The DT&S is expanding its’ footprint in local communities

October 18,2022

Cooperation with the Municipalities of Alexandroupoli, Ioannina and Strovolos in the implementation and planning of integrated digital actions

The International Digital Transformation and Digital Skills Center (DT&S) has signed memorandums of cooperation with the municipalities of Alexandroupoli, Ioannina and Strovolos (Cyprus) with the purpose of enhancing their citizen’s digital and problem-solving skills through the use of advanced technology tools and applications. The agreements are part of the DT&S’s strategy of cooperation with local communities and were signed on Monday, October 17, on the DT&S premises, with the mayors of Strovolos, Andreas Papacharalambous and Alexandroupoli, Ioannis Zamboukis, the Deputy Mayor of Digital Skills & Finances of the Ioannina Municipality Fotis Vavva, and the Client Executive Public Sector – Cisco and Director of the Center, Nikos Lambrogeorgos, in attendance.

As per the agreements, the DT&S will provide the “smart” infrastructure, all applications and software necessary for the implementation and support of the “Help at Home” tele-assistance program in the regions of Alexandroupoli and Strovolos. The two municipalities will implement initiatives and provide the staff and support necessary to make the program readily available to their citizens.

Furthermore, in expanding the scope of the partnership with the municipalities of Ioannina and Strovolos, the DT&S will offer advisory and support services for enhancing digital skills and special training sessions for students, as well as consulting services for activities related to Digital Transformation in Energy, the Environment, and Civil Protection.

These partnerships highlight Cisco’s and the DT&S’ commitment towards local communities, in cooperation with their local governments. A common roadmap will be established with a strong focus on research and development of innovative programs and pilot applications for smart cities and in enhancing digital skills. The agreements will help forge a deeper connection between enterprises, startups and the scientific community, facilitating technology and knowhow transfer.


Ioannis Zaboukis, Mayor of Alexandroupolis

"The signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation signals another step forward toward the digital era for us. The Municipality of Alexandroupoli collaborates with the International Center for Digital Transformation and Digital Skills, a pioneer in its’ field, as well as with the Municipality of Strovolos, Cyprus, demonstrating our dedication towards extroversion and in establishing international alliances. Our common objective is to create the integrated "Help at Home" program promoting health and prevention initiatives, using smart technology and the application of cutting-edge telemedicine techniques, ensuring that medical assistance is always available to our citizens, wherever they may be."

Andreas Papacharalambous, Mayor of Strovolos

SMART HEALTH - Help at Home Memorandum with DT&S and the Municipality of Alexandroupolis

“It is with great pleasure we participate in such a significant project, where the private sector and local government collaborate for social welfare. We anticipate a productive partnership with significant benefits for society. We appreciate all your help so far and we hope that this is just the beginning of our productive partnership and service to our people.

Memorandum with the City of Ioannina and DT&S - Cisco Academy

We are excited to enter into this partnership aimed at improving the digital literacy of especially vulnerable individuals. Through these innovative uses of technology, we make our way into the future. This partnership is just a first step for the Municipality of Stovolos moving into the digital era. It is our wish and hope to continue working with partners like Cisco's DT&S and the Municipality of Ioannina to help guide us and in sharing best practices.

We are off to a wonderful start, and we are excited about the opportunities this relationship brings for us all!”

Moses Elisaf, Mayor of Ioannina

"The Memorandum of Cooperation's signing is yet another milestone toward the implementation of our Municipality's digital strategy and our digital transformation into a SMART CITY. In order to implement our strategy for extroversion and the growth of inter-municipal and international partnerships in the fields of innovation and ICT, we have partnered with the Municipality of Strovolos in Cyprus, as well as with the Digital Transformation and Digital Skills Center, a leading organization in the field of cutting-edge IT and network technologies.

Our objective is to develop and launch educational and informational programs, that can help our citizens develop digital skills, for use in the job market, as well as for improving digital literacy. Finally, we will also explore potential cross-municipal synergies in smart city projects, as well as the transfer of knowledge and expertise between the two municipalities and the Digital Transformation and Digital Skills Center.

Nikos Lambrogeorgos, Client Executive, Public Sector - Cisco, Director of DT&S

" Through a broad range of initiatives, local government has emerged as a growth driver and supporter of innovation, prerequisites for a sustainable development outlook.

One of the Digital Transformation and Digital Skills Center’s priorities is, through the use of technology, to promote social frameworks, such as those advancing health prevention and health initiatives.  These initiatives can bring significant value to citizens, especially when integrated into sustainable, functional, and easily manageable every-day activities. Furthermore, the development of digital skills is vital for the digital transformation of society and the economy, as well as in improving the competence of our country’s workforce.”