此产品的文档集力求使用非歧视性语言。在本文档集中,非歧视性语言是指不隐含针对年龄、残障、性别、种族身份、族群身份、性取向、社会经济地位和交叉性的歧视的语言。由于产品软件的用户界面中使用的硬编码语言、基于 RFP 文档使用的语言或引用的第三方产品使用的语言,文档中可能无法确保完全使用非歧视性语言。 深入了解思科如何使用包容性语言。
思科采用人工翻译与机器翻译相结合的方式将此文档翻译成不同语言,希望全球的用户都能通过各自的语言得到支持性的内容。 请注意:即使是最好的机器翻译,其准确度也不及专业翻译人员的水平。 Cisco Systems, Inc. 对于翻译的准确性不承担任何责任,并建议您总是参考英文原始文档(已提供链接)。
本文档介绍如何使用脚本和扩展点自定义Cisco Prime Access Registrar(CPAR)8.0行为。
Cisco 建议您了解以下主题:
[ //localhost/Radius/Clients/piborowi ] Name = piborowi Description = Protocol = tacacs-and-radius IPAddress = SharedSecret = <encrypted> Type = NAS Vendor = IncomingScript~ = // Extension point for incomming traffic OutgoingScript~ = // Extension point for outgoing traffic EnableDynamicAuthorization = FALSE NetMask = EnableNotifications = FALSE EnforceTrafficThrottling = TRUE
内部脚本是直接在CPAR CLI(aregcmd)中配置的脚本。 它不需要任何外部文件和很多编程知识。外部脚本是存储在操作系统(CENTOS或RHEL)中的文件中,并刚在CPAR CLI中引用的脚本。
1.+rsp: — 添加和属性以响应
2.-rsp: — 从响应中删除属性
3.#rsp: — 用新值替换属性
4.以上内容可用于请求(请求/输入数据包和env,即环境字典)。 示例+req:或 — env:
--> ls -R [ //localhost/Radius/Scripts/addattr ] Name = addattr Description = Language = internal Statements/ 1. +rsp:Filter-Id=PhoneACL 2. +rsp:Cisco-AVPair=device-traffic-class=voice --> ls -R [ Services/local-users ] Name = local-users Description = Type = local IncomingScript~ = OutgoingScript~ = addattr OutagePolicy~ = RejectAll OutageScript~ = UserList = Default EnableDeviceAccess = True DefaultDeviceAccessAction~ = DenyAll DeviceAccessRules/ 1. switches
--> simplep011 --> p011 send p014 --> p014 Packet: code = Access-Accept, id = 18, length = 64, attributes = Filter-Id = PhoneACL Cisco-AVPair = device-traffic-class=voice
07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: Running Service local-users's OutgoingScript: addattr 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: Internal Script for 1 +rsp:Filter-Id=PhoneACL : Filter-Id = PhoneACL 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: Setting value PhoneACL for attribute Filter-Id 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: Trace of Response Dictionary 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: Trace of Access-Request packet 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: identifier = 18 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: length = 30 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: respauth = fb:63:14:3f:c1:fb:ac:03:7d:16:29:61:ba:ef:13:4f 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: Filter-Id = PhoneACL 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: Internal Script for 2 +rsp:Cisco-AVPair=device-traffic-class=voice : Cisco-AVPair = device-traffic-class=voice 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: Setting value device-traffic-class=voice for attribute Cisco-AVPair 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: Trace of Response Dictionary 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: Trace of Access-Request packet 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: identifier = 18 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: length = 64 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: respauth = fb:63:14:3f:c1:fb:ac:03:7d:16:29:61:ba:ef:13:4f 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: Filter-Id = PhoneACL 07/31/2019 10:31:26.254: P2363: Cisco-AVPair = device-traffic-class=voice
--> cd /Radius/Scripts
--> add test
--> set language internal
--> cd Statements
--> add 1
--> cd 1
--> set statements "#req:User-Name=~(.*)(@[a-z]+.[a-z]+)~\anonymous"
--> ls -R [ //localhost/Radius/Scripts/test ] Name = test Description = Language = internal Statements/ 1. #env:User-Name=~(.*)~anonymous --> ls -R /Radius/Services/employee-service/ [ /Radius/Services/employee-service ] Name = employee-service Description = Type = local IncomingScript~ = test OutgoingScript~ = OutagePolicy~ = RejectAll OutageScript~ = UserList = default EnableDeviceAccess = FALSE DefaultDeviceAccessAction~ = DenyAll
--> simple@cisco.com p01e
--> p01e
Packet: code = Access-Request, id = 27, length = 72, attributes =
User-Name = <username>@cisco.com
User-Password = <password>
NAS-Identifier = localhost
NAS-Port = 7
--> p01e send p020 --> p020 Packet: code = Access-Reject, id = 27, length = 35, attributes = Reply-Message = Access Denied
[ //localhost/Radius/Clients/localhost ] Name = localhost Description = Protocol = radius IPAddress = SharedSecret = <encrypted> Type = NAS+Proxy Vendor = Cisco IncomingScript~ = ParseServiceHints OutgoingScript~ = EnableDynamicAuthorization = FALSE NetMask = EnableNotifications = FALSE EnforceTrafficThrottling = TRUE
07/31/2019 11:38:53.522: P2855: PolicyEngine: [SelectPolicy] Successful 07/31/2019 11:38:53.522: P2855: Using Client: localhost 07/31/2019 11:38:53.522: P2855: Using Vendor: Cisco 07/31/2019 11:38:53.522: P2855: Running Vendor Cisco's IncomingScript: CiscoIncomingScript 07/31/2019 11:38:53.522: P2855: Running Client localhost IncomingScript: ParseServiceHints 07/31/2019 11:38:53.522: P2855: Rex: environ->get( "Request-Type" ) -> "Access-Request" 07/31/2019 11:38:53.522: P2855: Rex: environ->get( "Request-Type" ) -> "Access-Request" 07/31/2019 11:38:53.522: P2855: Rex: environ->get( "User-Name" ) -> "<username>" 07/31/2019 11:38:53.522: P2855: Authenticating and Authorizing with Service employee-service 07/31/2019 11:38:53.522: P2855: Running Service employee-service's IncomingScript: test 07/31/2019 11:38:53.522: P2855: Numbered attribute got for the radius / tacacs packet. ignoring # User-Name 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Numbered attribute got for the radius / tacacs packet. ignoring # User-Name 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Numbered attribute got for the radius / tacacs packet. ignoring # User-Name 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Internal Script for 1 #env:User-Name=~(.*)~anonymous : User-Name = anonymous 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Setting value anonymous for attribute User-Name 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Trace of Environment Dictionary 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: User-Name = anonymous 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: NAS-Name-And-IPAddress = localhost ( 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Authorization-Service = employee-service 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Source-Port = 51169 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Authentication-Service = employee-service 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Trace-Level = 1000 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Destination-Port = 1812 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Destination-IP-Address = 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Source-IP-Address = 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Enforce-Traffic-Throttling = TRUE 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Request-Type = Access-Request 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Script-Level = 6 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Provider-Identifier = Default 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Request-Authenticator = 5f:62:5a:72:0f:7b:a2:2a:9c:06:ba:2e:bd:f4:e4:4b 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Realm = cisco.com 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Getting User anonymous's UserRecord from UserList Default 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Failed to get User anonymous's UserRecord from UserList Default 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Running Vendor Cisco's OutgoingScript: CiscoOutgoingScript 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Trace of Access-Reject packet 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: identifier = 27 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: length = 35 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: respauth = d3:7d:b3:f6:05:47:2c:66:d9:c0:01:7d:67:d7:93:99 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Reply-Message = Access Denied 07/31/2019 11:38:53.523: P2855: Sending response to
[root@piborowi-cpar80-16 tcl]# cat /opt/CSCOar/scripts/radius/tcl/nadip.tcl
proc UpdateNASIP {request response environ} {
$request trace 2 "TCL CUSTOM_SCRIPT Updating NAS IP ADDRESS"
$request trace 2 "Before put: " [ $request get NAS-IP-Address ]
$request put NAS-IP-Address
$request trace 2 "After put: " [ $request get NAS-IP-Address ]
在操作系统中创建并保存脚本后,请配置对脚本的CPAR引用。将语言设置为TCL,文件名必须是带扩展名的确切文件名(本例中为nadip.tcl)。 EntryPoint是要作为脚本执行的文件中过程的名称。引用在服务(incomingScript)下创建的CPAR脚本,并使用radclient进行测试。
--> ls -R /Radius/scripts/nadipaddress/ [ /Radius/Scripts/nadipaddress ] Name = nadipaddress Description = Language = tcl <<<<<<<< Filename = nadip.tcl <<<<<<<< EntryPoint = UpdateNASIP <<<<<<<< InitEntryPoint = InitEntryPointArgs = --> ls -R /Radius/services/employee-service/ [ /Radius/Services/employee-service ] Name = employee-service Description = Type = local IncomingScript~ = nadipaddress <<<<<<<< OutgoingScript~ = OutagePolicy~ = RejectAll OutageScript~ = UserList = default EnableDeviceAccess = FALSE DefaultDeviceAccessAction~ = DenyAll
07/31/2019 13:40:53.615: P3490: Running Service employee-service's IncomingScript: nadipaddress 07/31/2019 13:40:53.615: P3490: TCL CUSTOM_SCRIPT Updating NAS IP ADDRESS 07/31/2019 13:40:53.616: P3490: Tcl: request trace 2 TCL CUSTOM_SCRIPT Updating NAS IP ADDRESS -> OK 07/31/2019 13:40:53.616: P3490: Tcl: request get NAS-IP-Address -> <empty> 07/31/2019 13:40:53.616: P3490: Before put: 07/31/2019 13:40:53.616: P3490: Tcl: request trace 2 Before put: -> OK 07/31/2019 13:40:53.616: P3490: Tcl: request put NAS-IP-Address -> OK 07/31/2019 13:40:53.616: P3490: Tcl: request get NAS-IP-Address -> 07/31/2019 13:40:53.616: P3490: After put: 07/31/2019 13:40:53.616: P3490: Tcl: request trace 2 After put: -> OK