本文档提供在运行 Catalyst OS (CatOS) 的 Catalyst 6500 系列交换机与 Catalyst 2948G-L3 交换机之间配置 IEEE 802.1Q 中继的示例。本文档包含 Catalyst 2948G-L3 作为核心交换机以及 Catalyst 6500 作为接入层交换机的示例网络。简要描述 802.1q 中继机制之后,接着描述了如何在 Catalyst 6500 交换机和 Catalyst 2948G-L3 交换机上进行配置。
运行Cisco IOS®软件版本12.0(18)W5(22b)的Catalyst 2948G-L3交换机路由器
运行 CatOS 8.5 软件的 Catalyst 6500 系列交换机
有关文档约定的更多信息,请参考 Cisco 技术提示约定。
中继是指在二个设备之间的点到点链路上传输来自多个 VLAN 的数据流。两种中继方法分别为:交换机间链路 (ISL) 协议(Cisco 专有协议)和 802.1Q(IEEE 标准)。 本文档专门讨论 802.1q 中继。在本示例中,Catalyst 6500 中的 VLAN 通过 802.1Q 中继链路扩展成 Catalyst 2948G-L3。
Catalyst 2948G-L3 是运行 Cisco IOS 的路由器,并且默认情况下所有接口都是路由接口。您必须使用网桥组才能在Catalyst 2948G-L3上使用VLAN的概念。每个网桥组都被视为一个单独的VLAN。这些网桥组对应于所连接交换机的 VLAN 编号。为了支持 Catalyst 2948G-L3 上的 VLAN 间路由,请对集成的路由和桥接 (IRB) 及网桥虚拟接口 (BVI) 进行配置,以在不同的 VLAN 之间路由 IP。
Catalyst 2948G-L3 不支持几种面向第 2 层的协议,例如虚拟终端协议 (VTP)、分布式诊断和服务网络 (DDSN) 传输协议 (DTP) 以及端口聚合协议 (PAgP)。 Catalyst 2948G-L3 Cisco IOS 软件版本 12.0(7)W5(15d) 和早期版本不支持 802.1Q 子接口上的桥接。
Catalyst 2948G-L3 已停产 (EoL)。 有关信息及推荐的替代产品,请参阅 Cisco Catalyst 2948G-L3 和 4908G-L3 交换机的 EoL/EoS。
在本示例中,Catalyst 2948G-L3 作为 VLAN 间路由器部署。Catalyst 6500 运行 CatOS 并且使用 802.1Q 中继链路连接到 Catalyst 2948G-L3 交换机。Catalyst 6500配置为具有两个VLAN(20和30)的接入层交换机。这两个VLAN之间的路由由Catalyst 2948G-L3提供。Catalyst 6500和Catalyst 2948G之间的802.1Q中继配置本文档介绍Catalyst 2948G-L3交换机上的L3和VLAN间路由配置。
Catalyst 6500 |
Current configuration: ! version 8.1 ! hostname 6500 ! Catalyst 6500(enable)# set vtp mode transparent !--- In this example, the VTP mode is set to be transparent. !--- Set the VTP mode accordingly. This depends on your network. ! #module 3 : 48-port 10/100BaseTX Ethernet set vlan 20 3/20 set vlan 30 3/40 !--- The ports are assigned to the single VLAN and are !--- used as access ports. set trunk 3/30 nonegotiate dot1q !--- Port 3/30 is configured as dot1q trunk port and !--- the trunk mode is set to nonegotiate. !--- Trunk mode should be nonegotiate because 2948G-L3 does not support DTP. set port enable 3/20,3/30,3/40 !--- Use the set port enable command !--- to enable a port or a range of ports. !--- Output is suppressed. |
Catalyst 2948G-L3 |
Current configuration: ! version 12.0 hostname 2948G-L3 ! interface FastEthernet 20 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast bridge-group 20 !--- The bridge-group 20 command adds the !--- Fast Ethernet 20 interface to bridge group 20. interface FastEthernet 40 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast bridge-group 30 !--- The bridge-group 30 command adds the !--- Fast Ethernet 40 interface to bridge group 30. ! interface Fast Ethernet 30 no ip address no ip redirects no ip directed-broadcast int fast ethernet 30.1 encapsulation dot1q 30 bride-group 30 exit int fast ethernet 30.2 encapsulation dot1q 20 bridge-group 20 exit int fast ethernet 30.3 encapsultion dot1q 1 native bridge-group 1 exit !--- Fast Ethernet 30 acts as a trunk port that carries VLANs 30 and 20. !--- Subinterfaces that belong to the same VLAN (network or subnet) must !--- be configured to belong to the same bridge group. !--- VLAN 1 is the native VLAN by default. bridge irb !--- The bridge irb command enables IRB on !--- the router, which allows you to route traffic within the bridge groups. bridge 30 protocol ieee bridge 20 protocol ieee !--- Choose IEEE as the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). bridge 30 route ip bridge 20 route ip !--- The bridge number route ip command allows you !--- to route IP traffic between the BVI interface !--- and the other IP interfaces on the router. interface bvi 20 ip address exit interface bvi 30 ip address exit !--- Creates BVI interfaces for bridges 20 and 30. These interfaces act !--- as the gateway for VLANs 20 and 30. !--- Output is suppressed. |
注意:Catalyst 2948G-L3上10/100接口上的四个相邻端口(如f1到f4或f45到f48)都必须使用相同的VLAN封装。VLAN 封装为 ISL 或 802.1Q。
命令输出解释程序(仅限注册用户)(OIT) 支持某些 show 命令。使用 OIT 可查看对 show 命令输出的分析。
2948G-L3#show vlan virtual LAN ID: 30 (IEEE 802.1Q Encapsulation) vLAN Trunk Interface: FastEthernet30.1 This is configured as native Vlan for the following interface(s) : FastEthernet30 Protocols Configured: Address: Received: Transmitted: Bridging Bridge Group 20 1 0 Virtual LAN ID: 20 (IEEE 802.1Q Encapsulation) vLAN Trunk Interface: FastEthernet30.2 Protocols Configured: Address: Received: Transmitted: Bridging Bridge Group 30 921 0
2948G-L3#show bridge 20 Total of 300 station blocks, 298 free Codes: P - permanent, S - self Bridge Group 20: Address Action Interface 0009.11b9.1a75 forward Fa30.2
show trunk - 此命令验证中继配置,如以下输出所显示:
Console> (enable) show trunk 3/30 * - indicates vtp domain mismatch # - indicates dot1q-all-tagged enabled on the port $ - indicates non-default dot1q-ethertype value Port Mode Encapsulation Status Native vlan -------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ----------- 3/30 nonegotiate dot1q trunking 1 Port Vlans allowed on trunk -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/30 1-1005,1025-4094 Port Vlans allowed and active in management domain -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/30 1,20,30
show VLAN - 此命令显示匹配相应 VLAN 的端口:
VLAN Name Status IfIndex Mod/Ports, Vlans ---- -------------------------------- --------- ------- ------------------------ 1 default active 6 1/1-2 3/1-19,3/21-39,3/41-48 20 VLAN0020 active 71 3/20 30 VLAN0030 active 69 3/40 1002 fddi-default active 7 1003 token-ring-default active 10 1004 fddinet-default active 8 1005 trnet-default active 9
命令输出解释程序(仅限注册用户)(OIT) 支持某些 show 命令。使用 OIT 可查看对 show 命令输出的分析。
PC2#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/4 ms PC1#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/4 ms PC1#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/4 ms
版本 | 发布日期 | 备注 |
1.0 |
13-Jul-2006 |
初始版本 |