本文檔介紹將Microsoft Windows 2000 Server作為客戶響應解決方案(CRS)專用伺服器安裝時要使用的產品金鑰,該伺服器表示在同一工作站上未安裝Cisco CallManager的CRS伺服器。
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Cisco CallManager
Cisco CRS
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Cisco CRS版本3.1(x)和3.5(x)
產品文檔不清楚在將Microsoft Windows 2000 Server安裝為CRS專用伺服器時要使用的產品金鑰。
Installing Windows 2000 Server Before you install Cisco CRA 3.5, you must install the Windows 2000 Server operating system on the server that will become your CRA server. To install the Windows 2000 Server operating system, refer to Installing the Operating System on the Cisco IP Telephony Applications Server.
Installing the Operating System on the Cisco IP Telephony Applications Server文檔說明如下
Which product key should I enter when I install the operating system? Cisco supplies you with a Cisco product key when you purchase a Cisco IP telephony product. The product key, which is based on a file encryption system, allows you to install only the operating system and the components that you have purchased, and it prevents other supplied software from being installed for general use on the server. The product key comprises alphabetical letters only. To identify the product key that you enter during the operating system installation, refer to the Cisco IP telephony application installation documentation. See Table 1. The referenced table doesn't point to a CRS document that contains the actual Product Key. This is due to a documentation change in CRS 3.1. Prior to 3.1, the CRS documentation contained the OS install instructions along with the CRS Product Key. As of 3.1, the CRS docs point to the OS install instructions instead. This was intended to avoid having to update the CRS docs if the OS process changed.
安裝Cisco CallManager發行文檔中還有一個孔,再次指向CRS安裝文檔:
Installing Cisco CallManager Release X.X(x) Product Key for Cisco CallManager: BTOO VQES CCJU IEBI Note: The Cisco CallManager product key, which you enter during the operating system installation, allows you to install Cisco CallManager on a server that is dedicated solely to that application. If you want to install Cisco CallManager with Cisco IP Contact Center Express Edition, or Cisco CallManager with Cisco IP Interactive Voice Response on the same server, refer to the Cisco Customer Response Solutions (CRS) installation documentation for the product keys.
同樣,這並不適用於安裝了Cisco CallManager的伺服器。CRS 3.1(x)和3.5(x)產品的發行說明將使用此產品金鑰更新。對於未來的CRS版本,將在產品文檔中或通過CRS媒體向客戶提供此產品金鑰。業務部門(BU)仍在進行這方面的工作,但您將來可以跟蹤CSCsa77810(僅限註冊客戶)以獲取詳細資訊。
修訂 | 發佈日期 | 意見 |
1.0 |
25-Apr-2005 |
初始版本 |