Ce document décrit comment sauvegarder la base de données (DB) d'un périphérique Cisco série M à un autre.
Conditions préalables
Conditions requises
Cisco vous recommande de prendre connaissance des rubriques suivantes :
- AsyncOS 7.2 et versions ultérieures
Démarrez la sauvegarde de la base de données sur un périphérique secondaire de la série M.
Voici la configuration requise avant de commencer la sauvegarde de la base de données sur un périphérique secondaire de la série M.
- Les deux périphériques de la gamme M doivent se trouver sur la même version AsyncOS (7.2 et versions ultérieures uniquement)
- Le périphérique de la série M cible doit disposer d'un espace disque suffisant pour la sauvegarde. Accédez à Administration système > Gestion des disques (voir la documentation en ligne sur l'allocation si un disque est laissé au-dessus).
Si vous n'avez pas assez d'espace disque au cours de la configuration, vous pouvez obtenir un message similaire à celui-ci :
Verifying target machine for version compatibility and disk space...
Backup cannot be scheduled. Reason: There is not enough space for Centralized
Spam Quarantine, Centralized Email Tracking, Centralized Reporting. Please
increase disk allocation for these services on the target machine.
Verifying target machine for version compatibility and disk space...
Backup cannot be scheduled. Reason: There is not enough space for Centralized
Web Tracking. Please increase disk allocation for these services on the target
Vérifiez le quota de disque comme indiqué précédemment sur l'ordinateur cible.
Les deux SMA (Security Management Appliances), un M650 (source du système DB nommé et le M1050 cible (destination backup of DB system nommé et IP ).
Connectez-vous à l'interface de ligne de commande sur la série M source (dans notre test et entrez les commandes suivantes :> backupconfig
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- VIEW - View scheduled backups
- VERIFY - Verify if backup can be scheduled to a remote machine
- SCHEDULE - Schedule backup to an appliance
- CANCEL - Cancel a scheduled backup
- STATUS - Show the status of a backup in progress.
- SETUP - Configure backup parameters.
[]> setup
Enter level of verbosity:
[0]> 0 < this can be 0 or 3 0=lowest verbosity of backup logs and 3 is the highest>
Compression is desirable on slow connections, but will only slow down backup on
fast networks. Would you like to enable compression? [N]> <hit enter here to pick default withing the brackets [N]>
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- VIEW - View scheduled backups
- VERIFY - Verify if backup can be scheduled to a remote machine
- SCHEDULE - Schedule backup to an appliance
- CANCEL - Cancel a scheduled backup
- STATUS - Show the status of a backup in progress.
- SETUP - Configure backup parameters.
[]> verify
Enter the IP address of a machine to transfer data to.
Enter a name to identify this appliance
Please enter username and password:
[]> admin
[]> <enter admin password for the target SMA>
Verifying target machine for version compatibility and disk space...
Backup can be scheduled on to
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- VIEW - View scheduled backups
- VERIFY - Verify if backup can be scheduled to a remote machine
- SCHEDULE - Schedule backup to an appliance
- CANCEL - Cancel a scheduled backup
- STATUS - Show the status of a backup in progress.
- SETUP - Configure backup parameters.
[]> schedule
Enter the IP address of a machine to transfer data to.
Enter a name to identify this appliance
Please enter username and password:
[]> admin
[]> <type the admin password on the target SMA>
Verifying target machine for version compatibility and disk space...
1. Set up a repeating backup schedule
2. Schedule a single backup
3. Start a single backup now
1. Daily
2. Weekly
3. Monthly
[1]> 3
What day of the month would you like the backup to occur?
[1]> <hit enter here>
What time of day would you like the backup to start? Please enter in HH:MM
[]> 02:00
Please enter a name for this backup job:
[]> weekly
Backup "weekly" has been scheduled successfully.
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- VIEW - View scheduled backups
- VERIFY - Verify if backup can be scheduled to a remote machine
- SCHEDULE - Schedule backup to an appliance
- CANCEL - Cancel a scheduled backup
- STATUS - Show the status of a backup in progress.
- SETUP - Configure backup parameters.
[]> view
Scheduled Backups:
# Name IP Schedule
= ====== =============== ================================
1 weekly To on day 1 of every month at 02:00
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- VIEW - View scheduled backups
- VERIFY - Verify if backup can be scheduled to a remote machine
- SCHEDULE - Schedule backup to an appliance
- CANCEL - Cancel a scheduled backup
- STATUS - Show the status of a backup in progress.
- SETUP - Configure backup parameters.
[]> <hit enter until your back in CLI>> commit
Please enter some comments describing your changes:
[]> scheduled a weekly backup
Changes committed: Wed Mar 16 18:09:51 2011 GMT>