이 문서에서는 AAA(Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting)를 사용하여 Cisco IOS® HTTP 서버에 대한 액세스를 제어하는 방법을 보여 줍니다. AAA를 사용하는 Cisco IOS HTTP 서버에 대한 액세스 제어는 Cisco IOS 소프트웨어 릴리스에 따라 달라집니다.
이 문서에 대한 특정 요건이 없습니다.
이 문서는 특정 소프트웨어 및 하드웨어 버전으로 한정되지 않습니다.
문서 규칙에 대한 자세한 내용은 Cisco 기술 팁 표기 규칙을 참고하십시오.
어떤 HTTP 서버 버전을 볼 수 있도록 exec 명령 show subsys name http를 실행합니다.
router1#show subsys name http Class Version http Protocol 1.001.001
HTTP V1.1 서버가 있는 시스템입니다.Cisco IOS Software 릴리스 12.2(15)T 및 모든 Cisco IOS Software 12.3 릴리스에는 HTTP V1.1이 있습니다.
router2#show subsys name http Class Version http Protocol 1.000.001
HTTP V1 서버가 있는 시스템입니다.12.2(15)T 이전 버전의 Cisco IOS Software 릴리스(Cisco IOS Software 릴리스 12.2(15)JA 포함) 및 12.2(15)XR(12.2)에는 HTTP V1이 있습니다.
HTTP V1 서버를 포함하는 Cisco IOS Software 릴리스에서는 HTTP 세션에서 가상 터미널 라인(vtys)을 사용합니다. 따라서 HTTP 인증 및 권한 부여는 vtys에 대해 구성된 동일한 방법으로 제어됩니다.
ip http server ! aaa new-model aaa authentication login VTYSandHTTP radius local aaa authorization exec VTYSandHTTP radius local ! ip http authentication aaa ! line vty 0 19 !--- The number of vtys you have. login authentication VTYSandHTTP authorization exec VTYSandHTTP
HTTP V1.1 서버가 포함된 Cisco IOS Software 릴리스에서는 HTTP 세션에서 vtys를 사용하지 않습니다.소켓을 사용합니다.
Cisco IOS Software 릴리스 12.3(7.3) 및 12.3(7.3)T에서 Cisco 버그 ID CSCeb82510(등록된 고객만 해당)을 통합하기 전에 HTTP V1.1 서버는 콘솔에 대해 구성된 동일한 인증 및 권한 부여 방법을 사용해야 합니다.
ip http server ! aaa new-model aaa authentication login CONSOLEandHTTP radius local aaa authorization exec CONSOLEandHTTP radius local ! ip http authentication aaa ! line con 0 login authentication CONSOLEandHTTP authorization exec CONSOLEandHTTP
Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.3(7.3) 및 12.3(7.3)T에서 Cisco 버그 ID CSCeb82510(등록된 고객만 해당)의 통합을 통해 HTTP 서버는 자체 인증 및 권한 부여 방법을 사용할 수 있으며 ip authentication aaa 명령에 새 키워드를 사용할 수 있습니다.새 키워드는 다음과 같습니다.
router(config)#ip http authentication aaa command-authorization listname router(config)#ip http authentication aaa exec-authorization listname router(config)#ip http authentication aaa login-authentication listname
다음은 출력의 예입니다.
ip http server ! aaa new-model aaa authentication login HTTPonly radius local aaa authorization exec HTTPonly radius local ! ip http authentication aaa ip http authentication aaa exec-authorization HTTPonly ip http authentication aaa login-authentication HTTPonly
HTTP 인증/권한 부여 문제를 해결하려면 다음 debug 명령을 실행합니다.
debug ip tcp transactions debug modem !--- If you use the HTTP 1.0 server. debug ip http authentication debug aaa authentication debug aaa authorization debug radius !--- If you use RADIUS. debug tacacs !--- If you use TACACS+.
이 출력은 몇 가지 디버깅 예를 보여 줍니다.
*Apr 23 13:12:16.871: TCB626DD444 created *Apr 23 13:12:16.871: TCP0: state was LISTEN -> SYNRCVD [80 ->] *Apr 23 13:12:16.871: TCP0: Connection to, received MSS 1460, MSS is 516 *Apr 23 13:12:16.875: TCP: sending SYN, seq 2078657456, ack 2459301798 *Apr 23 13:12:16.875: TCP0: Connection to, advertising MSS 536 *Apr 23 13:12:16.899: TCP0: state was SYNRCVD -> ESTAB [80 ->] !--- The TCP connection from the browser on to the !--- local HTTP server is established. *Apr 23 13:12:16.899: TCB62229100 accepting 626DD444 from *Apr 23 13:12:16.899: TCB626DD444 setting property TCP_PID (8) 626FEC84 *Apr 23 13:12:16.899: TCB626DD444 setting property TCP_NO_DELAY (1) 626FEC88 *Apr 23 13:12:16.899: TCB626DD444 setting property TCP_NONBLOCKING_WRITE (10) 626FED14 *Apr 23 13:12:16.899: TCB626DD444 setting property TCP_NONBLOCKING_READ (14) 626FED14 *Apr 23 13:12:16.899: TCB626DD444 setting property unknown (15) 626FED14 *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: HTTP AAA Login-Authentication List name: HTTPauthen *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: HTTP AAA Exec-Authorization List name: HTTPauthor *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: AAA/AUTHEN/LOGIN (00000000): Pick method list 'HTTPauthen' !--- Uses 'HTTPauthen' as the login authentication method. *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000000):Orig. component type = INVALID *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000000): dropping service type, "radius-server attribute 6 on-for-login-auth" is off *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS(00000000): Config NAS IP: *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS(00000000): sending *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for Radius-Server *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS(00000000): Send Access-Request to id 1645/2, len 51 *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS: authenticator 5F 6E E6 C1 3E 40 5D E2 - FB AC E8 E8 E4 93 BA 98 *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 7 "cisco" *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS: User-Password [2] 18 * *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 !--- Sent an Access-Request to the RADIUS server !--- at using the username of "cisco". *Apr 23 13:12:21.923: RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 1645/2 *Apr 23 13:12:26.923: RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 1645/2 *Apr 23 13:12:31.923: RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 1645/2 *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS: No response from (,1646) for id 1645/2 *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS/DECODE: parse response no app start; FAIL *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS/DECODE: parse response; FAIL *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: AAA/AUTHOR (0x0): Pick method list 'HTTPauthor' *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000000):Orig. component type = INVALID *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS(00000000): Config NAS IP: *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS(00000000): sending *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for Radius-Server *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS(00000000): Send Access-Request to id 1645/3, len 57 *Apr 23 13:12:36.927: RADIUS: authenticator AA DB 63 E1 D4 BF 23 9E - 49 71 78 42 A5 A3 44 B8 *Apr 23 13:12:36.927: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 7 "cisco" *Apr 23 13:12:36.927: RADIUS: User-Password [2] 18 * *Apr 23 13:12:36.927: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Outbound [5] *Apr 23 13:12:36.927: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 *Apr 23 13:12:41.927: RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 1645/3 *Apr 23 13:12:46.927: RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 1645/3 *Apr 23 13:12:51.927: RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 1645/3 *Apr 23 13:12:56.927: RADIUS: No response from (,1646) for id 1645/3 *Apr 23 13:12:56.927: RADIUS/DECODE: parse response no app start; FAIL *Apr 23 13:12:56.927: RADIUS/DECODE: parse response; FAIL *Apr 23 13:12:56.927: HTTP: Authentication failed for level 15 !--- Authentication has failed due to no response from the RADIUS server. *Apr 23 13:12:56.927: TCB626DD444 shutdown writing *Apr 23 13:12:56.927: TCP0: state was ESTAB -> FINWAIT1 [80 ->] *Apr 23 13:12:56.927: TCP0: sending FIN *Apr 23 13:12:56.967: TCP0: state was FINWAIT1 -> FINWAIT2 [80 ->] *Apr 23 13:12:56.967: TCP0: FIN processed *Apr 23 13:12:56.971: TCP0: state was FINWAIT2 -> TIMEWAIT [80 ->] *Apr 23 13:13:10.227: TCP0: state was TIMEWAIT -> CLOSED [80 ->] *Apr 23 13:13:10.227: TCB 0x626DCFA0 destroyed !--- The TCP connection to the browser is closed.