Dans le cadre de la documentation associée à ce produit, nous nous efforçons d’utiliser un langage exempt de préjugés. Dans cet ensemble de documents, le langage exempt de discrimination renvoie à une langue qui exclut la discrimination en fonction de l’âge, des handicaps, du genre, de l’appartenance raciale de l’identité ethnique, de l’orientation sexuelle, de la situation socio-économique et de l’intersectionnalité. Des exceptions peuvent s’appliquer dans les documents si le langage est codé en dur dans les interfaces utilisateurs du produit logiciel, si le langage utilisé est basé sur la documentation RFP ou si le langage utilisé provient d’un produit tiers référencé. Découvrez comment Cisco utilise le langage inclusif.
Cisco a traduit ce document en traduction automatisée vérifiée par une personne dans le cadre d’un service mondial permettant à nos utilisateurs d’obtenir le contenu d’assistance dans leur propre langue. Il convient cependant de noter que même la meilleure traduction automatisée ne sera pas aussi précise que celle fournie par un traducteur professionnel.
Ce document décrit comment utiliser l'outil Vérifier la traduction et le routage (VTR) dans le serveur d'applications (AS) pour dépanner les problèmes courants de configuration d'appel.
BroadWorks Application Server intègre deux outils qui peuvent être utilisés pour résoudre les problèmes de configuration des appels : VTR et Verify Translation and Routing INVITE (VTRI). Le but de ces deux outils est le même, la différence est sur la saisie des commandes :
Attention : les commandes VTR et VTRI sont également disponibles dans le serveur réseau (NS), mais la structure de sortie est différente de celle du système autonome. Ce document se concentre sur AS VTR(I) et ne peut pas être utilisé comme référence lors d'un travail avec NS VTR(I).
La référence complète des commandes pour AS VTR est disponible dans le Guide d'administration d'Application Server VTR.
Cisco vous recommande d'avoir connaissance des éléments suivants :
Les informations contenues dans ce document sont basées sur la version R24 de BroadWorks AS. Cependant, le comportement des autres versions du logiciel est similaire.
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. Si votre réseau est en ligne, assurez-vous de bien comprendre l’incidence possible des commandes.
L'analyse VTR peut être déclenchée à partir de l'interface de ligne de commande (CLI) et de l'interface Web.
Afin d'exécuter VTR à partir de l'interface graphique Web, utilisez ces étapes :
Étape 1. Connectez-vous à BroadWorks CLI avec vos identifiants bwadmin.
Étape 2. Démarrez l'interface de ligne de commande de BroadWorks et accédez à AS_CLI/ASDiagnostic/Diag :
AS_CLI> cd ASDiagnostic/Diag
Étape 3. Afin d'utiliser VTRI, exécutez la commande vtri, suivie de SIP INVITE, et le point dans la nouvelle ligne. Exemple :
AS_CLI/ASDiagnostic/Diag> vtri
Enter a SIP message. When complete, enter a single period (.) on a line to start verifying the translation.
INVITE sip:2012@mleus.lab SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjgINPvPUvoBT57iTOBPsgCfEqE5GX1aj7
Max-Forwards: 70
From: "Marek Leus"
;tag=6fU.VlLrWc6WI3JU8jWKS.25yeoWEhpc To: sip:2012@mleus.lab Contact: "Marek Leus"
Call-ID: dTUVBWON9UjmftpGCOoJzhLfbajBm11C CSeq: 6492 INVITE Route:
Allow: PRACK, INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, UPDATE, INFO, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, REFER, MESSAGE, OPTIONS Supported: replaces, 100rel, norefersub User-Agent: Telephone 1.6 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 480 v=0 o=- 3883737105 3883737105 IN IP4 s=pjmedia b=AS:117 t=0 0 a=X-nat:0 m=audio 4012 RTP/AVP 96 9 8 0 101 102 c=IN IP4 b=TIAS:96000 a=rtcp:4013 IN IP4 a=sendrecv a=rtpmap:96 opus/48000/2 a=fmtp:96 useinbandfec=1 a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/48000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=rtpmap:102 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:102 0-16 a=ssrc:2039250127 cname:43ec7f3b5b951d53 .
Étape 4. Afin d'utiliser VTR, exécutez la commande vtr, suivie des détails de l'appelant et de la destination. Exemple :
# Command reference:
AS_CLI/ASDiagnostic/Diag> h vtr
This command is used to perform a test call and see the routing results. Please
be careful when performing test calls, it may have an impact on existing real
calls or cause user migration.
Parameters description:
origType : The type of origination used to trigger the VTR request.
linePort : The lineport of the originating user.
bwphone : The originating BroadWorks user phone number.
pstnphone : The originating PSTN user phone number.
userId : The originating BroadWorks user Id.
url : The originating url.
destination: The called user, number or URI.
option : Additional vtr options.
contact : The contact URL to use for the test call.
diversion : The diversion URL to use for the test call.
, Choice = {linePort, bwphone, pstnphone, userId, url}
, String {1 to 80 characters}
, String {1 to 17 characters}
, String {1 to 17 characters}
, String {2 to 161 characters}
, String {2 to 161 characters}
, String {1 to 161 characters} [
Afin d'exécuter VTR à partir de l'interface graphique utilisateur Web, procédez comme suit :
Étape 1. Accédez à la page https://<AS_FQDN>/Login et connectez-vous à l'interface Web AS.
Étape 2. Accédez à System > Utilities > Verify Translation and Routing.
Étape 3. Afin d'utiliser VTRI, cliquez sur la case d'option SIP Message et collez le message SIP INVITE dans le champ d'entrée. Cliquez ensuite sur le lien Execute VTR request :
Étape 4. Afin d'utiliser VTR, cliquez sur la case d'option Parameters et renseignez tous les champs obligatoires. Cliquez ensuite sur le lien Execute VTR request :
Le format des résultats VTR et VTRI est similaire. Il se compose de huit sections :
Remarque : toutes les sorties VTR de ce document sont basées sur la sortie de la commande vtr userId <user_id> <destination_number>, sauf indication contraire.
La première partie du résultat du magnétoscope est SIP INVITE, ou les paramètres utilisés pour simuler l'appel. Cette section n'est pas visible si vous fournissez SIP INVITE explicitement (en d'autres termes, si vous utilisez VTRI).
Une invitation SIP est générée lorsque l'origine est définie sur une URL ou une ligne/un port. Exemple :
AS_CLI/ASDiagnostic/Diag> vtr linePort 5403362011@mleus.lab 2012
VTR Result:
Using following SIP INVITE to run VTRI command with Lineport
INVITE sip:2012@ SIP/2.0
From:"VTR Calling Name"
;tag=26 To:"VTR Called Name"
Call-ID:26 CSeq:26 INVITE Contact:
Allow:ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INFO,INVITE,OPTIONS,PRACK,REGISTER,UPDATE Content-Type:application/sdp Content-Length:410 v=0 o=- 123 123 IN IP4 s=- c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 16428 RTP/AVP 0 2 4 8 18 96 97 98 100 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:2 G726-32/8000 a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:18 G729a/8000 a=rtpmap:96 G726-40/8000 a=rtpmap:97 G726-24/8000 a=rtpmap:98 G726-16/8000 a=rtpmap:100 NSE/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv
Les paramètres s'affichent si l'origine est définie sur l'ID utilisateur ou le téléphone (à la fois bwphone et pstnphone). Exemple :
AS_CLI/ASDiagnostic/Diag> vtr userId ngnuserB1@mleus.lab 2012
VTR Result:
Using following parameters to run short form VTR command
vtrKey 16
origUserId ngnuserB1@mleus.lab
origUserUid 110439218
requestURI equivalent 2012@
dialedDigits (initial) 2012
deviceEnpoint 5403362011@mleus.lab
Cette section contient des informations sur l'interlocuteur d'origine (appelant). Si l'appelant est un utilisateur BroadWorks local, des informations détaillées sur l'utilisateur s'affichent. Exemple :
=========== ORIGINATOR INFO ===================
[Orig-Id] VTR Short form trigger.
[Orig-Id] No Endpoint.
[Orig-Id] Originating user type: BroadWorks
[Orig-Id] User Info
[Orig-Id] User Id = ngnuserB1@mleus.lab
[Orig-Id] User Uid = 110439218
[Orig-Id] Group Id = ngngroupB1
[Orig-Id] Service Provider Id = ngnentB1
[Orig-Id] Reseller Id = null
[Orig-Id] ASCII First Name = Marek
[Orig-Id] ASCII Last Name = Leus
[Orig-Id] Unicode First Name = Marek
[Orig-Id] Unicode Last Name = Leus
[Orig-Id] Country Code = 1
[Orig-Id] User Type = User
[Orig-Id] Trunk User Type = BroadWorks Regular User
[Orig-Id] (0) Address type = main
[Orig-Id] (0) dn = +15403362011
[Orig-Id] (0) extension = 2011
[Orig-Id] activeAsComponentID = [vnf=null,vnfc=1]
[Orig-Id] beingRemoved = false
[Orig-Id] configurable CLID = 5403362010
[Orig-Id] synchronizationASRSentToNS = false
Dans cette section, la progression des événements du côté appelant de l'appel est répertoriée dans l'ordre. Si l'appelant est un utilisateur de Cisco BroadWorks, il s'agit d'un emplacement où les services attribués sont exécutés. Exemple :
=========== ORIGINATING CALL INFO ================
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallId is callhalf-60507:0
[Orig/CallServiceBus] === Routing InvitationEvent on the Originating Call bus ===
[Orig/CallServiceBus] TranslationServiceOrigInstance has CONSUMED the event.
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallId is callhalf-60507:0
[Orig/CallServiceBus] === Routing InvitationEvent on the Originating Call bus ===
[Orig/CallServiceBus] Resuming event processing after TranslationServiceOrigInstance
[Orig/CallServiceBus] SecurityClassificationServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
# Output omitted for clarity
[Orig/CallServiceBus] EmergencyCallTimerServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/ReleaseWithCauseHandler] Post Processing RWC for Call.
Cette section contient des informations sur une traduction demandée au serveur Cisco BroadWorks Network. Si une traduction réseau est requise, des informations sur la stratégie de plan de numérotation utilisée sont affichées. Elle indique également les messages SIP échangés à cet effet. Exemple :
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] --Dial Plan Policy Information--
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] requiresAccessCodeForPublicCalls = false
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] allowE164PublicCalls = false
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] privateDigitMap =
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] publicDigitMap = ([2-9]11|[0-1][2-9]11|0[#T]|00|01[2-9]xx.[#T]|*xx|011x.[#T]|[0-1]xxxxxxx[#T]|[0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxx[#T]|101xxxx.[#T]|11|[2-9][#T])
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] preferE164FormatForCallbackSvcs = false
[Orig-Xlation/NetworkUsagePolicy] Network Usage Policy is - do not force all calls to network -
[Orig-Xlation/NetworkServerINVITE] Sending INVITE event to network server for Translation Service Originating Side client
[Orig-Xlation/NetworkServerINVITE] Endpoint Id: callhalf-60487:0
udp 1128 SIP Bytes OUT to
INVITE sip:2014@;user=phone;transport=udp SIP/2.0
From:"Marek Leus"
;tag=1152157837-1674811757564- To:
Call-ID:BW1029175642701231892598132@ CSeq:960997887 INVITE Contact:
P-Asserted-Identity:"Marek Leus"
Privacy:none X-BroadWorks-Correlation-Info:be8fde53-9ba5-4fc4-a788-ee426ed1fe90 Allow:ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INFO,INVITE,OPTIONS,PRACK,REFER,NOTIFY Supported: Max-Forwards:10 Content-Type:application/sdp Content-Length:410 v=0 o=- 123 123 IN IP4 s=- c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 16428 RTP/AVP 0 2 4 8 18 96 97 98 100 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:2 G726-32/8000 a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:18 G729a/8000 a=rtpmap:96 G726-40/8000 a=rtpmap:97 G726-24/8000 a=rtpmap:98 G726-16/8000 a=rtpmap:100 NSE/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv [Orig-Xlation/NS-RESPONSE] Got Network Server response for Translation Service Originating Side client udp 394 SIP Bytes IN from SIP/2.0 404 Not found Via:SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKBroadWorks.-iom24c- From:"Marek Leus"
;tag=1152157837-1674811757564- To:
;tag=1006595920-1674811749882 Call-ID:BW1029175642701231892598132@ CSeq:960997887 INVITE Content-Length:0 [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] Translation Client: Translation Service Originating Side call Id is callhalf-60487:0 [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] === TranslationResult === [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] callType Network [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] address 2014 [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] addressType main [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] isServiceCode false [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] sc8Translated false [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] sc100Translated false [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] oacTranslated false [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] carrierPrefixTranslated false [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] intraSP false [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] alias false [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] preExtEmergencyRtgAK null [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] === Carrier Info === [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] ;csel=noind
Si l'appel a une destination valide, des informations sont affichées sur son identité et les événements sur le bus de service de terminaison. Comme dans la section des informations sur l'appel d'origine, il s'agit d'un emplacement où les services attribués de l'utilisateur de destination sont exécutés. Elle indique également le message SIP INVITE envoyé à la destination. Exemple :
=========== TERMINATING CALL INFO ================
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] CallManagerId is callhalf-60459
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] === Routing TerminationEvent on the Call Manager bus ===
[Term/Term-Id] Terminating user type: BroadWorks
[Term/Term-Id] User Info
[Term/Term-Id] User Id = ngnuserB2@mleus.lab
[Term/Term-Id] User Uid = 156778964
[Term/Term-Id] Group Id = ngngroupB1
[Term/Term-Id] Service Provider Id = ngnentB1
[Term/Term-Id] Reseller Id = null
[Term/Term-Id] ASCII First Name = John
[Term/Term-Id] ASCII Last Name = Doe
[Term/Term-Id] Unicode First Name = John
[Term/Term-Id] Unicode Last Name = Doe
[Term/Term-Id] Country Code = 1
[Term/Term-Id] User Type = User
[Term/Term-Id] Trunk User Type = BroadWorks Regular User
[Term/Term-Id] (0) Address type = main
[Term/Term-Id] (0) dn = +15403362012
[Term/Term-Id] (0) extension = 2012
[Term/Term-Id] activeAsComponentID = [vnf=null,vnfc=1]
[Term/Term-Id] beingRemoved = false
[Term/Term-Id] configurable CLID = 5403362010
[Term/Term-Id] synchronizationASRSentToNS = false
[Term/CallServiceBus] CallId is callhalf-60459:0
[Term/CallServiceBus] === Routing InvitationEvent on the Terminating Call bus ===
[Term/CallServiceBus] TranslationServiceTermInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] NumberPortabilityQueryServiceTermInstance has processed the event...continue
# Output omitted for clarity
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] RingTimeoutServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/SipINVITE] Outgoing resulting INVITE for Endpoint Id: callhalf-60459:0
udp 1195 SIP Bytes OUT to
INVITE sip:5403362012@;transport=UDP;rinstance=c71abb15b3ff5d4a SIP/2.0
From:"Marek Leus"
;tag=1694279432-1674811718841- To:"John Doe"
Call-ID:BW102838841270123-1135433227@ CSeq:960978525 INVITE Contact:
;appearance-index=1 Recv-Info:x-broadworks-client-session-info Accept:application/media_control+xml,application/sdp,multipart/mixed Max-Forwards:10 Content-Type:application/sdp Content-Length:410 v=0 o=- 123 123 IN IP4 s=- c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 16428 RTP/AVP 0 2 4 8 18 96 97 98 100 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:2 G726-32/8000 a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:18 G729a/8000 a=rtpmap:96 G726-40/8000 a=rtpmap:97 G726-24/8000 a=rtpmap:98 G726-16/8000 a=rtpmap:100 NSE/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv
Cette section n'est disponible que pour les appels ayant échoué. Il donne une raison détaillée de l'échec de l'appel. Il indique également quelle annonce/tonalité est émise par le serveur multimédia si l'appel échoue pour cette raison. Exemple :
=========== TREATMENT INFORMATION =========
[Treatment/TreatmentsService] Treatment service processing RWC. Release Cause is FORBIDDEN
[Treatment/TreatmentsService] defaultAnnouncement isTrtCallFailure.wav
[Treatment/TreatmentsService] defaultTone is reorder-pcmu.wav
[Treatment/TreatmentsService] Configurable Treatment NOT used but specific audio treatment files have been provided
[Treatment/TreatmentsService] audioAnnouncement(s):
Les horodatages d'appel peuvent être utilisés pour corréler des événements dans VTRI avec des XSLogs.
Résultat final de l'appel test. Les valeurs possibles sont les suivantes :
Pour plus de simplicité, un scénario d'appel de base est utilisé dans ce document :
Ce document couvre trois scénarios dans lesquels un utilisateur avec le poste 2011 compose l'ordre suivant :
Dans ce scénario, un utilisateur local compose le numéro d'un autre utilisateur local par son poste. Passons en revue les informations affichées par le magnétoscope pour cet appel afin d'en savoir plus :
AS_CLI/ASDiagnostic/Diag> vtr userId ngnuserB1@mleus.lab 2012
VTR Result:
Using following parameters to run short form VTR command
vtrKey 12
origUserId ngnuserB1@mleus.lab
origUserUid 110439218
requestURI equivalent 2012@
dialedDigits (initial) 2012
deviceEnpoint 5403362011@mleus.lab
Dans la première section des résultats VTR, vous pouvez voir comment AS mappe les paramètres de la commande vtr aux URL SIP :
=========== ORIGINATOR INFO ===================
[Orig-Id] VTR Short form trigger.
[Orig-Id] No Endpoint.
[Orig-Id] Originating user type: BroadWorks
[Orig-Id] User Info
[Orig-Id] User Id = ngnuserB1@mleus.lab
[Orig-Id] User Uid = 110439218
[Orig-Id] Group Id = ngngroupB1
[Orig-Id] Service Provider Id = ngnentB1
[Orig-Id] Reseller Id = null
[Orig-Id] ASCII First Name = Marek
[Orig-Id] ASCII Last Name = Leus
[Orig-Id] Unicode First Name = Marek
[Orig-Id] Unicode Last Name = Leus
[Orig-Id] Country Code = 1
[Orig-Id] User Type = User
[Orig-Id] Trunk User Type = BroadWorks Regular User
[Orig-Id] (0) Address type = main
[Orig-Id] (0) dn = +15403362011
[Orig-Id] (0) extension = 2011
[Orig-Id] activeAsComponentID = [vnf=null,vnfc=1]
[Orig-Id] beingRemoved = false
[Orig-Id] configurable CLID = 5403362010
[Orig-Id] synchronizationASRSentToNS = false
Ensuite, comme l'appelant est local, tous les détails concernant l'utilisateur sont imprimés. Cette section vous permet de connaître le prénom (Marek) et le nom (Leus) de l'utilisateur, son numéro de poste (2011), ainsi que le numéro complet (+15403362011) et l'entreprise/groupe (ngnentB1/ngngroupB1) auquel il appartient.
=========== ORIGINATING CALL INFO ================
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallId is callhalf-60455:0
[Orig/CallServiceBus] === Routing InvitationEvent on the Originating Call bus ===
[Orig/CallServiceBus] TranslationServiceOrigInstance has CONSUMED the event.
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallId is callhalf-60455:0
[Orig/CallServiceBus] === Routing InvitationEvent on the Originating Call bus ===
[Orig/CallServiceBus] Resuming event processing after TranslationServiceOrigInstance
[Orig/CallServiceBus] SecurityClassificationServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CMServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] ReturnCallServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] LNDServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] GETSServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] EnhancedCallLogsServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] LocationControlServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus/OCPOriginatorServiceInstance] OCPOriginatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus/OCPOriginatorServiceInstance] Validating origination. Using call type Group
[Orig/CallServiceBus/OCPOriginatorServiceInstance] Validation returned disposition Allow - OCP call type: Group
[Orig/CallServiceBus] ACRFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] NPAnnouncementServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallCenterAgentCallServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] PTTOriginatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] LegacyACBServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] AutomaticCallbackServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] TreatmentsServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CFAlwaysFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] SCFFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallWaitingFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] VMServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] AnswerTimerFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] DNDFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CPCServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] ClassmarkServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] VAOCallServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] AoCServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] EmergencyCallTimerServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] SCRFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] ExecutiveAssistantOrigServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/VTR_FINAL] Triggering report.
Étant donné qu'il s'agit d'un utilisateur simple sans service activé, la section Informations sur l'appel d'origine ne contient pas beaucoup d'informations. Le système autonome vérifie un service après l'autre, puis passe à la section suivante du magnétoscope. Il définit également cet appel comme un appel de groupe. Si vous voulez corréler cette analyse VTR avec XSLogs, vous pouvez extraire l'ID de la moitié d'appel (callhalf-60455) de cette section, puis l'utiliser pour trouver cet appel dans les fichiers journaux. Exemple :
bwadmin@as1.mleus.lab$ less XSLog2023.01.27-00.00.00.txt | grep callhalf-60455
2023.01.27 10:28:38:819 CET | Info | Sip | BCCT Worker #1 | 3104778 | +15403362011 | callhalf-60455
$ new CHSS > +15403362011 > > callhalf-60455
2023.01.27 10:28:38:819 CET | FieldDebug | StateReplication | BCCT Worker #1 | 3104779 | +15403362011 | callhalf-60455
2023.01.27 10:28:38:821 CET | Info | CallP | Call Half Input Adapter 5 | 3104780 | Call Manager | +15403362011 | ngngroupB1 | callhalf-60455
La section suivante est Résultat de la traduction d'origine :
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] --Dial Plan Policy Information--
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] requiresAccessCodeForPublicCalls = false
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] allowE164PublicCalls = false
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] privateDigitMap =
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] publicDigitMap = ([2-9]11|[0-1][2-9]11|0[#T]|00|01[2-9]xx.[#T]|*xx|011x.[#T]|[0-1]xxxxxxx[#T]|[0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxx[#T]|101xxxx.[#T]|11|[2-9][#T])
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] preferE164FormatForCallbackSvcs = false
[Orig-Xlation/NetworkUsagePolicy] Network Usage Policy is - do not force all calls to network -
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] Translation Client: Translation Service Originating Side call Id is callhalf-60455:0
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] === TranslationResult ===
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] callType Group
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] address 2012
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] destination uid 156778964
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] destination user Id ngnuserB2@mleus.lab
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] addressType main
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] originalAddress 2012
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] dgcAlternateAddress 2012
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] isServiceCode false
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] sc8Translated false
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] sc100Translated false
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] oacTranslated false
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] carrierPrefixTranslated false
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] intraSP false
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] alias false
[Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] preExtEmergencyRtgAK null
Dans cette section, vous pouvez découvrir le plan de numérotation appliqué à un appel donné. Pour cet appel, le résultat indique qu'il s'agit d'un appel du groupe et qu'il est dirigé vers l'utilisateur ngnuserB2@mleus.lab. La section suivante nous en dit plus sur cet utilisateur :
=========== TERMINATING CALL INFO ================
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] CallManagerId is callhalf-60459
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] === Routing TerminationEvent on the Call Manager bus ===
[Term/Term-Id] Terminating user type: BroadWorks
[Term/Term-Id] User Info
[Term/Term-Id] User Id = ngnuserB2@mleus.lab
[Term/Term-Id] User Uid = 156778964
[Term/Term-Id] Group Id = ngngroupB1
[Term/Term-Id] Service Provider Id = ngnentB1
[Term/Term-Id] Reseller Id = null
[Term/Term-Id] ASCII First Name = John
[Term/Term-Id] ASCII Last Name = Doe
[Term/Term-Id] Unicode First Name = John
[Term/Term-Id] Unicode Last Name = Doe
[Term/Term-Id] Country Code = 1
[Term/Term-Id] User Type = User
[Term/Term-Id] Trunk User Type = BroadWorks Regular User
[Term/Term-Id] (0) Address type = main
[Term/Term-Id] (0) dn = +15403362012
[Term/Term-Id] (0) extension = 2012
[Term/Term-Id] activeAsComponentID = [vnf=null,vnfc=1]
[Term/Term-Id] beingRemoved = false
[Term/Term-Id] configurable CLID = 5403362010
[Term/Term-Id] synchronizationASRSentToNS = false
Cette partie vous permet d'obtenir les mêmes détails sur la cible d'appel que précédemment pour l'appelant : prénom et nom (John Doe), poste (2012) et numéro complet (+15403362012), ainsi que l'entreprise/groupe (ngnentB1/ngngroupB1).
[Term/CallServiceBus] CallId is callhalf-60459:0
[Term/CallServiceBus] === Routing InvitationEvent on the Terminating Call bus ===
[Term/CallServiceBus] TranslationServiceTermInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] NumberPortabilityQueryServiceTermInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] CMServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] GETSServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] CallCenterAgentCallServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] OCPTerminatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] ICPServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] ACRServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCRServiceInstance] Criteria Set(s) evaluated but not triggered:
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCRServiceInstance] Criteria Set:
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCRServiceInstance] description: Reject_all
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCRServiceInstance] active: false
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCRServiceInstance] blackListFlag: false
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCRServiceInstance] ScheduleCriteria
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCRServiceInstance] - No Schedule associated
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCRServiceInstance] - inScheduleRightNow: true
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCRServiceInstance] CallingPartyAddressCriteria
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCRServiceInstance] Any Address
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCRServiceInstance] CallToCriteria
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCRServiceInstance] CallTo matches ANY
[Term/CallServiceBus] SCRServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] PTTTerminatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] LNRServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] EnhancedCallLogsServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] GroupNightForwardingServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] FaxMessagingServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] SCFServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] CFAlwaysTerminatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] DNDServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] PersonalAssistantServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] CallWaitingTerminatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] PreAlertingAnnouncementServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] AnswerTimerServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] VMServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] RedirectionServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] SecurityClassificationServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] ExecutiveTermServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] ExecutiveAssistantTermServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
Plus loin dans cette section, tous les services sont vérifiés. Un seul service est affecté à cet utilisateur (acceptation sélective des appels), mais le seul jeu de critères (Reject_2011) est inactif. Par conséquent, elle n'est pas déclenchée et l'analyse VTR passe à l'étape suivante de la section Infos sur la fin de l'appel, qui affiche le résultat final de l'analyse.
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] CallManagerId is callhalf-60459
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] === Routing InvitationEvent on the Call Manager bus ===
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] AccessRoutingServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] VAOServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] TSDServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] SCAPServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] CallCenterAgentServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] FlashServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] RingTimeoutServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/SipINVITE] Outgoing resulting INVITE for Endpoint Id: callhalf-60459:0
udp 1195 SIP Bytes OUT to
INVITE sip:5403362012@;transport=UDP;rinstance=c71abb15b3ff5d4a SIP/2.0
From:"Marek Leus"
;tag=1694279432-1674811718841- To:"John Doe"
Call-ID:BW102838841270123-1135433227@ CSeq:960978525 INVITE Contact:
;appearance-index=1 Recv-Info:x-broadworks-client-session-info Accept:application/media_control+xml,application/sdp,multipart/mixed Max-Forwards:10 Content-Type:application/sdp Content-Length:410 v=0 o=- 123 123 IN IP4 s=- c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 16428 RTP/AVP 0 2 4 8 18 96 97 98 100 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:2 G726-32/8000 a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:18 G729a/8000 a=rtpmap:96 G726-40/8000 a=rtpmap:97 G726-24/8000 a=rtpmap:98 G726-16/8000 a=rtpmap:100 NSE/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv
Dans cette section, vous voyez le message INVITE qui serait étendu à la destination finale s'il s'agissait d'un appel réel. Vous pouvez également extraire l'ID de demi-appel (callhalf-60459) qui peut être utilisé pour suivre cet appel dans les fichiers journaux :
bwadmin@as1.mleus.lab$ less XSLog2023.01.27-00.00.00.txt | grep callhalf-60459
2023.01.27 10:28:38:827 CET | Info | Sip | Call Half Input Adapter 5 | 3104796 | +15403362012 | callhalf-60459 | 5ff0de06-90a9-4bb6-892a-610d7441ed69
$ new CHSS > +15403362012 > callhalf-60455:0 > callhalf-60459
2023.01.27 10:28:38:827 CET | FieldDebug | StateReplication | Call Half Input Adapter 5 | 3104797 | +15403362012 | callhalf-60459 | 5ff0de06-90a9-4bb6-892a-610d7441ed69
2023.01.27 10:28:38:827 CET | Info | CallP | Call Half Input Adapter 0 | 3104798 | Call Manager | +15403362012 | ngngroupB1 | callhalf-60459 | 5ff0de06-90a9-4bb6-892a-610d7441ed69
Les deux dernières sections présentent le résultat final et les horodatages de cette analyse :
=========== TIMESTAMPS =========
[Timestamps] Start time = 2023.01.27 10:28:38:819 CET
[Timestamps] End time = 2023.01.27 10:28:38:846 CET
=========== RESULT: ALLOWED ===============
Dans ce scénario, un utilisateur local compose à nouveau le numéro d'un autre utilisateur local par son poste ; toutefois, cette fois, l'acceptation sélective des appels est configurée pour rejeter cet appel. Passons en revue les informations affichées par le magnétoscope pour cet appel afin d'en savoir plus :
AS_CLI/ASDiagnostic/Diag> vtr userId ngnuserB1@mleus.lab 2012
VTR Result:
Using following parameters to run short form VTR command
vtrKey 16
origUserId ngnuserB1@mleus.lab
origUserUid 110439218
requestURI equivalent 2012@
dialedDigits (initial) 2012
deviceEnpoint 5403362011@mleus.lab
IDans la première section des résultats VTR, vous pouvez voir comment le système autonome mappe les paramètres de la commande vtr aux URL SIP :
Étant donné qu'il s'agit exactement du même appelant que dans le premier scénario, la section Informations sur l'appelant est également identique. Par conséquent, elle est ignorée pour des raisons de clarté et l'analyse continue jusqu'à la section Informations sur l'appel d'origine :
=========== ORIGINATING CALL INFO ================
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallId is callhalf-60507:0
[Orig/CallServiceBus] === Routing InvitationEvent on the Originating Call bus ===
[Orig/CallServiceBus] TranslationServiceOrigInstance has CONSUMED the event.
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallId is callhalf-60507:0
[Orig/CallServiceBus] === Routing InvitationEvent on the Originating Call bus ===
[Orig/CallServiceBus] Resuming event processing after TranslationServiceOrigInstance
[Orig/CallServiceBus] SecurityClassificationServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CMServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] ReturnCallServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] LNDServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] GETSServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] EnhancedCallLogsServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] LocationControlServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus/OCPOriginatorServiceInstance] OCPOriginatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus/OCPOriginatorServiceInstance] Validating origination. Using call type Group
[Orig/CallServiceBus/OCPOriginatorServiceInstance] Validation returned disposition Allow - OCP call type: Group
[Orig/CallServiceBus] ACRFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] NPAnnouncementServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallCenterAgentCallServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] PTTOriginatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] LegacyACBServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] AutomaticCallbackServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] TreatmentsServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CFAlwaysFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] SCFFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallWaitingFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] VMServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] AnswerTimerFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] DNDFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CPCServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] ClassmarkServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] VAOCallServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] AoCServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] EmergencyCallTimerServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] SCRFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] ExecutiveAssistantOrigServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallId is callhalf-60507:0
[Orig/CallServiceBus] === Routing ReleaseWithCauseEvent on the Originating Call bus ===
[Orig/CallServiceBus] TranslationServiceOrigInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallTransferRecallServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CMServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] GETSServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] EnhancedCallLogsServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] OCPOriginatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallCenterAgentCallServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] PTTOriginatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallParkServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] LegacyACBServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] AutomaticCallbackServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus/TreatmentsServiceInstance] TreatmentsServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus/TreatmentsServiceInstance] Treatments Service would have started the announcement (see Treatment Section for more details).
[Orig/CallServiceBus/TreatmentsServiceInstance] Letting event continue to release test call resources properly
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallWaitingFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CFBusyFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CFNoAnswerFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] VMServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CFNotReachableFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] DirectedCallPickupServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] DPUBIServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] AnswerTimerFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] MusicOnHoldServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] AoCServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] EmergencyCallTimerServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/ReleaseWithCauseHandler] Post Processing RWC for Call.
Cette section indique que le numéro de destination est connu du système autonome et définit l'appel comme un appel de groupe. Cependant, vous pouvez également déterminer si quelque chose va de travers. Tout d'abord, il y a l'instruction « Routing ReleaseWithCauseEvent on the Originating Call bus » et TreatmentServiceInstance est impliqué. De même, la section se termine par ReleaseWithCauseHandler.
La section suivante est Résultat de la traduction d'origine, qui est identique à la section du scénario 1 car l'appel est dirigé vers le même utilisateur. Par conséquent, elle est omise pour des raisons de clarté. La différence apparaît dans la section Infos sur la fin de l'appel :
=========== TERMINATING CALL INFO ================
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] CallManagerId is callhalf-60511
[Term/CallManagerServiceBus] === Routing TerminationEvent on the Call Manager bus ===
[Term/Term-Id] Terminating user type: BroadWorks
[Term/Term-Id] User Info
[Term/Term-Id] User Id = ngnuserB2@mleus.lab
[Term/Term-Id] User Uid = 156778964
[Term/Term-Id] Group Id = ngngroupB1
[Term/Term-Id] Service Provider Id = ngnentB1
[Term/Term-Id] Reseller Id = null
[Term/Term-Id] ASCII First Name = John
[Term/Term-Id] ASCII Last Name = Doe
[Term/Term-Id] Unicode First Name = John
[Term/Term-Id] Unicode Last Name = Doe
[Term/Term-Id] Country Code = 1
[Term/Term-Id] User Type = User
[Term/Term-Id] Trunk User Type = BroadWorks Regular User
[Term/Term-Id] (0) Address type = main
[Term/Term-Id] (0) dn = +15403362012
[Term/Term-Id] (0) extension = 2012
[Term/Term-Id] activeAsComponentID = [vnf=null,vnfc=1]
[Term/Term-Id] beingRemoved = false
[Term/Term-Id] configurable CLID = 5403362010
[Term/Term-Id] synchronizationASRSentToNS = false
[Term/CallServiceBus] CallId is callhalf-60511:0
[Term/CallServiceBus] === Routing InvitationEvent on the Terminating Call bus ===
[Term/CallServiceBus] TranslationServiceTermInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] NumberPortabilityQueryServiceTermInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] CMServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] GETSServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] CallCenterAgentCallServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] OCPTerminatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] ICPServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] ACRServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCAServiceInstance] Criteria Set evaluated and triggered:
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCAServiceInstance] Criteria Set:
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCAServiceInstance] description: Reject_2011
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCAServiceInstance] active: true
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCAServiceInstance] blackListFlag: true
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCAServiceInstance] ScheduleCriteria
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCAServiceInstance] - No Schedule associated
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCAServiceInstance] - inScheduleRightNow: true
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCAServiceInstance] CallingPartyAddressCriteria
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCAServiceInstance] +15403362011
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCAServiceInstance] CallToCriteria
[Term/CallServiceBus/SCAServiceInstance] CallTo matches ANY
[Term/CallServiceBus] SCAServiceInstance has CONSUMED the event.
[Term/CallServiceBus] CallId is callhalf-60511:0
[Term/CallServiceBus] === Routing ReleaseWithCauseEvent on the Terminating Call bus ===
[Term/CallServiceBus] TranslationServiceTermInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] CMServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] CallParkServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] GETSServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] CallCenterAgentCallServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] OCPTerminatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] PTTTerminatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] LNRServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] EnhancedCallLogsServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] PersonalAssistantServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] CallWaitingTerminatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] CFBusyTerminatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] AnswerTimerServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] CFNotReachableTerminatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] CFNoAnswerTerminatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] VMServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] DirectedCallPickupServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] DPUBIServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] RedirectionServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Term/CallServiceBus] MusicOnHoldServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
Cette fois, le jeu de critères Reject_2011 est actif. Le service d'acceptation sélective des appels est donc déclenché. Par conséquent, ReleaseWithCauseEvent est déclenché sur le bus Terminating Call. Le SA vérifie le reste des services et passe à la section Information sur le traitement :
=========== TREATMENT INFORMATION =========
[Treatment/TreatmentsService] Treatment service processing RWC. Release Cause is FORBIDDEN
[Treatment/TreatmentsService] defaultAnnouncement isTrtCallFailure.wav
[Treatment/TreatmentsService] defaultTone is reorder-pcmu.wav
[Treatment/TreatmentsService] Configurable Treatment NOT used but specific audio treatment files have been provided
[Treatment/TreatmentsService] audioAnnouncement(s):
Dans cette section, vous pouvez connaître la raison de l'échec de l'appel (INTERDIT) et savoir si l'annonce TrtSelectCallReject.wav doit être lue.
Les deux dernières sections présentent le résultat final et les horodatages de cette analyse :
=========== TIMESTAMPS =========
[Timestamps] Start time = 2023.01.27 10:31:29:425 CET
[Timestamps] End time = 2023.01.27 10:31:29:466 CET
=========== RESULT: BLOCKED ===============
Dans ce scénario, un utilisateur local compose un autre numéro de poste qui n'est pas attribué. Passons en revue les informations affichées par le magnétoscope pour cet appel afin d'en savoir plus :
AS_CLI/ASDiagnostic/Diag> vtr userId ngnuserB1@mleus.lab 2014
VTR Result:
Using following parameters to run short form VTR command
vtrKey 14
origUserId ngnuserB1@mleus.lab
origUserUid 110439218
requestURI equivalent 2014@
dialedDigits (initial) 2014
deviceEnpoint 5403362011@mleus.lab
Dans la première section des résultats VTR, vous pouvez voir comment le système autonome mappe les paramètres de la commande vtr aux URL SIP :
Étant donné qu'il s'agit exactement du même appelant que dans le premier scénario, la section Informations sur l'appelant est également identique. Par conséquent, elle est ignorée pour des raisons de clarté et l'analyse continue jusqu'à la section Informations sur l'appel d'origine :
=========== ORIGINATING CALL INFO ================
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallId is callhalf-60487:0
[Orig/CallServiceBus] === Routing InvitationEvent on the Originating Call bus ===
[Orig/CallServiceBus] TranslationServiceOrigInstance has CONSUMED the event.
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallId is callhalf-60487:0
[Orig/CallServiceBus] === Routing ReleaseWithCauseEvent on the Originating Call bus ===
[Orig/CallServiceBus] TranslationServiceOrigInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallTransferRecallServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CMServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] GETSServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] EnhancedCallLogsServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] OCPOriginatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallCenterAgentCallServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] PTTOriginatorServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallParkServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] LegacyACBServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] AutomaticCallbackServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus/TreatmentsServiceInstance] TreatmentsServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus/TreatmentsServiceInstance] Treatments Service would have started the announcement (see Treatment Section for more details).
[Orig/CallServiceBus/TreatmentsServiceInstance] Letting event continue to release test call resources properly
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CallWaitingFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CFBusyFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CFNoAnswerFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] VMServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] CFNotReachableFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] DirectedCallPickupServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] DPUBIServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] AnswerTimerFACServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] MusicOnHoldServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] AoCServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/CallServiceBus] EmergencyCallTimerServiceInstance has processed the event...continue
[Orig/ReleaseWithCauseHandler] Post Processing RWC for Call.
À partir de cette section, vous pouvez déjà comprendre que quelque chose ne va pas. Tout d'abord, il y a une instruction « Routing ReleaseWithCauseEvent on the Originating Call bus » au lieu de l'instruction « Routing InvitationEvent on the Originating Call bus ». Ensuite, une instruction TreatmentServiceInstance est impliquée. Enfin, la section se termine par l'instruction ReleaseWithCauseHandler.
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] --Dial Plan Policy Information--
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] requiresAccessCodeForPublicCalls = false
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] allowE164PublicCalls = false
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] privateDigitMap =
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] publicDigitMap = ([2-9]11|[0-1][2-9]11|0[#T]|00|01[2-9]xx.[#T]|*xx|011x.[#T]|[0-1]xxxxxxx[#T]|[0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxx[#T]|101xxxx.[#T]|11|[2-9][#T])
[Orig-Xlation/DialPlanPolicy] preferE164FormatForCallbackSvcs = false
[Orig-Xlation/NetworkUsagePolicy] Network Usage Policy is - do not force all calls to network -
[Orig-Xlation/NetworkServerINVITE] Sending INVITE event to network server for Translation Service Originating Side client
[Orig-Xlation/NetworkServerINVITE] Endpoint Id: callhalf-60487:0
udp 1128 SIP Bytes OUT to
INVITE sip:2014@;user=phone;transport=udp SIP/2.0
From:"Marek Leus"
;tag=1152157837-1674811757564- To:
Call-ID:BW1029175642701231892598132@ CSeq:960997887 INVITE Contact:
P-Asserted-Identity:"Marek Leus"
Privacy:none X-BroadWorks-Correlation-Info:be8fde53-9ba5-4fc4-a788-ee426ed1fe90 Allow:ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INFO,INVITE,OPTIONS,PRACK,REFER,NOTIFY Supported: Max-Forwards:10 Content-Type:application/sdp Content-Length:410 v=0 o=- 123 123 IN IP4 s=- c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 16428 RTP/AVP 0 2 4 8 18 96 97 98 100 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:2 G726-32/8000 a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:18 G729a/8000 a=rtpmap:96 G726-40/8000 a=rtpmap:97 G726-24/8000 a=rtpmap:98 G726-16/8000 a=rtpmap:100 NSE/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv [Orig-Xlation/NS-RESPONSE] Got Network Server response for Translation Service Originating Side client udp 394 SIP Bytes IN from SIP/2.0 404 Not found Via:SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKBroadWorks.-iom24c- From:"Marek Leus"
;tag=1152157837-1674811757564- To:
;tag=1006595920-1674811749882 Call-ID:BW1029175642701231892598132@ CSeq:960997887 INVITE Content-Length:0 [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] Translation Client: Translation Service Originating Side call Id is callhalf-60487:0 [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] === TranslationResult === [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] callType Network [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] address 2014 [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] addressType main [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] isServiceCode false [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] sc8Translated false [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] sc100Translated false [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] oacTranslated false [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] carrierPrefixTranslated false [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] intraSP false [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] alias false [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] preExtEmergencyRtgAK null [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] === Carrier Info === [Orig-Xlation/TranslationManager] ;csel=noind
La section Résultat de la traduction d'origine donne un aperçu de la raison pour laquelle l'appel n'a pas abouti. Il ressort clairement du résultat que le système autonome tente de résoudre le numéro 2014 avec le système de réseau, mais il renvoie la réponse d'erreur 404 Not Found.
Étant donné que l'appel ne peut pas être prolongé jusqu'à sa destination, la section Infos sur la fin de l'appel est très brève :
=========== TERMINATING CALL INFO ================
[Term] Terminating call processing information has not been populated
Une section Informations sur le traitement contient des informations sur la manière dont l'appel ayant échoué doit être traité :
=========== TREATMENT INFORMATION =========
[Treatment/TreatmentsService] Treatment service processing RWC. Release Cause is USER_NOT_FOUND
[Treatment/TreatmentsService] defaultAnnouncement isTrtUnknownUser.wav
[Treatment/TreatmentsService] defaultTone is reorder-pcmu.wav
[Treatment/TreatmentsService] Treatment playing default announcement
Cette section indique la raison de l'échec de l'appel (USER_NOT_FOUND) et indique que la tonalité TrtUnknownUser.wav et/ou reorder-pcmu.wav doit être émise. Il indique également le chemin à utiliser dans le dialogue avec le serveur multimédia pour lui demander de lire l'annonce appropriée.
Les deux dernières sections présentent le résultat final et les horodatages de cette analyse :
=========== TIMESTAMPS =========
[Timestamps] Start time = 2023.01.27 10:29:17:525 CET
[Timestamps] End time = 2023.01.27 10:29:17:669 CET
=========== RESULT: BLOCKED ===============
Révision | Date de publication | Commentaires |
1.0 |
31-Jan-2023 |
Première publication |