本文档显示如何通过身份验证、授权和记帐(AAA)控制对Cisco IOS® HTTP服务器的访问。 使用AAA访问Cisco IOS HTTP服务器的控制因Cisco IOS软件版本而异。
有关文档规则的详细信息,请参阅 Cisco 技术提示规则。
发出exec命令show subsys name http,以查看您拥有的HTTP服务器的版本。
router1#show subsys name http Class Version http Protocol 1.001.001
这是一个带有HTTP V1.1服务器的系统。Cisco IOS软件版本12.2(15)T和所有Cisco IOS软件版本12.3都有HTTP V1.1。
router2#show subsys name http Class Version http Protocol 1.000.001
这是一个具有HTTP V1服务器的系统。早于12.2(15)T的思科IOS软件版本(包括思科IOS软件版本12.2(15)JA和12.2(15)XR)具有HTTP V1。
在包含HTTP V1服务器的Cisco IOS软件版本中,HTTP会话使用虚拟终端线路(vty)。 因此,HTTP身份验证和授权使用为vty配置的相同方法进行控制。
ip http server ! aaa new-model aaa authentication login VTYSandHTTP radius local aaa authorization exec VTYSandHTTP radius local ! ip http authentication aaa ! line vty 0 19 !--- The number of vtys you have. login authentication VTYSandHTTP authorization exec VTYSandHTTP
在带有HTTP V1.1服务器的Cisco IOS软件版本中,HTTP会话不使用vty。他们使用插座。
在集成Cisco IOS软件版本12.3(7.3)和12.3(7.3)T中的Cisco Bug ID CSCeb82510(仅限注册客户)之前,HTTP V1.1服务器必须使用为控制台配置的相同身份验证和授权方法。
ip http server ! aaa new-model aaa authentication login CONSOLEandHTTP radius local aaa authorization exec CONSOLEandHTTP radius local ! ip http authentication aaa ! line con 0 login authentication CONSOLEandHTTP authorization exec CONSOLEandHTTP
通过集成Cisco IOS软件版本12.3(7.3)和12.3(7.3)T中的Cisco Bug ID CSCeb82510(仅注册客户),HTTP服务器可以使用其自己的独立身份验证和授权方法,并在ip http中添加新的关键字authentication aaa命令。新关键字为:
router(config)#ip http authentication aaa command-authorization listname router(config)#ip http authentication aaa exec-authorization listname router(config)#ip http authentication aaa login-authentication listname
ip http server ! aaa new-model aaa authentication login HTTPonly radius local aaa authorization exec HTTPonly radius local ! ip http authentication aaa ip http authentication aaa exec-authorization HTTPonly ip http authentication aaa login-authentication HTTPonly
debug ip tcp transactions debug modem !--- If you use the HTTP 1.0 server. debug ip http authentication debug aaa authentication debug aaa authorization debug radius !--- If you use RADIUS. debug tacacs !--- If you use TACACS+.
*Apr 23 13:12:16.871: TCB626DD444 created *Apr 23 13:12:16.871: TCP0: state was LISTEN -> SYNRCVD [80 ->] *Apr 23 13:12:16.871: TCP0: Connection to, received MSS 1460, MSS is 516 *Apr 23 13:12:16.875: TCP: sending SYN, seq 2078657456, ack 2459301798 *Apr 23 13:12:16.875: TCP0: Connection to, advertising MSS 536 *Apr 23 13:12:16.899: TCP0: state was SYNRCVD -> ESTAB [80 ->] !--- The TCP connection from the browser on to the !--- local HTTP server is established. *Apr 23 13:12:16.899: TCB62229100 accepting 626DD444 from *Apr 23 13:12:16.899: TCB626DD444 setting property TCP_PID (8) 626FEC84 *Apr 23 13:12:16.899: TCB626DD444 setting property TCP_NO_DELAY (1) 626FEC88 *Apr 23 13:12:16.899: TCB626DD444 setting property TCP_NONBLOCKING_WRITE (10) 626FED14 *Apr 23 13:12:16.899: TCB626DD444 setting property TCP_NONBLOCKING_READ (14) 626FED14 *Apr 23 13:12:16.899: TCB626DD444 setting property unknown (15) 626FED14 *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: HTTP AAA Login-Authentication List name: HTTPauthen *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: HTTP AAA Exec-Authorization List name: HTTPauthor *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: AAA/AUTHEN/LOGIN (00000000): Pick method list 'HTTPauthen' !--- Uses 'HTTPauthen' as the login authentication method. *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000000):Orig. component type = INVALID *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000000): dropping service type, "radius-server attribute 6 on-for-login-auth" is off *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS(00000000): Config NAS IP: *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS(00000000): sending *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for Radius-Server *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS(00000000): Send Access-Request to id 1645/2, len 51 *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS: authenticator 5F 6E E6 C1 3E 40 5D E2 - FB AC E8 E8 E4 93 BA 98 *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 7 "cisco" *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS: User-Password [2] 18 * *Apr 23 13:12:16.919: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 !--- Sent an Access-Request to the RADIUS server !--- at using the username of "cisco". *Apr 23 13:12:21.923: RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 1645/2 *Apr 23 13:12:26.923: RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 1645/2 *Apr 23 13:12:31.923: RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 1645/2 *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS: No response from (,1646) for id 1645/2 *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS/DECODE: parse response no app start; FAIL *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS/DECODE: parse response; FAIL *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: AAA/AUTHOR (0x0): Pick method list 'HTTPauthor' *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS/ENCODE(00000000):Orig. component type = INVALID *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS(00000000): Config NAS IP: *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS(00000000): sending *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS/ENCODE: Best Local IP-Address for Radius-Server *Apr 23 13:12:36.923: RADIUS(00000000): Send Access-Request to id 1645/3, len 57 *Apr 23 13:12:36.927: RADIUS: authenticator AA DB 63 E1 D4 BF 23 9E - 49 71 78 42 A5 A3 44 B8 *Apr 23 13:12:36.927: RADIUS: User-Name [1] 7 "cisco" *Apr 23 13:12:36.927: RADIUS: User-Password [2] 18 * *Apr 23 13:12:36.927: RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Outbound [5] *Apr 23 13:12:36.927: RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6 *Apr 23 13:12:41.927: RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 1645/3 *Apr 23 13:12:46.927: RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 1645/3 *Apr 23 13:12:51.927: RADIUS: Retransmit to (,1646) for id 1645/3 *Apr 23 13:12:56.927: RADIUS: No response from (,1646) for id 1645/3 *Apr 23 13:12:56.927: RADIUS/DECODE: parse response no app start; FAIL *Apr 23 13:12:56.927: RADIUS/DECODE: parse response; FAIL *Apr 23 13:12:56.927: HTTP: Authentication failed for level 15 !--- Authentication has failed due to no response from the RADIUS server. *Apr 23 13:12:56.927: TCB626DD444 shutdown writing *Apr 23 13:12:56.927: TCP0: state was ESTAB -> FINWAIT1 [80 ->] *Apr 23 13:12:56.927: TCP0: sending FIN *Apr 23 13:12:56.967: TCP0: state was FINWAIT1 -> FINWAIT2 [80 ->] *Apr 23 13:12:56.967: TCP0: FIN processed *Apr 23 13:12:56.971: TCP0: state was FINWAIT2 -> TIMEWAIT [80 ->] *Apr 23 13:13:10.227: TCP0: state was TIMEWAIT -> CLOSED [80 ->] *Apr 23 13:13:10.227: TCB 0x626DCFA0 destroyed !--- The TCP connection to the browser is closed.