Questo documento spiega la procedura per aggiornare il software di sistema Cisco Unity Express dalla versione 1.1.x alla versione 2.0 o 2.1. Gli aspetti salienti discussi in questo documento sono:
Un aggiornamento del software Cisco Unity Express cancella la configurazione e i dati esistenti. Eseguire un backup della configurazione corrente e dei dati in Cisco Unity Express se è necessario ripristinare i dati esistenti dopo l'aggiornamento.
In Cisco Unity Express release 2.0 e 2.1, sono necessarie licenze separate per Cisco CallManager e Cisco CallManager Express.
È possibile eseguire l'aggiornamento da Cisco Unity Express release 2.0 a 2.1 (o da Cisco Unity Express release 2.0/2.1 a una versione successiva). Tuttavia, il software supporta un nuovo metodo che consente il download mentre il sistema è ancora in funzione.
È stato testato un aggiornamento da Cisco Unity Express release 1.0.2 direttamente alla release 2.0. Le istruzioni sono le stesse, ad eccezione del fatto che l'immagine del bootloader deve prima essere aggiornata alla versione 1.0.17. Per ulteriori informazioni, fare riferimento all'aggiornamento del software Unity Express dalla versione 1.0.2 alla 1.1.1.
Un server FTP e TFTP deve essere disponibile e raggiungibile da Cisco Unity Express. Il server FTP deve supportare l'FTP passivo (PASV). Il server TFTP deve supportare dimensioni file superiori a 16 MB (alcuni server TFTP meno recenti supportano solo dimensioni file fino a 16 MB).
Sebbene sia previsto che qualsiasi server FTP che soddisfi questi requisiti funzioni correttamente, Cisco ha utilizzato con successo alcuni prodotti specifici:
Per il sistema operativo Microsoft Windows:
Server FTP FileZilla
Server FTP Serv-U
Server FTP di Microsoft IIS
Per il sistema operativo Linux:
Server ProFTPD
Nota: Cisco non supporta nessuno di questi prodotti server FTP. Questo è solo un elenco di alcuni dei software che Cisco ha usato in passato e che si sono dimostrati efficaci.
Il modulo Cisco Unity Express deve essere nella release 1.1.1 o 1.1.2. In particolare, la versione del bootloader deve essere nella release 1.0.17 (dall'output show version di Cisco Unity Express).
Se si riceve questo errore quando si immette il comando download clean pkgfilename per aggiornare Cisco Unity Express, è perché la versione non supporta il download o l'installazione del software:
NameError: global name 'nativeSysdbException' is not defined[15261 refs]
In questo scenario, è necessario usare il bootloader per eseguire l'aggiornamento.
Le informazioni di questo documento si basano sul prodotto Cisco Unity Express che è stato aggiornato.
Le informazioni discusse in questo documento fanno riferimento a dispositivi usati in uno specifico ambiente di emulazione con Cisco Unity Express 2.0. Per Cisco Unity Express 2.1 (una volta rilasciato), i numeri di versione sul programma di installazione e le modifiche al sistema. Tuttavia, il processo resta lo stesso. Su tutti i dispositivi menzionati nel documento la configurazione è stata ripristinata ai valori predefiniti. Se la rete è operativa, valutare attentamente eventuali conseguenze derivanti dall'uso dei comandi.
Fare riferimento a Cisco Technical Tips Conventions per ulteriori informazioni sulle convenzioni dei documenti.
I server FTP e TFTP devono essere configurati per il download del software. Prendere nota dell'indirizzo IP di ciascuno di questi server. Il server FTP deve supportare l'FTP passivo (PASV). Il server TFTP deve supportare dimensioni file superiori a 16 MB (alcuni server TFTP meno recenti supportano solo dimensioni file fino a 16 MB).
Accertarsi che sia possibile eseguire il ping del modulo Cisco Unity Express dai server TFTP e FTP.
Un server DNS (Domain Name System) è facoltativo per l'inizializzazione. Se si desidera utilizzare il DNS, installare e attivare un server DNS nel PC o nel server prima di procedere.
L'aggiornamento software di Cisco Unity Express release 1.1.1 comporta tre attività di caricamento del software:
Caricare il nuovo bootloader.
Caricare la nuova licenza appropriata.
Caricare il software Cisco Unity Express.
Attenersi alla seguente procedura:
Scaricare il software Cisco Unity Express release 2.0 e la licenza appropriata dal sito
Nota: Cisco CallManager e Cisco CallManager Express richiedono licenze diverse.
Posizionare il file di installazione cue-installer.2.0.1 (o cue-installer.2.1.1) sul server TFTP.
Inserire questi file nel server FTP:
cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg (file dell'applicazione principale)
Uno di questi file di lingua (in base alla lingua che si desidera impostare come lingua di sistema):
cue-vm-en_US-lang-pack.2.0.1.prt1 (inglese USA)
cue-vm-de_DE-lang-pack.2.0.1.prt1 (tedesco)
cue-vm-es_ES-lang-pack.2.0.1.prt1 (spagnolo europeo)
cue-vm-fr_FR-lang-pack.2.0.1.prt1 (francese europeo)
(Facoltativo) cue-vm-installer.2.0.1.prt1 - Questo file è il programma di installazione online che può essere utilizzato per aggiornare i file di licenza e scaricare le immagini una volta caricato il software 2.0. Questo file non è necessario per aggiornare Cisco Unity Express alla versione 2.0/2.1. Tuttavia, può essere utile per aggiornamenti futuri. Se si intende utilizzare lo stesso server FTP, inserirlo nel server.
(Facoltativo) Archiviare il file di licenza appropriato sul server FTP. Se il sistema dispone già del file di licenza corretto nella versione precedente, non è necessario applicarlo di nuovo. Se la licenza viene aggiornata, il nuovo file deve essere posizionato sul server FTP in modo da poter essere aggiornato successivamente. È sempre buona norma disporre del file di licenza corretto sul server FTP a scopo di backup. In questo caso, è necessario sostituire l'intero modulo Cisco Unity Express in un determinato momento. I file di licenza possibili sono:
Nota: non tutti questi file sono adatti a tutte le piattaforme hardware Cisco Unity Express.
Verificare che i server TFTP e FTP siano attivi e in esecuzione. Nel caso di un PC, accertarsi che i programmi TFTP e FTP sul PC siano attivati.
Utilizzare lo strumento da riga di comando client TFTP Microsoft Windows per verificare il server TFTP. Ad esempio:
Il server FTP può essere testato in modo simile. In un browser che supporta FTP (Internet Explorer, Firefox e così via), inserire l'URL che si intende utilizzare insieme al nome utente e alla password. Ad esempio, ftp://user:password@ Ciò significa che si sta tentando di accedere all'host nella directory 2.0.1 utilizzando il nome utente "user" con la password "password". È possibile visualizzare tutti i file necessari nell'elenco delle directory e scaricarli. Questo non verifica tutti gli aspetti del processo FTP, ma verifica i problemi più comuni.
Stabilire una connessione (tramite Telnet o direttamente tramite la console) al router Cisco IOS contenente il modulo Cisco Unity Express. Da qui, collegarsi al modulo Cisco Unity Express usando il comando service-module service-engine <slot/0>session. Per Cisco Unity Express AIM, il numero di slot è 0. Ad esempio:
[user1-mac:~] root% telnet Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. vnt-3660-41c>enable Password: vnt-3660-41c#show ip interface brief Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol FastEthernet0/0 YES NVRAM up up Service-Engine5/0 YES TFTP up up vnt-3660-41c#service-module service-Engine 5/0 session Trying, 2161 ... % Connection refused by remote host vnt-3660-41c#clear line 161 [confirm] [OK] vnt-3660-41c#service-module service-Engine 5/0 session Trying, 2161 ... cue-3660-41c>
Annotare l'indirizzo IP, la subnet mask e il gateway predefinito di Cisco Unity Express. Ottenere questo messaggio dalla CLI con i comandi show interfaces e show ip route.
cue-3660-41c>show interfaces FastEthernet 1 is up, line protocol is up Internet address is mask !--- Configured on router. Broadcast address is 176 input, 18507 bytes 0 input errors 172 output, 16756 bytes 0 output errors IDE hd0 is up, line protocol is up 3385 reads, 39324672 bytes 0 read errors 2393 write, 23195648 bytes 0 write errors cue-3660-41c>show ip route DEST GATE MASK IFACE eth1 lo eth1
Eseguire il backup dei dati.
Per ulteriori informazioni sul backup e il ripristino, fare riferimento a Esegui backup e ripristino di Cisco Unity Express con Microsoft FTP Server. È inoltre possibile fare riferimento alle guide di backup e ripristino disponibili nella normale documentazione di Cisco Unity Express, ad esempio Backup e ripristino dei dati.
Al termine del backup, ricaricare Cisco Unity Express NM usando il comando reload.
Quando viene richiesto di immettere '***' per modificare la configurazione di avvio, immettere ***.
In questo modo, Cisco Unity Express entra in modalità bootloader.
Immettere config al prompt ServicesEngine boot loader>.
Immettere questi dettagli per i vari prompt mostrati nell'output della configurazione.
Indirizzo IP di Cisco Unity Express
Subnet mask di Cisco Unity Express
Indirizzo server TFTP
Il gateway predefinito di Cisco Unity Express
L'interfaccia Ethernet è interna. Per l'immagine dell'helper predefinito, immettere cue-installer.2.0.1. Accertarsi che l'avvio predefinito sia sempre disco, che il boot loader predefinito sia sempre primario e che l'interfaccia Ethernet sia sempre impostata su interna.
ServicesEngine boot-loader>config IP Address [] > Subnet mask [] > TFTP server [] > Gateway [] > Default Helper-file [cue-installer.2.0.1] > cue-installer.2.0.1 Ethernet interface [internal] > internal Default Boot [disk] > disk Default bootloader [primary|secondary] [primary] > primary Updating flash with bootloader configuration
Il sistema scrive le informazioni su Flash e il prompt ServicesEngine boot loader> viene visualizzato nuovamente.
Attenersi alla seguente procedura:
Immettere l'helper di avvio dal prompt ServicesEngine boot loader>.
Cisco Unity Express avvia l'immagine dell'helper dal server TFTP.
Il sistema ora carica il pacchetto di installazione dal server TFTP e si avvia da esso.
Al termine del processo di avvio, viene visualizzato questo menu:
Welcome to Cisco Systems Service Engine Helper Software Please select from the following 1 Install software 2 Reload module (Type '?' at any time for help)
Immettere 1 per installare il nuovo software.
Il nome del pacchetto, l'URL del server e il nome utente/password FTP sono obbligatori, seguiti da una conferma:
Package name: cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg Server url: Username: jdoe Password: WARNING:: Software installation will clear disk contents Continue [n]? y Downloading cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg Bytes downloaded : 1448 Validating package signature ... done Downloading cue-vm-lang-pack.2.0.1.pkg Bytes downloaded : 147456 Validating package signature ... done
Nota: in questo output di esempio, il sistema FTPs su, esegue il login come utente "jdoe" con la password specificata, passa alla directory 2.0.1 e recupera il file "cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg". Da questa stessa directory, viene recuperato anche il file "cue-vm-lang-pack.2.0.1.pkg". Se per qualsiasi motivo questo passaggio ha esito negativo, verificare che questi file esistano entrambi nel percorso specificato e che l'utente FTP specificato disponga delle autorizzazioni corrette per scaricare tali file.
Viene visualizzato un menu della lingua. Nell'esempio è selezionato 4 (Inglese (Stati Uniti)). Solo una lingua è possibile. Dopo aver selezionato la lingua (contrassegnata con * accanto ad essa), premere x per terminare.
Language Selection Menu: # Selected SKU Language Name ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 FRA CUE Voicemail European French (2.0.1) 2 ESP CUE Voicemail European Spanish (2.0.1) 3 DEU CUE Voicemail German (2.0.1) 4 ENG CUE Voicemail US English (2.0.1) Available commands are: # - enter the number for the language to select one r # - remove the language for given # i # - more information about the language for given # x - Done with language selection > 4 Language Selection Menu: # Selected SKU Language Name ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 FRA CUE Voicemail European French (2.0.1) 2 ESP CUE Voicemail European Spanish (2.0.1) 3 DEU CUE Voicemail German (2.0.1) 4 * ENG CUE Voicemail US English (2.0.1) Available commands are: # - enter the number for the language to select one r # - remove the language for given # i # - more information about the language for given # x - Done with language selection > x
Nota: dalla stessa directory e dallo stesso percorso FTP, vengono scaricati i file cue-vm-full.2.0.1.prt1 e cue-vm-en_US-lang-pack.2.0.1.prt1. Il file cue-vm-en_US-lang-pack.2.0.1.prt1 viene scaricato solo se in questo passaggio è selezionata l'opzione Inglese (Stati Uniti). Altre lingue dispongono di Language Pack diversi.
Il sistema completa l'installazione, si riavvia (non premere la combinazione *** in questo momento) e viene eseguito lo script di post-installazione.
IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: Welcome to Cisco Systems Service Engine IMPORTANT:: post installation configuration tool. IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: This is a one time process which will guide IMPORTANT:: you through initial setup of your Service Engine. IMPORTANT:: Once run, this process will have configured IMPORTANT:: the system for your location. IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: If you do not wish to continue, the system will be halted IMPORTANT:: so it can be safely removed from the router. IMPORTANT:: Do you wish to start configuration now (y,n)? y Are you sure (y,n)? y
Scegliere se ripristinare la configurazione esistente.
Questa opzione non è disponibile se una configurazione non è mai stata salvata nel sistema. Nella maggior parte dei casi, quando viene eseguito un aggiornamento, l'obiettivo è ottenere la stessa configurazione e gli stessi dati di prima dell'aggiornamento. In questo caso, il ripristino della configurazione salvata è leggermente più rapido. Questa configurazione salvata è solo la configurazione in esecuzione (visibile dal comando show run) in un sistema. Non include saluti, nomi vocali, messaggi e così via. Queste devono ancora essere ripristinate. Tuttavia, contiene le informazioni relative al server DNS, al server NTP e al fuso orario, che altrimenti devono essere immesse manualmente.
IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: A Cisco Unity Express configuration has been found in flash. IMPORTANT:: You can choose to restore this configuration into the IMPORTANT:: current image. IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: A stored configuration contains some of the data from a IMPORTANT:: previous installation, but not as much as a backup. For IMPORTANT:: example: voice messages, user passwords, user PINs, and IMPORTANT:: auto attendant scripts are included in a backup, but are IMPORTANT:: not saved with the configuration. IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: If you are recovering from a disaster and do not have a IMPORTANT:: backup, you can restore the saved configuration. IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: If you are going to restore a backup from a previous IMPORTANT:: installation, you should not restore the saved configuration. IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: If you choose not to restore the saved configuration, it IMPORTANT:: will be erased from flash. IMPORTANT:: Would you like to restore the saved configuration? (y,n) y Are you sure (y,n)? y
Se al passaggio 7 è selezionato "n", viene richiesto di specificare il server DNS, il server NTP e il fuso orario. Al termine, il sistema completa la post-installazione avviando tutte le applicazioni. L'operazione può richiedere alcuni minuti. Al termine, all'utente viene richiesto di creare un ID utente e una password di amministratore:
Configuring the system. Please wait... Changing owners and file permissions. Change owners and permissions complete. INIT: Switching to runlevel: 4 INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal STARTED: STARTED: STARTED: STARTED: STARTED: STARTED: STARTED: ${ROOT}/usr/wfavvid/run STARTED: probe STARTED: waiting 160 ... IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: Administrator Account Creation IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: Create an administrator account. With this account, IMPORTANT:: you can log in to the Cisco Unity Express GUI and IMPORTANT:: run the initialization wizard. IMPORTANT:: Enter administrator user ID: (user ID): administrator Enter password for administrator: (password): Confirm password for administrator by reentering it: (password): cue-3660-41c>
Importante: Per i sistemi integrati con Cisco CallManager, il sistema tenta ora di effettuare la registrazione con Cisco CallManager.
Con Cisco Unity Express 2.0 e versioni successive, se durante il processo di registrazione Cisco Unity Express rileva una versione JTAPI diversa da quella attualmente in esecuzione, installa le librerie JTAPI compatibili e si riavvia. Ad esempio, Cisco Unity Express release 2.1 viene fornito con librerie JTAPI compatibili con Cisco CallManager 4.1. La prima volta che un sistema Cisco Unity Express 2.1 si registra con un Cisco CallManager diverso dalla versione 4.1 supportata (ad esempio 4.0 o 3.3), carica le nuove librerie e si riavvia automaticamente. Se Cisco CallManager viene aggiornato da una versione all'altra, la stessa cosa accade. Si tratta di un comportamento normale. Consultare le note sulla versione per verificare la corretta compatibilità tra Cisco Unity Express e Cisco CallManager. Cisco Unity Express 2.0 (ad esempio) non supporta Cisco CallManager 4.1. Pertanto, non funziona.
Immettere il comando show software versions per verificare che il software di sistema:
cue-3660-41c>show software versions Installed Packages: - Bootloader (Primary) 1.0.17 - Global 2.0.1 - Voice Mail 2.0.1 - Bootloader (Secondary) 2.0.1 - Core 2.0.1 - Installer 2.0.1 - Auto Attendant 2.0.1 Installed Languages: - US English 2.0.1
Nota: non occorre preoccuparsi della differenza tra le versioni del boot loader primario e secondario. Si tratta di un comportamento normale.
Verificare la licenza software applicata. In particolare, il tipo di integrazione (Cisco CallManager Express o Cisco CallManager) e il numero di porte e di cassette postali:
cue-3660-41c>show software licenses Core: - application mode: CCME - total usable system ports: 4 Voicemail/Auto Attendant: - max system mailbox capacity time: 6000 - max general delivery mailboxes: 5 - max personal mailboxes: 12 Languages: - max installed languages: 1 - max enabled languages: 1 cue-3660-41c>
Eseguire il ripristino. Se non è stata ripristinata la configurazione precedente o se è stata apportata una modifica, potrebbe essere necessario modificare le informazioni sul server di backup. Ad esempio:
cue-3660-41c>offline !!!WARNING!!!: Putting the system offline will terminate all active calls. Do you wish to continue[n]? : y cue-3660-41c(offline)>restore id 1 category all Restore progress: 417227 bytes Restore Complete. Check Restore history for detailed information. cue-3660-41c(offline)>show backup history #Start Operation Category: Configuration Backup Server: Operation: Restore Backupid: 1 Restoreid: 1 Date: Mon Jan 10 15:01:02 EST 2005 Result: Success Reason: #End Operation #Start Operation Category: Data Backup Server: Operation: Restore Backupid: 1 Restoreid: 1 Date: Mon Jan 10 15:01:04 EST 2005 Result: Success Reason: #End Operationcue-3660-41c(offline)>reload cue-3660-41c(offline)> MONITOR SHUTDOWN...
Nota: l'ID di ripristino effettivo (1 in questo esempio) è specifico del set di backup. Esaminare il file history.log per ottenere l'ID più recente.
Per ulteriori informazioni sul backup e il ripristino, fare riferimento a Esegui backup e ripristino di Cisco Unity Express con Microsoft FTP Server. È inoltre possibile consultare le guide di backup e ripristino nella documentazione standard, ad esempio Backup e ripristino dei dati.
Per accedere alla pagina Web di Cisco Unity Express, puntare il browser Web su http://<indirizzo ip del CUE>/. Accedere con l'account amministratore creato nel passaggio 8. Se in precedenza è stato eseguito un ripristino, non è necessario modificare alcuna informazione. Al termine della procedura guidata, si è disconnessi.
Di seguito viene riportato l'output completo dell'aggiornamento di un modulo di rete Cisco Unity Express da Cisco Unity Express release 1.1.2 a Cisco Unity Express release 2.0.1:
cue-3660-41c>reload Are you sure you want to reload? Doing a reload will cause any unsaved configuration data to be lost. Continue[y]? : y cue-3660-41c> MONITOR SHUTDOWN... EXITED: probe exit status 0 EXITED: exit status 0 EXITED: exit status 0 MONITOR EXIT... INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal Remounting device 03:01 ... OK Done. Restarting system. Initializing memory. Please wait. 256 MB SDRAM detected BIOS Version: SM 02.00 BIOS Build date: 09/17/02 System Now Booting ... Booting from flash..., please wait. [BOOT-ASM] 7Found Intel 82371AB at 0x00000000 ROM address 0x00000000 Please enter '***' to change boot configuration: ***Probing...[EEPRO100]Found I ntel EtherExpressPro100 at 0x00000000 ROM address 0x00000000 Found Intel EtherExpressPro100 at 0x00000000 ROM address 0x00000000 Ethernet addr: 00:11:20:F2:04:AF equalizer val: 16 ServicesEngine Bootloader Version : 1.0.17 ServicesEngine boot-loader>config IP Address [] > Subnet mask [] > TFTP server [] > Gateway [] > Default Helper-file [cue-installer.2.0.1] > Ethernet interface [internal] > Default Boot [disk] > Default bootloader [primary|secondary] [primary] > ServicesEngine boot-loader> ServicesEngine boot-loader> boot helper Probing...[EEPRO100]Found Intel EtherExpressPro100 at 0x00000000 ROM address 0x 00000000 Found Intel EtherExpressPro100 at 0x00000000 ROM address 0x00000000 Ethernet addr: 00:11:20:F2:04:AF equalizer val: 16 Me:, Server:, Gateway: Loading cue-installer.2.0.1 Dbg: Final image size: 8692059 Debug: bl_sz: 115296 reading key: 0 reading key: 1 reading key: 2 reading key: 3 reading key: 4 reading key: 5 in verifysignature_md5, MD5 hash generated now, str format:hexmd5:a133f91b2adf8 818ce5f26ad0cf49594 Verifying signature now... calling RSA decrypt now mem ptr: 0 704 832 968 1040 1172 1184 1196 1208 1220 1228 1244 1268 1284 1300 1 316 1332 1344 1360 1384 1400 1664 1804 2080 2224 2364 2880 3396 3660 3924 4188 RSA decrypt returned:33 verifysignature_md5, Orig MD5 hash generated during encryption:a133f91b2adf8818 ce5f26ad0cf49594 Image signature verified successfully Aesop Helper: system image header: v=2, b=942206, i=7747337 Network boot: moving 3072 code bytes to 0x90000 .... Network boot: invoking kernel now [BOOT-PHASE2]: booting kernel Linux version 2.4.24 (bld_adm@bld-system) (gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release)) #1 Wed Dec 1 10:15:11 PST 2004 Platform: nm setup.c: handling flash window at [15MB..16MB] setup.c: handling kernel log buf at [245.5MB] setup.c: handling trace buf at [246MB] BIOS-provided physical RAM map: BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009f400 (usable) BIOS-e820: 000000000009f400 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved) BIOS-e820: 00000000000e0800 - 0000000000100000 (reserved) BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 0000000000f00000 (usable) BIOS-e820: 0000000000f00000 - 0000000001000000 (reserved) BIOS-e820: 0000000001000000 - 000000000f580000 (usable) BIOS-e820: 000000000f580000 - 000000000f600000 (reserved) BIOS-e820: 000000000f600000 - 0000000010000000 (reserved) BIOS-e820: 00000000fff00000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved) 245MB LOWMEM available. On node 0 totalpages: 62848 zone(0): 4096 pages. zone(1): 58752 pages. zone(2): 0 pages. DMI not present. Kernel command line: root=/dev/ram ramdisk_size=200000 ramdisk_start=0x6000000 console=ttyS0,9600n8 plat=nm Initializing CPU#0 Detected 498.680 MHz processor. Calibrating delay loop... 996.14 BogoMIPS Memory: 237488k/251392k available (1207k kernel code, 12492k reserved, 690k data, 92k init, 0k highmem) kdb version 4.3 by Keith Owens, Scott Lurndal. Copyright SGI, All Rights Reserved in atrace_init log_head: h: 0, t: 10069583, l: 0, w: 0, s: 10484672 Using existing trace log log_head: h: 0, t: 10069583, l: 0, w: 0, s: 10484672 Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) Inode cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) Mount cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) Buffer cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) Page-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) CPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K CPU: L2 cache: 256K CPU serial number disabled. CPU: Intel Pentium III (Coppermine) stepping 0a Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done. Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done. Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK. POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xeab9c, last bus=0 PCI: Using configuration type 1 PCI: Probing PCI hardware PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00) Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers. Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4 Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039 Initializing RT netlink socket Starting kswapd kinoded started VFS: Disk quotas vdquot_6.5.1 devfs: v1.12c (20020818) Richard Gooch ( devfs: devfs_debug: 0x0 devfs: boot_options: 0x1 Serial driver version 5.05c (2001-07-08) with MANY_PORTS SHARE_IRQ SERIAL_PCI enabled ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A Cisco ContentEngine Flash Driver Version 0.02 RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 200000K size 1024 blocksize eepro100.c:v1.09j-t 9/29/99 Donald Becker eepro100.c: $Revision: 1.36 $ 2000/11/17 Modified by Andrey V. Savochkin and others eth0: PCI device 8086:1229, 00:11:20:F2:04:AE, IRQ 9. Receiver lock-up bug exists -- enabling work-around. Board assembly 668081-002, Physical connectors present: RJ45 Primary interface chip i82555 PHY #1. General self-test: passed. Serial sub-system self-test: passed. Internal registers self-test: passed. ROM checksum self-test: passed (0x04f4518b). Receiver lock-up workaround activated. eth1: PCI device 8086:1229, 00:11:20:F2:04:AF, IRQ 10. Receiver lock-up bug exists -- enabling work-around. Board assembly 668081-002, Physical connectors present: RJ45 Primary interface chip i82555 PHY #1. General self-test: passed. Serial sub-system self-test: passed. Internal registers self-test: passed. ROM checksum self-test: passed (0x04f4518b). Receiver lock-up workaround activated. Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00beta4-2.4 ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx PIIX4: IDE controller at PCI slot 00:07.1 PIIX4: chipset revision 1 PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later ide0: BM-DMA at 0xfc00-0xfc07, BIOS settings: hda:pio, hdb:pio ide1: BM-DMA at 0xfc08-0xfc0f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio hda: C/H/S=50127/232/176 from BIOS ignored hdb: C/H/S=0/0/0 from BIOS ignored hda: IC25N020ATMR04-0, ATA DISK drive blk: queue c031e040, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0xffffffff) ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14 hda: attached ide-disk driver. hda: host protected area => 1 hda: 39070080 sectors (20004 MB) w/1740KiB Cache, CHS=2432/255/63, UDMA(33) init unit number == 0 Partition check: /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0: p1 device capacity not supported Flash capacity == 39070080 init unit number == 1 IEEE 802.2 LLC for Linux 2.1 (c) 1996 Tim Alpaerts NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0 IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP IP: routing cache hash table of 2048 buckets, 16Kbytes TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384) NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0. RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 100663296 Freeing initrd memory: 7565k freed VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly. Mounted devfs on /dev Init drive control Freeing unused kernel memory: 92k freed INIT: version 2.84 booting Started device management daemon v1.3.25 for /dev /dev/root: clean, 924/5984 files, 21644/28248 blocks FILESYSTEM CLEAN Remounting the root filesystem read-write... kernel.sem = 28672 32000 32 128 Welcome to Cisco Service Engine Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 UTC 2003 ********** rc.aesop **************** ==> eth1 exists, we must be running on a Network Module ==> eth1 exists, we must be running on a Network Module Router communications servers initializing...complete. IOS IP Address Registration complete. Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface * U 0 0 0 eth1 * U 0 0 0 lo default UG 0 0 0 eth1 Size of buff is: 65536 65536 bytes written Reading License... /tmp/license/voicemail_lic.sig done [13311 refs] Reading Limits... Processing: /lib/python2.3/startup/limits.xml done [9662 refs] ModuleType = nm INIT: Entering runlevel: 2 ********** rc.post_install **************** Changing owners and file permissions. Change owners and permissions complete. INIT: Switching to runlevel: 4 INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal STARTED: Welcome to Cisco Systems Service Engine Helper Software Please select from the following 1 Install software 2 Reload module (Type '?' at any time for help) Choice: 1 Package name: cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg Server url: Username: cse Password: WARNING:: Software installation will clear disk contents Continue [n]? y Downloading cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg Bytes downloaded : 1448 Validating package signature ... done Downloading cue-vm-lang-pack.2.0.1.pkg Bytes downloaded : 147456 Validating package signature ... done Language Selection Menu: # Selected SKU Language Name ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 FRA CUE Voicemail European French (2.0.1) 2 ESP CUE Voicemail European Spanish (2.0.1) 3 DEU CUE Voicemail German (2.0.1) 4 ENG CUE Voicemail US English (2.0.1) Available commands are: # - enter the number for the language to select one r # - remove the language for given # i # - more information about the language for given # x - Done with language selection > 4 Language Selection Menu: # Selected SKU Language Name ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 FRA CUE Voicemail European French (2.0.1) 2 ESP CUE Voicemail European Spanish (2.0.1) 3 DEU CUE Voicemail German (2.0.1) 4 * ENG CUE Voicemail US English (2.0.1) Available commands are: # - enter the number for the language to select one r # - remove the language for given # i # - more information about the language for given # x - Done with language selection > x type: bootloader cleaning fs nm reiser /mnt clean umount: /dev/hda1: not mounted check_partition_count: 0 check_partition_flag: 1 The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 2432. There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024, and could in certain setups cause problems with: 1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO) 2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK) Command (m for help): Partition number (1-4): Command (m for help): Command action e extended p primary partition (1-4) Partition number (1-4): First cylinder (1-2432, default 1): Using default value 1 Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-2432, default 2432): Using default value 2432 Command (m for help): The partition table has been altered! Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. Syncing disks. <-------------mkreiserfs, 2003-------------> reiserfsprogs 3.6.8 mkreiserfs: Guessing about desired format.. mkreiserfs: Kernel 2.4.24 is running. Initializing journal - 0%....20%....40%....60%....80%....100% Starting payload download File : cue-vm-en_US-lang-pack.2.0.1.prt1 Bytes : 18612224 Validating payloads match registered checksums... - cue-vm-full.2.0.1.prt1 ...................................verified - cue-vm-en_US-lang-pack.2.0.1.prt1 ...................verified No installed manifests found. Clearing previous downgrade files ... complete. Performing Hot install ...starting_phase: /mnt/dwnld/.hot_work_order install_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-full.2.0.1.prt1 0 __CUE_PRIMARY_BOOTLOADER__ gz add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg 2 /mnt sw/installed/manifest/bootloader_prim_manifest.sig none install_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-full.2.0.1.prt1 1 __CUE_SECONDARY_BOOTLOADER__ gz add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg 3 /mnt sw/installed/manifest/bootloader_sec_manifest.sig none complete. wo_path /mnt/dwnld/.work_order sc /bin/ /mnt/dwnld/.work_order Shutting down processes ... Please wait . . [20219 refs] Process shutdown complete. starting_phase: /mnt/dwnld/.work_order Fri Dec 3 19:40:02 UTC 2004 Remove /mnt// root directory removing install_tmp removing sw add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-en_US-lang-pack.2.0.1.prt1 1 /mnt tgz add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-full.2.0.1.prt1 5 /mnt tgz add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-full.2.0.1.prt1 7 /mnt tgz add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-full.2.0.1.prt1 9 /mnt tgz add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-full.2.0.1.prt1 11 /mnt tgz extract_mv_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-full.2.0.1.prt1 3 /mnt lib tgz extract_mv_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-full.2.0.1.prt1 3 /mnt bin tgz extract_mv_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-full.2.0.1.prt1 3 /mnt etc tgz extract_mv_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-full.2.0.1.prt1 3 /mnt sbin tgz install_file P1x9waI0kGGBGZbTCw/mKEgwSbrtCvlAKujkzbIOKj6Xfsvb5HfXn9LHJe8uQU nZXAWch= __BZ_SIGNATURE__ bzsig ldbl -m nm -t bzsig P1x9waI0kGGBGZbTCw/mKEgwSbrtCvlAKujkzbIOKj6XLdvHK+ 7PdNpMNYD8w= add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-full.2.0.1.prt1 3 /mnt bzImage tgz add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg 2 /mnt sw/installed/manifest/bootloader_prim_manifest.sig none add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg 6 /mnt sw/installed/manifest/infrastructure_manifest.sig none add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg 1 /mnt sw/installed/manifest/global_manifest.sig none add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg 7 /mnt sw/installed/manifest/telephony_infrastructure_manifest.sig none add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg 8 /mnt sw/installed/manifest/voicemail_manifest.sig none add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg 3 /mnt sw/installed/manifest/bootloader_sec_manifest.sig none add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg 9 /mnt sw/installed/manifest/installer_manifest.sig none add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg 4 /mnt sw/installed/manifest/oscore_manifest.sig none add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg 5 /mnt sw/installed/manifest/gpl_infrastructure_manifest.sig none add_file /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-lang-pack.2.0.1.pkg 1 /mnt sw/installed/manifest/en_US_lang_manifest.sig none Remove /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm.2.0.1.pkg Remove /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-lang-pack.2.0.1.pkg Remove /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-full.2.0.1.prt1 Remove /mnt/dwnld/pkgdata/cue-vm-en_US-lang-pack.2.0.1.prt1 Performing final moves mnt_dir: /mnt INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal Remounting device 03:01 ... OK Remounting device 01:00 ... OK Done. Restarting system. Initializing memory. Please wait. 256 MB SDRAM detected BIOS Version: SM 02.00 BIOS Build date: 09/17/02 System Now Booting ... Booting from flash..., please wait. [BOOT-ASM] 7Found Intel 82371AB at 0x00000000 ROM address 0x00000000 Please enter '***' to change boot configuration: Filesystem type is reiserfs, partition type 0x83 kf: a1 : (hd0,0)/bzImage root=/dev/hda1 ro plat=nm kf: a2 : (hd0,0)/bzImage root=/dev/hda1 ro plat=nm in grub_open: (hd0,0)/bzImage root=/dev/hda1 ro plat=nm in grub_open1: /bzImage root=/dev/hda1 ro plat=nm in grub_open2: /bzImage root=/dev/hda1 ro plat=nm in grub_open3: /bzImage root=/dev/hda1 ro plat=nm 1 in grub_open: (hd0,0)/bzImage root=/dev/hda1 ro plat=nm in grub_open1: /bzImage root=/dev/hda1 ro plat=nm in grub_open2: /bzImage root=/dev/hda1 ro plat=nm in grub_open3: /bzImage root=/dev/hda1 ro plat=nm 1 In verify_kernel_sig Chksum: final image size: 910364 plat: 1 Debug: bl_sz: 115296 After: buf_len: 2048 After KEY_InitMem reading key: 0 reading key: 1 reading key: 2 reading key: 3 reading key: 4 reading key: 5 After karr After 2: buf_len: 2048 sig len : 172 in verifysignature_md5, MD5 hash generated now, str format:hexmd5:ba809dd8cdb3d 54429a98c2b5b2f7c7e Verifying signature now... calling RSA decrypt now mem ptr: 0 704 832 968 1040 1172 1184 1196 1208 1220 1228 1244 1268 1284 1300 1 316 1332 1344 1360 1384 1400 1664 1804 2080 2224 2364 2880 3396 3660 3924 4188 RSA decrypt returned:33 verifysignature_md5, Orig MD5 hash generated during encryption:ba809dd8cdb3d544 29a98c2b5b2f7c7e Kernel signature verified successfully In load_imagea1 In load_imagea2 Dbg ********* filemax/data_len/SECSIZ: 910364/2560/512 [Linux-bzImage, setup=0xa00, size=0xdd81c] kernel_func: kt: 3 in boot func: kt: 3 Linux version 2.4.24 (bld_adm@bld-system) (gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release)) #1 Tue Nov 30 23:07:21 PST 2004 Platform: nm setup.c: handling flash window at [15MB..16MB] setup.c: handling kernel log buf at [245.5MB] setup.c: handling trace buf at [246MB] BIOS-provided physical RAM map: BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009f400 (usable) BIOS-e820: 000000000009f400 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved) BIOS-e820: 00000000000e0800 - 0000000000100000 (reserved) BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 0000000000f00000 (usable) BIOS-e820: 0000000000f00000 - 0000000001000000 (reserved) BIOS-e820: 0000000001000000 - 000000000f580000 (usable) BIOS-e820: 000000000f580000 - 000000000f600000 (reserved) BIOS-e820: 000000000f600000 - 0000000010000000 (reserved) BIOS-e820: 00000000fff00000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved) 245MB LOWMEM available. On node 0 totalpages: 62848 zone(0): 4096 pages. zone(1): 58752 pages. zone(2): 0 pages. DMI not present. Kernel command line: root=/dev/hda1 ro plat=nm Initializing CPU#0 Detected 498.675 MHz processor. Calibrating delay loop... 996.14 BogoMIPS Memory: 245128k/251392k available (1164k kernel code, 4852k reserved, 667k data, 88k init, 0k highmem) kdb version 4.3 by Keith Owens, Scott Lurndal. Copyright SGI, All Rights Reserved in atrace_init log_head: h: 0, t: 10069583, l: 0, w: 0, s: 10484672 Using existing trace log log_head: h: 0, t: 10069583, l: 0, w: 0, s: 10484672 Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) Inode cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) Mount cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) Buffer cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) Page-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) CPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K CPU: L2 cache: 256K CPU serial number disabled. CPU: Intel Pentium III (Coppermine) stepping 0a Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done. Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done. Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK. POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xeab9c, last bus=0 PCI: Using configuration type 1 PCI: Probing PCI hardware PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00) Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers. Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4 Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039 Initializing RT netlink socket Starting kswapd kinoded started VFS: Disk quotas vdquot_6.5.1 devfs: v1.12c (20020818) Richard Gooch ( devfs: devfs_debug: 0x0 devfs: boot_options: 0x1 Serial driver version 5.05c (2001-07-08) with MANY_PORTS SHARE_IRQ SERIAL_PCI enabled ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A Cisco ContentEngine Flash Driver Version 0.02 eepro100.c:v1.09j-t 9/29/99 Donald Becker eepro100.c: $Revision: 1.36 $ 2000/11/17 Modified by Andrey V. Savochkin and others eth0: PCI device 8086:1229, 00:11:20:F2:04:AE, IRQ 9. Receiver lock-up bug exists -- enabling work-around. Board assembly 668081-002, Physical connectors present: RJ45 Primary interface chip i82555 PHY #1. General self-test: passed. Serial sub-system self-test: passed. Internal registers self-test: passed. ROM checksum self-test: passed (0x04f4518b). Receiver lock-up workaround activated. eth1: PCI device 8086:1229, 00:11:20:F2:04:AF, IRQ 10. Receiver lock-up bug exists -- enabling work-around. Board assembly 668081-002, Physical connectors present: RJ45 Primary interface chip i82555 PHY #1. General self-test: passed. Serial sub-system self-test: passed. Internal registers self-test: passed. ROM checksum self-test: passed (0x04f4518b). Receiver lock-up workaround activated. Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00beta4-2.4 ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx PIIX4: IDE controller at PCI slot 00:07.1 PIIX4: chipset revision 1 PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later ide0: BM-DMA at 0xfc00-0xfc07, BIOS settings: hda:pio, hdb:pio ide1: BM-DMA at 0xfc08-0xfc0f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio hda: C/H/S=50127/232/176 from BIOS ignored hdb: C/H/S=0/0/0 from BIOS ignored hda: IC25N020ATMR04-0, ATA DISK drive blk: queue c030c160, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0xffffffff) ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14 hda: attached ide-disk driver. hda: host protected area => 1 hda: 39070080 sectors (20004 MB) w/1740KiB Cache, CHS=2432/255/63, UDMA(33) init unit number == 0 Partition check: /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0: p1 device capacity not supported Flash capacity == 39070080 init unit number == 1 IEEE 802.2 LLC for Linux 2.1 (c) 1996 Tim Alpaerts NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0 IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP IP: routing cache hash table of 2048 buckets, 16Kbytes TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384) NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0. reiserfs: found format "3.6" with standard journal reiserfs: using ordered data mode reiserfs: checking transaction log (device ide0(3,1)) ... for (ide0(3,1)) ide0(3,1):Using r5 hash to sort names VFS: Mounted root (reiserfs filesystem) readonly. Mounted devfs on /dev Init drive control Freeing unused kernel memory: 88k freed INIT: version 2.84 booting Started device management daemon v1.3.25 for /dev reiser root fs ... Reiserfs super block in block 16 on 0x301 of format 3.6 with standard journal Blocks (total/free): 4883752/4837151 by 4096 bytes Filesystem is cleanly umounted Filesystem seems mounted read-only. Skipping journal replay. Checking internal tree..finished FILESYSTEM CLEAN Remounting the root filesystem read-write... kernel.sem = 28672 32000 32 128 Welcome to Cisco Service Engine Fri Dec 3 19:40:51 UTC 2004 ********** rc.aesop **************** ==> eth1 exists, we must be running on a Network Module ==> eth1 exists, we must be running on a Network Module Router communications servers initializing...complete. IOS IP Address Registration complete. Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface * U 0 0 0 eth1 * U 0 0 0 lo default UG 0 0 0 eth1 Size of buff is: 65536 65536 bytes written Reading License... /tmp/license/voicemail_lic.sig done [13311 refs] Processing: /sw/installed/manifest/gpl_infrastructure_manifest.sig Processing: /sw/installed/manifest/installer_manifest.sig Processing: /sw/installed/manifest/en_US_lang_manifest.sig Processing: /sw/installed/manifest/oscore_manifest.sig Processing: /sw/installed/manifest/telephony_infrastructure_manifest.sig Processing: /sw/installed/manifest/bootloader_prim_manifest.sig Processing: /sw/installed/manifest/bootloader_sec_manifest.sig Processing: /sw/installed/manifest/global_manifest.sig Processing: /sw/installed/manifest/infrastructure_manifest.sig Processing: /sw/installed/manifest/voicemail_manifest.sig Populating internal database ................... complete. [16589 refs] Reading Limits... Processing: /lib/python2.3/startup/limits.xml done [9662 refs] ModuleType = nm INIT: Entering runlevel: 2 ********** rc.post_install **************** IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: Welcome to Cisco Systems Service Engine IMPORTANT:: post installation configuration tool. IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: This is a one time process which will guide IMPORTANT:: you through initial setup of your Service Engine. IMPORTANT:: Once run, this process will have configured IMPORTANT:: the system for your location. IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: If you do not wish to continue, the system will be halted IMPORTANT:: so it can be safely removed from the router. IMPORTANT:: Do you wish to start configuration now (y,n)? y Are you sure (y,n)? y IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: A Cisco Unity Express configuration has been found in flash. IMPORTANT:: You can choose to restore this configuration into the IMPORTANT:: current image. IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: A stored configuration contains some of the data from a IMPORTANT:: previous installation, but not as much as a backup. For IMPORTANT:: example: voice messages, user passwords, user PINs, and IMPORTANT:: auto attendant scripts are included in a backup, but are IMPORTANT:: not saved with the configuration. IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: If you are recovering from a disaster and do not have a IMPORTANT:: backup, you can restore the saved configuration. IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: If you are going to restore a backup from a previous IMPORTANT:: installation, you should not restore the saved configuration. IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: If you choose not to restore the saved configuration, it IMPORTANT:: will be erased from flash. IMPORTANT:: Would you like to restore the saved configuration? (y,n) y Are you sure (y,n)? y Configuring the system. Please wait... Changing owners and file permissions. Change owners and permissions complete. INIT: Switching to runlevel: 4 INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal STARTED: STARTED: STARTED: STARTED: STARTED: STARTED: STARTED: ${ROOT}/usr/wfavvid/run STARTED: probe STARTED: waiting 160 ... IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: Administrator Account Creation IMPORTANT:: IMPORTANT:: Create an administrator account. With this account, IMPORTANT:: you can log in to the Cisco Unity Express GUI and IMPORTANT:: run the initialization wizard. IMPORTANT:: Enter administrator user ID: (user ID): administrator Enter password for administrator: (password): Confirm password for administrator by reentering it: (password): cue-3660-41c>