple call-center only shows one call-center's Queue Status

    • CSCvh19503 PC port mirror does not work on 78xx with switch voice vlan configured

    • CSCvh59168 LDAP directory name display issue

    • CSCvh67018 Phone upgrade fails when it receives 302 or 303 response.

    • CSCvh76496 Phone cannot get the correct content from an HTTP 301 response.

    • CSCvh76689 Phone cannot handle the content from an HTTP 302 response.

    • CSCvh90129 Phone reboots when you configure BLF only without mapped line key.[7811 only]

    • CSCvi28353 phone reboot when have long XML User Name or password

    • CSCvi30920 7811/7832: String "Show detail" is truncated on English US

    • CSCvi40614 7861 reboot just use last line to make a call

    • CSCvi79573 DUT failed to resync with multiple options

    • CSCvi88682 re-enter Server All calls or Enterprise Directory, Cancel, then phone reboots

    • CSCvi90186 should limit the "TOS/DiffServ Value" on web,if not,phone will keep rebooting with max length value