L'autenticazione e l'accounting RADIUS e TACACS+, e in una certa misura l'autorizzazione, vengono eseguite per i tunnel client hardware Cisco Secure VPN 1.1 e Cisco VPN 3000 2.5 che terminano al PIX. Le modifiche apportate al PIX 5.2 e all'autenticazione estesa (Xauth) successiva rispetto alle versioni precedenti, che includono il supporto dell'elenco degli accessi di autenticazione, autorizzazione e accounting (AAA), consentono di controllare gli utenti autenticati che possono accedere e il supporto per la terminazione Xauth di Cisco VPN 3000 Client 2.5. Il comando vpn group split-tunneling permette al client VPN 3000 di connettersi contemporaneamente alla rete all'interno del PIX e ad altre reti (ad esempio, Internet). In PIX 5.3 e versioni successive, rispetto alle versioni precedenti del codice, l'AAA cambia in quanto le porte RADIUS sono configurabili. In PIX 6.0 è stato aggiunto il supporto per VPN Client 3.x. Questo richiede il gruppo Diffie-Hellman 2.
Nessun requisito specifico previsto per questo documento.
Le informazioni fornite in questo documento si basano sulle seguenti versioni software e hardware:
software PIX release 5.2.1
Cisco Secure VPN Client 1.1
Cisco VPN 3000 2.5 Client o VPN Client 3.x
Nota: Cisco VPN Client release 3.0.x non funziona con le versioni PIX precedenti alla 6.0. per ulteriori informazioni, fare riferimento a Hardware Cisco e client VPN che supportano IPsec/PPTP/L2TP.
Le informazioni discusse in questo documento fanno riferimento a dispositivi usati in uno specifico ambiente di emulazione. Su tutti i dispositivi menzionati nel documento la configurazione è stata ripristinata ai valori predefiniti. Se la rete è operativa, valutare attentamente eventuali conseguenze derivanti dall'uso dei comandi.
Per ulteriori informazioni sulle convenzioni usate, consultare il documento Cisco sulle convenzioni nei suggerimenti tecnici.
Il software PIX Firewall versione 6.2 supporta il download di Access Control Lists (ACL) nel PIX Firewall da un Access Control Server (ACS). In questo modo, è possibile configurare gli ACL per utente su un server AAA in modo da fornire l'autorizzazione ACL per utente. È quindi possibile scaricarlo tramite ACS nel firewall PIX. Questa funzionalità è supportata solo per i server RADIUS. Non è supportato per i server TACACS+.
Eseguire i seguenti passaggi di debug:
Verificare che la configurazione PIX Xauth funzioni prima di aggiungere l'autenticazione AAA.
Se non si è in grado di far passare il traffico prima di implementare il server AAA, non sarà possibile farlo successivamente.
Abilitare un tipo di accesso al PIX:
Non eseguire il comando di debug della console di registrazione in un sistema con carico elevato.
È possibile emettere il comando logging buffered debugging. Quindi, usare il comando show logging.
La registrazione può anche essere inviata a un server syslog (System Message Log) ed esaminata.
Attivare il debug sui server TACACS+ o RADIUS. Tutti i server dispongono di questa opzione.
debug crypto ipsec sa: questo comando debug visualizza gli eventi IPsec.
debug crypto isakmp sa: questo comando debug visualizza i messaggi sugli eventi IKE (Internet Key Exchange).
debug crypto isakmp engine: questo comando debug visualizza i messaggi sugli eventi IKE.
Abilitare il Visualizzatore log per visualizzare i debug sul lato client in Cisco Secure 1.1 o VPN 3000 Client 2.5.
user = noacl{ password = clear "********" service=shell { } } user = pixb{ password = clear "********" service=shell { set acl=115 } } user = 3000full{ password = clear "********" service=shell { } } user = 3000partial{ password = clear "********" service=shell { } }
Gli utenti normali, 3000full e 3000partial devono solo avere un nome utente e una password in Cisco Secure ACS for Windows. L'utente pixb ha bisogno di un nome utente, una password, una shell/exec archiviata, un ACL controllato e 115 nella casella.
user = noacl{ password = clear "********" } user = pixb{ password = clear "********" radius=Cisco { reply_attributes= { 9,1="acl=115" } } } user = 3000full{ password = clear "********" } user = 3000partial{ password = clear "********" }
RADIUS/Cisco è il tipo di dispositivo. Gli utenti normali, 3000full e 3000partial devono solo avere un nome utente e una password in Cisco Secure ACS for Windows. L'utente pixb ha bisogno di un nome utente, una password, un segno di spunta e un acl=115 nella casella rettangolare Cisco/RADIUS dove dice 009\001 AV-Pair (specifico del fornitore).
Nota: è necessario l'attributo vendor per l'ACL. L'attributo 11, filter-id, non è valido. A questo problema è stato assegnato l'ID bug Cisco CSCdt50422 (solo utenti registrati). È fissato nel software PIX versione 6.0.1.
noacl Password= "noacl" pixb Password= "pixb" cisco-avpair = "acl=115" 3000full Password= "3000full" 3000partial Password= "3000partial"
Alcuni server RADIUS utilizzano porte RADIUS diverse da 1645/1646 (generalmente 1812/1813). In PIX 5.3 e versioni successive, le porte di autenticazione e accounting RADIUS possono essere modificate in porte diverse da quelle predefinite 1645/1646 con i seguenti comandi:
aaa-server radius-authport #
n. radius-acctport aaa-server
In questo esempio, tutti e tre i client VPN vengono autenticati con Xauth. Tuttavia, i client VPN sono in grado di accedere solo alla rete all'interno del PIX, poiché lo split-tunneling non è in uso. Per ulteriori informazioni sullo split-tunneling, vedere Come autenticare Xauth con i gruppi VPN. Gli ACL passati dal server AAA si applicano a tutti i client VPN. In questo esempio, l'obiettivo è che l'utente noacl si connetta e raggiunga tutte le risorse all'interno del PIX. L'utente pixb si connette, ma poiché l'ACL 115 viene passato dal server AAA durante il processo Xauth, l'utente può raggiungere solo L'accesso a e a tutti gli altri indirizzi IP è negato.
Nota: per il supporto di VPN Client 3.0 è richiesto il software PIX release 6.0.
Name of connection: Remote party address = IP_Subnet =, Mask Connect using Secure Gateway Tunnel to My Identity: Select certificate = None ID_Type = ip address, pre-shared key and fill in key ('cisco1234') - matches that of pix in 'isakmp key' command Security policy = defaults Proposal 1 (Authen) = DES, MD5 Proposal 2 (Key Exchange) = DES, MD5, Tunnel
Aprire una finestra DoS (Denial of Service) ed eseguire il comando ping -t #.#.#.#. Quando viene visualizzata la finestra Xauth, digitare il nome utente e la password che coincidono con quelli del server AAA.
Attenersi alla seguente procedura:
Selezionare Opzioni > Proprietà > Autenticazione > Nome gruppo.
Il nome del gruppo è don_t_care e la password coincide con quella del PIX nel comando isakmp key. Il nome host è
Fare clic su Connetti.
Quando viene visualizzata la finestra Xauth, digitare il nome utente e la password che coincidono con quelli del server AAA.
PIX Version 5.2(1) nameif ethernet0 outside security0 nameif ethernet1 inside security100 enable password 8Ry2YjIyt7RRXU24 encrypted passwd 2KFQnbNIdI.2KYOU encrypted hostname goss-pixb fixup protocol ftp 21 fixup protocol http 80 fixup protocol h323 1720 fixup protocol rsh 514 fixup protocol smtp 25 fixup protocol sqlnet 1521 fixup protocol sip 5060 names access-list 108 permit ip access-list 115 deny ip any host access-list 115 permit ip any host pager lines 24 logging on no logging timestamp no logging standby logging console debugging no logging monitor no logging buffered logging trap debugging no logging history logging facility 20 logging queue 512 interface ethernet0 auto interface ethernet1 auto mtu outside 1500 mtu inside 1500 ip address outside ip address inside ip audit info action alarm ip audit attack action alarm ip local pool test no failover failover timeout 0:00:00 failover poll 15 failover ip address outside failover ip address inside arp timeout 14400 global (outside) 1 nat (inside) 0 access-list 108 Nat (inside) 1 0 0 timeout xlate 3:00:00 timeout conn 1:00:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 rpc 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 sip 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 timeout uauth 0:05:00 absolute AAA-server TACACS+ protocol tacacs+ AAA-server RADIUS protocol radius AAA-server AuthInbound protocol tacacs+ AAA-server AuthInbound (outside) host cisco timeout 5 no snmp-server location no snmp-server contact snmp-server community public no snmp-server enable traps floodguard enable sysopt connection permit-ipsec no sysopt route dnat crypto ipsec transform-set myset esp-des esp-md5-hmac crypto dynamic-map dynmap 10 set transform-set myset crypto map mymap 10 ipsec-isakmp dynamic dynmap crypto map mymap client configuration address initiate crypto map mymap client configuration address respond crypto map mymap client authentication AuthInbound crypto map mymap interface outside isakmp enable outside isakmp key ******** address netmask isakmp identity address isakmp client configuration address-pool local test outside !--- Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) !--- Policy for Cisco VPN Client 2.5 or !--- Cisco Secure VPN Client 1.1. isakmp policy 10 authentication pre-share isakmp policy 10 encryption des isakmp policy 10 hash md5 !--- The 1.1 and 2.5 VPN Clients use Diffie-Hellman (D-H) !--- group 1 policy (PIX default). isakmp policy 10 group 1 isakmp policy 10 lifetime 86400 ! !--- ISAKMP Policy for VPN Client 3.0 isakmp policy 20 authentication pre-share isakmp policy 20 encryption des isakmp policy 20 hash md5 !--- The VPN 3.0 Clients use D-H group 2 policy !--- and PIX 6.0 code. isakmp policy 20 group 2 isakmp policy 20 lifetime 86400 telnet timeout 5 ssh timeout 5 terminal width 80 Cryptochecksum:05c6a2f3a7d187162c4408503b55affa : end [OK]
In questo esempio, è possibile autenticare VPN 3000 Client 2.5 o VPN Client 3.0 con Xauth ed è attivo lo split-tunneling. In virtù dell'appartenenza al gruppo VPN, un ACL viene passato dal PIX al client VPN 3000. Specifica che solo la rete all'interno del PIX ha un tunnel crittografato. Il traffico di altro tipo (ad esempio, diretto a Internet) non è crittografato.
Nell'esempio, un client VPN, con nome utente 3000full (sul server AAA), nel gruppo vpn3000-all (sul PIX) accede all'intera rete 10.1.1.X all'interno del PIX contemporaneamente a Internet. Il client VPN riceve informazioni su server WINS, server DNS e nome di dominio. L'altro client VPN, con nome utente 3000partial (sul server AAA), nel gruppo vpn3000-41 (sul PIX) accede a un solo indirizzo IP all'interno della rete ( in virtù del profilo del gruppo. Questo client VPN non riceve informazioni sui server WINS e DNS, ma esegue comunque lo split-tunneling.
Nota: per il supporto di VPN Client 3.0 è richiesto il software PIX release 6.0.
Attenersi alla seguente procedura:
Nota: l'impostazione del client VPN 2.5 o 3.0 dipende dall'utente interessato.
Selezionare Opzioni > Proprietà > Autenticazione.
Il nome del gruppo e la password del gruppo corrispondono al nome del gruppo sul PIX come in: vpngroup vpn3000-all password ******* o vpngroup vpn3000-41 password *******. Il nome host è
Fare clic su Connetti.
Quando viene visualizzata la finestra Xauth, immettere il nome utente e la password corrispondenti a quelli del server AAA.
Nell'esempio, dopo aver autenticato l'utente 3000full, questo recupera le informazioni dal gruppo vpn3000-all. L'utente 3000partial riceve le informazioni dal gruppo vpn3000-41. Nella finestra viene visualizzato Negoziazione dei profili di protezione e il collegamento è ora protetto.
L'utente 3000full usa la password per il gruppo vpn3000-all. L'elenco degli accessi 108 è associato al gruppo per scopi di tunneling ripartito. Il tunnel è formato sulla rete 10.1.1.x. Il traffico viene trasmesso in modo non crittografato ai dispositivi non inclusi nell'elenco degli accessi 108 (ad esempio, Internet). Questo è lo split-tunneling.
Questo è l'output per la finestra di stato della connessione VPN Client per l'utente 3000full:
Network Mask key key
L'utente 3000partial usa la password per il gruppo vpn3000-41. L'elenco degli accessi 125 è associato al gruppo per scopi di tunneling ripartito. Il tunnel è formato sul dispositivo Il traffico viene trasmesso in modo non crittografato ai dispositivi non inclusi nell'elenco degli accessi 125 (ad esempio, Internet). Tuttavia, il traffico non arriva al dispositivo perché non è instradabile. Non è specificato nell'elenco dei tunnel di crittografia.
Questo è l'output per la finestra di stato della connessione VPN Client per l'utente 3000partial:
Network Mask key key
Nota: Cisco Secure VPN Client 1.1 non funziona con questa licenza perché non esiste una chiave ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol). Aggiungere il comando isakmp key ******* address netmask per far funzionare tutti i client VPN.
PIX Version 5.2(1) nameif ethernet0 outside security0 nameif ethernet1 inside security100 enable password 8Ry2YjIyt7RRXU24 encrypted passwd OnTrBUG1Tp0edmkr encrypted hostname goss-pixb fixup protocol ftp 21 fixup protocol http 80 fixup protocol h323 1720 fixup protocol rsh 514 fixup protocol smtp 25 fixup protocol sqlnet 1521 fixup protocol sip 5060 names access-list 108 permit ip access-list 125 permit ip host any pager lines 24 logging on no logging timestamp no logging standby logging console debugging no logging monitor no logging buffered logging trap debugging no logging history logging facility 20 logging queue 512 interface ethernet0 auto interface ethernet1 auto mtu outside 1500 mtu inside 1500 ip address outside ip address inside ip audit info action alarm ip audit attack action alarm ip local pool test no failover failover timeout 0:00:00 failover poll 15 failover ip address outside failover ip address inside arp timeout 14400 global (outside) 1 Nat (inside) 0 access-list 108 Nat (inside) 1 0 0 route outside 1 timeout xlate 3:00:00 timeout conn 1:00:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 rpc 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 sip 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 timeout uauth 0:05:00 absolute AAA-server TACACS+ protocol tacacs+ AAA-server RADIUS protocol radius AAA-server AuthInbound protocol tacacs+ AAA-server AuthInbound (outside) host cisco timeout 5 no snmp-server location no snmp-server contact snmp-server community public no snmp-server enable traps floodguard enable sysopt connection permit-ipsec no sysopt route dnat crypto ipsec transform-set myset ESP-Des esp-md5-hmac crypto dynamic-map dynmap 10 set transform-set myset crypto map mymap 10 ipsec-isakmp dynamic dynmap crypto map mymap client configuration address initiate crypto map mymap client configuration address respond crypto map mymap client authentication AuthInbound crypto map mymap interface outside isakmp enable outside isakmp identity address isakmp client configuration address-pool local test outside !--- ISAKMP Policy for Cisco VPN Client 2.5 or !--- Cisco Secure VPN Client 1.1. isakmp policy 10 authentication pre-share isakmp policy 10 encryption des isakmp policy 10 hash md5 !--- The 1.1 and 2.5 VPN Clients use Diffie-Hellman (D-H) !--- group 1 policy (PIX default). isakmp policy 10 group 1 isakmp policy 10 lifetime 86400 ! !--- ISAKMP Policy for VPN Client 3.0 isakmp policy 20 authentication pre-share isakmp policy 20 encryption des isakmp policy 20 hash md5 !--- The VPN 3.0 Clients use D-H group 2 policy !--- and PIX 6.0 code. isakmp policy 20 group 2 isakmp policy 20 lifetime 86400 vpngroup vpn3000-all address-pool test vpngroup vpn3000-all dns-server vpngroup vpn3000-all wins-server vpngroup vpn3000-all default-domain rtp.cisco.com vpngroup vpn3000-all split-tunnel 108 vpngroup vpn3000-all idle-time 1800 vpngroup vpn3000-all password ******** vpngroup vpn3000-41 address-pool test vpngroup vpn3000-41 split-tunnel 125 vpngroup vpn3000-41 idle-time 1800 vpngroup vpn3000-41 password ******** telnet timeout 5 ssh timeout 5 terminal width 80 Cryptochecksum:429db0e7d20451fc28074f4d6f990d25 : end
Attenersi alla seguente procedura:
Fare clic su Interface Configuration (Configurazione interfaccia) e selezionare l'opzione User-Level Downloadable ACLs (ACL scaricabili a livello utente).
Fare clic su Shared Profile Components (Componenti del profilo condiviso) e definire un ACL scaricabile.
Fare clic su Impostazioni utente. Selezionare l'opzione per assegnare l'ACL PIX. Selezionare l'ACL corretto dall'elenco a discesa.
Per eseguire il download di un ACL utente per utente per l'autorizzazione, usare il software PIX Firewall versione 6.2(2). Fare riferimento all'ID bug Cisco CSCdx47975 (solo utenti registrati).
PIX Version 6.2(2) nameif ethernet0 outside security0 nameif ethernet1 inside security100 enable password 8Ry2YjIyt7RRXU24 encrypted passwd 2KFQnbNIdI.2KYOU encrypted hostname sv2-4 fixup protocol ftp 21 fixup protocol http 80 fixup protocol h323 h225 1720 fixup protocol h323 ras 1718-1719 fixup protocol ils 389 fixup protocol rsh 514 fixup protocol rtsp 554 fixup protocol smtp 25 fixup protocol sqlnet 1521 fixup protocol sip 5060 fixup protocol skinny 2000 names access-list 108 permit ip pager lines 24 logging buffered debugging interface ethernet0 auto interface ethernet1 auto mtu outside 1500 mtu inside 1500 ip address outside ip address inside ip audit info action alarm ip audit attack action alarm ip local pool test pdm history enable arp timeout 14400 nat (inside) 0 access-list 108 conduit permit icmp any any route outside 1 timeout xlate 3:00:00 timeout conn 1:00:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 rpc 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 sip 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 timeout uauth 0:05:00 absolute aaa-server TACACS+ protocol tacacs+ aaa-server RADIUS protocol radius aaa-server LOCAL protocol local aaa-server AuthInbound protocol radius aaa-server AuthInbound (outside) host cisco123 timeout 10 no snmp-server location no snmp-server contact snmp-server community public no snmp-server enable traps floodguard enable sysopt connection permit-ipsec no sysopt route dnat crypto ipsec transform-set myset esp-des esp-md5-hmac crypto dynamic-map dynmap 10 set transform-set myset crypto map mymap 10 ipsec-isakmp dynamic dynmap !--- This commands the router to respond to the VPN 3.x Client. crypto map mymap client configuration address respond !--- This tells the router to expect Xauth for the VPN 3.x Client. crypto map mymap client authentication AuthInbound crypto map mymap interface outside isakmp enable outside isakmp policy 20 authentication pre-share isakmp policy 20 encryption des isakmp policy 20 hash md5 isakmp policy 20 group 2 isakmp policy 20 lifetime 86400 ! !--- This is the VPN group configuration. vpngroup vpn3000-all address-pool test vpngroup vpn3000-all default-domain apt.cisco.com !--- The split-tunnel mode-config is not used, !--- which enforces authorization on a per-user basis. vpngroup vpn3000-all idle-time 1800 vpngroup vpn3000-all password ******** ! telnet timeout 5 ssh timeout 5 terminal width 80 Cryptochecksum:7c3d067232f427e7522f4a679e963c58 end:
PIX Version 7.1(1) ! hostname PIX domain-name cisco.com enable password 9jNfZuG3TC5tCVH0 encrypted names ! interface Ethernet0 nameif outside security-level 0 ip address ! interface Ethernet1 nameif inside security-level 100 ip address ! passwd 2KFQnbNIdI.2KYOU encrypted ftp mode passive dns domain-lookup inside dns server-group DefaultDNS timeout 30 access-list 108 permit ip pager lines 24 logging buffer-size 500000 logging console debugging logging monitor errors mtu outside 1500 mtu inside 1500 ip local pool test no failover icmp permit any outside icmp permit any inside no asdm history enable arp timeout 14400 nat (inside) 0 access-list 108 route outside 1 timeout xlate 3:00:00 timeout conn 1:00:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 icmp 0:00:02 timeout sunrpc 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 h225 1:00:00 mgcp 0:05:00 timeout mgcp-pat 0:05:00 sip 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 timeout uauth 0:05:00 absolute aaa-server AuthInbound protocol radius aaa-server AuthInbound host key cisco123 group-policy vpn3000 internal group-policy vpn3000 attributes dns-server value default-domain value cisco.com username vpn3000 password nPtKy7KDCerzhKeX encrypted no snmp-server location no snmp-server contact snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkup linkdown coldstart crypto ipsec transform-set my-set esp-des esp-md5-hmac crypto dynamic-map dynmap 10 set transform-set my-set crypto dynamic-map dynmap 10 set reverse-route crypto map mymap 10 ipsec-isakmp dynamic dynmap crypto map mymap interface outside isakmp enable outside isakmp policy 10 authentication pre-share isakmp policy 10 encryption des isakmp policy 10 hash md5 isakmp policy 10 group 2 isakmp policy 10 lifetime 1000 isakmp policy 65535 authentication pre-share isakmp policy 65535 encryption 3des isakmp policy 65535 hash sha isakmp policy 65535 group 2 isakmp policy 65535 lifetime 86400 tunnel-group DefaultRAGroup general-attributes authentication-server-group (outside) vpn tunnel-group vpn3000 type ipsec-ra tunnel-group vpn3000 general-attributes address-pool test authentication-server-group vpn tunnel-group vpn3000 ipsec-attributes pre-shared-key * telnet timeout 5 ssh timeout 5 console timeout 0 ! class-map inspection_default match default-inspection-traffic ! ! policy-map global_policy class inspection_default inspect dns maximum-length 512 inspect ftp inspect h323 h225 inspect h323 ras inspect netbios inspect rsh inspect rtsp inspect skinny inspect esmtp inspect sqlnet inspect sunrpc inspect tftp inspect sip inspect xdmcp ! service-policy global_policy global Cryptochecksum:ecb58c5d8ce805b3610b198c73a3d0cf : end
Questi comandi sono necessari per configurare Xauth locale per la connessione client VPN:
protocollo aaa-server server-tag locale
mappa crittografica nome-mappa autenticazione client nome-server-aaa
Utilizzare il comando username per definire gli utenti locali in PIX.
Per utilizzare il database locale di autenticazione degli utenti di PIX Firewall, immettere LOCAL per il parametro server-tag del comando aaa-server. Il comando aaa-server viene emesso con il comando crypto map per stabilire un'associazione di autenticazione in modo che i client VPN vengano autenticati quando accedono al firewall PIX.
Di seguito viene riportata la sintassi del comando per aggiungere l'accounting:
accounting aaa acctg_service|except inbound|outbound|if_name local_ip local_mask foreign_ip foreign_mask tacacs+|radius ;
o (nuovo al punto 5.2):
l'accounting aaa include acctg_service inbound|outbound match tag_server
Nella configurazione PIX, viene aggiunto questo comando:
aaa accounting include qualsiasi autenticazione in entrata 0.0.0 ;
o (nuovo al punto 5.2):
access-list 150 allow ip any aaa accounting match 150 outside AuthInbound
Nota: per il funzionamento dell'accounting Xauth è necessario il comando sysopt connection allow-ipsec e non il comando sysopt ipsec pl-compatible. L'accounting Xauth non funziona solo con il comando sysopt ipsec compatibile con pl. Accounting Xauth valido per le connessioni TCP. Non è valido per il protocollo ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) o UDP (User Datagram Protocol).
Fri Sep 8 03:48:40 2000 pixc PIX start task_id=0x17 foreign_ip= local_ip= cmd=telnet Fri Sep 8 03:48:44 2000 pixc PIX stop task_id=0x17 foreign_ip= local_ip= cmd=telnet elapsed_time=4 bytes_in=42 bytes_out=103 Fri Sep 8 03:49:31 2000 pixc PIX start task_id=0x18 foreign_ip= local_ip= cmd=http Fri Sep 8 03:49:35 2000 pixc PIX stop task_id=0x18 foreign_ip= local_ip= cmd=http elapsed_time=4 bytes_in=242 bytes_out=338
Acct-Status-Type = Start NAS-IP-Address = Login-IP-Host = Login-TCP-Port = 23 Acct-Session-Id = 0x00000003 User-Name = noacl Vendor-Specific = Source-IP= Vendor-Specific = Source-Port=1141 Vendor-Specific = Destination-IP= Vendor-Specific = Destination-Port=23 Acct-Status-Type = Start NAS-IP-Address = Login-IP-Host = Login-TCP-Port = 80 Acct-Session-Id = 0x00000004 User-Name = noacl Vendor-Specific = Source-IP= Vendor-Specific = Source-Port=1168 Vendor-Specific = Destination-IP= Vendor-Specific = Destination-Port=80 Acct-Status-Type = Stop NAS-IP-Address = Login-IP-Host = Login-TCP-Port = 80 Acct-Session-Id = 0x00000008 User-Name = noacl Acct-Session-Time = 4 Acct-Input-Octets = 242 Acct-Output-Octets = 338 Vendor-Specific = Source-IP= Vendor-Specific = Source-Port=1182 Vendor-Specific = Destination-IP= Vendor-Specific = Destination-Port=80 Acct-Status-Type = Stop NAS-IP-Address = Login-IP-Host = Login-TCP-Port = 23 Acct-Session-Id = 0x00000015 User-Name = noacl Acct-Session-Time = 33 Acct-Input-Octets = 43 Acct-Output-Octets = 103 Vendor-Specific = Source-IP= Vendor-Specific = Source-Port=1257 Vendor-Specific = Destination-IP= Vendor-Specific = Destination-Port=23
goss-pixb#show debug debug crypto ipsec 1 debug crypto isakmp 1 debug crypto engine debug fover status tx Off rx Off open Off cable Off txdmp Off rxdmp Off ifc Off rxip Off txip Off get Off put Off verify Off switch Off fail Off fmsg Off goss-pixb#terminal monitor goss-pixb# crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_MM exchange ISAKMP (0): processing SA payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): Checking ISAKMP transform 1 against priority 10 policy ISAKMP: encryption DES-CBC ISAKMP: hash MD5 ISAKMP: default group 1 ISAKMP: auth pre-share ISAKMP (0): atts are acceptable. Next payload is 0 ISAKMP (0): SA is doing pre-shared key authentication using id type ID_IPV4_ADDR return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_MM exchange ISAKMP (0): processing KE payload. Message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): processing NONCE payload. Message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): processing vendor id payload ISAKMP (0): processing vendor id payload return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_MM exchange ISAKMP (0): processing ID payload. Message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): processing HASH payload. Message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): processing NOTIFY payload 24578 protocol 1 spi 0, message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): processing notify INITIAL_CONTACTIPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event... IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): rec'd delete notify from ISAKMP IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): delete all SAs shared with ISAKMP (0): SA has been authenticated ISAKMP (0): ID payload next-payload : 8 type : 1 protocol : 17 port : 500 length : 8 ISAKMP (0): Total payload length: 12 return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_QM exchange ISAKMP (0:0): Need XAUTH ISAKMP/xauth: request attribute XAUTH_TYPE ISAKMP/xauth: request attribute XAUTH_USER_NAME ISAKMP/xauth: request attribute XAUTH_USER_PASSWORD ISAKMP (0:0): initiating peer config to ID = 2218162690 (0x84367a02) return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest ISAKMP_TRANSACTION exchange ISAKMP (0:0): processing transaction payload from Message ID = 2156074032 ISAKMP: Config payload CFG_REPLY return status is IKMP_ERR_NO_RETRANS109005: Authentication succeeded for user 'pixb' from to on interface IKE-XAUTH ISAKMP (0:0): initiating peer config to ID = 2218162690 (0x84367a02) 109005: Authentication succeeded for user 'pixb' from crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest ISAKMP_TRANSACTION exchange ISAKMP (0:0): processing transaction payload from Message ID = 2156497080 ISAKMP: Config payload CFG_ACK ISAKMP (0:0): initiating peer config to ID = 393799466 (0x1778e72a) return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest ISAKMP_TRANSACTION exchange ISAKMP (0:0): processing transaction payload from Message ID = 2156156112 ISAKMP: Config payload CFG_ACK ISAKMP (0:0): peer accepted the address! return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR.99/0 to on interface IKE-XAUTH crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_QM exchange oakley_process_quick_mode: OAK_QM_IDLE ISAKMP (0): processing SA payload. Message ID = 2323118710 ISAKMP : Checking IPSec proposal 1 ISAKMP: transform 1, ESP_DES ISAKMP: attributes in transform: ISAKMP: authenticator is HMAC-MD5 ISAKMP: encaps is 1 ISAKMP (0): atts are acceptable.IPSEC(validate_proposal_request): proposal part #1, (key eng. msg.) dest=, src=, dest_proxy= (type=4), src_proxy= (type=1), protocol= ESP, transform= ESP-Des esp-md5-hmac , lifedur= 0s and 0kb, spi= 0x0(0), conn_id= 0, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4 ISAKMP (0): processing NONCE payload. Message ID = 2323118710 ISAKMP (0): processing ID payload. Message ID = 2323118710 ISAKMP (0): ID_IPV4_ADDR src prot 0 port 0 ISAKMP (0): processing ID payload. Message ID = 2323118710 ISAKMP (0): ID_IPV4_ADDR_SUBNET dst prot 0 port 0 IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event... IPSEC(spi_response): getting spi 0xeeae8930(4004415792) for SA from to for prot 3 return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR4 crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_QM exchange oakley_process_quick_mode: OAK_QM_AUTH_AWAITmap_alloc_entry: allocating entry 1 map_alloc_entry: allocating entry 2 ISAKMP (0): Creating IPSec SAs inbound SA from to (proxy to has spi 4004415792 and conn_id 1 and flags 4 outbound SA from to (proxy to has spi 1281287211 and conn_id 2 and flags 4 IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event... IPSEC(initialize_sas): , (key eng. msg.) dest=, src=, dest_proxy= (type=4), src_proxy= (type=1), protocol= ESP, transform= esp-des esp-md5-hmac , lifedur= 0s and 0kb, spi= 0xeeae8930(4004415792), conn_id= 1, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4 IPSEC(initialize_sas): , (key eng. msg.) src=, dest=, src_proxy= (type=4), dest_proxy= (type=1), protocol= ESP, transform= esp-des esp-md5-hmac , lifedur= 0s and 0kb, spi= 0x4c5ee42b(1281287211), conn_id= 2, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4 return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR02101: decaps: rec'd IPSEC packet has invalid spi for destaddr=, prot=esp, spi=0xeeae8930(0) 602301: sa created, (sa) sa_dest=, sa_prot= 50, sa_spi= 0xeeae8930(4004415792), sa_trans= esp-des esp-md5-hmac, sa_conn_id= 1 602301: sa created, (sa) sa_dest=, sa_prot= 50, sa_spi= 0x4c5ee42b(1281287211), sa_trans= esp-des esp-md5-hmac, sa_conn_id= 2 109011: Authen Session Start: user 'pixb', sid 5 109015: Authorization denied (acl=115) for user 'pixb' from to on interface outside 109015: Authorization denied (acl=115) for user 'pixb' from to on interface outside 109015: Authorization denied (acl=115) for user 'pixb' from to on interface outside 109015: Authorization denied (acl=115) for user 'pixb' from to on interface outside goss-pixb# goss-pixb#show uauth Current Most Seen Authenticated Users 1 1 Authen In Progress 0 1 ipsec user 'pixb' at, authenticated access-list 115 goss-pixb#show access-list access-list 108 permit ip (hitcnt=18) access-list 125 permit ip host any (hitcnt=0) access-list dynacl4 permit ip host (hitcnt=0) access-list 115 permit ip any host (hitcnt=0) access-list 115 deny ip any host (hitcnt=0)
crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest goss-pixb#show debug debug crypto ipsec 1 debug crypto isakmp 1 debug crypto engine debug fover status tx Off rx Off open Off cable Off txdmp Off rxdmp Off ifc Off rxip Off txip Off get Off put Off verify Off switch Off fail Off fmsg Off goss-pixb# crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_AG exchange ISAKMP (0): processing SA payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): Checking ISAKMP transform 1 against priority 10 policy ISAKMP: encryption DES-CBC ISAKMP: hash MD5 ISAKMP: default group 1 ISAKMP: auth pre-share ISAKMP (0): atts are acceptable. Next payload is 3 ISAKMP (0): processing KE payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): processing NONCE payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): processing ID payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): processing vendor id payload ISAKMP (0): speaking to a VPN3000 client ISAKMP (0): ID payload next-payload : 10 type : 1 protocol : 17 port : 500 length : 8 ISAKMP (0): Total payload length: 12 return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_AG exchange ISAKMP (0): processing HASH payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): SA has been authenticated return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_QM exchange ISAKMP (0:0): Need XAUTH ISAKMP/xauth: request attribute XAUTH_TYPE ISAKMP/xauth: request attribute XAUTH_USER_NAME ISAKMP/xauth: request attribute XAUTH_USER_PASSWORD ISAKMP (0:0): initiating peer config to ID = 1396280702 (0x53398d7e) return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest ISAKMP_TRANSACTION exchange ISAKMP (0:0): processing transaction payload from message ID = 2156608344 ISAKMP: Config payload CFG_REPLY return status is IKMP_ERR_NO_RETRANS10 ISAKMP (0:0): initiating peer config to ID = 1396280702 (0x53398d7e)9 crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest ISAKMP_TRANSACTION exchange ISAKMP (0:0): processing transaction payload from message ID = 2156115984 ISAKMP: Config payload CFG_ACK ISAKMP (0:0): peer accepted the address! ISAKMP (0:0): processing saved QM. oakley_process_quick_mode: OAK_QM_IDLE ISAKMP (0): processing SA payload. message ID = 1697984837 ISAKMP : Checking IPSec proposal 1 ISAKMP: transform 1, ESP_DES ISAKMP: attributes in transform: ISAKMP: authenticator is HMAC-MD5 ISAKMP: encaps is 1 ISAKMP (0): atts are acceptable. IPSEC(validate_proposal_request): proposal part #1, (key eng. msg.) dest=, src=, dest_proxy= (type=1), src_proxy= (type=1), protocol= ESP, transform= esp-des esp-md5-hmac , lifedur= 0s and 0kb, spi= 0x0(0), conn_id= 0, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4 ISAKMP (0): processing NONCE payload. message ID = 1697984837 ISAKMP (0): processing ID payload. message ID = 1697984837 ISAKMP (0): ID_IPV4_ADDR src prot 0 port 0 ISAKMP (0): processing ID payload. message ID = 1697984837 ISAKMP (0): ID_IPV4_ADDR dst prot 0 port 0 ISAKMP (0): processing NOTIFY payload 24578 protocol 1 spi 0, message ID = 1697984837 ISAKMP (0): processing notify INITIAL_CONTACTIPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event... IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): rec'd delete notify from ISAKMP IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): delete all SAs shared with IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event... IPSEC(spi_response): getting spi 0x6a9d3f79(1788690297) for SA from to for prot 3 return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR0 crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_QM exchange oakley_process_quick_mode: OAK_QM_AUTH_AWAITmap_alloc_entry: allocating entry 1 map_alloc_entry: allocating entry 2 ISAKMP (0): Creating IPSec SAs inbound SA from to (proxy to has spi 1788690297 and conn_id 1 and flags 4 outbound SA from to (proxy to has spi 2854452814 and conn_id 2 and flags 4 IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event... IPSEC(initialize_sas): , (key eng. msg.) dest=, src=, dest_proxy= (type=1), src_proxy= (type=1), protocol= ESP, transform= esp-des esp-md5-hmac , lifedur= 0s and 0kb, spi= 0x6a9d3f79(1788690297), conn_id= 1, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4 IPSEC(initialize_sas): , (key eng. msg.) src=, dest=, src_proxy= (type=1), dest_proxy= (type=1), protocol= ESP, transform= esp-des esp-md5-hmac , lifedur= 0s and 0kb, spi= 0xaa237e4e(2854452814), conn_id= 2, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4 return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR05: Authentication succeeded for user 'pixc' from to on interface IKE-XAUTH 602301: sa created, (sa) sa_dest=, sa_prot= 50, sa_spi= 0x6a9d3f79(1788690297), sa_trans= esp-des esp-md5-hmac , sa_conn_id= 1 602301: sa created, (sa) sa_dest=, sa_prot= 50, sa_spi= 0xaa237e4e(2854452814), sa_trans= esp-des esp-md5-hmac , sa_conn_id= 2 109011: Authen Session Start: user 'pixc', sid 19 crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_QM exchange oakley_process_quick_mode: OAK_QM_IDLE ISAKMP (0): processing SA payload. message ID = 3361949217 ISAKMP : Checking IPSec proposal 1 ISAKMP: transform 1, ESP_DES ISAKMP: attributes in transform: ISAKMP: authenticator is HMAC-MD5 ISAKMP: encaps is 1 ISAKMP (0): atts are acceptable. IPSEC(validate_proposal_request): proposal part #1, (key eng. msg.) dest=, src=, dest_proxy= (type=4), src_proxy= (type=1), protocol= ESP, transform= esp-des esp-md5-hmac , lifedur= 0s and 0kb, spi= 0x0(0), conn_id= 0, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4 ISAKMP (0): processing NONCE payload. message ID = 3361949217 ISAKMP (0): processing ID payload. message ID = 3361949217 ISAKMP (0): ID_IPV4_ADDR src prot 0 port 0 ISAKMP (0): processing ID payload. message ID = 3361949217 ISAKMP (0): ID_IPV4_ADDR_SUBNET dst prot 0 port 0 IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event... IPSEC(spi_response): getting spi 0xfec4c3aa(4274308010) for SA from to for prot 3 return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR4 crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_QM exchange oakley_process_quick_mode: OAK_QM_AUTH_AWAITmap_alloc_entry: allocating entry 4 map_alloc_entry: allocating entry 3 ISAKMP (0): Creating IPSec SAs inbound SA from to (proxy to has spi 4274308010 and conn_id 4 and flags 4 outbound SA from to (proxy to has spi 798459812 and conn_id 3 and flags 4 IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event... IPSEC(initialize_sas): , (key eng. msg.) dest=, src=, dest_proxy= (type=4), src_proxy= (type=1), protocol= ESP, transform= esp-des esp-md5-hmac , lifedur= 0s and 0kb, spi= 0xfec4c3aa(4274308010), conn_id= 4, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4 IPSEC(initialize_sas): , (key eng. msg.) src=, dest=, src_proxy= (type=4), dest_proxy= (type=1), protocol= ESP, transform= esp-des esp-md5-hmac , lifedur= 0s and 0kb, spi= 0x2f9787a4(798459812), conn_id= 3, keysize= 0, flags= 0x4 return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR02101: decaps: rec'd IPSEC packet has invalid spi for destaddr=, prot=esp, spi=0xfec4c3aa(0) 602301: sa created, (sa) sa_dest=, sa_prot= 50, sa_spi= 0xfec4c3aa(4274308010), sa_trans= esp-des esp-md5-hmac , sa_conn_id= 4 602301: sa created, (sa) sa_dest=, sa_prot= 50, sa_spi= 0x2f9787a4(798459812), sa_trans= esp-des esp-md5-hmac , sa_conn_id= 3 goss-pixb#show uauth Current Most Seen Authenticated Users 1 1 Authen In Progress 0 1 ipsec user 'pixc' at, authenticated goss-pixb#show crypto ipsec sa interface: outside Crypto map tag: mymap, local addr. local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( current_peer: dynamic allocated peer ip: PERMIT, flags={} #pkts encaps: 0, #pkts encrypt: 0, #pkts digest 0 #pkts decaps: 0, #pkts decrypt: 0, #pkts verify 0 #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0 #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0 #send errors 0, #recv errors 0 local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.: path mtu 1500, ipsec overhead 56, media mtu 1500 current outbound spi: aa237e4e inbound esp sas: spi: 0x6a9d3f79(1788690297) transform: esp-des esp-md5-hmac , <--- More ---> in use settings ={Tunnel, } slot: 0, conn id: 1, crypto map: mymap sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4608000/28519) IV size: 8 bytes replay detection support: Y inbound ah sas: inbound pcp sas: outbound esp sas: spi: 0xaa237e4e(2854452814) transform: esp-des esp-md5-hmac , in use settings ={Tunnel, } slot: 0, conn id: 2, crypto map: mymap sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4608000/28510) IV size: 8 bytes replay detection support: Y outbound ah sas: <--- More ---> outbound pcp sas: local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( current_peer: dynamic allocated peer ip: PERMIT, flags={} #pkts encaps: 4, #pkts encrypt: 4, #pkts digest 4 #pkts decaps: 4, #pkts decrypt: 4, #pkts verify 4 #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0 #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0 #send errors 0, #recv errors 0 local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.: path mtu 1500, ipsec overhead 56, media mtu 1500 current outbound spi: 2f9787a4 inbound esp sas: spi: 0xfec4c3aa(4274308010) <--- More ---> transform: esp-des esp-md5-hmac , in use settings ={Tunnel, } slot: 0, conn id: 4, crypto map: mymap sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4607999/27820) IV size: 8 bytes replay detection support: Y inbound ah sas: inbound pcp sas: outbound esp sas: spi: 0x2f9787a4(798459812) transform: esp-des esp-md5-hmac , in use settings ={Tunnel, } slot: 0, conn id: 3, crypto map: mymap sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4607999/27820) IV size: 8 bytes replay detection support: Y <--- More ---> outbound ah sas: outbound pcp sas:
crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest VPN Peer: ISAKMP: Added new peer: ip: Total VPN Peers:1 VPN Peer: ISAKMP: Peer ip: Ref cnt incremented to:1 Total VPN Peers:1 OAK_AG exchange ISAKMP (0): processing SA payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): Checking ISAKMP transform 1 against priority 20 policy ISAKMP: encryption 3DES-CBC ISAKMP: hash SHA ISAKMP: default group 2 ISAKMP: extended auth pre-share ISAKMP: life type in seconds ISAKMP: life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x20 0xc4 0x9b ISAKMP (0): atts are not acceptable. Next payload is 3 ISAKMP (0): Checking ISAKMP transform 2 against priority 20 policy ISAKMP: encryption 3DES-CBC ISAKMP: hash MD5 ISAKMP: default group 2 ISAKMP: extended auth pre-share ISAKMP: life type in seconds ISAKMP: life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x20 0xc4 0x9b ISAKMP (0): atts are not acceptable. Next payload is 3 ISAKMP (0): Checking ISAKMP transform 3 against priority 20 policy ISAKMP: encryption 3DES-CBC ISAKMP: hash SHA ISAKMP: default group 2 ISAKMP: auth pre-share ISAKMP: life type in seconds ISAKMP: life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x20 0xc4 0x9b ISAKMP (0): atts are not acceptable. Next payload is 3 ISAKMP (0): Checking ISAKMP transform 4 against priority 20 policy ISAKMP: encryption 3DES-CBC ISAKMP: hash MD5 ISAKMP: default group 2 ISAKMP: auth pre-share ISAKMP: life type in seconds ISAKMP: life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x20 0xc4 0x9b ISAKMP (0): atts are not acceptable. Next payload is 3 ISAKMP (0): Checking ISAKMP transform 5 against priority 20 policy ISAKMP: encryption DES-CBC ISAKMP: hash SHA ISAKMP: default group 2 ISAKMP: extended auth pre-share ISAKMP: life type in seconds ISAKMP: life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x20 0xc4 0x9b ISAKMP (0): atts are not acceptable. Next payload is 3 ISAKMP (0): Checking ISAKMP transform 6 against priority 20 policy ISAKMP: encryption DES-CBC ISAKMP: hash MD5 ISAKMP: default group 2 ISAKMP: extended auth pre-share ISAKMP: life type in seconds ISAKMP: life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x20 0xc4 0x9b ISAKMP (0): atts are acceptable. Next payload is 3 ISAKMP (0): processing KE payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): processing NONCE payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): processing ID payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): processing vendor id payload ISAKMP (0): received xauth v6 vendor id ISAKMP (0): processing vendor id payload ISAKMP (0): remote peer supports dead peer detection ISAKMP (0): processing vendor id payload ISAKMP (0): speaking to a Unity client ISAKMP (0): ID payload next-payload : 10 type : 2 protocol : 17 port : 500 length : 10 ISAKMP (0): Total payload length: 14 return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_AG exchange ISAKMP (0): processing HASH payload. message ID = 0 ISAKMP (0): processing NOTIFY payload 24578 protocol 1 spi 0, message ID = 0RADIUS_GET_PASS RADIUS_REQUEST raidus.c: rad_mkpkt_authen attribute: type 1, length 10, content: 80917fb0: 74 65 73 74 75 73 65 72 | testuser attribute: type 4, length 6, content: 80917fb0: 0a 42 | .B 80917fc0: 4f 45 | OE attribute: type 5, length 6, content: 80917fd0: 00 00 00 01 | .... ISAKMP (0): processing notify INITIAL_CONTACTrip 0x80791f00 : chall_state '' : state 0x7 : timer 0x0 : info 0x5d5ba513 session_id 0x5d5ba513 request_id 0x2 user 'testuser' app 0 reason 2 sip type 1 rad_procpkt: ACCEPT attribute: type 8, length 6, content: 809186f0: ff ff | .. 80918700: ff ff | .. RADIUS_RCVD attribute: type 26, length 67, content: Vendor ID 0 0 0 9, type=1, len=61: 80918700: 41 43 53 3a 43 69 | ACS:Ci 80918710: 73 63 6f 53 65 63 75 72 65 2d 44 65 66 69 6e 65 | scoSecure-Define 80918720: 64 2d 41 43 4c 3d 23 41 43 53 41 43 4c 23 2d 50 | d-ACL=#ACSACL#-P 80918730: 49 58 2d 56 50 4e 43 6c 69 65 6e 74 2d 33 64 33 | IX-VPNClient-3d3 80918740: 32 37 38 31 35 | 27815 RADIUS_RCVD RADIUS_REQUEST raidus.c: rad_mkpkt_authen attribute: type 1, length 33, content: 809186d0: 23 41 43 53 41 43 4c 23 2d 50 49 58 | #ACSACL#-PIX 809186e0: 2d 56 50 4e 43 6c 69 65 6e 74 2d 33 64 33 32 37 | -VPNClient-3d327 809186f0: 38 31 35 | 815 attribute: type 4, length 6, content: 809186f0: 0a 42 4f 45 | .BOE attribute: type 5, length 6, content: 80918700: 00 00 00 | ... 80918710: 02 | . IPSEC(key_engine): got a queue event...rip 0x80791f00 : chall_state '' : state 0x7 : timer 0x0 : info 0x5d5ba513 session_id 0x5d5ba513 request_id 0x3 user '#ACSACL#-PIX-VPNClient-3d327815' app 0 reason 2 sip type 1 rad_procpkt: ACCEPT attribute: type 26, length 46, content: Vendor ID 0 0 0 9, type=1, len=40: 80918e20: 69 70 3a 69 6e 61 63 6c 23 31 3d 70 | ip:inacl#1=p 80918e30: 65 72 6d 69 74 20 69 70 20 61 6e 79 20 68 6f 73 | ermit ip any hos 80918e40: 74 20 31 30 2e 31 2e 31 2e 32 | t RADIUS_RCVD RADIUS_RCVD RADIUS_ACCESS_ACCEPT:normal termination RADIUS_DELETE IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): rec'd delete notify from ISAKMP IPSEC(key_engine_delete_sas): delete all SAs shared with ISAKMP (0): SA has been authenticated return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR ISAKMP (0): sending phase 1 RESPONDER_LIFETIME notify ISAKMP (0): sending NOTIFY message 24576 protocol 1 ISAKMP/xauth: request attribute XAUTH_TYPE ISAKMP/xauth: request attribute XAUTH_USER_NAME ISAKMP/xauth: request attribute XAUTH_USER_PASSWORD ISAKMP (0:0): initiating peer config to ID = 3250273953 (0xc1bb3ea1) crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest ISAKMP_TRANSACTION exchange ISAKMP (0:0): processing transaction payload from message ID = 2167001532 ISAKMP: Config payload CFG_REPLY return status is IKMP_ERR_NO_RETRANS ISAKMP (0:0): initiating peer config to ID = 1530000247 (0x5b31f377) crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest ISAKMP_TRANSACTION exchange ISAKMP (0:0): processing transaction payload from message ID = 2167001532 ISAKMP: Config payload CFG_ACK return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest ISAKMP_TRANSACTION exchange ISAKMP (0:0): processing transaction payload from message ID = 2167001532 ISAKMP: Config payload CFG_REQUEST ISAKMP (0:0): checking request: ISAKMP: attribute IP4_ADDRESS (1) ISAKMP: attribute IP4_NETMASK (2) ISAKMP: attribute IP4_DNS (3) ISAKMP: attribute IP4_NBNS (4) ISAKMP: attribute ADDRESS_EXPIRY (5) Unsupported Attr: 5 ISAKMP: attribute APPLICATION_VERSION (7) Unsupported Attr: 7 ISAKMP: attribute UNKNOWN (28672) Unsupported Attr: 28672 ISAKMP: attribute UNKNOWN (28673) Unsupported Attr: 28673 ISAKMP: attribute ALT_DEF_DOMAIN (28674) ISAKMP: attribute ALT_SPLIT_INCLUDE (28676) ISAKMP: attribute ALT_PFS (28679) ISAKMP: attribute UNKNOWN (28680) Unsupported Attr: 28680 ISAKMP: attribute UNKNOWN (28677) Unsupported Attr: 28677 ISAKMP (0:0): responding to peer config from ID = 2397668523 return status is IKMP_NO_ERROR crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_QM exchange oakley_process_quick_mode: OAK_QM_IDLE ISAKMP (0): processing SA payload. message ID = 2858414843 ISAKMP : Checking IPSec proposal 1 ISAKMP: transform 1, ESP_3DES ISAKMP: attributes in transform: ISAKMP: authenticator is HMAC-MD5 ISAKMP: encaps is 1 ISAKMP: SA life type in seconds ISAKMP: SA life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x20 0xc4 0x9b IPSEC(validate_proposal): transform proposal (prot 3, trans 3, hmac_alg 1) not supported ISAKMP (0): atts not acceptable. Next payload is 0 ISAKMP (0): skipping next ANDed proposal (1) ISAKMP : Checking IPSec proposal 2 ISAKMP: transform 1, ESP_3DES ISAKMP: attributes in transform: ISAKMP: authenticator is HMAC-SHA ISAKMP: encaps is 1 ISAKMP: SA life type in seconds ISAKMP: SA life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x20 0xc4 0x9b IPSEC(validate_proposal): transform proposal (prot 3, trans 3, hmac_alg 2) not supported ISAKMP (0): atts not acceptable. Next payload is 0 ISAKMP (0): skipping next ANDed proposal (2) ISAKMP : Checking IPSec proposal 3 ISAKMP: transform 1, ESP_3DES ISAKMP: attributes in transform: ISAKMP: authenticator is HMAC-MD5 ISAKMP: encaps is 1 ISAKMP: SA life type in seconds ISAKMP: SA life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x20 0xc4 0x9b IPSEC (validate_proposal): transform proposal (prot 3, trans 3, hmac_alg 1) not supported ISAKMP (0): atts not acceptable. Next payload is 0 ISAKMP : Checking IPSec proposal 4 ISAKMP: transform 1, ESP_3DES ISAKMP: attributes in transform: ISAKMP: authenticator is HMAC-SHA ISAKMP: encaps is 1 ISAKMP: SA life type in seconds ISAKMP: SA life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x20 0xc4 0x9b IPSEC (validate_proposal): transform proposal (prot 3, trans 3, hmac_alg 2) not supported ISAKMP (0): atts not acceptable. Next payload is 0 ISAKMP : Checking IPSec proposal 5 ISAKMP: transform 1, ESP_DES ISAKMP: attributes in transform: ISAKMP: authenticator is HMAC-MD5 ISAKMP: encaps is 1 ISAKMP: SA life type in seconds ISAKMP: SA life duration (VPI) of 0x0 0x20 0xc4 0x9b ISAKMP (0): atts are acceptable. ISAKMP (0): bad SPI size of 2 octets! ISAKMP : Checking IPSec proposal 6 ISAKMP: transform 1, ESP_DES ISAKMP: attributes in transform: crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_QM exchange crypto_isakmp_process_block: src, dest OAK_QM exchange oakley_process_quick_mode: OAK_QM_AUTH_AWAIT ISAKMP (0): Creating IPSec SAs sv2-4(config)# sv2-4(config)# sv2-4(config)# sv2-4(config)# sv2-4(config)#show uauth Current Most Seen Authenticated Users 1 1 Authen In Progress 0 1 ipsec user 'testuser' at, authenticated access-list #ACSACL#-PIX-VPNClient-3d327815 sv2-4(config)#show access-list access-list 108; 1 elements access-list 108 permit ip (hitcnt=38) access-list #ACSACL#-PIX-VPNClient-3d327815; 1 elements access-list #ACSACL#-PIX-VPNClient-3d327815 permit ip any host (hitcnt=15) access-list dynacl4; 1 elements access-list dynacl4 permit ip host host (hitcnt=0) access-list dynacl5; 1 elements access-list dynacl5 permit ip any host (hitcnt=15) sv2-4(config)#show access-list access-list 108; 1 elements access-list 108 permit ip (hitcnt=42) access-list #ACSACL#-PIX-VPNClient-3d327815; 1 elements access-list #ACSACL#-PIX-VPNClient-3d327815 permit ip any host (hitcnt=17) access-list dynacl4; 1 elements access-list dynacl4 permit ip host host (hitcnt=0) access-list dynacl5; 1 elements access-list dynacl5 permit ip any host (hitcnt=17) sv2-4(config)#show crypto map Crypto Map: "mymap" interfaces: { outside } client configuration address respond client authentication AuthInbound Crypto Map "mymap" 10 ipsec-isakmp Dynamic map template tag: dynmap Crypto Map "mymap" 20 ipsec-isakmp Peer = access-list dynacl6; 1 elements access-list dynacl6 permit ip host host (hitcnt=0) dynamic (created from dynamic map dynmap/10) Current peer: Security association lifetime: 4608000 kilobytes/28800 seconds PFS (Y/N): N Transform sets={ myset, } Crypto Map "mymap" 30 ipsec-isakmp Peer = access-list dynacl7; 1 elements access-list dynacl7 permit ip any host (hitcnt=0) dynamic (created from dynamic map dynmap/10) Current peer: Security association lifetime: 4608000 kilobytes/28800 seconds PFS (Y/N): N Transform sets={ myset, } sv2-4(config)
Revisione | Data di pubblicazione | Commenti |
1.0 |
13-Nov-2001 |
Versione iniziale |