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思科采用人工翻译与机器翻译相结合的方式将此文档翻译成不同语言,希望全球的用户都能通过各自的语言得到支持性的内容。 请注意:即使是最好的机器翻译,其准确度也不及专业翻译人员的水平。 Cisco Systems, Inc. 对于翻译的准确性不承担任何责任,并建议您总是参考英文原始文档(已提供链接)。
Cisco 建议您了解以下主题:
注:有关如何在Hyperflex HyperV集群上运行超级检查的信息,请参阅超级检查:Hyperflex运行状况和升级前检查工具- HyperV。
步骤1:使用群集管理IP (CMIP)(即您的HX连接IP)启动与存储控制器虚拟机(SCVM)的SSH连接。
第二步:执行hypercheck 命令。
admin:~$ hypercheck
admin:~$ hypercheck
HX Health Check 4.5.0
Please enter below info of HX-Cluster:
Enter the HX-Cluster Root Password:
Enter the HX-Cluster Admin Password:
Enter the ESX Root Password:
步骤1:从Cisco github devnet帐户下载Hyperflex-Hypercheck.zip。 获取具有最新改进和更新的最新副本。
scp/sftp/ftp/tftp -以将
# scp Hyperflex-Hypercheck.zip root@<scvm-eth0:mgmtip>:/tmp/.
使用此命令可确定HX环境中的集群管理IP - Hyperflex手册。
cd /tmp以切换到
root@SpringpathController7PVQWP6WV1:~# cd /tmp/
键入unzip Hyperflex-Hypercheck.zip 以解压文件。
root@SpringpathController7PVQWP6WV1:/tmp# unzip Hyperflex-Hypercheck.zip
Archive: Hyperflex-Hypercheck.zip
creating: Hyperflex-Hypercheck/
inflating: Hyperflex-Hypercheck/HXTool.py
inflating: Hyperflex-Hypercheck/LICENSE.txt
inflating: Hyperflex-Hypercheck/ReadMe.txt
inflating: Hyperflex-Hypercheck/TestInfo.txt
inflating: Hyperflex-Hypercheck/prettytable.py
inflating: Hyperflex-Hypercheck/progressbar.py
第四步:执行HXTool Python脚本
cd Hyperflex-Hypercheck 以导航到
root@SpringpathControllerABCDE01234:/tmp# cd Hyperflex-Hypercheck
键入python HXTool.py
root@SpringpathControllerABCDE01234:/tmp/Hyperflex-Hypercheck# python HXTool.py
Enter this information of HX-Cluster:
Enter the HX-Cluster Root Password:
Enter the ESX Root Password:
步骤 7.获取脚本输出报告。您可以按如下所示接收:
Hypercheck Report tar文件保存在
/var/log/springpath 和
/tmp/Hyperflex-Hypercheck下下载tar捆绑包。 或者,您可以生成并上传一个同样包含超检查报告tar的storfs-support捆绑包。
ls -l | grep HX_Report以查看由Hyperflex-Hypercheck工具创建的文件。
Under /var/log/springpath,
root@SpringpathControllerABCDE01234:/var/log/springpath# ls -l | grep HX_Report
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 380K Sep 23 15:41 HX_Report_2020_08_30_10_43_50.tar
Under /tmp/Hyperflex-Hypercheck,
root@SpringpathControllerABCDE01234:/tmp/Hyperflex-Hypercheck# ls
HX_Report_2020_08_30_10_43_50.tar prettytable.py HX_Report_2020_08_30_10_43_50 TestInfo.txt progressbar.py
HXTool.py prettytable.pyc ReadMe.txt progressbar.pyc LICENSE.txt
root@SpringpathControllerABCDE01234:/tmp/Hyperflex-Hypercheck# ls HX_Report_2020_08_30_10_43_50/
步骤 8导出HX_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS.tar并与TAC共享。
scp/sftp/ftp/tftp从SCVM导出Hypercheck日志,或者您只需下载包含HX_Report tar捆绑包的storfs-support捆绑包。
Hyperflex Checks: (Below checks are performed on all the storage controller VMs)
Cluster services check - Verifies the status of storfs, stMgr and stNodeMgr services
Enospc state check - Checks if the cluster space usage is above the warning threshold or no
Zookeeper check - Checks whether the Zookeeper is running or no
Exhibitor check - Verfies the status of the Exhibitor service which manages the ZK
System Disks Usage - Checks if /sda1, var/stv and /var/zookeeper is less than 80%
HDD health check - Reports if you have any blacklisted disk in your cluster
DNS check - Checks whether DNS is configured and reachable
vCenter reachability check - Checks whether the vCenter is reachable on the required ports
Timestamp check - Checks if all the controller VMs have the exact same time
NTP sync check - Checks whether NTP is reachable from the storage controller VMs and synced
Check package & versions - Checks for packages and versions on Storage Controller VMs
Check Iptables count - Checks for Iptables count on and ensure it is same on all Storage Controller VMs.
Extra pnodes check - Looks for any extra/duplicate pnode entries in the cluster
Out of memory check - Checks through the log files if the cluster had any oom event
Supported vSphere versions - Shows all the vSphere Versions supported with your current HXDP version
Permissions for /tmp - Checks if the /tmp permissions are set correctly
Check Cluster Policy - Checks the Configured Cluster Policy
Check springpath_keystore.jceks file - Check if All the SCVM have same keystore file
SED Capable - Checks if the cluster is SED Capable
SED Enabled - Checks if Encryption is enabled in the Cluster
USB-0 Check - If Encryption is enabled, Checks that USB0 interface is present on all the SCVMs
SED 5100/5200 Drive Check - If we have Micron SED 5100 drives and version is below 3.5.2b, we wont be able to replace or add new 5200 drives
Disk Lock Check - If Encryption is enabled, Checks for any Locked drives
Network Checks - Checks the connectivity in Storage network
Check ZK-Cleanup-Script - Checks to identify ZKTxnCleanUp Script
Replication Checks - If replication is enabled, we check the local and remote network connectivity (HX 4.5 Only)
Stretched Cluster Checks - Checks the latency between the sites and the witness VM (HX 4.5 Only)
ESXi Checks: (Below checks are performed on each ESXI node)
HX User Account check - Verifies if the HXUser is created on all the esxi hosts and has admin rights
vMotion enabled check - Checks if the vMotion network is confirgued
Check for ESXI Failback timer - Check for ESXi Failback timer on ESXi host
Check connectivity between vmk1 and eth1 - Checks the connectivity between the Mgmt and Storage network
No extra controller vm folders check - Checks for duplicate Controller SCVM Folders
VMware Tools location check - Checks for Non default VMware Tools location
vfat Disk Usage check - Checks for vfat Disk Usage
Check /tmp usage - Checking for /tmp usage
Compute Node Checks - All the ESXI checks are also performed on Compute nodes (HX 4.5 Only)
Enter this information of HX-Cluster: Enter the HX-Cluster Root Password: Enter the ESX Root Password: Cluster Name: HX-10-Stretched Site-100 Site-97 Cluster Type: STRETCH_CLUSTER SSH connection established to HX Node: SSH connection established to HX Node: SSH connection established to HX Node: SSH connection established to HX Node: HX Cluster Nodes: +-------+--------------+--------------------------------+ | Nodes | IP Address | HostName | +-------+--------------+--------------------------------+ | 1 | | SpringpathControllerOHCWUK9X3N | +-------+--------------+--------------------------------+ | 2 | | SpringpathController37MHMEIBCY | +-------+--------------+--------------------------------+ | 3 | | SpringpathControllerDWRWWIBFLF | +-------+--------------+--------------------------------+ | 4 | | SpringpathControllerWB4UNXDKX3 | +-------+--------------+--------------------------------+ SSH connection established to ESX Host: SSH connection established to ESX Host: SSH connection established to ESX Host: SSH connection established to ESX Host: HX Controller: Cluster services check [########################] COMPLETED ZooKeeper & Exhibitor check [########################] COMPLETED HDD health check [########################] COMPLETED Pre-Upgrade Check [########################] COMPLETED Network check [########################] COMPLETED HX Controller: Cluster services check [########################] COMPLETED ZooKeeper & Exhibitor check [########################] COMPLETED HDD health check [########################] COMPLETED Pre-Upgrade Check [########################] COMPLETED Network check [########################] COMPLETED HX Controller: Cluster services check [########################] COMPLETED ZooKeeper & Exhibitor check [########################] COMPLETED HDD health check [########################] COMPLETED Pre-Upgrade Check [########################] COMPLETED Network check [########################] COMPLETED HX Controller: Cluster services check [########################] COMPLETED ZooKeeper & Exhibitor check [########################] COMPLETED HDD health check [########################] COMPLETED Pre-Upgrade Check [########################] COMPLETED Network check [########################] COMPLETED HX Controller: Test Summary: +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Result | Comments | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Cluster services check | PASS | Checks storfs, stMgr, sstNodeMgr service running on each node. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enospc state check | PASS | Checks if the cluster storage utilization is above threshold. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Zookeeper check | PASS | Checks if Zookeeper service is running. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Exhibitor check | PASS | Checks if Exhibitor in running. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | System Disks Usage | PASS | Checks if /sda1, var/stv and /var/zookeeper is less than 80%. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | HDD Health check | PASS | Checks if any drive is in blacklisted state. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | DNS check | PASS | Checks if configured DNS is reachable. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | vCenter reachability check | PASS | Checks if vCenter is network reachable using PING. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Timestamp check | PASS | Checks if the timestamp is same across all Nodes. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | NTP sync check | PASS | Checks if the NTP is synced with NTP server. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check package & versions | PASS | Checks for count and version of HX packages on each node. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check Iptables count | PASS | Checks if the IP Table count matches on all nodes. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Extra pnodes check | PASS | Checks for any stale Node entry. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Memory usage check | PASS | Checks for available memory more than 2GB. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Incidence of OOM in the log file | PASS | Checks for any previous incidence of Out Of Memory Condition. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Supported vSphere versions | 6.0.0-U3 | Prints the supported ESXi versions. | | | 6.5.0-U1 | | | | 6.5.0-U2 | | | | 6.5.0-U3 | | | | 6.7.0-UGA | | | | 6.7.0-U1 | | | | 6.7.0-U2 | | | | 6.7.0-U3 | | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check permissions for /tmp | PASS | Checks if the /tmp permissions are set correctly. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check Cluster Policy | Lenient | Checks the Configured Cluster Policy | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check springpath_keystore.jceks file | PASS | All the SCVM have same keystore file. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | SED Capable | NO | Checks if the cluster is SED Capable. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check Witness Reachability | PASS | Checks Witness VM IP address is reachabile. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Check ZK-Cleanup-Script | PASS | Checks to identify ZKTxnCleanUp Script. |
+--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ HX Controller: Test Summary: +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Result | Comments | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Cluster services check | PASS | Checks storfs, stMgr, sstNodeMgr service running on each node. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enospc state check | PASS | Checks if the cluster storage utilization is above threshold. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Zookeeper check | PASS | Checks if Zookeeper service is running. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Exhibitor check | PASS | Checks if Exhibitor in running. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | System Disks Usage | PASS | Checks if /sda1, var/stv and /var/zookeeper is less than 80%. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | HDD Health check | PASS | Checks if any drive is in blacklisted state. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | DNS check | PASS | Checks if configured DNS is reachable. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | vCenter reachability check | PASS | Checks if vCenter is network reachable using PING. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Timestamp check | PASS | Checks if the timestamp is same across all Nodes. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | NTP sync check | PASS | Checks if the NTP is synced with NTP server. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check package & versions | PASS | Checks for count and version of HX packages on each node. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check Iptables count | PASS | Checks if the IP Table count matches on all nodes. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Extra pnodes check | PASS | Checks for any stale Node entry. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Memory usage check | PASS | Checks for available memory more than 2GB. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Incidence of OOM in the log file | PASS | Checks for any previous incidence of Out Of Memory Condition. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Supported vSphere versions | 6.0.0-U3 | Prints the supported ESXi versions. | | | 6.5.0-U1 | | | | 6.5.0-U2 | | | | 6.5.0-U3 | | | | 6.7.0-UGA | | | | 6.7.0-U1 | | | | 6.7.0-U2 | | | | 6.7.0-U3 | | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check permissions for /tmp | PASS | Checks if the /tmp permissions are set correctly. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check Cluster Policy | Lenient | Checks the Configured Cluster Policy | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check springpath_keystore.jceks file | PASS | All the SCVM have same keystore file. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | SED Capable | NO | Checks if the cluster is SED Capable. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check Witness Reachability | PASS | Checks Witness VM IP address is reachabile. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Check ZK-Cleanup-Script | PASS | Checks to identify ZKTxnCleanUp Script. |
+--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ HX Controller: Test Summary: +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Result | Comments | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Cluster services check | PASS | Checks storfs, stMgr, sstNodeMgr service running on each node. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enospc state check | PASS | Checks if the cluster storage utilization is above threshold. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Zookeeper check | PASS | Checks if Zookeeper service is running. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Exhibitor check | PASS | Checks if Exhibitor in running. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | System Disks Usage | PASS | Checks if /sda1, var/stv and /var/zookeeper is less than 80%. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | HDD Health check | PASS | Checks if any drive is in blacklisted state. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | DNS check | PASS | Checks if configured DNS is reachable. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | vCenter reachability check | PASS | Checks if vCenter is network reachable using PING. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Timestamp check | PASS | Checks if the timestamp is same across all Nodes. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | NTP sync check | PASS | Checks if the NTP is synced with NTP server. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check package & versions | PASS | Checks for count and version of HX packages on each node. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check Iptables count | PASS | Checks if the IP Table count matches on all nodes. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Extra pnodes check | PASS | Checks for any stale Node entry. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Memory usage check | PASS | Checks for available memory more than 2GB. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Incidence of OOM in the log file | PASS | Checks for any previous incidence of Out Of Memory Condition. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Supported vSphere versions | 6.0.0-U3 | Prints the supported ESXi versions. | | | 6.5.0-U1 | | | | 6.5.0-U2 | | | | 6.5.0-U3 | | | | 6.7.0-UGA | | | | 6.7.0-U1 | | | | 6.7.0-U2 | | | | 6.7.0-U3 | | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check permissions for /tmp | PASS | Checks if the /tmp permissions are set correctly. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check Cluster Policy | Lenient | Checks the Configured Cluster Policy | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check springpath_keystore.jceks file | PASS | All the SCVM have same keystore file. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | SED Capable | NO | Checks if the cluster is SED Capable. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check Witness Reachability | PASS | Checks Witness VM IP address is reachabile. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Check ZK-Cleanup-Script | PASS | Checks to identify ZKTxnCleanUp Script. |
+--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ HX Controller: Test Summary: +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Result | Comments | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Cluster services check | PASS | Checks storfs, stMgr, sstNodeMgr service running on each node. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Enospc state check | PASS | Checks if the cluster storage utilization is above threshold. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Zookeeper check | PASS | Checks if Zookeeper service is running. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Exhibitor check | PASS | Checks if Exhibitor in running. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | System Disks Usage | PASS | Checks if /sda1, var/stv and /var/zookeeper is less than 80%. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | HDD Health check | PASS | Checks if any drive is in blacklisted state. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | DNS check | PASS | Checks if configured DNS is reachable. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | vCenter reachability check | PASS | Checks if vCenter is network reachable using PING. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Timestamp check | PASS | Checks if the timestamp is same across all Nodes. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | NTP sync check | PASS | Checks if the NTP is synced with NTP server. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check package & versions | PASS | Checks for count and version of HX packages on each node. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check Iptables count | PASS | Checks if the IP Table count matches on all nodes. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Extra pnodes check | PASS | Checks for any stale Node entry. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Memory usage check | PASS | Checks for available memory more than 2GB. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Incidence of OOM in the log file | PASS | Checks for any previous incidence of Out Of Memory Condition. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Supported vSphere versions | 6.0.0-U3 | Prints the supported ESXi versions. | | | 6.5.0-U1 | | | | 6.5.0-U2 | | | | 6.5.0-U3 | | | | 6.7.0-UGA | | | | 6.7.0-U1 | | | | 6.7.0-U2 | | | | 6.7.0-U3 | | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check permissions for /tmp | PASS | Checks if the /tmp permissions are set correctly. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check Cluster Policy | Lenient | Checks the Configured Cluster Policy | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check springpath_keystore.jceks file | PASS | All the SCVM have same keystore file. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | SED Capable | NO | Checks if the cluster is SED Capable. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check Witness Reachability | FAIL | Checks Witness VM IP address is reachabile. | +--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Check ZK-Cleanup-Script | PASS | Checks to identify ZKTxnCleanUp Script. |
+--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Check Disk for SMART Failure. | PASS | Checks disks for SMART Failure. |
+--------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ ################################################################################ Network check: ################################################################################ ESX vmk0:,,, ESX vmk1:,,, SCVM eth0:,,, SCVM eth1:,,, ESX Host: +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Result | Comments | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | HX User Account check | PASS | Checks if HXUSER is present. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | vMotion enabled check | PASS | Checks if vMotion is enabled on the host. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Check for ESXI Failback timer | PASS | Checks for ESXi FAILBACK timer set to 30000ms. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Check vmk1 ping to eth1 | PASS | Checks Network between ESXi vmk1 and SCVM eth1. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | No extra controller vm folders check | PASS | Checks for duplicate Controller SCVM Folders. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | VMware Tools location check | PASS | Checks for Non default VMware Tools location. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | vfat Disk Usage check | PASS | Checks for vfat Disk Usage. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Check /tmp usage | PASS | Checking for /tmp usage. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ ESX Host: +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Result | Comments | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | HX User Account check | PASS | Checks if HXUSER is present. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | vMotion enabled check | PASS | Checks if vMotion is enabled on the host. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Check for ESXI Failback timer | PASS | Checks for ESXi FAILBACK timer set to 30000ms. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Check vmk1 ping to eth1 | PASS | Checks Network between ESXi vmk1 and SCVM eth1. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | No extra controller vm folders check | PASS | Checks for duplicate Controller SCVM Folders. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | VMware Tools location check | PASS | Checks for Non default VMware Tools location. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | vfat Disk Usage check | PASS | Checks for vfat Disk Usage. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Check /tmp usage | PASS | Checking for /tmp usage. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ ESX Host: +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Result | Comments | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | HX User Account check | PASS | Checks if HXUSER is present. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | vMotion enabled check | PASS | Checks if vMotion is enabled on the host. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Check for ESXI Failback timer | PASS | Checks for ESXi FAILBACK timer set to 30000ms. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Check vmk1 ping to eth1 | PASS | Checks Network between ESXi vmk1 and SCVM eth1. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | No extra controller vm folders check | PASS | Checks for duplicate Controller SCVM Folders. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | VMware Tools location check | PASS | Checks for Non default VMware Tools location. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | vfat Disk Usage check | PASS | Checks for vfat Disk Usage. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Check /tmp usage | PASS | Checking for /tmp usage. | +--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+ Main Report File: HX_Tool_Main_Report_2020-08-26_09-54-59.txt Report tar file: HX_Report_2020_08_26_09_43_18.tar Report file copied to path: /var/log/springpath Release Notes: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/hyperconverged-systems/hyperflex-hx-data-platform-software/products-release-notes-list.html Upgrade Guides: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/hyperconverged-systems/hyperflex-hx-data-platform-software/products-installation-guides-list.html Note: 1) If upgrading to HX 4.0(2a), please review the following link and perform workaround – https://tinyurl.com/wc7j5qp 2) Please check the status of Compute nodes manually, script only verifies the config on the converged nodes. 3) Hypercheck doesnot perform FAILOVER TEST, so please ensure that the upstream is configured for network connectivity for JUMBO or NORMAL MTU size as needed.
4) If you have performed any activity on your vcenter(like upgrade, certificate replacement,etc.), it is recommended to reregister your cluster to the vcenter before performing upgrades. Refer to the Hyperflex CLI guide for relevant commands.
- 该工具可自动执行在Hyperflex系统上运行手动命令的流程。
- 如果工具运行OK并对所有测试发出PASS,则HX系统适用于脚本执行的所有检查。
- 如果工具在某些检查中失败或者未能成功运行,可以使用CLI命令(已列出)对Hyperflex系统执行与脚本中手动执行的检查相同的检查。
- 该工具不检查任何旧/新/开放/已解决的警告,因此强烈建议在任何升级或维护活动之前查看Hyperflex发行说明和升级指南。
在Hyperflex SCVM上:
SSH to All Hyperflex SCVMs-
# service_status.sh
# sysmtool --ns cluster --cmd enospcinfo
# echo srvr | nc 0 2181
# pidof exhibitor
# stcli disk list --ip <Corresponding ESXi Mgmt IP Address> |grep -B 2 -A 8 blacklisted
# stcli services dns show (and ping the IPs listed)
# ping <vCenter IP Address>
# date ; compare the time on all SCVMs. They should ideally be identical
# stcli services ntp show
# stcli cleaner info
# ntpq -p -4
# dpkg -l | grep -i springpath | grep -v storfs-support*
# sysmtool --ns disk --cmd list | grep -i blacklisted
# iptables -L -n | wc -l
# stcli cluster info
# df -h ; check that /var/stv should be less than 80%
# zgrep -i “out of memory” /var/log/springpath/debug-storfs.*
# ping -I eth0 <eth0> of all SCVMs
# ping -I eth1 <eth1> of all SCVMs
# "ls -ld /tmp" check for 775 and 777
# stcli cluster info | grep -i 'clusterAccessPolicy:' | head -1
# md5sum /etc/springpath/secure/springpath_keystore.jceks
# cat /etc/springpath/sed_capability.conf
# cat /etc/springpath/sed.conf
# cat /var/log/springpath/diskslotmap-v2.txt
# stcli cluster info | grep dataZkIp (ping dataZkIp for latency)
SSH to all ESXi hosts
# esxcli system account list
# esxcli network firewall ruleset list | grep -i vMotion
# esxcli software vib list| egrep -i 'scvm|stHyper|stfs'
# chkconfig --list | grep -E 'ntpd|hostd|vpxa|stHypervisorSvc|scvmclient|hxctlvm'
# esxcfg-vmknic -l ; confirm that vMotion VMK2 is created
# vmkping -I vmk1 <eth1> of all SCVMs
# cd /vmfs/volumes/Springpath-XXXXXXXXXX ; Ensure that it has only one Folder that has the Storage Controller VM
# df -h | grep vfat ; Ensure dir has free space
版本 | 发布日期 | 备注 |
2.0 |
02-May-2024 |
重新认证 |
1.0 |
21-May-2019 |
初始版本 |