CLI上的destconfig命令或GUI中Mail Policies选项卡上的Destination Controls Table可用于在思科邮件安全设备上配置对特定域或主机的传送速率限制。为防止加载远程主机,有时建议启用此选项。
mail.example.com> destconfig
There are currently 2 entries configured.
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new entry.
- EDIT - Modify an entry.
- DELETE - Remove an entry.
- DEFAULT - Change the default.
- PRINT - Display all entries.
- CLEAR - Remove all entries.
[]> new
Enter the domain you wish to limit.
[]> example.com
Do you wish to configure a concurrency limit for example.com? [Y]>
Enter the max concurrency limit for "example.com".
[500]> 100
Do you wish to apply a recipient limit to this domain? [N]> y
Enter the number of minutes used to measure the recipient limit.
[60]> 60
Enter the max number of recipients per 60 minutes for "example.com".
[]> 1000
Select how you want to apply the limits for example.com:
1. One limit applies to the entire domain example.com
2. Separate limit for each mail exchanger IP address
Select how the limits will be enforced:
1. System Wide
2. Per Virtual Gateway(tm)
Do you wish to apply a specific TLS setting for this domain? [N]>
Do you wish to apply a specific bounce verification address tagging setting for this domain? [N]>
Do you wish to apply a specific bounce profile to this domain? [N]>
There are currently 3 entries configured
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new entry.
- EDIT - Modify an entry.
- DELETE - Remove an entry.
- DEFAULT - Change the default.
- PRINT - Display all entries.
- CLEAR - Remove all entries.
mail.example.com> commit