O conjunto de documentação deste produto faz o possível para usar uma linguagem imparcial. Para os fins deste conjunto de documentação, a imparcialidade é definida como uma linguagem que não implica em discriminação baseada em idade, deficiência, gênero, identidade racial, identidade étnica, orientação sexual, status socioeconômico e interseccionalidade. Pode haver exceções na documentação devido à linguagem codificada nas interfaces de usuário do software do produto, linguagem usada com base na documentação de RFP ou linguagem usada por um produto de terceiros referenciado. Saiba mais sobre como a Cisco está usando a linguagem inclusiva.
A Cisco traduziu este documento com a ajuda de tecnologias de tradução automática e humana para oferecer conteúdo de suporte aos seus usuários no seu próprio idioma, independentemente da localização. Observe que mesmo a melhor tradução automática não será tão precisa quanto as realizadas por um tradutor profissional. A Cisco Systems, Inc. não se responsabiliza pela precisão destas traduções e recomenda que o documento original em inglês (link fornecido) seja sempre consultado.
Este documento descreve as etapas para configurar, verificar e solucionar problemas de Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) vários WebBridges (WB) através do Expressway para WebRTC.
A Cisco recomenda que você tenha conhecimento destes tópicos:
Pré-requisitos de configuração:
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. Se a configuração estiver ativa, certifique-se de que você compreenda o impacto potencial de qualquer configuração ou comando.
Suporte de proxy de WebRTC com vários WB por meio do Expressway foi adicionado ao Expressway da versão X8.11, que permite a redundância e balanceamento de carga entre PDT.
Em versões anteriores do X8.11 somente o balanceamento de carga é suportado e as conexões falham quando o WB escolhido pelo Expressway está inoperante.
Expressway-C descobre os endereços IP WB consultando o DNS com o uso do cliente de conta de convidado URIe de X8.11, em seguida, usa round robin para distribuir conexões WebRTC uniformemente entre esses EDT.
O Expressway-C agora mantém uma lista dinâmica de endereços IP que ele sabe serem WB com o uso desses processos:
Note: Este documento é voltado para a integração de vários WB ao Expressway e não para a configuração completa do proxy WebRTC, coberta no guia do primeiro tópico dos pré-requisitos de configuração.
1. Configure esses registros SRV de DNS para cada nó WB ao qual é resolvido o cliente da conta de convidado URI:
Neste exemplo, o seguinte se aplica:
Cliente de conta de convidado URI: joinext.vngtp.cms
FQDN WB1: cmsvngtp.vngtp.cms
FQDN WB2: cms2.vngtp.cms
FQDN WB3: cmsdb.vngtp.cms
Note: O abaixo pressupõe que cmsdb.vngtp.cms tem mais capacidade que os outros callbridges, de modo que a prioridade é menor para permitir mais conexões do Expressway-C.
Esses registros SRV de DNS estão configurados para cada host Nome de domínio totalmente qualificado((FQDN):
Registro SRV | Porta | Prioridade | Peso | Resolve em |
_cms-web._tls.joinext.vngtp.cms | 443 | 20 | 1 | cmsvngtp.vngtp.cms |
_cms-web._tls.joinext.vngtp.cms | 443 | 15 | 1 | cms2.vngtp.cms |
_cms-web._tls.joinext.vngtp.cms | 443 | 10 | 1 | cmsdb.vngtp.cms |
Exemplo de servidor DNS:
Note: Para permitir melhor balanceamento de carga de conexões WebRTC via Expressway (supondo que todos os servidores tenham a mesma capacidade), assegure que a prioridade e o peso sejam os mesmos para todos os registros SRV acima, consulte o exemplo abaixo:
Registro SRV | Porta | Prioridade | Peso | Resolve em |
_cms-web._tls.joinext.vngtp.cms | 443 | 0 | 0 | cmsvngtp.vngtp.cms |
_cms-web._tls.joinext.vngtp.cms | 443 | 0 | 0 | cms2.vngtp.cms |
_cms-web._tls.joinext.vngtp.cms | 443 | 0 | 0 | cmsdb.vngtp.cms |
2. Integre WB no Expressway-C com o uso do FQDN externo (para ser usado pelo terceiro externo):
Um exemplo é mostrado na imagem:
Use esta seção para confirmar se a sua configuração funciona corretamente.
Marque para garantir que o Expressway-C foi capaz de se conectar a todos WBs em que o FQDN resolve.
Navegue até Configurarion > Unified Communications > Cisco Meeting Server (Configuração > Comunicações unificadas > Cisco Meeting Server).
Depois que o Expresssway-C acessar o WB, o Status será Active (Ativo), como mostra a imagem:
Alguma revisão de registro do que acontece quando o WB é adicionado ao Expressway-c:
a. O Expressway-C cria um objeto UUID para o FQDN Webbridge em seu banco de dados para os execuções de comando:
2018-07-09T14:09:10.773+02:00 vcsc httpd[8724]: web: Event="System Configuration Changed" Detail="commands/cmsadd/uuid - created with value: 'd86cf754-dc5c-438f-900f-51e5c702b94e'" Src-ip="" Src-port="51223" User="admin" Level="1" UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:10" 2018-07-09T14:09:10.773+02:00 vcsc httpd[8724]: web: Event="System Configuration Changed" Detail="commands/cmsadd/time_started - created with value: '0'" Src-ip="" Src-port="51223" User="admin" Level="1" UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:10" 2018-07-09T14:09:10.773+02:00 vcsc httpd[8724]: web: Event="System Configuration Changed" Detail="commands/cmsadd/time_finished - created with value: '0'" Src-ip="" Src-port="51223" User="admin" Level="1" UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:10" 2018-07-09T14:09:10.773+02:00 vcsc httpd[8724]: web: Event="System Configuration Changed" Detail="commands/cmsadd/command_state - created with value: 'queued'" Src-ip="" Src-port="51223" User="admin" Level="1" UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:10" 2018-07-09T14:09:10.773+02:00 vcsc httpd[8724]: web: Event="System Configuration Changed" Detail="commands/cmsadd/command_error - created with value: ''" Src-ip="" Src-port="51223" User="admin" Level="1" UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:10" 2018-07-09T14:09:10.773+02:00 vcsc httpd[8724]: web: Event="System Configuration Changed" Detail="commands/cmsadd/name - created with value: 'joinext.vngtp.cms'" Src-ip="" Src-port="51223" User="admin" Level="1" UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:10"
b. Consulta o DNS para os registros SRV _cms-web._tls. < WB_FQDN >, neste exemplo _cms web._tls.joinext.vngtp.cms:
205 2018-07-09 12:09:11.029 DNS 91 Standard query 0xfb10 SRV _cms-web._tls.joinext.vngtp.cms 206 2018-07-09 12:09:11.032 DNS 246 Standard query response 0xfb10 SRV _cms-web._tls.joinext.vngtp.cms SRV 15 1 443 cms2.vngtp.cms SRV 20 1 443 cmsvngtp.vngtp.cms SRV 10 1 443 cmsdb.vngtp.cms A A A
c. Cria entradas individuais em seu banco de dados para cada WB em relação a URI de união externa usada para integrá-los:
2018-07-09T14:09:11.187+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,187" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid cb7d5de8-1ab3-4a0d-a52a-8dbc885effeb name: joinext.vngtp.cms name: joinext.vngtp.cms" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.187+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,187" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid cb7d5de8-1ab3-4a0d-a52a-8dbc885effeb name: joinext.vngtp.cms guid: 81db7b67-2aa9-4f64-8d74-04c4037397a8" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.187+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,187" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid cb7d5de8-1ab3-4a0d-a52a-8dbc885effeb name: joinext.vngtp.cms dnsname: cms2.vngtp.cms" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.187+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,187" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid cb7d5de8-1ab3-4a0d-a52a-8dbc885effeb name: joinext.vngtp.cms address:" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.187+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,187" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid cb7d5de8-1ab3-4a0d-a52a-8dbc885effeb name: joinext.vngtp.cms priority: 15" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.187+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,187" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid cb7d5de8-1ab3-4a0d-a52a-8dbc885effeb name: joinext.vngtp.cms weight: 1" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.187+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,187" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid cb7d5de8-1ab3-4a0d-a52a-8dbc885effeb name: joinext.vngtp.cms port: 443" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.193+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,193" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 0408bdd0-9ada-45a0-834d-ccda166e8006 name: joinext.vngtp.cms name: joinext.vngtp.cms" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.193+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,193" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 0408bdd0-9ada-45a0-834d-ccda166e8006 name: joinext.vngtp.cms guid: 97d8fa86-7de4-4410-9767-7bc8b1eeaced" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.193+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,193" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 0408bdd0-9ada-45a0-834d-ccda166e8006 name: joinext.vngtp.cms dnsname: cmsvngtp.vngtp.cms" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.193+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,193" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 0408bdd0-9ada-45a0-834d-ccda166e8006 name: joinext.vngtp.cms address:" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.193+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,193" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 0408bdd0-9ada-45a0-834d-ccda166e8006 name: joinext.vngtp.cms priority: 20" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.193+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,193" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 0408bdd0-9ada-45a0-834d-ccda166e8006 name: joinext.vngtp.cms weight: 1" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.193+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,193" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 0408bdd0-9ada-45a0-834d-ccda166e8006 name: joinext.vngtp.cms port: 443" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.206+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,206" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid b151839e-a0dd-4176-bbed-ad28e05e9283 name: joinext.vngtp.cms name: joinext.vngtp.cms" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.206+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,206" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid b151839e-a0dd-4176-bbed-ad28e05e9283 name: joinext.vngtp.cms guid: 9c788380-6601-4dba-96e0-739511728369" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.206+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,206" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid b151839e-a0dd-4176-bbed-ad28e05e9283 name: joinext.vngtp.cms dnsname: cmsdb.vngtp.cms" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.206+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,206" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid b151839e-a0dd-4176-bbed-ad28e05e9283 name: joinext.vngtp.cms address:" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.206+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,206" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid b151839e-a0dd-4176-bbed-ad28e05e9283 name: joinext.vngtp.cms priority: 10" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.206+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,206" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid b151839e-a0dd-4176-bbed-ad28e05e9283 name: joinext.vngtp.cms weight: 1" 2018-07-09T14:09:11.206+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-09 12:09:11,206" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid b151839e-a0dd-4176-bbed-ad28e05e9283 name: joinext.vngtp.cms port: 443"
d. O Expressway-C cria regras gerais de acesso para o tráfego HTTPS e WebSocket na lista de permissões HTTP na Regras de entrada automáticas para o caminho geral para o WB:
Esta seção disponibiliza informações para a solução de problemas de configuração.
Aqui estão alguns problemas típicos vistos depois de integrar WB ao Expressway:
1. Prioridade e peso não são vistos na página CMS no Expressway-C, como mostrado na imagem:
Registros necessários:
O que procurar nos registros:
a. Nos registros de diagnóstico:
2018-07-13T14:44:21.688+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,688" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 0ab708c9-4ce1-47b3-9bb6-2964baf39bb3 name: joinext.vngtp.cms guid: 97d8fa86-7de4-4410-9767-7bc8b1eeaced" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.688+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,688" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 0ab708c9-4ce1-47b3-9bb6-2964baf39bb3 name: joinext.vngtp.cms dnsname: joinext.vngtp.cms" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.688+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,688" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 0ab708c9-4ce1-47b3-9bb6-2964baf39bb3 name: joinext.vngtp.cms address:" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.688+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,688" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 0ab708c9-4ce1-47b3-9bb6-2964baf39bb3 name: joinext.vngtp.cms priority: 65536" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.688+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,688" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 0ab708c9-4ce1-47b3-9bb6-2964baf39bb3 name: joinext.vngtp.cms weight: 0" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.688+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,688" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 0ab708c9-4ce1-47b3-9bb6-2964baf39bb3 name: joinext.vngtp.cms port: 443"
2018-07-13T14:44:21.702+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,702" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 4b1b99fb-1b8f-400e-b066-d8906ffcd6fc name: joinext.vngtp.cms name: joinext.vngtp.cms" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.702+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,702" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 4b1b99fb-1b8f-400e-b066-d8906ffcd6fc name: joinext.vngtp.cms guid: 81db7b67-2aa9-4f64-8d74-04c4037397a8" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.702+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,702" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 4b1b99fb-1b8f-400e-b066-d8906ffcd6fc name: joinext.vngtp.cms dnsname: joinext.vngtp.cms" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.702+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,702" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 4b1b99fb-1b8f-400e-b066-d8906ffcd6fc name: joinext.vngtp.cms address:" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.702+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,702" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 4b1b99fb-1b8f-400e-b066-d8906ffcd6fc name: joinext.vngtp.cms priority: 65536" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.702+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,702" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 4b1b99fb-1b8f-400e-b066-d8906ffcd6fc name: joinext.vngtp.cms weight: 0" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.702+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,702" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 4b1b99fb-1b8f-400e-b066-d8906ffcd6fc name: joinext.vngtp.cms port: 443"
2018-07-13T14:44:21.706+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,706" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 6cc95c70-0636-4190-85f2-333b86b29c91 name: joinext.vngtp.cms name: joinext.vngtp.cms" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.706+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,706" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 6cc95c70-0636-4190-85f2-333b86b29c91 name: joinext.vngtp.cms guid: 9c788380-6601-4dba-96e0-739511728369" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.706+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,706" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 6cc95c70-0636-4190-85f2-333b86b29c91 name: joinext.vngtp.cms dnsname: joinext.vngtp.cms" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.706+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,706" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 6cc95c70-0636-4190-85f2-333b86b29c91 name: joinext.vngtp.cms address:" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.706+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,706" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 6cc95c70-0636-4190-85f2-333b86b29c91 name: joinext.vngtp.cms priority: 65536" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.706+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,706" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 6cc95c70-0636-4190-85f2-333b86b29c91 name: joinext.vngtp.cms weight: 0" 2018-07-13T14:44:21.706+02:00 vcsc UTCTime="2018-07-13 12:44:21,706" Event="System Configuration Changed" Node="clusterdb@" PID="<0.488.0>" Detail="xconfiguration edgeCmsServerAddresses uuid 6cc95c70-0636-4190-85f2-333b86b29c91 name: joinext.vngtp.cms port: 443"
b. Na captura de pacote:
Verifique e veja se você tem esses no servidor DNS usado pelo Expressway-c:
2. Um ou mais WB estão em Active status (status ativo) depois de adicionar o cluster com o uso da URL de união extern, como mostra a imagem:
Registros necessários:
O que procurar nos registros:
a. Nos registros de diagnóstico:
Detail="CMS check failed" Address="", Error="[Errno 111] Connection refused"
b. Na captura de pacote:
Certifique-se de que WB está habilitado nesse nó CMS com o uso do comando webbridge enable na CLI.