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A Cisco traduziu este documento com a ajuda de tecnologias de tradução automática e humana para oferecer conteúdo de suporte aos seus usuários no seu próprio idioma, independentemente da localização. Observe que mesmo a melhor tradução automática não será tão precisa quanto as realizadas por um tradutor profissional. A Cisco Systems, Inc. não se responsabiliza pela precisão destas traduções e recomenda que o documento original em inglês (link fornecido) seja sempre consultado.
Este documento descreve a configuração da inundação de LAN extensível virtual (VXLAN) e aprende nos switches Nexus 7000 Series.
A Cisco recomenda que você tenha conhecimento destes tópicos:
Note: Este documento pressupõe que o roteamento de IP e o roteamento multicast foram estabelecidos antes da configuração da VXLAN.
As informações neste documento são baseadas nestas versões de software e hardware:
Note: O N77K está executando o software versão 7.2(0)D1(1).
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Estas configurações são específicas para a parte de configuração da VXLAN. Estas configurações assumem total acessibilidade a todas as interfaces L3 na topologia com o protocolo de roteamento de sua escolha. O roteamento estático é usado neste exemplo. Ele também supõe que o roteamento multicast foi estabelecido nessas mesmas interfaces L3
feature pim system bridge-domain 50,75 feature nv overlay
feature interface-vlan feature vni vni 5000
vni 7500 ip route Ethernet10/1 ip pim rp-address group-list bridge-domain 50
bridge-domain 75 encapsulation profile vni VSI_50_TO_5000 dot1q 50 vni 5000
encapsulation profile vni VSI_75_TO_7500
dot1q 75 vni 7500 bridge-domain 50 member vni 5000
bridge-domain 75
member vni 7500 interface nve1 no shutdown source-interface loopback10 member vni 5000 mcast-group
member vni 7500 mcast-group
interface Bdi50
no shutdown
ip address
interface Bdi75
no shutdown
ip address interface Ethernet7/17
no switchport no shutdown service instance 1 vni no shutdown encapsulation profile VSI_50_TO_5000 default
service instance 2 vni
no shutdown
encapsulation profile VSI_75_TO_7500 default interface Ethernet10/1
no switchport ip address ip pim sparse-mode no shutdown interface loopback10 ip address ip pim sparse-mode
É importante observar que a interface interna no VTEP (ponto de extremidade do túnel Vxlan) está configurada como uma porta de Camada 3 (sem porta de switch). No entanto, não há IP atribuído a ele. Também é importante observar que o valor BD definido no VTEP não precisa corresponder ao ID da vlan usado para enviar tráfego para este dispositivo. No entanto, o mapeamento dot1q para VNI(Vxlan Network Identifier) definido no perfil de encapsulamento, que é chamado sob a instância de serviço na interface interna, deve corresponder ao ID da VLAN.
feature pim system bridge-domain 50,75 feature nv overlay
feature interface-vlan feature vni vni 5000
vni 7500 ip route Ethernet10/7 ip pim rp-address group-list bridge-domain 50
bridge-domain 75 encapsulation profile vni VSI_50_TO_5000 dot1q 50 vni 5000
encapsulation profile vni VSI_75_TO_7500
dot1q 75 vni 7500 bridge-domain 50 member vni 5000
bridge-domain 75
member vni 7500 interface nve1 no shutdown source-interface loopback10 member vni 5000 mcast-group
member vni 7500 mcast-group
interface Bdi50
no shutdown
ip address
interface Bdi75
no shutdown
ip address interface Ethernet7/30
no switchport no shutdown service instance 1 vni no shutdown encapsulation profile VSI_50_TO_5000 default
service instance 2 vni
no shutdown
encapsulation profile VSI_75_TO_7500 default interface Ethernet10/7
no switchport ip address ip pim sparse-mode no shutdown interface loopback10 ip address ip pim sparse-mode
É importante observar que a interface interna no VTEP está configurada como uma porta de Camada 3 (sem porta de switch). No entanto, não há IP atribuído a ele. Também é importante observar que o valor de BD definido no VTEP não precisa corresponder ao ID da Vlan usado para enviar tráfego para este dispositivo. No entanto, o mapeamento dot1q para VNI definido no perfil de encapsulamento, que é chamado sob a instância de serviço na interface interna, deve corresponder ao ID da Vlan.
Use esta seção para confirmar se a sua configuração funciona corretamente.
Essas saídas estão em um estado estável. Os pares VTEP descobriram um ao outro e o tráfego passou entre ambos nas direções encap e decap.
VTEP-1# show nve vni Codes: CP - Control Plane DP - Data Plane UC - Unconfigured SA - Suppress ARP Interface VNI Multicast-group State Mode Type [BD/VRF] Flags --------- -------- ----------------- ----- ---- ------------------ ----- nve1 5000 Up DP L2 [50] nve1 7500 Up DP L2 [75] VTEP-1# show running-config interface nve 1 interface nve1 no shutdown source-interface loopback10 member vni 5000 mcast-group member vni 7500 mcast-group VTEP-1# show service instance vni detail VSI: VSI-Ethernet7/17.1 If-index: 0x35310001 Admin Status: Up Oper Status: Up Auto-configuration Mode: No encapsulation profile vni VSI_50_TO_5000 dot1q 50 vni 5000 Dot1q VNI BD ------------------ 50 5000 50 VSI: VSI-Ethernet7/17.2 If-index: 0x35310002 Admin Status: Up Oper Status: Up Auto-configuration Mode: No encapsulation profile vni TEST dot1q 100 vni 7500 Dot1q VNI BD ------------------ 100 7500 75 VTEP-1# show bridge-domain Bridge-domain 50 (2 ports in all) Name:: Bridge-Domain50 Administrative State: UP Operational State: UP VSI-Eth7/17.1 vni5000 nve1 Bridge-domain 75 (2 ports in all) Name:: Bridge-Domain75 Administrative State: UP Operational State: UP VSI-Eth7/17.2 vni7500 nve1 VTEP-1# show mac address-table dynamic Note: MAC table entries displayed are getting read from software. Use the 'hardware-age' keyword to get information related to 'Age' Legend: * - primary entry, G - Gateway MAC, (R) - Routed MAC, O - Overlay MAC age - seconds since last seen,+ - primary entry using vPC Peer-Link, E - EVPN entry (T) - True, (F) - False , ~~~ - use 'hardware-age' keyword to retrieve age info VLAN/BD MAC Address Type age Secure NTFY Ports/SWID.SSID.LID ---------+-----------------+--------+---------+------+----+------------------ * 50 547f.eeec.af43 dynamic ~~~ F F nve1/ * 50 547f.eeec.af44 dynamic ~~~ F F VSI-Eth7/17.1 * 50 547f.eeec.af45 dynamic ~~~ F F nve1/ * 75 547f.eeec.af44 dynamic ~~~ F F VSI-Eth7/17.2 * 75 547f.eeec.af45 dynamic ~~~ F F nve1/ VTEP-1# show ip mroute detail IP Multicast Routing Table for VRF "default" Total number of routes: 7 Total number of (*,G) routes: 2 Total number of (S,G) routes: 4 Total number of (*,G-prefix) routes: 1 (*,, uptime: 19:51:28, nve(1) ip(0) pim(1) Data Created: No VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 0/0 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Ethernet10/1, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 2) Ethernet10/1, uptime: 19:51:09, pim, (RPF) nve1, uptime: 19:51:28, nve (,, uptime: 19:51:28, nve(0) mrib(0) ip(0) pim(1) Data Created: No Received Register stop VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 19/2274 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: loopback10, RPF nbr:, internal Outgoing interface list: (count: 1) Ethernet10/1, uptime: 19:51:09, pim (,, uptime: 18:10:06, pim(1) mrib(1) ip(0) Data Created: Yes VXLAN Flags VXLAN Decap Stats: 9/846 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Ethernet10/1, RPF nbr:, internal Outgoing interface list: (count: 2) Ethernet10/1, uptime: 01:00:32, pim, (RPF) nve1, uptime: 18:10:06, mrib (*,, uptime: 12:52:13, nve(1) ip(0) pim(1) Data Created: No VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 0/0 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Ethernet10/1, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 2) Ethernet10/1, uptime: 12:51:52, pim, (RPF) nve1, uptime: 12:52:13, nve (,, uptime: 12:52:13, nve(0) mrib(0) ip(0) pim(1) Data Created: No Received Register stop VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 300/39850 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: loopback10, RPF nbr:, internal Outgoing interface list: (count: 1) Ethernet10/1, uptime: 12:51:52, pim (,, uptime: 12:51:34, pim(1) mrib(1) ip(0) Data Created: Yes VXLAN Flags VXLAN Decap Stats: 22/1928 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Ethernet10/1, RPF nbr:, internal Outgoing interface list: (count: 2) Ethernet10/1, uptime: 00:52:14, pim, (RPF) nve1, uptime: 12:51:34, mrib (*,, uptime: 20:56:33, pim(0) ip(0) Data Created: No Stats: 0/0 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Null, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 0) VTEP-1# show ip arp Flags: * - Adjacencies learnt on non-active FHRP router + - Adjacencies synced via CFSoE # - Adjacencies Throttled for Glean D - Static Adjacencies attached to down interface IP ARP Table for context default Total number of entries: 4 Address Age MAC Address Interface 00:11:32 547f.eeec.af44 Bdi50 00:11:14 547f.eeec.af44 Bdi50 00:10:45 547f.eeec.af44 Bdi75 00:15:04 547f.eeec.af45 Bdi75 00:05:39 547f.eeec.af43 Ethernet10/1 VTEP-1# show ip route IP Route Table for VRF "default" '*' denotes best ucast next-hop '**' denotes best mcast next-hop '[x/y]' denotes [preference/metric] '%<string>' in via output denotes VRF <string>, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Eth10/1, [0/0], 20:25:13, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Eth10/1, [0/0], 20:25:13, local, ubest/mbest: 2/0, attached *via, Lo10, [0/0], 20:25:45, local *via, Lo10, [0/0], 20:25:45, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0 *via, Eth10/1, [1/0], 20:23:42, static, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi50, [0/0], 01:18:47, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi50, [0/0], 01:18:47, local, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi75, [0/0], 01:10:05, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi75, [0/0], 01:10:05, local
Note: Todas essas saídas foram obtidas com uma malha completa de tráfego fluindo entre todos os hosts na topologia.
VTEP-2# show nve vni Codes: CP - Control Plane DP - Data Plane UC - Unconfigured SA - Suppress ARP Interface VNI Multicast-group State Mode Type [BD/VRF] Flags --------- -------- ----------------- ----- ---- ------------------ ----- nve1 5000 Up DP L2 [50] nve1 7500 Up DP L2 [75] VTEP-2# show running-config interface nve 1 interface nve1 no shutdown source-interface loopback10 member vni 5000 mcast-group member vni 7500 mcast-group VTEP-2# show service instance vni detail VSI: VSI-Ethernet7/30.1 If-index: 0x3531d001 Admin Status: Up Oper Status: Up Auto-configuration Mode: No encapsulation profile vni VSI_50_TO_5000 dot1q 50 vni 5000 Dot1q VNI BD ------------------ 50 5000 50 VSI: VSI-Ethernet7/30.2 If-index: 0x3531d002 Admin Status: Up Oper Status: Up Auto-configuration Mode: No encapsulation profile vni TEST dot1q 100 vni 7500 Dot1q VNI BD ------------------ 100 7500 75 VTEP-2# show bridge-domain Bridge-domain 50 (2 ports in all) Name:: Bridge-Domain50 Administrative State: UP Operational State: UP vni5000 VSI-Eth7/30.1 nve1 Bridge-domain 75 (2 ports in all) Name:: Bridge-Domain75 Administrative State: UP Operational State: UP vni7500 VSI-Eth7/30.2 nve1 VTEP-2# show mac address-table dynamic Note: MAC table entries displayed are getting read from software. Use the 'hardware-age' keyword to get information related to 'Age' Legend: * - primary entry, G - Gateway MAC, (R) - Routed MAC, O - Overlay MAC age - seconds since last seen,+ - primary entry using vPC Peer-Link, E - EVPN entry (T) - True, (F) - False , ~~~ - use 'hardware-age' keyword to retrieve age info VLAN/BD MAC Address Type age Secure NTFY Ports/SWID.SSID.LID ---------+-----------------+--------+---------+------+----+------------------ * 50 547f.eeec.af44 dynamic ~~~ F F nve1/ * 50 547f.eeec.af45 dynamic ~~~ F F VSI-Eth7/30.1 * 75 547f.eeec.af45 dynamic ~~~ F F VSI-Eth7/30.2 * 75 547f.eeec.af48 dynamic ~~~ F F nve1/ VTEP-2# show ip mroute detail IP Multicast Routing Table for VRF "default" Total number of routes: 5 Total number of (*,G) routes: 2 Total number of (S,G) routes: 2 Total number of (*,G-prefix) routes: 1 (*,, uptime: 19:56:19, nve(1) ip(0) pim(0) Data Created: No VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 8/748 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Ethernet10/7, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 1) nve1, uptime: 19:56:19, nve (,, uptime: 19:56:19, nve(0) mrib(0) pim(1) ip(0) Data Created: No Received Register stop VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 9/834 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: loopback10, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 1) Ethernet10/7, uptime: 18:15:17, pim (*,, uptime: 12:57:03, nve(1) ip(0) pim(0) Data Created: No VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 10/864 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Ethernet10/7, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 1) nve1, uptime: 12:57:03, nve (,, uptime: 12:57:03, nve(0) mrib(0) ip(0) pim(1) Data Created: No Received Register stop VXLAN Flags VXLAN Encap Stats: 30/2648 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: loopback10, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 1) Ethernet10/7, uptime: 12:56:45, pim (*,, uptime: 18:20:36, pim(0) ip(0) Data Created: No Stats: 0/0 [Packets/Bytes], 0.000 bps Incoming interface: Null, RPF nbr: Outgoing interface list: (count: 0) VTEP-2# show ip arp Flags: * - Adjacencies learnt on non-active FHRP router + - Adjacencies synced via CFSoE # - Adjacencies Throttled for Glean D - Static Adjacencies attached to down interface IP ARP Table for context default Total number of entries: 4 Address Age MAC Address Interface 00:11:30 547f.eeec.af44 Bdi50 00:17:07 547f.eeec.af45 Bdi50 00:04:14 547f.eeec.af45 Bdi75 00:03:24 547f.eeec.af45 Bdi75 00:10:52 547f.eeec.af48 Ethernet10/7 VTEP-2# show ip route IP Route Table for VRF "default" '*' denotes best ucast next-hop '**' denotes best mcast next-hop '[x/y]' denotes [preference/metric] '%<string>' in via output denotes VRF <string>, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Eth10/7, [0/0], 20:30:24, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Eth10/7, [0/0], 20:30:24, local, ubest/mbest: 1/0 *via, Eth10/7, [1/0], 20:29:48, static, ubest/mbest: 2/0, attached *via, Lo10, [0/0], 20:29:39, local *via, Lo10, [0/0], 20:29:39, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi50, [0/0], 01:22:50, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi50, [0/0], 01:22:50, local, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi75, [0/0], 01:14:50, direct, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached *via, Bdi75, [0/0], 01:14:50, local
Note: Todas essas saídas foram obtidas com uma malha completa de tráfego fluindo entre todos os hosts na topologia.
Atualmente, não existem informações disponíveis específicas sobre Troubleshooting para esta configuração.