La documentazione per questo prodotto è stata redatta cercando di utilizzare un linguaggio senza pregiudizi. Ai fini di questa documentazione, per linguaggio senza di pregiudizi si intende un linguaggio che non implica discriminazioni basate su età, disabilità, genere, identità razziale, identità etnica, orientamento sessuale, status socioeconomico e intersezionalità. Le eventuali eccezioni possono dipendere dal linguaggio codificato nelle interfacce utente del software del prodotto, dal linguaggio utilizzato nella documentazione RFP o dal linguaggio utilizzato in prodotti di terze parti a cui si fa riferimento. Scopri di più sul modo in cui Cisco utilizza il linguaggio inclusivo.
Cisco ha tradotto questo documento utilizzando una combinazione di tecnologie automatiche e umane per offrire ai nostri utenti in tutto il mondo contenuti di supporto nella propria lingua. Si noti che anche la migliore traduzione automatica non sarà mai accurata come quella fornita da un traduttore professionista. Cisco Systems, Inc. non si assume alcuna responsabilità per l’accuratezza di queste traduzioni e consiglia di consultare sempre il documento originale in inglese (disponibile al link fornito).
Questo documento descrive la funzione che mira a integrare Facebook Messenger come canale lato cliente con la funzione CCX Web Chat (tramite SocialMiner) come funzione out-of-box.
Facebook Messenger è un servizio e applicazione di messaggistica istantanea di Facebook. Con 1,2 miliardi di utenti, è indubbiamente la piattaforma di messaggistica più grande e più diffusa al mondo.
Basato sulla piattaforma Facebook Messenger, questo servizio consente alle aziende di interagire con i clienti e di integrarsi con altri servizi.
Il servizio gateway chat è un nuovo servizio basato su node.js introdotto in SocialMiner per l'integrazione di FB Messenger.
Questo servizio è progettato in modo generico per esporre API webhook a servizi di messaggistica esterni (come FB messenger) e gestire internamente sessioni di chat e richiamare API di chat SocialMiner.
In sostanza, questo è il servizio che organizza le sessioni di chat per FB messenger (e qualsiasi altro servizio di messaggistica in futuro).
Registri da raccogliere:
/opt/cisco/uccx/log/MADM/* - Tutti i log di CCX Administration - necessari per qualsiasi problema di configurazione.
Livelli registro:
Registri da raccogliere:
Tutti questi registri possono essere raccolti utilizzando:
Livelli registro:
Per i log del gateway di chat di SocialMiner, sono disponibili 3 livelli di log principali:
Questi livelli di log possono essere modificati modificando il /opt/cisco/mmca/conf/ccp-chat-gateway/settings.json e richiede il riavvio del servizio Gateway di chat di SocialMiner per avere effetto.
Non è disponibile alcun comando CLI per eseguire questa operazione. L'accesso a questo file richiede un account radice/remoto.
Prima di configurare la funzionalità UCCX per FBM, accertarsi che il cliente abbia creato un'app Facebook con la piattaforma Facebook Messenger.
Prima di configurare questa funzione in CCX Administration, è necessario eseguire una serie di operazioni specifiche.
Crea e gestisci una pagina Facebook
L'URL di callback (aggiornato in facebook durante la creazione di webhook) deve essere l'URL accessibile pubblicamente dai server Se non è presente alcun proxy, URL Webhook è l'URL dell'SM sulla porta 10443. Ciò significa:
Passaggio 1. Se SocialMiner è direttamente su Internet pubblica, si tratta di un URL webhook esposto dall'host SocialMiner sulla porta 10443 (https://<FQDN SM>:10443/fbm)
Puoi controllare lo stato della configurazione di Facebook usando questo URL nel browser per assicurarti che funzioni correttamente dal punto di vista della configurazione. Esempio:
Passaggio 2. Se SocialMiner è nascosto dietro un proxy inverso, URL Webhook è l'URL del server proxy sulla porta 10443. Questo è l'URL del server proxy inverso (
Questo proxy inverso deve inoltrare ulteriormente la richiesta all'URL webhook esposto dall'host SocialMiner sulla porta 10443 (https://<FQDN SM>:10443/fbm)
Passaggio 3. È obbligatorio che l'host che gestisce l'URL di callback in gestisca le richieste tramite HTTP protetto (HTTPS) con un certificato SSL valido e firmato dalla CA. Se si tratta del server SocialMiner, verificare che il certificato della piattaforma autofirmato sia sostituito da un certificato valido firmato dalla CA.
Passaggio 4. Verificare che i firewall non blocchino il traffico in entrata verso la porta 10443 sul server SocialMiner. Su questa porta è implementato un limitatore di velocità che protegge il server da un eccesso di traffico non garantito. A questa porta vengono inoltre applicate le regole per i limiti di connessione della piattaforma.
In, nella sezione Revisione app dell'app Facebook, verificare che lo switch sia impostato su On per rendere pubblica l'app.
Inoltre, assicurati che lo stato dell'app sia Live, come mostrato nell'immagine nell'angolo in alto a destra.
In, sotto Messenger > Impostazioni, passare alla sezione Webhook e selezionare Imposta Webhook.
Quando si fa clic sul pulsante Verify and Save , viene inviata una richiesta reale da all'URL di callback utilizzando il token Verify fornito.
Se la richiesta ha esito negativo, non sarà possibile salvare queste impostazioni a meno che il problema non venga risolto. Le questioni sono chiaramente evidenziate in linea con il testo e dovrebbero essere risolte.
Testare il webhook in qualsiasi momento successivo (dopo la configurazione) utilizzando la funzionalità di test fornita in (sotto APP Facebook > Webhook sezione)
Fare clic su Test > Send to My server (Prova > Invia a server personale). In caso di esito positivo, Facebook invia un messaggio all'SM "L'aggiornamento di esempio è stato inviato correttamente al server", come mostrato nell'immagine.
In, controllare la sezione Avvisi>Posta in arrivo per eventuali aggiornamenti/notifiche/notizie da Facebook che potrebbero influire sull'app e sulle relative funzionalità.
Utilizzare la funzionalità Convalida token fornita in CCX Administration (Subsystems>Chat and Email>Chat - Facebook Messenger > Convalida)
Usare lo strumento Access Token Debugger fornito da Facebook.
Effettuare una semplice richiesta HTTP GET a Facebook.
Utilizzare la funzionalità Convalida token fornita in Amministrazione CCX (Sottosistemi>Chat ed Email>Chat - Facebook Messenger > Convalida)
È possibile controllare lo stato in CCX Administration (Subsystems>Chat and Email>SocialMiner Configuration)
Not Configured: indica che il gateway è in stato NOT_CONFIGURED. Nessun canale configurato.
Non applicabile: indica che Finesse non è attivato o che la versione di SocialMiner non è configurata o compatibile.
Integrazione con Facebook Messenger
Indica se il canale è ABILITATO o meno.
Indica anche l'ultimo errore registrato in questo canale. Questa opzione è utile per determinare gli errori intermittenti e permanenti.
Queste configurazioni di canale non possono avere effetto in modo dinamico senza interrompere le chat in corso e richiedono quindi il riavvio del servizio Gateway chat di SocialMiner.
Se il token di accesso alla pagina o il token di verifica vengono modificati, riavviare il servizio Gateway di chat di SocialMiner dalla CLI.
utilizza il servizio per riavviare il gateway di chat di SocialMiner
Passaggio 1. L'amministratore carica la pagina di integrazione di Facebook Messenger da Subsystems > Chat and Email > Chat-Facebook Messenger (che ottiene la configurazione del gateway di chat da SocialMiner se configurato)
//UCCX Esecuzione della richiesta REST per ottenere la configurazione del gateway di chat.
6551: Aug 27 12:21:23.943 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Getting gateway config 6552: Aug 27 12:21:23.950 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: ChatWidgetUtil.getChatFeedURL() 6553: Aug 27 12:21:23.950 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] ConfigManagerImpl: getAccessor(ConfigQuery):Try to get the default accessor 6554: Aug 27 12:21:23.950 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: DBAccessor.get(query)) 6555: Aug 27 12:21:23.950 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: Schema class = 6556: Aug 27 12:21:23.950 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: SystemConfigDAO 6557: Aug 27 12:21:23.950 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.readAll() :: 1,, null 6558: Aug 27 12:21:23.951 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6559: Aug 27 12:21:23.958 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6560: Aug 27 12:21:23.959 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.convertToCIR :: 1 entities 6561: Aug 27 12:21:23.959 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: Found Configs1 6562: Aug 27 12:21:23.961 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Socialminer is configured 6563: Aug 27 12:21:23.961 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getChannelConfig(FACEBOOK_MESSENGER) 6564: Aug 27 12:21:23.961 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getGatewayConfiguration 6565: Aug 27 12:21:23.962 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] ConfigManagerImpl: getAccessor(ConfigQuery):Try to get the default accessor 6566: Aug 27 12:21:23.962 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: DBAccessor.get(query)) 6567: Aug 27 12:21:23.962 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: Schema class = 6568: Aug 27 12:21:23.962 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: SystemConfigDAO 6569: Aug 27 12:21:23.962 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.readAll() :: 1,, null 6570: Aug 27 12:21:23.963 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6571: Aug 27 12:21:23.966 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6572: Aug 27 12:21:23.968 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.convertToCIR :: 1 entities 6573: Aug 27 12:21:23.968 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: Found Configs1 6574: Aug 27 12:21:24.246 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: getChatGatewayConfig(): Sendig GET reqest to - chatGatewayConfig/ 6575: Aug 27 12:21:24.458 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: getChatGatewayConfig(): GET successed.
//In caso di esito positivo, gli SM restituiscono le configurazioni del gateway di chat, ad esempio il token di accesso alla pagina Facebook, le configurazioni del proxy, le istruzioni con i mapping delle code, i messaggi configurati, la configurazione della valutazione post-chat e il token di verifica Facebook.
6576: Aug 27 12:21:24.583 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: getChatGatewayConfig(): returns -[version=1.0,$HttpProxy@1d8aa3d[enabled=true,,port=8080],channels=[$Channel@4f3dee[type=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER,$Channel$Auth@6afc6c[pageAccessToken=EAAVG0LRBZCxYBAHjjnvqBb4MvGHLnlo4cOXw8qgm7BmZCabg44cM7JEzq7BujFItMsk78iXfZAdZBBuXpxEIu4hnQBgvXYzrCifoL8vvjjvYIaZBshfx8plLjm42qbE0FgoEmpREw0YV71Sq4RzRZBPeFVyJOQEMhVNaDsdFGjD8X34mmja,verificationToken=yy721u9wyzg7edl1vgjsm],enabled=true,problemStatements=[$Channel$ProblemStatement@1e23156[title=1162FBM1,queueId=4],$Channel$ProblemStatement@115343a[title=1162FBM2,queueId=5],$Channel$ProblemStatement@117fc9a[title=1162FBM3,queueId=6]],chatFeedId=100029,messages={CHAT_ENDED=Your chat has ended. Thank you., RATING_OFFER=Would you like to rate your chat experience on a scale of 1 [worst] to 5 [best]? Select a rating., UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE=Sorry, we support only text messages and emojis., PROBLEM_STATEMENT_CAPTION=How can we help you? Choose from one of the options., CHAT_ENDED_UNKNOWN_ERROR=Oops! An error occurred. Chat has ended. Try again later., WAIT_FOR_AGENT=Just a moment...finding an expert to chat with you., AGENT_JOIN_TIMEOUT=We are busy at the moment. You can continue to wait or try again later., WELCOME_MESSAGE=Hello! Welcome to ABCD Customer Care., CHAT_ENDED_INACTIVITY=Chat has ended due to inactivity. You can contact us again., RATING_COMPLETE=Thank you for the feedback., CHAT_ENDED_AGENT_UNAVAILABLE=Sorry, we could not find an expert to chat with you at this moment. Try again later.},ratingEnabled=true]]] 6577: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - getChannelConfig(FACEBOOK_MESSENGER) - Found:$Channel@4f3dee[type=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER,$Channel$Auth@6afc6c[pageAccessToken=EAAVG0LRBZCxYBAHjjnvqBb4MvGHLnlo4cOXw8qgm7BmZCabg44cM7JEzq7BujFItMsk78iXfZAdZBBuXpxEIu4hnQBgvXYzrCifoL8vvjjvYIaZBshfx8plLjm42qbE0FgoEmpREw0YV71Sq4RzRZBPeFVyJOQE5WDMhVNaDsdFGjD8X34mmja,verificationToken=yy721u9wyzg7edl1vgjsm],enabled=true,problemStatements=[$Channel$ProblemStatement@1e23156[title=1162FBM1,queueId=4],$Channel$ProblemStatement@115343a[title=1162FBM2,queueId=5],$Channel$ProblemStatement@117fc9a[title=1162FBM3,queueId=6]],chatFeedId=100029,messages={CHAT_ENDED=Your chat has ended. Thank you., RATING_OFFER=Would you like to rate your chat experience on a scale of 1 [worst] to 5 [best]? Select a rating., UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE=Sorry, we support only text messages and emojis., PROBLEM_STATEMENT_CAPTION=How can we help you? Choose from one of the options., CHAT_ENDED_UNKNOWN_ERROR=Oops! An error occurred. Chat has ended. Try again later., WAIT_FOR_AGENT=Just a moment...finding an expert to chat with you., AGENT_JOIN_TIMEOUT=We are busy at the moment. You can continue to wait or try again later., WELCOME_MESSAGE=Hello! Welcome to ABCD Customer Care., CHAT_ENDED_INACTIVITY=Chat has ended due to inactivity. You can contact us again., RATING_COMPLETE=Thank you for the feedback., CHAT_ENDED_AGENT_UNAVAILABLE=Sorry, we could not find an expert to chat with you at this moment. Try again later.},ratingEnabled=true] 6578: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getGatewayHttpProxy 6579: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getGatewayConfiguration 6580: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] ConfigManagerImpl: getAccessor(ConfigQuery):Try to get the default accessor 6581: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: DBAccessor.get(query)) 6582: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: Schema class = 6583: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: SystemConfigDAO 6584: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.readAll() :: 1,, null 6585: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6586: Aug 27 12:21:24.590 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6587: Aug 27 12:21:24.591 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.convertToCIR :: 1 entities 6588: Aug 27 12:21:24.592 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: Found Configs1 6589: Aug 27 12:21:24.592 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: getChatGatewayConfig(): Sendig GET reqest to - chatGatewayConfig/ 6590: Aug 27 12:21:24.604 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: getChatGatewayConfig(): GET successed. 6591: Aug 27 12:21:24.606 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: getChatGatewayConfig(): returns -[version=1.0,$HttpProxy@1e97c72[enabled=true,,port=8080],channels=[$Channel@1e930bc[type=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER,$Channel$Auth@7e93ee[pageAccessToken=EAAVG0LRBZCxYBAHjjnvqBb4MvGHLnlo4cOXw8qgm7BmZCabg44cM7JEzq7BujFItMsk78iXfZAdZBBuXpxEIu4hnQBgvXYzrCifoL8vvjjvYIaZBshfx8plLjm42qbE0FgoEmpREw0YV71Sq4RzRZBPeFVyJOQE5WDMhVNaDsdFGjD8X34mmja,verificationToken=yy721u9wyzg7edl1vgjsm],enabled=true,problemStatements=[$Channel$ProblemStatement@21fcdf[title=1162FBM1,queueId=4],$Channel$ProblemStatement@160b24a[title=1162FBM2,queueId=5],$Channel$ProblemStatement@1591f22[title=1162FBM3,queueId=6]],chatFeedId=100029,messages={CHAT_ENDED=Your chat has ended. Thank you., RATING_OFFER=Would you like to rate your chat experience on a scale of 1 [worst] to 5 [best]? Select a rating., UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE=Sorry, we support only text messages and emojis., PROBLEM_STATEMENT_CAPTION=How can we help you? Choose from one of the options., CHAT_ENDED_UNKNOWN_ERROR=Oops! An error occurred. Chat has ended. Try again later., WAIT_FOR_AGENT=Just a moment...finding an expert to chat with you., AGENT_JOIN_TIMEOUT=We are busy at the moment. You can continue to wait or try again later., WELCOME_MESSAGE=Hello! Welcome to ABCD Customer Care., CHAT_ENDED_INACTIVITY=Chat has ended due to inactivity. You can contact us again., RATING_COMPLETE=Thank you for the feedback., CHAT_ENDED_AGENT_UNAVAILABLE=Sorry, we could not find an expert to chat with you at this moment. Try again later.},ratingEnabled=true]]] 6592: Aug 27 12:21:24.606 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Facebook channel is configured 6593: Aug 27 12:21:24.609 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getCsqName(4) 6594: Aug 27 12:21:24.609 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ContactServiceQueueDAO 6595: Aug 27 12:21:24.616 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6596: Aug 27 12:21:24.626 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - getGatewayHttpProxy - Found: Optional.of(1162FBMQ1) 6597: Aug 27 12:21:24.626 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getCsqName(4) 6598: Aug 27 12:21:24.626 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ContactServiceQueueDAO 6599: Aug 27 12:21:24.626 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6600: Aug 27 12:21:24.630 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - getGatewayHttpProxy - Found: Optional.of(1162FBMQ1) 6601: Aug 27 12:21:24.630 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getCsqName(5) 6602: Aug 27 12:21:24.630 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ContactServiceQueueDAO 6603: Aug 27 12:21:24.630 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6604: Aug 27 12:21:24.632 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - getGatewayHttpProxy - Found: Optional.of(1162FBMQ2) 6605: Aug 27 12:21:24.633 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getCsqName(5) 6606: Aug 27 12:21:24.633 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ContactServiceQueueDAO 6607: Aug 27 12:21:24.633 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6608: Aug 27 12:21:24.636 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - getGatewayHttpProxy - Found: Optional.of(1162FBMQ2) 6609: Aug 27 12:21:24.636 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getCsqName(6) 6610: Aug 27 12:21:24.636 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ContactServiceQueueDAO 6611: Aug 27 12:21:24.636 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6612: Aug 27 12:21:24.638 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - getGatewayHttpProxy - Found: Optional.of(1162FBMQ3) 6613: Aug 27 12:21:24.638 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getCsqName(6) 6614: Aug 27 12:21:24.638 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ContactServiceQueueDAO 6615: Aug 27 12:21:24.639 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6616: Aug 27 12:21:24.641 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - getGatewayHttpProxy - Found: Optional.of(1162FBMQ3) 6617: Aug 27 12:21:24.641 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Get all Chat Csq's 6618: Aug 27 12:21:24.643 EDT %MADM-LIB_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] ChatHome: ChatHome.getAllQueueTagMap() 6619: Aug 27 12:21:24.651 EDT %MADM-LIB_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] ChatHome: ChatHome.getAllQueueTagMapByQType( 2 ) 6620: Aug 27 12:21:24.651 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ContactServiceQueueDAO 6621: Aug 27 12:21:24.651 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ChatTriggerPointDAO 6622: Aug 27 12:21:24.669 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6623: Aug 27 12:21:24.685 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6624: Aug 27 12:21:24.687 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6625: Aug 27 12:21:24.689 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6626: Aug 27 12:21:24.691 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6627: Aug 27 12:21:24.692 EDT %MADM-LIB_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] ChatHome: ChatHome.getAllQueueTagMapByQType( 2 ) returns: {1162FBMQ1=Chat_Csq4, 1162FBMQ3=Chat_Csq6, 1162FBMQ2=Chat_Csq5, 1162Chat=Chat_Csq2} 6628: Aug 27 12:21:24.692 EDT %MADM-LIB_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] ChatHome: ChatHome.getAllQueueTagMap() returns: {1162FBMQ1=Chat_Csq4, 1162FBMQ3=Chat_Csq6, 1162FBMQ2=Chat_Csq5, 1162Chat=Chat_Csq2}
Passaggio 2. L'amministratore tenta di aggiornare la configurazione.
6975: Aug 27 12:45:41.702 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] AppAdminUtil: Entering - updateGatewayConfiguration 6976: Aug 27 12:45:41.702 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] ConfigManagerImpl: getAccessor(ConfigQuery):Try to get the default accessor 6977: Aug 27 12:45:41.702 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] DBAccessor: DBAccessor.get(query)) 6978: Aug 27 12:45:41.702 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] DBAccessor: Schema class = 6979: Aug 27 12:45:41.702 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: SystemConfigDAO 6980: Aug 27 12:45:41.702 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.readAll() :: 1,, null 6981: Aug 27 12:45:41.702 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6982: Aug 27 12:45:41.707 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6983: Aug 27 12:45:41.709 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.convertToCIR :: 1 entities 6984: Aug 27 12:45:41.709 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] DBAccessor: Found Configs1 6985: Aug 27 12:45:41.709 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: updateChatGatewayConfig(): Sendig PUT reqest to - chatGatewayConfig/ 6986: Aug 27 12:45:41.710 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().callSmPutMethod(): Sending PUT reqest to - chatGatewayConfig/ with params -[version=1.0,$HttpProxy@19f922b[enabled=true,,port=8080],channels=[$Channel@13545e2[type=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER,$Channel$Auth@7f0248[pageAccessToken=EAAVG0LRBZCxYBAHjjnvqBb4MvGHLnlo4cOXw8qgm7BmZCabg44cM7JEzq7BujFItMsk78iXfZAdZBBuXpxEIu4hnQBgvXYzrCifoL8vvjjvYIaZBshfx8plLjm42qbE0FgoEmpREw0YV71Sq4RzRZBPeFVyJOQE5WDMhVNaDsdFGjD8X34mmja,verificationToken=yy721u9wyzg7edl1vgjsm],enabled=true,problemStatements=[$Channel$ProblemStatement@6ecc67[title=1162FBM1,queueId=4],$Channel$ProblemStatement@2d9915[title=1162FBM2,queueId=5],$Channel$ProblemStatement@19d5de6[title=1162FBM3,queueId=6]],chatFeedId=100029,messages={CHAT_ENDED=Your chat has ended. Thank you!, RATING_OFFER=Would you like to rate your chat experience on a scale of 1 [worst] to 5 [best]? Select a rating., UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE=Sorry, we support only text messages and emojis., PROBLEM_STATEMENT_CAPTION=How can we help you? Choose from one of the options., CHAT_ENDED_UNKNOWN_ERROR=Oops! An error occurred. Chat has ended. Try again later., WAIT_FOR_AGENT=Just a moment...finding an expert to chat with you., AGENT_JOIN_TIMEOUT=We are busy at the moment. You can continue to wait or try again later., WELCOME_MESSAGE=Hello! Welcome to Cisco Customer Care., CHAT_ENDED_INACTIVITY=Chat has ended due to inactivity. You can contact us again., RATING_COMPLETE=Thank you for the feedback., CHAT_ENDED_AGENT_UNAVAILABLE=Sorry, we could not find an expert to chat with you at this moment. Try again later.},ratingEnabled=true]]] 6987: Aug 27 12:45:41.790 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().chatGatewayConfig PUT succeeded 6988: Aug 27 12:45:41.790 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().PUT succeeded. result = PUT https://sm-fqdn/ccp-webapp/ccp/chatGatewayConfig/ returned a response status of 200 OK 6989: Aug 27 12:45:41.791 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] AppAdminUtil: Updated chat gateway configuration.[version=1.0,$HttpProxy@19f922b[enabled=true,,port=8080],channels=[$Channel@13545e2[type=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER,$Channel$Auth@7f0248[pageAccessToken=EAAVG0LRBZCxYBAHjjnvqBb4MvGHLnlo4cOXw8qgm7BmZCabg44cM7JEzq7BujFItMsk78iXfZAdZBBuXpxEIu4hnQBgvXYzrCifoL8vvjjvYIaZBshfx8plLjm42qbE0FgoEmpREw0YV71Sq4RzRZBPeFVyJOQE5WDMhVNaDsdFGjD8X34mmja,verificationToken=yy721u9wyzg7edl1vgjsm],enabled=true,problemStatements=[$Channel$ProblemStatement@6ecc67[title=1162FBM1,queueId=4],$Channel$ProblemStatement@2d9915[title=1162FBM2,queueId=5],$Channel$ProblemStatement@19d5de6[title=1162FBM3,queueId=6]],chatFeedId=100029,messages={CHAT_ENDED=Your chat has ended. Thank you!, RATING_OFFER=Would you like to rate your chat experience on a scale of 1 [worst] to 5 [best]? Select a rating., UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE=Sorry, we support only text messages and emojis., PROBLEM_STATEMENT_CAPTION=How can we help you? Choose from one of the options., CHAT_ENDED_UNKNOWN_ERROR=Oops! An error occurred. Chat has ended. Try again later., WAIT_FOR_AGENT=Just a moment...finding an expert to chat with you., AGENT_JOIN_TIMEOUT=We are busy at the moment. You can continue to wait or try again later., WELCOME_MESSAGE=Hello! Welcome to Cisco Customer Care., CHAT_ENDED_INACTIVITY=Chat has ended due to inactivity. You can contact us again., RATING_COMPLETE=Thank you for the feedback., CHAT_ENDED_AGENT_UNAVAILABLE=Sorry, we could not find an expert to chat with you at this moment. Try again later.},ratingEnabled=true]]] 6990: Aug 27 12:45:41.791 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - updateGatewayConfiguration
Passaggio 3. L'amministratore tenta di convalidare la configurazione.
7328: Aug 27 13:02:49.777 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] AppAdminUtil: Entering - validateConfig(EAAVG0LRBZCxYBAHjjnvqBb4MvGHLnlo4cOXw8qgm7BmZCabg44cM7JEzq7BujFItMsk78iXfZAdZBBuXpxEIu4hnQBgvXYzrCifoL8vvjjvYIaZBshfx8plLjm42qbE0FgoEmpREw0YV71Sq4RzRZBPeFVyJOQE5WDMhVNaDsdFGjD8X34mmja,, 8080) 7329: Aug 27 13:02:49.778 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] ConfigManagerImpl: getAccessor(ConfigQuery):Try to get the default accessor 7330: Aug 27 13:02:49.778 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] DBAccessor: DBAccessor.get(query)) 7331: Aug 27 13:02:49.778 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] DBAccessor: Schema class = 7332: Aug 27 13:02:49.778 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: SystemConfigDAO 7333: Aug 27 13:02:49.778 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.readAll() :: 1,, null 7334: Aug 27 13:02:49.784 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 7335: Aug 27 13:02:49.789 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 7336: Aug 27 13:02:49.792 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.convertToCIR :: 1 entities 7337: Aug 27 13:02:49.792 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] DBAccessor: Found Configs1 7338: Aug 27 13:02:49.792 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: validateConfig() 7339: Aug 27 13:02:49.792 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: path for FBM_CONFIG_TEST is chatGatewayConfig/test/facebook 7340: Aug 27 13:02:49.792 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: FBMConfig is 7341: Aug 27 13:02:50.371 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: response for FBM_CONFIG_TEST is POST https://sm-fqdn/ccp-webapp/ccp/chatGatewayConfig/test/facebook returned a response status of 200 OK 7342: Aug 27 13:02:50.371 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().validateConfig succeeded 7343: Aug 27 13:02:50.373 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SMRestClient validateConfig is[status=PASSED,reason=] 7344: Aug 27 13:02:50.373 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SMRestClient validateConfig-status is PASSED 7345: Aug 27 13:02:50.373 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - validateConfig()
Passaggio 1. Nuovo cliente in arrivo - Viene visualizzato un elenco di affermazioni sui problemi.
Nel file /opt/cisco/mmca/logs/ccp-chat-gateway/log.log
2018-08-27 14:59:01.781 - info: Creating new session. [Type=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER], [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 14:59:01.782 - debug: Created session for user [ID=2242240722460512]. Session count = 1 2018-08-27 14:59:01.782 - info: Scheduling an interval to check and clean stale sessions ... 2018-08-27 14:59:01.803 - warn: Received message [Hi] in session [ID=2242240722460512] in [CREATED] state. Ignoring. 2018-08-27 14:59:10.758 - debug: setUserName: Setting user name of session [ID=2242240722460512] to Amar Kumar ... 2018-08-27 14:59:21.501 - debug: setSessionState: Setting state of session [ID=2242240722460512] to INFO_WAIT ...
Passaggio 2. La nuova richiesta di chat viene creata nell'SM e la notifica viene inviata a UCCX.
//ccpapi 0000000342: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.977 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-MSG_INCOMING_FROM_BUS: %[correlation_id=null][mid=ID:sm120-51014-1535122975944-5:4:2:1:3][msg_kind=ActiveMQMapMessage][msg_type=NFY.NotificationEvent]: A message has been received by the message bus 0000000343: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.979 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-DS_NOTIFICATION_EVENT: %[[author=Amar Kumar,title=Chat from Facebook Messenger,campaignIds=[100030],eventType=SC_STATUS_CHANGE,notificationRuleId=0,notificationRuleName=,mediaRoutingDomainId=0,newTags=[ccx_chat_req],oldTags=[ccx_chat_req],screenPopUrl=,socialContactExtensionFields={h_chatRoom=socialminer_chat.0@conference., ccxqueuetag=Chat_Csq4, h_chatOrigin=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER, h_Name=Amar Kumar},socialContactId=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC,socialContactChatIsInvited=false,socialContactChatInviteStatus=none,socialContactIntegrationAuthTokenGuid=,socialContactIsSoftLocked=false,socialContactPublishedDate=Mon Aug 27 14:59:41 EDT 2018,socialContactScriptSelector=,socialContactShortUrlIds=[],socialContactStatus=unread,socialContactStatusDate=Mon Aug 27 14:59:41 EDT 2018,socialContactStatusReason=unknown,socialContactStatusUserId=,socialContactTags=[],sourceType=chat,hasMoreContacts=false,numContactsResend=0,numQueuedContact=0]]: A DSNotificationEvent received 0000000344: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.979 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-MSG_INCOMING_FROM_BUS: %[correlation_id=null][mid=ID:sm120-51014-1535122975944-5:4:2:1:4][msg_kind=ActiveMQMapMessage][msg_type=NFY.NotificationEvent]: A message has been received by the message bus 0000000345: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.980 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-DS_NOTIFICATION_EVENT: %[[author=,title=,campaignIds=[100030],eventType=SC_TAGGING,notificationRuleId=0,notificationRuleName=,mediaRoutingDomainId=0,newTags=[ccx_chat_req],oldTags=[],screenPopUrl=http://sm-fqdn/results.jsp?scID=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC,socialContactExtensionFields={},socialContactId=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC,socialContactChatIsInvited=false,socialContactChatInviteStatus=,socialContactIntegrationAuthTokenGuid=,socialContactIsSoftLocked=false,socialContactPublishedDate=Mon Aug 27 14:59:41 EDT 2018,socialContactScriptSelector=,socialContactShortUrlIds=[],socialContactStatus=<null>,socialContactStatusDate=Mon Aug 27 14:59:41 EDT 2018,socialContactStatusReason=,socialContactStatusUserId=,socialContactTags=[],sourceType=,hasMoreContacts=false,numContactsResend=0,numQueuedContact=0]]: A DSNotificationEvent received 0000000346: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.980 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-SOCIAL_CONTACT_PUBLISH_START: %[Contact=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC][]: Publishing contact 0000000013: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.985 -0400: %CCBU_______MSGPROXY-6-MSG_INCOMING_FROM_BUS: %[correlation_id=null][mid=ID:sm120-51014-1535122975944-5:4:2:1:4][msg_kind=ActiveMQMapMessage][msg_type=NFY.NotificationEvent]: A message has been received by the message bus 0000000347: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.987 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-SOCIAL_CONTACT_PUBLISH_END: %[Contact=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC][][Payload=<SocialContact><author>Amar Kumar</author><chatIsInvited>false</chatIsInvited><extensionFields><extensionField><name>h_chatRoom</name><value>socialminer_chat.0@conference.</value></extensionField><extensionField><name>h_chatOrigin</name><value>FACEBOOK_MESSENGER</value></extensionField><extensionField><name>h_Name</name><value>Amar Kumar</value></extensionField><extensionField><name>ccxqueuetag</name><value>Chat_Csq4</value></extensionField></extensionFields><id>7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</id><publishedDate>1535396381792</publishedDate><refURL>http://sm-fqdn/ccp-webapp/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</refURL><sourceType>chat</sourceType><status>unread</status><statusReason>unknown</statusReason><statusTimestamp>1535396381798</statusTimestamp><statusUserId></statusUserId><tags><tag>ccx_chat_req</tag></tags><title>Chat from Facebook Messenger</title></SocialContact>]: Published contact 0000000348: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.987 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-SOCIAL_CONTACT_PUBLISH_START: %[Contact=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC][Node=ccp.campaign.updates.CCX_Chat_Campaign]: Publishing contact 0000000349: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.987 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-SOCIAL_CONTACT_PUBLISH_END: %[Contact=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC][Node=ccp.campaign.updates.CCX_Chat_Campaign][Payload=<SocialContact><campaignPublicId>CCX_Chat_Campaign</campaignPublicId><extensionFields><extensionField><name>h_chatRoom</name><value>socialminer_chat.0@conference.</value></extensionField><extensionField><name>h_chatOrigin</name><value>FACEBOOK_MESSENGER</value></extensionField><extensionField><name>h_Name</name><value>Amar Kumar</value></extensionField><extensionField><name>ccxqueuetag</name><value>Chat_Csq4</value></extensionField></extensionFields><id>7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</id><publishedDate>1535396381792</publishedDate><refURL>http://sm-fqdn/ccp-webapp/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</refURL><sourceType>chat</sourceType><status>unread</status><statusReason>unknown</statusReason><statusTimestamp>1535396381798</statusTimestamp><statusUserId></statusUserId><tags><tag>ccx_chat_req</tag></tags></SocialContact>]: Published contact =============== //runtime 0000018498: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.779 -0400: %CCBU__________FEEDS-6-MSG_INCOMING_FROM_BUS: %[correlation_id=0][mid=ID:sm120-37552-1535122799516-4:2:2:1:1][msg_kind=ActiveMQMapMessage][msg_type=PUSH.PushSocialContactRequest]: A message has been received by the message bus 0000018499: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.785 -0400: %CCBU__________FEEDS-6-CREATE_SOCIAL_CONTACT: Got Request to Create Social Contact with RequestId:jW2gF8 0000018500: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.791 -0400: %CCBU__________FEEDS-6-CONFIG_OBJECT_STORED_IN_CACHE: %[id=100029][]: Stored config object in local cache. 0000018501: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.798 -0400: %CCBU__________FEEDS-6-CREATE_SOCIAL_CONTACT: Submitted Request to Create Social Contact to FeedReaderManager with RequestId:jW2gF8 0000018502: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.798 -0400: %CCBU__________FEEDS-6-SOCIAL_CONTACT_PROCESSOR: Got new SocialContactProcessingRequest with requestId:jW2gF8 0000018503: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.798 -0400: %CCBU__________FEEDS-6-SOCIAL_CONTACT_PROCESSOR: SocialContactProcessor processSocialContact Entry with requestId:jW2gF8 0000018504: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.937 -0400: %CCBU__________FEEDS-6-SOCIAL_CONTACT_CREATED: %[SOCIAL_CONTACT_ID=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC][SOCIAL_CONTACT_LINK=http://localhost/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC]: A new social contact was created 0000000026: Aug 27 2018 14:59:42.440 -0400: %CCBU___NOTIFICATION-6-NOTIFICATION_SUCCEEDED: %[[enqueueTime=1535396382131,[httpUrl=https://uccx-fqdn/uccx-webservices/contact,httpUsername=<null>,httpPassword=<null>,sslVerifyCertificates=false,campaignId=100030,tags=[ccx_chat_req],id=100031,name=CCX Chat Notification,description=Created by CCX application as part of CCX chat configuration.,changeStamp=5,lastUpdated=1533830025500,ouId=4],screenPopUrl=http://sm-fqdn/results.jsp?scID=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC&campaignID=CCX_Chat_Campaign,body=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <SocialContact> <author>Amar Kumar</author> <description></description> <extensionFields> <extensionField> <name>ccxqueuetag</name> <value>Chat_Csq4</value> </extensionField> <extensionField> <name>h_Name</name> <value>Amar Kumar</value> </extensionField> <extensionField> <name>h_chatOrigin</name> <value>FACEBOOK_MESSENGER</value> </extensionField> <extensionField> <name>h_chatRoom</name> <value>socialminer_chat.0@conference.</value> </extensionField> </extensionFields> <id>7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</id> <integrationAuthTokenExpirationTimestamp>1535417981795</integrationAuthTokenExpirationTimestamp> <integrationAuthTokenGUID>XXXXXXXXX</integrationAuthTokenGUID> <link>http://localhost/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</link> <notificationTag>ccx_chat_req</notificationTag> <publishedDate>1535396381792</publishedDate> <refURL>http://sm-fqdn/ccp-webapp/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</refURL> <replyTemplateURL>http://sm-fqdn/multisession/ui/templates/reply/cisco_agent_ms_chat.jsp</replyTemplateURL> <screenPopUrl>http://sm-fqdn/results.jsp?scID=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC&campaignID=CCX_Chat_Campaign</screenPopUrl> <sourceType>chat</sourceType> <status>unread</status> <statusReason>unknown</statusReason> <statusTimestamp>1535396381798</statusTimestamp> <statusUserId></statusUserId> <tags> <tag>ccx_chat_req</tag> </tags> <title>Chat from Facebook Messenger</title> </SocialContact> ,socialContact=<null>]]: A notification was sent out successfully
Passaggio 3. UCCX riceve la notifica.
8973: Aug 27 14:59:42.384 EDT %MADM-UCCX_WEBSERVICES-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-22] ServiceLogger: New incoming contact : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <contactXML> <author>Amar Kumar</author> <id>7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</id> <integrationAuthTokenGUID>d73e07bd-ee99-47a8-b623-e582260722f5</integrationAuthTokenGUID> <notificationTag>ccx_chat_req</notificationTag> <publishedDate>1535396381792</publishedDate> <refURL>http://sm-fqdn/ccp-webapp/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</refURL> <replyTemplateURL>http://sm-fqdn/multisession/ui/templates/reply/cisco_agent_ms_chat.jsp</replyTemplateURL> <sourceType>chat</sourceType> <status>unread</status> <statusReason>unknown</statusReason> <statusTimestamp>1535396381798</statusTimestamp> <tags> <tag>ccx_chat_req</tag> </tags> <title>Chat from Facebook Messenger</title> <extensionFields> <extensionField> <name>ccxqueuetag</name> <value>Chat_Csq4</value> </extensionField> <extensionField> <name>h_Name</name> <value>Amar Kumar</value> </extensionField> <extensionField> <name>h_chatOrigin</name> <value>FACEBOOK_MESSENGER</value> </extensionField> <extensionField> <name>h_chatRoom</name> <value>socialminer_chat.0@conference.</value> </extensionField> </extensionFields> </contactXML> 8974: Aug 27 14:59:42.384 EDT %MADM-UCCX_WEBSERVICES-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-22] ServiceLogger: Notify for new contact
Passaggio 4. Il motore aggiunge la chat alla coda e trova un agente disponibile per la chat.
A questo punto, il CU riceve un messaggio che dice "trovare un esperto per chattare con te."
399906: Aug 27 14:59:42.439 EDT %MIVR-SS_CHAT-7-UNK:[chatEventConsumer-1] ChatSubsystemLogger: : Received Event [ContactEvent [operation=ADD, contactXML=ContactXML [author=Amar Kumar, id=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC, replyType=chat, notificationTag=ccx_chat_req, refURL=http://sm-fqdn/ccp-webapp/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC, replyTemplateURL=http://sm-fqdn/multisession/ui/templates/reply/cisco_agent_ms_chat.jsp, integrationAuthTokenGUID=d73e07bd-ee99-47a8-b623-e582260722f5, userExtensionFields=[UserExtensionField [name=ccxqueuetag, value=Chat_Csq4], UserExtensionField [name=h_Name, value=Amar Kumar], UserExtensionField [name=h_chatOrigin, value=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER], UserExtensionField [name=h_chatRoom, value=socialminer_chat.0@conference.]], tags=[ccx_chat_req], sourceType=chat, status=unread, statusReason=unknown, publishedDate=1535396381792, title=Chat from Facebook Messenger, campaignPublicId=null, statusTimestamp=1535396381798]]] on master node. 399907: Aug 27 14:59:42.446 EDT %MIVR-SS_CHAT-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] ChatSubsystemLogger: Begin processing for ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446 399908: Aug 27 14:59:42.447 EDT %MIVR-SS_CHAT-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] ChatSubsystemLogger: : processADD() - Adding contact. ContactId: 7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC, MediaType: CHAT 399909: Aug 27 14:59:42.457 EDT %MIVR-SS_CHAT-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] ChatSubsystemLogger: : addContact()--Queue for tag is 4 399910: Aug 27 14:59:42.457 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: : addContactToQueues() - contactID:7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC dispositionReason:UNKNOWNtimestamp:1535396381798 399911: Aug 27 14:59:42.458 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: In persistCustomerData. Received contact ChatContact(Contact[id=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC,state=UNKNOWN,dispReason=UNKNOWN]) 399912: Aug 27 14:59:42.459 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: : Contact with contactID: 7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC created in memory. 399913: Aug 27 14:59:42.459 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: : Calling allocator 399914: Aug 27 14:59:42.459 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: : Offer Contact: ChatContact(Contact[id=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC,state=UNKNOWN,dispReason=UNKNOWN]) To Queue: 4 399916: Aug 27 14:59:42.460 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: : getSuitableAgentFromQueue. AvailableAgent{230} 399917: Aug 27 14:59:42.460 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: : getSuitableAgentFromQueue Only one agent is available in agent list. Return id [230] agentId [agent7901] 399918: Aug 27 14:59:42.460 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: Selected agent [ agent7901 ] for handling the contact. Reserving agent.
Passaggio 5. L'agente si è unito alla chat dopo che il CU ha selezionato Istruzione di problema.
//Registri gateway chat
2018-08-27 14:59:39.172 - debug: setSessionState: Setting state of session [ID=2242240722460512] to INFO_CLOSED ... 2018-08-27 14:59:39.172 - info: Posting a chat request to SocialMiner [ID=2242240722460512], [HOST=localhost], [FEEDID=100029], [QUEUEID=4] 2018-08-27 14:59:41.966 - info: Chat created successfully. [ID=2242240722460512], [SC RefURL=http://localhost/ccp-webapp/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC] 2018-08-27 14:59:41.966 - debug: setSessionState: Setting state of session [ID=2242240722460512] to AGENT_WAIT ... 2018-08-27 14:59:41.967 - debug: setEventPoller: Setting event poller in session [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 14:59:47.010 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: { StatusEvent: { id: '1', status: 'chat_ok' } } } 2018-08-27 14:59:47.011 - debug: setLatestEventID: Setting latest event ID [1] in session [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 14:59:47.012 - warn: Unknown status event [chat_ok] received. Ignoring. [ID=2242240722460512] { type: 'StatusEvent', id: '1', status: 'chat_ok' } 2018-08-27 14:59:51.982 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: { PresenceEvent: { id: '2', from: 'agent7901', status: 'joined' } } } 2018-08-27 14:59:51.989 - debug: setLatestEventID: Setting latest event ID [2] in session [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 14:59:51.989 - info: Handing agent JOIN event. [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 14:59:51.990 - debug: setSessionState: Setting state of session [ID=2242240722460512] to TALKING ... 2018-08-27 14:59:51.990 - debug: clearUserMessagesBuffer: Clearing buffer (contains 0 messages) [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 14:59:52.588 - debug: Successfully sent text message to facebook messenger. [ID=2242240722460512], [Message=Just a moment...finding an expert to chat with you.]
Passaggio 6. Eventi sottoposti a polling (ogni 5 secondi) da SocialMiner - Aggiunte agente, Buffer utente cancellato.
2018-08-27 15:01:07.028 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:12.031 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:01:12.031 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:17.033 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:01:17.033 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:22.035 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:01:22.035 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:17.033 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:22.035 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:01:22.035 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:27.037 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:01:27.037 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:32.036 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:01:32.036 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512]
Passaggio 7. Scambio di messaggi di chat tra l'agente e l'utente.
2018-08-27 15:00:12.487 - debug: Successfully sent typing action to facebook messenger. [ID=2242240722460512], [Status=composing] 2018-08-27 15:00:16.998 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: { MessageEvent: { id: '4', body: 'Hi+How+can+I+help+you%3F', from: 'agent7901' }, TypingEvent: { id: '5', from: 'agent7901', status: 'paused' } } } 2018-08-27 15:00:16.999 - debug: setLatestEventID: Setting latest event ID [5] in session [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 15:00:22.002 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:22.002 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:00:27.001 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:27.001 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:00:27.601 - debug: Successfully sent text message to facebook messenger. [ID=2242240722460512], [Message=Hi How can I help you?] 2018-08-27 15:00:32.004 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:32.005 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:00:37.008 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:37.008 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:00:38.067 - debug: Successfully sent typing action to facebook messenger. [ID=2242240722460512], [Status=paused] 2018-08-27 15:00:42.011 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:42.011 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:00:47.014 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:47.014 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:00:52.020 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:52.020 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:00:52.460 - debug: Sent message [I need help with troubleshooting my problem] from session [ID=2242240722460512] to SocialMiner. 2018-08-27 15:00:52.502 - debug: Sent message [I need help with troubleshooting my problem] from session [ID=2242240722460512] to SocialMiner. 2018-08-27 15:00:57.023 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:57.023 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:02.026 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:01:02.026 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:02.068 - debug: Sent message [Sure] from session [ID=2242240722460512] to SocialMiner.
Passaggio 8. L'Agente Termina La Chat (Valutazione Post-Chat Abilitata).
2018-08-27 15:46:06.928 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: { PresenceEvent: { id: '11', from: 'agent7901', status: 'left' } } } 2018-08-27 15:46:06.929 - debug: setLatestEventID: Setting latest event ID [11] in session [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 15:46:06.929 - info: Handling agent LEFT event. [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:06.930 - debug: setSessionState: Setting state of session [ID=2242240722460512] to RATING_WAIT ... 2018-08-27 15:46:11.929 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:46:11.929 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:15.940 - debug: Successfully sent rating choices to facebook messenger. [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:16.931 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:46:16.931 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:21.934 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:46:21.934 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:23.887 - debug: Received feedback rating [5] from [ID=2242240722460512]. Submitting to SocialMiner ... 2018-08-27 15:46:23.892 - debug: Received feedback rating [5] from [ID=2242240722460512]. Submitting to SocialMiner ... 2018-08-27 15:46:23.929 - debug: Successfully submitted feedback rating to SocialMiner. [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:23.929 - info: Destroying session [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:23.930 - debug: Destroyed session [ID=2242240722460512]. Session count = 0 2018-08-27 15:46:23.936 - debug: Successfully submitted feedback rating to SocialMiner. [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:23.936 - info: Destroying session [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:23.937 - debug: Destroyed session [ID=2242240722460512]. Session count = 0 2018-08-27 15:46:34.551 - debug: Successfully sent text message to facebook messenger. [ID=2242240722460512], [Message=Thank you for the feedback.]
Passaggio 9. L'Agente Termina La Chat (Valutazione Post-Chat Non Abilitata).
2018-08-27 15:52:43.736 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: { PresenceEvent: { id: '8', from: 'agent7901', status: 'left' } } } 2018-08-27 15:52:43.736 - debug: setLatestEventID: Setting latest event ID [8] in session [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 15:52:43.736 - info: Handling agent LEFT event. [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:52:43.737 - info: Destroying session [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:52:43.739 - debug: Destroyed session [ID=2242240722460512]. Session count = 0 2018-08-27 15:52:54.351 - debug: Successfully sent text message to facebook messenger. [ID=2242240722460512], [Message=Your chat has ended. Thank you!]
Passaggio 1. Avvio del servizio - "Gateway di chat di SocialMiner".
startup.log - Avvio del servizio, Apertura delle porte.
[Tue Aug 28 10:21:19 EDT 2018] : : Starting SocialMiner Chat Gateway ... [Tue Aug 28 10:21:19 EDT 2018] : : npm missing in PATH. Adding ... [Tue Aug 28 10:21:19 EDT 2018] : : Enabling port 10443 on system firewall ... IP preferences file updated successfully. iptables has been updated with new rules. ip6tables has been updated with new rules. [Tue Aug 28 10:21:19 EDT 2018] : : Successfully enabled port 10443 on system firewall [Tue Aug 28 10:21:19 EDT 2018] : : Service started. PID = 169781 [Tue Aug 28 10:21:19 EDT 2018] : : Try #1 - Sleeping for 5 seconds ...
Passaggio 2. Caricamento delle configurazioni.
configurazioni di caricamento startup.log
2018-08-28 10:21:20.100 - info: **** STARTUP **** 2018-08-28 10:21:20.104 - info: Clearing existing configuration from memory ... 2018-08-28 10:21:20.104 - info: Initializing config_manager, loading config from filesystem ... 2018-08-28 10:21:20.104 - info: Loaded service configuration: { server: { port: 10443, sslKeyPath: '/usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/keys/tomcat_priv.pem', sslCertPath: '/usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/certs/tomcat.pem', maxRequestsPerMinute: 3000 }, socialMiner: { host: 'localhost', port: 80, pollingIntervalMS: 5000 }, log: { maxSizeBytes: 20480000, maxFileCount: 20, level: 'silly' } } 2018-08-28 10:21:20.106 - info: Loaded configurations for 1 channels. 2018-08-28 10:21:20.107 - info: Setting HTTP proxy [] into process.env ... 2018-08-28 10:21:20.107 - info: Setting current config state to CONFIGURED 2018-08-28 10:21:20.108 - info: Loaded service configuration: { server: { port: 10443, sslKeyPath: '/usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/keys/tomcat_priv.pem', sslCertPath: '/usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/certs/tomcat.pem', maxRequestsPerMinute: 3000 }, socialMiner: { host: 'localhost', port: 80, pollingIntervalMS: 5000 }, log: { maxSizeBytes: 20480000, maxFileCount: 20, level: 'silly' } } 2018-08-28 10:21:20.110 - info: Silencing logs on console. Refer log files for further logs
Passaggio 3. Attendere l'accensione del server webhook.
startup.log - In attesa dell'accensione del server webhook.
[Tue Aug 28 10:21:24 EDT 2018] : : Checking if service is running on port 10443 ... [Tue Aug 28 10:21:25 EDT 2018] : : Service UP and RUNNING on port 10443
Passaggio 4. Controllare e pulire le sessioni non aggiornate (una volta all'ora).
Sessioni non aggiornate trovate e pulite
2018-08-27 15:49:44.030 - info: Checking stale sessions ... 2018-08-27 15:49:44.031 - info: Found 1 stale sessions 2018-08-27 15:49:44.031 - info: Destroying session [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:49:44.031 - debug: Destroyed session [ID=2242240722460512]. Session count = 0 2018-08-27 15:49:44.031 - info: Cleaned up 1 stale sessions
Nessuna sessione non aggiornata trovata
2018-08-27 18:59:01.789 - info: Checking stale sessions ... 2018-08-27 18:59:01.789 - info: Found 0 stale sessions 2018-08-27 18:59:01.789 - info: Cleaned up 0 stale sessions 2018-08-27 19:59:01.789 - info: Checking stale sessions ... 2018-08-27 19:59:01.789 - info: Found 0 stale sessions 2018-08-27 19:59:01.789 - info: Cleaned up 0 stale sessions
Revisione | Data di pubblicazione | Commenti |
1.0 |
25-Jan-2019 |
Versione iniziale |