この製品のドキュメントセットは、偏向のない言語を使用するように配慮されています。このドキュメントセットでの偏向のない言語とは、年齢、障害、性別、人種的アイデンティティ、民族的アイデンティティ、性的指向、社会経済的地位、およびインターセクショナリティに基づく差別を意味しない言語として定義されています。製品ソフトウェアのユーザインターフェイスにハードコードされている言語、RFP のドキュメントに基づいて使用されている言語、または参照されているサードパーティ製品で使用されている言語によりドキュメントに例外が存在する場合があります。シスコのインクルーシブ ランゲージの取り組みの詳細は、こちらをご覧ください。
シスコは世界中のユーザにそれぞれの言語でサポート コンテンツを提供するために、機械と人による翻訳を組み合わせて、本ドキュメントを翻訳しています。ただし、最高度の機械翻訳であっても、専門家による翻訳のような正確性は確保されません。シスコは、これら翻訳の正確性について法的責任を負いません。原典である英語版(リンクからアクセス可能)もあわせて参照することを推奨します。
1. スマートライセンスアカウント:この移行には、有効なスマートライセンスアカウントが必要です。移行プロセスを開始する前に、スマートライセンスのステータスを確認してください。
2.クラスタリングの基本的な理解:Cisco Secure Email Gateway(ESA)のクラスタリングの概念について理解します。この基本的な知識は、移行を円滑に行うために不可欠です。
GUIを使用する場合: [Monitor] > [any]に移動します。
「Mode - Cluster: cluster_name」が表示される場合、アプライアンスはクラスタ構成で実行されています。
5.必要なソフトウェアのダウンロード:Cisco Secure Email Gateway(vESA)ソフトウェア、バージョン15.0.3モデルC600v for KVMをダウンロードします。
6. ネットワークリソース:新しいマシンに必要なネットワークリソース(IP、ファイアウォールルール、DNSなど)を準備します。
『AsyncOS 15.0 for Cisco Email Security Appliancesのリリースノート』に記載されている手順に従って、Eメールセキュリティアプライアンスをアップグレードします。
1. 機器とソフトウェアがすべてのシステム要件を満たしていることを確認します。この移行ではバージョン15.0.3とモデルC600vが使用されるため、バージョン16.0に指定されている要件と同じ要件に従ってください。
Nutanix AOS:バージョン6.5.5.7
Nutanix Prism Central:バージョンpc.2022.6.0.10
2. 仮想アプライアンスイメージ、モデルC600vバージョン15.0.3 for KVMをダウンロードします。
3. 仮想アプライアンスモデルに割り当てるRAMの容量とCPUコアの数を決定します。
Cisco Secure Email仮想ゲートウェイ | AsyncOSリリース | モデル | 推奨されるディスクサイズ | メモリ | プロセッサコア |
AsyncOS 15.0 以降 |
C600v | 500 GB | 16 GB | 8 |
4. Nutanix Prismに仮想KVMイメージアプライアンスC600v (バージョン15.0.3)を展開します。(設置ガイド)
Cisco Secure Email GatewayおよびCisco Secure Email and Web Managerのスマートライセンス導入ガイド
vESAのCLIから、次のようにclusterconfig > Join an existing...を実行し、vESAをクラスタに追加します。
vESA.Nutanix> clusterconfig
Do you want to join or create a cluster?
1. No, configure as standalone.
2. Create a new cluster.
3. Join an existing cluster over SSH.
4. Join an existing cluster over CCS.
[1]> 3
While joining a cluster, you will need to validate the SSH host key of the remote machine to which you are joining. To get the public host key fingerprint of the remote host, connect to the cluster and run: logconfig -> hostkeyconfig -> fingerprint.
WARNING: All non-network settings will be lost. System will inherit the values set at the group or cluster mode for the non-network settings. Ensure that the cluster settings are compatible with your network settings (e.g. dnsconfig settings)
Exception:Centralized Policy, Virus, and Outbreak Quarantine settings are not inherited from the cluster. These settings on this machine will remain intact.
Do you want to enable the Cluster Communication Service on ironport.example.com? [N]> n
Enter the IP address of a machine in the cluster.
Enter the remote port to connect to. This must be the normal admin ssh port, not the CCS port.
Would you like to join this appliance to a cluster using pre-shared keys? Use this option if you have enabled two-factor authentication on the appliance. [Y]> n
Enter the name of an administrator present on the remote machine
Enter passphrase:
Please verify the SSH host key for
Public host key fingerprint: 08:23:46:ab:cd:56:ff:ef:12:89:23:ee:56:12:67:aa
Is this a valid key for this host? [Y]> y
Joining cluster group Main_Group.
Joining a cluster takes effect immediately, there is no need to commit.
Cluster cluster.Cx90
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- CONNSTATUS - Show the status of connections between machines in the cluster.
- COMMUNICATION - Configure how machines communicate within the cluster.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
(Cluster cluster.Cx90)>
Cluster cluster.Cx90)> clustercheck
No inconsistencies found on available machines.
(Cluster cluster.Cx90)>
(cluster.Cx90)> clustercheck
Checking DLP settings...
Inconsistency found!
DLP settings at Cluster test:
vESA.Nutanix was updated Wed July 17 12:23:15 2024 GMT by 'admin' on C690.Machine C690.Machine was updated Wed Jun 13 06:34:45 2024 GMT by 'admin' on C690.Machine How do you want to resolve this inconsistency?
1. Force the entire cluster to use the vESA.Nutanix version.
2. Force the entire cluster to use the C690.Machine version.
3. Ignore.
[3]> 2
(Cluster cluster.Cx90)> clusterconfig
Cluster cluster.Cx90
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- CONNSTATUS - Show the status of connections between machines in the cluster.
- COMMUNICATION - Configure how machines communicate within the cluster.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
[]> removemachine
Choose the machine to remove from the cluster.
1. C690.Machine (group Main_Group)
2. vESA.Nutanix (group Main_Group)
[1]> 2
- You are removing the machine you are currently connected to, and you will no longer be able to access the cluster.
- This change will happen immediately without a commit.
Are you sure you want to continue? [N]> y
Please wait, this operation may take a minute...
Machine vESA.Nutanix removed from the cluster.
vESA C600vをバージョン16.0にアップグレードするには、次の手順を実行します。
UIで、Monitor > System Infoの順に移動します。
vESA.Nutanix> clusterconfig
Do you want to join or create a cluster?
1. No, configure as standalone.
2. Create a new cluster.
3. Join an existing cluster over SSH.
4. Join an existing cluster over CCS.
[1]> 2
Enter the name of the new cluster.
[]> newcluster.Virtual
Should all machines in the cluster communicate with each other by hostname or by IP address?
1. Communicate by IP address.
2. Communicate by hostname.
[2]> 1
What IP address should other machines use to communicate with Machine C170.local?
1. port 22 (SSH on interface Management)
2. Enter an IP address manually
[]> 1
Other machines will communicate with Machine C195.local using IP address port 22. You can change this by using the COMMUNICATION subcommand of the clusterconfig command.
New cluster committed: Sat Jun 08 11:45:33 2019 GMT
Creating a cluster takes effect immediately, there is no need to commit.
Cluster newcluster.Virtual
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- CONNSTATUS - Show the status of connections between machines in the cluster.
- COMMUNICATION - Configure how machines communicate within the cluster.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
(Cluster newcluster.Virtual)>
Join Your Cx00v to Your ESA Cluster
From the CLI on the Cx00v, run clusterconfig > Join an exisiting... to add your Cx00v into your new cluster configured on your vESA, similar to the following:
C600v.Nutanix> clusterconfig
Do you want to join or create a cluster?
1. No, configure as standalone.
2. Create a new cluster.
3. Join an existing cluster over SSH.
4. Join an existing cluster over CCS.
[1]> 3
While joining a cluster, you will need to validate the SSH host key of the remote machine to which you are joining. To get the public host key fingerprint of the remote host, connect to the cluster and run: logconfig -> hostkeyconfig -> fingerprint.
WARNING: All non-network settings will be lost. System will inherit the values set at the group or cluster mode for the non-network settings. Ensure that the cluster settings are compatible with your network settings (e.g. dnsconfig settings)
Exception:Centralized Policy, Virus, and Outbreak Quarantine settings are not inherited from the cluster. These settings on this machine will remain intact.
Do you want to enable the Cluster Communication Service on ironport.example.com? [N]> n
Enter the IP address of a machine in the cluster.
Enter the remote port to connect to. This must be the normal admin ssh port, not the CCS port.
Would you like to join this appliance to a cluster using pre-shared keys? Use this option if you have enabled two-factor authentication on the appliance. [Y]> n
Enter the name of an administrator present on the remote machine
Enter passphrase:
Please verify the SSH host key for
Public host key fingerprint: 00:61:32:aa:bb:84:ff:ff:22:75:88:ff:77:48:84:eb
Is this a valid key for this host? [Y]> y
Joining cluster group Main_Group.
Joining a cluster takes effect immediately, there is no need to commit.
Cluster newcluster.Virtual
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- CONNSTATUS - Show the status of connections between machines in the cluster.
- COMMUNICATION - Configure how machines communicate within the cluster.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
(Cluster newcluster.Virtual)>
改定 | 発行日 | コメント |
1.0 |
16-Oct-2024 |
初版 |