I problemi di fax relay T.38 sono in genere associati a problemi di interoperabilità tra Cisco e gateway fax T.38 di terze parti. In questo documento vengono forniti esempi dettagliati del comando debug di chiamate di inoltro fax T.38 riuscite e non riuscite. Questi output del comando debug contengono commenti per fornire punti di riferimento, in modo da poter identificare e risolvere questi problemi di interoperabilità. In questo documento vengono inoltre forniti i comandi appropriati per la risoluzione dei problemi e la verifica.
I lettori di questo documento devono conoscere i concetti di base di fax relay. Per ulteriori informazioni sui concetti relativi a Fax Relay e sulle procedure di base per la risoluzione dei problemi, consultare la Guida alla risoluzione dei problemi di Fax Relay.
Il documento può essere consultato per tutte le versioni software o hardware.
Le informazioni discusse in questo documento fanno riferimento a dispositivi usati in uno specifico ambiente di emulazione. Su tutti i dispositivi menzionati nel documento la configurazione è stata ripristinata ai valori predefiniti. Se la rete è operativa, valutare attentamente eventuali conseguenze derivanti dall'uso dei comandi.
Per ulteriori informazioni sulle convenzioni usate, consultare il documento Cisco sulle convenzioni nei suggerimenti tecnici.
Un sintomo comune dei problemi di inoltro del fax T.38 è una chiamata vocale stabilita dove si sente un segnale fax, ma la negoziazione fax non viene completata e la chiamata viene infine interrotta. Spesso questo problema è associato ai problemi di interoperabilità del gateway Cisco T.38 e del gateway T.38 di terze parti.
Il fax relay T.38 è una trasmissione fax in tempo reale; ovvero due fax che comunicano tra loro come se tra i due fosse presente una linea telefonica diretta. Fax Relay è configurato con alcuni comandi aggiuntivi sui peer di connessione del gateway già definiti e configurati per le chiamate vocali.
Cisco offre due metodi per l'inoltro fax: un metodo proprietario di Cisco e un metodo basato sullo standard ITU-T T.38. Nella maggior parte delle piattaforme, se un metodo fax non è configurato in modo esplicito, Cisco fax relay è l'impostazione predefinita. Cisco Fax Relay è descritto in Configurazione di Cisco Fax Relay.
A questo punto, il fax relay Cisco T.38 ha le seguenti restrizioni:
L'interoperabilità T.38 richiede Cisco H.323 versione 2.
T.38 non è supportato sui Cisco serie MC3810 concentrator con VCM (Voice Compression Module).
T.38 non è supportato dal proxy H.323 MCM (Multimedia Conference Manager).
Per H.323-T.38 è implementato solo il protocollo UDP (User Datagram Protocol).
alcuni gateway e gatekeeper di terze parti non sono compatibili con i gateway voce Cisco per il relay fax T.38 in quanto produttori diversi possono scegliere determinate parti di H.323 e T.38 da implementare nei propri gateway e gatekeeper. È necessario eseguire test di interoperabilità vocale con questi gateway e gatekeeper di terze parti per verificare che il fax relay T.38 possa avere esito positivo.
In questa sezione viene fornito un breve riepilogo passo a passo di come viene gestita la negoziazione T.38 all'interno dei gateway Cisco. Per ulteriori informazioni sulle nozioni di base relative a Fax Relay, consultare la Guida alla risoluzione dei problemi di Fax Relay.
Nel messaggio di configurazione iniziale, la funzionalità dei dati T.38 è annunciata dal gateway di origine (OGW).
Se Terminating Gateway (TGW) supporta la funzionalità dati T.38, può inoltrare tali informazioni nei successivi messaggi inviati al GW.
Una volta stabilita una chiamata vocale e una volta che il DSP (Digital Signal Processor) del TGW rileva un segnale fax, il computer di stato VTSP (Voice Telephony Service Provider) informa il segmento di chiamata H.323, che negozia la modalità T.38 con il GW.
Alla conferma della modalità T.38, il canale audio viene chiuso e il canale logico T.38 viene aperto a entrambe le estremità.
A livello di codice VTSP, viene eseguito il download del codec (codec).
Una volta completato con successo il download del codec OLC (Open Logical Channel) T.38, il VTSP entra in modalità fax.
Al termine della trasmissione fax, la chiamata viene ripristinata a una chiamata vocale.
Nota: durante la negoziazione della modalità T.38, se l'altra estremità non riconosce la modalità T.38, la chiamata viene ripristinata a una chiamata vocale e disconnessa. Se si riceve un riconoscimento negativo dall'altra estremità per quanto riguarda il T.38 OLC, anche la chiamata viene ripristinata a una chiamata vocale e disconnessa.
Per risolvere i problemi relativi al fax relay T.38, procedere come segue:
Assicurati di poter effettuare una chiamata vocale. Verificare che le normali chiamate vocali possano essere completate prima di verificare la connettività fax. Se non è collegato alcun telefono, scollegare il fax e collegare un normale telefono. Se le normali chiamate vocali non si connettono, il problema può essere correlato a VoX ed è possibile risolverlo come un normale problema di connettività vocale prima di procedere con la risoluzione dei problemi relativi ai fax.
Verificare che il protocollo fax desiderato sia stato impostato con il comando fax protocol sui gateway di origine e di destinazione.
Verificare che il protocollo fax sia configurato come T.38 a livello di configurazione globale o a livello di configurazione dial-peer per i gateway di origine e di destinazione.
I comandi debug e show utilizzati per risolvere i problemi del fax relay T.38 sono:
debug voip ccapi inout: questo comando traccia il percorso di esecuzione tramite l'API (Application Program Interface) di controllo delle chiamate, che funge da interfaccia tra l'applicazione della sessione di chiamata e il software specifico della rete sottostante. È possibile utilizzare l'output di questo comando per comprendere come vengono gestite le chiamate dal gateway vocale.
debug vtsp all: questo comando abilita i seguenti comandi debug VTSP: debug vtsp session, debug vtsp error, and debug vtsp dsp.
debug h245 asn1: questo comando visualizza il contenuto della sintassi astratta Notation One (ASN.1) dei messaggi H.245. Per disattivare l'output di debug, utilizzare la forma no di questo comando.
debug cch323 h245 - Questo comando fornisce la traccia della transizione di stato della macchina a stati H.245 in base agli eventi elaborati. Per disattivare l'output di debug, utilizzare la forma no di questo comando.
show call active fax brief: questo comando visualizza le informazioni sulle chiamate per le trasmissioni fax store-and-forward in corso.
show call history fax: questo comando visualizza la cronologia delle chiamate recenti per i fax.
In questa sezione viene descritta l'anatomia di un fax T.38 configurato correttamente tra un router serie AS5300 e un router di accesso modulare Cisco 3640. Gli output dei comandi debug e show sono stati acquisiti su Cisco AS5300 Universal Gateway come TGW IOS 12.2:
output del comando debug vtsp all |
!---After the voice call setup: !--- Usually, after the call is connected, the ccCallConnect debug !--- message is seen as follows: May 3 21:41:21.424: ccCallConnect (callID=0x9), prog_ind = 0 May? 3 21:41:21.424: ssaFlushPeerTagQueue cid(9) peer list: (empty) May 3 21:41:21.424: H.225 SM: process event H225_EVENT_SETUP_CFM, for callID 9 May 3 21:41:21.424: cch323_run_h225_sm: received event H225_EVENT_SETUP_CFM while at state H225_ALERT May 3 21:41:21.424: H.225 SM: changing from H225_ALERT state to H225_ACTIVE state for callID 9 May 3 21:41:21.424: ==== PI in cch323_h225_generic_send_setup_cfm = 0 !---After the voice call is established, the TGW DSP detected fax tone: May 3 21:41:26.741: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_TONE_DETECT: type=0 trigger=1 tone_id=0 May 3 21:41:26.741: vtsp:[1:D (10), S_CONNECT, E_DSP_TONE_DETECT] May 3 21:41:26.745: vtsp_modem_proto_from_cdb: cap_modem_proto 0 May 3 21:41:26.745: cc_api_call_feature: (vdbPtr=0x624130C0, callID=0xA,feature_ind.type=1 !---Switched to fax mode: May 3 21:41:26.745: act_lfax_switch: cap_modem_proto=16, fax_relay_on=1, state=19 May 3 21:41:26.745: vtsp_t38_switchover:2 - data_mode:1 !--- Note that 2 means T.38; 1 means Cisco proprietary. May 3 21:41:26.745: cc_api_t38_fax_start (dstVdbPtr=0x61B45A90, dstCallId=0x9, srcCallId=0xA,???? caps={codec=0x10000, fax_rate=0x2, vad=0x2, modem=0x0codec_bytes=160, signal_type=1}) May 3 21:41:26.745: vtsp_timer: 2016656 May 3 21:41:26.745: sess_appl: ev(28=CC_EV_CALL_FEATURE), cid(10), disp(0) May 3 21:41:26.745: cid(10)st(SSA_CS_ACTIVE)ev(SSA_EV_CALL_FEATURE) oldst(SSA_CS_CONFERENCED_ALERT)cfid(5)csize(0)in(0)fDest(0) May 3 21:41:26.745: -cid2(9)st2(SSA_CS_ACTIVE)oldst2(SSA_CS_CONFERENCING_ALERT) !---H245 ModeRequest was sent to the OGW: May 3 21:41:26.745: ccCallFeature (callID=0x9, feature.type=1) Set new event H245_EVENT_MR, for callID 9 May 3 21:41:26.745: cch323_run_h245_mr_sm: received event H245_EVENT_MR while at state H245_MR_NONE? !---Above, state H245_MR_NONE refers to ModeRequest state. May 3 21:41:26.745: H245 MSC OUTGOING PDU ::= value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= request : requestMode : ??? { ????? sequenceNumber 1 ????? requestedModes ?????{ ??????? { ????????? { ??????????? type dataMode : ??????????? { ????????????? application t38fax : ????????????? { ??????????????? t38FaxProtocol udp : NULL ??????????????? t38FaxProfile ??????????? ????{ ????????????????? fillBitRemoval FALSE ????????????????? transcodingJBIG FALSE ????????????????? transcodingMMR FALSE ????????????????? version 0 ????????????????? t38FaxRateManagement transferredTCF : NULL ????????????????? t38FaxUdpOptions ?????? ???????????{ ??????????????????? t38FaxMaxBuffer 200 ??????????????????? t38FaxMaxDatagram 72 ??????????????????? t38FaxUdpEC t38UDPRedundancy : NULL ????????????????? } ??????????????? } ????????????? } ????????????? bitRate 144 ??????????? } ????????? } ??????? } ????? } ??? } May 3 21:41:26.753: changing from H245_MR_NONE state to H245_MR_WAIT_FOR_ACK state May 3 21:41:26.861: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_TONE_DETECT: type=0 trigger=0 tone_id=0 May 3 21:41:26.861: vtsp:[1:D (10), S_LFAX_WAIT_CAPS_ACK, E_DSP_TONE_DETECT] May 3 21:41:26.865: vtsp_process_event(): prev_state = 0.11 , state = S_LFAX_WAIT_CAPS_ACK, event = E_DSP_TONE_DETECT ?Invalid FSM? Input on channel 1:D (10)h323chan_chn_process_read_socket: fd (3) of type ACCEPTED has data PROCESS_READ: NOT COMPLETE, rc 10, fd=3 May? 3 21:41:27.001: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_TONE_DETECT: type=0 trigger=1 tone_id=0 May? 3 21:41:27.001: vtsp:[1:D (10), S_LFAX_WAIT_CAPS_ACK, E_DSP_TONE_DETECT] May? 3 21:41:27.005: vtsp_process_event(): prev_state = 0.11 , ?state = S_LFAX_WAIT_CAPS_ACK, event = E_DSP_TONE_DETECT Invalid FSM?Input on channel 1:D (10) May 3 21:41:27.101: vtsp_process_dsp_message: MSG_TX_TONE_DETECT: type=0 trigger=0 tone_id=0 May 3 21:41:27.101: vtsp:[1:D (10), S_LFAX_WAIT_CAPS_ACK, E_DSP_TONE_DETECT] May 3 21:41:27.105: vtsp_process_event(): prev_state = 0.11 , state = S_LFAX_WAIT_CAPS_ACK, event = E_DSP_TONE_DETECT Invalid FSM Input on channel 1:D (10)h323chan_chn_process_read_socket: fd (3) of type ACCEPTED has data Hex representation of the received TPKT0321000827000100 May 3 21:41:27.173: ? state = 0 bytesLeftToDecode = 4 May 3 21:41:27.173: H245 MSC INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 27 000100 !---Received ModeRequestAck from the OGW: May 3 21:41:27.173: H245 MSC INCOMING PDU ::= value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= response : requestModeAck : ??? { ????? sequenceNumber 1 ????? response willTransmitMostPreferredMode : NULL ??? } Set new event H245_EVENT_MR_CFM, for callID 9 May 3 21:41:27.173: cch323_run_h245_mr_sm: received event H245_EVENT_MR_CFM while at state H245_MR_WAIT_FOR_ACK !---The voice LC is closed and the T.38 fax data LC is opened: May 3 21:41:27.173: H245 MSC OUTGOING PDU ::= value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= request : closeLogicalChannel :? !---In the previous line, LogicalChannel refers to the voice LC. ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 1 ????? source user : NULL ??? } May 3 21:41:27.173: H245 MSC OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 04 00000000 May 3 21:41:27.173: send result :0 May 3 21:41:27.173: changing from H245_OLC_DONE state to H245_OLC_NONE state May 3 21:41:27.173: cch323_update_new_codec_info: Remote codec 17 May 3 21:41:27.173: cch323_update_new_codec_info: negotiated_codec set(17)(40 bytes) May 3 21:41:27.173: Changing to new event H245_EVENT_OLC May 3 21:41:27.177: cch323_h245_olc_sm: received event H245_EVENT_OLC while at state H245_OLC_NONE May 3 21:41:27.177: changing from H245_OLC_NONE state to H245_OLC_WAIT state May 3 21:41:27.177: H245 MSC OUTGOING PDU ::= value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= request : openLogicalChannel :? !---In the previous line, LogicalChannel refers to the T.38 or data LC. ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 2 ????? forwardLogicalChannelParameters ????? { ??????? dataType data : ??????? { ????????? application t38fax : ????????? { ??????????? t38FaxProtocol udp : NULL ??????????? t38FaxProfile ??????????? { ????????????? fillBitRemoval FALSE ????????????? transcodingJBIG FALSE ????????????? transcodingMMR FALSE ????????????? version 0 ????????????? t38FaxRateManagement transferredTCF : NULL ????????????? t38FaxUdpOptions ??????????? ??{ ??????????????? t38FaxMaxBuffer 200 ??????????????? t38FaxMaxDatagram 72 ??????????????? t38FaxUdpEC t38UDPRedundancy : NULL ????????????? } ??????????? } ????????? } ????????? maxBitRate 144 ??????? } ??????? multiplexParameters h2250LogicalChannelParameters : ??????? { ????????? sessionID 3? !---The previous line refers to the data session ID. ????????? mediaControlChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : ????????? { ??????????? network 'AB44BA66'H ??????????? tsapIdentifier 17517 ????????? } ????????? silenceSuppression FALSE ??????? } ????? } ??? } May 3 21:41:27.181: H245 MSC OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 03 00000111 04118601 00805C01 00014007 C00200C8 01484000 90800B05 000300AB 44BA6644 6D00 May 3 21:41:27.181: send result :0 May 3 21:41:27.181: OLC using T38Fax May 3 21:41:27.181: changing from H245_MR_WAIT_FOR_ACK state to H245_MR_NONE state h323chan_chn_process_read_socket: fd (3) of type ACCEPTED has data Hex representation of the received TPKT032100090400000000 May 3 21:41:27.185: ? state = 0 bytesLeftToDecode = 5 May 3 21:41:27.185: H245 MSC INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 04 00000000 May 3 21:41:27.185: May 3 21:41:27.185: H245 MSC INCOMING PDU ::= value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= request : closeLogicalChannel :?? !---In the previous line, LogicalChannel refers to the voice LC. ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 1 ????? source user : NULL ??? } May? 3 21:41:27.185: H245 MSC OUTGOING PDU ::= value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= response : closeLogicalChannelAck :??? !---In the previous line, LogicalChannel refers to the voice LC. ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 1 ??? } May 3 21:41:27.185: H245 MSC OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 23 800000 May 3 21:41:27.185: H245 MSC INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 03 00000111 04118601 00805C01 00014007 C00200C8 01484000 90800B05 000300AC 10AF6941 7100 May 3 21:41:27.189: H245 MSC INCOMING PDU ::= value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= request : openLogicalChannel :? !---In the previous line, LogicalChannel refers to the T.38 or data LC. ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 2 ????? forwardLogicalChannelParameters ????? { ??????? dataType data : ??????? { ????????? application t38fax : ????????? { ??????????? t38FaxProtocol udp : NULL ??????????? t38FaxProfile ??????????? { ????????????? fillBitRemoval FALSE ????????????? transcodingJBIG FALSE ????????????? transcodingMMR FALSE ????????????? version 0 ????????????? t38FaxRateManagement transferredTCF : NULL ????????????? t38FaxUdpOptions ????????????? { ??????????????? t38FaxMaxBuffer 200 ??????????????? t38FaxMaxDatagram 72 ??????????????? t38FaxUdpEC t38UDPRedundancy : NULL ????????????? } ??????????? } ????????? } ????????? maxBitRate 144 ??????? } ??????? multiplexParameters h2250LogicalChannelParameters : ??????? { ????????? sessionID 3 ????????? mediaControlChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : ????????? { ??????????? network 'AC10AF69'H ??????????? tsapIdentifier 16753 ????????? } ????????? silenceSuppression FALSE ???? ???} ????? } ??? } !---DSP started T.38 fax codec download: May 3 21:41:27.193: cc_api_t38_fax_start (dstVdbPtr=0x624130C0, dstCallId=0xA, srcCallId=0x9, ???? caps={codec=0x10000, fax_rate=0x2, vad=0x2, modem=0x codec_bytes=160, signal_type=1}) May 3 21:41:27.193: vtsp:[1:D (10), S_LFAX_WAIT_CAPS_ACK, E_CC_T38_START] May 3 21:41:27.193: act_caps_ack_lfax_dnld May 3 21:41:27.193: vtsp_timer_stop: 2016700 May 3 21:41:27.193: dsp_idle_mode: [1:D (10)] packet_len=8 channel_id=8481 packet_id=68 May 3 21:41:27.193: cc_api_local_codec_dnld_done (dstVdbPtr=0x61B45A90, dstCallId=0x9, srcCallId=0xA) May 3 21:41:27.193: vtsp_timer: 2016700cch323_h245_local_codec_dnld_done: negotiatedCodec[17] May 3 21:41:27.197: Changing to new event H245_EVENT_OLC_IND May 3 21:41:27.197: cch323_h245_olc_sm: received event H245_EVENT_OLC_IND while at state H245_OLC_WAIT May 3 21:41:27.197: H245 MSC OUTGOING PDU ::= value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= response : openLogicalChannelAck : ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 2 ????? forwardMultiplexAckParameters h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters : ????? { ??????? sessionID 1 ??????? mediaChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : ??????? { ????????? network 'AB44BA66'H ????????? tsapIdentifier 17516 ??????? } ????? ??mediaControlChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : ??????? { ????????? network 'AB44BA66'H ????????? tsapIdentifier 17517 ??????? } ??????? flowControlToZero FALSE ????? } ??? } May 3 21:41:27.197: H245 MSC OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER: := 22 C0000104 80145C00 00AB44BA 66446C00 AB44BA66 446D0300 0100 May 3 21:41:27.589: ? state = 0 bytesLeftToDecode = 4 May 3 21:41:27.589: H245 MSC INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 23 800000 May 3 21:41:27.589: May 3 21:41:27.589: H245 MSC INCOMING PDU ::= value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= response : closeLogicalChannelAck : ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 1 ??? } May 3 21:41:27.789: H245 MSC INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER: := 22 C0000104 80145C00 00AC10AF 69417000 AC10AF69 41710300 0100 May 3 21:41:27.789: H245 MSC INCOMING PDU ::= value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= response : openLogicalChannelAck : ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 2 ????? forwardMultiplexAckParameters h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters : ????? { ??????? sessionID 3 ??????? mediaChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : ??????? { ????????? network 'AC10AF69'H ????????? tsapIdentifier 16752 ??????? } ??????? mediaControlChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : ??????? { ????????? network 'AC10AF69'H ????????? tsapIdentifier 16753 ??????? } ??????? flowControlToZero FALSE ????? } ??? } May 3 21:41:27.793: Changing to new event H245_EVENT_OLC_CFM May 3 21:41:27.793: cch323_h245_olc_sm: received event H245_EVENT_OLC_CFM while at state H245_OLC_WAIT May 3 21:41:27.793: changing from H245_OLC_WAIT state to H245_OLC_DONE state May 3 21:41:27.793: cc_api_t38_fax_start (dstVdbPtr=0x624130C0, dstCallId=0xA, srcCallId=0x9, ???? caps={codec=0x10000, fax_rate=0x2, vad=0x2, modem=0x0 codec_bytes=160, signal_type=1}) May 3 21:41:27.793: H.225 SM: process event H225_EVENT_H245_SUCCESS, for callID 9 May 3 21:41:27.793: cch323_run_h225_sm: received event H225_EVENT_H245_SUCCESS while at state H225_ACTIVE May 3 21:41:27.793: cc_api_remote_codec_dnld_done (dstVdbPtr=0x624130C0, dstCallId=0xA, srcCallId=0x9) May 3 21:41:27.793: vtsp:[1:D (10), S_LFAX_WAIT_FAX, E_CC_T38_START] May 3 21:41:27.793: vtsp:[1:D (10), S_LFAX_WAIT_FAX, E_CC_T30_CAP_ACK] May 3 21:41:27.793: act_t38_lfax_mode May 3 21:41:27.793: vtsp_timer_stop: 2016760 May 3 21:41:27.793: cc_api_set_fax_mode (dstVdbPtr=0x61B45A90, dstCallId=0x9, srcCallId=0xA) May 3 21:41:27.793: dsp_idle_mode: [1:D (10)] packet_len=8 channel_id=8481 packet_id=68 May 3 21:41:27.793: dsp_encap_config: T38 May 3 21:41:27.793: dsp_fax_mode: [1:D (10)] FaxRate 0x2, Codec 0x10000? dsp_fax_mode() ECM_DISABLE not set, debug_info not requested May 3 21:41:27.793: dsp_fax_mode:[1:D (10)] packet_len=28 channel_id=8481 packet_id=69 max_trans=6 info_size=20, fax_protocol_type=3,hs_data_len=40, ls_data_red=0, hs_data_red=0, tcf_handling=2, fax_relay_cntl=0x0 nsf_country = 0xAD, nsf_mfg = 0x0051 May 3 21:41:29.621: ccGetCallActive (next=1, setup_time=0x0, index=0x0, p=0x6293A8C0) May 3 21:41:29.621: ccGetCallActive (next=1, setup_time=0x1EC241, index=0x1, p=0x6293A8C0) |
Questo è un esempio di output del comando debug per una chiamata T.38 non riuscita:
output del comando debug vtsp all |
!---When the ModeRequest was sent, T35 nonStandard was sent instead of T38: *Jun 14 15:35:01.743: PDU DATA = 61593960 value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= request : requestMode : ??? { ????? sequenceNumber 12 ????? requestedModes ????? { ??????? { ????????? { ??????????? type dataMode : ??????????? { ????????????? application nonStandard : ????????????? { ??????????????? nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : ??????????????? { ????????????????? t35CountryCode 181 ? ????????????????t35Extension 0 ????????????????? manufacturerCode 20 ??????????????? } ??????????????? data '543338466178554450'H ????????????? } ????????????? bitRate 144 ??????????? } ????????? } ??????? } ????? } ??? } Set new event H245_EVENT_MR_IND, for callID C *Jun 14 15:35:01.751: cch323_run_h245_mr_sm: received event H245_EVENT_MR_IND wh ile at state H245_MR_NONE *Jun 14 15:35:01.751: Scan Preferred List for g729r8PDU DATA = 61593960 value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= response : requestModeAck : ??? { ????? sequenceNumber 12 ????? response willTransmitMostPreferredMode : NULL ??? } RAW_BUFFER::= 27 000C00 *Jun 14 15:35:01.751: PDU DATA = 61593960 value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= request : closeLogicalChannel : ??? { ?? ???forwardLogicalChannelNumber 2 ????? source user : NULL ??? } RAW_BUFFER::= 04 00000100 *Jun 14 15:35:01.751: *Jun 14 15:35:01.751: changing from H245_OLC_DONE state to H245_OLC_NONE state *Jun 14 15:35:01.751: cch323_update_new_codec_info: Remote codec 17 *Jun 14 15:35:01.751: cch323_update_new_codec_info: negotiated_codec set(17)(40 bytes) *Jun 14 15:35:01.751: Changing to new event H245_EVENT_OLC *Jun 14 15:35:01.751: cch323_h245_olc_sm: received event H245_EVENT_OLC while atstate H245_OLC_NONE *Jun 14 15:35:01.751: changing from H245_OLC_NONE state to H245_OLC_WAIT state PDU DATA = 61593960 value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= request : openLogicalChannel : ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 3 ????? forwardLogicalChannelParameters ????? { ??????? dataType data : ??????? { ????????? application nonStandard : ????????? { ??????????? nonStandardIdentifier h221nonStandard : ??????????? { ????????????? t35CountryCode 181 ????????????? t35Extension 0 ????????????? manufacturerCode 18 ? ??????????} ??????????? data '543338466178554450'H ????????? } ????????? maxBitRate 144 ??????? } ??????? multiplexParameters h2250LogicalChannelParameters : ??????? { ????????? sessionID 3 ????????? mediaControlChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : ?????? ???{ ??????????? network 'C95C381E'H ??????????? tsapIdentifier 18101 ????????? } ??????? } ????? } ??? } RAW_BUFFER::= 03 00000210 08B50000 12095433 38466178 55445000 90800A04 000300C9 5C381E46 B5 *Jun 14 15:35:01.759: *Jun 14 15:35:01.759: OLC using T38Fax *Jun 14 15:35:01.783: Changing to new event H245_PROCESS_H245CONTROL *Jun 14 15:35:01.783: cch323_h245_connection_sm:H245_CONNECT: received event H24 5_PROCESS_H245CONTROL while at H245_CONNECTED state RAW_BUFFER::= 04 80000100 800100 *Jun 14 15:35:01.783: PDU DATA = 61593960 value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= request : closeLogicalChannel : ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 2 ????? source user : NULL ????? reason unknown : NULL ??? } PDU DATA = 61593960 value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= response : closeLogicalChannelAck : ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 2 ??? } RAW_BUFFER::= 23 800001 *Jun 14 15:35:01.787: *Jun 14 15:35:01.787: Changing to new event H245_PROCESS_H245CONTROL *Jun 14 15:35:01.787: cch323_h245_connection_sm:H245_CONNECT: received event H24 5_PROCESS_H245CONTROL while at H245_CONNECTED state RAW_BUFFER::= 03 00000310 08B50000 14095433 38466178 55445000 90800300 0003 *Jun 14 15:35:01.787: PDU DATA = 61593960 value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= request : openLogicalChannel : ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 4 ????? forwardLogicalChannelParameters ????? { ??????? dataType data : ??????? { ????????? application nonStandard : ????????? { ??????????? nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : ?? ?????????{ ????????????? t35CountryCode 181 ????????????? t35Extension 0 ????????????? manufacturerCode 20 ??????????? } ??????????? data '543338466178554450'H ????????? } ????????? maxBitRate 144 ??????? } ??????? multiplexParameters h2250LogicalChannelParameters : ??????? { ????????? sessionID 3 ??????? } ????? } ??? } *Jun 14 15:35:01.831: Changing to new event H245_PROCESS_H245CONTROL *Jun 14 15:35:01.831: cch323_h245_connection_sm:H245_CONNECT: received event H24 5_PROCESS_H245CONTROL while at H245_CONNECTED state RAW_BUFFER::= 23 800001 *Jun 14 15:35:01.831: PDU DATA = 61593960 value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= response : closeLogicalChannelAck : ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 2 ??? } *Jun 14 15:35:01.883: Changing to new event H245_PROCESS_H245CONTROL *Jun 14 15:35:01.883: cch323_h245_connection_sm:H245_CONNECT: received event H24 5_PROCESS_H245CONTROL while at H245_CONNECTED state RAW_BUFFER::= 22 C0000204 800C5804 00875C34 CB1B4801 0100 *Jun 14 15:35:01.883: PDU DATA = 61593960 value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= response : openLogicalChannelAck : ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 3 ????? forwardMultiplexAckParameters h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters : ????? { ??????? sessionID 3 ??????? mediaChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : ??????? { ????????? network '875C34CB'H ????????? tsapIdentifier 6984 ??????? } ??????? flowControlToZero FALSE ????? } ??? } *Jun 14 15:35:01.887: Changing to new event H245_EVENT_OLC_CFM *Jun 14 15:35:01.887: cch323_h245_olc_sm: received event H245_EVENT_OLC_CFM while at state H245_OLC_WAIT *Jun 14 15:35:01.887: changing from H245_OLC_WAIT state to H245_OLC_DONE state cch323_h245_local_codec_dnld_done: negotiatedCodec[17] *Jun 14 15:35:01.979: Changing to new event H245_EVENT_OLC_IND *Jun 14 15:35:01.979: cch323_h245_olc_sm: received event H245_EVENT_OLC_IND whil e at state H245_OLC_DONE !---Session ID was sent as voice session ID, fallback to voice and the call disconnected: PDU DATA = 61593960 value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= response : openLogicalChannelAck : ??? { ????? forwardLogicalChannelNumber 4 ????? forwardMultiplexAckParameters h2250LogicalChannelAckParameters : ????? { ??????? sessionID 1 ??????? mediaChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : ??????? { ??? ??????network 'C95C381E'H ????????? tsapIdentifier 18100 ??????? } ??????? mediaControlChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress : ??????? { ????????? network 'C95C381E'H ????????? tsapIdentifier 18101 ??????? } ??????? flowControlToZero FALSE ????? } ??? } RAW_BUFFER::= 22 C0000304 80145C00 00C95C38 1E46B400 C95C381E 46B50300 0100 *Jun 14 15:35:01.983: |
In questa sezione viene descritta l'anatomia di un fax T.38 configurato correttamente tra un router serie AS5300 e un router di accesso modulare Cisco 3640. Gli output dei comandi debug e show sono stati acquisiti sul comando debug vtsp all su un router di accesso modulare Cisco 3640 come TGW IOS 12.4:
output del comando debug vtsp all |
Router# debug vtsp all Voice telephony call control all debugging is on !--- At this point, the VTSP is not aware of anything. The format of this message is //callid/GUID/VTSP:(voice-port):T1-channel_number:DSP_number:DSP_channel_number: •CallEntry ID is -1. •GUID is xxxxxxxxxx. •The voice port is blank. •Channel ID is -1. •DSP ID is -1. •DSP channel ID is -1. *Mar 1 08:23:10.869: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/VTSP:():-1:-1:-1/vtsp_do_regxrule_translate: !--- The original and the translated calling number are the same (55555) and the original and the translated called number are the same (888545). These numbers are often the same because if a translation rule is applied, it will be on the dial peers or the ports, both of which comes later than these VTSP messages in the Cisco IOS code execution. *Mar 1 08:23:10.869: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/VTSP:():-1:-1:-1/vtsp _do_regxrule_translate: calling_number(original)= calling_number(xlated)=55555 called_number(original)= called_number(xlated)=888545 redirectNumber(original)= redirectNumber(xlated)= !--- The VTSP got a call setup indicator from the TSP layer with called number 888545 and calling number 55555. There is no awareness of the CallEntry ID (-1) or the GUID (xxxxxxxxxxxx). *Mar 1 08:23:10.873: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/VTSP:():-1:-1:-1/vtsp_tsp_call_setup_ind: (sdb=0x634C90EC, tdm_info=0x0, tsp_info=0x63083950, calling_number=55555 calling_oct3 = 0x80, called_number=888545 called_oct3 = 0x80, oct3a=0x0): peer_tag=10002 *Mar 1 08:23:10.873: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/VTSP:():-1:-1:-1/vtsp_tsp_fill_setup_ind : ev.clg.clir is 0 ev.clg.clid_transparent is 0 ev.clg.null_orig_clg is 0 ev.clg.calling_translated is false *Mar 1 08:23:10.873: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/VTSP:():-1:-1:-1/vtsp_do_call_setup_ind: . *Mar 1 08:23:10.873: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/VTSP:():-1:-1:-1/vtsp_allocate_cdb: ,cdb 0x635FC480 *Mar 1 08:23:10.873: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/VTSP:():-1:-1:-1/vtsp_do_call_setup_ind: *Mar 1 08:23:10.873: source route label !--- At this point, the VTSP is not aware of anything. The format of this message is //callid/GUID/VTSP:(voice-port):T1-channel_number:DSP_number:DSP_channel_number: •CallEntry ID is -1. •GUID is D2F6429A8A8A. •The voice port is 1/0:23 where 23 indicates D channel. •The T1 channel is still unknown at this point (-1). •The digital signal processor (DSP) is 0. •The DSP channel is 4. *Mar 1 08:23:10.873: //-1/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23):-1:0:4/vtsp_do_call_setup_ ind: Call ID=101002, guid=635FCB08 !--- The VTSP learns about the B channel (changed from -1 to 22), and the CallEntry ID is still unknown (-1). *Mar 1 08:23:10.873: //-1/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP: (1/0:23):22:0:4/vtsp_do_call_setup_ind: type=0, under_spec=1615186336, name=, id0=23, id1=0, id2=0, calling=55555,called=888545 subscriber=RegularLinevtsp_do_call_setup_ind: redirect DN = reason = -1 *Mar 1 08:23:10.877: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/VTSP:():-1:-1:-1/vtsp_do_normal_call_setup_ind: . !--- The VTSP learns the CallEntry ID. The format of this message is //callid/GUID/VTSP:(voice-port):T1-channel_number:DSP_number:DSP_channel_number: •CallEntry ID is 899 (changed from -1 to 899) •GUID is D2F6429A8A8A •The voice port is 1/0:23 where 23 indicates D channel •The T1 channel is 22 •The DSP is 12 •The DSP channel is 4 *Mar 1 08:23:10.877: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23) :22:12:4/vtsp_insert_cdb:,cdb 0x635FC480, CallID=899 *Mar 1 08:23:10.877: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23):22:12:4/vtsp_open_voice_and_set_params: . !--- In these outputs, VTSP sets some of the voice parameters for this call: •Modem capability •Playout delay •Dial-peer tag 10003 •Digit timeouts *Mar 1 08:23:10.877: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23): 22:12:4/vtsp_modem_proto_from_cdb: cap_modem_proto 0 *Mar 1 08:23:10.881: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23):22:12:4/set_playout_cdb:playout default *Mar 1 08:23:10.881: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23):22:12:4/vtsp_dsp_echo_canceller_control: echo_cancel: 1 *Mar 1 08:23:10.885: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP: (1/0:23):22:12:4/vtsp_save_dialpeer_tag: tag = 10003 *Mar 1 08:23:10.885: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP: (1/0:23):22:12:4/vtsp_report_digit_control: vtsp_report_digit_control: enable=0: *Mar 1 08:23:10.885: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23): 22:12:4/vtsp_report_digit_control: digit reporting disabled *Mar 1 08:23:10.885: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23): 22:12:4/vtsp_get_digit_timeouts: : vtsp_get_digit_timeouts !--- VTSP sends out a call-proceeding message to the POTS leg *Mar 1 08:23:10.885: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23):22:12:4/vtsp_process_event:vtsp:[1/0:23:899, S_SETUP_INDICATED, E_CC_PROCEEDING] *Mar 1 08:23:10.885: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23):22:12:4/act_proceeding: . *Mar 1 08:23:10.941: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP: (1/0:23):22:12:4/vtsp_get_dialpeer_tag: tag = 10003 *Mar 1 08:23:10.949: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23): 22:12:4/vtsp_get_dialpeer_tag: tag = 10003 !--- VTSP sends out an alerting to the POTS leg; the phone is ringing at this time. *Mar 1 08:23:10.949: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP: (1/0:23):22:12:4/vtsp_process_event: vtsp:[1/0:23:899, S_PROCEEDING, E_CC_ALERT] *Mar 1 08:23:10.949: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23):22:12:4/act_alert: . *Mar 1 08:23:10.949: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23):22:12:4/vtsp_timer_stop:3019095 *Mar 1 08:23:18.769: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23): 22:12:4/vtsp_get_dialpeer_tag: tag = 10003 !--- The phone gets answered here, a bridge is now set up between the two call legs. *Mar 1 08:23:10.949: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP: (1/0:23):22:12:4/vtsp_process_event: vtsp:[1/0:23:899, S_PROCEEDING, E_CC_ALERT] *Mar 1 08:23:10.949: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23):22:12:4/act_alert: . *Mar 1 08:23:10.949: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23):22:12:4/vtsp_timer_stop:3019095 *Mar 1 08:23:18.769: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23): 22:12:4/vtsp_get_dialpeer_tag: tag = 10003 !--- The call is now connected. Mar 1 08:23:18.769: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23) :22:12:4/vtsp_process_event: vtsp:[1/0:23:899, S_ALERTING, E_CC_CONNECT] *Mar 1 08:23:18.769: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23):22:12:4/act_alert_connect: . *Mar 1 08:23:18.773: //899/D2F6429A8A8A/VTSP:(1/0:23):22:12:4/vtsp_ring_noan_timer_stop: 3019877 |
Revisione | Data di pubblicazione | Commenti |
1.0 |
22-Aug-2007 |
Versione iniziale |