Comment créer et configurer des journaux sur l'appliance de sécurité de la messagerie Cisco (ESA) ?
Les fonctionnalités de journalisation de l'appliance de sécurisation de la messagerie électronique (ESA) de Cisco constituent une fonctionnalité importante. AsyncOS sur ESA peut générer de nombreux types de journaux, enregistrant divers types d'informations. Les fichiers journaux contiennent les enregistrements des opérations régulières et des exceptions de divers composants du système. Ces informations peuvent être précieuses lors de la surveillance de Cisco ESA, ainsi que lors du dépannage d'un problème ou de la vérification des performances.
Les journaux peuvent être configurés et créés à partir de l'interface de ligne de commande à l'aide de la commande "logconfig" ou via l'interface graphique sous "Administration système" > "Inscriptions au journal" >"Ajouter une inscription au journal..."
Voici un exemple de création d'un abonnement au journal de débogage LDAP à l'aide de l'interface de ligne de commande :.
CLI> logconfig
Currently configured logs:
1. "antivirus" Type: "Anti-Virus Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
2. "avarchive" Type: "Anti-Virus Archive" Retrieval: FTP Poll
3. "bounces" Type: "Bounce Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
4. "brightmail" Type: "Symantec Brightmail Anti-Spam Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
5. "cli_logs" Type: "CLI Audit Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new log.
- EDIT - Modify a log subscription.
- DELETE - Remove a log subscription.
- SETUP - General settings.
- LOGHEADERS - Configure headers to log.
- HOSTKEYCONFIG - Configure SSH host keys.
[]> NEW
Choose the log file type for this subscription:
2. qmail Format Mail Logs
3. Delivery Logs
4. Bounce Logs
5. Status Logs
6. Domain Debug Logs
7. Injection Debug Logs
8. System Logs
9. CLI Audit Logs
10. FTP Server Logs
11. HTTP Logs
12. NTP logs
13. Mailflow Report Logs
14. Symantec Brightmail Anti-Spam Logs
15. Symantec Brightmail Anti-Spam Archive
16. Anti-Virus Logs
17. Anti-Virus Archive
18. LDAP Debug Logs
[1]> 18
Please enter the name for the log:
[]> ldap_debug
Choose the method to retrieve the logs.
1. FTP Poll
2. FTP Push
3. SCP Push
Filename to use for log files:
Please enter the maximum file size:
Please enter the maximum number of files:
Currently configured logs:
1. "antivirus" Type: "Anti-Virus Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
2. "avarchive" Type: "Anti-Virus Archive" Retrieval: FTP Poll
3. "bounces" Type: "Bounce Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
7. "ftpd_logs" Type: "FTP Server Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
8. "gui_logs" Type: "HTTP Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
9. "ldap_debug" Type: "LDAP Debug Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
CLI> commit
Vous trouverez ci-dessous un exemple de modification d'un journal existant.
CLI> logconfig
Currently configured logs:
1. "antivirus" Type: "Anti-Virus Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
2. "avarchive" Type: "Anti-Virus Archive" Retrieval: FTP Poll
3. "bounces" Type: "Bounce Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
4. "brightmail" Type: "Symantec Brightmail Anti-Spam Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
5. "cli_logs" Type: "CLI Audit Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new log.
- EDIT - Modify a log subscription.
- DELETE - Remove a log subscription.
- SETUP - General settings.
- LOGHEADERS - Configure headers to log.
- HOSTKEYCONFIG - Configure SSH host keys.
[]> EDIT
Enter the number of the log you wish to edit.
[]> 9
Please enter the name for the log:
Choose the method to retrieve the logs.
1. FTP Poll
2. FTP Push
3. SCP Push
Please enter the filename for the log:
Please enter the maximum file size:
[10485760]> 52422880
Please enter the maximum number of files:
[10]> 100
Currently configured logs:
1. "antivirus" Type: "Anti-Virus Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
2. "avarchive" Type: "Anti-Virus Archive" Retrieval: FTP Poll
3. "bounces" Type: "Bounce Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
4. "brightmail" Type: "Symantec Brightmail Anti-Spam Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
5. "cli_logs" Type: "CLI Audit Logs" Retrieval: FTP Poll
CLI > commit