IDC Spotlight: Achieving Successful Outcomes with Advanced Life-Cycle Services Capabilities

To meet business needs, organizations must modernize their IT infrastructure and networking environment. But most still struggle to implement and adopt new technologies. Only 12% of respondents in a recent IDC survey said they had successfully completed all their digital projects,1 leaving a sizable gap in the digital capabilities of most organizations. 

Even after successfully implementing new technology, many are still challenged to realize the full value of their IT investments. Outcomes-driven life-cycle services can help.

Download this spotlight from IDC to learn about:

  • What prevents value realization
  • Essential capabilities to expect from life-cycle services
  • Things a services partner should provide


1. IDC's Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending Survey, Wave 5, June 2022

IDC Spotlight: Achieving Successful Outcomes with Advanced Life-Cycle Services Capabilities

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