本檔案介紹如何在Cisco Cloud Services Router 1000V(CSR1000V)上增加資料平面(DP)Quantum Flow處理器(QFP)外部記憶體管理員(exmem)記憶體。
- CSR1000V路由器
- Cisco IOS®-XE。
- ESXi vCenter。
- CSR1000V路由器部署在VMware ESXi 6.7.0中
- Cisco IOS®-XE 16.12.6
瞭解Cisco IOS®-XE的構建方式非常重要。藉助Cisco IOS®-XE,Cisco已遷移到Linux核心,並且所有子系統都已分解為多個進程。以前Cisco IOS®內部的所有子系統現在都作為Linux作業系統(OS)中的軟體進程運行。 Cisco IOS®本身在Linux OS中作為守護程式(Cisco IOSd)運行。Cisco IOS®-XE不僅保留傳統Cisco IOS®的外觀和感覺,而且保留其操作、支援和管理。
分配給虛擬機器(VM)的記憶體分配給Cisco IOS®守護程式(Cisco IOSd)和資料平面記憶體。
預設情況下,Cisco IOSd上的記憶體分配為2.5 GB,而對於資料平面為1.5 GB,Cisco IOSd可用的記憶體量由記憶體附加許可證和某些功能許可證(寬頻功能許可證)控制,並且在為VM分配更多記憶體時不會發生更改。
在資料平面記憶體中,CSR1000V上的外部記憶體大小預設為256MB(268435456位元組),對於某些特定功能配置(如QoS策略、NAT會話、IPSec安全關聯等),該記憶體大小可能非常小。當觀察到exmem高利用率時 —
CSR_ESXi#show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure exmem statistics
QFP exmem statistics
Type: Name: DRAM, QFP: 0
Total: 268435456
InUse: 263066746
Free: 5368710
Lowest free water mark: 206885888
Type: Name: IRAM, QFP: 0
Total: 2097152
InUse: 218112
Free: 1879040
Lowest free water mark: 1879040
Type: Name: SRAM, QFP: 0
Total: 0
InUse: 0
Free: 0
Lowest free water mark: 0
Jul 5 08:016:32.486: %QFPOOR-2-LOWRSRC_PERCENT_CRIT: R0/0: cpp_ha: QFP 0 DRAM(EXMEM) at 99 percent, exceeds critical level 95
附註:請參閱Cisco CSR 1000v記憶體分配,瞭解詳細的Cisco IOSd記憶體附加資訊。
配置CSR1000V exmem分配
可用的模板選項有 —
控制平面 — 繁重
資料平面 — 繁重
服務平面 — 繁重
附註:本文檔不涵蓋控制平面模板和服務平面模板,有關這些模板的更多詳細資訊,請參閱 — Cisco CSR 1000v和Cisco ISRv軟體配置指南
VM記憶體 |
QFP外部大小 |
4GB |
256MB(預設值) |
8GB |
512MB |
16GB |
1024MB |
Router#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#platform resource data-plane-heavy
Please reboot to activate this template
Router#write memory
Building configuration...
- 啟用
- configure terminal
- 平台資源資料平面 — 繁重
- end
- 寫記憶體
- 重新載入
cisco CSR1000V (VXE) processor (revision VXE) with 2295972K/3075K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID 949XJJNMSHM
3 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
8105924K bytes of physical memory.
7774207K bytes of virtual hard disk at bootflash:.
0K bytes of WebUI ODM Files at webui:.
2.模板更改後,在分配給Cisco IOSd和資料平面的記憶體方面未發現任何更改。
Router#show platform software vmemory info
Memory Upgrade Limits:
Total System Memory: 7915 MB
Memory From Upgrade Licenses: N/A(Smart License Enabled)
Memory From Feature Licenses: N/A(Smart License Enabled)
Memory Available For Upgrade:
Available System Memory: 3819 MB
Available Upgrade Licensed Memory: N/A(Smart License Enabled)
Available Feature Licensed Memory: N/A(Smart License Enabled)
Current Memory Allocation:
Cisco IOSD: 2560 MB (default) + 0 MB upgrade
Data Plane: 1536 MB (default) + 0 MB upgrade
3. QFP的可用總容量現在為512MB。
Router#show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure exmem statistics
QFP exmem statistics
Type: Name: DRAM, QFP: 0
Total: 536870912
InUse: 61156352
Free: 475714560
Lowest free water mark: 475321344
Type: Name: IRAM, QFP: 0
Total: 2097152
InUse: 218112
Free: 1879040
Lowest free water mark: 1879040
Type: Name: SRAM, QFP: 0
Total: 0
InUse: 0
Free: 0
Lowest free water mark: 0
Router#show platform software cpu alloc
CPU alloc information:
Control plane cpu alloc: 0
Data plane cpu alloc: 1-7
Service plane cpu alloc: 0
Template used: CLI-data_plane_heavy
Router#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#platform resource data-plane-normal
Please reboot to activate this template
Router#write memory
Building configuration...
- 啟用
- configure terminal
- platform resource data-plane-normal
- end
- 寫記憶體
- 重新載入
Data Plane Normal,無論分配的VM記憶體量如何,都使用256MB的QFP表達式。
cisco CSR1000V (VXE) processor (revision VXE) with 2295972K/3075K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID 949XJJNMSHM
3 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
16363460K bytes of physical memory.
7774207K bytes of virtual hard disk at bootflash:.
0K bytes of WebUI ODM Files at webui:.
Router#show platform software vmemory info
Memory Upgrade Limits:
Total System Memory: 15979 MB
Memory From Upgrade Licenses: N/A(Smart License Enabled)
Memory From Feature Licenses: N/A(Smart License Enabled)
Memory Available For Upgrade:
Available System Memory: 11883 MB
Available Upgrade Licensed Memory: N/A(Smart License Enabled)
Available Feature Licensed Memory: N/A(Smart License Enabled)
Current Memory Allocation:
Cisco IOSD: 2560 MB (default) + 0 MB upgrade
Data Plane: 1536 MB (default) + 0 MB upgrade
Router#show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure exmem statistics
QFP exmem statistics
Type: Name: DRAM, QFP: 0
Total: 268435456
InUse: 61156352
Free: 207279104
Lowest free water mark: 206885888
Type: Name: IRAM, QFP: 0
Total: 2097152
InUse: 218112
Free: 1879040
Lowest free water mark: 1879040
Type: Name: SRAM, QFP: 0
Total: 0
InUse: 0
Free: 0
Lowest free water mark: 0