在路由器上發出show interface serial x命令,開始排除SDLC故障。此命令的輸出包含可能有助於查詢問題的資訊。
表1 ???CLS狀態Serial1/0 is up, line protocol is up !--- If line is down/down, then check CLOCKING. !--- If line is up/down, then check NRZI_ENCODING. !--- If line is cycling between up/up and up/down, then check DUPLEX. !--- A modem sharing device (MSD) uses full duplex. Hardware is CD2430 in sync mode Description SDLC PU2.1 PRIMARY MTU 1500 bytes, BW 128 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255 Encapsulation SDLC, loopback not set Router link station role: PRIMARY (DCE) !--- DCE has to provide the clock. It is responsible for raising DCD, CTS, !--- and DSR. Issue the show controllers command to check DTE, DCE, and !--- cable type. Router link station metrics: slow-poll 10 seconds T1 (reply time out) 3000 milliseconds !--- The sdlc t1command sets the amount of time waited !--- for an acknowledgement to an SDLC frame, where is a !--- numeric value in milliseconds between 1 and 64000 (default is 3000). N1 (max frame size) 12016 bits !--- The sdlc n1commands sets the maximum size of an !--- incoming frame, where is a numeric value from 1 to 12000 !--- (default is 12000). N2 (retry count) 20 !--- The sdlc n2command sets the number of times that an !--- SDLC frame is sent before the session is terminated, where !--- is a numeric value between 1 and 255 (default is 20). poll-pause-timer 200 milliseconds !--- Set this with the sdlc poll-pause-timercommand, !--- where is a numeric value in milliseconds from 1 to 10000. !--- Set this value to a minimum of 2000 before you run SDLC debugs; otherwise, !--- you will flood the console with SDLC polling messages. poll-limit-value 1 !--- Set this with the sdlc poll-limit-valuecommand, where !--- is a numeric value from 1 to 10. !--- Use this command on multidrops to determine the number of polls that are !--- dedicated to each secondary device. Higher value allows a single secondary !--- to send more data but can decrease overall secondary servicing efficiency. k (windowsize) 1 modulo 8 !--- Set K with the sdlc kcommand, where is a !--- numeric value of 1 through 7 (if modulo 7) or 1 through 127 (if modulo 128). !--- rrrz sss0 !--- rrr = Frame number of the block that is expected to be received next !--- (rrrrrrr if modulo 128) !--- z = Poll/Final bit, which may be 0 or 1. !--- sss = Frame number of the block that is expected to be sent next !--- (sssssss if modulo 128) !--- The K value determines how many frames after which the poll bit is set to 1, !--- which indicates that it is the other side???s turn to send. sdlc vmac: 4000.1555.21-- sdlc addr 01 state is CONNECT !--- Refer to SDLC States . cls_state is CLS_IN_SESSION !--- See Table 1 ??? CLS States. VS 6, VR 6, Remote VR 6, Current retransmit count 0 Hold queue: 0/200 IFRAMEs 2649/683 TESTs 0/0 XIDs 0/0, DMs 0/0 FRMRs 0/0 !--- FRMRs could indicate a bug in the end station SDLC emulation package. !--- Check the values in the FRMR frame against the FRMR frame description. RNRs 1797153/2291 SNRMs 222/0 DISC/RDs 12/0 REJs 0/0 !--- If you see a steady increase in RNRs, then check for congestion on the DLSw !--- peer (the value under the TCP column in show dlsw peer command output). !--- If RNRs are greater than 50 percent of the default TCP queue depth 200, then !--- there is congestion. Poll: clear, Poll count: 0, ready for poll, chain: 01/01 Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops !--- Check that the input and output queues are not wedged (41/40 or 76/75). !--- If the queue is wedged, then the router usually must be reloaded to recover. 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 4 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 4 packets/sec 2857443 packets input, 5738306 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 409483 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 1 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 1 abort !--- Giants and input errors might indicate a wrong NRZI value (NRZI-ENCODING). 2857874 packets output, 6029620 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 60523 interface resets 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out 53 carrier transitions DCD=up DSR=up DTR=up RTS=down CTS=up !--- RTS and CTS are always up, with full duplex. !--- RTS and CTS will cycle between up and down, with half duplex.
狀態 | 含義 |
CLS_STN_CLOSED | 尚未啟動行啟用流程。 |
CLS_ROSCNF_PEND | ReqOpenStn已傳送到PU;等待ReqOpenStnCfm。 |
CLS_STN_OPENED | 從PU接收的ReqOpenStnCfm。 |
CLS_FULL_XID_PEND | 等待對傳送的Null XID的響應。 |
CLS_DISK_IND_SENT | 已傳送Disconnect.Ind。 |
CLS_IN_SESSION | 電路建立已完成。 |
CLS_CLOSING | 思科連結服務(CLS)處於關閉狀態。 |
對於SDLC連線的控制器,必須瞭解所使用的物理單元(PU)型別(例如PU 2.0或PU 2.1)和SDLC角色。
表2顯示了一些最常見的裝置及其代表的PU型別。PU型別決定應採用的配置,如SDLC Station Role Set to Secondary一節中的PU 2所示。
表2 ???裝置PU型別裝置 | PU型別 |
5294 | 1 |
5394 | 1 |
5394 +RPQ 8Q0775 | 2.1 |
5494 | 2.1 |
3276 | 2.0 |
3274 | 2.0 |
3174 | 2.0 / 2.1 |
3745 | 4 |
3172 | 無PU XCA節點 |
S/38 | 2.0 |
36XX | 2.0 |
Netware/SAA | 2.0 / 2.1 |
SNA伺服器NT | 2.0 / 2.1 |
interface serial x encapsulation sdlc sdlc role primary !--- Assumes SDLC station role secondary for the attached SDLC controller. sdlc vmac 1234.3174.0000 !--- Virtual MAC address given to the SDLC controller, which has the !--- SDLC address (D2) appended to it. !--- For more information about the sdlc vmac command, refer to !--- LLC2 and SDLC Commands. sdlc address D2 !--- SDLC address obtained from SDLC controller configuration. sdlc xid D2 01730020 !--- D2 is the SDLC address, and 01730020 is the IDBLK and IDNUM, which is !--- obtained from the Switched Major Node on the host. sdlc partner 1000.5aed.1f53 D2 !--- 1000.5aed.1f53 is the MAC address of the host, and D2 is the SDLC address. sdlc dlsw D2
interface serial x
sdlc role secondary
sdlc vmac 1234.3174.0000
sdlc address D2
sdlc xid D2 01730020
sdlc partner 1000.5aed.1f53 D2
sdlc dlsw D2
interface serial x
encapsulation sdlc
sdlc role none
sdlc vmac 1234.3174.0000
sdlc address D2
sdlc partner 1000.5aed.1f53 D2
sdlc dlsw D2
interface serial x
encapsulation sdlc
sdlc role prim-xid-poll
sdlc vmac 1234.3174.0000
sdlc address D2
sdlc partner 1000.5aed.1f53 D2
sdlc dlsw D2
註:有關用於PU 2.0或PU 2.1的多重丟棄SDLC,以及PU 2.0和PU 2.1的組合,請參閱配置資料鏈路交換的Configuration Data-Link Switching Plus的DLSw+和SDLC多丟棄支援配置示例部分。
interface serial x
no ip address
encapsulation sdlc
no keepalive
clock rate 19200
sdlc vmac 4000.3745.0100
sdlc address 01 seconly
sdlc partner 4000.3745.2176 01
sdlc dlsw 1
如需更多有關SDLC到邏輯連結控制(格式指示器4(FID4)訊框的型別2(LLC2)轉換的資訊,請參閱PU4/5裝置的DLSw+ FID4 LLC2到SDLC轉換。
思科連結服務和SDLC之間存在直接關係。對於思科鏈路服務,在設定正常響應模式(SNRM)被未編號確認(UA)確認之前,不會發生任何更改。 取得UA後,路由器會向SDLC站傳送接收者未就緒(RNR、USBUSY),以便在DLSw開啟包含主機(SDLC角色主要)的DLSw電路時保持靜態。 SDLC代碼在內部向Cisco Link Services代碼傳送一個空的Exchange Identification(XID)以啟動此操作。可以看到以下思科鏈路服務狀態:
CLS_STN_CLOSED???CANUREACH EXPLORER(CUR-ex)被傳送到DLSw對等路由器,但是尚未收到ICANREACH EXPLORER(ICR-ex)響應。問題可能是MAC地址不正確,或者主機介面卡未開啟或未處於活動狀態。
有關sdlc address 的詳細資訊,請參閱LLC2和SDLC命令。
缺少clock rate介面命令。
有關clock rate 命令的詳細資訊,請參閱介面命令。
路由器上配置的SDLC地址必須與連線的SDLC控制器的SDLC地址匹配。例如,使用3174群集控制器時,這是配置行號104。如果路由器配置了SDLC角色主路由器,並且SDLC狀態停滯在SNRMSENT中,則兩個地址可能不匹配。用來測試SDLC線路和控制器的sdlc test serial 命令非常有用;請參閱LLC2和SDLC命令中的sdlc test serial。與IP ping類似,它會發出10個測試訊框;如果收到所有10個,則測試被視為???通過。???此測試還驗證您具有正確的編碼(NRZ或NRZI);請參閱同步序列連線埠設定命令中的nrzi-encoding。與SDLC地址引數類似,編碼需要在路由器串列介面和SDLC控制器上匹配。在3174的範例中,這是組態行號313:0表示NRZ,1表示NRZI。路由器的預設值為0(NRZ)。
當路由器串列介面充當DCE時,一個可能的問題可能是DTE無法發出DTR訊號。這可透過show interface指令的最後一行顯示輸出來驗證。問題可能是由於纜線故障、引腳不正確(請參閱硬體規格和纜線引腳),或SDLC控制器不能正確通電所致。使用分機框驗證來自DCE和DTE端的所有訊號。要確定連線到路由器串列介面的電纜型別,請發出show controllers serial命令。請參閱介面命令中的show controllers serial。
SDLC最常見的debug命令是debug sdlc event和debug sdlc packet。當SDLC分析器不可用且需要快速診斷時,可以使用這些分析器。如果您已設定多個SDLC位址,可能會收到所有位址的debug輸出。使用debug sdlc event(顯示每個資料包)而不是debug sdlc packet(僅顯示事件)。
debug list serial x ,其中x是介面編號
debug sdlc event
不要發出debug sdlc packet命令,因為它會繞過過濾器。
注意:debug sdlc命令可能會導致效能嚴重下降,尤其是在配置了多個SDLC位址的路由器上發出該命令時。嘗試此debug指令之前,請先參閱有關Debug指令的重要資訊。
%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial1, changed state to up
發出debug sdlc packet命令後,會發生以下事件:
Serial1 SDLC output???????? FFBF
從5494發出XID。這是XID格式3型別2,可以發出debug sdlc packet命令進行檢視。
Serial1 SDLC input 0046C930: DDBF3244 073000DD 0000B084 00000000?? ...........d.... 0046C940: 00000001 0B000004 09000000 00070010?? ................ 0046C950: 17001611 01130012 F5F4F9F4 F0F0F2F0?? ........54940020 0046C960: F0F0F0F0 F0F0F0F0 0E0CF4D5 C5E3C14B?? 00000000..4NETA. 0046C970: C3D7F5F4 F9F4?????????????????????????????????????????????? CP5494
Serial1 SDLC output 004BC070:???????? FFBF 324C0564 52530000 000A0800?????? ...<.......... 004BC080: 00000000 00010B30 0005BA00 00000007?? ................ 004BC090: 000E0DF4 D5C5E3C1 4BD9E3D7 F4F0F0C1?? ...4NETA.RTP400A 004BC0A0: 1017F116 11011300 11F9F4F0 F4C6F2F5?? ..1......9404F25 004BC0B0: F1F0F0F0 F4F5F2F5 F3460505 80000000?? 100045253....... 004BC0C0: SERIAL1 SDLC INPUT 0046C270:???????????????????????????????????? DDBF3244 073000DD?????????????????? ........ 0046C280: 0000B084 00000000 00000001 0B000004?? ...D............ 0046C290: 09000000 00070010 17001611 01130012?? ................ 0046C2A0: F5F4F9F4 F0F0F2F0 F0F0F0F0 F0F0F0F0?? 5494002000000000 0046C2B0: 0E0CF4D5 C5E3C14B C3D7F5F4 F9F4?????????? ..4NETA.CP5494 SERIAL1 SDLC OUTPUT 004C0B10:???????? FFBF 324C0564 52530000 00F6C800?????? ...<.......6H. 004C0B20: 00000080 15010B10 0005BA00 00000007?? ................ 004C0B30: 000E0DF4 D5C5E3C1 4BD9E3D7 F4F0F0C1?? ...4NETA.RTP400A 004C0B40: 1017F116 11011300 11F9F4F0 F4C6F2F5?? ..1......9404F25 004C0B50: F1F0F0F0 F4F5F2F5 F3460505 80150000?? 100045253....... 004C0B60: SERIAL1 SDLC INPUT 0046BBC0: DDBF3244 073000DD 0000B084 00000000?? ...........D.... 0046BBD0: 00000001 0B000004 09000000 00070010?? ................ 0046BBE0: 17001611 01130012 F5F4F9F4 F0F0F2F0?? ........54940020 0046BBF0: F0F0F0F0 F0F0F0F0 0E0CF4D5 C5E3C14B?? 00000000..4NETA. 0046BC00: C3D7F5F4 F9F4?????????????????????????????????????????????? CP5494
Serial1 SDLC output???????? DD93 Serial1 SDLC input?????????? DD73 Serial1 SDLC output???????? DD11 Serial1 SDLC input?????????? DD11
Serial1 SDLC output DD53 Serial1 SDLC input