本檔案介紹執行Supervisor Engine 720或32的Cisco Catalyst 6500系列交換器上的可用工具Netdr,允許您擷取通往路由處理器CPU(RP)或交換處理器CPU(SP)的內部頻內路徑上的封包。
本檔案中的資訊是根據執行Supervisor Engine 720的Cisco Catalyst 6500系列交換器。
RP CPU通常用於處理第3層(L3)控制流量以及無法進行硬體交換的第3層資料流量。第3層控制流量的某些範例包括開放最短路徑優先(OSPF)、增強型內部閘道路由通訊協定(EIGRP)、邊界閘道通訊協定(BGP)和通訊協定無關多點傳送(PIM)封包。無法進行硬體交換的L3資料流量的某些範例為已設定IP選項的資料包、生存時間(TTL)值為1的資料包以及需要分段的資料包。
SP CPU通常用於處理第2層(L2)控制流量。例如,跨距樹狀目錄通訊協定(STP)、思科探索通訊協定(CDP)和VLAN主幹通訊協定(VTP)封包。
Netdr有助於嘗試對高CPU使用情況進行故障排除。若要檢查RP CPU的繁忙程度,請發出show process cpu命令或show process cpu history命令。要檢查SP CPU的繁忙程度,請發出remote command switch show process cpu命令或remote command switch show process cpu history命令。
Cat6500#show process cpu
CPU utilization for five seconds: 90%/81%; one minute: 89%; five minutes: 80%
Cat6500#debug netdr capture ?
acl (11) Capture packets matching an acl
and-filter (3) Apply filters in an and function: all must match
continuous (1) Capture packets continuously: cyclic overwrite
destination-ip-address (10) Capture all packets matching ip dst address
dstindex (7) Capture all packets matching destination index
ethertype (8) Capture all packets matching ethertype
interface (4) Capture packets related to this interface
or-filter (3) Apply filters in an or function: only one must match
rx (2) Capture incoming packets only
source-ip-address (9) Capture all packets matching ip src address
srcindex (6) Capture all packets matching source index
tx (2) Capture outgoing packets only
vlan (5) Capture packets matching this vlan number
Cat6500#remote login switch
Trying Switch ...
Entering CONSOLE for Switch
Type "^C^C^C" to end this session
Cat6500-sp#debug netdr capture ?
擷取封包後,系統會使用show netdr capture 指令顯示這些封包。
Cat6500#debug netdr capture rx
Cat6500#show netdr capture
A total of 4096 packets have been captured
The capture buffer wrapped 0 times
Total capture capacity: 4096 packets
------- dump of incoming inband packet -------
interface NULL, routine mistral_process_rx_packet_inlin, timestamp 06:35:39.498
dbus info: src_vlan 0x3F1(1009), src_indx 0x102(258), len 0x40(64)
bpdu 0, index_dir 1, flood 0, dont_lrn 1, dest_indx 0x387(903)
05000018 03F16000 01020000 40000000 00117F00 00157F00 00100000 03870000
mistral hdr: req_token 0x0(0), src_index 0x102(258), rx_offset 0x76(118)
requeue 0, obl_pkt 0, vlan 0x3F1(1009)
destmac 00.1A.A2.2D.B3.A4, srcmac, protocol 0800
protocol ip: version 0x04, hlen 0x05, tos 0x00, totlen 46, identifier 8207
df 0, mf 0, fo 0, ttl 32, >src, dst
udp src 68, dst 67 len 26 checksum 0xB8BC
檢查資料包以確定最大流量生成者和趨勢。您可以使用「| include」選項根據欄位(例如,源MAC(srcmac)地址、目標MAC(destmac)地址、源和目標(src & dst)IP地址以及源索引(src_indx))進行搜尋。
Cat6500#show netdr capture | include srcmac
destmac 00.1A.A2.2D.B3.A4, srcmac, protocol 0800
destmac 00.1A.A2.2D.B3.A4, srcmac, protocol 0800
destmac 00.1A.A2.2D.B3.A4, srcmac, protocol 0800
destmac 00.1A.A2.2D.B3.A4, srcmac, protocol 0800
destmac 00.1A.A2.2D.B3.A4, srcmac, protocol 86DD
destmac 00.1A.A2.2D.B3.A4, srcmac, protocol 86DD
destmac 00.1A.A2.2D.B3.A4, srcmac, protocol 86DD
Cat6500#show netdr capture | inc src_indx
dbus info: src_vlan 0x3F1(1009), src_indx 0x102(258), len 0x40(64)
dbus info: src_vlan 0x3F1(1009), src_indx 0x102(258), len 0x40(64)
dbus info: src_vlan 0x3F1(1009), src_indx 0x102(258), len 0x40(64)
dbus info: src_vlan 0x3F1(1009), src_indx 0x102(258), len 0x40(64)
dbus info: src_vlan 0x3F1(1009), src_indx 0x102(258), len 0x54(84)
dbus info: src_vlan 0x3F1(1009), src_indx 0x102(258), len 0x54(84)
dbus info: src_vlan 0x3F1(1009), src_indx 0x102(258), len 0x54(84)
Cat6500#remote command switch test mcast ltl-info index 102
index 0x102 contain ports 5/3
! This is the physical interface sourcing the packet going to the CPU.
Cat6500#remote command switch test mcast ltl-info index 387
index 0x387 contain ports 5/R
!5/R refers to RP CPU on the supervisor engine in slot 5