Wireless Priority Services


This feature has not been validated for all customer deployment scenarios. Please contact your Sales Account team for support.

Wireless Priority Service Overview

Reliable and secure telecommunications systems are necessary for effectively managing national security incidents and emergencies. The National Security and Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) is a set of voice, video, and data services that belong to services available from public packet-switched Service Providers and that provide priority services in support of NS/EP communications. The NS/EP communication systems include landline, wireless, broadcast, cable television, radio, public safety systems, satellite communications, and the Internet.

Wireless Priority Services (WPS) is one of the NS/EP communications programs that provide personnel priority access and prioritized processing in all nationwide and several regional cellular networks, increasing the probability of call completion.

WPS users, also known as first responders, are responsible for the command and control functions that are critical to the management of response to national security and emergencies. The Evolved Packet Core supports WPS calls that are received from WPS users, In the Cisco Policy Suite, Diameter based interfaces such as Gx and RX that support policy and charging control function for subscribers, captures call from WPS users.

Whenever calls received from WPS users require a separate handling of control plane IP packets, DSCP marking is used. The DSCP marking helps in differentiating WPS and non-WPS users and always call from WPS user to a normal non-WPS user is treated as highest priority.

When the network carries the traffic for WPS users, all the network elements individually and collectively must adhere to the following conditions:

  • Prioritization of Control Plane Traffic: WPS user’s control plane traffic is prioritized over other subscribers between different Network Functions in the LTE Core.

  • Priority Levels: P1, P2, and P3 are the three priority levels available for WPS users:

    • P1 and P2 users are identified in Home Subscriber System (HSS) and Gateway (GW)

    • Priority levels are used during session attach, bearer creation or during bearer modification

    • P1 and P2 WPS users are always treated as High Priority

    • When WPS -P1 user calls non-WPS user, non-WPS users and P3 WPS users are given high priority dynamically based on a call being placed

    • DSCP markings for prioritized user’s control plane IP packets is marked with DSCP=47 while all other users control packets IP packets is marked with DSCP=32


    In this release, only P1 Priority is supported.
  • Diameter Interfaces:

    • P-GW, Policy Change Rule Function (PCRF) and Diameter Routing Agent (DRA) uses the configuration of Diameter interfaces such as Gx and Rx interfaces to support policy and charging control for subscribers.

    • P-GW and S-GW uses Non-diameter interfaces such as S5 and S1U interfaces.

Characteristics of Low and High Priority Channels for Diameter Based Interfaces

Low Priority channels indicate normal priority users and High Priority channels indicate Wireless Priority services users during Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) markings. The peer connections towards DRA for P-GW (Gx) is shown in the Figures.

Figure 1. High-Level Overview of Low and High Priority Channels over Gx Interface
Figure 2. High-Level Overview of Low and High Priority Channels over Rx Interface

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Table 1. Low and High Priority Channels based on Gx or Rx Interfaces

Priority Channel

Diameter Interfaces


TCP Connection over IP layer

Diameter Host FQDN

Low Priority


Equal to 32


Not Modified

For example,



‘dra1’, ‘pcrf1

High Priority


Equal to 47


Specific to High Priority.

For example,






1 This channel is for non-WPS diameter messages but may carry WPS diameter messages in error scenarios, for example when all the WPS Peers are down.

Before you Begin

Enabling Wireless Priority Service Feature

Before you begin

Show or Hide Wireless Priority Service GUI Configuration

To show the WPS UI, perform the following steps:

  • Enter the flag showWPSGUI to “true” in pb.conf file at the pcrfclient.

  • Restart only the pcrfclient QNS process.

To hide the WPS UI, perform the following steps:

Figure 3. Show WPS GUI

To hide the WPS UI, perform the below steps:

  1. Enter the flag showWPSGUI to “false” in pb.conf file at the pcrfclient.

  2. Restart only the pcrfclient QNS process.

During upgrade it is recommended to set the value in the Installer or Cluster Manager at /etc/broadhop/pb.conf for this value to be persistent between upgrades.

Enabling Wireless Priority Service Feature


Step 1

Log in to the Policy Builder.

Step 2

Choose Systems > Plugin Configuration > Diameter Configuration .

Step 3

Check the WPS Prioritization check box to enable the WPS feature. You can publish the Policy Builder changes to run time environment.

Figure 4. Enabling WPS Feature and Functionality
By default, WPS UI is disabled in the Policy Builder.

Enabling DATA APN State Change

CPS allows Data APN Gx sessions for Wireless Priority Services based on the IMS APN State change. To enable DATA APN state change, you need to add the following parameters in the qns.conf file on the Policy Server (QNS).

Table 2. qns.conf Parameters




This parameter is used to enable DATA APN state change only based on IMS APN state.

Add -Dlwrwps3b.name=lwrwps3b in /etc/broadhop/qns.conf

Run copytoall.sh /etc/broadhop/qns.conf



This parameter is used to enable DATA APN state change based on the IMS APN state and the WPS prioritization table.

Add -Dgx.data.apn.update.based.on.wps.arp.table=true in /etc/broadhop/qns.conf

Run copytoall.sh /etc/broadhop/qns.conf

By default, -Dgx.data.apn.update.based.on.wps.arp.table value is false.

Configuring WPS on the Policy Builder

This section describes WPS configuration on the Policy Builder GUI.

Define Diameter Configuration for Wireless Priority Services

After you enable the WPS GUI and features, in the Cisco Policy Builder, you can add, remove, or view the WPS Prioritization parameters.

To define Diameter Configuration for WPS Prioritization at System level perform the following steps:


Step 1

Log in to the Policy Builder.

Step 2

Choose systems > Plugin Configurations > Diameter Configuration.

Step 3

In the WPS Prioritization area, define the following parameter details.

Table 3. Diameter Configuration Parameters



WPS Suffix

The WPS suffix is same across PGW, DRA and CPS.

  • You must use the same WPS suffix in Local endpoint FQDN, Outbound peer configuration in WPS stack, and Nexthop routing configuration for WPS Peers.

  • Default value is -wps .

Default WPS Priority

Default WPS Priority is the highest priority for the WPS messages at QNS. Enter the default priority for the WPS sessions that is configured.

  • If the WPS message does not have DRMP or MPS-Identifier AVP, then Default WPS Priority value will be applied for Gx and Rx messages

  • If the Policy Builder does not have configuration for DRMP Prioritization and Rx Message Prioritization, then default WPS priority is applied for WPS Messages.

  • Default value is 550.

WPS Message Prioritization

Configure list of values for APN Name, QCI and ARP PL values. The configured values will be used to mark Gx/Rx session as WPS or Non-WPS.

Figure 5. WPS Prioritization Configuration

DRMP Configuration for WPS

Use the DRMP Prioritization parameters to configure the highest priority value that is eqaul to or greater than Default WPS Priority (for example, 550).

To define a DRMP configuration, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Policy Builder.

  2. Choose Systems > Plugin Configurations > Diameter Configuration.

  3. In the DRMP field, specify 0. DRMP 0 is considered as the highest DRMP value in DRMP Configuration.

Figure 6. Inbound DRMP Prioritization Configuration for WPS

WPS messages received over Non-WPS channel contains DRMP AVP set to 0 (Zero) in the request. For more information about DRMP Prioritization parameters, refer to the Diameter Configuration section the CPS Mobile Configuration Guide.

Rx Message Prioritization

Use the Rx Message Prioritization parameters to mark the WPS specific MPS-Identifier and Reservation Priority.

Table 4. Rx Message Prioritization Parameter



WPS Enabled

Check the WPS Enabled check box to:

  • Configure a highest priority value that is equal to or greater than Default WPS Priority.

  • Use this configuration to mark the Rx session state as WPS or Non-WPS.

Multiple values in Rx message prioritization table are not supported in the same row.

Next Hop Routing Configurations

To resolve Next Hop host based on Destination-Host parameter in the outbound request messages (for example, Gx_RAR). Destination Host Pattern should match with WPS Suffix. You can add WPS specific configuration as a first entry in the Next Hop Routes before common configurations for Gx and Rx application.

Figure 7. Next Hop Routing

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Overload Protection at Load Balancer

Setting up the Load Balancer (LB) level overload protection parameters allows you to avoid overload at Load Balancer. The following is a sample Diameter Configuration for overload protection at LB.

Figure 8. Diameter Configuration Parameters

The following parameters can be configured in the Diameter Configuration area on the Policy Builder.

Table 5. Priority-based Peer Group



Diameter Message Count Threshold for PD-WPS Reservation Percent

WPS Reservation percentage is used to reserve Diameter Message Count Threshold for PD to allow WPS messages in case common threshold is reached.

The following process happens:

  • Whenever request comes to Load Balancer, it increases the count and tracks the messages.

  • Whenever the corresponding message is processed at QNS and sends back response message at Load Balancer, it decreases the count of messages.

  • If the count exceeds threshold value, then it starts dropping the Non-WPS diameter messages configured.

  • If the number of messages exceeds unreserved threshold value, PCRF checks for the message type WPS or Non-WPS and following process may occur:

    • Drops Non-WPS Messages.

    • PCRF uses reserved threshold 1 % of Diameter Message Count Threshold to process WPS Messages.

    • If the threshold still exceeds, PCRF will reject WPS messages based on the discard behavior.

Make sure to configure Diameter Message Action on Threshold and Diameter Message Count Threshold for PD values. This threshold is only applicable for the messages that are configured in Diameter Message Action area.

Max TPS per PD-WPS Reservation Percent

Specify a Max TPS per limit value to calculate the common rate limit. All messages uses the common rate limit based on the following formulae:

Max TPS per PD” – (“WPS Reservation %”/100) *Max TPS per PD

If the common limiter reaches the max limit, the message is checked for one of the following criteria:

  • Non-WPS – Drops or Sends Diameter BUSY as per configuration

  • WPS – Uses the Reservation limiter

If the reservation limiter also reaches the maximum limit, the following action happens:

  • WPS or Non-WPS Drops or Sends Diameter BUSY as per configuration

It is recommended to define the WPS Reservation for Max TPS Per PD and Diameter message count threshold at 1 percent. This solution is designed considering WPS Load on overall TPS per PD does not exceed 3 percent.

Configuring WPS and Non-WPS Stack for Rx or Gx Interfaces


This feature has not been validated for all customer deployment scenarios. Please contact your Sales Account team for support.

Currently, Wireless Priority Service (WPS) feature supports only Gx and Rx interfaces and allows you to add multiple connection pools for every peer endpoint based on the following mechanisms:

  • Policy Charging Rule Function (PCRF) creates two stacks for each diameter interface. One is for Non-WPS stack configuration and another one is for WPS stack configuration.

  • PCRF adds two different TCP peer connections for Gx interface and two differentTCP peer connections for Rx interface for single diameter endpoint from Load Balancer (LB).

  • Each diameter endpoint at LB establishes two separate TCP peer connections with Diameter Routing Agent (DRA) based only on the Policy Builder (PB) stack configuration.

  • Gx peer connects from one diameter endpoint with DRA endpoint using two different TCP peer connections. Similar type of connection is applicable to Rx peers.

  • PCRF uses the WPS Suffix in the Diameter Configuration in the Policy Builder and configures the WPS stack local endpoints FQDN accordingly.

At the time of creating two TCP peer connections, two different stacks for Gx and Rx interfaces are created that share the same instance number but uses different FQDN host and different port.

Use one TCP peer connection to handle Non-WPS messages that have normal priority and another TCP peer connection for WPS messages, which has the higher priority.

For more information, see the Creating Muliple Connection Pools for each Support for Multiple Connection Pools per Peer Endpoint section in CPS Mobile Configuration Guide.

Creating Multiple Stacks for WPS and Non-WPS

Use the Policy Builder to create two Diameter peer connections with two different stack configurations at System Level for Gx and Rx interfaces for WPS or Non-WPS peers.


Step 1

In the,Policy Builder click the Reference Data tab.

Step 2

In the left pane, choose Systems > Expand your system name.

If you are creating the Diameter Stack configurations at Cluster Level, choose systems > Expand the Cluster name.
Step 3

Expand the,Plugin Configurations and then choose Diameter Configuration.

Step 4

In the right pane, click the Diameter Stack under Create Child and create four different diameters for both Gx and Rx Interfaces as shown in the Figure.

Figure 9. Create Diameter Stack for Gx and Rx Interfaces

To add P-GW realm to inbound Peers Realm for Gx WPS: Stack Configuration:

Step 5

Choose the gx_stack-wps configuration.

Step 6

In the Diameter Stack area, enter the Name and Realm values.

Step 7

In the Inbound Peers area, click Add to add P-GW Realm to the inbound Peers Realm. This processes the request messages properly and sends back to the correct destination. For more information about Inbound Peers parameters, refer the Diameter Stack Configuration section in the CPS Mobile Configuration Guide.

Figure 10. Inbound Peers Configuration for Gx Stack WPS
Step 8

In the Outbound Peers area, configure the DRA Peers and Realms. Make sure to configure the DRA Peers as WPS peers as shown in the Figure. For more information about Outbound Peers parameters, refer the Diameter Stack configuration section in the CPS Mobile Configuration Guide.

Figure 11. Outbound Peers Configuration for Gx Stack WPS
Step 9

In the Local End Points area, the FQDN displays the value configured in WPS Suffix field.

Do not use WPS suffix in between the name or as a prefix in FQDN.
Figure 12. Local End Points Configuration for Gx Stack WPS
  1. In the Diameter Stack configuration, if WPS FQDN aligns with value in WPS Suffix then:

  • PCRF matches WPS suffix configuration with local Peer’s FQDN data internally.

  • If the suffix matches, then PCRF treats messages as WPS message.

PCRF displays the WPS and Non-WPS peer values while establishing connection with DRA.

The same WPS and Non-WPS peer values are used to resolve the corresponding peer while sending response message from CPS. PCRF uses the same process to identify whether it is a normal message or WPS priority message.

  1. In the DSCP Value field, view the DSCP markings for the endpoints.

  • By default, DSCP value is 0

  • For WPS endpoints, DSCP value is 47

  • For Non-WPS endpoints, DSCP value is 32

To add P-GW realm to inbound Peers Realm for Rx WPS: Stack Configuration:

Step 10

Choose the rx_stack-wps configuration.

Step 11

In the Diameter Stack area, enter the Name and Realm values.

Step 12

In the Inbound Peers area, click Add to add PCSCF Realm to the inbound Peers Realms. This processes the request messages properly and sends back to the correct destination. For more information about Inbound Peers parameters, refer the Diameter Stack Configuration section in the CPS Mobile Configuration Guide.

Figure 13. Inbound Peers Configuration for Rx Stack WPS
Step 13

In the Outbound Peers area, configure the DRA Peers and Realms. Make sure to configure the DRA Peers as WPS peers with wps suffix (example, rx1_tcpdra01-wps) as shown in the figure. For more information about Outbound Peers parameters, refer the Diameter Stack configuration section in the CPS Mobile Configuration Guide.

Figure 14. Local End Points Configuration for Rx Stack WPS
Step 14

In the Local End Points area, the FQDN displays the value configured in the WPS Suffix field.

Do not use WPS suffix in between the name or as a prefix in FQDN.
Figure 15. Local End Points Configuration for Rx Stack WPS
For more information about Local End Points configuration parameters, refer the Diameter Stack Configuration section in the CPS Mobile Configuration Guide.

DSCP Marking in Peer Connection

If the user earlier has configured DSCP rules in IP table on Virtual machines using DSCPConfig.csv file, it is recommended to modify DSCPConfig.csv file such that the system level configuration do not overwrite the DSCP configured in PCRF application.

To configure DSCP, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Policy Builder, configure the DSCP Value on Local End Points configuration for a diameter stack.

  2. To configure DSCP on PB GUI:

    • In the Local End Points Configuration area, specify the DSCP Value to configure the DSCP value for the endpoints. By default, DSCP value is set to 32.

    • For WPS endpoints, DSCP value should be configured as 47.

    • For all other endpoints, DSCP value should be configured as 32.

    • The DSCP value is set in the IP Header while sending the messages from PCRF.


    PCRF uses the configured value of DSCP value only if the WPS feature is enabled. If WPS feature is disabled, then the DSCP takes value as “0” irrespective of the configuration on the Policy Builder.
  3. Publish the Policy Builder changes to take effect


    Perform this step only if the DSCP rules in IP table on Virtual machines using DSCPConfig.csv file.
    • Update /var/qps/config/deploy/csv/DSCPConfig.csv to remove entry for LB VMs for the Role Parameter in the CSV file.

    • Import CSV file using /var/qps/install/current/scripts/import/import_deploy.sh

    • Re-initialize all VMs using /var/qps/install/current/scripts/upgrade/reinit.sh

Figure 16. Re-Initializing all VMs

WPS Peer:

You can view the DSCP values configured at Local endpoints for the selected WPS peer. If required, you can edit the DSCP value

Figure 17. View DSCP values for WPS Peer

Non-WPS Peer:

You can view the DSCP values configured at Local endpoints for the selected Non-WPS peer.

Figure 18. View DSCP values for Non-WPS Peer

Identifying WPS and Non-WPS Messages at Load Balancer

You can identify WPS and Non-WPS messages at Load Balancer (LB) based on:

  • Channels on which messages are received: WPS Socket connections (Channel) are established based on the WPS FQDN configurations on stack. The messages received over the WPS Channel display the WPS FQDN information. If the FQDN suffix matches with WPS Suffix, then PCRF decides the message as WPS message else, PCRF decides the message as Non-WPS.

  • Origin-Host AVP in request messages: If all the high priority connection links are down between PCRF and DRA, WPS messages are sent from DRA in Non-WPS channel with Origin-Host AVP as pgw-wps . If the Origin-Host AVP value matches with WPS Suffix, then PCRF decides the message as WPS message .

  • DRMP AVP in Gx request message: If the DRMP AVP value equals Zero in the request message, then PCRF decides the message as WPS message .

  • MPS-Identifier and Reservation Priority AVP in Rx request message: If the MPS-Identifier and Reservation Priority value matches against PB configuration in “Rx Message Prioritization”, then PCRF decides the message as WPS message .


Origin-Host AVP, DRMP, MPS-Identifier, and Reservation Priority are checked when messages received over low priority channel.

Add Internal Custom AVP in WPS Request Message

PCRF adds Internal Custom AVP in the request message for WPS. The Custom AVP values are used at Load Balancer (LB) to decide on which channel PCRF require to send the message to DRA. Following conditions apply:

  • .If a WPS message is received over WPS Channel, the Custom AVP value is set to 1 .

  • If a WPS messages received over Non-WPS Channel, the Custom AVP value is set to 2 .

  • For Non-WPS messages, NO Custom AVP will be added.

Prioritize WPS and Non-WPS Messages at QNS

The following rule is used to add Highest Priority for WPS messages:

  • After the request message is received at QNS, QNS checks for the Custom AVP in the message.

  • If the Internal Custom AVP is present in the message, then message is treated with highest priority.

Gx Inbound Messages Prioritization

The priority value for Gx Message is displayed based on DRMP AVP value and the configured value in “DRMP Message Prioritization” under Diameter configuration.

  • If DRMP AVP value matches with PB configuration, corresponding priority value is sent to message at QNS.

    Example : DRMP=0 ; Priority =560
  • If no match is available, then the default WPS priority value is considered.

    Example: Default 550

Rx Inbound Messages Prioritization

The priority value for Rx Message is displayed based on MPS-Identifier and Reservation Priority AVP value. The Priority value should match with the configured value in Rx Message Prioritization under Diameter Configuration.

  • If MPS-Identifier & Reservation Priority AV value matches with PB configuration and if the WPS Enabled check box is selected, then priority is sent to message at QNS.

    MPS Identifier  = NGEN GETS  & ReservationPriority  =  15
              Priority = 560
  • If no match is found, then the default WPS priority value is considered.

    Example: Default 550

Marking Gx and Rx Session State based on Post Policy Evaluation

Marking of Gx and Rx WPS Session is based on post policy evaluation of APN, QCI, and ARP values matching with the below combination of configuration in the Policy Builder:

  • Gx session state is moved to WPS, if default bearer, dedicated bearer, or any charging rule that has ARP PL, QCI, APN is matched with configured values in the Policy Builder. The following conditions apply during the configuration:

    • QCI and APN evaluation formula is calculated based on the AND approach. The example in the table describes the AND approach:

    Table 6. Logic for QCI and APN Evaluation Calculation




    Evaluation Formulae




    (IMS && (QCI==66 || qci==69))




    (IMS && (ARP==1 || ARP==2)




    (Data && (QCI==3) && (ARP ==1))

    • PCRF parses through each row in the above table for each bearer.

    • PCRF evaluates each row as an AND between APN, QCI and ARP columns.

    • Allows Comma separated list for each column (APN, QCI and ARP).

    • Supports only '*' regex is supported in the configuration. PCRF does not support other regex patterns.

    • If PCRF find matches with the corresponding match then, it marks the session asWPS .

Marking Gx Session State

You can define the Gx session state based on Post Policy Evaluation results of each charging rules; APN/ARP PL/QCI values in Gx Session. If any of charging rule’s ARP Priority Levels, QCI values, APN matches with the configured values in WPS Message Prioritization, and Rx session state for that Gx is in wps state, then PCRF marks the session as WPS.


Gx session should have atleast one Rx session in wps state.

Marking Rx Session State

PCRF sets Rx session state first based on MPS-Identifier and Reservation Priority Attribute Value Pair in the request:

  • If Custom AVP is present and if there is no MPS and RP in message, then Rx session WPS state will be set based on the post policy evaluation.

  • If Rx session state is set as WPS based on MPS-Identifier and Reservation Priority AVP, then PCRF skips the post policy evaluation.

Figure 19. Rx Message Prioritization
Table 7. Rx Message Prioritization Parameters



MPS Identifier

MPS-Identifier indicates that an AF session relates to an MPS session. It contains the national variant for MPS service name.

MPS-Identifier value = <NS (National Security) Specific To Deployment>

Reservation Priority

The AF specifies the Reservation-Priority AVP at request level in the AA-Request to:

  • Assign a priority to the AF session.

  • Specify the Reservation-Priority AVP at the media-component-description AVP level to assign a priority to the IPflow.

The Reservation-Priority AVP available at the request level only is used under Rx Message Prioritization table.

Range: Any number.
Example: 10


A user-defined priority based on MPS-Identifier and Reservation-Priority combination.

Make sure that the Message priority defined in Rx Message Prioritization table should be unique for every row.

Range: Any number (User priority)

Example: 10

WPS Enabled

Check the WPS Enabled check box to:

  • Configure a highest priority value that is equal to or greater than.Default WPS Priority

  • Mark the WPS-specific MPS-Identifier and Reservation Priority value. If the values are matched with Rx Message Prioritization configuration, the Rx Session state is set to WPS.

    Example: MPS Identifier = NGEN GETS and Reservation Priority = 15 & WPS Enabled= true


Based on the Post Policy Evaluation of APN, ARP, and QCI Charging rules:

  • Rx Session state is set based on Post Policy Evaluation results of corresponding Rx session charging rules APN/ARP PL/QCI values.

  • If any of charging rule’s ARP PL/QCI values and APN matches with the configured values in the WPS Message Prioritization, then PCRF marks the session as WPS.

Switching the Session between WPS and Non-WPS State

You can switch the sessions during the upgrade of Gx Non-WPS session to Gx WPS session. If Gx is a Non-WPS session and the corresponding Rx session is WPS session, then during the upgrade the Gx session is switched from Non-WPS state to WPS state.

You can switch the sessions during the downgrade of Gx WPS Session to Gx Non-WPS session. After upgrading Gx to WPS session, then Gx WPS session gets downgraded to Gx Non-WPS session.

Create a Use Case Template and Actions

To perform Data APN change configurations perform the following steps:

  1. Create a user case templates and add service configurationsfors:.

    To create User Case Templates follow the steps:

    1. In the Policy Builder, choose your newly created Use case Template.

    2. In the Use Case Templates area, under User Case Initiators > Actions > Documentation add a Service Configuration.

    3. Click Add to open the Select Service Configuration window.

    4. Choose udcclient > synclocalattributes In the right pane, choose the required SyncLocalAttributes Parameter check boxes, and then click OK. You can view the newly configuraed sunclocalattritutes parameters as shown figure.

      Figure 20. View the newly created synclocalattributes

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      For more information about creating Use Case Tempates, refer the Use Case Templates section in the CPS Mobile Configuration Guide.


      Similarly, you can create a lwrwps3b Use Case Template and create a Service Configuration for BindingUDCAttributeForRx using lwrwps use case template.

    Add Service Configurations:

    1. Under Serviceops, choose the newly created use case templates.

    2. In the Service Option area, specify lwrwps3b as value for the udc Attribute Name, enter #, and then add the logical APN for the udcattribute.


      If required, use the Browse icon to pull the Logical APN from the Customer Reference Data Column for the Attribute Value.

      The following figure is an example of a new service cnfiguration for lwrwps3b using lwrwps use case template.

      Figure 21. BindUdcAForRx Parameters

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      For more information about creating Service Options, refer the Service Option section in the CPS Mobile Configuration Guide.

  2. Add the corresponding Service Option to the Services.

    1. In the Service area, Enter the IMS Service Code and Name.

    2. Add both service options into the service. For example, you can add lwrwps3b service option to the corresponsing lwrwps use case template as per the requirements.

    Figure 22. Mapping the Service Option with a Service

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  3. (Optional) Map the services with a Domain under the Additonal Profile Data. For example, add lwrwps3b with the respective Domain. For more information, refer the RetrievingSubscriber Profile from an UDC Server section in the CPS Mobile Configuration Guide.

    Figure 23. Add a Service Option in a Domain

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Mapping Attributes with Data APN

You can map the attribute name with Data APN. For example, the following figure shows how the lwrwps3b is mapped with a Logical APN under Udc Reference Data.

Figure 24. Example: Mapping Logical APN with a Newly Created Attribute Name

Disable WPS Feature

To disable a WPS functionality at any point of tiime at system level, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Policy Builder.

  2. Choose Systems > Plugin Configuration > Diameter Configuration

  3. Uncheck the WPS Prioritization check box to diisable the WPS feature.

  4. In the left pane, remove both gx_stack-wps and rx_stack-wps configuration under Diameter Configuration.

  5. Publish the changes to the run environment.


Following are the limitations:

  • MOG/UDC/LWR impacts are not supported.

  • Only Gx/Rx interfaces are supported for WPS feature.