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思科已使用電腦和人工技術翻譯本文件,讓全世界的使用者能夠以自己的語言理解支援內容。請注意,即使是最佳機器翻譯,也不如專業譯者翻譯的內容準確。Cisco Systems, Inc. 對這些翻譯的準確度概不負責,並建議一律查看原始英文文件(提供連結)。
本文檔介紹在Cisco Identity Service Engine(ISE) 3.1版本中引入的狀態狀態同步的配置與使用。
本文檔重點介紹一項新功能- Posture Status Synchronization,該功能旨在解決此類問題,並允許ISE向安全客戶端狀態模組提供有關終端當前狀態的反饋。
啟用終端安全評估狀態同步時,每個ISE PSN節點上都會引入終端安全評估狀態探測埠-預設情況下為TCP 8449。如果Endpoint Posture狀態為Unknown或Pending,且如果Endpoint狀態為Compliant,則應該可從終端訪問它。
1.1在Cisco ISE GUI中,導航到策略>策略元素>結果>客戶端調配>資源。
1.3在「Agent Behavior」區域,將Posture State Synchronization Interval配置為介於1和300秒之間的任意值,0表示停用狀態同步
1.4 您可以配置終端安全評估探測備份清單-安全客戶端使用此清單檢查所選PSN上的終端安全評估狀態。如果不選擇任何PSN,則連線的PSN和任意兩台備份伺服器用作狀態同步的備份。
2. 配置可下載ACL(dACL),在客戶端狀態為合規或不合規時阻止對思科ISE上的安全評估狀態同步埠的訪問。如果終端狀態為已知,您需要為用於合規終端的ACL頂部的每個PSN增加具有狀態狀態狀態同步埠的訪問控制拒絕條目,以限制對狀態狀態同步埠的訪問,例如:
deny tcp any host PSN1-IP-ADDRESS eq 8449
deny tcp any host PSN2-IP-ADDRESS eq 8449
permit ip any any
permit ip any any不是必需的,您可以根據需要用任何規則集替換它。
注意:如果未配置dACL中的deny條目,則在Cisco ISE控制台上觸發狀態配置檢測警報(Posture Configuration Detection Alarm)並在終端上停用狀態同步(Posture State Synchronization),直到Cisco Secure Client重新啟動。
可以在Client Provisioning Portal configuration頁面上更改狀態狀態同步埠(雙向埠)。導航到管理>裝置門戶管理>客戶端調配>選擇所需門戶>門戶行為和流設定,然後打開門戶設定。無法更改預設客戶端調配門戶的終端安全評估狀態同步埠。
1. 狀態評估已完成,狀態狀態為「合規」。
2022/11/09 12:22:47 [Information] aciseagent Function: Authenticator::sendUIStatus Thread Id: 0xC60 File: authenticator.cpp Line: 1905 Level: debug MSG_SU_STEP_STATUS, {Status:4,Compliant:2,RemStatus:2,Phase:0,StepNumber:-1,Progress:-1,Attention:1,Cancellable:0,Restartable:0,ErrorMessage:0,Description1:"Compliant.",Description2:"Network access allowed."}.
2. 狀態同步探測已啟動。
2022/11/09 12:22:47 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::ProcessMessage Thread Id: 0xC60 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 143 Level: info Session Sync Periodic Probing start.
2022/11/09 12:22:47 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x296C File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 335 Level: info Session sync periodic probing thread start.
3. 在狀態狀態同步埠(8449)上啟動到ISE PSN的HTTPS連線。
2022/11/09 12:22:47 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x296C File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 357 Level: debug Sending http session sync periodic probe to [ISE-PSN-FQDN].
2022/11/09 12:22:47 [Information] aciseagent Function: HttpConnection::MakeRequest Thread Id: 0x296C File: httpconnection.cpp Line: 330 Level: debug Url=https://ISE-PSN-FQDN:8449/auth/StateSynch.
4. 狀態狀態同步探測超時。
2022/11/09 12:22:54 [Information] aciseagent Function: hs_transport_winhttp_post Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_transport_winhttp.c Line: 5815 Level: debug unable to send request: 12002.
2022/11/09 12:22:54 [Information] aciseagent Function: hs_transport_post Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_transport.c Line: 1425 Level: trace posting data failed.
2022/11/09 12:22:54 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x296C File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 394 Level: debug HTTP Probe failed/timed-out, Retrying...
在客戶端上捕獲的資料包顯示,在沒有ISE PSN的SYN-ACK響應的情況下,在終端安全評估狀態同步埠(8449)上向ISE PSN節點傳送了SYN資料包:
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 430 Level: debug --- Http Response Headers ---.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug HTTP-Version: 1.1.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Status-Code: 200.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Connection: keep-alive.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2022 11:26:24 GMT.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Keep-Alive: timeout=20.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Content-Length: 0.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Server: server.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' http://www.cisco.com/ data:;.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Accept-CH: Sec-CH-UA-Arch, Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Mobile, Sec-CH-UA-Model, Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Platform, Sec-CH-UA.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-POSTURE_STATUS: Unknown.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x296C File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 442 Level: debug --------------------.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x296C File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 379 Level: debug Different Session state on ISE = [ ISE-PSN-FQDN]. Restarting discovery.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x296C File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 387 Level: debug MSG_NS_SWIFT_RESTART_SEARCH, {manualRescan:0,stopPeriodicProbe:1}.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: SwiftHttpRunner::restartDiscovery Thread Id: 0xC60 File: swifthttprunner.cpp Line: 1431 Level: debug Restarting Discovery.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: SwiftHttpRunner::processMessage Thread Id: 0xC60 File: swifthttprunner.cpp Line: 383 Level: debug Periodic Probes requested to be stopped.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: SwiftHttpRunner::restartDiscovery Thread Id: 0xC60 File: swifthttprunner.cpp Line: 1436 Level: debug MSG_PN_STOP_PERIODIC_PROBE sent.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: SwiftHttpRunner::restartDiscovery Thread Id: 0xC60 File: swifthttprunner.cpp Line: 1437 Level: debug MSG_PN_STOP_PERIODIC_PROBE, .
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: hs_transport_free Thread Id: 0xC60 File: hs_transport.c Line: 606 Level: trace de-initialization done.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::ProcessMessage Thread Id: 0xC60 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 210 Level: debug MSG_PN_STOP_PERIODIC_PROBE received..
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::ProcessMessage Thread Id: 0xC60 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 224 Level: debug Periodic Probing stopped.
2022/11/09 12:26:24 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x296C File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 411 Level: info Session sync periodic probing thread end.
如果AnyConnect_ISEPosture.txt日誌檔案中沒有指示狀態同步啟動,並且客戶端未嘗試與狀態同步埠(8449)上的ISE PSN節點建立連線,請從DART捆綁包或直接在客戶端電腦上檢查狀態配置檔案ISEPostureCFG.xml:「%ProgramData%\Cisco\Cisco Secure Client\ISE Posture\」(適用於Windows PC)。
1)在終端安全評估狀態同步埠(8449)上啟動到ISE PSN的HTTPS連線。
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x2750 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 357 Level: debug Sending http session sync periodic probe to [ISE-PSN-FQDN].
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 430 Level: debug --- Http Response Headers ---.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug HTTP-Version: 1.1.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Status-Code: 200.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Connection: keep-alive.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2022 11:26:34 GMT.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Keep-Alive: timeout=20.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Content-Length: 0.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Server: server.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' http://www.cisco.com/ data:;.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Accept-CH: Sec-CH-UA-Arch, Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Mobile, Sec-CH-UA-Model, Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Platform, Sec-CH-UA.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-POSTURE_STATUS: Compliant.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2750 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 442 Level: debug --------------------.
3)由於檢測到不正確的配置,Posture State Synchronization停止:
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Error] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x2750 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 370 Level: error Incorrect configuration detected by ISE = [ISE-PSN-FQDN], compliant status is not expected.
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::sessionSyncProbe Thread Id: 0x2750 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 371 Level: debug MSG_PN_STOP_PERIODIC_PROBE, .
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::ProcessMessage Thread Id: 0xC60 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 210 Level: debug MSG_PN_STOP_PERIODIC_PROBE received..
2022/11/09 12:26:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: PeriodicProbe::ProcessMessage Thread Id: 0xC60 File: periodic_probe.cpp Line: 224 Level: debug Periodic Probing stopped.
無法通過重新啟動狀態評估或網路更改從思科安全客戶端GUI中重新啟動狀態狀態同步。相反,需要重新啟動Cisco Secure Client才能使狀態同步重新工作。
1. 驗證為安全狀態「相容」授權配置檔案配置了正確的dACL:
2. 驗證詳細身份驗證報告dACL作為「相容」端點的身份驗證結果是否正確傳送。
3. 驗證dACL是否正確應用於網路訪問裝置:
avakhrus_3560C#sh authe sess int fa0/12 det
Interface: FastEthernet0/12
MAC Address: 0050.56a8.be02
IPv6 Address: Unknown
IPv4 Address:
User-Name: TRAINING\bob
Status: Authorized
Domain: DATA
Oper host mode: multi-auth
Oper control dir: both
Session timeout: N/A
Restart timeout: N/A
Periodic Acct timeout: 172800s (local), Remaining: 92111s
Session Uptime: 1515s
Common Session ID: C0A8FF0C00000012679EAF14
Acct Session ID: 0x00000012
Handle: 0x5D000005
Current Policy: POLICY_Fa0/12
Local Policies:
Service Template: DEFAULT_LINKSEC_POLICY_SHOULD_SECURE (priority 150)
Server Policies:
ACS ACL: xACSACLx-IP-avakhrus_posture_probe_ACL-636b75ac
Method status list:
Method State
mab Stopped
dot1x Authc Success
avakhrus_3560C#sh access-lists | s xACSACLx-IP-avakhrus_posture_probe_ACL-636b75ac
Extended IP access list xACSACLx-IP-avakhrus_posture_probe_ACL-636b75ac (per-user)
1 deny tcp any host PSN1-IP-ADDRESS eq 8449
2 deny tcp any host PSN2-IP-ADDRESS eq 8449
3 permit ip any any
即使在網路訪問裝置上對客戶端終端應用了正確的dACL,狀態同步也可能因ISE上的警報而失敗。如果Posture State Synchronization Probe的執行速度快於應用dACL的速度,或者如果Posture State Synchronization Probe在應用dACL時已在進行中,則會發生這種情況。思科漏洞ID CSCwd58316中調查了此問題 .解決方法是,您需要在Anyconnect終端安全評估配置檔案(ISE終端安全評估代理配置檔案設定)中將「網路轉換延遲」設定為10秒。
修訂 | 發佈日期 | 意見 |
1.0 |
18-Oct-2024 |
初始版本 |