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Este documento describe la configuración de Inundación de LAN extensible virtual (VXLAN) y aprenda en switches Nexus serie 7000.
Cisco recomienda que tenga conocimiento sobre estos temas:
Nota: En este documento, se da por descontado que antes de la configuración de VXLAN se ha establecido el routing IP y el routing multidifusión.
La información que contiene este documento se basa en las siguientes versiones de software y hardware.
Nota: N77K está ejecutando la versión de software 7.2(0)D1(1).
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Estas configuraciones son específicas para la parte de VXLAN de la configuración. Estas configuraciones dan por sentado que se puede llegar a todas las interfaces de L3 en la topología con el protocolo de routing que desee. En este ejemplo se utiliza el ruteo estático. También asume que el ruteo multicast se ha establecido sobre estas mismas interfaces L3
feature pim system bridge-domain 50,75 feature nv overlay
feature interface-vlan feature vni vni 5000
vni 7500 ip route Ethernet10/1 ip pim rp-address group-list bridge-domain 50
bridge-domain 75 encapsulation profile vni VSI_50_TO_5000 dot1q 50 vni 5000
encapsulation profile vni VSI_75_TO_7500
dot1q 75 vni 7500 bridge-domain 50 member vni 5000
bridge-domain 75
member vni 7500 interface nve1 no shutdown source-interface loopback10 member vni 5000 mcast-group
member vni 7500 mcast-group
interface Bdi50
no shutdown
ip address
interface Bdi75
no shutdown
ip address interface Ethernet7/17
no switchport no shutdown service instance 1 vni no shutdown encapsulation profile VSI_50_TO_5000 default
service instance 2 vni
no shutdown
encapsulation profile VSI_75_TO_7500 default interface Ethernet10/1
no switchport ip address ip pim sparse-mode no shutdown interface loopback10 ip address ip pim sparse-mode
Es importante tener en cuenta que la interfaz interna en el VTEP (punto final del túnel Vxlan) está configurada como puerto de Capa 3 (sin puerto de switch). Sin embargo, no hay ninguna IP asignada. También es importante tener en cuenta que el valor BD definido en el VTEP no tiene que coincidir con el ID de vlan que se utiliza para enviar tráfico a este dispositivo. Sin embargo, el mapeo dot1q to VNI(Vxlan Network Identifier) definido en el perfil de encapsulación, al que se llama bajo la instancia de servicio en la interfaz interna, debe coincidir con el ID de VLAN.
feature pim system bridge-domain 50,75 feature nv overlay
feature interface-vlan feature vni vni 5000
vni 7500 ip route Ethernet10/7 ip pim rp-address group-list bridge-domain 50
bridge-domain 75 encapsulation profile vni VSI_50_TO_5000 dot1q 50 vni 5000
encapsulation profile vni VSI_75_TO_7500
dot1q 75 vni 7500 bridge-domain 50 member vni 5000
bridge-domain 75
member vni 7500 interface nve1 no shutdown source-interface loopback10 member vni 5000 mcast-group
member vni 7500 mcast-group
interface Bdi50
no shutdown
ip address
interface Bdi75
no shutdown
ip address interface Ethernet7/30
no switchport no shutdown service instance 1 vni no shutdown encapsulation profile VSI_50_TO_5000 default
service instance 2 vni
no shutdown
encapsulation profile VSI_75_TO_7500 default interface Ethernet10/7
no switchport ip address ip pim sparse-mode no shutdown interface loopback10 ip address ip pim sparse-mode
Es importante tener en cuenta que la interfaz interna en el VTEP está configurada como puerto de Capa 3 (sin switchport). Sin embargo, no hay ninguna IP asignada. También es importante tener en cuenta que el valor BD definido en el VTEP no tiene que coincidir con el ID de VLAN que se utiliza para enviar tráfico a este dispositivo. Sin embargo, el mapeo de dot1q a VNI definido en el perfil de encapsulación, al que se llama bajo la instancia de servicio en la interfaz interna, debe coincidir con el ID de VLAN.
Utilize esta sección para confirmar que su configuración funcione correctamente.
Estos resultados son en un estado constante. Los pares VTEP se han descubierto y han intercambiado tráfico en la dirección de encapsulamiento y la de desencapsulamiento.
VTEP-1# show nve vni Codes: CP - Control Plane DP - Data Plane UC - Unconfigured SA - Suppress ARP Interface VNI Multicast-group State Mode Type [BD/VRF] Flags --------- -------- ----------------- ----- ---- ------------------ ----- nve1 5000 Up DP L2 [50] nve1 7500 Up DP L2 [75] VTEP-1# show running-config interface nve 1 interface nve1 no shutdown source-interface loopback10 member vni 5000 mcast-group member vni 7500 mcast-group VTEP-1# show service instance vni detail VSI: VSI-Ethernet7/17.1 If-index: 0x35310001 Admin Status: Up Oper Status: Up Auto-configuration Mode: No encapsulation profile vni VSI_50_TO_5000 dot1q 50 vni 5000 Dot1q VNI BD ------------------ 50 5000 50 VSI: VSI-Ethernet7/17.2 If-index: 0x35310002 Admin Status: Up Oper Status: Up Auto-configuration Mode: No encapsulation profile vni TEST dot1q 100 vni 7500 Dot1q VNI BD ------------------ 100 7500 75 VTEP-1# show bridge-domain Bridge-domain 50 (2 ports in all) Name:: Bridge-Domain50 Administrative State: UP Operational State: UP VSI-Eth7/17.1 vni5000 nve1 Bridge-domain 75 (2 ports in all) Name:: Bridge-Domain75 Administrative State: UP Operational State: UP VSI-Eth7/17.2 vni7500 nve1 VTEP-1# show mac address-table dynamic Note: MAC table entries displayed are getting read from software. Use the 'hardware-age' keyword to get information related to 'Age' Legend: * - primary entry, G - Gateway MAC, (R) - Routed MAC, O - Overlay MAC age - seconds since last seen,+ - primary entry using vPC Peer-Link, E - EVPN entry (T) - True, (F) - False , ~~~ - use 'hardware-age' keyword to retrieve age info VLAN/BD MAC Address Type age Secure NTFY Ports/SWID.SSID.LID ---------+-----------------+--------+---------+------+----+------------------ * 50 547f.eeec.af43 dynamic ~~~ F F nve1/ * 50 547f.eeec.af44 dynamic ~~~ F F VSI-Eth7/17.1 * 50 547f.eeec.af45 dynamic ~~~ F F nve1/ * 75 547f.eeec.af44 dynamic ~~~ F F VSI-Eth7/17.2 * 75 547f.eeec.af45 dynamic ~~~ F F nve1/ VTEP-1# show ip mroute detail IP Multicast Routing Table for VRF "default" Total number of routes: 7 Total number of (*,G) routes: 2 Total number of (S,G) routes: 4 Total number of (*,G-prefix) routes: 1 (*,, uptime: 19:51:28, nve(1) ip(0) pim(1) Data Created: No VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 0/0 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Ethernet10/1, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 2) Ethernet10/1, uptime: 19:51:09, pim, (RPF) nve1, uptime: 19:51:28, nve (,, uptime: 19:51:28, nve(0) mrib(0) ip(0) pim(1) Data Created: No Received Register stop VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 19/2274 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: loopback10, RPF nbr:, internal Outgoing interface list: (count: 1) Ethernet10/1, uptime: 19:51:09, pim (,, uptime: 18:10:06, pim(1) mrib(1) ip(0) Data Created: Yes VXLAN Flags VXLAN Decap Stats: 9/846 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Ethernet10/1, RPF nbr:, internal Outgoing interface list: (count: 2) Ethernet10/1, uptime: 01:00:32, pim, (RPF) nve1, uptime: 18:10:06, mrib (*,, uptime: 12:52:13, nve(1) ip(0) pim(1) Data Created: No VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 0/0 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Ethernet10/1, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 2) Ethernet10/1, uptime: 12:51:52, pim, (RPF) nve1, uptime: 12:52:13, nve (,, uptime: 12:52:13, nve(0) mrib(0) ip(0) pim(1) Data Created: No Received Register stop VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 300/39850 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: loopback10, RPF nbr:, internal Outgoing interface list: (count: 1) Ethernet10/1, uptime: 12:51:52, pim (,, uptime: 12:51:34, pim(1) mrib(1) ip(0) Data Created: Yes VXLAN Flags VXLAN Decap Stats: 22/1928 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Ethernet10/1, RPF nbr:, internal Outgoing interface list: (count: 2) Ethernet10/1, uptime: 00:52:14, pim, (RPF) nve1, uptime: 12:51:34, mrib (*,, uptime: 20:56:33, pim(0) ip(0) Data Created: No Stats: 0/0 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Null, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 0) VTEP-1# show ip arp Flags: * - Adjacencies learnt on non-active FHRP router + - Adjacencies synced via CFSoE # - Adjacencies Throttled for Glean D - Static Adjacencies attached to down interface IP ARP Table for context default Total number of entries: 4 Address Age MAC Address Interface 00:11:32 547f.eeec.af44 Bdi50 00:11:14 547f.eeec.af44 Bdi50 00:10:45 547f.eeec.af44 Bdi75 00:15:04 547f.eeec.af45 Bdi75 00:05:39 547f.eeec.af43 Ethernet10/1 VTEP-1# show ip route IP Route Table for VRF "default" '*' denotes best ucast next-hop '**' denotes best mcast next-hop '[x/y]' denotes [preference/metric] '%<string>' in via output denotes VRF <string>, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Eth10/1, [0/0], 20:25:13, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Eth10/1, [0/0], 20:25:13, local, ubest/mbest: 2/0, attached *via, Lo10, [0/0], 20:25:45, local *via, Lo10, [0/0], 20:25:45, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0 *via, Eth10/1, [1/0], 20:23:42, static, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi50, [0/0], 01:18:47, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi50, [0/0], 01:18:47, local, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi75, [0/0], 01:10:05, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi75, [0/0], 01:10:05, local
Nota: Todas estas salidas se recopilaron con una malla completa de tráfico que fluye entre todos los hosts de la topología.
VTEP-2# show nve vni Codes: CP - Control Plane DP - Data Plane UC - Unconfigured SA - Suppress ARP Interface VNI Multicast-group State Mode Type [BD/VRF] Flags --------- -------- ----------------- ----- ---- ------------------ ----- nve1 5000 Up DP L2 [50] nve1 7500 Up DP L2 [75] VTEP-2# show running-config interface nve 1 interface nve1 no shutdown source-interface loopback10 member vni 5000 mcast-group member vni 7500 mcast-group VTEP-2# show service instance vni detail VSI: VSI-Ethernet7/30.1 If-index: 0x3531d001 Admin Status: Up Oper Status: Up Auto-configuration Mode: No encapsulation profile vni VSI_50_TO_5000 dot1q 50 vni 5000 Dot1q VNI BD ------------------ 50 5000 50 VSI: VSI-Ethernet7/30.2 If-index: 0x3531d002 Admin Status: Up Oper Status: Up Auto-configuration Mode: No encapsulation profile vni TEST dot1q 100 vni 7500 Dot1q VNI BD ------------------ 100 7500 75 VTEP-2# show bridge-domain Bridge-domain 50 (2 ports in all) Name:: Bridge-Domain50 Administrative State: UP Operational State: UP vni5000 VSI-Eth7/30.1 nve1 Bridge-domain 75 (2 ports in all) Name:: Bridge-Domain75 Administrative State: UP Operational State: UP vni7500 VSI-Eth7/30.2 nve1 VTEP-2# show mac address-table dynamic Note: MAC table entries displayed are getting read from software. Use the 'hardware-age' keyword to get information related to 'Age' Legend: * - primary entry, G - Gateway MAC, (R) - Routed MAC, O - Overlay MAC age - seconds since last seen,+ - primary entry using vPC Peer-Link, E - EVPN entry (T) - True, (F) - False , ~~~ - use 'hardware-age' keyword to retrieve age info VLAN/BD MAC Address Type age Secure NTFY Ports/SWID.SSID.LID ---------+-----------------+--------+---------+------+----+------------------ * 50 547f.eeec.af44 dynamic ~~~ F F nve1/ * 50 547f.eeec.af45 dynamic ~~~ F F VSI-Eth7/30.1 * 75 547f.eeec.af45 dynamic ~~~ F F VSI-Eth7/30.2 * 75 547f.eeec.af48 dynamic ~~~ F F nve1/ VTEP-2# show ip mroute detail IP Multicast Routing Table for VRF "default" Total number of routes: 5 Total number of (*,G) routes: 2 Total number of (S,G) routes: 2 Total number of (*,G-prefix) routes: 1 (*,, uptime: 19:56:19, nve(1) ip(0) pim(0) Data Created: No VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 8/748 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Ethernet10/7, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 1) nve1, uptime: 19:56:19, nve (,, uptime: 19:56:19, nve(0) mrib(0) pim(1) ip(0) Data Created: No Received Register stop VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 9/834 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: loopback10, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 1) Ethernet10/7, uptime: 18:15:17, pim (*,, uptime: 12:57:03, nve(1) ip(0) pim(0) Data Created: No VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 10/864 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Ethernet10/7, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 1) nve1, uptime: 12:57:03, nve (,, uptime: 12:57:03, nve(0) mrib(0) ip(0) pim(1) Data Created: No Received Register stop VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 30/2648 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: loopback10, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 1) Ethernet10/7, uptime: 12:56:45, pim (*,, uptime: 18:20:36, pim(0) ip(0) Data Created: No Stats: 0/0 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Null, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 0) VTEP-2# show ip arp Flags: * - Adjacencies learnt on non-active FHRP router + - Adjacencies synced via CFSoE # - Adjacencies Throttled for Glean D - Static Adjacencies attached to down interface IP ARP Table for context default Total number of entries: 4 Address Age MAC Address Interface 00:11:30 547f.eeec.af44 Bdi50 00:17:07 547f.eeec.af45 Bdi50 00:04:14 547f.eeec.af45 Bdi75 00:03:24 547f.eeec.af45 Bdi75 00:10:52 547f.eeec.af48 Ethernet10/7 VTEP-2# show ip route IP Route Table for VRF "default" '*' denotes best ucast next-hop '**' denotes best mcast next-hop '[x/y]' denotes [preference/metric] '%<string>' in via output denotes VRF <string>, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Eth10/7, [0/0], 20:30:24, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Eth10/7, [0/0], 20:30:24, local, ubest/mbest: 1/0 *via, Eth10/7, [1/0], 20:29:48, static, ubest/mbest: 2/0, attached *via, Lo10, [0/0], 20:29:39, local *via, Lo10, [0/0], 20:29:39, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi50, [0/0], 01:22:50, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi50, [0/0], 01:22:50, local, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi75, [0/0], 01:14:50, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi75, [0/0], 01:14:50, local
Nota: Todas estas salidas se recopilaron con una malla completa de tráfico que fluye entre todos los hosts de la topología.
Actualmente, no hay información específica de troubleshooting disponible para esta configuración.