이 문서에서는 Cisco 게이트키퍼 2명이 각 영역에 Cisco 게이트웨이 1개를 사용하여 관리하는 2개 영역 토폴로지가 포함된 VoIP 네트워크를 연구합니다. 이 문서의 목적은 사용자가 몇 가지 알려진 문제를 방지하고 게이트키퍼 기반 네트워크를 위한 안정적인 기반을 만들 수 있는 기본 구성을 제공하는 것입니다. 이 문서에는 구성된 기능, 설계 지침, 기본 확인 및 문제 해결 전략에 대한 배경 기술 정보가 포함되어 있습니다.
아래 컨피그레이션에서는 4개의 라우터가 동일한 LAN에 있습니다. 그러나 실제 토폴로지에서는 모든 디바이스가 네트워크의 다른 부분에 있을 수 있습니다.
문서 규칙에 대한 자세한 내용은 Cisco 기술 팁 표기 규칙을 참조하십시오.
이 문서에 대한 특정 요건이 없습니다.
이러한 구성은 이 장비에서 테스트되었습니다.
Cisco IOS® Software 릴리스 ENTERPRISE PLUS/H323 MCM이 포함된 Cisco 2600 4개
이 문서의 정보는 특정 랩 환경의 디바이스를 토대로 작성되었습니다. 이 문서에 사용된 모든 디바이스는 초기화된(기본) 컨피그레이션으로 시작되었습니다. 라이브 네트워크에서 작업하는 경우, 명령을 사용하기 전에 명령의 잠재적인 영향을 이해해야 합니다.
이 섹션에는 이 문서에서 설명하는 기능을 구성하기 위한 정보가 표시됩니다.
참고: 이 문서에 사용된 명령에 대한 추가 정보를 찾으려면 명령 조회 도구(등록된 고객만 해당)를 사용합니다.
게이트키퍼에서 올바른 주소 확인을 얻기 전에 몇 가지 조건을 충족해야 합니다.
다음과 같이 두 가지 중요한 사항을 확인해야 합니다.
모든 게이트웨이는 해당 게이트키퍼에 등록해야 합니다.
모든 게이트키퍼에는 올바른 다이얼 플랜이 있어야 합니다.
성공적인 등록은 첫 번째 필수 단계입니다. 다음과 같은 추가 요소를 고려해야 합니다.
게이트웨이에 FXS(Foreign Exchange Station) 인터페이스가 있는 경우 POTS(Plain Old Telephone Service) 다이얼 피어에서 no register e164 명령을 추가합니다. 이렇게 하면 Cisco 버그 ID CSCdw60626에 설명된 게이트웨이 등록 문제가 발생하지 않습니다(등록된 고객만 해당). e164 번호로 직접 FXS 포트 등록 대신 게이트웨이의 영역 접두사를 추가하고 영역 접두사를 기준으로 라우팅 결정을 내릴 수 있습니다.
일반적으로 게이트웨이의 기술 접두사를 정의하는 것이 좋습니다. 기술 접두사가 주로 통화 라우팅에 영향을 주기는 하지만 신뢰할 수 있는 등록에도 적합합니다.
게이트웨이에서 게이트키퍼 등록 문제에 대한 자세한 내용은 게이트키퍼 등록 문제 해결을 참조하십시오.
안정적인 통화 라우팅을 위해서는 모든 게이트웨이가 일부 기술 접두사로 등록되어야 합니다. 기술 접두사의 목적은 서로 다른 통화 유형과 해당 게이트웨이 유형을 구별하는 것입니다. 따라서 라우팅 결정에 기술 접두사를 사용할 수는 있지만 기술 접두사를 사용하여 영역 접두사를 기준으로 통화 유형과 경로를 구별하는 것이 더 좋습니다.이 접근 방식을 사용하면 모든 VoIP 게이트웨이가 동일한 기술 접두사(예: 이 문서에 제시된 예: 1#*)로 구성할 수 있습니다.
영역 접두사에 대한 기본 게이트웨이를 명시적으로 구성하는 것이 좋습니다.
H.323 신호 처리를 Cisco IOS 게이트웨이 또는 라우터의 특정 IP 주소에 바인딩합니다. Cisco IOS Gateway에 여러 개의 활성 IP 인터페이스가 있는 경우 H.323 메시지 중 일부는 하나의 IP 주소에서 소싱될 수 있으며, 그 중 다른 부분은 다른 소스 주소를 참조할 수 있습니다. 루프백 인터페이스를 사용하여 게이트웨이를 식별하거나 네트워크에 방화벽 및 어카운팅 서버가 있는 경우 h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr 명령이 필요합니다. 이 명령은 Cisco IOS Software Release 12.1.2T에서 도입되었으며 가상 인터페이스에 대한 H.323 지원 구성에 설명되어 있습니다.
게이트키퍼 통화 라우팅에 대한 자세한 내용은 Cisco IOS H.323 게이트키퍼 통화 라우팅 이해를 참조하십시오.
이 문서에서는 아래 다이어그램에 표시된 네트워크 설정을 사용합니다.
이 문서에서는 이러한 구성을 사용합니다.
게이트키퍼 및 게이트웨이의 컨피그레이션 확인은 게이트웨이-게이트키퍼 문제를 해결하는 데 중요한 부분입니다. 컨피그레이션을 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 관련되지 않은 모든 컨피그레이션 명령이 제거되었습니다.
GW_1 - ECV-2600-17 |
IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-JSX-M), Version 12.2(7a), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) ! hostname ECV-2610-17 ! ! interface Ethernet0/0 ip address h323-gateway voip interface !---- This command enables VoIP GW functions on the interface. h323-gateway voip id gk-zone1.test.com ipaddr 1718 !---- This command defines the GK this GW works with. h323-gateway voip h323-id gw_1 !---- This command defines the GW alias for the GK. h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1# !---- It is desirable to have tech prefix on the GW for !---- reliable registration and call routing. h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr !---- This command is not necessary in this simple topology, !---- but for complex networks, it is recommended to use it. ?? ! voice-port 1/1/0 ! voice-port 1/1/1 ! ! dial-peer voice 1 voip destination-pattern 16.. session target ras !---- All IP addresses for the destination pattern 16.. should !---- be resolved through the requests to the GK. ! dial-peer voice 2 pots destination-pattern 1711 port 1/1/1 no register e164 !---- This command prevents registration of this number with !---- the GK. The GW is registered with the GK with this alias only. ! gateway ! end |
GW_2 - ECV-2600-16 |
! hostname ECV-2610-16 ! ! interface Ethernet0/0 ip address h323-gateway voip interface h323-gateway voip id gk-zone2.test.com ipaddr 1718 h323-gateway voip h323-id gw_2 h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1# h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr ! ! voice-port 1/1/0 ! voice-port 1/1/1 ! dial-peer voice 1 voip destination-pattern 17.. session target ras ! dial-peer voice 2 pots destination-pattern 1611 port 1/1/1 no register e164 ! gateway ! ! end |
GK_1 ECV-2600-15 |
! hostname ECV-2610-15 ! interface Ethernet0/0 ip address ! gatekeeper zone local gk-zone1.test.com test.com !---- This command defines the local zone. The GK name and !---- zone name have the same meaning. zone remote gk-zone2.test.com test.com 1719 !---- This command defines the name of the remote GK (zone). zone prefix gk-zone2.test.com 16.. !---- This command explicitly defines the number length with !---- the number of dots. zone prefix gk-zone1.test.com 17.. gw-priority 10 gw_1 !---- This command explicitly defines which GW handles !---- calls for 17.. numbers that could be done for the !---- local zones only. gw-type-prefix 1#* default-technology !---- This command defines the default technology prefix !---- that is necessary for routing decisions. no shutdown !--- This command turns the service up. ! end |
GK_2 ECV-2600-14 |
! hostname ECV-2610-14 ! interface Ethernet0/0 ip address ! gatekeeper zone local gk-zone2.test.com test.com zone remote gk-zone1.test.com test.com 1719 zone prefix gk-zone2.test.com 16.. gw-priority 10 gw_2 zone prefix gk-zone1.test.com 17.. gw-type-prefix 1#* default-technology no shutdown ! end |
이 섹션에서는 컨피그레이션이 제대로 작동하는지 확인하는 데 사용할 수 있는 정보를 제공합니다.
일부 show 명령은 출력 인터프리터 툴 에서 지원되는데(등록된 고객만), 이 툴을 사용하면 show 명령 출력의 분석 결과를 볼 수 있습니다.
참고: debug 명령을 시도하기 전에 디버그 명령에 대한 중요 정보를 참조하십시오. 아래 명령에 대한 자세한 내용은 이 문서의 문제 해결 명령 섹션을 참조하십시오.
show gateway - 게이트웨이 등록 상태를 표시합니다.
show gatekeeper endpoints(게이트키퍼 엔드포인트 표시) - 게이트키퍼에 등록된 모든 게이트웨이를 표시합니다.
show gatekeeper zone prefix - 게이트키퍼에 구성된 모든 영역 접두사를 표시합니다.
show gatekeeper call - 게이트키퍼가 처리한 활성 통화를 표시합니다.
debug h225 asn1—H225(등록, 승인 및 상태[RAS] 및 Q931 호출 설정) 메시지를 표시합니다.
debug cch323 h225 - H225 통화 설정 메시지를 표시합니다.
이 섹션에서는 컨피그레이션 문제를 해결하는 데 사용할 수 있는 정보를 제공합니다.
문제를 해결하려면 몇 가지 중요 사항을 확인하십시오.
모든 게이트웨이는 해당 게이트키퍼에 등록되어야 합니다.
게이트웨이에 올바른 다이얼 플랜이 있어야 합니다(다이얼 피어가 구성됨).
게이트키퍼에는 올바른 다이얼 플랜(영역 접두사가 구성됨)이 있어야 합니다.
Troubleshooting and Debugging VoIP Call Basics(문제 해결 및 디버깅 VoIP 통화 기본 사항)에 설명된 단계는 Gateway-to-Gatekeeper 상호 작용과 관련된 debug 및 show 명령의 출력을 보완하며 다른 Cisco IOS 하위 시스템과 관련된 음성 문제를 강조 표시하는 데 사용해야 합니다. show 명령의 샘플 출력에서는 위의 단계를 강조 표시하고 debug 출력에서는 4개의 라우터 모두에서 RAS 및 H225 메시지의 시퀀스를 보여줍니다.
참고: debug h225 asn1 명령은 매우 큰 출력을 생성하므로 주의하여 사용해야 합니다. 아래의 debug 명령에서 불필요한 출력이 삭제되었습니다.
참고: debug 명령을 실행하기 전에 디버그 명령에 대한 중요 정보를 참조하십시오.
!--- Check the GW registration on the GW. ECV-2610-17#show gateway Gateway gw_1 is registered to Gatekeeper gk-zone1.test.com ?? Alias list (CLI configured) H323-ID gw_1 Alias list (last RCF) H323-ID gw_1 ?? H323 resource thresholding is DisabledECV-2610-17# ------------------------------------------------------------ !--- And on the corresponding GK. ?? ECV-2610-15#show gatek en GATEKEEPER ENDPOINT REGISTRATION ================================ CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddrPort Zone Name Type F --------------- ----- -------------- ----- --------- ---- -- 1720 gk-zone1.test.com VOIP-GW H323-ID: gw_1 Total number of active registrations = 1 ECV-2610-15# ------------------------------------------------------------ ?? !--- The same for the second GW. ECV-2610-16#show gateway Gateway gw_2 is registered to Gatekeeper gk-zone2.test.com ?? Alias list (CLI configured) H323-ID gw_2 Alias list (last RCF) H323-ID gw_2 ?? H323 resource thresholding is Disabled ECV-2610-16# ------------------------------------------------------------?? !--- And the second corresponding GK. ECV-2610-14#show gatek en GATEKEEPER ENDPOINT REGISTRATION ================================ CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port Zone Name Type F --------------- ----- --------------- ----- --------- ---- -- 1720 52080 gk-zone2.test.com VOIP-GW H323-ID: gw_2 Total number of active registrations = 1 ?? ECV-2610-14# ------------------------------------------------------------ !--- To check the dial plan on the GKs: ?? ECV-2610-15#show gatek zone pr ZONE PREFIX TABLE ================= GK-NAME E164-PREFIX ------- ----------- gk-zone2.test.com 16.. gk-zone1.test.com 17..?? ECV-2610-15# ECV-2610-15# !--- All configured prefixes should be seen in the zone list. ------------------------------------------------------------?? !--- To check the dial plan on the GKs: ECV-2610-14# ECV-2610-14#show gatek zone pr ZONE PREFIX TABLE ================= GK-NAME E164-PREFIX ------- ----------- gk-zone2.test.com 16.. gk-zone1.test.com 17..?? ECV-2610-14# ------------------------------------------------------------?? ECV-2610-15#show gatekeeper call Total number of active calls = 1. GATEKEEPER CALL INFO ==================== LocalCallIDAge(secs) BW 5-0 1 64(Kbps) Endpt(s): Alias E.164Addr CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port src EP: gw_2 1611 1720 59067 dst EP: gw_1 1711 1720 58841?? ECV-2610-15# -----------------------------------------------------------------?? !--- The conversation between the GW and the GK consists of !--- exchange RAS messages. Here are two messages that show !--- successful registration of the GW to the GK. ECV-2610-17# ECV-2610-17#debug h225 asn1 H.225 ASN1 Messages debugging is on ECV-2610-17# *Mar 2 07:45:53: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW sends a RAS registration request message to the GK. value RasMessage ::= registrationRequest : { requestSeqNum 93 protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } discoveryComplete FALSE callSignalAddress { } rasAddress { ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA31'H port 57733 } } terminalType { mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } gatekeeperIdentifier {"gk-zone1.test.com"} endpointVendor { vendor { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } } timeToLive 60 keepAlive TRUE endpointIdentifier {"8215266C0000000F"} willSupplyUUIEs FALSE } *Mar 2 07:45:53: *Mar 2 07:45:53: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GK accepts the registration request and replies with !--- a confirmation. value RasMessage ::= registrationConfirm : { requestSeqNum 93 protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } callSignalAddress { } gatekeeperIdentifier {"gk-zone1.test.com"} endpointIdentifier {"8215266C0000000F"} timeToLive 60 willRespondToIRR FALSE }?? ----------------------------------------------------------------?? !--- The incoming H225 call setup message from the remote GW. !--- The example is the debug cch323 h225 command. ECV-2610-17# debug cch323 h225 *Mar 2 07:46:03: cch323_h225_receiver: received msg of type SETUPIND_CHOSEN *Mar 2 07:46:03: cch323_h225_setup_ind: callingNumber[] calledNumber[1711] *Mar 2 07:46:03: cch323_h225_setup_ind--calling IE NOT present *Mar 2 07:46:03:======= PI in cch323_h225_setup_ind = 0?? *Mar 2 07:46:03: Receive: infoXCap 0?? *Mar 2 07:46:03: Receive infoXCap ccb 0?? *Mar 2 07:46:03: src address = of SETUPIND_CHOSEN *Mar 2 07:46:03: dest address = of SETUPIND_CHOSEN?? *Mar 2 07:46:03: cch323_run_h225_sm: received event H225_EVENT_FAST_SETUP_IND while at state H225_IDLE?? *Mar 2 07:46:03: cch323_run_h225_sm: Setup ccb 0x821FCE98 callID 0xFFFFFFFF *Mar 2 07:46:03: cch323_h225_act_fastStartSetupInd: codec match = 1 *Mar 2 07:46:03: cch323_rtp_set_non_rtp_call: Non-RTP call end *Mar 2 07:46:03: H.225 SM: changing from H225_IDLE state to H225_REQ_WAIT_FOR_ARQ state for callID FFFFFFFF?? ------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Now the example of the debug h225 asn1 !--- command from all four routers. !--- The messages are sent from the originating GW. ECV-2610-16#debug h225 asn1 H.225 ASN1 Messages debugging is on ECV-2610-16# !--- The GW_2 initiates a call to 1711 phone located on GW_1. !--- Here is the messages that show the process on GW_2:?? *Mar 2 14:28:08.824: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_2 asks gk-zone2 to resolve the e164 number 1711 to IP !--- address. value RasMessage ::= admissionRequest : { requestSeqNum 3091 callType pointToPoint : NULL callModel direct : NULL endpointIdentifier {"8217FB5000000001"} destinationInfo { e164 : "1711" } srcInfo { e164 : "1611", h323-ID : {"gw_2"} } bandWidth 640 callReferenceValue 8 nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '80000008200A1046585320312F312F31'H } conferenceID 'F748749F163011CC801CC5F8EEB46E69'H activeMC FALSE answerCall FALSE canMapAlias TRUE callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } willSupplyUUIEs FALSE } ?? *Mar 2 14:28:08.960: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The gk-zone2 notifies GW_2 that the request is in progress as it !--- is forwarded to the other gk-zone1 and is not processed locally. ?? value RasMessage ::= requestInProgress : { !--- Note the sequence numbers in the request equal the number in !--- the reply. requestSeqNum 3091 delay 9000 } ?? *Mar 2 14:28:09.169: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The gk-zone2 grants permission to start call and resolves the !--- e164 number 1711 to IP address of GW_1. value RasMessage ::= admissionConfirm : { !--- The sequence numbers in the request equal the number in the reply. requestSeqNum 3091 bandWidth 640 callModel direct : NULL destCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA31'H !--- The IP address of GW_1. port 1720 } irrFrequency 240 destinationInfo { e164 : "1711" } willRespondToIRR FALSE uuiesRequested { setup FALSE callProceeding FALSE connect FALSE alerting FALSE information FALSE releaseComplete FALSE facility FALSE progress FALSE empty FALSE } } *Mar 2 14:28:09.193: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING PDU ::= value H323_UU_NonStdInfo ::= { version 0 progIndParam progIndIEinfo : { progIndIE '00000003'H } } *Mar 2 14:28:09.197: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_2 now can place H323 (q931) call setup message directly !--- to GW_1. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body setup : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } sourceAddress { h323-ID : {"gw_2"} } sourceInfo { gateway { protocol { voice : { supportedPrefixes {?? { prefix e164 : "1#" } } } } } mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } destinationAddress { e164 : "1711" } activeMC FALSE conferenceID 'F748749F163011CC801CC5F8EEB46E69'H conferenceGoal create : NULL callType pointToPoint : NULL sourceCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA30'H port 11001 } callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } fastStart { '0000000D4001800A040001000A34DA3043F3'H, '400000060401004D40018011140001000A34DA30...'H } mediaWaitForConnect FALSE canOverlapSend FALSE } h245Tunneling FALSE nonStandardControl {?? { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data 'C00100028006000400000003'H } } } } *Mar 2 14:28:09.573: H225.0 INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1 replies with an H323 (q931) callProceeding message. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body callProceeding : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } destinationInfo { mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } fastStart { '0000000D40018011140001000A34DA314942000A...'H, '400000060401004D40018011140001000A34DA30...'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE } } *Mar 2 14:28:09.766: H225.0 INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1 sends an H323 (q931) call Progress message. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body progress : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } destinationInfo { mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE nonStandardControl { ??{ nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '60011000011E041E028188'H } } } } ???? *Mar 2 14:28:11.801: H225.0 INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1 sends an H323 (q931) call CONNECT message. The call is !--- now active. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body connect : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } destinationInfo { gateway { protocol { voice : { supportedPrefixes { ??{ prefix e164 : "1#" } } } } } mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } conferenceID 'F748749F163011CC801CC5F8EEB46E69'H callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE nonStandardControl {?? { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data 'C00100028006000400000002'H } } } } *Mar 2 14:28:11.909: show call active voice Total call-legs: 2 ??GENERIC: SetupTime=13848499 ms Index=1 PeerAddress=1611 PeerSubAddress= PeerId=2 PeerIfIndex=11 LogicalIfIndex=8 ConnectTime=13849192 CallDuration=00:00:19 CallState=4 !--- This means the call is active. CallOrigin=2 ChargedUnits=0 InfoType=2 TransmitPackets=442 TransmitBytes=8840 ReceivePackets=1104 ReceiveBytes=22080 !--- This shows that there is two-way voice for this call leg. !--- 0 values a problem. TELE: !--- The call is outgoing and started from the PSTN. That is why !--- TELE: is first in the output. ConnectionId=[0xF748749F 0x163011CC 0x801CC5F8 0xEEB46E69] IncomingConnectionId=[0xF748749F 0x163011CC 0x801CC5F8 0xEEB46E69] TxDuration=22100 ms VoiceTxDuration=2209 ms FaxTxDuration=0 ms CoderTypeRate=g729r8 NoiseLevel=-48 ACOMLevel=2 OutSignalLevel=-57 InSignalLevel=-53 InfoActivity=2 ERLLevel=16 SessionTarget= ImgPages=0 GENERIC: SetupTime=13848887 ms Index=1 PeerAddress=1711 PeerSubAddress= PeerId=1PeerIf Index=13 LogicalIfIndex=0 ConnectTime=13849185 CallDuration=00:00:20 CallState=4 CallOrigin=1 ChargedUnits=0 InfoType=2 TransmitPackets=1038 TransmitBytes=20760 ReceivePackets=488 ReceiveBytes=9760 VOIP: ConnectionId[0xF748749F 0x163011CC 0x801CC5F8 0xEEB46E69] IncomingConnectionId[0xF748749F 0x163011CC 0x801CC5F8 0xEEB46E69] RemoteIPAddress= !--- The signaling and RTP stream IP addresses. RemoteSignallingIPAddress= RemoteSignallingPort=1720 RemoteMediaIPAddress= RemoteMediaPort=18754 RoundTripDelay=5 ms SelectedQoS=best-effort tx_DtmfRelay=inband-voice FastConnect=TRUE Separate H245 Connection=FALSE H245 Tunneling=FALSE SessionProtocol=cisco SessionTarget=ras OnTimeRvPlayout=6630 GapFillWithSilence=0 ms GapFillWithPrediction=0 ms GapFillWithInterpolation=0 ms GapFillWithRedundancy=0 ms HiWaterPlayoutDelay=70 ms LoWaterPlayoutDelay=50 ms ReceiveDelay=50 ms LostPackets=0 EarlyPackets=0 LatePackets=0 !--- The DSP statistics. VAD = enabled CoderTypeRate=g729r8 CodecBytes=20Total call-legs: 2 ECV-2610-16# ECV-2610-16# u all All possible debugging has been turned off !--- The following messages shows the call disconnect !--- process at the GW_2. ECV-2610-16#deb h225 asn1 H.225 ASN1 Messages debugging is on: *Mar 2 14:29:52.017: H225.0 INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1 sends H323 (q931) Release complete message. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body releaseComplete : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE } } *Mar 2 14:29:52.025: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_2 replies with the H323 (q931) releaseComplete !--- message. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body releaseComplete : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE } } *Mar 2 14:29:52.041: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_2 notifies GK-2 that the call is complete. value RasMessage ::= disengageRequest : { requestSeqNum 3095 endpointIdentifier {"8217FB5000000001"} conferenceID 'F748749F163011CC801CC5F8EEB46E69'H callReferenceValue 8 disengageReason normalDrop : NULL callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } answeredCall FALSE } *Mar 2 14:29:52.090: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GK-2 confirms the message. value RasMessage ::= disengageConfirm : { requestSeqNum 3095 } u all All possible debugging has been turned off ------------------------------------------------------------ !--- The debug output from the GK-2. ECV-2610-14#debug h225 asn1 H.225 ASN1 Messages debugging is on ECV-2610-14# Mar 2 14:28:20.952: Mar 2 14:28:20.952: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_2 asks permission to place the call. !--- Now it is incoming RAS PDU as it is on the GK-2, but the !--- same sequence number. value RasMessage ::= admissionRequest : { requestSeqNum 3091 callType pointToPoint : NULL callModel direct : NULL endpointIdentifier {"8217FB5000000001"} destinationInfo { e164 : "1711" } srcInfo { e164 : "1611", h323-ID: {"gw_2"} } bandWidth 640 callReferenceValue 8 nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '80000008200A1046585320312F312F31'H } conferenceID 'F748749F163011CC801CC5F8EEB46E69'H activeMC FALSE answerCall FALSE canMapAlias TRUE callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } willSupplyUUIEs FALSE }?? Mar 2 14:28:20.992: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GK-2 asks GK-1 to resolve the Number for the remote !--- zone. value RasMessage ::= locationRequest : { requestSeqNum 1026 destinationInfo { e164 : "1711" } nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '8284901100F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E...'H } replyAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA2E'H port 1719 } sourceInfo { h323-ID : {"gk-zone2.test.com"} } canMapAlias TRUE } Mar 2 14:28:21.024: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GK-2 notifies GW_2 that the call is processing. value RasMessage ::= requestInProgress : { requestSeqNum 3091 delay 9000 } Mar 2 14:28:21.157: Mar 2 14:28:21.157: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GK-1 replies to GK-2 with the permission. value RasMessage ::= locationConfirm : { requestSeqNum 1026 callSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip'0A34DA31'H port 1720 } rasAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA31'H port 55679 } nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '0001400300670077005F0031200067006B002D00...'H } destinationInfo { e164 : "1711" } destinationType { gateway { protocol { voice : { supportedPrefixes { } } } } mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } } Mar 2 14:28:21.209: RAS OUTGOING PDU::= !--- The GK-2 replies to GW_2 with the permission to place !--- the call. value RasMessage ::= admissionConfirm : { requestSeqNum 3091 bandWidth 640 callModel direct : NULL destCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA31'H port 1720 } irrFrequency 240 destinationInfo { e164 : "1711" } willRespondToIRR FALSE uuiesRequested { setup FALSE callProceeding FALSE connect FALSE alerting FALSE information FALSE releaseComplete FALSE facility FALSE progress FALSE empty FALSE } } ECV-2610-14#u all All possible debugging has been turned off ECV-2610-14#debug h225 asn1 H.225 ASN1 Messages debugging is on Mar 2 14:30:04.145: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GK-2 gets notification from GW_2 that the call !--- has ended. value RasMessage ::= disengageRequest : { requestSeqNum 3095 endpointIdentifier {"8217FB5000000001"} conferenceID 'F748749F163011CC801CC5F8EEB46E69'H callReferenceValue 8 disengageReason normalDrop : NULL callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } answeredCall FALSE } Mar 2 14:30:04.157: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= disengageConfirm : { requestSeqNum 3095 } ECV-2610-14#u all All possible debugging has been turned off ECV-2610-14# --------------------------------------------------------- !--- The debug output from the GK-2. ECV-2610-15#ECV-2610-15#debug h225 asn1 H.225 ASN1 Messages debugging is on *Mar 2 14:28:14.690: *Mar 2 14:28:14.694: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The request from the GK-2. value RasMessage ::= locationRequest : { requestSeqNum 1026 destinationInfo { e164 : "1711" } nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard: { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '8284901100F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E...'H } replyAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA2E'H port 1719 } sourceInfo { h323-ID : {"gk-zone2.test.com"} } canMapAlias TRUE } *Mar 2 14:28:14.754: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The reply from the GK-1 to GK-2. value RasMessage::= locationConfirm : { requestSeqNum 1026 callSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA31'H port 1720 } rasAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA31'H port 55679 } nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '0001400300670077005F0031200067006B002D00...'H } destinationInfo { e164 : "1711" } destinationType { gateway { protocol { voice : { supportedPrefixes { } } } } mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } } *Mar 2 14:28:15.159: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1 asks GK-1 for permission to accept the call. value RasMessage ::= admissionRequest : { requestSeqNum 101 callType pointToPoint : NULL callModel direct : NULL endpointIdentifier {"8261828000000003"} destinationInfo { e164 : "1711" } srcInfo { e164 : "1611", h323-ID: {"gw_2"} } srcCallSignalAddress ipAddress: { ip '0A34DA30'H port 1100 } bandWidth 640 callReferenceValue 7 nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '80000008200A1046585320312F312F31'H } conferenceID 'F748749F163011CC801CC5F8EEB46E69'H activeMC FALSE answerCall TRUE canMapAlias TRUE callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } willSupplyUUIEs FALSE } *Mar 2 14:28:15.191: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The permission is granted. value RasMessage ::= admissionConfirm : { requestSeqNum 101 bandWidth 640 callModel direct : NULL destCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA31'H port 1720 } irrFrequency 240 willRespondToIRR FALSE uuiesRequested { setup FALSE callProceeding FALSE connect FALSE alerting FALSE information FALSE releaseComplete FALSE facility FALSE progress FALSE empty FALSE } } ECV-2610-15# ECV-2610-15#show gatek call Total number of active calls = 1. GATEKEEPER CALL INFO ==================== LocalCallID Age(secs) BW 7-63391 33 64(Kbps) Endpt(s): Alias E.164Addr CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port src EP: gw_2 1611 1720 59067 dst EP: gw_1 1711 1720 58841 ECV-2610-15#ECV-2610-15#u all All possible debugging has been turned off ECV-2610-15#debug h225 asn1 H.225 ASN1 Messages debugging is on *Mar 2 14:29:57.767: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GK-1 gets notification from GW_1 that the call has ended. value RasMessage ::= disengageRequest : { requestSeqNum 105 endpointIdentifier {"8261828000000003"} conferenceID 'F748749F163011CC801CC5F8EEB46E69'H callReferenceValue 7 disengageReason normalDrop : NULL callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } answeredCall TRUE } *Mar 2 14:29:57.779: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GK-1 confirms the message. value RasMessage ::= disengageConfirm : { requestSeqNum 105 } ECV-2610-15#u all All possible debugging has been turned off !--- The debugs must always be turned off when the collection !--- is completed. ------------------------------------------------------------- !--- The debugs at the terminating gateway GW_1. ECV-2610-17# ECV-2610-17#debug h225 asn1 H.225 ASN1 Messages debugging is on *Mar 1 11:02:27: *Mar 1 11:02:27: H225.0 INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The first message is the H225 call setup from GW_2. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body setup : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } sourceAddress { h323-ID : {"gw_2"} } sourceInfo { gateway { protocol { voice : { supportedPrefixes {?? { prefix e164 : "1#" } } } } } mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } destinationAddress { e164 : "1711" } activeMC FALSE conferenceID 'F748749F163011CC801CC5F8EEB46E69'H conferenceGoal create : NULL callType pointToPoint : NULL sourceCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA30'H port 11001 } callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } fastStart { '0000000D4001800A040001000A34DA3043F3'H, '400000060401004D40018011140001000A34DA30...'H } mediaWaitForConnect FALSE canOverlapSend FALSE } h245Tunneling FALSE nonStandardControl { ?? { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data 'C00100028006000400000003'H } } } } *Mar 1 11:02:27: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1 asks GK-1 for permission to accept the call. value RasMessage::= admissionRequest : { requestSeqNum 101 callType pointToPoint : NULL callModel direct : NULL endpointIdentifier {"8261828000000003"} destinationInfo { e164: "1711" } srcInfo { e164 : "1611", h323-ID : {"gw_2"} } srcCallSignalAddress ipAddress: { ip '0A34DA30'H port 11001 } bandWidth 640 callReferenceValue 7 nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '80000008200A1046585320312F312F31'H } conferenceID 'F748749F163011CC801CC5F8EEB46E69'H activeMC FALSE answerCall TRUE canMapAlias TRUE callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } willSupplyUUIEs FALSE } *Mar 1 11:02:27: *Mar 1 11:02:27: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The permission is granted. value RasMessage ::= admissionConfirm: { requestSeqNum 101 bandWidth 640 callModel direct: NULL destCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA31'H port 1720 } irrFrequency 240 willRespondToIRR FALSE uuiesRequested { setup FALSE callProceeding FALSE connect FALSE alerting FALSE information FALSE releaseComplete FALSE facility FALSE progress FALSE empty FALSE } } *Mar 1 11:02:27: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1 replies to the GW-2 with the callProceeding message. value H323_UserInformation::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body callProceeding: { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } destinationInfo { mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } fastStart { '0000000D40018011140001000A34DA314942000A...'H, '400000060401004D40018011140001000A34DA30...'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE } } *Mar 1 11:02:27: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The call Progress follows. value H323_UserInformation::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body progress: { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } destinationInfo { mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE nonStandardControl { ?? { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '60011000011E041E028188'H } } } } ?? *Mar 1 11:02:29: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1 accepts the call. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body connect : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } destinationInfo { gateway { protocol { voice : { supportedPrefixes {?? { prefix e164 : "1#" } } } } } mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } conferenceID 'F748749F163011CC801CC5F8EEB46E69'H callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE nonStandardControl { ??{ nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data 'C00100028006000400000002'H } } } } ECV-2610-17#u all All possible debugging has been turned off ECV-2610-17# ECV-2610-17#debug h225 asn1 H.225 ASN1 Messages debugging is on ECV-2610-17# *Mar 1 11:04:10: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1 drops the call. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body releaseComplete : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE } } ??*Mar 1 11:04:10: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1 notifies GK-1 that the call has ended. value RasMessage ::= disengageRequest : { requestSeqNum 105 endpointIdentifier {"8261828000000003"} conferenceID 'F748749F163011CC801CC5F8EEB46E69'H callReferenceValue 7 disengageReason normalDrop : NULL callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } answeredCall TRUE } *Mar 1 11:04:10: H225.0 INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_2 drops the call from its side. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body releaseComplete : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } callIdentifier { guid 'F748749F163011CC801DC5F8EEB46E69'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE } } *Mar 1 11:04:10: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GK-1 confirms the message. value RasMessage ::= disengageConfirm : { requestSeqNum 105 } u all All possible debugging has been turned off !--- The debugs must always be turned off when the collection !--- is completed. |
개정 | 게시 날짜 | 의견 |
1.0 |
02-Feb-2006 |
최초 릴리스 |