具有“552 #5.3.4邮件报头大小超过限制”的退回邮件
"552 #5.3.4 message header size exceeds limit"
"500 #5.5.1 command not recognized"
"421 Exceeded bad SMTP command limit"
邮件报头不能超过1000行。当报头长度超过1000行时,ESA会将“552 #5.3.4 message header size exceeds limit”消息发送到发送主机。
某些主机可能会忽略此消息并继续发送数据。ESA将数据解释为SMTP命令,并返回每行“500 #5.5.1 command not recognized”。
myesa.local> listenerconfig
Currently configured listeners:
1. listener_myesa.local (on Management, SMTP TCP Port 25 Public
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new listener.
- EDIT - Modify a listener.
- DELETE - Remove a listener.
- SETUP - Change global settings.
[]> setup
Enter the global limit for concurrent connections to be allowed across
all listeners.
Listener istener_myesa.local Policy $TRUSTED max concurrency value of 300
will be limited to 50 by this concurrency setting.
Enter the global limit for concurrent TLS connections to be allowed across
all listeners.
Concurrent TLS connections value of 100 will be limited to 50 by the global
limit for concurrent connections.
Enter the maximum number of message header lines. 0 indicates no limit.
Enter the rate at which injection control counters are reset.
Enter the timeout for unsuccessful inbound connections.
Enter the maximum connection time for inbound connections.
What hostname should Received: headers be stamped with?
1. The hostname of the Virtual Gateway(tm) used for delivering the message
2. The hostname of the interface the message is received on
The system will always add a Message-ID header to outgoing messages that don't
already have one. Would you like to do the same for incoming messages? (Not
recommended.) [N]>
By default connections with a HAT REJECT policy will be closed with a banner
message at the start of the SMTP conversation. Would you like to do the rejection
at the message recipient level instead for more
detailed logging of rejected mail? [N]>