本文使用簡單的測試拓撲來描述如何對Cisco ONS 15454上的多層(ML)卡進行故障排除。附錄部分提供了一些基本配置命令和詳細的拓撲資訊。
Cisco ONS 15454
思科ONS 15454 ML系列乙太網卡
Cisco IOS
執行Cisco IOS®軟體版本12.1(13)E13的Cisco路由器7603
運行Cisco ONS 4.1.3版的Cisco ONS 15454
執行Cisco IOS軟體版本12.1(19)EO1的ML(捆綁為ONS 4.1.3版本的一部分)
用於ONS 15454平台的Cisco ML系列卡在第2層和第3層通過SONET/SDH提供10/100/1000 Mbps乙太網連線。機箱中的每個ML卡運行一個獨立的IOS映像。在ML埠之間的思科傳輸控制器(CTC)中建立交叉連線電路會建立SONET(POS)埠上的虛擬後端資料包。在軟體版本4.6及更高版本中,總是會建立POS埠,但埠只在CTC中發生交叉連線電路時才會開啟。
ML1000-2卡具有兩個POS埠(0和1)。 每個埠具有最高同步傳輸訊號(STS)-24c頻寬和每卡總計STS-48c。每個POS埠支援子介面,以允許VLAN中繼。POS埠到光埠的物理對映發生在電路建立階段,並且可能在光跨度變化期間發生改變。因此,電路兩端的兩個POS埠是對等體,其配置需要匹配。
圖1 — 測試拓撲
通過千兆乙太網將兩台Cisco 7603路由器連線到ONS節點,並確保兩台路由器的兩個埠位於同一個IP子網中。這裡,每個ONS節點在插槽12中有一個ML1000-2卡。
兩個ML POS0埠之間的電路是STS-12c。
在兩個ONS節點之間調配OC12 1+1保護。有關相關資訊,請參見圖1。
注意:兩個ONS節點都運行Cisco ONS版本4.1.3。
show ons alarm show ip interface brief clear counters show interface summary show interfaceshow controller pos show cdp neighbor show bridge verbose show vlans show sdm l2-switching forwarding show ons provisioning-agent message ports show running show log show tech-support
service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log datetime msec localtime logging buffered 4096 debugging
注意:ONS 15454平台使用兩種格式報告警報。例如,PAIS出現在IOS(ML)中,而AIS-P出現在CTC中。PAIS和AIS-P代表相同型別的警報。
Alarms Conditions History Circuit Inventory Port PM counters Diagnostics file Audit trail
.225ML12#show ons alarm Equipment Alarms Active: None Port Alarms POS0 Active: None POS1 Active: None GigabitEthernet0 Active: CARLOSS GigabitEthernet1 Active: None POS0 Active Alarms : None Demoted Alarms: None POS1 Interface not provisioned
注意:如果強制上行ML GigE介面,ML不會注意到鏈路已關閉。
CTC 0.225中出現相同警報(請參見圖2)。
圖2 - CTC中的警報
註:GigE 0的狀態不會影響POS 0介面(該介面仍為Up/Up)。
當。252節點上的兩個OC12埠都更改為OOS時,.225會報告AIS-P,這會導致POS 0介面關閉,並導致TPTFAIL。
.225ML12#show ons alarm Equipment Alarms Active: RUNCFG-SAVENEED Port Alarms POS0 Active: TPTFAIL POS1 Active: None GigabitEthernet0 Active: None GigabitEthernet1 Active: None POS0 Active Alarms : PAIS Demoted Alarms: None POS1 Interface not provisioned
此日誌條目出現在交換XC的節點的ML上。請注意,XCON B是插槽10 XC。
May 24 09:55:27.402: %CARDWARE-5-XCON_SWITCH: Switched XCON to B May 24 09:55:27.406: %CARDWARE-6-BTC_DRV: Init BTC, BTC Rev = 2, Backplane = 0, Port = 0
圖3 - TCC側交換機警報
May 24 10:29:09.258: %CARDWARE-5-SOCKET_INFO: closed socket to TCC: changed active TCC May 24 10:29:09.766: %ONS-6-VTY: All Vty lines cleared May 24 10:29:14.762: %CARDWARE-5-SOCKET_INFO: cannot connect socket to TCC: B May 24 10:29:20.270: %CARDWARE-5-SOCKET_INFO: cannot connect socket to TCC: B May 24 10:29:25.770: %CARDWARE-5-SOCKET_INFO: cannot connect socket to TCC: B May 24 10:29:31.270: %CARDWARE-5-SOCKET_INFO: cannot connect socket to TCC: B May 24 10:29:36.370: %CARDWARE-5-SOCKET_INFO: open socket to TCC: B May 24 10:29:41.166: %CARDWARE-6-BTC_DRV: Init BTC, BTC Rev = 2, Backplane = 0, Port = 0.
當前活動TCC也出現在此輸出中。插槽11 TCC為TCC B,而插槽7為TCC A。
.252ML12#show ons equipment-agent status EQA ---- phySlot: 12, eqptType: EQPT_L2SC, eqptID: 0x2403 ---- curTCC: Tcc B linkStatus: Full dbReq/Recv: 7 / 7 msgVerToEQM: 2 socketFd: 0 pipeMsgAct: No hdrSizeToEQM: 28 connTries: 0 connTimerFast: No hdrSizeFromEQM: 28 timingProv: No clock auto 1
May 27 17:40:48.459: %VIRTUAL_PA-6-PAREMOVED: POS interface [0] has been removed due to circuit deletion May 27 17:40:48.511: %CARDWARE-6-BTC_DRV: Init BTC, BTC Rev = 2, Backplane = 0, Port = 0.
.225ML12#show ons provisioning-agent m ports all ----- Backend Port (00) Data ----- prov: no sts: xx vt: xx type: xxx name: xxxxx ----- Backend Port (01) Data ----- prov: no sts: xx vt: xx type: xxx name: xxxxx
建立STS3c電路可更新ML上的埠資訊。POS 0控制器輸出中也顯示電路大小。
.225ML12#show ons provisioning-agent m ports all ----- Backend Port (00) Data ----- prov: yes sts: 00 vt: 255 type: DOS name: ----- STS (00) Term Strip ----- Admin State: IS Direction: TX_RX_EQPT Type: 3 Sf: 1E-4 Sd: 1E-7 C2 tx/exp: 0x01 / 0x01 PathTrace Format: 64Byte Mode: OFF expected: (not valid) send: valid: "\000\000\000\000" ----- VT (255) Term Strip not provisioned ----- ----- STS (00) Xc Strip ----- rate: 3 Admin: IS Src Port/STS: 0x09/0x00 STS Eqpt: 0x01 Dest Port/STS: 0x06/0x00 UPSR STS Cont Dest: 0x00 Prev STS Stich Dest Port/STS: 0xFF/0x00 Next STS Stich Dest Port/STS: 0xFF/0x00 ----- Backend Port (01) Data ----- prov: no sts: xx vt: xx type: xxx name: xxxxx
May 27 17:47:08.711: %VIRTUAL_PA-6-PAPLUGGEDIN: POS interface [0] has been created due to circuit creation May 27 17:47:08.715: %CARDWARE-6-BTC_DRV: Init BTC, BTC Rev = 2, Backplane = 0, Port = 0. May 27 17:47:08.915: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface POS0, changed state to up May 27 17:47:09.927: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface POS0, changed state to up
對。225上的活動OC12埠應用設施環路會導致。225 ML報告TPTFAIL警報。此警報也會顯示在ML警報清單中。
.225ML12#show ons alarm Equipment Alarms Active: None Port Alarms POS0 Active: TPTFAIL POS1 Active: None GigabitEthernet0 Active: None GigabitEthernet1 Active: None POS0 Active Alarms : PAIS Demoted Alarms: None POS1 Interface not provisioned
注意:使用彈性分組環(RPR)而不是本測試中的1+1 OC-12時,請在啟用環回之前關閉POS介面。RPR上的此類環回會導致流量丟失,因為保護路徑不會重新路由流量。
2d23h: %CARDWARE-5-CLOCK_ERR: cannot set time-of-day, (invalid IOS time set on TCC)
2d23h: %CARDWARE-5-CLOCK_INFO: system clock, timezone, and summertime configured
根據TCC的時鐘,在IOS系統時鐘上進行自動更新。您可以通過show clock命令驗證此更新。
注意:可以使用service timestamps命令配置調試和記錄時間戳以使用新的時鐘資訊。
.225 ML上的POS 0介面關閉時,會發生一些報警和情況(請參見圖4)。
圖4 - POS 0介面關閉時的警報和情況
在。225 ML上,會出現以下警報:
.225ML12#show ons alarm Equipment Alarms Active: RUNCFG-SAVENEED Port Alarms POS0 Active: None POS1 Active: None GigabitEthernet0 Active: None GigabitEthernet1 Active: None POS0 Active Alarms : PRDI PPDI Demoted Alarms: None POS1 Interface not provisioned
May 24 10:52:01.802: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface POS0, changed state to administratively down May 24 10:52:02.801: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface POS0, changed state to down May 24 10:52:04.021: %SONET-4-ALARM: POS0: PRDI May 24 10:52:04.269: %SONET-4-ALARM: POS0: PPDI
.252ML12#show ons alarm Equipment Alarms Active: None Port Alarms POS0 Active: TPTFAIL POS1 Active: None GigabitEthernet0 Active: None GigabitEthernet1 Active: None POS0 Active Alarms : PAIS Demoted Alarms: None POS1 Interface not provisioned
同樣,.252上的日誌條目表示POS 0關閉事件的原因是PAIS。這與反恐委員會報告的警報或情況相符。
May 24 10:51:48.969: %VIRTUAL_PA-6-UPDOWN: POS0 changed to down due to PAIS defect trigger changing state May 24 10:51:49.169: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface POS0, changed state to down May 24 10:51:50.169: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface POS0, changed state to down May 24 10:51:51.169: %SONET-4-ALARM: POS0: PAIS
.252ML12#show contro pos 0 | inc Active Active Alarms : PAIS Active Defects: PAIS
啟動POS 0介面時,這些日誌條目顯示在。252 ML上:
May 24 11:16:17.509: %VIRTUAL_PA-6-UPDOWN: POS0 changed to up due to PAIS defect trigger changing state May 24 11:16:17.709: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface POS0, changed state to up May 24 11:16:18.709: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface POS0, changed state to up May 24 11:16:27.309: %SONET-4-ALARM: POS0: PAIS cleared
以下是。225 ML上的日誌條目:
May 24 11:16:30.607: %VIRTUAL_PA-6-UPDOWN: POS0 changed to up due to PPDI defect trigger changing state May 24 11:16:30.807: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface POS0, changed state to up May 24 11:16:31.555: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by vty0 ( May 24 11:16:31.807: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface POS0, changed state to up May 24 11:16:40.175: %SONET-4-ALARM: POS0: PRDI cleared May 24 11:16:40.415: %SONET-4-ALARM: POS0: PPDI cleared
由於CRC,兩個POS介面輸入錯誤計數器均以100%遞增。在這種情況下,.225 ML上的CRC更改為16位,而。252 ML仍具有預設的32位CRC。.252 ML上的POS0介面顯示類似的輸入和CRC錯誤計數。
.225ML12#show int pos 0 POS0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is Packet/Ethernet over Sonet, address is 000f.2475.8c00 (bia 000f.2475.8c00) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 622080 Kbit, DLY 100 usec, reliability 149/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ONS15454-G1000, crc 16, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Scramble enabled ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:06:57, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters 00:04:28 Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 11190 bytes Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicast) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 parity 138 input errors, 138 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 178 packets output, 15001 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 applique, 0 interface resets 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out 0 carrier transitions
.225ML12#show contro pos 0 | inc input 8841 total input packets, 46840204 post-HDLC bytes 0 input short packets, 46840993 pre-HDLC bytes 0 input long packets , 3893 input runt packets 2165 input CRCerror packets , 0 input drop packets 0 input abort packets 0 input packets dropped by ucode
225ML12#show cdp neighbor Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater, P - Phone Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID 7603a Gig 0 170 R S I Cat 6000 Gig 1/1 .225ML12#show cdp int | be POS0 POS0 is up, line protocol is up Encapsulation Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds Holdtime is 180 seconds
使用PPP封裝時,可以啟用SPE加擾(預設情況下,SPE加擾處於禁用狀態)。 在本示例中,.225ML POS0已啟用擾碼,而。252ML POS0具有預設設定。
.225ML12#show int pos 0 | in Scramble Scramble enabled
加擾不匹配會改變C2值。如果啟用擾碼,POS介面使用C2值0x16。如果禁用擾碼,POS介面使用C2值0xCF。在。252 POS 0埠上啟用加擾時,結果如下(.225 POS 0配置不會更改):
.252ML12#show contr pos 0 | in C2 C2 (tx / rx) : 0x16 / 0xCF
.252ML12#show ons alarm Equipment Alarms Active: RUNCFG-SAVENEED Port Alarms POS0 Active: TPTFAIL POS1 Active: None GigabitEthernet0 Active: None GigabitEthernet1 Active: None POS0 Active Alarms : PPLM Demoted Alarms: None POS1 Interface not provisioned
在。225節點上,CTC中的兩個OC12埠都發生PDI-P。此警報是。252中POS0關閉的結果。對於POS0,會出現相同的警報(在IOS中稱為Path Payload Defect Indication [PPDI]),這是因為介面收到C2值0xFC(有關此的詳細資訊將在本文檔後面介紹)。
.225ML12#show control pos 0 | inc C2 C2 (tx / rx) : 0xCF / 0xFC
.225ML12#show ons alarm Equipment Alarms Active: RUNCFG-SAVENEED Port Alarms POS0 Active: TPTFAIL POS1 Active: None GigabitEthernet0 Active: None GigabitEthernet1 Active: None POS0 Active Alarms : PPDI Demoted Alarms: None POS1 Interface not provisioned
您可以使用以下命令更改POS C2值:
pos c2 flag <value in decimal>
.225ML12#show contro pos 0 | inc C2 C2 (tx / rx) : 0x16 / 0x16
.225ML12#show log … May 27 14:22:15.114: %CARDWARE-6-CIRCUIT_STATE: Circuit state on POS 0 change from IS to OOS_AS May 27 14:22:15.114: %CARDWARE-6-BTC_DRV: Init BTC, BTC Rev = 2, Backplane = 0, Port = 0.
May 27 18:41:15.339: %CARDWARE-6-CIRCUIT_STATE: Circuit state on POS 0 change from IS to OOS_AS May 27 18:42:11.871: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface POS0, changed state to down May 27 19:17:48.507: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by vty2 ( May 28 11:57:33.387: %CARDWARE-6-CIRCUIT_STATE: Circuit state on POS 0 change from OOS_AS to IS May 28 11:57:33.391: %CARDWARE-6-BTC_DRV: Init BTC, BTC Rev = 2, Backplane = 0, Port = 0. May 28 11:57:35.879: %VIRTUAL_PA-6-UPDOWN: POS0 changed to down due to PPDI defect trigger changing state May 28 11:57:36.079: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface POS0, changed state to down May 28 11:57:36.279: %SONET-4-ALARM: POS0: PPDI
當以前的電路狀態更改為OOS時,即使在電路返回到In-Service(IS)狀態後,.225 POS也會報告PPDI。因此POS0介面處於關閉狀態。CTC還報告。225節點上的PDI-P。.225上OC12介面的PM計數器顯示沒有錯誤,並表示OC-12路徑是乾淨的。
.225ML12#show contro pos 0 Interface POS0 Hardware is Packet/Ethernet over Sonet PATH PAIS = 0 PLOP = 0 PRDI = 0 PTIM = 0 PPLM = 0 PUNEQ = 0 PPDI = 0 BER_SF_B3 = 0 BER_SD_B3 = 0 BIP(B3) = 0 REI = 0 NEWPTR = 0 PSE = 0 NSE = 0 Active Alarms : PPDI Demoted Alarms: None Active Defects: PPDI Alarms reportable to CLI: PAIS PRDI PLOP PUNEQ PPLM PTIM PPDI BER_SF_B3 BER_SD_B3 Link state change defects: PAIS PLOP PTIM PUNEQ PRDI PPLM PPDI BER_SF_B3 Link state change time : 200 (msec) DOS FPGA channel number : 0 Starting STS (0 based) : 0 VT ID (if any) (0 based) : 255 Circuit size : STS-3c RDI Mode : 1 bit C2 (tx / rx) : 0xCF / 0xFC Framing : SONET
May 28 14:34:16.967: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface POS0, changed state to administratively down May 28 14:34:18.675: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface POS0, changed state to down May 28 14:34:18.939: %VIRTUAL_PA-6-UPDOWN: POS0 changed to up due to PPDI defect trigger changing state May 28 14:34:19.139: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface POS0, changed state to up May 28 14:34:20.127: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by vty2 ( May 28 14:34:20.147: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface POS0, changed state to up May 28 14:34:28.739: %SONET-4-ALARM: POS0: PPDI cleared
.225ML12#show control pos 0 Interface POS0 Hardware is Packet/Ethernet over Sonet PATH PAIS = 0 PLOP = 0 PRDI = 1 PTIM = 0 PPLM = 0 PUNEQ = 0 PPDI = 0 BER_SF_B3 = 0 BER_SD_B3 = 0 BIP(B3) = 0 REI = 16 NEWPTR = 0 PSE = 0 NSE = 0 Active Alarms : None Demoted Alarms: None Active Defects: None Alarms reportable to CLI: PAIS PRDI PLOP PUNEQ PPLM PTIM PPDI BER_SF_B3 BER_SD_B3 Link state change defects: PAIS PLOP PTIM PUNEQ PRDI PPLM PPDI BER_SF_B3 Link state change time: 200 (msec) DOS FPGA channel number : 0 Starting STS (0 based) : 0 VT ID (if any) (0 based) : 255 Circuit size : STS-3c RDI Mode : 1 bit C2 (tx / rx) : 0xCF / 0xCF Framing : SONET
此測試在兩個ONS ML卡上使用相同的100網橋組。但是,網橋組不必相同,只要POS 0和GigE 0位於同一個ML上或位於同一個網橋組中。例如,對。252 ML上的網橋組101的更改不會影響流量。
.252ML12#show bridge ver Total of 300 station blocks, 298 free Codes: P - permanent, S - self Maximum dynamic entries allowed: 1000 Current dynamic entry count: 0 Flood ports Maximum dynamic entries allowed: 1000 Current dynamic entry count: 2 BG Hash Address Action Interface VC Age RX count TX count 101 02/0 000b.45b0.484a forward Gi0 - 101 BC/0 0009.b7f4.76ca forward POS0 - Flood ports GigabitEthernet0 POS0
DDTS ID | 狀態 | 找到版本 | 已修復版本 | ********************Release*Notes******************** |
CSCeb56287 | 五 | 4.1 | 4.6 | 當您將ML系列電路的狀態從服務中(IS)設定為服務外(OOS),然後又設定回IS時,資料流量不會恢復。為了避免此問題,請在從IS更改狀態之前,在CLI上將POS埠設定為shutdown。從OOS將狀態恢復為IS後,請將POS埠設定為no shutdown。 |
CSCeb24757 | 五 | 4.1 | 4.6 | 如果斷開ML1000埠上的傳輸光纖連線,則僅相鄰埠斷開鏈路。理想情況下,兩個連線埠都必須識別連結已關閉,以便上層通訊協定可以將流量重新路由到不同的連線埠。要解決這種情況,請對傳輸光纖已斷開連線或發生故障的埠發出shutdown和no shutdown。 |
CSCdy31775 | 五 | 4 | 4.6 | 無丟棄計數包括由於輸出隊列擁塞而被丟棄的資料包。在以下任一情況下會發生此問題:
CSCdz49700 | 思 | 4 | - | ML系列卡始終在相連裝置之間轉發動態中繼協定(DTP)資料包。如果在連線的裝置上啟用DTP(可以是預設設定),DTP可能會協商ML系列卡不支援的引數,例如ISL。ML系列卡會統計協商使用ISL作為組播資料包的鏈路上的所有資料包,並且STP和CDP資料包會在使用ISL的已連線裝置之間橋接,而無需處理。為了避免此問題,請在連線的裝置上禁用DTP和ISL。此功能與設計相同。 |
CSCdz68649 | 思 | 4 | - | 在某些條件下,流量控制狀態可以指示流量控制正在工作,當流量控制不起作用時。只有在配置埠級管制器時,ML系列卡上的流量控制才起作用。埠級管制器是預設和輸入策略對映的唯一類的管制器。流量控制也僅用於將源速率限製為已配置的策略器丟棄速率。流量控制不會防止由於輸出隊列擁塞而丟棄資料包。因此,如果您沒有埠級監察器,或者如果發生輸出隊列擁塞,則策略不起作用。但是,在這些情況下,策略仍可能錯誤地顯示為已啟用。為了避免此問題,請配置埠級管制器並防止輸出隊列擁塞。 |
CSCdz69700 | 思 | 4 | - | 如果在ML1000埠上發出shutdown/no shutdown命令序列,計數器會清除。這是啟動過程的正常部分,此功能不會更改。 |
CSCea11742 | 五 | 4 | 4.6 | 當您將兩個ML POS埠之間的電路設定為OOS時,其中一個埠可能錯誤地報告TPTFAIL。ML100T-12和ML1000-2卡都存在此問題。如果發生此問題,請開啟每個ML卡的控制檯視窗,並將POS埠配置為shutdown。 |
CSCea20962 | 五 | 4 | 5 | 將OOS應用於電路調配視窗上的ML丟棄埠時,不會出現警告。 |
CSCdy47284 | 思 | 4 | - | ML-100 FastEthernet MTU未強制執行。但是,大於9050位元組的幀可能被丟棄,並導致Rx和Tx錯誤。 |
利用到目前為止已提供的資訊,本章旨在構建故障隔離案例。根據系統報告的症狀,本節提供解決該問題的逐步提示。這些案例研究與ONS 15454上的ML卡有關的一些常見症狀有關。
在由於錯誤而重新載入或重置ML卡之前收集資訊。手動重新載入會丟棄潛在的重要資訊。手動重新載入重置所有計數器,並且會丟失儲存在記憶體中的所有日誌。在路由器上發出任何故障排除命令之前,思科建議您發出show tech-support命令和任何其他資料收集命令來恢復日誌資訊。如果重新啟動或重置ML卡,您可能會失去控制檯/telnet訪問以及相關資訊。
使用show tech-support命令收集各種資料。此命令通常是在給定時間點發生錯誤後獲取路由器狀態的最佳工具。
以下是show tech-support命令執行的基本命令清單。您捕獲的內容會根據IOS版本、硬體和您選擇的選項而有所不同。
show version show running-config show stacks show interfaces show controllers show file systems dir nvram: show flash: all show process memory show process cpu show context show sdm internal all-regions show sdm ip-adjacency all show sdm ip-mcast all show sdm ip-prefix all show sdm l2-switching forwarding show sdm l2-switching interface-macs show sdm qos all show ons alarm defect show ons alarm failure show ons hwp defects show ons hwp reframe show ons hwp tci show ons hwp xcon show ons equipment-agent status show ons provisioning-agent message ports all show ons provisioning-agent message node-element test mda conn dump connections test mda ppe global reg dump 0 test mda ppe global reg dump 1 Mempool statistics show region show buffers
除了這些命令外,請捕獲與ML卡具有特殊關聯性的其他命令輸出,如本文檔前面的部分所述。例如,show log、show ons alarm等。從CTC捕獲並匯出先前描述的相關資訊,例如警報、條件、電路、庫存和PM計數器。
輸出直譯器工具(僅限註冊客戶):將show tech-support命令的輸出貼上到此工具中。此工具將快速總結發現的所有問題。這是一個非常好的工具,可以快速總結您遇到的更簡單的問題。此工具解釋各種輸入。您可以使用「技術」選單下拉框進行瀏覽。然而,該工具並不完善,仍然需要解釋來驗證資訊。
錯誤消息解碼器:此工具可幫助您研究和解決Cisco IOS軟體、Catalyst交換機軟體和Cisco Secure PIX防火牆軟體的錯誤消息。貼上日誌檔案中的錯誤消息,並確保選中結果內的建議相關文檔覈取方塊。
Bug Toolkit:根據以下一個或多個選項搜尋結果:
本節介紹一些常見故障條件以及可以採取的隔離這些條件的可能步驟。有關詳細的警報資訊,請參閱Cisco ONS 15454故障排除指南4.1.x和4.5版。
當乙太網埠從IOS CLI配置為no shutdown埠時,就會發生CARLOSS警報,並且還會滿足以下條件之一:
這是一個嚴重警報(MJ),對服務有影響(SA)。 TPT層故障警報表示ML系列POS卡的端到端POS鏈路完整性功能中斷。TPTFAIL表示POS連線埠的遠端狀態或設定不正確。
如果管理性停用遠端ML系列POS連線埠,則連線埠會插入近端連線埠偵測到的「AIS-P」條件。在此事件中,近端連線埠可以報告TPTFAIL。遠端POS連線埠報告PRDI和PPDI。您可以使用show ons alarm命令檢視所有這些警報。如果POS埠在IOS CLI級別配置不正確,配置錯誤將導致埠關閉,並報告TPTFAIL。
如果POS埠電路僅發生「PDI-P」條件,並且電路由G系列卡終止,請驗證G系列卡是否發生「CARLOSS(G系列乙太網)」警報。如果是,請完成「Clear the CARLOSS(G-Series Ethernet)Alarm」過程。
請參見ML乙太網埠上的CARLOSS Alarm Reported。
.225 POS 0(關閉) | 0.252 POS |
AIS Path條件表示此節點檢測到傳入路徑中的AIS。
各種警報可能會使POS介面關閉。預設情況下,這些警報會導致POS連結關閉:PAIS、PLOP、PTIM、PUNEQ、PRDI、PPLM、PPDI、BER_SF_B3。要修改清單,請使用pos trigger defects interface命令。當POS介面開啟或關閉時,將記錄原因(show log)。 您可以使用show ons alarm命令檢索所有活動的警報或缺陷。排除故障,開啟POS介面。當POS介面關閉時,會發生TPTFAIL警報。
在POS介面上累積的輸入錯誤(show interface POS和CTC PM計數器)表示入站資料包的格式不正確。多種原因可能導致輸入錯誤資料包。
7603a#show run Building configuration... Current configuration : 3136 bytes ! version 12.1 service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime no service password-encryption ! hostname 7603a ! ! ip subnet-zero ! ! ! mls flow ip destination mls flow ipx destination spanning-tree extend system-id ! redundancy mode rpr-plus main-cpu auto-sync running-config auto-sync standard ! ! ! interface GigabitEthernet1/1 ip address ! router ospf 1 log-adjacency-changes network area 0 ! ip classless no ip http server ! ! ! ! line con 0 line vty 0 4 ! end 7603a#show ip int bri Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol Vlan1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down GigabitEthernet1/1 YES manual up up 7603a#show ip route Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area * - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR P - periodic downloaded static route Gateway of last resort is not set 7603a#show int gigabitEthernet 1/1 GigabitEthernet1/1 is up, line protocol is up (connected) Hardware is C6k 1000Mb 802.3, address is 0009.b7f4.76ca (bia 0009.b7f4.76ca) Internet address is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Full-duplex mode, link type is autonegotiation, media type is SX output flow-control is unsupported, input flow-control is unsupported, 1000Mb/s Clock mode is auto input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:01, output 00:00:45, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue :0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec L2 Switched: ucast: 5482 pkt, 516472 bytes - mcast: 1 pkt, 64 bytes L3 in Switched: ucast: 0 pkt, 0 bytes - mcast: 0 pkt, 0 bytes mcast L3 out Switched: ucast: 0 pkt, 0 bytes 5145 packets input, 405866 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 5107 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 332 packets output, 111641 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 2 interface resets 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out 7603a#show ip ospf neig Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 1 FULL/DR 00:00:38 GigabitEtherne t1/1
7603b#show run Building configuration... Current configuration : 1102 bytes ! version 12.1 service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime no service password-encryption ! hostname 7603b ! enable password cisco ! ip subnet-zero ! ! ! mls flow ip destination mls flow ipx destination spanning-tree extend system-id ! redundancy mode rpr-plus main-cpu auto-sync running-config auto-sync standard ! ! ! interface GigabitEthernet1/1 ip address speed nonegotiate ! router ospf 1 log-adjacency-changes network area 0 ! ip classless no ip http server ! ! ! ! line con 0 line vty 0 4 no login ! end Note that if GigE link does not come up, auto-negotiation may not be working. Auto-negotiation can be turned off to force the link to come up. Ensure both sides of the link are matching. 7603b#show ip int bri Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol Vlan1 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down GigabitEthernet1/1 YES manual up up 7603b#show int gig 1/1 GigabitEthernet1/1 is up, line protocol is up (connected) Hardware is C6k 1000Mb 802.3, address is 000b.45b0.484a (bia 000b.45b0.484a) Internet address is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Full-duplex mode, link type is force-up, media type is SX output flow-control is unsupported, input flow-control is unsupported, 1000Mb/s Clock mode is auto input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:01, output 00:00:04, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue :0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec L2 Switched: ucast: 5695 pkt, 534143 bytes - mcast: 3 pkt, 192 bytes L3 in Switched: ucast: 0 pkt, 0 bytes - mcast: 0 pkt, 0 bytes mcast L3 out Switched: ucast: 0 pkt, 0 bytes 5319 packets input, 395772 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 5172 broadcasts, 4 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 4 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 413 packets output, 139651 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 2 interface resets 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out 7603b#show ip route Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area * - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR P - periodic downloaded static route Gateway of last resort is not set C is directly connected, GigabitEthernet1/1 7603b#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms
.225ML12#show run Building configuration... Current configuration : 580 bytes ! version 12.1 no service pad service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime no service password-encryption ! hostname .225ML12 ! logging buffered 4096 debugging enable password cisco ! ip subnet-zero no ip routing no ip domain-lookup ! ! bridge 100 protocol ieee ! ! interface GigabitEthernet0 no ip address no ip route-cache bridge-group 100 ! interface GigabitEthernet1 no ip address no ip route-cache shutdown ! interface POS0 no ip address no ip route-cache crc 32 bridge-group 100 ! ip classless no ip http server ! ! ! ! line con 0 line vty 0 4 exec-timeout 0 0 no login ! end .225ML12#show ip int bri Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol GigabitEthernet0 unassigned YES unset up up GigabitEthernet1 unassigned YES unset administratively down down POS0 unassigned YES unset up up .225ML12#show int gig 0 GigabitEthernet0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is xpif_port, address is 000f.2475.8c04 (bia 000f.2475.8c04) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Full-duplex, 1000Mb/s, 1000BaseSX, Auto-negotiation output flow-control is off, input flow-control is on ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:53, output 00:00:01, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 336 packets input, 111810 bytes Received 1 broadcasts (0 IP multicast) 1 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 1 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 244 multicast 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 5369 packets output, 422097 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out .225ML12#show int pos 0 POS0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is Packet/Ethernet over Sonet, address is 000f.2475.8c00 (bia 000f.2475.8c00) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 622080 Kbit, DLY 100 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ONS15454-G1000, crc 32, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Scramble enabled ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:32, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters 02:16:40 Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 152 packets input, 26266640 bytes Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicast) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 parity 1 input errors, 1 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 4250 packets output, 351305 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 applique, 0 interface resets 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out 0 carrier transitions .225ML12#show ons alarm Equipment Alarms Active: None Port Alarms POS0 Active: None POS1 Active: None GigabitEthernet0 Active: None GigabitEthernet1 Active: None POS0 Active Alarms : None Demoted Alarms: None POS1 Interface not provisioned This command shows all the defects that can be reported to CLI and TCC (via CTC). .225ML12#show ons alarm defect Equipment Defects Active: None Reportable to TCC/CLI: CONTBUS-IO-A CONTBUS-IO-B CTNEQPT-PBWORK CTNEQPT-PBPROT EQPT RUNCFG-SAVENEED ERROR-CONFIG Port Defects POS0 Active: None Reportable to TCC: CARLOSS TPTFAIL POS1 Active: None Reportable to TCC: CARLOSS TPTFAIL GigabitEthernet0 Active: None Reportable to TCC: CARLOSS TPTFAIL GigabitEthernet1 Active: None Reportable to TCC: CARLOSS TPTFAIL POS0 Active Defects: None Alarms reportable to CLI: PAIS PRDI PLOP PUNEQ PPLM PTIM PPDI BER_SF_B3 BER_SD_B3 POS1 Interface not provisioned This command shows all the active alarms. .225ML12#show ons alarm failure Equipment Alarms Active: None Port Alarms POS0 Active: None POS1 Active: None GigabitEthernet0 Active: None GigabitEthernet1 Active: None POS0 Active Alarms : None Demoted Alarms: None POS1 Interface not provisioned .225ML12#show control pos 0 Interface POS0 Hardware is Packet/Ethernet over Sonet PATH PAIS = 0 PLOP = 0 PRDI = 0 PTIM = 0 PPLM = 0 PUNEQ = 0 PPDI = 0 BER_SF_B3 = 0 BER_SD_B3 = 0 BIP(B3) = 0 REI = 0 NEWPTR = 0 PSE = 0 NSE = 0 Active Alarms : None Demoted Alarms: None Active Defects: None Alarms reportable to CLI: PAIS PRDI PLOP PUNEQ PPLM PTIM PPDI BER_SF_B3 BER_SD_B3 Link state change defects: PAIS PLOP PTIM PUNEQ PRDI PPLM PPDI BER_SF_B3 Link state change time : 200 (msec) DOS FPGA channel number : 0 Starting STS (0 based) : 0 VT ID (if any) (0 based) : 255 Circuit size : STS-12c RDI Mode : 1 bit C2 (tx / rx) : 0x01 / 0x01 Framing : SONET Path Trace Mode : off Transmit String : Expected String : Received String : Buffer : Unstable Remote hostname : Remote interface: Remote IP addr : B3 BER thresholds: SFBER = 1e-4, SDBER = 1e-7 231 total input packets, 26294392 post-HDLC bytes 0 input short packets, 26294465 pre-HDLC bytes 0 input long packets , 0 input runt packets 1 input CRCerror packets , 0 input drop packets 0 input abort packets 0 input packets dropped by ucode 6392 total output packets, 527660 output pre-HDLC bytes 527812 output post-HDLC bytes Carrier delay is 200 msec .225ML12#show cdp nei Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater, P - Phone Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID .252ML12 POS0 148 T ONS-ML1000POS0 7603a Gig 0 121 R S I Cat 6000 Gig 1/1 The following command shows the detail bridge table. Note that 000b.45b0.484a is the address of Gig0 on 7603b. .225ML12#show bridge ver Total of 300 station blocks, 298 free Codes: P - permanent, S - self Maximum dynamic entries allowed: 1000 Current dynamic entry count: 2 BG Hash Address Action Interface VC Age RX count TX count 100 02/0 000b.45b0.484a forward POS0 - 100 BC/0 0009.b7f4.76ca forward Gi0 - Flood ports GigabitEthernet0 POS0 This command shows the same type of info as the above. .225ML12#show sdm l2-switching forwarding bridge-group 100 MAC-Address B-Group l3_int punt_da Out-int SPR-NodeId CAM-ADDR STATE ----------- ------- ------ ------- ------- ---------- -------- ----- 0009B7F476CA 100 0 0 Gi0 *** 11 Used 000B45B0484A 100 0 0 PO0 *** 12 Used .225ML12#show interface summary *: interface is up IHQ: pkts in input hold queue IQD: pkts dropped from input queue OHQ: pkts in output hold queue OQD: pkts dropped from output queue RXBS: rx rate (bits/sec) RXPS: rx rate (pkts/sec) TXBS: tx rate (bits/sec) TXPS: tx rate (pkts/sec) TRTL: throttle count Interface IHQ IQD OHQ OQD RXBS RXPS TXBS TXPS TRTL --------------------------------------------------------------------- * GigabitEthernet0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GigabitEthernet1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * POS0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOTE:No separate counters are maintained for subinterfaces Hence Details of subinterface are not shown .225ML12#show ons equipment-agent status EQA ---- phySlot: 12, eqptType: EQPT_L2SC, eqptID: 0x2403 ---- curTCC: Tcc B linkStatus: Full dbReq/Recv: 1 / 4 msgVerToEQM: 2 socketFd: 0 pipeMsgAct: No hdrSizeToEQM: 28 connTries: 0 connTimerFast: No hdrSizeFromEQM: 28 timingProv: No clock auto 1 .225ML12#show ons provisioning-agent message ports all ----- Backend Port (00) Data ----- prov: yes sts: 00 vt: 255 type: DOS name: ----- STS (00) Term Strip ----- Admin State: IS Direction: TX_RX_EQPT Type: 12 Sf: 1E-4 Sd: 1E-7 C2 tx/exp: 0x01 / 0x01 PathTrace Format: 64Byte Mode: OFF expected: (not valid) send: valid: "\000\000\000\000" ----- VT (255) Term Strip not provisioned ----- ----- STS (00) Xc Strip ----- rate: 12 Admin: IS Src Port/STS: 0x09/0x00 STS Eqpt: 0x01 Dest Port/STS: 0x06/0x00 UPSR STS Cont Dest: 0x00 Prev STS Stich Dest Port/STS: 0xFF/0x00 Next STS Stich Dest Port/STS: 0xFF/0x00 ----- Backend Port (01) Data ----- prov: no sts: xx vt: xx type: xxx name: xxxxx The following command retrieves the ONS provisioning information that is done via CTC. .225ML12#show ons provisioning-agent message node-element ----- NE Data ----- Node Name: R27-15454c MAC Addr : 00 10 CF D2 70 92 IP Addr : Sub Net Mask : Dflt Router : Lan IP Addr : Lan Sub Mask : Day Savings : 0x01 Min from UTC : 480 Node ID : 0xFF Sync Msg Ver : 0x01 Sync Msg Res Delta : -1 Sync Msg Res Quality : 0x06 XConA Eqpt ID : 0x00000201 XConB Eqpt ID : 0x00000201 OSPF Node ID : 0xCFD27092 SDH Mode : SONET
The auto negotiation was turned off on Gig0 (see later). .252ML12#show run Building configuration... Current configuration : 643 bytes ! version 12.1 no service pad service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime no service password-encryption ! hostname .252ML12 ! logging buffered 4096 debugging enable password cisco ! ip subnet-zero no ip routing no ip domain-lookup ! ! bridge 100 protocol ieee ! ! interface GigabitEthernet0 no ip address no ip route-cache no speed no negotiation auto bridge-group 100 ! interface GigabitEthernet1 no ip address no ip route-cache shutdown ! interface POS0 no ip address no ip route-cache crc 32 bridge-group 100 ! ip classless no ip http server ! ! ! ! line con 0 line vty 0 4 exec-timeout 0 0 no login ! end .252ML12#show ip int brie Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol GigabitEthernet0 unassigned YES manual up up GigabitEthernet1 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down POS0 unassigned YES unset up up The Gig0 interface showed carrier loss until it was forced up by turning off auto negotiation. .252ML12#show int gig 0 GigabitEthernet0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is xpif_port, address is 000f.2475.8c4c (bia 000f.2475.8c4c) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Full-duplex, 1000Mb/s, 1000BaseSX, Force link-up output flow-control is off, input flow-control is on ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:06, output 00:00:01, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 391 packets input, 125375 bytes Received 1 broadcasts (0 IP multicast) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 282 multicast 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 8489 packets output, 637084 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out .252ML12#show int pos 0 POS0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is Packet/Ethernet over Sonet, address is 000f.2475.8c48 (bia 000f.2475.8c48) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 622080 Kbit, DLY 100 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ONS15454-G1000, crc 32, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Scramble enabled ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:00, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters 03:58:02 Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 7396 packets input, 608413 bytes Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicast) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 parity 1 input errors, 1 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 267 packets output, 96676 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 applique, 0 interface resets 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out 0 carrier transitions .252ML12#show ons alarm Equipment Alarms Active: None Port Alarms POS0 Active: None POS1 Active: None GigabitEthernet0 Active: None GigabitEthernet1 Active: None POS0 Active Alarms : None Demoted Alarms: None POS1 Interface not provisioned .252ML12#show ons alarm defect Equipment Defects Active: None Reportable to TCC/CLI: CONTBUS-IO-A CONTBUS-IO-B CTNEQPT-PBWORK CTNEQPT-PBPROT EQPT RUNCFG-SAVENEED ERROR-CONFIG Port Defects POS0 Active: None Reportable to TCC: CARLOSS TPTFAIL POS1 Active: None Reportable to TCC: CARLOSS TPTFAIL GigabitEthernet0 Active: None Reportable to TCC: CARLOSS TPTFAIL GigabitEthernet1 Active: None Reportable to TCC: CARLOSS TPTFAIL POS0 Active Defects: None Alarms reportable to CLI: PAIS PRDI PLOP PUNEQ PPLM PTIM PPDI BER_SF_B3 BER_SD_B3 POS1 Interface not provisioned .252ML12#show ons alarm failure Equipment Alarms Active: None Port Alarms POS0 Active: None POS1 Active: None GigabitEthernet0 Active: None GigabitEthernet1 Active: None POS0 Active Alarms : None Demoted Alarms: None POS1 Interface not provisioned .252ML12#show contro pos 0 Interface POS0 Hardware is Packet/Ethernet over Sonet PATH PAIS = 0 PLOP = 0 PRDI = 0 PTIM = 0 PPLM = 0 PUNEQ = 0 PPDI = 0 BER_SF_B3 = 0 BER_SD_B3 = 0 BIP(B3) = 0 REI = 0 NEWPTR = 0 PSE = 0 NSE = 0 Active Alarms : None Demoted Alarms: None Active Defects: None Alarms reportable to CLI: PAIS PRDI PLOP PUNEQ PPLM PTIM PPDI BER_SF_B3 BER_SD_B3 Link state change defects: PAIS PLOP PTIM PUNEQ PRDI PPLM PPDI BER_SF_B3 Link state change time : 200 (msec) DOS FPGA channel number : 0 Starting STS (0 based) : 0 VT ID (if any) (0 based) : 255 Circuit size : STS-12c RDI Mode : 1 bit C2 (tx / rx) : 0x01 / 0x01 Framing : SONET Path Trace Mode : off Transmit String : Expected String : Received String : Buffer : Unstable Remote hostname : Remote interface: Remote IP addr : B3 BER thresholds: SFBER = 1e-4, SDBER = 1e-7 7425 total input packets, 610493 post-HDLC bytes 0 input short packets, 610501 pre-HDLC bytes 0 input long packets , 0 input runt packets 1 input CRCerror packets , 0 input drop packets 0 input abort packets 0 input packets dropped by ucode 268 total output packets, 97061 output pre-HDLC bytes 97061 output post-HDLC bytes Carrier delay is 200 msec .252ML12#show cdp neigh Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater, P - Phone Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID .225ML12 POS0 168 T ONS-ML1000POS0 7603b Gig 0 158 R S I Cat 6000 Gig 1/1 .252ML12#show bridge verbose Total of 300 station blocks, 300 free Codes: P - permanent, S - self Total of 300 station blocks, 298 free Codes: P - permanent, S – self Maximum dynamic entries allowed: 1000 Current dynamic entry count: 2 BG Hash Address Action Interface VC Age RX count TX count 100 02/0 000b.45b0.484a forward Gi0 - 100 BC/0 0009.b7f4.76ca forward POS0 - Flood ports GigabitEthernet0 POS0 .252ML12#show sdm l2-switching forwarding bridge-group 100 MAC-Address B-Group l3_int punt_da Out-int SPR-NodeId CAM-ADDR STATE ----------- ------- ------ ------- ------- ---------- -------- ----- 000B45B0484A 100 0 0 Gi0 *** 11 Used 0009B7F476CA 100 0 0 PO0 *** 16 Used .252ML12#show int summ *: interface is up IHQ: pkts in input hold queue IQD: pkts dropped from input queue OHQ: pkts in output hold queue OQD: pkts dropped from output queue RXBS: rx rate (bits/sec) RXPS: rx rate (pkts/sec) TXBS: tx rate (bits/sec) TXPS: tx rate (pkts/sec) TRTL: throttle count Interface IHQ IQD OHQ OQD RXBS RXPS TXBS TXPS TRTL --------------------------------------------------------------------- * GigabitEthernet0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GigabitEthernet1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * POS0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOTE:No separate counters are maintained for subinterfaces Hence Details of subinterface are not shown .252ML12#show ons equipment-agent status EQA ---- phySlot: 12, eqptType: EQPT_L2SC, eqptID: 0x2403 ---- curTCC: Tcc A linkStatus: Full dbReq/Recv: 1 / 5 msgVerToEQM: 2 socketFd: 0 pipeMsgAct: No hdrSizeToEQM: 28 connTries: 0 connTimerFast: No hdrSizeFromEQM: 28 timingProv: No clock auto 1 .252ML12#show ons provisioning-agent message ports all ----- Backend Port (00) Data ----- prov: yes sts: 00 vt: 255 type: DOS name: ----- STS (00) Term Strip ----- Admin State: IS Direction: TX_RX_EQPT Type: 12 Sf: 1E-4 Sd: 1E-7 C2 tx/exp: 0x01 / 0x01 PathTrace Format: 64Byte Mode: OFF expected: (not valid) send: valid: "\000\000\000\000" ----- VT (255) Term Strip not provisioned ----- ----- STS (00) Xc Strip ----- rate: 12 Admin: IS Src Port/STS: 0x09/0x00 STS Eqpt: 0x01 Dest Port/STS: 0x06/0x00 UPSR STS Cont Dest: 0x00 Prev STS Stich Dest Port/STS: 0xFF/0x00 Next STS Stich Dest Port/STS: 0xFF/0x00 ----- Backend Port (01) Data ----- prov: no sts: xx vt: xx type: xxx name: xxxxx .252ML12#show ons provisioning-agent message node-element ----- NE Data ----- Node Name: r26-15454a MAC Addr : 00 10 CF D2 40 52 IP Addr : Sub Net Mask : Dflt Router : Lan IP Addr : Lan Sub Mask : Day Savings : 0x01 Min from UTC : 480 Node ID : 0xFF Sync Msg Ver : 0x01 Sync Msg Res Delta : 0 Sync Msg Res Quality : 0x00 XConA Eqpt ID : 0x00000201 XConB Eqpt ID : 0x00000201 OSPF Node ID : 0xCFD24052 SDH Mode : SONET
修訂 | 發佈日期 | 意見 |
1.0 |
14-Nov-2005 |
初始版本 |