Release Notes

Use these release notes with the Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Multiplatform Phones running SIP Firmware Release 11.3(5).

The following table describes the individual phone requirements.


Support Requirements

Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Multiplatform Phones

Cisco BroadWorks 24.0

MetaSphere CFS version 9.5

Asterisk 16.0

New and Changed Features

Keep Focus on the Active Call

You can set up the phone to ensure that the active call is still in focus on the phone screen when the phone receives an incoming call.

To enable this feature, use the Keep Focus On Active Call field under the Supplementary Services section from Voice > User.

Where to Find More Information

  • Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide

  • XML Reference Guide for Cisco IP Phone Multiplatform Phones

MIC Certificate Renewal by SUDI Service

You can now renew the Manufacture Installed Certificate (MIC) by a Secure Unique Device Identifier (SUDI) renewal service. This is an easy way to provide encryption and to help secure the phone. The MIC certificate involves some features that are related to SSL/TLS protocol. If the MIC certificate expires, these features don't work until you renew the certificate.

When this feature is enabled, the phone automatically renews the MIC certificate. Therefore, there's no additional action required by the user or admin.

To enable this feature, use the parameters under the MIC Cert Settings section from Voice > Provisioning.

Where to Find More Information

  • Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide

  • Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Multiplatform Phones User Guide

  • XML Reference Guide for Cisco IP Phone Multiplatform Phones

Phone Migration without Transition Load

You can now obtain and authorize the licence from the server to migrate your multiplatform phone to enterprise phone firmware in a single step without using transition firmware load. To enable this feature, in the phone web page, use the Transition Authorization Rule and Transition Authorization Type parameters from Voice > Provisioning > Firmware Upgrade.

Where to Find More Information

  • Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Series Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide

  • Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Series Multiplatform Phones User Guide

  • XML Reference Guide for Cisco IP Phone Multiplatform Phones

STIR/SHAKEN Visual Confirmation on the Phones

This release supports new technology standard Secure Telephony Identity Revisited (STIR) and Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs (SHAKEN). STIR/SHAKEN has been mandated by Federal Communications Commission (FCC). These standards define procedures to authenticate and verify caller identification for calls carried over the IP network. The STIR-SHAKEN framework is developed to provide the end user with a great degree of identification and control over the type of calls they receive. These sets of standards are intended to provide a basis for verifying calls, classifying calls, and facilitating the ability to trust caller identity end to end. Illegitimate callers can easily be identified.

When STIR/SHAKEN support is implemented on the server, the phone displays an extra icon next to the caller ID based on the caller's STIR/SHAKEN verification result. Based on the verification result, the phone displays three types of icons.

Where to Find More Information

  • Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Series Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide

Support for Dialog-Based Shared Line Appearance

You can now enable dialog-based shared line appearance (SLA) so that the phones in the shared line can subscribe to the dialog event package. This feature supports the following functionalities:

  • Incoming call

  • Outgoing call

  • Public/Private hold and resume

  • Barge-in

  • Call forward.

To enable this feature, use the Share Line Event Package Type parameter from Voice > SIP > SIP Parameters of the phone web interface.

Where to Find More Information

  • Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide

  • Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Multiplatform Phones User Guide

  • XML Reference Guide for Cisco IP Phone Multiplatform Phones

Voicemail Subscription Service Control

You can enable the subscription to a specified voicemail server for an extension. After you configure the voicemail server correctly and enable the subscription to the voicemail server, your user can receive voicemail messages on the phone.

To enable the feature, use the Voice Mail Enable field under the Call Feature Settings section from Voice > Ext (n).

Where to Find More Information

  • Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide

  • XML Reference Guide for Cisco IP Phone Multiplatform Phones

Upgrade the Firmware

Use the information in this section to upgrade the firmware on Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Multiplatform Phones.

The Cisco IP Phone 7811, 7821, 7841, and 7861 Multiplatform Phones have a different firmware image. For more information, see the Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series Multiplatform Phones Release Notes for Firmware Release 11.3(5), at this location:

You can upgrade the phone firmware with TFTP, HTTP, or HTTPS. After the upgrade completes, the phone reboots automatically.


Step 1

Click this link:

On the Software Download web page that is displayed, ensure that IP Phone 7800 Series with Multiplatform Firmware is selected in the middle pane.

Step 2

Select IP Conference Phone 7832 with Multiplatform Firmware in the right pane.

Step 3

On the next page that is displayed, select Multiplatform Firmware.

Step 4

On the next page that is displayed, select 11.3.5 in the All Releases > MPPv11 folder.

Step 5

(Optional) Place your mouse pointer on the file name to see the file details and checksum values.

Step 6

Download the file.

Step 7

Click Accept License Agreement.

Step 8

Unzip the file and place the files in the appropriate location on your upgrade server.

The appropriate location is the TFTP, HTTP, or HTTPS download folder, depending on the protocol that you want to use for the upgrade.

Step 9

Upgrade the phone firmware with one of these methods.

  • Upgrade the phone firmware from the phone administration web page:

    1. On the phone administration web page, go to Admin Login > Advanced, Voice > Provisioning > Firmware Upgrade.

    2. In the Upgrade Rule field, enter the load file URL as described below.

      Load file URL format:

      <upgrade protocol>://<upgrade server ip address>[:<port>]>/<path>/<file name>.loads

    3. Click Submit All Changes.

  • Upgrade the phone firmware directly from your web browser:

    In the address bar of your web browser, enter the phone upgrade URL as described below.

    Phone upgrade URL format:

    <phone protocol>://<phone ip address[:port]>/admin/upgrade?<load file URL>

    Load file URL format:

    <upgrade protocol>://<upgrade server ip address>[:<port>]>/<path>/<file name>.loads



Specify the <file name>.loads file in the URL. The <file name>.zip file contains other files.

Limitations and Restrictions

Phone Behavior During Times of Network Congestion

Anything that degrades network performance can affect phone audio and, in some cases, can cause a call to drop. Sources of network degradation can include, but are not limited to, the following activities:

  • Administrative tasks, such as an internal port scan or security scan

  • Attacks that occur on your network, such as a Denial of Service attack


View Caveats

You can search for caveats (bugs) with the Cisco Bug Search tool.

Known caveats are graded according to severity level, and are either open or resolved.

Before you begin

You have your user ID and password.


Step 1

Click one of the following links:

Step 2

When prompted, log in with your user ID and password.

Step 3

(Optional) For information about a specific caveat, enter the bug ID number (CSCxxnnnnn) in the Search for field, and press Enter.

Open Caveats

The following list contains the severity 1, 2, and 3 defects that are open for the Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Multiplatform Phones that use Firmware Release 11.3(5).

For more information about an individual defect, you can access the online history for the defect by accessing the Bug Search tool and entering the Identifier (CSCxxnnnnn). You must be a registered user to access this defect information.

Because the defect status continually changes, the list reflects a snapshot of the defects that were open at the time this report was compiled. For an updated view of the open defects or to view specific bugs, access the Bug Search Toolkit as described in View Caveats.

  • CSCvw72979 Phone will show the call center softkey after answer executive or call forward call.

  • CSCvx44952 Phone showing Failed to download configurations even when it was successful while migrating to MPP

  • CSCvy98097 Set all or part of cfw items to "na" and enable user mode, see the forward sk or cfw item in menu

  • CSCvz67625 License prompt is always displayed on the GDS input screen if the phone is converted from On-Prem

Resolved Caveats

The following list contains the severity 1, 2, and 3 defects that are resolved for the Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832 Multiplatform Phones that use Firmware Release 11.3(5).

For more information about an individual defect, you can access the online history for the defect by accessing the Bug Search tool and entering the Identifier (CSCxxnnnnn). You must be a registered user to access this defect information.

Because the defect status continually changes, the list reflects a snapshot of the defects that were resolved at the time this report was compiled. For an updated view of the resolved defects or to view specific bugs, access the Bug Search Toolkit as described in the View Caveats.

  • CSCvv21588 6821/7811/7832: PSK labels for Extend PSK functionality feature are truncated

  • CSCvy27737 No reorder tone and will not time out when network conference fail

  • CSCvx69154 MPP Not Setting "Don't Fragment" (DF) Bit

  • CSCvy36096 Unexpected 481 sent by phone when off/on-hook shared line quickly

  • CSCvx44944 Short activation code taking a long time to get configurations

  • CSCvs52371 MPP phone call focus on new incoming call