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Este documento describe cómo utilizar la herramienta de captura de CPU FED (Forwarding Engine Driver).
No hay requisitos específicos para este documento.
Este documento está restringido a las plataformas de switching Catalyst que ejecutan Cisco IOS 16.X y versiones posteriores.
La información que contiene este documento se creó a partir de los dispositivos en un ambiente de laboratorio específico. Todos los dispositivos que se utilizan en este documento se pusieron en funcionamiento con una configuración verificada (predeterminada). Si tiene una red en vivo, asegúrese de entender el posible impacto de cualquier comando.
La herramienta de captura de paquetes de la CPU de la FED ayuda a identificar los datos que atraviesan el plano de control y proporciona información sobre el tráfico impulsado (paquetes de ASIC a CPU) o inyectado (paquetes de CPU a ASIC).
Utilice esta tabla para las opciones de configuración
Definición | Configuración |
Configuración predeterminada de captura de paquetes para punt o inyección | debug platform software fed switch active <punt | inject> packet-capture <start | stop> |
Mostrar los paquetes capturados | show platform software fed switch active <punt | inject> packet-capture <brief | detail> |
Defina el tamaño del búfer y el tipo de captura | debug platform software fed switch active <punt | inject> packet-capture buffer [circular] limit <#packets> |
Definir el filtrado de capturas para los paquetes mostrados | show platform software fed switch active <punt | inject> packet-capture display-filter <filter>
Mostrar estado de captura | show platform software fed switch active <punt | inject> packet-capture status |
Esta herramienta crea un búfer para la captura de hasta 4096 (configuración predeterminada) paquetes punteados o inyectados desde que se ha habilitado.
Cat9k#debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture start
Punt packet capturing started.
Cat9k#debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture stop Punt packet capturing stopped. Captured 263 packet(s)
Cat9k#show platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture brief Punt packet capturing: disabled. Buffer wrapping: disabled Total captured so far: 263 packets. Capture capacity : 4096 packets ------ Punt Packet Number: 1, Timestamp: 2020/04/10 18:15:53.499 ------ interface : physical: GigabitEthernet1/0/1[if-id: 0x00000008], pal: Vlan20 [if-id: 0x00000076] metadata : cause: 29 [RP handled ICMP], sub-cause: 0, q-no: 6, linktype: MCP_LINK_TYPE_IP [1] ether hdr : dest mac: 084f.a940.fa56, src mac: 380e.4d77.4f66 ether hdr : vlan: 20, ethertype: 0x8100 ipv4 hdr : dest ip:, src ip: ipv4 hdr : packet len: 40, ttl: 255, protocol: 17 (UDP) udp hdr : dest port: 3785, src port: 49152 ------ Punt Packet Number: 2, Timestamp: 2020/04/10 18:15:53.574 ------ interface : physical: GigabitEthernet1/0/1[if-id: 0x00000008], pal: Vlan20 [if-id: 0x00000076] metadata : cause: 45 [BFD control], sub-cause: 0, q-no: 27, linktype: MCP_LINK_TYPE_IP [1] ether hdr : dest mac: 084f.a940.fa56, src mac: 380e.4d77.4f66 ether hdr : vlan: 20, ethertype: 0x8100 ipv4 hdr : dest ip:, src ip: ipv4 hdr : packet len: 40, ttl: 254, protocol: 17 (UDP)
Cat9k#show platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture detailed F340.04.11-9300-1#$e fed switch active punt packet-capture detailed Punt packet capturing: disabled. Buffer wrapping: disabled Total captured so far: 263 packets. Capture capacity : 4096 packets ------ Punt Packet Number: 1, Timestamp: 2020/04/10 18:15:53.499 ------ interface : physical: GigabitEthernet1/0/1[if-id: 0x00000008], pal: Vlan20 [if-id: 0x00000076] metadata : cause: 29 [RP handled ICMP], sub-cause: 0, q-no: 6, linktype: MCP_LINK_TYPE_IP [1] ether hdr : dest mac: 084f.a940.fa56, src mac: 380e.4d77.4f66 ether hdr : vlan: 20, ethertype: 0x8100 ipv4 hdr : dest ip:, src ip: ipv4 hdr : packet len: 40, ttl: 255, protocol: 17 (UDP) udp hdr : dest port: 3785, src port: 49152 Packet Data Hex-Dump (length: 68 bytes) : 084FA940FA56380E 4D774F668100C014 080045C00028CC8E 0000FF11DA5A0A0B 00030A0B0003C000 0EC90014B6BE0000 0000000000010009 6618000000000000 D54ADEEB Doppler Frame Descriptor : fdFormat = 0x4 systemTtl = 0xc loadBalHash1 = 0x10 loadBalHash2 = 0x2 spanSessionMap = 0 forwardingMode = 0 destModIndex = 0x1 skipIdIndex = 0x38 srcGpn = 0x1 qosLabel = 0 srcCos = 0x4 ingressTranslatedVlan = 0x5 bpdu = 0 spanHistory = 0 sgt = 0 fpeFirstHeaderType = 0 srcVlan = 0x14 rcpServiceId = 0x3 wccpSkip = 0 srcPortLeIndex = 0 cryptoProtocol = 0 debugTagId = 0 vrfId = 0 saIndex = 0 pendingAfdLabel = 0 destClient = 0xb appId = 0 finalStationIndex = 0 decryptSuccess = 0 encryptSuccess = 0 rcpMiscResults = 0 stackedFdPresent = 0 spanDirection = 0 egressRedirect = 0x1 redirectIndex = 0 exceptionLabel = 0x20 destGpn = 0x1 inlineFd = 0x1 suppressRefPtrUpdate = 0 suppressRewriteSideEfects = 0 cmi2 = 0x320 currentRi = 0x1 currentDi = 0 dropIpUnreachable = 0 srcZoneId = 0 srcAsicId = 0 originalDi = 0x5338 originalRi = 0 srcL3IfIndex = 0x2f dstL3IfIndex = 0x2f dstVlan = 0 frameLength = 0x44 fdCrc = 0x4c tunnelSpokeId = 0 isPtp = 0 ieee1588TimeStampValid = 0 ieee1588TimeStamp55_48 = 0 lvxSourceRlocIpAddress = 0 sgtCachingNeeded = 0 Doppler Frame Descriptor Hex-Dump : 0000010044004C02 8004424C00000100 0000000040000100 0000230514000000 0000000000000030 0020000000000B00 380000532F000100 0000002F00000000
Para validar el estado actual de la captura, puede utilizar el siguiente comando.
Cat9k#show platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture status
Punt packet capturing: enabled. Buffer wrapping: enabled (wrapped 0 times)
Total captured so far: 110 packets. Capture capacity : 6000 packets
La herramienta de captura de paquetes FED de punt/inyección se ha mejorado para permitir el ajuste de la configuración del tamaño y el tipo del búfer de paquetes para crear capturas de paquetes lineales o circulares.
Cat9k#debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture buffer ? circular Circular capture limit Number of packets to capture
La primera opción de configuración del búfer es limitar el número de paquetes (el tamaño predeterminado es 4096 paquetes) que se envían al búfer. Una vez alcanzado el límite de tamaño del búfer, no se recopilan más paquetes (no se empaqueta el búfer).
Cat9k#debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture buffer limit ? <256-16384> Number of packets to capture
Cat9k#debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture buffer limit 5000 Punt PCAP buffer configure: one-time with buffer size 5000...done
La segunda opción de configuración del búfer es establecer un búfer circular para los paquetes (el tamaño predeterminado del búfer es 4096 paquetes). Una vez alcanzado el límite de tamaño del búfer circular, los datos antiguos se sustituyen por los nuevos datos del búfer (ajuste del búfer).
Cat9k#debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture buffer circular ? limit Number of packets to capture Cat9k#debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture buffer circular limit ? <256-16384> Number of packets to capture
Cat9k#debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture buffer circular limit 6000 Punt PCAP buffer configure: circular with buffer size 6000...done
La captura de paquetes se puede ejecutar de nuevo con los mismos parámetros.
Cat9k#debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture start Punt packet capturing started. Cat9k#show platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture status Punt packet capturing: enabled. Buffer wrapping: enabled (wrapped 0 times) Total captured so far: 110 packets. Capture capacity : 6000 packets Cat9k#debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture stop Punt packet capturing stopped. Captured 426 packet(s) Cat9k#show platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture brief Punt packet capturing: disabled. Buffer wrapping: enabled (wrapped 0 times) Total captured so far: 426 packets. Capture capacity : 6000 packets ------ Punt Packet Number: 1, Timestamp: 2020/04/10 23:37:14.884 ------ interface : physical: GigabitEthernet1/0/1[if-id: 0x00000008], pal: Vlan20 [if-id: 0x00000076] metadata : cause: 29 [RP handled ICMP], sub-cause: 0, q-no: 6, linktype: MCP_LINK_TYPE_IP [1] ether hdr : dest mac: 084f.a940.fa56, src mac: 380e.4d77.4f66 ether hdr : vlan: 20, ethertype: 0x8100 ipv4 hdr : dest ip:, src ip: ipv4 hdr : packet len: 40, ttl: 255, protocol: 17 (UDP) udp hdr : dest port: 3785, src port: 49152 ------ Punt Packet Number: 2, Timestamp: 2020/04/10 23:37:14.899 ------ interface : physical: GigabitEthernet1/0/1[if-id: 0x00000008], pal: Vlan20 [if-id: 0x00000076] metadata : cause: 45 [BFD control], sub-cause: 0, q-no: 27, linktype: MCP_LINK_TYPE_IP [1] ether hdr : dest mac: 084f.a940.fa56, src mac: 380e.4d77.4f66 ether hdr : vlan: 20, ethertype: 0x8100 ipv4 hdr : dest ip:, src ip: ipv4 hdr : packet len: 40, ttl: 254, protocol: 17 (UDP) udp hdr : dest port: 3785, src port: 49152 --snip--
La herramienta de captura de paquetes FED de inserción/punteo se ha mejorado para permitir la visualización de paquetes y opciones de filtro.
Una vez que se ha completado una captura sin un filtro, se puede revisar para mostrar sólo la información en la que está interesado.
Cat9k#show platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture display-filter "ip.src==" brief Punt packet capturing: disabled. Buffer wrapping: enabled (wrapped 0 times) Total captured so far: 426 packets. Capture capacity : 6000 packets ------ Punt Packet Number: 2, Timestamp: 2020/04/10 23:37:14.899 ------ interface : physical: GigabitEthernet1/0/1[if-id: 0x00000008], pal: Vlan20 [if-id: 0x00000076] metadata : cause: 45 [BFD control], sub-cause: 0, q-no: 27, linktype: MCP_LINK_TYPE_IP [1] ether hdr : dest mac: 084f.a940.fa56, src mac: 380e.4d77.4f66 ether hdr : vlan: 20, ethertype: 0x8100 ipv4 hdr : dest ip:, src ip: ipv4 hdr : packet len: 40, ttl: 254, protocol: 17 (UDP) udp hdr : dest port: 3785, src port: 49152 ------ Punt Packet Number: 4, Timestamp: 2020/04/10 23:37:15.023 ------ interface : physical: GigabitEthernet1/0/1[if-id: 0x00000008], pal: Vlan20 [if-id: 0x00000076] metadata : cause: 29 [RP handled ICMP], sub-cause: 0, q-no: 6, linktype: MCP_LINK_TYPE_IP [1] ether hdr : dest mac: 084f.a940.fa56, src mac: 380e.4d77.4f66 ether hdr : vlan: 20, ethertype: 0x8100 ipv4 hdr : dest ip:, src ip: ipv4 hdr : packet len: 40, ttl: 255, protocol: 17 (UDP) udp hdr : dest port: 3785, src port: 49152
Dado que no se trata de Wireshark, no se admiten todos los filtros de Wireshark. Utilice el comando display-filter-help para ver las distintas opciones disponibles para el filtrado.
Cat9k#show platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture display-filter-help FED Punject specific filters : 1. fed.cause FED punt or inject cause 2. fed.linktype FED linktype 3. fed.pal_if_id FED platform interface ID 4. fed.phy_if_id FED physical interface ID 5. fed.queue FED Doppler hardware queue 6. fed.subcause FED punt or inject sub cause Generic filters supported : 7. arp Is this an ARP packet 8. bootp DHCP packets [Macro] 9. cdp Is this a CDP packet 10. eth Does the packet have an Ethernet header 11. eth.addr Ethernet source or destination MAC address 12. eth.dst Ethernet destination MAC address 13. eth.ig IG bit of ethernet destination address (broadcast/multicast) 14. eth.src Ethernet source MAC address 15. eth.type Ethernet type 16. gre Is this a GRE packet 17. icmp Is this a ICMP packet 18. icmp.code ICMP code 19. icmp.type ICMP type 20. icmpv6 Is this a ICMPv6 packet 21. icmpv6.code ICMPv6 code 22. icmpv6.type ICMPv6 type 23. ip Does the packet have an IPv4 header 24. ip.addr IPv4 source or destination IP address 25. ip.dst IPv4 destination IP address 26. ip.flags.df IPv4 dont fragment flag 27. ip.flags.mf IPv4 more fragments flag 28. ip.frag_offset IPv4 fragment offset 29. ip.proto Protocol used in datagram 30. ip.src IPv4 source IP address 31. ip.ttl IPv4 time to live 32. ipv6 Does the packet have an IPv4 header 33. ipv6.addr IPv6 source or destination IP address 34. ipv6.dst IPv6 destination IP address 35. ipv6.hlim IPv6 hot limit 36. ipv6.nxt IPv6 next header 37. ipv6.plen IPv6 payload length 38. ipv6.src IPv6 source IP address 39. stp Is this a STP packet 40. tcp Does the packet have a TCP header 41. tcp.dstport TCP destination port 42. tcp.port TCP source OR destination port 43. tcp.srcport TCP source port 44. udp Does the packet have a UDP header 45. udp.dstport UDP destination port 46. udp.port UDP source OR destination port 47. udp.srcport UDP source port 48. vlan.id Vlan ID (dot1q or qinq only) 49. vxlan Is this a VXLAN packet
Antes del inicio de la captura de paquetes, puede definir un filtro para ayudar a capturar solamente el tráfico específico.
C9300#debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture set-filter "ip.src== && tcp.port == 179" Filter setup successful. Captured packets will be cleared C9300#show platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture status Punt packet capturing: disabled. Buffer wrapping: enabled (wrapped 0 times) Total captured so far: 0 packets. Capture capacity : 6000 packets Capture filter : "ip.src== && tcp.port == 179" C9300#debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture clear-filter Filter cleared. Captured packets will be cleared C9300#show platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture status Punt packet capturing: disabled. Buffer wrapping: enabled (wrapped 0 times) Total captured so far: 0 packets. Capture capacity : 6000 packets
A partir de la versión 17.6.1, puede ordenar los paquetes capturados por los usuarios más activos en función de un campo especificado.
Switch#show platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture cpu-top-talker ?
cause-code occurences of cause-code
dst_ipv4 occurrences on dst_ipv4
dst_ipv6 occurrences on dst_ipv4
dst_l4 occurences of L4 destination
dst_mac Occurrences of dst_mac
eth_type Occurrences of eth_type
incoming-interface occurences of incoming-interface
ipv6_hoplt occurences of hoplt
protocol occurences of layer4 protocol
src_dst_port occurences of layer4 src_dst_port
src_ipv4 occurrences on src_ipv4
src_ipv6 occurrences on src_ipv6
src_l4 occurences of L4 source
src_mac Occurrences of src_mac
summary occurences of all in summary
ttl occurrences on ttl
vlan Occurrences of vlan
Switch#show platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture cpu-top-talker dst_mac
Punt packet capturing: disabled. Buffer wrapping: disabled
Total captured so far: 224 packets. Capture capacity : 4096 packets
Sr.no. Value/Key Occurrence
1 01:80:c2:00:00:00 203
2 01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc 21
Switch#show platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture cpu-top-talker summary
Punt packet capturing: disabled. Buffer wrapping: disabled
Total captured so far: 224 packets. Capture capacity : 4096 packets
L2 Top Talkers:
224 Source mac 00:27:90:be:20:84
203 Dest mac 01:80:c2:00:00:00
L3 Top Talkers:
L4 Top Talkers:
Internal Top Talkers:
224 Interface FortyGigabitEthernet2/1/2
224 CPU Queue Layer2 control protocols
Para obtener más detalles sobre la resolución de problemas de CPU en plataformas Cat9K:
Lectura adicional
Revisión | Fecha de publicación | Comentarios |
3.0 |
17-Oct-2022 |
Problema de sintaxis corregido en show platform software fed switch active packet-capture display-filter |
2.0 |
10-Aug-2021 |
Se ha añadido la sección Top Talker para trenes 17.6.x y superiores |
1.0 |
27-Jan-2021 |
Versión inicial |