Como você faz uma whitelist de um remetente confiável?
No Cisco Email Security Appliance (ESA), adicione os remetentes confiáveis ao grupo de remetentes da WHITELIST, pois esse grupo de remetentes usa a política de fluxo de e-mail $TRUSTED. Os membros do grupo de remetente WHITELIST não estão sujeitos à limitação de taxa e o conteúdo desses remetentes não é verificado pelo mecanismo Cisco IronPort AntiSpam, mas ainda é verificado pelo software Sophos Anti-Virus.
Observação: por configuração padrão, a verificação de antivírus está ativada, mas o Anti-Spam está desativado.
Para incluir um remetente na lista branca, adicione o remetente ao grupo de remetentes WHITELIST na HAT (Host Access Table, tabela de acesso de host). Você pode configurar o HAT através da GUI ou da CLI.
- Clique na guia Políticas de e-mail.
- Na seção Tabela de acesso de host, selecione Visão geral do HAT,
- À direita, certifique-se de que o ouvinte de InboundMail esteja selecionado no momento,
- Na coluna Sender Group abaixo, clique em WHITELIST,
- Clique no botão Add Sender próximo à metade inferior da página.
- Insira o IP ou o nome de host que você deseja incluir na lista branca no primeiro campo.
Quando terminar de adicionar entradas, clique no botão Submit. Lembre-se de clicar no botão Commit Changes para salvar suas alterações.
Na CLI> listenerconfig
Currently configured listeners:
1. InboundMail (on PublicNet, SMTP TCP Port 25 Public
2. OutboundMail (on PrivateNet, SMTP TCP Port 25 Private
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new listener.
- EDIT - Modify a listener.
- DELETE - Remove a listener.
- SETUP - Change global settings.
[]> edit
Enter the name or number of the listener you wish to edit.
[]> 1
Name: InboundMail
Type: Public
Interface: PublicNet ( TCP Port 25
Protocol: SMTP
Default Domain:
Max Concurrency: 1000 (TCP Queue: 50)
Domain Map: Disabled
SMTP Authentication: Disabled
Bounce Profile: Default
Use SenderBase For Reputation Filters and IP Profiling: Yes
Footer: None
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NAME - Change the name of the listener.
- INTERFACE - Change the interface.
- LIMITS - Change the injection limits.
- SETUP - Configure general options.
- HOSTACCESS - Modify the Host Access Table.
- RCPTACCESS - Modify the Recipient Access Table.
- BOUNCECONFIG - Choose the bounce profile to use for messages injected on this
- MASQUERADE - Configure the Domain Masquerading Table.
- DOMAINMAP - Configure domain mappings.
[]> hostaccess
Default Policy Parameters
Allow TLS Connections: No
Allow SMTP Authentication: No
Require TLS To Offer SMTP authentication: No
Maximum Concurrency Per IP: 1,000
Maximum Message Size: 100M
Maximum Messages Per Connection: 1,000
Maximum Recipients Per Message: 1,000
Maximum Recipients Per Hour: Disabled
Use SenderBase For Flow Control: Yes
Spam Detection Enabled: Yes
Virus Detection Enabled: Yes
There are currently 4 policies defined.
There are currently 5 sender groups.
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new entry.
- EDIT - Modify an entry.
- DELETE - Remove an entry.
- MOVE - Move an entry.
- DEFAULT - Set the defaults.
- PRINT - Display the table.
- IMPORT - Import a table from a file.
- EXPORT - Export the table to a file.
- CLEAR - Remove all entries.
[]> edit
1. Edit Sender Group
2. Edit Policy
[1]> 1
Currently configured HAT sender groups:
1. WHITELIST (My trusted senders have no Brightmail or rate limiting)
2. BLACKLIST (Spammers are rejected)
3. SUSPECTLIST (Suspicious senders are throttled)
4. UNKNOWNLIST (Reviewed but undecided, continue normal acceptance)
5. (no name, first host = ALL) (Everyone else)
Enter the sender group number or name you wish to edit.
[]> 1
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Add a new host.
- DELETE - Remove a host.
- MOVE - Reorder the hosts.
- POLICY - Change the policy settings and options.
- PRINT - Display the current definition.
- RENAME - Rename this sender group.
[]> new
Enter the hosts to add. CIDR addresses such as are allowed. IP
address ranges such as are allowed. IP subnets such as 10.2.3. are
allowed. Hostnames such as are allowed. Partial hostnames such
as are allowed.
Ranges of SenderBase Reputation scores such as SBRS[7.5:10.0] are allowed.
SenderBase Network Owner IDs such as SBO:12345 are allowed.
Remote blacklist queries such as dnslist[query.blacklist.example] are allowed.
Separate multiple hosts with commas
Lembre-se de emitir o commit
comando para salvar suas alterações.
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