De documentatie van dit product is waar mogelijk geschreven met inclusief taalgebruik. Inclusief taalgebruik wordt in deze documentatie gedefinieerd als taal die geen discriminatie op basis van leeftijd, handicap, gender, etniciteit, seksuele oriëntatie, sociaaleconomische status of combinaties hiervan weerspiegelt. In deze documentatie kunnen uitzonderingen voorkomen vanwege bewoordingen die in de gebruikersinterfaces van de productsoftware zijn gecodeerd, die op het taalgebruik in de RFP-documentatie zijn gebaseerd of die worden gebruikt in een product van een externe partij waarnaar wordt verwezen. Lees meer over hoe Cisco gebruikmaakt van inclusief taalgebruik.
Cisco heeft dit document vertaald via een combinatie van machine- en menselijke technologie om onze gebruikers wereldwijd ondersteuningscontent te bieden in hun eigen taal. Houd er rekening mee dat zelfs de beste machinevertaling niet net zo nauwkeurig is als die van een professionele vertaler. Cisco Systems, Inc. is niet aansprakelijk voor de nauwkeurigheid van deze vertalingen en raadt aan altijd het oorspronkelijke Engelstalige document (link) te raadplegen.
In dit document wordt de functie beschreven die Facebook Messenger als een klantkanaal met CCX Web Chat (via SocialMiner) als een out-of-box-functie wil integreren.
Facebook Messenger is een instant messaging service en applicatie van Facebook. Met 1,2 miljard gebruikers is het ongetwijfeld het grootste en meest populaire berichtenplatform ter wereld.
Aangedreven door het Facebook Messenger Platform, stelt deze service bedrijven in staat om te communiceren met hun klanten en integraties met andere diensten.
De chat gateway service is een nieuwe op node.js gebaseerde service die in SocialMiner is geïntroduceerd voor integratie in FB Messenger.
Deze service is op een algemene manier ontworpen om webhook API's bloot te stellen aan externe berichtendiensten (zoals FB messenger) en intern chatsessies te beheren en SocialMiner chat API's aan te roepen.
In principe is dit de service die chat sessies orkestreert voor FB messenger (en elke andere berichtenservice in de toekomst).
Te verzamelen stammen:
/opt/cisco/uccx/log/MADM/* - Alle logs van CCX-beheer - vereist voor eventuele configuratieproblemen.
Te verzamelen stammen:
Al deze logbestanden kunnen worden verzameld met:
Voor SocialMiner Chat Gateway-logbestanden zijn er 3 belangrijke logniveaus:
Deze logniveaus kunnen worden gewijzigd door het bewerken van de /opt/cisco/mmca/conf/ccp-chat-gateway/settings.json en vereist de herstart van de SocialMiner Chat Gateway service.
Er is geen CLI-opdracht om dit te doen. Toegang tot dit bestand vereist root / remote account.
Zorg ervoor dat de klant een Facebook app met Facebook Messenger platform heeft gemaakt voordat u UCCX voor FBM-functie configureert.
Een specifieke reeks dingen moet worden gedaan alvorens deze eigenschap in beheer te configureren CCX.
Een Facebook-pagina maken en bezitten
De Callback URL (bijgewerkt in facebook terwijl het creëren van webhooks) moet de URL zijn die openbaar toegankelijk is van servers. Als er geen proxy is dan is Webhook URL de URL van de SM op 10443. Dit betekent:
Stap 1. Als SocialMiner direct op het openbare internet is, is dit een webhook-URL die door SocialMiner-host op poort 10443 wordt getoond (https://<SM FQDN>:10443/fbm)
Je kunt de status van de Facebook configuratie controleren door deze URL in de browser te gebruiken om er zeker van te zijn dat alles goed werkt vanuit het configuratieperspectief. Voorbeeld:
Stap 2. Als SocialMiner verborgen is achter een omgekeerde proxy dan, is Webhook URL de URL van de proxy server op poort 10443. Dit is de URL van de omgekeerde proxy server (
Deze omgekeerde proxy wordt verwacht om het verzoek verder door te sturen naar de webhook URL die wordt weergegeven door SocialMiner host op poort 10443 (https://<SM FQDN>:10443/fbm)
Stap 3. Het is verplicht dat de host die de callback URL naar bedient verzoeken via beveiligde HTTP (HTTPS) dient met een geldig, CA-ondertekend SSL-certificaat. Als dit de SocialMiner-server is, zorg er dan voor dat het zelfondertekende platformcertificaat wordt vervangen door een geldig, CA-ondertekend certificaat.
Stap 4. Zorg ervoor dat de firewalls geen inkomend verkeer naar haven 10443 op SocialMiner server blokkeren. Er is een snelheidsbegrenzer geïmplementeerd op deze poort die de server beschermt tegen overmatig onnodig verkeer. Ook worden er op deze haven regels voor de limietwaarden voor de platformverbinding toegepast.
In, onder de App Review-sectie van de Facebook-app, zorg ervoor dat de switch is ingesteld op Aan om uw app openbaar te maken.
Zorg er ook voor dat de status van de app Live zegt, zoals in de afbeelding rechtsboven.
In, onder de Messenger > Settings, navigeer naar de Webhooks sectie en selecteer Setup Webhooks.
Wanneer op de knop Verifiëren en opslaan wordt gedrukt, wordt er een echte aanvraag verzonden van naar de callback URL met de meegeleverde verify-token.
Als dat verzoek mislukt, kunt u deze instellingen niet opslaan tenzij u het probleem oplost. De kwesties zijn duidelijk inline belicht en moeten worden opgelost.
Test de webhook later (na het configureren) met behulp van de testfunctionaliteit voorzien in (onder Facebook APP > Webhooks sectie)
Klik op Test > Verzenden naar mijn server. Op Success, stuurt de Facebook een bericht naar de SM "De voorbeeldupdate is met succes verzonden naar uw server.", zoals getoond in de afbeelding.
In raadpleegt u het gedeelte Waarschuwingen>Postvak voor updates/meldingen/nieuws van Facebook die van invloed kunnen zijn op de app en de functionaliteit ervan.
Gebruik de functionaliteit Validate Token die wordt geboden in CCX Administration (Subsystems>Chat en e-mail>Chat - Facebook Messenger > Validate)
Gebruik de Access Token Debugger-tool van Facebook.
Maak een eenvoudige HTTP GET aanvraag naar facebook.
Gebruik de functionaliteit Validate Token die wordt geboden in CCX Administration (Subsystems>Chat en e-mail>Chat - Facebook Messenger > Validate)
U kunt de status controleren in CCX Administration (Subsystems>Chatten en e-mail>SocialMiner Configuration)
Niet geconfigureerd - geeft aan dat de gateway in de STATUS NOT_CONFIGURED is. Er zijn geen kanalen geconfigureerd.
Niet van toepassing - Geeft aan dat Finesse niet is geactiveerd of SocialMiner-versie niet is geconfigureerd of compatibel is.
Integratie van Facebook Messenger
Geeft aan of dit kanaal is ingeschakeld of niet.
Geeft ook de laatste fout aan die in dit kanaal is opgenomen. Handig om intermitterende en permanente fouten te bepalen.
Deze kanaalconfiguraties kunnen niet dynamisch van kracht worden zonder doorlopende chats af te breken en vereisen daarom een herstart van de SocialMiner Chat Gateway service.
Als het toegangsteken van de pagina of het verificatietoken verandert, start dan de SocialMiner Chat Gateway service vanuit de CLI opnieuw.
Utils service herstart SocialMiner Chat Gateway
Stap 1. Admin laadt de Facebook Messenger Integration-pagina van Subsystems > Chat en Email > Chat-Facebook Messenger (die indien geconfigureerd de chat gateway van SocialMiner krijgt)
//UCCX RUST verzoek om te krijgen chat gateway configuratie.
6551: Aug 27 12:21:23.943 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Getting gateway config 6552: Aug 27 12:21:23.950 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: ChatWidgetUtil.getChatFeedURL() 6553: Aug 27 12:21:23.950 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] ConfigManagerImpl: getAccessor(ConfigQuery):Try to get the default accessor 6554: Aug 27 12:21:23.950 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: DBAccessor.get(query)) 6555: Aug 27 12:21:23.950 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: Schema class = 6556: Aug 27 12:21:23.950 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: SystemConfigDAO 6557: Aug 27 12:21:23.950 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.readAll() :: 1,, null 6558: Aug 27 12:21:23.951 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6559: Aug 27 12:21:23.958 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6560: Aug 27 12:21:23.959 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.convertToCIR :: 1 entities 6561: Aug 27 12:21:23.959 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: Found Configs1 6562: Aug 27 12:21:23.961 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Socialminer is configured 6563: Aug 27 12:21:23.961 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getChannelConfig(FACEBOOK_MESSENGER) 6564: Aug 27 12:21:23.961 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getGatewayConfiguration 6565: Aug 27 12:21:23.962 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] ConfigManagerImpl: getAccessor(ConfigQuery):Try to get the default accessor 6566: Aug 27 12:21:23.962 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: DBAccessor.get(query)) 6567: Aug 27 12:21:23.962 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: Schema class = 6568: Aug 27 12:21:23.962 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: SystemConfigDAO 6569: Aug 27 12:21:23.962 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.readAll() :: 1,, null 6570: Aug 27 12:21:23.963 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6571: Aug 27 12:21:23.966 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6572: Aug 27 12:21:23.968 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.convertToCIR :: 1 entities 6573: Aug 27 12:21:23.968 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: Found Configs1 6574: Aug 27 12:21:24.246 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: getChatGatewayConfig(): Sendig GET reqest to - chatGatewayConfig/ 6575: Aug 27 12:21:24.458 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: getChatGatewayConfig(): GET successed.
//On Success SM retourneert de chat gateway configuraties zoals Facebook Pagina Access Token, proxy configuraties, probleemverklaringen met wachtrij toewijzingen, berichten geconfigureerd, post chat rating configuratie en Facebook verificatie token.
6576: Aug 27 12:21:24.583 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: getChatGatewayConfig(): returns -[version=1.0,$HttpProxy@1d8aa3d[enabled=true,,port=8080],channels=[$Channel@4f3dee[type=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER,$Channel$Auth@6afc6c[pageAccessToken=EAAVG0LRBZCxYBAHjjnvqBb4MvGHLnlo4cOXw8qgm7BmZCabg44cM7JEzq7BujFItMsk78iXfZAdZBBuXpxEIu4hnQBgvXYzrCifoL8vvjjvYIaZBshfx8plLjm42qbE0FgoEmpREw0YV71Sq4RzRZBPeFVyJOQEMhVNaDsdFGjD8X34mmja,verificationToken=yy721u9wyzg7edl1vgjsm],enabled=true,problemStatements=[$Channel$ProblemStatement@1e23156[title=1162FBM1,queueId=4],$Channel$ProblemStatement@115343a[title=1162FBM2,queueId=5],$Channel$ProblemStatement@117fc9a[title=1162FBM3,queueId=6]],chatFeedId=100029,messages={CHAT_ENDED=Your chat has ended. Thank you., RATING_OFFER=Would you like to rate your chat experience on a scale of 1 [worst] to 5 [best]? Select a rating., UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE=Sorry, we support only text messages and emojis., PROBLEM_STATEMENT_CAPTION=How can we help you? Choose from one of the options., CHAT_ENDED_UNKNOWN_ERROR=Oops! An error occurred. Chat has ended. Try again later., WAIT_FOR_AGENT=Just a moment...finding an expert to chat with you., AGENT_JOIN_TIMEOUT=We are busy at the moment. You can continue to wait or try again later., WELCOME_MESSAGE=Hello! Welcome to ABCD Customer Care., CHAT_ENDED_INACTIVITY=Chat has ended due to inactivity. You can contact us again., RATING_COMPLETE=Thank you for the feedback., CHAT_ENDED_AGENT_UNAVAILABLE=Sorry, we could not find an expert to chat with you at this moment. Try again later.},ratingEnabled=true]]] 6577: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - getChannelConfig(FACEBOOK_MESSENGER) - Found:$Channel@4f3dee[type=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER,$Channel$Auth@6afc6c[pageAccessToken=EAAVG0LRBZCxYBAHjjnvqBb4MvGHLnlo4cOXw8qgm7BmZCabg44cM7JEzq7BujFItMsk78iXfZAdZBBuXpxEIu4hnQBgvXYzrCifoL8vvjjvYIaZBshfx8plLjm42qbE0FgoEmpREw0YV71Sq4RzRZBPeFVyJOQE5WDMhVNaDsdFGjD8X34mmja,verificationToken=yy721u9wyzg7edl1vgjsm],enabled=true,problemStatements=[$Channel$ProblemStatement@1e23156[title=1162FBM1,queueId=4],$Channel$ProblemStatement@115343a[title=1162FBM2,queueId=5],$Channel$ProblemStatement@117fc9a[title=1162FBM3,queueId=6]],chatFeedId=100029,messages={CHAT_ENDED=Your chat has ended. Thank you., RATING_OFFER=Would you like to rate your chat experience on a scale of 1 [worst] to 5 [best]? Select a rating., UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE=Sorry, we support only text messages and emojis., PROBLEM_STATEMENT_CAPTION=How can we help you? Choose from one of the options., CHAT_ENDED_UNKNOWN_ERROR=Oops! An error occurred. Chat has ended. Try again later., WAIT_FOR_AGENT=Just a moment...finding an expert to chat with you., AGENT_JOIN_TIMEOUT=We are busy at the moment. You can continue to wait or try again later., WELCOME_MESSAGE=Hello! Welcome to ABCD Customer Care., CHAT_ENDED_INACTIVITY=Chat has ended due to inactivity. You can contact us again., RATING_COMPLETE=Thank you for the feedback., CHAT_ENDED_AGENT_UNAVAILABLE=Sorry, we could not find an expert to chat with you at this moment. Try again later.},ratingEnabled=true] 6578: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getGatewayHttpProxy 6579: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getGatewayConfiguration 6580: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] ConfigManagerImpl: getAccessor(ConfigQuery):Try to get the default accessor 6581: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: DBAccessor.get(query)) 6582: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: Schema class = 6583: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: SystemConfigDAO 6584: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.readAll() :: 1,, null 6585: Aug 27 12:21:24.585 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6586: Aug 27 12:21:24.590 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6587: Aug 27 12:21:24.591 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.convertToCIR :: 1 entities 6588: Aug 27 12:21:24.592 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DBAccessor: Found Configs1 6589: Aug 27 12:21:24.592 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: getChatGatewayConfig(): Sendig GET reqest to - chatGatewayConfig/ 6590: Aug 27 12:21:24.604 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: getChatGatewayConfig(): GET successed. 6591: Aug 27 12:21:24.606 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: getChatGatewayConfig(): returns -[version=1.0,$HttpProxy@1e97c72[enabled=true,,port=8080],channels=[$Channel@1e930bc[type=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER,$Channel$Auth@7e93ee[pageAccessToken=EAAVG0LRBZCxYBAHjjnvqBb4MvGHLnlo4cOXw8qgm7BmZCabg44cM7JEzq7BujFItMsk78iXfZAdZBBuXpxEIu4hnQBgvXYzrCifoL8vvjjvYIaZBshfx8plLjm42qbE0FgoEmpREw0YV71Sq4RzRZBPeFVyJOQE5WDMhVNaDsdFGjD8X34mmja,verificationToken=yy721u9wyzg7edl1vgjsm],enabled=true,problemStatements=[$Channel$ProblemStatement@21fcdf[title=1162FBM1,queueId=4],$Channel$ProblemStatement@160b24a[title=1162FBM2,queueId=5],$Channel$ProblemStatement@1591f22[title=1162FBM3,queueId=6]],chatFeedId=100029,messages={CHAT_ENDED=Your chat has ended. Thank you., RATING_OFFER=Would you like to rate your chat experience on a scale of 1 [worst] to 5 [best]? Select a rating., UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE=Sorry, we support only text messages and emojis., PROBLEM_STATEMENT_CAPTION=How can we help you? Choose from one of the options., CHAT_ENDED_UNKNOWN_ERROR=Oops! An error occurred. Chat has ended. Try again later., WAIT_FOR_AGENT=Just a moment...finding an expert to chat with you., AGENT_JOIN_TIMEOUT=We are busy at the moment. You can continue to wait or try again later., WELCOME_MESSAGE=Hello! Welcome to ABCD Customer Care., CHAT_ENDED_INACTIVITY=Chat has ended due to inactivity. You can contact us again., RATING_COMPLETE=Thank you for the feedback., CHAT_ENDED_AGENT_UNAVAILABLE=Sorry, we could not find an expert to chat with you at this moment. Try again later.},ratingEnabled=true]]] 6592: Aug 27 12:21:24.606 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Facebook channel is configured 6593: Aug 27 12:21:24.609 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getCsqName(4) 6594: Aug 27 12:21:24.609 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ContactServiceQueueDAO 6595: Aug 27 12:21:24.616 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6596: Aug 27 12:21:24.626 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - getGatewayHttpProxy - Found: Optional.of(1162FBMQ1) 6597: Aug 27 12:21:24.626 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getCsqName(4) 6598: Aug 27 12:21:24.626 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ContactServiceQueueDAO 6599: Aug 27 12:21:24.626 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6600: Aug 27 12:21:24.630 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - getGatewayHttpProxy - Found: Optional.of(1162FBMQ1) 6601: Aug 27 12:21:24.630 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getCsqName(5) 6602: Aug 27 12:21:24.630 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ContactServiceQueueDAO 6603: Aug 27 12:21:24.630 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6604: Aug 27 12:21:24.632 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - getGatewayHttpProxy - Found: Optional.of(1162FBMQ2) 6605: Aug 27 12:21:24.633 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getCsqName(5) 6606: Aug 27 12:21:24.633 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ContactServiceQueueDAO 6607: Aug 27 12:21:24.633 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6608: Aug 27 12:21:24.636 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - getGatewayHttpProxy - Found: Optional.of(1162FBMQ2) 6609: Aug 27 12:21:24.636 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getCsqName(6) 6610: Aug 27 12:21:24.636 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ContactServiceQueueDAO 6611: Aug 27 12:21:24.636 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6612: Aug 27 12:21:24.638 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - getGatewayHttpProxy - Found: Optional.of(1162FBMQ3) 6613: Aug 27 12:21:24.638 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Entering - getCsqName(6) 6614: Aug 27 12:21:24.638 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ContactServiceQueueDAO 6615: Aug 27 12:21:24.639 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6616: Aug 27 12:21:24.641 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - getGatewayHttpProxy - Found: Optional.of(1162FBMQ3) 6617: Aug 27 12:21:24.641 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] AppAdminUtil: Get all Chat Csq's 6618: Aug 27 12:21:24.643 EDT %MADM-LIB_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] ChatHome: ChatHome.getAllQueueTagMap() 6619: Aug 27 12:21:24.651 EDT %MADM-LIB_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] ChatHome: ChatHome.getAllQueueTagMapByQType( 2 ) 6620: Aug 27 12:21:24.651 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ContactServiceQueueDAO 6621: Aug 27 12:21:24.651 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: ChatTriggerPointDAO 6622: Aug 27 12:21:24.669 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6623: Aug 27 12:21:24.685 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6624: Aug 27 12:21:24.687 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6625: Aug 27 12:21:24.689 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6626: Aug 27 12:21:24.691 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6627: Aug 27 12:21:24.692 EDT %MADM-LIB_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] ChatHome: ChatHome.getAllQueueTagMapByQType( 2 ) returns: {1162FBMQ1=Chat_Csq4, 1162FBMQ3=Chat_Csq6, 1162FBMQ2=Chat_Csq5, 1162Chat=Chat_Csq2} 6628: Aug 27 12:21:24.692 EDT %MADM-LIB_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-20] ChatHome: ChatHome.getAllQueueTagMap() returns: {1162FBMQ1=Chat_Csq4, 1162FBMQ3=Chat_Csq6, 1162FBMQ2=Chat_Csq5, 1162Chat=Chat_Csq2}
Stap 2. Admin probeert de configuratie bij te werken.
6975: Aug 27 12:45:41.702 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] AppAdminUtil: Entering - updateGatewayConfiguration 6976: Aug 27 12:45:41.702 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] ConfigManagerImpl: getAccessor(ConfigQuery):Try to get the default accessor 6977: Aug 27 12:45:41.702 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] DBAccessor: DBAccessor.get(query)) 6978: Aug 27 12:45:41.702 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] DBAccessor: Schema class = 6979: Aug 27 12:45:41.702 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: SystemConfigDAO 6980: Aug 27 12:45:41.702 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.readAll() :: 1,, null 6981: Aug 27 12:45:41.702 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6982: Aug 27 12:45:41.707 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 6983: Aug 27 12:45:41.709 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.convertToCIR :: 1 entities 6984: Aug 27 12:45:41.709 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] DBAccessor: Found Configs1 6985: Aug 27 12:45:41.709 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: updateChatGatewayConfig(): Sendig PUT reqest to - chatGatewayConfig/ 6986: Aug 27 12:45:41.710 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().callSmPutMethod(): Sending PUT reqest to - chatGatewayConfig/ with params -[version=1.0,$HttpProxy@19f922b[enabled=true,,port=8080],channels=[$Channel@13545e2[type=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER,$Channel$Auth@7f0248[pageAccessToken=EAAVG0LRBZCxYBAHjjnvqBb4MvGHLnlo4cOXw8qgm7BmZCabg44cM7JEzq7BujFItMsk78iXfZAdZBBuXpxEIu4hnQBgvXYzrCifoL8vvjjvYIaZBshfx8plLjm42qbE0FgoEmpREw0YV71Sq4RzRZBPeFVyJOQE5WDMhVNaDsdFGjD8X34mmja,verificationToken=yy721u9wyzg7edl1vgjsm],enabled=true,problemStatements=[$Channel$ProblemStatement@6ecc67[title=1162FBM1,queueId=4],$Channel$ProblemStatement@2d9915[title=1162FBM2,queueId=5],$Channel$ProblemStatement@19d5de6[title=1162FBM3,queueId=6]],chatFeedId=100029,messages={CHAT_ENDED=Your chat has ended. Thank you!, RATING_OFFER=Would you like to rate your chat experience on a scale of 1 [worst] to 5 [best]? Select a rating., UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE=Sorry, we support only text messages and emojis., PROBLEM_STATEMENT_CAPTION=How can we help you? Choose from one of the options., CHAT_ENDED_UNKNOWN_ERROR=Oops! An error occurred. Chat has ended. Try again later., WAIT_FOR_AGENT=Just a moment...finding an expert to chat with you., AGENT_JOIN_TIMEOUT=We are busy at the moment. You can continue to wait or try again later., WELCOME_MESSAGE=Hello! Welcome to Cisco Customer Care., CHAT_ENDED_INACTIVITY=Chat has ended due to inactivity. You can contact us again., RATING_COMPLETE=Thank you for the feedback., CHAT_ENDED_AGENT_UNAVAILABLE=Sorry, we could not find an expert to chat with you at this moment. Try again later.},ratingEnabled=true]]] 6987: Aug 27 12:45:41.790 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().chatGatewayConfig PUT succeeded 6988: Aug 27 12:45:41.790 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().PUT succeeded. result = PUT https://sm-fqdn/ccp-webapp/ccp/chatGatewayConfig/ returned a response status of 200 OK 6989: Aug 27 12:45:41.791 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] AppAdminUtil: Updated chat gateway configuration.[version=1.0,$HttpProxy@19f922b[enabled=true,,port=8080],channels=[$Channel@13545e2[type=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER,$Channel$Auth@7f0248[pageAccessToken=EAAVG0LRBZCxYBAHjjnvqBb4MvGHLnlo4cOXw8qgm7BmZCabg44cM7JEzq7BujFItMsk78iXfZAdZBBuXpxEIu4hnQBgvXYzrCifoL8vvjjvYIaZBshfx8plLjm42qbE0FgoEmpREw0YV71Sq4RzRZBPeFVyJOQE5WDMhVNaDsdFGjD8X34mmja,verificationToken=yy721u9wyzg7edl1vgjsm],enabled=true,problemStatements=[$Channel$ProblemStatement@6ecc67[title=1162FBM1,queueId=4],$Channel$ProblemStatement@2d9915[title=1162FBM2,queueId=5],$Channel$ProblemStatement@19d5de6[title=1162FBM3,queueId=6]],chatFeedId=100029,messages={CHAT_ENDED=Your chat has ended. Thank you!, RATING_OFFER=Would you like to rate your chat experience on a scale of 1 [worst] to 5 [best]? Select a rating., UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE=Sorry, we support only text messages and emojis., PROBLEM_STATEMENT_CAPTION=How can we help you? Choose from one of the options., CHAT_ENDED_UNKNOWN_ERROR=Oops! An error occurred. Chat has ended. Try again later., WAIT_FOR_AGENT=Just a moment...finding an expert to chat with you., AGENT_JOIN_TIMEOUT=We are busy at the moment. You can continue to wait or try again later., WELCOME_MESSAGE=Hello! Welcome to Cisco Customer Care., CHAT_ENDED_INACTIVITY=Chat has ended due to inactivity. You can contact us again., RATING_COMPLETE=Thank you for the feedback., CHAT_ENDED_AGENT_UNAVAILABLE=Sorry, we could not find an expert to chat with you at this moment. Try again later.},ratingEnabled=true]]] 6990: Aug 27 12:45:41.791 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-4] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - updateGatewayConfiguration
Stap 3. Admin probeert de configuratie te valideren.
7328: Aug 27 13:02:49.777 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] AppAdminUtil: Entering - validateConfig(EAAVG0LRBZCxYBAHjjnvqBb4MvGHLnlo4cOXw8qgm7BmZCabg44cM7JEzq7BujFItMsk78iXfZAdZBBuXpxEIu4hnQBgvXYzrCifoL8vvjjvYIaZBshfx8plLjm42qbE0FgoEmpREw0YV71Sq4RzRZBPeFVyJOQE5WDMhVNaDsdFGjD8X34mmja,, 8080) 7329: Aug 27 13:02:49.778 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] ConfigManagerImpl: getAccessor(ConfigQuery):Try to get the default accessor 7330: Aug 27 13:02:49.778 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] DBAccessor: DBAccessor.get(query)) 7331: Aug 27 13:02:49.778 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] DBAccessor: Schema class = 7332: Aug 27 13:02:49.778 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] DAOFactoryImpl: Returning DAO :: SystemConfigDAO 7333: Aug 27 13:02:49.778 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.readAll() :: 1,, null 7334: Aug 27 13:02:49.784 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 7335: Aug 27 13:02:49.789 EDT %MADM-DB_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] EntityDataSource: EntityDataSource.getPrimaryDataSourceType = LOCAL 7336: Aug 27 13:02:49.792 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SystemConfigUtil: SystemConfigUtil.convertToCIR :: 1 entities 7337: Aug 27 13:02:49.792 EDT %MADM-CFG_MGR-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] DBAccessor: Found Configs1 7338: Aug 27 13:02:49.792 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: validateConfig() 7339: Aug 27 13:02:49.792 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: path for FBM_CONFIG_TEST is chatGatewayConfig/test/facebook 7340: Aug 27 13:02:49.792 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: FBMConfig is 7341: Aug 27 13:02:50.371 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SmRestClient: response for FBM_CONFIG_TEST is POST https://sm-fqdn/ccp-webapp/ccp/chatGatewayConfig/test/facebook returned a response status of 200 OK 7342: Aug 27 13:02:50.371 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().validateConfig succeeded 7343: Aug 27 13:02:50.373 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SMRestClient validateConfig is[status=PASSED,reason=] 7344: Aug 27 13:02:50.373 EDT %MADM-REST_CLIENT-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] SmRestClient: SmRestClient().SMRestClient validateConfig-status is PASSED 7345: Aug 27 13:02:50.373 EDT %MADM-ADM_CFG-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-14] AppAdminUtil: Exiting - validateConfig()
Stap 1. Nieuwe inkomende klant - zegt "Hallo" en krijgt een lijst met Probleemverklaringen aangeboden.
In /opt/cisco/mmca/logs/ccp-chat-gateway/log.log-bestand
2018-08-27 14:59:01.781 - info: Creating new session. [Type=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER], [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 14:59:01.782 - debug: Created session for user [ID=2242240722460512]. Session count = 1 2018-08-27 14:59:01.782 - info: Scheduling an interval to check and clean stale sessions ... 2018-08-27 14:59:01.803 - warn: Received message [Hi] in session [ID=2242240722460512] in [CREATED] state. Ignoring. 2018-08-27 14:59:10.758 - debug: setUserName: Setting user name of session [ID=2242240722460512] to Amar Kumar ... 2018-08-27 14:59:21.501 - debug: setSessionState: Setting state of session [ID=2242240722460512] to INFO_WAIT ...
Stap 2. In de SCM wordt een nieuw chatverzoek aangemaakt en het bericht wordt naar UCCX verzonden.
//ccpapi 0000000342: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.977 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-MSG_INCOMING_FROM_BUS: %[correlation_id=null][mid=ID:sm120-51014-1535122975944-5:4:2:1:3][msg_kind=ActiveMQMapMessage][msg_type=NFY.NotificationEvent]: A message has been received by the message bus 0000000343: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.979 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-DS_NOTIFICATION_EVENT: %[[author=Amar Kumar,title=Chat from Facebook Messenger,campaignIds=[100030],eventType=SC_STATUS_CHANGE,notificationRuleId=0,notificationRuleName=,mediaRoutingDomainId=0,newTags=[ccx_chat_req],oldTags=[ccx_chat_req],screenPopUrl=,socialContactExtensionFields={h_chatRoom=socialminer_chat.0@conference., ccxqueuetag=Chat_Csq4, h_chatOrigin=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER, h_Name=Amar Kumar},socialContactId=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC,socialContactChatIsInvited=false,socialContactChatInviteStatus=none,socialContactIntegrationAuthTokenGuid=,socialContactIsSoftLocked=false,socialContactPublishedDate=Mon Aug 27 14:59:41 EDT 2018,socialContactScriptSelector=,socialContactShortUrlIds=[],socialContactStatus=unread,socialContactStatusDate=Mon Aug 27 14:59:41 EDT 2018,socialContactStatusReason=unknown,socialContactStatusUserId=,socialContactTags=[],sourceType=chat,hasMoreContacts=false,numContactsResend=0,numQueuedContact=0]]: A DSNotificationEvent received 0000000344: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.979 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-MSG_INCOMING_FROM_BUS: %[correlation_id=null][mid=ID:sm120-51014-1535122975944-5:4:2:1:4][msg_kind=ActiveMQMapMessage][msg_type=NFY.NotificationEvent]: A message has been received by the message bus 0000000345: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.980 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-DS_NOTIFICATION_EVENT: %[[author=,title=,campaignIds=[100030],eventType=SC_TAGGING,notificationRuleId=0,notificationRuleName=,mediaRoutingDomainId=0,newTags=[ccx_chat_req],oldTags=[],screenPopUrl=http://sm-fqdn/results.jsp?scID=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC,socialContactExtensionFields={},socialContactId=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC,socialContactChatIsInvited=false,socialContactChatInviteStatus=,socialContactIntegrationAuthTokenGuid=,socialContactIsSoftLocked=false,socialContactPublishedDate=Mon Aug 27 14:59:41 EDT 2018,socialContactScriptSelector=,socialContactShortUrlIds=[],socialContactStatus=<null>,socialContactStatusDate=Mon Aug 27 14:59:41 EDT 2018,socialContactStatusReason=,socialContactStatusUserId=,socialContactTags=[],sourceType=,hasMoreContacts=false,numContactsResend=0,numQueuedContact=0]]: A DSNotificationEvent received 0000000346: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.980 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-SOCIAL_CONTACT_PUBLISH_START: %[Contact=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC][]: Publishing contact 0000000013: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.985 -0400: %CCBU_______MSGPROXY-6-MSG_INCOMING_FROM_BUS: %[correlation_id=null][mid=ID:sm120-51014-1535122975944-5:4:2:1:4][msg_kind=ActiveMQMapMessage][msg_type=NFY.NotificationEvent]: A message has been received by the message bus 0000000347: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.987 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-SOCIAL_CONTACT_PUBLISH_END: %[Contact=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC][][Payload=<SocialContact><author>Amar Kumar</author><chatIsInvited>false</chatIsInvited><extensionFields><extensionField><name>h_chatRoom</name><value>socialminer_chat.0@conference.</value></extensionField><extensionField><name>h_chatOrigin</name><value>FACEBOOK_MESSENGER</value></extensionField><extensionField><name>h_Name</name><value>Amar Kumar</value></extensionField><extensionField><name>ccxqueuetag</name><value>Chat_Csq4</value></extensionField></extensionFields><id>7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</id><publishedDate>1535396381792</publishedDate><refURL>http://sm-fqdn/ccp-webapp/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</refURL><sourceType>chat</sourceType><status>unread</status><statusReason>unknown</statusReason><statusTimestamp>1535396381798</statusTimestamp><statusUserId></statusUserId><tags><tag>ccx_chat_req</tag></tags><title>Chat from Facebook Messenger</title></SocialContact>]: Published contact 0000000348: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.987 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-SOCIAL_CONTACT_PUBLISH_START: %[Contact=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC][Node=ccp.campaign.updates.CCX_Chat_Campaign]: Publishing contact 0000000349: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.987 -0400: %CCBU_______EVENTING-6-SOCIAL_CONTACT_PUBLISH_END: %[Contact=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC][Node=ccp.campaign.updates.CCX_Chat_Campaign][Payload=<SocialContact><campaignPublicId>CCX_Chat_Campaign</campaignPublicId><extensionFields><extensionField><name>h_chatRoom</name><value>socialminer_chat.0@conference.</value></extensionField><extensionField><name>h_chatOrigin</name><value>FACEBOOK_MESSENGER</value></extensionField><extensionField><name>h_Name</name><value>Amar Kumar</value></extensionField><extensionField><name>ccxqueuetag</name><value>Chat_Csq4</value></extensionField></extensionFields><id>7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</id><publishedDate>1535396381792</publishedDate><refURL>http://sm-fqdn/ccp-webapp/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</refURL><sourceType>chat</sourceType><status>unread</status><statusReason>unknown</statusReason><statusTimestamp>1535396381798</statusTimestamp><statusUserId></statusUserId><tags><tag>ccx_chat_req</tag></tags></SocialContact>]: Published contact =============== //runtime 0000018498: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.779 -0400: %CCBU__________FEEDS-6-MSG_INCOMING_FROM_BUS: %[correlation_id=0][mid=ID:sm120-37552-1535122799516-4:2:2:1:1][msg_kind=ActiveMQMapMessage][msg_type=PUSH.PushSocialContactRequest]: A message has been received by the message bus 0000018499: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.785 -0400: %CCBU__________FEEDS-6-CREATE_SOCIAL_CONTACT: Got Request to Create Social Contact with RequestId:jW2gF8 0000018500: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.791 -0400: %CCBU__________FEEDS-6-CONFIG_OBJECT_STORED_IN_CACHE: %[id=100029][]: Stored config object in local cache. 0000018501: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.798 -0400: %CCBU__________FEEDS-6-CREATE_SOCIAL_CONTACT: Submitted Request to Create Social Contact to FeedReaderManager with RequestId:jW2gF8 0000018502: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.798 -0400: %CCBU__________FEEDS-6-SOCIAL_CONTACT_PROCESSOR: Got new SocialContactProcessingRequest with requestId:jW2gF8 0000018503: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.798 -0400: %CCBU__________FEEDS-6-SOCIAL_CONTACT_PROCESSOR: SocialContactProcessor processSocialContact Entry with requestId:jW2gF8 0000018504: Aug 27 2018 14:59:41.937 -0400: %CCBU__________FEEDS-6-SOCIAL_CONTACT_CREATED: %[SOCIAL_CONTACT_ID=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC][SOCIAL_CONTACT_LINK=http://localhost/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC]: A new social contact was created 0000000026: Aug 27 2018 14:59:42.440 -0400: %CCBU___NOTIFICATION-6-NOTIFICATION_SUCCEEDED: %[[enqueueTime=1535396382131,[httpUrl=https://uccx-fqdn/uccx-webservices/contact,httpUsername=<null>,httpPassword=<null>,sslVerifyCertificates=false,campaignId=100030,tags=[ccx_chat_req],id=100031,name=CCX Chat Notification,description=Created by CCX application as part of CCX chat configuration.,changeStamp=5,lastUpdated=1533830025500,ouId=4],screenPopUrl=http://sm-fqdn/results.jsp?scID=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC&campaignID=CCX_Chat_Campaign,body=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <SocialContact> <author>Amar Kumar</author> <description></description> <extensionFields> <extensionField> <name>ccxqueuetag</name> <value>Chat_Csq4</value> </extensionField> <extensionField> <name>h_Name</name> <value>Amar Kumar</value> </extensionField> <extensionField> <name>h_chatOrigin</name> <value>FACEBOOK_MESSENGER</value> </extensionField> <extensionField> <name>h_chatRoom</name> <value>socialminer_chat.0@conference.</value> </extensionField> </extensionFields> <id>7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</id> <integrationAuthTokenExpirationTimestamp>1535417981795</integrationAuthTokenExpirationTimestamp> <integrationAuthTokenGUID>XXXXXXXXX</integrationAuthTokenGUID> <link>http://localhost/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</link> <notificationTag>ccx_chat_req</notificationTag> <publishedDate>1535396381792</publishedDate> <refURL>http://sm-fqdn/ccp-webapp/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</refURL> <replyTemplateURL>http://sm-fqdn/multisession/ui/templates/reply/cisco_agent_ms_chat.jsp</replyTemplateURL> <screenPopUrl>http://sm-fqdn/results.jsp?scID=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC&campaignID=CCX_Chat_Campaign</screenPopUrl> <sourceType>chat</sourceType> <status>unread</status> <statusReason>unknown</statusReason> <statusTimestamp>1535396381798</statusTimestamp> <statusUserId></statusUserId> <tags> <tag>ccx_chat_req</tag> </tags> <title>Chat from Facebook Messenger</title> </SocialContact> ,socialContact=<null>]]: A notification was sent out successfully
Stap 3. UCCX ontvangt het bericht.
8973: Aug 27 14:59:42.384 EDT %MADM-UCCX_WEBSERVICES-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-22] ServiceLogger: New incoming contact : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <contactXML> <author>Amar Kumar</author> <id>7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</id> <integrationAuthTokenGUID>d73e07bd-ee99-47a8-b623-e582260722f5</integrationAuthTokenGUID> <notificationTag>ccx_chat_req</notificationTag> <publishedDate>1535396381792</publishedDate> <refURL>http://sm-fqdn/ccp-webapp/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC</refURL> <replyTemplateURL>http://sm-fqdn/multisession/ui/templates/reply/cisco_agent_ms_chat.jsp</replyTemplateURL> <sourceType>chat</sourceType> <status>unread</status> <statusReason>unknown</statusReason> <statusTimestamp>1535396381798</statusTimestamp> <tags> <tag>ccx_chat_req</tag> </tags> <title>Chat from Facebook Messenger</title> <extensionFields> <extensionField> <name>ccxqueuetag</name> <value>Chat_Csq4</value> </extensionField> <extensionField> <name>h_Name</name> <value>Amar Kumar</value> </extensionField> <extensionField> <name>h_chatOrigin</name> <value>FACEBOOK_MESSENGER</value> </extensionField> <extensionField> <name>h_chatRoom</name> <value>socialminer_chat.0@conference.</value> </extensionField> </extensionFields> </contactXML> 8974: Aug 27 14:59:42.384 EDT %MADM-UCCX_WEBSERVICES-7-UNK:[http-bio-443-exec-22] ServiceLogger: Notify for new contact
Stap 4. Engine voegt de chat toe aan de wachtrij en zoekt een beschikbare agent voor de chat.
Op dit moment wordt de CU gepresenteerd met de boodschap "een expert vinden om met u te chatten".
399906: Aug 27 14:59:42.439 EDT %MIVR-SS_CHAT-7-UNK:[chatEventConsumer-1] ChatSubsystemLogger: : Received Event [ContactEvent [operation=ADD, contactXML=ContactXML [author=Amar Kumar, id=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC, replyType=chat, notificationTag=ccx_chat_req, refURL=http://sm-fqdn/ccp-webapp/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC, replyTemplateURL=http://sm-fqdn/multisession/ui/templates/reply/cisco_agent_ms_chat.jsp, integrationAuthTokenGUID=d73e07bd-ee99-47a8-b623-e582260722f5, userExtensionFields=[UserExtensionField [name=ccxqueuetag, value=Chat_Csq4], UserExtensionField [name=h_Name, value=Amar Kumar], UserExtensionField [name=h_chatOrigin, value=FACEBOOK_MESSENGER], UserExtensionField [name=h_chatRoom, value=socialminer_chat.0@conference.]], tags=[ccx_chat_req], sourceType=chat, status=unread, statusReason=unknown, publishedDate=1535396381792, title=Chat from Facebook Messenger, campaignPublicId=null, statusTimestamp=1535396381798]]] on master node. 399907: Aug 27 14:59:42.446 EDT %MIVR-SS_CHAT-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] ChatSubsystemLogger: Begin processing for ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446 399908: Aug 27 14:59:42.447 EDT %MIVR-SS_CHAT-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] ChatSubsystemLogger: : processADD() - Adding contact. ContactId: 7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC, MediaType: CHAT 399909: Aug 27 14:59:42.457 EDT %MIVR-SS_CHAT-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] ChatSubsystemLogger: : addContact()--Queue for tag is 4 399910: Aug 27 14:59:42.457 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: : addContactToQueues() - contactID:7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC dispositionReason:UNKNOWNtimestamp:1535396381798 399911: Aug 27 14:59:42.458 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: In persistCustomerData. Received contact ChatContact(Contact[id=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC,state=UNKNOWN,dispReason=UNKNOWN]) 399912: Aug 27 14:59:42.459 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: : Contact with contactID: 7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC created in memory. 399913: Aug 27 14:59:42.459 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: : Calling allocator 399914: Aug 27 14:59:42.459 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: : Offer Contact: ChatContact(Contact[id=7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC,state=UNKNOWN,dispReason=UNKNOWN]) To Queue: 4 399916: Aug 27 14:59:42.460 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: : getSuitableAgentFromQueue. AvailableAgent{230} 399917: Aug 27 14:59:42.460 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: : getSuitableAgentFromQueue Only one agent is available in agent list. Return id [230] agentId [agent7901] 399918: Aug 27 14:59:42.460 EDT %MIVR-SS_ROUTEANDQUEUE-7-UNK:[ChatContactEvent--7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC 1535396382446] RouteAndQueueSubsystemLogger: Selected agent [ agent7901 ] for handling the contact. Reserving agent.
Stap 5. De agent is lid geworden van de chat na de geselecteerde probleemverklaring van de CSU.
//Chat gatewaylogs
2018-08-27 14:59:39.172 - debug: setSessionState: Setting state of session [ID=2242240722460512] to INFO_CLOSED ... 2018-08-27 14:59:39.172 - info: Posting a chat request to SocialMiner [ID=2242240722460512], [HOST=localhost], [FEEDID=100029], [QUEUEID=4] 2018-08-27 14:59:41.966 - info: Chat created successfully. [ID=2242240722460512], [SC RefURL=http://localhost/ccp-webapp/ccp/socialcontact/7CC1846210000165000000000A5640DC] 2018-08-27 14:59:41.966 - debug: setSessionState: Setting state of session [ID=2242240722460512] to AGENT_WAIT ... 2018-08-27 14:59:41.967 - debug: setEventPoller: Setting event poller in session [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 14:59:47.010 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: { StatusEvent: { id: '1', status: 'chat_ok' } } } 2018-08-27 14:59:47.011 - debug: setLatestEventID: Setting latest event ID [1] in session [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 14:59:47.012 - warn: Unknown status event [chat_ok] received. Ignoring. [ID=2242240722460512] { type: 'StatusEvent', id: '1', status: 'chat_ok' } 2018-08-27 14:59:51.982 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: { PresenceEvent: { id: '2', from: 'agent7901', status: 'joined' } } } 2018-08-27 14:59:51.989 - debug: setLatestEventID: Setting latest event ID [2] in session [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 14:59:51.989 - info: Handing agent JOIN event. [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 14:59:51.990 - debug: setSessionState: Setting state of session [ID=2242240722460512] to TALKING ... 2018-08-27 14:59:51.990 - debug: clearUserMessagesBuffer: Clearing buffer (contains 0 messages) [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 14:59:52.588 - debug: Successfully sent text message to facebook messenger. [ID=2242240722460512], [Message=Just a moment...finding an expert to chat with you.]
Stap 6. Gebeurtenissen gepolijst (elke 5 seconden) van SocialMiner - Agent Joins, Gebruiker Buffer gewist.
2018-08-27 15:01:07.028 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:12.031 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:01:12.031 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:17.033 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:01:17.033 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:22.035 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:01:22.035 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:17.033 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:22.035 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:01:22.035 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:27.037 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:01:27.037 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:32.036 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:01:32.036 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512]
Stap 7. Chatberichten uitwisselen tussen agent en gebruiker.
2018-08-27 15:00:12.487 - debug: Successfully sent typing action to facebook messenger. [ID=2242240722460512], [Status=composing] 2018-08-27 15:00:16.998 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: { MessageEvent: { id: '4', body: 'Hi+How+can+I+help+you%3F', from: 'agent7901' }, TypingEvent: { id: '5', from: 'agent7901', status: 'paused' } } } 2018-08-27 15:00:16.999 - debug: setLatestEventID: Setting latest event ID [5] in session [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 15:00:22.002 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:22.002 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:00:27.001 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:27.001 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:00:27.601 - debug: Successfully sent text message to facebook messenger. [ID=2242240722460512], [Message=Hi How can I help you?] 2018-08-27 15:00:32.004 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:32.005 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:00:37.008 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:37.008 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:00:38.067 - debug: Successfully sent typing action to facebook messenger. [ID=2242240722460512], [Status=paused] 2018-08-27 15:00:42.011 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:42.011 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:00:47.014 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:47.014 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:00:52.020 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:52.020 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:00:52.460 - debug: Sent message [I need help with troubleshooting my problem] from session [ID=2242240722460512] to SocialMiner. 2018-08-27 15:00:52.502 - debug: Sent message [I need help with troubleshooting my problem] from session [ID=2242240722460512] to SocialMiner. 2018-08-27 15:00:57.023 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:00:57.023 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:02.026 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:01:02.026 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:01:02.068 - debug: Sent message [Sure] from session [ID=2242240722460512] to SocialMiner.
Stap 8. Agent stopt met chatten (Post-Chat beoordeling ingeschakeld).
2018-08-27 15:46:06.928 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: { PresenceEvent: { id: '11', from: 'agent7901', status: 'left' } } } 2018-08-27 15:46:06.929 - debug: setLatestEventID: Setting latest event ID [11] in session [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 15:46:06.929 - info: Handling agent LEFT event. [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:06.930 - debug: setSessionState: Setting state of session [ID=2242240722460512] to RATING_WAIT ... 2018-08-27 15:46:11.929 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:46:11.929 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:15.940 - debug: Successfully sent rating choices to facebook messenger. [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:16.931 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:46:16.931 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:21.934 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: '' } 2018-08-27 15:46:21.934 - debug: No events from SocialMiner for [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:23.887 - debug: Received feedback rating [5] from [ID=2242240722460512]. Submitting to SocialMiner ... 2018-08-27 15:46:23.892 - debug: Received feedback rating [5] from [ID=2242240722460512]. Submitting to SocialMiner ... 2018-08-27 15:46:23.929 - debug: Successfully submitted feedback rating to SocialMiner. [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:23.929 - info: Destroying session [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:23.930 - debug: Destroyed session [ID=2242240722460512]. Session count = 0 2018-08-27 15:46:23.936 - debug: Successfully submitted feedback rating to SocialMiner. [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:23.936 - info: Destroying session [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:46:23.937 - debug: Destroyed session [ID=2242240722460512]. Session count = 0 2018-08-27 15:46:34.551 - debug: Successfully sent text message to facebook messenger. [ID=2242240722460512], [Message=Thank you for the feedback.]
Stap 9. Agent stopt met chatten (beoordeling na chatten niet ingeschakeld).
2018-08-27 15:52:43.736 - debug: Received chat events for [ID=2242240722460512] { chatEvents: { PresenceEvent: { id: '8', from: 'agent7901', status: 'left' } } } 2018-08-27 15:52:43.736 - debug: setLatestEventID: Setting latest event ID [8] in session [ID=2242240722460512] ... 2018-08-27 15:52:43.736 - info: Handling agent LEFT event. [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:52:43.737 - info: Destroying session [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:52:43.739 - debug: Destroyed session [ID=2242240722460512]. Session count = 0 2018-08-27 15:52:54.351 - debug: Successfully sent text message to facebook messenger. [ID=2242240722460512], [Message=Your chat has ended. Thank you!]
Stap 1. Service Startup - "SocialMiner Chat Gateway".
startup.log - Start de service, openingspoorten.
[Tue Aug 28 10:21:19 EDT 2018] : : Starting SocialMiner Chat Gateway ... [Tue Aug 28 10:21:19 EDT 2018] : : npm missing in PATH. Adding ... [Tue Aug 28 10:21:19 EDT 2018] : : Enabling port 10443 on system firewall ... IP preferences file updated successfully. iptables has been updated with new rules. ip6tables has been updated with new rules. [Tue Aug 28 10:21:19 EDT 2018] : : Successfully enabled port 10443 on system firewall [Tue Aug 28 10:21:19 EDT 2018] : : Service started. PID = 169781 [Tue Aug 28 10:21:19 EDT 2018] : : Try #1 - Sleeping for 5 seconds ...
Stap 2. Configuraties laden.
configuraties voor het laden van start-ups.log
2018-08-28 10:21:20.100 - info: **** STARTUP **** 2018-08-28 10:21:20.104 - info: Clearing existing configuration from memory ... 2018-08-28 10:21:20.104 - info: Initializing config_manager, loading config from filesystem ... 2018-08-28 10:21:20.104 - info: Loaded service configuration: { server: { port: 10443, sslKeyPath: '/usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/keys/tomcat_priv.pem', sslCertPath: '/usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/certs/tomcat.pem', maxRequestsPerMinute: 3000 }, socialMiner: { host: 'localhost', port: 80, pollingIntervalMS: 5000 }, log: { maxSizeBytes: 20480000, maxFileCount: 20, level: 'silly' } } 2018-08-28 10:21:20.106 - info: Loaded configurations for 1 channels. 2018-08-28 10:21:20.107 - info: Setting HTTP proxy [] into process.env ... 2018-08-28 10:21:20.107 - info: Setting current config state to CONFIGURED 2018-08-28 10:21:20.108 - info: Loaded service configuration: { server: { port: 10443, sslKeyPath: '/usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/keys/tomcat_priv.pem', sslCertPath: '/usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/certs/tomcat.pem', maxRequestsPerMinute: 3000 }, socialMiner: { host: 'localhost', port: 80, pollingIntervalMS: 5000 }, log: { maxSizeBytes: 20480000, maxFileCount: 20, level: 'silly' } } 2018-08-28 10:21:20.110 - info: Silencing logs on console. Refer log files for further logs
Stap 3. Wacht tot de webhaakserver op komt.
startup.log - Wachten op de webhook server.
[Tue Aug 28 10:21:24 EDT 2018] : : Checking if service is running on port 10443 ... [Tue Aug 28 10:21:25 EDT 2018] : : Service UP and RUNNING on port 10443
Stap 4. Controleer en reinig oude sessies (eenmaal per uur).
Verouderde sessies gevonden en opgeruimd
2018-08-27 15:49:44.030 - info: Checking stale sessions ... 2018-08-27 15:49:44.031 - info: Found 1 stale sessions 2018-08-27 15:49:44.031 - info: Destroying session [ID=2242240722460512] 2018-08-27 15:49:44.031 - debug: Destroyed session [ID=2242240722460512]. Session count = 0 2018-08-27 15:49:44.031 - info: Cleaned up 1 stale sessions
Geen verouderde sessies gevonden
2018-08-27 18:59:01.789 - info: Checking stale sessions ... 2018-08-27 18:59:01.789 - info: Found 0 stale sessions 2018-08-27 18:59:01.789 - info: Cleaned up 0 stale sessions 2018-08-27 19:59:01.789 - info: Checking stale sessions ... 2018-08-27 19:59:01.789 - info: Found 0 stale sessions 2018-08-27 19:59:01.789 - info: Cleaned up 0 stale sessions
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