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本文檔介紹在使用Cisco NX-OS的vPC中Cisco Nexus 9000交換機的升級過程。
附註:Cisco Nexus 7000交換機的升級過程可以基於本文檔進行,但命令和輸出可能會有所不同。如需詳細資訊,請參閱特定於Cisco Nexus交換器的官方Cisco指南。
步驟1.開啟Cisco Nexus 9000和3000 ISSU支援清單
附註:Cisco TAC建議您始終將中斷(重新載入)升級選項與建議的路徑搭配使用。
附註:建議的路徑可以顯示多個跳躍。對於每一跳,必須重複步驟2至11,直到兩台Cisco Nexus交換機都擁有目標NX-OS版本。
步驟2.根據您的Cisco Nexus交換機線路卡,下載推薦路徑中說明的所有Cisco NX-OS檔案。
N9K-1(config)# ping vrf management
N9K-1(config)# copy sftp: bootflash:
Enter source filename: nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin
Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered): management
Enter hostname for the sftp server:
Enter username: admin
The authenticity of host ‘ (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:ABCDEFGHIJK.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added ‘' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Inbound-ReKey for
User Access Verification
Password: cisco
N9K-1(config)# dir | include nxos
1978203648 Mar 31 01:36:06 2023 nxos.9.3.11.bin
1943380992 Mar 17 09:54:16 2023 nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin
Usage for bootflash://
20548902912 bytes used
96040308736 bytes free
116589211648 bytes total
N9K-1(config)# show file bootflash:nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin md5sum
步驟3.確定每個Cisco Nexus交換機在vPC中的操作角色。
N9K-1(config)# show vpc role
vPC Role status
vPC role : primary
Dual Active Detection Status : 0
vPC system-mac : 00:23:04:ee:be:01
vPC system-priority : 32667
vPC local system-mac : 44:b6:be:11:17:67
vPC local role-priority : 32667
vPC local config role-priority : 32667
vPC peer system-mac : f8:a7:3a:4e:40:07
vPC peer role-priority : 32667
vPC peer config role-priority : 32667
N9K-2(config)# show vpc role
vPC Role status
vPC role : secondary
Dual Active Detection Status : 0
vPC system-mac : 00:23:04:ee:be:01
vPC system-priority : 32667
vPC local system-mac : f8:a7:3a:4e:40:07
vPC local role-priority : 32667
vPC local config role-priority : 32667
vPC peer system-mac : 44:b6:be:11:17:67
vPC peer role-priority : 32667
vPC peer config role-priority : 32667
步驟4.驗證vPC中兩台Cisco Nexus交換機上的Cisco NX-OS不相容。
N9K-1(config)# show incompatibility-all nxos bootflash:nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin
Checking incompatible configuration(s) for vdc 'N9K-1':
No incompatible configurations
Checking dynamic incompatibilities:
No incompatible configurations
步驟5.驗證Cisco NX-OS對vPC中的兩台Cisco Nexus交換機的影響。
N9K-1(config)# show install all impact nxos bootflash:nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin
Installer will perform impact only check. Please wait.
Verifying image bootflash:/nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin for boot variable "nxos".
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Verifying image type.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Preparing "nxos" version info using image bootflash:/nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Preparing "bios" version info using image bootflash:/nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Performing module support checks.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Notifying services about system upgrade.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Compatibility check is done:
Module bootable Impact Install-type Reason
------ -------- -------------- ------------ ------
1 yes disruptive reset default upgrade is not hitless
Images will be upgraded according to following table:
Module Image Running-Version(pri:alt) New-Version Upg-Required
------ ---------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------
1 nxos 9.3(11) 10.2(5) yes
1 bios v05.47(04/28/2022):v05.43(11/22/2020) v05.47(04/28/2022) no
Additional info for this installation:
Service "vpc" in vdc 1: Vpc is enabled, Please make sure both Vpc peer switches have same boot mode using 'show boot mode' and proceed
第6步(可選)。 從vPC中的兩台Cisco Nexus交換機匯出運行配置的備份。
N9K-1(config)# copy running-config sftp:running-config-backup
Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered): default
Enter hostname for the sftp server:
Enter username: admin
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:ABDCEFGHI.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Inbound-ReKey for
User Access Verification
Connected to
N9K-1(config)# install all nxos bootflash:nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin
Installer will perform compatibility check first. Please wait.
Installer is forced disruptive
Verifying image bootflash:/nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin for boot variable "nxos".
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Verifying image type.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Preparing "nxos" version info using image bootflash:/nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Preparing "bios" version info using image bootflash:/nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Performing module support checks.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Notifying services about system upgrade.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Compatibility check is done:
Module bootable Impact Install-type Reason
------ -------- -------------- ------------ ------
1 yes disruptive reset default upgrade is not hitless
Images will be upgraded according to following table:
Module Image Running-Version(pri:alt) New-Version Upg-Required
------ ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------
1 nxos 9.3(11) 10.2(5) yes
1 bios v05.47(04/28/2022):v05.43(11/22/2020) v05.47(04/28/2022) no
Additional info for this installation:
Service "vpc" in vdc 1: Vpc is enabled, Please make sure both Vpc peer switches have same boot mode using 'show boot mode' and proceed
Switch will be reloaded for disruptive upgrade.
Do you want to continue with the installation (y/n)? [n] y
附註:必須讀取成功而無任何錯誤。之後,Cisco Nexus交換機將重新啟動,安裝過程可能需要幾分鐘。這在每台Cisco Nexus交換機上可能有所不同。
步驟8.等待Cisco Nexus交換機上的狀態變為活動狀態。
N9K-1(config)# show module
Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status
--- ----- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------
1 54 24x10/25G/32G + 6x40/100G Ethernet/FC N9K-C93180YC-FX-24 active *
Mod Sw Hw Slot
--- ----------------------- ------ ----
1 9.3(11) 1.0 NA
Mod MAC-Address(es) Serial-Num
--- -------------------------------------- ----------
1 44-b6-aa-aa-aa-aa to 44-b6-be-bb-bb-bb ABCDEFGHIJK
Mod Online Diag Status
--- ------------------
1 Pass
* this terminal session
附註:請注意,vPC保持連線和/或對等鏈路可能不能處於UP狀態。這是預期的,因為vPC中的Cisco Nexus交換機具有不受支援的Cisco NX-OS的不同版本。
步驟9.在vPC對等Cisco Nexus交換機上安裝Cisco NX-OS。
N9K-2(config)# install all nxos bootflash:nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin
Installer will perform compatibility check first. Please wait.
Installer is forced disruptive
Verifying image bootflash:/nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin for boot variable "nxos".
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Verifying image type.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Preparing "nxos" version info using image bootflash:/nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Preparing "bios" version info using image bootflash:/nxos64-cs.10.2.5.M.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Performing module support checks.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Notifying services about system upgrade.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Compatibility check is done:
Module bootable Impact Install-type Reason
------ -------- -------------- ------------ ------
1 yes disruptive reset default upgrade is not hitless
Images will be upgraded according to following table:
Module Image Running-Version(pri:alt) New-Version Upg-Required
------ ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------
1 nxos 9.3(11) 10.2(5) yes
1 bios v05.47(04/28/2022):v05.42(06/14/2020) v05.47(04/28/2022) no
Additional info for this installation:
Service "vpc" in vdc 1: Vpc is enabled, Please make sure both Vpc peer switches have same boot mode using 'show boot mode' and proceed
Switch will be reloaded for disruptive upgrade.
Do you want to continue with the installation (y/n)? [n] y
步驟10.等待Cisco Nexus交換機上的狀態變為活動狀態。
N9K-2(config)# show module
Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status
--- ----- ------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------
1 54 24x10/25G/32G + 6x40/100G Ethernet/FC N9K-C93180YC-FX-24 active *
Mod Sw Hw Slot
--- ----------------------- ------ ----
1 9.3(11) 1.0 NA
Mod MAC-Address(es) Serial-Num
--- -------------------------------------- ----------
1 f8-a7-3a-nn-nn-nn to f8-a7-3a-n1-n1-n1 98765432109
Mod Online Diag Status
--- ------------------
1 Pass
* this terminal session
N9K-1(config)# show vpc
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link
vPC domain id : 1
Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status : success
Per-vlan consistency status : success
Type-2 consistency status : success
vPC role : primary
Number of vPCs configured : 2
Peer Gateway : Enabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled
Auto-recovery status : Disabled
Delay-restore status : Timer is off.(timeout = 30s)
Delay-restore SVI status : Timer is off.(timeout = 10s)
Operational Layer3 Peer-router : Enabled
Virtual-peerlink mode : Disabled
vPC Peer-link status
id Port Status Active vlans
-- ---- ------ -------------------------------------------------
1 Po1 up 1
vPC status
Id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans
-- ------------ ------ ----------- ------ ---------------
50 Po50 up success success 1
60 Po60 up success success 1
N9K-2(config)# show vpc
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link
vPC domain id : 1
Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status : success
Per-vlan consistency status : success
Type-2 consistency status : success
vPC role : secondary
Number of vPCs configured : 2
Peer Gateway : Enabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled
Auto-recovery status : Disabled
Delay-restore status : Timer is off.(timeout = 30s)
Delay-restore SVI status : Timer is off.(timeout = 10s)
Operational Layer3 Peer-router : Enabled
Virtual-peerlink mode : Disabled
vPC Peer-link status
id Port Status Active vlans
-- ---- ------ -------------------------------------------------
1 Po1 up 1
vPC status
Id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans
-- ------------ ------ ----------- ------ ---------------
50 Po50 up success success 1
60 Po60 up success success 1
修訂 | 發佈日期 | 意見 |
1.0 |
05-Oct-2023 |
初始版本 |