Ce document décrit comment réinitialiser les appliances matérielles Cisco Secure Email Gateway (SEG) ou Secure Web Appliance (SWA), si vous utilisez la méthode d'authentification enable diag.
Conditions préalables
Composants utilisés
- SEG AsyncOS 14.2.2 ou versions ultérieures
- SWA AsyncOS 14.5.1-008 ou versions ultérieures
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. Si votre réseau est actif, assurez-vous que vous comprenez l'impact potentiel de toute commande
Le SEG/SWA est inaccessible via WebUI ou le réseau si une mise à niveau échoue ou si les services sont corrompus, cela laisse une RMA comme seule option. La nouvelle fonctionnalité du SEG/SWA permet une réinitialisation complète de l'appliance aux paramètres d'usine, ce qui évite d'avoir à RMA l'appliance.
SEG/SWA et mot de passe admin en main, accédez à l'appliance via la console ou une session de terminal Ethernet.
Nom d'utilisateur : enablediag
password : mot de passe admin
Les commandes disponibles incluent la nouvelle option, resetappliance
L'option resetappliance produit une liste d'options de version précédente à sélectionner.
Une fois sélectionné, l'appliance efface tous les paramètres par défaut du système, y compris la suppression des paramètres IP du réseau.
Le résultat final produit un SEG/SWA propre et non configuré, prêt à être configuré.
Exemple complet de sortie du processus resetappliance.
login: enablediag's password:
AsyncOS 14.2.2 for Cisco C395 build 004
Welcome to the Cisco C395 Email Security Appliance
Available Commands:
help -- View this text.
quit -- Log out.
service -- Enable or disable access to the service system.
network -- Perform emergency configuration of the diagnostic network interface.
clearnet -- Resets configuration of the diagnostic network interface.
ssh -- Configure emergency SSH daemon on the diagnostic network interface.
clearssh -- Stop emergency SSH daemon on the diagnostic network interface.
tunnel -- Start up tech support tunnel to IronPort.
print -- Print status of the diagnostic network interface.
resetappliance -- Reset appliance reverts the appliance to chosen build with factory default settings with default IP. No network configuration would be preserved.
reboot -- Reboot the appliance.
S/N E8888888890-WZP2000000P
Service Access currently disabled.> resetappliance
This command will revert the appliance to a previous version of AsyncOS.
Warning: Reverting the appliance is extremely destructive.
The following data will be destroyed in the process and should be backed up:
- current system configuration file
- all log files
- all reporting data (including saved scheduled and archived reports)
- any custom end user notification pages
- current network settings
Reverting the device will cause a reboot to take place.
After rebooting, the appliance reinitializes itself and reboots
again to the desired version, with default system configuration.
Would you like to continue [Y/N]?
Are you sure you want to continue [Y/N] ?
This command will revert the appliance to a previous version of AsyncOS.
WARNING: Reverting the appliance is extremely destructive.
The following data will be destroyed in the process:
- all configuration settings (including listeners)
- all log files
- all databases (including messages in Virus Outbreak and Policy quarantines)
- all reporting data (including saved scheduled reports)
- all message tracking data
- all IronPort Spam Quarantine message and end-user safelist/blocklist data
Before running this command, be sure you have:
- saved the configuration file of this appliance (with passwords unmasked)
- exported the IronPort Spam Quarantine safelist/blocklist database
to another machine (if applicable)
- waited for the mail queue to empty
Reverting the device causes an immediate reboot to take place.
After rebooting, the appliance reinitializes itself and reboots
again to the desired version.
Available versions
1. 13.5.3-010
2. 13.5.4-038
3. 14.2.2-004
Please select an AsyncOS version [2]: 3
Do you want to continue? [N]> y
Are you sure you want to continue? [N]> y
You have selected "14.2.2-004".
mv: rename /data/pub/configuration/revert_netconfigwith_v6.xml to /data/pub/configuration/revert_netconfig.xml: No such file or directory
Reverting to "shipping" preconfigure install mode.
ls: /data/db/features/*.revert: No such file or directory
AsyncOS Amnesiac (cuau0)
login: admin's password:
AsyncOS 14.2.2 for Cisco C395 build 004
Welcome to the Cisco C395 Email Security Appliance
NOTE: This session will expire if left idle for 30 minutes. Any uncommitted
configuration changes will be lost. Commit the configuration changes as soon
as they are made.
You are currently using a demonstration certificate(Cisco ESA Certificate)
which is not secure and is not recommended for general use. Create or import
a certificate using the certconfig > CERTIFICATE option.
The features/services that are currently using the demonstration certificate
default destination controls entry, LDAPS
Please run "systemsetup" or "sethostname" then "commit" before sending mail.>
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