Este documento descreve um guia abrangente para configurar um servidor Syslog TLS em dispositivos Cisco IOS® XE SD-WAN.
Antes de prosseguir com a configuração de um servidor TLS Syslog em dispositivos SD-WAN Cisco IOS XE, certifique-se de atender aos requisitos:
A Cisco recomenda que você tenha conhecimento destes tópicos:
Controladores SD-WAN - Certifique-se de que sua rede inclua controladores SD-WAN configurados corretamente.
Roteador SD-WAN Cisco IOS XE - Um roteador compatível que executa a imagem SD-WAN do Cisco IOS XE.
Servidor Syslog - Um servidor Syslog baseado em Ubuntu, como syslog-ng, para coletar e gerenciar dados de log.
Componentes Utilizados
As informações neste documento são baseadas nestas versões de software e hardware:
As informações neste documento foram criadas a partir de dispositivos em um ambiente de laboratório específico. Todos os dispositivos utilizados neste documento foram iniciados com uma configuração (padrão) inicial. Se a rede estiver ativa, certifique-se de que você entenda o impacto potencial de qualquer comando.
1. Instalação do syslog-ng na máquina Ubuntu
Para configurar o syslog-ng no servidor Ubuntu, siga estas etapas para garantir a instalação e a configuração adequadas.
Etapa 1. Configure network settings
Depois de instalar o servidor Ubuntu, configure um endereço IP estático e um servidor DNS para garantir que a máquina possa acessar a Internet. Isso é crucial para o download de pacotes e atualizações.
Etapa 2. Instalar o syslog-ng
Abra um terminal em sua máquina Ubuntu e execute:
sudo apt-get install syslog-ng sudo apt-get install syslog-ng openssl
2. Instalar a Autoridade de Certificação Raiz no Servidor Syslog para Autenticação do Servidor
Criar diretórios e gerar chaves
cd /etc/syslog-ng mkdir cert.d key.d ca.d cd cert.d openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048 openssl req -new -x509 -key ca.key -out -days 730 # Copy key to the key.d folder cp ca.key ../key.d
Calcular impressão digital
Execute o comando e copie a saída:
openssl x509 -in -fingerprint -noout | awk -F "=" '{print $2}' | sed 's/://g' | tee fingerprint.txt
# Exemplo de saída: 54F371C8EE2BFB06E2C2D0944245C288FBB07163
3. Configurar o Arquivo de Configuração do Servidor syslog-ng
Edite o arquivo de configuração syslog-ng:
sudo nano /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf
Adicione a configuração:
source s_src { network( ip( port(6514) transport("tls") tls( key-file("/etc/syslog-ng/key.d/ca.key") cert-file("/etc/syslog-ng/cert.d/") peer-verify(optional-untrusted) ) ); }; destination remote { file("/var/log/syslog"); }; log { source(s_src); destination(remote); };
4. Instalar a Root Certificate Authority no Dispositivo SD-WAN do Cisco IOS XE para Autenticação do Servidor
Configurar a partir do CLI
Entre no modo de configuração:
Configure o ponto confiável:
crypto pki trustpoint PROXY-SIGNING-CA enrollment url bootflash: revocation-check none rsakeypair PROXY-SIGNING-CA 2048 subject-name cn=proxy-signing-cert fqdn none fingerprint 54F371C8EE2BFB06E2C2D0944245C288FBB07163 >> The fingerprint configured was obtained from the fingerprint.txt file above commit
Copie o do servidor syslog para o bootflash do roteador usando o mesmo nome.
Autenticar o ponto confiável:
crypto pki authenticate PROXY-SIGNING-CA
Router#crypto pki authenticate PROXY-SIGNING-CA
Reading file from
Certificate has the attributes:
Fingerprint MD5: 7A97B30B 2AE458FF D9E7D91F 66488DCF
Fingerprint SHA1: 21E0F09B B67B2E9D 706DBE69 856E5AA3 D39A268A
Trustpoint Fingerprint: 21E0F09B B67B2E9D 706DBE69 856E5AA3 D39A268A
Certificate validated - fingerprints matched.
Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.
Registre o ponto confiável:
crypto pki enroll PROXY-SIGNING-CA
vm32#crypto pki enroll PROXY-SIGNING-CA
Start certificate enrollment ..
The subject name in the certificate will include: cn=proxy-signing-cert
The fully-qualified domain name will not be included in the certificate
Certificate request sent to file system
The 'show crypto pki certificate verbose PROXY-SIGNING-CA' commandwill show the fingerprint.
Copie o PROXY-SIGNING-CA.req do roteador para o Servidor syslog.
Assine o certificado no Servidor Syslog
openssl x509 -in PROXY-SIGNING-CA.req -req -CA -CAkey ca.key -out PROXY-SIGNING-CA.crt -CAcreateserial -extensions ca_extensions
Copiar o arquivo gerado (PROXY-SIGNING-CA.crt) para o bootflash do roteador. copiar scp: flash de inicialização:
Importar o certificado:
crypto pki import PROXY-SIGNING-CA certificate
Router# crypto pki import PROXY-SIGNING-CA certificate
% The fully-qualified domain name will not be included in the certificate
% Request to retrieve Certificate queued
Validar a configuração
show crypto pki trustpoint PROXY-SIGNING-CA status
Router#show crypto pki trustpoint PROXY-SIGNING-CA status
Issuing CA certificate configured:
Subject Name:
o=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd,st=Some-State,c=AU
Fingerprint MD5: 7A97B30B 2AE458FF D9E7D91F 66488DCF
Fingerprint SHA1: 21E0F09B B67B2E9D 706DBE69 856E5AA3 D39A268A
Router General Purpose certificate configured:
Subject Name:
Fingerprint MD5: 140A1EAB FE945D56 D1A53855 FF361F3F
Fingerprint SHA1: ECA67413 9C102869 69F582A4 73E2B98C 80EFD6D5
Last enrollment status: Granted
Keys generated ............. Yes (General Purpose, non-exportable)
Issuing CA authenticated ....... Yes
Certificate request(s) ..... Yes
5. Configurar o servidor TLS Syslog no roteador Cisco IOS XE SD-WAN
Configure o Servidor syslog usando os comandos:
logging trap syslog-format rfc5424 logging source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 logging tls-profile tls-profile logging host X.X.X.X transport tls profile tls-profile tls-version TLSv1.2
6. Verificações
Verificar registros no roteador
show logging
Showing last 10 lines
Log Buffer (512000 bytes):
Apr 9 05:59:48.025: %DMI-5-CONFIG_I: R0/0: dmiauthd: Configured from NETCONF/RESTCONF by admin, transaction-id 189410
Apr 9 05:59:48.709: %DMI-5-AUTH_PASSED: R0/0: dmiauthd: User 'vmanage-admin' authenticated successfully from for netconf over ssh. External groups:
Apr 9 05:59:50.015: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1, changed state to administratively down
Apr 9 05:59:51.016: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1, changed state to down
Apr 9 05:59:52.242: %SYS-5-CONFIG_P: Configured programmatically by process iosp_dmiauthd_conn_100001_vty_100001 from console as admin on vty4294966494
Verificar logs no Servidor Syslog
tail -f /var/log/syslog
root@server1:/etc/syslog-ng# tail -f /var/log/syslog
Apr 9 15:51:14 188 <189>1 2024-04-09T05:51:51.037Z - - - - - BOM%DMI-5-AUTH_PASSED: R0/0: dmiauthd: User 'vmanage-admin' authenticated successfully from for netconf over ssh. External groups:
Apr 9 15:59:10 177 <189>1 2024-04-09T05:59:47.463Z - - - - - BOM%SYS-5-CONFIG_P: Configured programmatically by process iosp_dmiauthd_conn_100001_vty_100001 from console as admin on vty4294966494
Apr 9 15:59:10 177 <189>1 2024-04-09T05:59:47.463Z - - - - - BOM%SYS-5-CONFIG_P: Configured programmatically by process iosp_dmiauthd_conn_100001_vty_100001 from console as admin on vty4294966494
Apr 9 15:59:10 143 <189>1 2024-04-09T05:59:47.463Z - - - - - BOM%DMI-5-CONFIG_I: R0/0: dmiauthd: Configured from NETCONF/RESTCONF by admin, transaction-id 189410
Apr 9 15:59:11 188 <189>1 2024-04-09T05:59:48.711Z - - - - - BOM%DMI-5-AUTH_PASSED: R0/0: dmiauthd: User 'vmanage-admin' authenticated successfully from for netconf over ssh. External groups:
Apr 9 15:59:13 133 <189>1 2024-04-09T05:59:50.016Z - - - - - BOM%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1, changed state to administratively down
Apr 9 15:59:13 137 <189>1 2024-04-09T05:59:50.016Z - - - - - BOM%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1, changed state to down
Apr 9 15:59:15 177 <189>1 2024-04-09T05:59:52.242Z - - - - - BOM%SYS-5-CONFIG_P: Configured programmatically by process iosp_dmiauthd_conn_100001_vty_100001 from console as admin on vty4294966494
Apr 9 15:59:15 177 <189>1 2024-04-09T05:59:52.242Z - - - - - BOM%SYS-5-CONFIG_P: Configured programmatically by process iosp_dmiauthd_conn_100001_vty_100001 from console as admin on vty4294966494
Apr 9 15:59:18 188 <189>1 2024-04-09T05:59:55.286Z - - - - - BOM%DMI-5-AUTH_PASSED: R0/0: dmiauthd: User 'vmanage-admin' authenticated successfully from for netconf over ssh. External groups:
Apr 9 15:59:21 113 <187>1 2024-04-09T05:59:58.882Z - - - - - BOM%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1, changed state to up
Apr 9 15:59:21 135 <189>1 2024-04-09T05:59:59.882Z - - - - - BOM%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1, changed state to up
Apr 9 15:59:28 177 <189>1 2024-04-09T06:00:05.536Z - - - - - BOM%SYS-5-CONFIG_P: Configured programmatically by process iosp_dmiauthd_conn_100001_vty_100001 from console as admin on vty4294966494
Apr 9 15:59:43 188 <189>1 2024-04-09T06:00:20.537Z - - - - - BOM%DMI-5-AUTH_PASSED: R0/0: dmiauthd: User 'vmanage-admin' authenticated successfully from for netconf over ssh. External groups:
Captura de tela do pacote e você pode ver comunicações criptografadas acontecendo:
ISR4331-branch-NEW_Branch#show logging
Trap logging: level informational, 6284 message lines logged
Logging to (tls port 6514, audit disabled,
link up),
131 message lines logged,
0 message lines rate-limited,
0 message lines dropped-by-MD,
xml disabled, sequence number disabled
filtering disabled
tls-profile: tls-proile
Logging Source-Interface: VRF Name:
TLS Profiles:
Profile Name: tls-proile
Ciphersuites: Default
Trustpoint: Default
TLS version: TLSv1.2
No momento, não há procedimento de verificação disponível para esta configuração.
Atualmente, não existem informações disponíveis específicas sobre Troubleshooting para esta configuração.