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思科采用人工翻译与机器翻译相结合的方式将此文档翻译成不同语言,希望全球的用户都能通过各自的语言得到支持性的内容。 请注意:即使是最好的机器翻译,其准确度也不及专业翻译人员的水平。 Cisco Systems, Inc. 对于翻译的准确性不承担任何责任,并建议您总是参考英文原始文档(已提供链接)。
本文档介绍如何对由于运行16.x版本的Cisco IOS® XE平台出现中断而导致的CPU使用率过高进行故障排除。
本文档由Raymond Whiting和Yogesh Ramdoss(思科TAC工程师)撰写。
本文档还介绍了此平台上用于解决CPU使用率高问题的几个重要新命令。了解Cisco IOS XE的构建方式非常重要。使用Cisco IOS XE,Cisco已迁移到Linux内核,并且所有子系统都已分解为多个进程。之前在Cisco IOS中的所有子系统(如模块驱动程序、高可用性(HA)等)现在都作为Linux操作系统(OS)中的软件进程运行。 Cisco IOS 本身作为 Linux 操作系统中的后台守护程序 (IOSd) 运行。 Cisco IOS XE不仅保留了传统Cisco IOS的外观和感觉,还保留了其操作、支持和管理。
此show process cpu
,它过滤掉当前空闲的进程。| exclude 0.00
(ARP) Input
(Address Resolution Protocol)进程是当前消耗资源的顶级Cisco IOS进程:Switch# show processes cpu sort | ex 0.00
CPU utilization for five seconds: 91%/30%; one minute: 30%; five minutes: 8%
PID Runtime(ms) Invoked uSecs 5Sec 1Min 5Min TTY Process
37 14645 325 45061 59.53% 18.86% 4.38% 0 ARP Input
137 2288 115 19895 1.20% 0.14% 0.07% 0 Per-minute Jobs
373 2626 35334 74 0.15% 0.11% 0.09% 0 MMA DB TIMER
218 3123 69739 44 0.07% 0.09% 0.12% 0 IP ARP Retry Age
404 2656 35333 75 0.07% 0.09% 0.09% 0 MMA DP TIMER
此show processes cpu platform sorted
Switch# show processes cpu platform sorted CPU utilization for five seconds: 38%, one minute: 38%, five minutes: 40% Core 0: CPU utilization for five seconds: 39%, one minute: 37%, five minutes: 39% Core 1: CPU utilization for five seconds: 41%, one minute: 38%, five minutes: 40% Core 2: CPU utilization for five seconds: 30%, one minute: 38%, five minutes: 40% Core 3: CPU utilization for five seconds: 37%, one minute: 39%, five minutes: 41% Pid PPid 5Sec 1Min 5Min Status Size Name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22701 22439 89% 88% 88% R 2187444224 linux_iosd-imag 11626 11064 46% 47% 48% S 2476175360 fed main event 4585 2 7% 9% 9% S 0 lsmpi-xmit 4586 2 3% 6% 6% S 0 lsmpi-rx
提show platform software fed switch active punt cause summary
Switch#show platform software fed switch active punt cause summary Statistics for all causes Cause Cause Info Rcvd Dropped ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 ARP request or response 18444227 0 11 For-us data 16 0 21 RP<->QFP keepalive 3367 0 24 Glean adjacency 2 0 55 For-us control 6787 0 60 IP subnet or broadcast packet 14 0 96 Layer2 control protocols 3548 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
从FED发送到控制平面的数据包使用分割队列结构以确保高优先级控制流量。它不会丢失在低优先级流量(如ARP)之后。可使用查看这些队列的高级概述show platform software fed switch active cpu-interface
。多次运行此命令后,您会发现(Forus Resolution
Forus -表示发往CPU的流量)队列增长迅速。
Switch#show platform software fed switch active cpu-interface queue retrieved dropped invalid hol-block ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Protocol 8182 0 0 0 L2 Protocol 161 0 0 0 sw forwarding 2 0 0 0 broadcast 14 0 0 0 icmp gen 0 0 0 0 icmp redirect 0 0 0 0 logging 0 0 0 0 rpf-fail 0 0 0 0 DOT1X authentication 0 0 0 0 Forus Traffic 16 0 0 0 Forus Resolution 24097779 0 0 0 Inter FED 0 0 0 0 L2 LVX control 0 0 0 0 EWLC control 0 0 0 0 EWLC data 0 0 0 0 L2 LVX data 0 0 0 0 Learning cache 0 0 0 0 Topology control 4117 0 0 0 Proto snooping 0 0 0 0 DHCP snooping 0 0 0 0 Transit Traffic 0 0 0 0 Multi End station 0 0 0 0 Webauth 0 0 0 0 Crypto control 0 0 0 0 Exception 0 0 0 0 General Punt 0 0 0 0 NFL sampled data 0 0 0 0 Low latency 0 0 0 0 EGR exception 0 0 0 0 FSS 0 0 0 0 Multicast data 0 0 0 0 Gold packet 0 0 0 0
使用可提供show platform software fed switch active punt cpuq all
这些队列的更详细视图。队列5负责ARP,并在多次运行该命令时如预期递增。此show plat soft fed sw active inject cpuq clear
Switch#show platform software fed switch active punt cpuq all <snip> CPU Q Id : 5 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_FORUS_ADDR_RESOLUTION Packets received from ASIC : 21018219 Send to IOSd total attempts : 21018219 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 1050215 RX packets dq'd after intack : 90 Active RxQ event : 3677400 RX spurious interrupt : 1050016 <snip>
从这里出发,有几个选择。ARP是广播流量,因此您可以查找广播流量速率异常高的接口(对于排除第2层环路故障也很有用)。 需要多次运行此命令,以确定哪个接口主动增加。
Switch#show interfaces counters Port InOctets InUcastPkts InMcastPkts InBcastPkts Gi1/0/1 1041141009678 9 0 16267828358 Gi1/0/2 1254 11 0 1 Gi1/0/3 0 0 0 0 Gi1/0/4 0 0 0 0
Switch#monitor capture cpuCap control-plane in match any file location flash:cpuCap.pcap Switch#show monitor capture cpuCap Status Information for Capture cpuCap Target Type: Interface: Control Plane, Direction: IN Status : Inactive Filter Details: Capture all packets Buffer Details: Buffer Type: LINEAR (default) File Details: Associated file name: flash:cpuCap.pcap Limit Details: Number of Packets to capture: 0 (no limit) Packet Capture duration: 0 (no limit) Packet Size to capture: 0 (no limit) Packet sampling rate: 0 (no sampling)
此命令在交换机上配置内部捕获,以捕获发送到控制平面的所有流量。此流量将保存到闪存中的文件。这是一个普通文件wireshark pcap
Switch#monitor capture cpuCap start Enabling Control plane capture may seriously impact system performance. Do you want to continue? [yes/no]: yes Started capture point : cpuCap *Jun 14 17:57:43.172: %BUFCAP-6-ENABLE: Capture Point cpuCap enabled. Switch#monitor capture cpuCap stop Capture statistics collected at software: Capture duration - 59 seconds Packets received - 215950 Packets dropped - 0 Packets oversized - 0 Bytes dropped in asic - 0 Stopped capture point : cpuCap Switch# *Jun 14 17:58:37.884: %BUFCAP-6-DISABLE: Capture Point cpuCap disabled.
Switch#show monitor capture file flash:cpuCap.pcap Starting the packet display ........ Press Ctrl + Shift + 6 to exit 1 0.000000 Xerox_d7:67:a1 -> Broadcast ARP 60 Who has Tell 2 0.000054 Xerox_d7:67:a1 -> Broadcast ARP 60 Who has Tell 3 0.000082 Xerox_d7:67:a1 -> Broadcast ARP 60 Who has Tell 4 0.000109 Xerox_d7:67:a1 -> Broadcast ARP 60 Who has Tell 5 0.000136 Xerox_d7:67:a1 -> Broadcast ARP 60 Who has Tell 6 0.000162 Xerox_d7:67:a1 -> Broadcast ARP 60 Who has Tell 7 0.000188 Xerox_d7:67:a1 -> Broadcast ARP 60 Who has Tell 8 0.000214 Xerox_d7:67:a1 -> Broadcast ARP 60 Who has Tell 9 0.000241 Xerox_d7:67:a1 -> Broadcast ARP 60 Who has Tell
从该输出可以明显看出,主机是导致交换机上CPU使用率较高的常量ARP的来源。使用show ip arp
show mac address-table address
命令可跟踪主机,将其从网络中移除或对ARP进行寻址。也可以使用capture view命令中的detail选项获取捕获的每个数据包的完整详细信息show monitor capture file flash:cpuCap.pcap detail
考虑此场景 — 位于网关交换机之外的主机报告下载速度缓慢以及到internet的ping丢失。交换机的常规运行状况检查不会显示接口上的错误,也不会显示来自网关交换机的任何ping丢失。
Switch#show processes cpu sorted | ex 0.00 CPU utilization for five seconds: 8%/7%; one minute: 8%; five minutes: 8% PID Runtime(ms) Invoked uSecs 5Sec 1Min 5Min TTY Process 122 913359 1990893 458 0.39% 1.29% 1.57% 0 IOSXE-RP Punt Se 147 5823 16416 354 0.07% 0.05% 0.06% 0 PLFM-MGR IPC pro 404 13237 183032 72 0.07% 0.08% 0.07% 0 MMA DP TIMER
Switch#show platform software fed switch active cpu-interface queue retrieved dropped invalid hol-block ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Protocol 12175 0 0 0 L2 Protocol 236 0 0 0 sw forwarding 714673 0 0 0 broadcast 2 0 0 0 icmp gen 0 0 0 0 icmp redirect 2662788 0 0 0 logging 7 0 0 0 rpf-fail 0 0 0 0 DOT1X authentication 0 0 0 0 Forus Traffic 21776434 0 0 0 Forus Resolution 724021 0 0 0 Inter FED 0 0 0 0 L2 LVX control 0 0 0 0 EWLC control 0 0 0 0 EWLC data 0 0 0 0 L2 LVX data 0 0 0 0 Learning cache 0 0 0 0 Topology control 6122 0 0 0 Proto snooping 0 0 0 0 DHCP snooping 0 0 0 0 Transit Traffic 0 0 0 0
Switch#show platform hardware fed switch 1 qos queue stats internal cpu policer CPU Queue Statistics ============================================================================================ (default) (set) Queue QId PlcIdx Queue Name Enabled Rate Rate Drop(Bytes) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 11 DOT1X Auth Yes 1000 1000 0 1 1 L2 Control Yes 2000 2000 0 2 14 Forus traffic Yes 4000 4000 0 3 0 ICMP GEN Yes 600 600 0 4 2 Routing Control Yes 5400 5400 0 5 14 Forus Address resolution Yes 4000 4000 0 6 0 ICMP Redirect Yes 600 600 463538463 7 16 Inter FED Traffic Yes 2000 2000 0 8 4 L2 LVX Cont Pack Yes 1000 1000 0 <snip>
Switch#show platform software qos copp policy-info
Default rates of all classmaps are displayed:
policy-map system-cpp-policy
class system-cpp-police-routing-control
police rate 5400 pps
Switch#show platform software qos copp class-info
ACL representable classmap filters are displayed:
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-routing-control
description Routing control and Low Latency
match access-group name system-cpp-mac-match-routing-control
match access-group name system-cpp-ipv4-match-routing-control
match access-group name system-cpp-ipv6-match-routing-control
match access-group name system-cpp-ipv4-match-low-latency
match access-group name system-cpp-ipv6-match-low-latency
mac access-list extended system-cpp-mac-match-routing-control
permit any host 0180.C200.0014
permit any host 0900.2B00.0004
ip access-list extended system-cpp-ipv4-match-routing-control
permit udp any any eq rip
ipv6 access-list system-cpp-ipv6-match-routing-control
permit ipv6 any FF02::1:FF00:0/104
permit ipv6 any host FF01::1
ip access-list extended system-cpp-ipv4-match-low-latency
permit udp any any eq 3784
permit udp any any eq 3785
ipv6 access-list system-cpp-ipv6-match-low-latency
permit udp any any eq 3784
permit udp any any eq 3785
Switch#monitor capture cpuSPan control-plane in match any file location flash:cpuCap.pcap Control-plane direction IN is already attached to the capture Switch#monitor capture cpuSpan start Enabling Control plane capture may seriously impact system performance. Do you want to continue? [yes/no]: yes Started capture point : cpuSpan Switch# *Jun 15 17:28:52.841: %BUFCAP-6-ENABLE: Capture Point cpuSpan enabled. Switch#monitor capture cpuSpan stop Capture statistics collected at software: Capture duration - 12 seconds Packets received - 5751 Packets dropped - 0 Packets oversized - 0 Bytes dropped in asic - 0 Stopped capture point : cpuSpan Switch# *Jun 15 17:29:02.415: %BUFCAP-6-DISABLE: Capture Point cpuSpan disabled. Switch#show monitor capture file flash:cpuCap.pcap detailed Starting the packet display ........ Press Ctrl + Shift + 6 to exit Frame 1: 60 bytes on wire (480 bits), 60 bytes captured (480 bits) on interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: OmronTat_2c:a1:52 (00:00:0a:2c:a1:52), Dst: Cisco_8f:cb:47 (00:42:5a:8f:cb:47)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
interface Vlan1 ip address no ip redirects end
如果交换机上的CPU使用率过高,可以在交换机上设置脚本,以便在发生高CPU事件时自动运行这些命令。这可通过使用Cisco IOS嵌入式事件管理器(EEM)来完成。
输入值用于在脚本触发之前确定CPU使用率。该脚本监控5秒的CPU平均SNMP OID。两个文件写入闪存tac-cpu-
config t
no event manager applet high-cpu authorization bypass
event manager applet high-cpu authorization bypass
event snmp oid get-type next entry-op gt entry-val 80 poll-interval 1 ratelimit 300 maxrun 180
action 0.01 syslog msg "High CPU detected, gathering system information."
action 0.02 cli command "enable"
action 0.03 cli command "term exec prompt timestamp"
action 0.04 cli command "term length 0"
action 0.05 cli command "show clock"
action 0.06 regex "([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]):([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]):([0-9]|[0-9][0-9])" $_cli_result match match1
action 0.07 string replace "$match" 2 2 "."
action 0.08 string replace "$_string_result" 5 5 "."
action 0.09 set time $_string_result
action 1.01 cli command "show proc cpu sort | append flash:tac-cpu-$time.txt"
action 1.02 cli command "show proc cpu hist | append flash:tac-cpu-$time.txt"
action 1.03 cli command "show proc cpu platform sorted | append flash:tac-cpu-$time.txt"
action 1.04 cli command "show interface | append flash:tac-cpu-$time.txt"
action 1.05 cli command "show interface stats | append flash:tac-cpu-$time.txt"
action 1.06 cli command "show log | append flash:tac-cpu-$time.txt"
action 1.07 cli command "show ip traffic | append flash:tac-cpu-$time.txt"
action 1.08 cli command "show users | append flash:tac-cpu-$time.txt"
action 1.09 cli command "show platform software fed switch active punt cause summary | append flash:tac-cpu-$time.txt"
action 1.10 cli command "show platform software fed switch active cpu-interface | append flash:tac-cpu-$time.txt"
action 1.11 cli command "show platform software fed switch active punt cpuq all | append flash:tac-cpu-$time.txt"
action 2.08 cli command "no monitor capture tac_cpu"
action 2.09 cli command "monitor capture tac_cpu control-plane in match any file location flash:tac-cpu-$time.pcap"
action 2.10 cli command "monitor capture tac_cpu start" pattern "yes"
action 2.11 cli command "yes"
action 2.12 wait 10
action 2.13 cli command "monitor capture tac_cpu stop"
action 3.01 cli command "term default length"
action 3.02 cli command "terminal no exec prompt timestamp"
action 3.03 cli command "no monitor capture tac_cpu"
版本 | 发布日期 | 备注 |
2.0 |
13-Mar-2024 |
重新认证 |
1.0 |
08-Aug-2018 |
初始版本 |