NIS2: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

Master NIS2 challenges, turn hurdles into pathways for dynamic growth.

Your guide to NIS2: What to expect and how to prepare

Uncover key insights on NIS2 with our white paper for a streamlined roadmap to enhance your organisation's cybersecurity readiness.

Get the White Paper to Learn:

  • Scope of NIS2
  • Cybersecurity requirements: What does NIS2 really mean for your organisation?
  • Steps that your organisation can take to prepare for NIS2
  • How to navigate the tighter rules for reporting incidents
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NIS2 in 20 minutes

The NIS2 Directive is a crucial step toward securing Europe’s critical infrastructure and essential services in an increasingly interconnected world. Organisations must act now to prepare for the new requirements, safeguard their operations, and maintain a robust cybersecurity posture.

Join us for this 20 minute webinar with experts Eric Vedel, Jan Heijdra, Gergana Karadzhova-Dangela and Barry Reddan from Cisco.

Key takeaways:

  • Understanding the NIS2 Directive
  • Key Reasons to Act Now
  • Steps for NIS2 Readiness and How Cisco Secure can Help

7 common mistakes companies make when creating an incident response plan and how to avoid them

Cisco Talos recently covered the basics of NIS2, a new set of requirements for cybersecurity and security incident disclosures set to take effect next year in the European Union.

As part of these new guidelines, organizations with operations in the EU must have up-to-date "incident handling" procedures and "policies on risk analysis and information system security" To comply, Talos IR recommends creating or updating your organization's incident response (IR) plan, along with the Information Security Policy, Business Continuity and Crisis Management Plan. The IR plan is a crucial document for each organization's cybersecurity practice and should be among the first documents to be updated to comply with NIS2.

NIS2 Directive blogs

Find the latest information about NIS2 and how to meet the requirements.

NIS2 Directive: Why Organizations Must Act Now to Ensure Compliance and Security

Organizations must act now to prepare for the new requirements, safeguard their operations, and maintain a robust cybersecurity posture. By proactively addressing the challenges and necessities posed by the NIS2 Directive with the Cisco Secure portfolio, organizations can not only ensure compliance but also strengthen their resilience against the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape.

What is NIS2, and how can you best prepare for the new cybersecurity requirements in the EU?

NIS2 requires that entities have documentation and processes to handle incidents. One of the foundational documents for coordinating the response efforts is an Incident Response Plan.

A Cisco Talos Incident Response Retainer offers several services, such as the incident response plan and IR playbook development, which can help customers create the documentation required by NIS2. Moreover, the training and simulation services in the Talos retainer can support customers in putting new and existing processes to the test and improving the team’s overall knowledge in the cyber domain.