Table Of Contents
Updating the Alarm Parameters Table
Updating the Mass Storage Control Parameters Table
Updating the Mass Storage Control Thresholds Table
Updating the Node Parameters Table
Updating the Rating Exception Table
Updating the Rating Type Table
Updating the Nailed Connection Table
Updating the Switch Information Table
Updating the Threshold Crossing Alarms Table
Updating the Trunk Group Table
PGW Dynamic Update Mode = True
Updating the Trunk Group Prefix Table
TKGPREFIX—Trunk Group Prefix Table
Updating the Zone Information Table
Using BAMS Tag IDs
Revised: April, 2010, OL-11618-16Introduction
This chapter provides general reference information to help you understand how to update BAMS tables by using BAMS tag IDs.
For information about the MML commands that you use with the tag IDs, see Chapter 4, "Using MML Commands."
Note MML commands, tag IDs and field names are differentiated from the surrounding text by being set in a Courier typeface. This makes them appear as they would on a computer screen. User input is shown in a bold font, and system responses are shown in a plain font. Text strings that you enter with MML commands are enclosed in quotes. Integers are shown without quotes.
Command Notation
The command notation follows the Backus-Naur conventions.
Command Syntax
The command syntax follows the Bellcore TL1 conventions.
Tag IDs and Field Names
Tag IDs are aliases for BAMS tables. You use them in conjunction with MML commands to modify or delete table records or data. Some tag IDs contain defined parameter sets used to provision the BAMS tables. The field default values are recommended values, unless noted otherwise.
Note Tag IDs and field names are not case sensitive. However, values are case sensitive.
Updating the Alarm Parameters Table
Use the ALM-PARMS tag ID to update the Alarm Parameters table. Use the maxlines field to set the size of the system log (syslog) file. The default value is 10,000 lines. When the maxlines threshold is surpassed, BAMS begins deleting lines from the syslog, starting with the oldest entries.
Note BAMS creates oldlog and oldloga as backup system logs by default. You can configure the number of backup logs for a higher value (a maximum of 26) in the sym_defs file. The number of logs you create affects the available disk space.
Use the msgdisclvl field to set the level (for example, minor, major, critical) of alarms written to the syslog. Use the msgfwdlvl field to set the level (for example, critical) of alarms forwarded to a network management platform.
Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 15:11:49B COMPLD"ALM-PARMS";In this example, the maxlines field was set to 50000, the msgdisclvl field was set to 1 (that is, major), and the msgfwdlvl field was set to 2 (that is, minor).
Table 5-1 lists field names and values that can be specified with the ALM-PARMS tag ID.
Updating the BIN1110 Table
Note This table is only required for systems that are configured to produce 1110 Binary output. For more information, see Chapter 9, "Configuring BAMS for NICS Output".
Use the BIN1110 tag ID to update the BIN1110 table. This table allows you to disable or enable the generation of 1060 CDBs in TLV (tag, length, value) format, as well as to specify the suffix of the 1110 Binary output. By default, the system generates 1060, 1090, 1100, and 1110 CDB types, and appends the BIN suffix to the output files.
Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-09-28 15:59:29B COMPLD"BIN1110";In this example, the enable1060 field was set to 1, and the filesuffix field was set to BIN.
BIN1110 Tag ID
Table 5-8 lists field names and values that can be specified with the BIN1110 tag ID.
Updating the Country Table
Use the COUNTRY tag ID to update the Country table. The Country table maintains country codes.
Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 15:20:35B COMPLD"COUNTRY";In this example, the countrycode field was set to 001, and the countryname field was set to USA.
Table 5-3 lists field names and values that can be specified with the COUNTRY tag ID.
Updating the Map Type Table
Use the MAPTYPE tag ID to update the Map Type table. The Map Type table defines which structure code to generate and which call type to assign for each call category.
Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 15:25:50B COMPLD"MAPTYPE";In this example, the maptype field was set to flat, the calltype field was set to 1, the answered field was set to 502, and the unanswered field was set to 20.
Table 5-4 lists field names and values that can be specified with the MAPTYPE tag ID.
Note The Maptype table should contain one record entry for each maptype value. The default system contains the entries. The user should not add or delete any entries, only modify them by specifying different field values with the Rating Type tag ID. The values are case sensitive.
Note A value of -1 in the answered or unanswered field means that a BAF record is not generated for that case.
Updating the Mass Storage Control Parameters Table
Use the MSC-PARMS tag ID to update the Mass Storage Control (MSC) Parameters table. This table maintains definitions of conditions that generate alarms or events, based on parameters such as file type, size, and age.
mml:sys>prov-add:MSC-PARMS:type="baf*",polled=0,alarm=5,agealarm=30,agelevel=2,delage=30, delalarm=6
Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 15:30:20B COMPLD"MSC-PARMS";In this example the type field was set to baf*, the polled field was set to 0, the alarm field was set to 5, the agealarm field was set to 30, the agelevel field was set to 2, the delage field was set to 30, and the delalarm field was set to 6.
Table 5-5 lists field names and values that can be specified with the MSC-PARMS tag ID.
Updating the Mass Storage Control Thresholds Table
Use the MSC-THRES tag ID to update the Mass Storage Control Thresholds table. This table maintains the system-level MSC thresholds that determine when the MSC task generates alarms based on disk-capacity thresholds, and when it begins and stops deleting specific types of files to free up disk space.
mml:sys>prov-add:MSC-THRES:interval=15,put=80,plt=60,uut=95,iut=950000,mil=80, mal=85,crl=90
Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 15:34:02B COMPLD"MSC-THRES";In this example the interval field was set to 15, the put field was set to 80, the plt field was set to 60, the uut field was set to 95, the iut field was set to 950000, the mil field was set to 80, the mal field was set to 85, and the crl field was set to 90.
Table 5-6 lists field names and values that can be specified with the MSC-THRES tag ID.
Updating the Node Parameters Table
Use the NODEPARMS tag ID to update the Node Parameters table. This table maintains node configuration information such as output types (for example, ASCII, BAF, NICS, P01) and measurements.
mml:1:node1>prov-add:NODEPARMS:activate=1,statoutput=1,bafoutput=1,asciibafoutput=1, asciioutput=2,lookupinfo=1,bafinfo=1,dynamicaccumes=0,sup-zero-counts=0,interval-minutes= 15,nailed-cfg=0,p01output=0,p01prefix="p01_",enable-h323=0,extasciioutput=0,nicsoutput=0, bin1110output=0,qosoutput=0,Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-19 15:51:44B COMPLD"NODEPARMS";In this example, the activate field was set to 1, the statoutput field was set to 1, the bafoutput field was set to 1, the asciibafoutput field was set to 1, the asciioutput field was set to 2, the lookupinfo field was set to 1, the bafinfo field was set to 1, the dynamicaccumes field was set to 0, the sup-zero-counts field was set to 0, the interval-minutes field was set to 15, the nailed-cfg field was set to 0, the p01output field was set to 0, the p01prefix field was set to p01_, the enable-h323 field was set to 0, the extasciioutput field was set to 0, the nicsoutput field was set to 0, and the bin1110output field was set to 0.
Caution Modifying the interval-minutes or nailed-cfg parameters automatically triggers a restart of the node-level processing tasks, resulting in measurement anomalies and the generating of associated traps.
Table 5-7 lists field names and values that can be specified with the NODEPARMS tag ID.
Table 5-7 Fields in the Node Parameters Table
Field Name Description Value Rangeactivate
This numeric parameter activates polling for a node. If the parameter is enabled, BAMS actively attempts to poll data files from the switch. After polling, BAMS processes all data. If this parameter is disabled, the BAMS polling function is turned off, and BAMS does not poll any data from the switch.
Enabled = 1 (default for node 1)
Disabled = 0 (default for nodes 2 to 8)
0 or 1
Statistics output mode (numeric). This parameter enables or disables the generation of the measurement files.
Enabled = 1 (default)
Disabled = 0
0 or 1
BAF output mode (numeric). This parameter enables or disables the generation of the BAF output files. When the parameter is enabled, BAMS converts the CDR records from the switch to BAF format, and places these files in the BAF subdirectory under each node's data directory (for example, opt/CiscoBAMS/data/s0x/BAF).
Enabled = 1
Disabled = 0 (default)
0 or 1
This parameter enables or disables the generation of the BAF output files in readable ASCII format. When enabled, BAMS converts the CDR records from the switch to ASCII BAF format, and places these files in the ASCIIBAF subdirectory under each node's data directory (for example, opt/CiscoBAMS/data/s0x/ASCIIBAF).
Disabled = 0 (default)
Enabled = 1
0 through 1
ASCII output mode (numeric). This parameter enables or disables the generation of the ASCII output files. When the parameter is enabled, BAMS converts the CDR records from the switch to ASCII format, and places these files in the ASCII subdirectory under each node's data directory (for example, opt/CiscoBAMS/data/s0x/ASCII).
Disabled = 0
Enabled = 1 (ANSI output)
Enabled = 2 (ITU output) (default)
0 through 2
Look up info mode (numeric). This parameter enables or disables messages to the node syslog of errors associated with table lookup failures. Lookup failures are always displayed in the files /opt/CiscoBAMS/files/sxx/
AUG_cor_ac.log and /opt/CiscoBAMS/files/sxx/
AUG_cor_ag.log.If the lookupinfo parameter is enabled, these messages are also logged to the node syslog so that the operator is readily notified. Normally the node syslog contains information on the total number of lookup errors per file. Enabling this parameter displays detailed information about each lookup error.
Trunk Group Enabled = 1 (default)
NPA-NXX Enabled = 2
Both Enabled = 3
Both Disabled = 0
0 through 3
BAF info mode (numeric). This parameter enables or disables messages to the node syslog concerning errors associated with the CDR-to-BAF (CTB) process. The CTB process outputs call records in BAF format. This parameter should be enabled if bafoutput is enabled.
Enabled = 1
Disabled = 0 (default)
0 or 1
Dynamic accumulation mode (numeric). For more information, see the "Configured vs. Dynamic Trunk Group Output" section on page 12-35.
Note If you change this value during the day, the measurements will be inaccurate for the remainder of the day. As well, dynamic trunk measurements are not kept if the mode is set to "2" (that is, report defined trunk groups only).
Report configured trunks only = 2
Report dynamic trunks only = 1
Report both configured and dynamic trunks = 0 (default)
0 through 2
Zero count suppression (numeric). For more information, see the "Zero Counts" section on page 12-34.
Enabled = 1
Disabled = 0 (default)
0 or 1
This numeric parameter sets the measurements file interval (in minutes). By default, BAMS always creates hourly and daily measurements files as long as the statoutput parameter is enabled. This parameter specifies the interval if files are to be created at less than 1-hour intervals.
The value of this parameter must be greater than and not equal to the value of the MGC CDR dump interval value in the dmprSink.dat file. For more information, see the "Configuring the Cisco MGC for Using BAMS" section on page 2-1.
Note Modifying this parameter while the system is running triggers an automatic restart of the processing tasks for the current node. Such a restart could affect the accuracy of the current measurements. A restart also creates alarms and traps that state that the processing tasks have been terminated and are being restarted (MGR801).
5, 10, 15, 20, 30
(Default = 15)
5 through 30
Enabling this numeric parameter specifies that the switch has been set to a nailed configuration. Disabling this parameter specifies that the switch has been set to a switched configuration.
Note Modifying the parameter nailed-cfg while the system is running triggers an automatic restart of the processing tasks for the current node. Such a restart could affect the accuracy of the current measurements. A restart also creates alarms and traps that state that the processing tasks have been terminated and are being restarted (MGR801).
Enabled = 1 (default)
Disabled = 0
0 or 1
This parameter enables or disables the generation of the p01 output files by the P01 node task. These files are generated and stored in the directory /opt/CiscoBAMS/data/sxx/p001, where xx=node number. If you enable P01 output, you can filter out certain types of calls (that is, answered, noanswer, busy and other), based on the cause code from the MGC data record. For more information, see the "Updating the P01 Filter Table" section.
Enabled = 1
Disabled = 0 (default)
0 or 1
This string parameter specifies the file prefix of the p01 output files stored in /opt/CiscoBAMS/data/sxx/p001.
p01_ (default)
Note A value of NULL or empty means that the p01 output file will have the same name as the input file.
23 characters
This numeric parameter enables or disables the H.323 measurements. For a complete listing of H.323 measurements, see the "Noncarrier Measurements" section on page 12-11.
Enabled = 1
Disabled = 0 (default)
0 or 1
This parameter enables or disables the generation of Extendable ASCII data.
Disabled = 0 (default)
Enabled = 1 (ANSI output)
Enabled = 2 (ITU output)
0 through 2
This parameter enables or disables the generation of Non-Intercompany Settlement System (NICS) data.
Disabled = 0 (default)
Enabled = 1 (ANSI output)
Enabled = 2 (ITU output)
0 through 2
This parameter enables or disables the generation of 1110 Binary data.
Disabled = 0 (default)
Enabled = 1 (ANSI output)
Enabled = 2 (ITU output)
0 through 2
This parameter enables or disables the generation of QoS output.
Disabled = 0 (default)
Enabled = 1 (ANSI output)
Enabled = 2 (ITU output)
0 through 2
Updating the NPANXX Table
Use the NPANXX tag ID to update the NPANXX table. This table allows you to assign a zone ID and a local access transport area (LATA) to each NPA-NXX.
Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 15:52:29B COMPLD"NPANXX";In this example, the npanxx field was set to 301829, the lata field was set to 00001, and the zone field was set to 0000001.
Table 5-8 lists field names and values that can be specified with the NPANXX tag ID.
Updating the P01 Filter Table
Use the P01FILTER tag ID to determine the type of calls that should be filtered from the P01 output, based on the cause code of the MGC data record. You enable P01 output with the NODEPARMS tag ID. For more information, see the "Updating the Node Parameters Table" section.
mml:1:node1>prov-rtrv:p01filter:Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-11 09:35:57B RTRV"P01FILTER:answered=1,noanswer=1,busy=1,other=1"In this example, the answered field was set to 1, the noanswer field was set to 1, the busy field was set to 1, and the other field was set to 1.
For more information about P01 filtering, see Chapter 8, "Configuring BAMS for P01 Output."
Table 5-9 lists field names and values that can be specified with the P01FILTER tag ID.
Updating the Poll Table
Use the POLL tag ID to update the Poll table. This table allows you to configure BAMS polling parameters such as hostname, remote directory and file prefix and suffix information.
mml:1>prov-add:POLL:host-name1="newyork1",rem-dir1="/opt/CiscoMGC/var/bam", file-prefix1="cdr*",file-suffix1=".bin",action="R",interval=1,timeout=1,maxtries=2, protocol="ftp"
Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 15:56:05B COMPLD"POLL";In this example, the host-name1 field was set to newyork1, the rem-dir1 field was set to /opt/CiscoMGC/var/bam, the file-prefix1 field was set to cdr*, the file-suffix1 field was set to .bin, the action field was set to R, the interval field was set to 1, the timeout field was set to 1, the maxtries field was set to 2, and the protocol field was set to FTP.
Table 5-10 lists field names and values that can be specified with the POLL tag ID.
Note When BAMS collects a CDR file from the Cisco MGC, it renames that file on the Cisco MGC with a .finished suffix. For purposes of polling efficiency, if BAMS is not able to rename the polled file ".finished", it does not retry but instead generates an SNMP trap based on the POL115 message.
When a downstream polling computer collects a file from the BAMS unit, it renames that file on the BAMS unit to .finished. The Mass Storage Control (MSC) task maintains disk space and periodically checks polled and unpolled files on the BAMS unit, that is, files that have or have not been polled by a downstream polling computer.
Updating the Rating Exception Table
Use the RATE-EXC tag ID to update the Rating Exception table. The values in the Rating Exception table override the relationships (in terms of call category) that were defined with the NPANXX tag ID. This table allows you to support special billing arrangements.
Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 15:59:12B COMPLD"RATE-EXC";In this example, the orgnpanxx field was set to 301829, the trmnpanxx field was set to 301831, and the ratetype field was set to FLAT.
Table 5-11 lists field names and values that can be specified with the Rating Exception tag ID.
Updating the Rating Type Table
Use the RATING-TYPE tag ID to update the Rating Type table. The Rating Type table defines the relationships (in terms of call category) between different zones. This table is directional. That is, calling from Zone 1 to Zone 2 might be categorized one way, and calling in the reverse direction might be categorized another way.
Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 15:58:19B COMPLD"RATING-TYPE";In this example, the orgzone field was set to 123, the trmzone field was set to 123, and the ratetype field was set to FLAT.
Table 5-12 lists field names and values that can be specified with the RATING-TYPE tag ID.
Updating the Nailed Connection Table
In a nailed environment, use the SIGPATH tag ID to update the Nailed Connection table. This table maintains nailed connections for the Cisco SC2200 configuration.
Trunk groups are populated in the Cisco MGC call detail records based on table lookups of read-in hexadecimal values for signal path. On Cisco SC2200 applications, sigpath ID is used as a reference for trunk groups. Trunk group numbers are as follows: BAF (1 through 9999), ITU (4096), and ANSI (1684). On a nailed application, you must have a SIGPATH association for every circuit that must be added.
The maximum number of records defined in the Nailed Connection table is 100,000.
Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 16:02:37B COMPLD"SIGPATH";In this example, the sigpath field was set to the range 0x50-0x60, and the trunkgrp field range was set to 0-16.
Table 5-13 lists field names and values that can be specified with the SIGPATH tag ID.
Note The sigpath and trunkgrp fields are independent keys, therefore they must follow a one-to-one mapping. BAMS does not allow duplicate entries in either column.
Updating the Skip CDB Table
Use the SKIPCDB tag ID to update the Skip CDB table. This table maintains a list of CDBs produced by the Cisco MGC that BAMS should not process. By default this table contains two values: 1020 and 1070.
mml:1>prov-add:SKIPCDB:id=1020Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 16:02:37B COMPLD;mml:1>prov-add:SKIPCDB:id=1070Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 16:02:51B COMPLD;In this example, the id field was set to 1020, and again to 1070.
Table 5-14 lists the field name that can be specified with the SKIPCDB tag ID.
Updating the Skip CDE Table
Use the SKIPCDE tag ID to update the Skip CDE table. This table maintains a list of CDEs produced by the Cisco MGC that BAMS should not process. By default this table is empty.
mml:1>prov-add:SKIPCDE:id=5000Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 16:02:37B COMPLD;In this example, the id field was set to 5000.
Table 5-15 lists field names and values that can be specified with the SKIPCDE tag ID.
Updating the Switch Information Table
Use the SWITCHINFO tag ID to update the Switch Information table. This table must be populated if BAF output has been enabled. For more information, see Chapter 6, "Configuring BAMS for BAF Output."
The values maintained in this table are customer-specific and must be obtained from Telcordia. Refer to the Telcordia/Bellcore document GR-478-CORE for more detailed descriptions of these fields.
mml:1:node01>prov-ed:switchinfo:sensortype="118",sensorid="999999",recoffctype="118", recoffcid="999999"Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-09-15 10:15:19B COMPLD"SWITCHINFO";In this example, the sensortype field was set to 118, the sensorid field was set to 999999, the recoffctype field was set to 118, and the recoffcid field was set to 999999.
Table 5-16 lists field names and values that can be specified with the SWITCHINFO tag ID.
Updating the Threshold Crossing Alarms Table
Use the TCA-TBL tag ID to update the Threshold Crossing Alarms (TCA) table.
Each TAG/TRK (where TAG is a user-defined value, and TRK is the trunk) can have a maximum of 43 measurements. A global TCA can be set up with a maximum of 43 measurements. Any TAG/TRK that does not have a specific TCA is checked against the global TCA.
For eight measurements, you can specify TAG/TRK/IC, where TAG is a user-defined value, TRK is the trunk, and IC is the interexchange carrier.
You need to know the carrier codes (for example, 0288 for AT&T). Enter three-digit codes as four digits with a 0 as the first digit. Refer to Chapter 12, "Obtaining Measurements," for additional information.
A special measurement group can be specified to apply to all TAG/TRK measurement groups that are not otherwise specified. This measurement group is identified by the name "global/0," where the TAG is "global" and the trunk group is "0."
If there is no global/0 defined, any measurement that does not have a specific threshold set for it is not checked. The measurement is still reported in the acc_x, acc_r, acc_h, or acc_d file, but no alarm is generated, regardless of the value.
If global/0 is defined, it is used when no specific thresholds have been specified for a trunk group. If you set thresholds for a specific TAG/TRK, only the specified values are checked. Any unspecified measurements within the TAG/TRK are ignored.
Note When setting up a global TCA for a trunk group, do not use a global measurement change for trunk groups where measurements are not used.
In Table 5-17, peg counts refer to statistics. Any number can be specified for the threshold values; the only limit is the field length. The condition values are as follows:
0 = Ignore, 1 = Less than, 2 = Equal, 3 = Greater than, and 4 = Not equal.
None of the fields shown in Table 5-17 are required fields. Each threshold is based on user-defined alarms. If you specify a value parameter, you must also specify its corresponding condition parameter, and vice versa. For each defined record, the id record field must be populated.
Note When setting up a TCA for all trunk groups, do not use a global measurement change for trunk groups where measurements are not used.
Once you use the prov-add command for all trunk groups, use the prov-ed command for all other trunk group changes.
Example (one trunk group):
mml:1>prov-add:tca-tbl:id="1/800",igr-call-att-cond=3,igr-call-att=5Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-06 15:45:32 B COMPLD "TCA-TBL" ;
In this example, the id field was set to 1/800, the igr-call-att-cond field was set to 3, and the igr-call-att field was set to 5.
Example (all trunk groups):
mml:1>prov-add:tca-tbl:id="global/0",igr-call-att-cond=3,igr-call-att=5Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-06 15:45:32 B COMPLD "TCA-TBL" ;
In this example, the id field was set to global/0, the igr-call-att-cond field was set to 3, and the igr-call-att field was set to 5.
Note To suppress a threshold condition, specify a value of 0 (ignore) with the prov-ed command. Do not use the prov-dlt command, because it deletes all thresholds for the specified id.
Table 5-17 lists field names and values that can be specified with the Threshold Crossing Alarm (TCA-TBL) tag ID.
1. This value is disabled and if populated, no alarm is generated.
Updating the Tollfree Table
Use the TOLLFREE tag ID to update the Tollfree table. The Tollfree table maintains the toll-free prefixes.
Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 16:25:17B COMPLD"TOLLFREE";In this example, the digits field was set to 800.
Table 5-18 lists the field name that can be specified with the TOLLFREE tag ID.
Updating the Trunk Group Table
Use the TRUNKGRP tag ID to update the Trunk Group table. The Trunk Group table provides information about each trunk group. This information determines if a call is originating or terminating. In addition, the default NPA is taken from here if only 7 digits are populated in the calling or called phone numbers.
Note When BAMS is configured in PGW Dynamic Update mode (for example, when PGW_DYNAMIC_UPDATE=TRUE), the circuits field does not appear in the Trunk Group table. For more information, see "Setting the PGW Dynamic Update Mode" section on page 2-20.
PGW Dynamic Update Mode = True
In this mode the circuits field is not included in the Trunk Group table. For more information, see "Setting the PGW Dynamic Update Mode" section on page 2-20.
Non-BAF Mode Example (where ORGNPA and TRMNPA are not required):
mml:3>Prov-add:trunkgrp:trunkgrp=1000,connection="T"mml:3>Prov-ed:trunkgrp:trunkgrp=1000,prefix="abc"BAF Mode Example (where ORGNPA and TRMNPA are required):
mml:3>PROV-ADD:TRUNKGRP:trunkgrp=1000,connection="T",ORGNPA="123",TRMNPA="456"mml:3>PROV-ADD:TRUNKGRP:trunkgrp=1000,connection="T",ORGNPA="123",TRMNPA="456", prefix="abc"TRUNKGRP—Trunk Group Table
Table 5-19 lists field names and values that can be specified with the TRUNKGRP tag ID.
Updating the Trunk Group Prefix Table
Note This table is only required for systems that are configured to produce NICS output. For more information, see Chapter 8, "Configuring BAMS for P01 Output."
Use the TKGPREFIX tag ID to update the Trunk Group Prefix table. The Trunk Group Prefix table provides information about each trunk group prefix. This table is used by the NIC task to produce NICS output. For each record to be processed, the NIC task does a TKGPREFIX table lookup based on the trunk group prefix of the ingress and egress trunks. If the prefix is found, the ingress and/or egress trunk type is assigned. By default this table is empty.
Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 16:26:06B COMPLD"TKGPREFIX";In this example, the prefix field was set to ABC and the type field was set to 1 (that is, PSTN).
Note To correctly provision the Trunk Group Prefix table, each unique value of the prefix field from the Trunk Group table (TRUNKGRP tag ID) must have an entry in the Trunk Group Prefix table that defines the trunk group type (PSTN, SIP, PGW, etc.).
TKGPREFIX—Trunk Group Prefix Table
Table 5-20 lists field names and values that can be specified with the TKGPREFIX tag ID.
Updating the Zone Information Table
Use the ZONE-INFO tag ID to update the Zone Information table. This table maintains zone membership information.
Billing and Measurements Server - BAMS-00 2004-10-08 16:27:08B COMPLD"ZONE-INFO";In this example, the zone field was set to 456, and the info field was set to zone2.
Table 5-21 lists field names and values that can be specified with the ZONE-INFO tag ID.