このドキュメントでは、Cisco 6130 デジタル加入者線アクセス マルチプレクサ(DSLAM)に接続し、Cisco 6400 ユニバーサル アクセス コンセントレータ(UAC)で終端する Cisco 827 デジタル加入者線(DSL)ルータの設定例を紹介します。
IOS®ソフトウェアリリース12.1(1)XBを搭載したCisco 827-4V Customer Premises Equipment(CPE;顧客宅内機器)
Cisco 6400 UAC-NRP IOSソフトウェアリリース12.1(1)DC1(外部DHCPサーバ)または12.2(2)B(IOS DHCPサーバ)
Cisco 6400 UAC-NSP IOSソフトウェアリリース12.0(4)DB。
Cisco 6130 DSLAM-NI2 IOSソフトウェアリリース12.1(1)DA。
ドキュメントの表記法の詳細は、「シスコ テクニカル ティップスの表記法」を参照してください。
Cisco 827は、RFC1483ブリッジングおよびIntegrated Routing and Bridging(IRB)で設定されます。Cisco 827により、イーサネットセグメント上のPCは、6400の背後にあるDHCPサーバまたは6400 IOS DHCPサーバからアドレスを取得できます。また、BVIアドレスは、DHCPサーバからアドレスとデフォルトルートを取得するように設定されています。Cisco 6400非同期転送モード(ATM)インターフェイスは、Routed Bridge Encapsulation(RBE)で設定され、外部DHCPサーバまたはNRP上のIOS DHCPサーバで動作するように設定されています。
Cisco 6400の場合、Cisco 6400 Node Route Processor(NRP;ノードルートプロセッサ)のATM RBE機能によって、スタブブリッジ型LANからのブリッジ型RFC1483イーサネットトラフィック上でIPがルーティングされます。ルートブリッジモードに設定されたATMインターフェイスで受信されたブリッジドIPパケットは、IPヘッダーを介してルーティングされます。これらのインターフェイスは、DSLアクセスに一般的に使用されるスタブLANトポロジの特性を利用し、IRBよりも高いパフォーマンスと柔軟性を提供します。
注:この文書で使用されているコマンドの詳細を調べるには、「Command Lookup ツール」を使用してください(登録ユーザのみ)。
図1 – シナリオ1図2:シナリオ2
Cisco 827
Cisco 6400 NRP
6400のデバッグ(IOS DHCPサーバでのRBEの使用)
Cisco 827 |
Current configuration: ! version 12.0 service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec ! hostname R1 ! ip subnet-zero ! bridge irb ! interface Ethernet0 no ip address bridge-group 1 !--- Because the Ethernet0 is bridged to the WAN interface, !--- PCs behind the ethernet0 can be setup as DHCP clients. !--- They get their addresses from the DHCP server behind the 6400, !--- or from the IOS DHCP server on the 6400. ! interface ATM0 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast no ip mroute-cache no atm ilmi-keepalive pvc 4/100 encapsulation aal5snap ! bundle-enable bridge-group 1 hold-queue 224 in ! interface BVI1 ip address dhcp client-id Ethernet0 !--- This command tells the BVI interface to get the address !--- from DHCP, and also to get the default route from DHCP. ! ip classless !--- Note: The default route will be inserted into !--- the routing table automatically from the DHCP server, and !--- no static routing statement is required. no ip http server ! bridge 1 protocol ieee bridge 1 route ip ! voice-port 1 timing hookflash-in 0 ! voice-port 2 timing hookflash-in 0 ! voice-port 3 timing hookflash-in 0 ! voice-port 4 timing hookflash-in 0 ! end |
Cisco 6400 NRP |
Current configuration: ! version 12.1 no service pad service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec ! hostname NRP ! redundancy main-cpu no auto-sync standard no secondary console enable ip subnet-zero ! interface Loopback1 ip address no ip directed-broadcast !--- This address and mask must match the intended !--- scope and network configured on the external DHCP server. ! interface ATM0/0/0 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast no ip mroute-cache no ATM ilmi-keepalive ! interface ATM0/0/0.4 point-to-point !--- The interface ATM0/0/0.4 point-to-point uses IP !--- unnumbered Loopback1 for its IP address requirements. ip unnumbered Loopback1 ip helper-address <dhcp server ip address> atm route-bridged ip PVC 4/100 encapsulation aal5snap ! interface Ethernet0/0/1 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast ! interface Ethernet0/0/0 no ip directed-broadcast ! interface FastEthernet0/0/0 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast full-duplex ! ip classless !--- Note: For every DHCP client that is relayed an address, !--- a host route will be automatically inserted in the routing !--- table, and no host route statement for a DHCP client is required. end |
6400のデバッグ(外部DHCPサーバでのRBEの使用) |
debug ip dhcp server events Looks for existing binding. . . 00:10:56: find_or_create(): Look for existing binding for: 00:10:56: find_or_create(): dhcp->chaddr = 616EF9BC 00:10:56: find_or_create(): dhcp->hlen = 6 00:10:56: find_or_create(): dhcp->htype = 1 00:10:56: find_or_create: address = 00:10:56: find_or_create(): Creating new binding with data 00:10:56: find_or_create(): dhcp->chaddr = 616EF9BC 00:10:56: find_or_create(): dhcp->hlen = 6 00:10:56: find_or_create(): dhcp->htype = 1 00:10:56: find_or_create: address = !--- Forwards DHCP DISCOVER packet from the client to the !--- external DHCP server. 00:10:56: DHCPD: Received DHCPDISCOVER on UNNUM-IF 00:10:56: DHCPD: Forwarding reply on un-numbered intf !--- Forwards the DHCP OFFER packet from the external DHCP server !--- to the client. 00:10:56: DHCPD: Unnum: Received DHCPOFFER 00:10:56: DHCPD: Server Address = 00:10:56: DHCPD: Giaddr Address = 00:10:56: find_or_create(): Look for existing binding for: 00:10:56: find_or_create(): dhcp->chaddr = 616EF9BC 00:10:56: find_or_create(): dhcp->hlen = 6 00:10:56: find_or_create(): dhcp->htype = 1 00:10:56: find_or_create: address = !--- Forwards the DHCP REQUEST packet from the client to the external !--- DHCP server. 00:10:56: DHCPD: Received DHCPREQUEST on UNNUM-IF 00:10:56: DHCPD: request_on_unnumif ():Real Server = 00:10:56: DHCPD: Forwarding reply on un-numbered intf !--- Forwards the DHCP ACK packet from the DHCP server to the client. 00:10:56: DHCPD: Unnum: Received DHCPACK 00:10:56: DHCPD: lease time = 86400 !--- Adds a dynamic host route to the client into the routing table. 00:10:56: DHCPD: dhcpd_lookup_route: host = 00:10:56: DHCPD: dhcpd_lookup_route: index = 126 00:10:56: DHCPD: Adding new route to host 00:10:56: DHCPD: dhcpd_lookup_route: host = 00:10:56: DHCPD: dhcpd_lookup_route: index = 126 00:10:56: DHCPD: dhcpd_create_and_hash_route: host = 00:10:56: DHCPD: dhcpd_create_and_hash_route index = 126 00:10:56: DHCPD: dhcpd_add_route: lease = 86400 00:10:56: DHCPD: Server ID saved in Binding = 00:10:56: DHCPD: Server ID saved in Route block = 00:10:56: DHCPD: Giaddr Address = |
6400のデバッグ(IOS DHCPサーバでのRBEの使用) |
debug ip dhcp server events Assigns an address to the client from the IOS DHCP server. 23:19:09: DHCPD: assigned IP address to client 0063.6973.636f.2d30.3030.302e.3063.3036.2e32.3339.342d.4256.31. 23:19:10: DHCPD: lease time = 86400 Adds a dynamic host route to the client into the routing table. 23:19:10: DHCPD: dhcpd_lookup_route: host = 23:19:10: DHCPD: dhcpd_lookup_route: index = 127 23:19:10: DHCPD: Adding new route to host 23:19:10: DHCPD: dhcpd_lookup_route: host = 23:19:10: DHCPD: dhcpd_lookup_route: index = 127 23:19:10: DHCPD: dhcpd_create_and_hash_route: host = 23:19:10: DHCPD: dhcpd_create_and_hash_route index = 127 23:19:10: DHCPD: dhcpd_add_route: lease = 86400 |
改定 | 発行日 | コメント |
1.0 |
06-Nov-2001 |
初版 |