三台Cisco 2600路由器。
Cisco IOS®軟體版本12.2.8.5 ENTERPRISE PLUS/H323 MCM。
在實際網路中,高優先順序流量的來源通常有多種。區分這些條件是一項複雜的工作,因為它們數量眾多,而且容易被忽視。然而,在現實生活中經常發生的幾種常見情況值得考慮。當提供流量優先順序的路由器本身不是此類流量的來源時,准入控制就成為一個問題。典型的拓撲涉及兩個站點上的多個語音網關,這些語音網關通過一對路由器提供的鏈路連線。另一種拓撲涉及兩個站點上具有IP電話的Cisco CallManager,以及PSTN或PBX的網關。在這兩種情況下,我們都有多個來自鏈路兩端的語音流量來源。
有時,如果語音流量超過了優先順序隊列配置的頻寬,則語音品質可能會出現問題。這是因為產生流量的路由器和Cisco CallManager/IP電話在上面給出的設計中沒有對呼叫准入的集中管理。在這種情況下,超出頻寬的封包將被捨棄。
更明智的方法是對來自鏈路兩端的每個語音流量源應用限制。執行此操作時,來自所有站點的總頻寬將不會超過建議站點間鏈路實際頻寬的75%。要應用這些限制,請使用VoIP撥號對等體配置下的max-conn命令。如果我們假設僅在一個中心站點存在Cisco CallManager,我們可以使用其功能限制到沒有CallManager的分支站點的呼叫數。此方法允許我們管理語音流量來源可能超額訂閱連結的情況。這種方法的缺點是不能靈活使用授予源的頻寬。此方法不允許某些網關發出額外呼叫,即使此時有可用頻寬。
最靈活的方法是使用單獨的實體進行集中呼叫准入控制:守門員。網守幫助將兩個站點與兩個Cisco CallManager(或CallManager集群)繫結。
附註: 使用網守並不一定意味著購買新的獨立路由器。根據呼叫數量和路由器的負載,您可以使用適當的Cisco IOS功能集為Enterprise/PLUS/H323,在現有路由器之一上配置網守。這有助於管理小型分支機構,並僅允許在中心站點配置專用網守。
要指定H.323流量的最大聚合頻寬,請使用bandwidth gatekeeper配置命令。要禁用該功能,請使用此命令的no形式。
bandwidth {interzone |總計 | session} {default | zone zone-name} bandwidth-size
無頻寬{interzone |總計 | session} {default | zone zone-name} bandwidth-size
語法 | 說明 |
interzone | 指定從區域到任何其他區域的H.323流量的總頻寬量。 |
總計 | 指定區域中允許的H.323流量的總頻寬量。 |
會話 | 指定區域中會話允許的最大頻寬。 |
預設 | 指定所有區域的預設值。 |
區域 zone-name | 指定特定區域。為特定區域命名。 |
頻寬大小 | 最大頻寬。對於interzone和total,範圍是從1到10,000,000 kbps。session的範圍是從1到5,000 kbps。 |
版本 | 修改 |
12.1(3)XI | 引入了此命令。 |
12.1(5)XM | 未使用zone gatekeeper命令即可識別bandwidth命令。 |
12.2(2)噸 | 此命令已整合到Cisco IOS軟體版本12.2(2)T中。 |
12.2(2)XB1 | 此命令在Cisco AS5850通用網關上實施。 |
在先前的Cisco IOS軟體版本中,bandwidth指令的功能是使用zone gatekeeper指令取得的。
以下示例將區域的最大頻寬配置為5,000 kbps:
Router(config)# gatekeeper Router(config-gk)# bandwidth total default 5000
bandwidth remote — 指定此網守與任何其他網守之間的H.323流量的總頻寬。
GW_1 ECV-2600-17 |
IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-JSX-M), Version 12.2(7a), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) ! hostname ECV-2610-17 ! ! interface Ethernet0/0 ip address h323-gateway voip interface h323-gateway voip id gk-zone1.test.com ipaddr 1718 h323-gateway voip h323-id gw_1 h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1# h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr ! voice-port 1/1/0 ! voice-port 1/1/1 ! ! dial-peer voice 1 voip destination-pattern .... session target ras ! dial-peer voice 2 pots destination-pattern 1711 port 1/1/1 no register e164 ! gateway ! end |
GW_2 ECV-2600-16 |
! hostname ECV-2610-16 ! ! interface Ethernet0/0 ip address h323-gateway voip interface h323-gateway voip id gk-zone3.test.com ipaddr 1718 h323-gateway voip h323-id gw_3 h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1# h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr ! ! voice-port 1/1/0 ! voice-port 1/1/1 ! dial-peer voice 1 voip destination-pattern .... session target ras ! dial-peer voice 2 pots destination-pattern 1611 port 1/1/1 no register e164 ! gateway ! ! end |
GK_1 ECV-2600-15 |
hostname ECV-2610-15 ! boot system tftp c2600-jsx-mz.122-7a.bin ! interface Ethernet0/0 ip address half-duplex h323-gateway voip interface h323-gateway voip id gk-zone1.test.com ipaddr 1718 h323-gateway voip h323-id gw_1b h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1# h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr ! ! voice-port 1/1/0 ! voice-port 1/1/1 ! ! dial-peer voice 6 pots destination-pattern 1511 port 1/1/1 no register e164 ! ! dial-peer voice 5 voip destination-pattern .... session target ras ! gateway ! ! gatekeeper zone local gk-zone1.test.com test.com zone local gk-zone3.test.com test.com zone prefix gk-zone1.test.com 15.. gw-priority 10 gw_1b zone prefix gk-zone3.test.com 16.. gw-priority 10 gw_3 zone prefix gk-zone1.test.com 17.. gw-priority 10 gw_1 gw-type-prefix 1#* default-technology bandwidth interzone zone gk-zone1.test.com 64 !--- Applies the restriction between gk-zone1, and all !--- other zones to 64bk. That allows one call only. bandwidth total zone gk-zone1.test.com 128 !--- Applies the restriction to the total number of calls in zone1, !--- and allows two call in the gk-zone1. no shutdown ! end ECV-2610-15# |
show gateway — 顯示網關註冊狀態。
show gatekeeper endpoints — 列出註冊到網守的所有網關。
show gatekeeper zone prefix — 顯示網守上配置的所有區域字首。
show gatekeeper call — 顯示網守處理的活動呼叫。
debug h225 asn1 — 顯示H225(RAS和Q931呼叫設定)消息。
debug cch323 h225 — 顯示H225呼叫建立消息。
!--- First step is to check the gateway registrations. !--- On the first gateway: ECV-2610-17#show gateway Gateway gw_1 is registered to Gatekeeper gk-zone1.test.com Alias list (CLI configured) H323-ID gw_1 Alias list (last RCF) H323-ID gw_1 H323 resource thresholding is Disabled ECV-2610-17# ---------------------------------------------------------------- !--- And on the second Gateway: ECV-2610-16#show gateway Gateway gw_3 is registered to Gatekeeper gk-zone3.test.com Alias list (CLI configured) H323-ID gw_3 Alias list (last RCF) H323-ID gw_3 H323 resource thresholding is Disabled ECV-2610-16#------------------------------------------------------------ !--- The same on the third Gateway: ECV-2610-15#show gateway Gateway gw_1b is registered to Gatekeeper gk-zone1.test.com Alias list (CLI configured) H323-ID gw_1b Alias list (last RCF) H323-ID gw_1b H323 resource thresholding is Disabled ECV-2610-15#------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- And on the corresponding Gatekeeper: ECV-2610-15#show gatekeeper end GATEKEEPER ENDPOINT REGISTRATION ================================ CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port Zone Name Type F --------------- ----- ------------- ----- --------- ---- -- 1720 58841 gk-zone1.test.com VOIP-GW H323-ID: gw_1b 1720 59067 gk-zone3.test.com VOIP-GW H323-ID: gw_3 1720 52887 gk-zone1.test.com VOIP-GW H323-ID: gw_1 Total number of active registrations = 3 ECV-2610-15# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- To check the dial plan on the Gatekeeper: ECV-2610-15#show gatekeeper zone pre ZONE PREFIX TABLE ================= GK-NAME E164-PREFIX ------- ----------- gk-zone1.test.com 15.. gk-zone3.test.com 16.. gk-zone1.test.com 17.. ECV-2610-15# !--- All configured prefixes should be seen in the zone list. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- To check the zone status on the Gatekeeper: !-- The output shows one permitted interzone call. ECV-2610-15#show gatekeeper zone st GATEKEEPER ZONES ================ GK name Domain Name RAS Address PORT FLAGS ------- ----------- ----------- ----- ----- !--- The output shows the bandwidth restrictions for this zone. gk-zone1.tes test.com 1719 LS BANDWIDTH INFORMATION (kbps) : Maximum total bandwidth : 128 Current total bandwidth : 64 Maximum interzone bandwidth : 64 Current interzone bandwidth : 64 Maximum session bandwidth : Total number of concurrent calls : 1 SUBNET ATTRIBUTES : All Other Subnets : (Enabled) PROXY USAGE CONFIGURATION : Inbound Calls from all other zones : to terminals in local zone gk-zone1.test.com : use proxy to gateways in local zone gk-zone1.test.com : do not use proxy to MCUs in local zone gk-zone1.test.com : do not use proxy Outbound Calls to all other zones : from terminals in local zone gk-zone1.test.com : use proxy from gateways in local zone gk-zone1.test.com : do not use proxy from MCUs in local zone gk-zone1.test.com : do not use proxy !--- There are no bandwidth restrictions for this zone. gk-zone3.tes test.com 1719 LS BANDWIDTH INFORMATION (kbps) : Maximum total bandwidth : Current total bandwidth : 64 Maximum interzone bandwidth : Current interzone bandwidth : 64 Maximum session bandwidth : Total number of concurrent calls : 1 SUBNET ATTRIBUTES : All Other Subnets : (Enabled) PROXY USAGE CONFIGURATION : Inbound Calls from all other zones : to terminals in local zone gk-zone3.test.com : use proxy to gateways in local zone gk-zone3.test.com : do not use proxy to MCUs in local zone gk-zone3.test.com : do not use proxy Outbound Calls to all other zones : from terminals in local zone gk-zone3.test.com : use proxy from gateways in local zone gk-zone3.test.com : do not use proxy from MCUs in local zone gk-zone3.test.com : do not use proxy ECV-2610-15# ------------------------------------------------------------------- ECV-2610-15#show gatekeeper call Total number of active calls = 1. GATEKEEPER CALL INFO ==================== LocalCallID Age(secs) BW 5-0 1 64(Kbps) Endpt(s): Alias E.164Addr CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port src EP: gw_3 1611 1720 59067 dst EP: gw_1b 1511 1720 58841 ECV-2610-15# ------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- The output shows that we reach maximum number of calls for gk-zone1. ECV-2610-15# ECV-2610-15#show gatekeeper zone st GATEKEEPER ZONES ================ GK name Domain Name RAS Address PORT FLAGS ------- ----------- ----------- ----- ----- gk-zone1.tes test.com 1719 LS BANDWIDTH INFORMATION (kbps) : Maximum total bandwidth : 128 Current total bandwidth : 128 Maximum interzone bandwidth : 64 Current interzone bandwidth : 64 Maximum session bandwidth : Total number of concurrent calls : 2 SUBNET ATTRIBUTES : All Other Subnets : (Enabled) PROXY USAGE CONFIGURATION : Inbound Calls from all other zones : to terminals in local zone gk-zone1.test.com : use proxy to gateways in local zone gk-zone1.test.com : do not use proxy to MCUs in local zone gk-zone1.test.com : do not use proxy Outbound Calls to all other zones : from terminals in local zone gk-zone1.test.com : use proxy from gateways in local zone gk-zone1.test.com : do not use proxy from MCUs in local zone gk-zone1.test.com : do not use proxy gk-zone3.tes test.com 1719 LS BANDWIDTH INFORMATION (kbps) : Maximum total bandwidth : Current total bandwidth : 64 Maximum interzone bandwidth : Current interzone bandwidth : 64 Maximum session bandwidth : Total number of concurrent calls : 1 SUBNET ATTRIBUTES : All Other Subnets : (Enabled) PROXY USAGE CONFIGURATION : Inbound Calls from all other zones : to terminals in local zone gk-zone3.test.com : use proxy to gateways in local zone gk-zone3.test.com : do not use proxy to MCUs in local zone gk-zone3.test.com : do not use proxy Outbound Calls to all other zones : from terminals in local zone gk-zone3.test.com : use proxy from gateways in local zone gk-zone3.test.com : do not use proxy from MCUs in local zone gk-zone3.test.com : do not use proxy gk-zone2.tes test.com 1719 RS ECV-2610-15# ECV-2610-15#show gatekeeper call Total number of active calls = 2. GATEKEEPER CALL INFO ==================== LocalCallID Age(secs) BW 20-33504 49 64(kbps) Endpt(s): Alias E.164Addr CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port src EP: gw_3 1611 1720 49762 dst EP: gw_1b 1510 1720 52344 LocalCallID Age(secs) BW 21-22720 36 64(Kbps) Endpt(s): Alias E.164Addr CallSignalAddr Port RASSignalAddr Port src EP: gw_1 1711 1720 54114 dst EP: gw_1b 1511 1720 52344 ECV-2610-15# ------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- The conversation between the gateway and gatekeeper consists of !--- an exchange of RAS messages. !--- We start call to 1511 from GW_3. ECV-2610-16#deb h225 asn1 H.225 ASN1 Messages debugging is on ECV-2610-16# *Mar 1 14:22:20.972: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= admissionRequest : { requestSeqNum 970 callType pointToPoint : NULL callModel direct : NULL endpointIdentifier {"8262B76400000019"} destinationInfo { e164 : "1511" } srcInfo { h323-ID : {"gw_3"} } bandWidth 640 callReferenceValue 23 nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '000000'H } conferenceID '00000000000000000000000000000000'H activeMC FALSE answerCall FALSE canMapAlias TRUE callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } willSupplyUUIEs FALSE } *Mar 1 14:22:20.992: RAS OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 27 8803C900 F0003800 32003600 32004200 37003600 34003000 30003000 30003000 30003100 39010180 48440140 03006700 77005F00 33400280 001740B5 00001203 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000004 E0200180 11000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 *Mar 1 14:22:21.008: *Mar 1 14:22:21.073: RAS INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 2B 0003C940 0280000A 34DA2F06 B800EF14 00C00100 020000 *Mar 1 14:22:21.077: *Mar 1 14:22:21.081: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_3 gets permission to proceed with that call. value RasMessage ::= admissionConfirm : { requestSeqNum 970 bandWidth 640 callModel direct : NULL destCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA2F'H port 1720 } irrFrequency 240 willRespondToIRR FALSE uuiesRequested { setup FALSE callProceeding FALSE connect FALSE alerting FALSE information FALSE releaseComplete FALSE facility FALSE progress FALSE empty FALSE } } !--- The Call setup message from GW_3 follows. *Mar 1 14:22:21.105: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::= value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body setup : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } sourceAddress { h323-ID : {"gw_3"} } sourceInfo { gateway { protocol { voice : { supportedPrefixes { { prefix e164 : "1#" } } } } } mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } activeMC FALSE conferenceID '00000000000000000000000000000000'H conferenceGoal create : NULL callType pointToPoint : NULL sourceCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA30'H port 11018 } callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } fastStart { '0000000D4001800A040001000A34DA3041C5'H, '400000060401004D40018011140001000A34DA30...'H } mediaWaitForConnect FALSE canOverlapSend FALSE } h245Tunneling FALSE } } *Mar 1 14:22:21.141: H225.0 OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 20 A0060008 914A0002 01400300 67007700 5F003308 80013C05 04010020 40000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000045 1C07000A 34DA302B 0A110000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000032 02120000 000D4001 800A0400 01000A34 DA3041C5 1D400000 06040100 4D400180 11140001 000A34DA 3041C400 0A34DA30 41C50100 01000680 0100 *Mar 1 14:22:21.161: *Mar 1 14:22:21.417: H225.0 INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 21 80060008 914A0002 00048811 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00390219 0000000D 40018011 14000100 0A34DA2F 486E000A 34DA2F48 6F1D4000 00060401 004D4001 80111400 01000A34 DA3041C4 000A34DA 2F486F06 800100 *Mar 1 14:22:21.429: *Mar 1 14:22:21.429: H225.0 INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_3 gets Call Proceeding from GW_1b. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body callProceeding : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } destinationInfo { mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } fastStart { '0000000D40018011140001000A34DA2F486E000A...'H, '400000060401004D40018011140001000A34DA30...'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE } } *Mar 1 14:22:21.617: H225.0 INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 28 001A0006 0008914A 00020000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 06A00100 120140B5 0000120B 60011000 011E041E 028188 *Mar 1 14:22:21.626: *Mar 1 14:22:21.626: H225.0 INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_3 geta Call Progress from GW_1b. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body progress : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } destinationInfo { mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE nonStandardControl { { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '60011000011E041E028188' } } } } *Mar 1 14:22:21.642: H225 NONSTD INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 60 01100001 1E041E02 8188 *Mar 1 14:22:21.646: *Mar 1 14:22:21.646: H225 NONSTD INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_3 get some facility messagesfrom GW_1b. value H323_UU_NonStdInfo ::= { version 16 protoParam qsigNonStdInfo : { iei 30 rawMesg '1E028188'H } } *Mar 1 14:22:22.831: %SYS-3-MGDTIMER: Running timer, init, timer = 81F1AC08. -Process= "Virtual Exec", ipl= 0, pid= 61 -Traceback= 803250A4 80325214 80325318 80EB12C0 80EB17DC 802A65F0 802B5080 8033D818 *Mar 1 14:22:22.835: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING PDU ::= value ARQnonStandardInfo ::= { sourceAlias { } sourceExtAlias { } } *Mar 1 14:22:22.839: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 00 0000 *Mar 1 14:22:22.839: *Mar 1 14:22:22.839: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_3 starts the second Call to 1711 now we send RAS message to GK. value RasMessage ::= admissionRequest : { requestSeqNum 971 callType pointToPoint : NULL callModel direct : NULL endpointIdentifier {"8262B76400000019"} destinationInfo { e164 : "1711" } srcInfo { h323-ID : {"gw_3"} } bandWidth 640 callReferenceValue 24 nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '000000'H } conferenceID '00000000000000000000000000000000'H activeMC FALSE answerCall FALSE canMapAlias TRUE callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } willSupplyUUIEs FALSE } *Mar 1 14:22:22.860: RAS OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 27 8803CA00 F0003800 32003600 32004200 37003600 34003000 30003000 30003000 30003100 39010180 4A440140 03006700 77005F00 33400280 001840B5 00001203 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000004 E0200180 11000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 *Mar 1 14:22:22.876: *Mar 1 14:22:22.940: RAS INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 2B 0003CA40 0280000A 34DA3106 B800EF14 00C00100 020000 *Mar 1 14:22:22.944: *Mar 1 14:22:22.944: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_3 gets permission to proceed as there are no restrictions on zone3. value RasMessage ::= admissionConfirm : { requestSeqNum 971 bandWidth 640 callModel direct : NULL destCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA31'H port 1720 } irrFrequency 240 willRespondToIRR FALSE uuiesRequested { setup FALSE callProceeding FALSE connect FALSE alerting FALSE information FALSE releaseComplete FALSE facility FALSE progress FALSE empty FALSE } } *Mar 1 14:22:22.972: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_3 sends setup message to GW_1. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body setup : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } sourceAddress { h323-ID : {"gw_3"} } sourceInfo { gateway { protocol { voice : { supportedPrefixes { { prefix e164 : "1#" } } } } } mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } activeMC FALSE conferenceID '00000000000000000000000000000000'H conferenceGoal create : NULL callType pointToPoint : NULL sourceCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA30'H port 11019 } callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } fastStart { '0000000D4001800A040001000A34DA30402F'H, '400000060401004D40018011140001000A34DA30...'H } mediaWaitForConnect FALSE canOverlapSend FALSE } h245Tunneling FALSE } } *Mar 1 14:22:23.008: H225.0 OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 20 A0060008 914A0002 01400300 67007700 5F003308 80013C05 04010020 40000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000045 1C07000A 34DA302B 0B110000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000032 02120000 000D4001 800A0400 01000A34 DA30402F 1D400000 06040100 4D400180 11140001 000A34DA 30402E00 0A34DA30 402F0100 01000680 0100 *Mar 1 14:22:23.028: *Mar 1 14:22:23.220: H225.0 INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 25 80060008 914A0002 01110000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000006 800100 *Mar 1 14:22:23.224: *Mar 1 14:22:23.224: H225.0 INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1 replies with Release Complete message after asking GK !--- for permission to accept that call. !--- When the permission is denied, we set bandwidth limit. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body releaseComplete : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE } } *Mar 1 14:22:23.236: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_3 notifies GK that the call does not exist anymore. value RasMessage ::= disengageRequest : { requestSeqNum 972 endpointIdentifier {"8262B76400000019"} conferenceID '00000000000000000000000000000000'H callReferenceValue 24 disengageReason normalDrop : NULL callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } answeredCall FALSE } *Mar 1 14:22:23.248: RAS OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 3E 03CB1E00 38003200 36003200 42003700 36003400 30003000 30003000 30003000 31003900 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 18216111 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000100 *Mar 1 14:22:23.256: *Mar 1 14:22:23.288: RAS INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 40 03CB *Mar 1 14:22:23.288: *Mar 1 14:22:23.288: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GK confirms that message. value RasMessage ::= disengageConfirm : { requestSeqNum 972 } ECV-2610-16#u all All possible debugging has been turned off ECV-2610-16# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- The incoming RAS message to the GK from GW_3. ECV-2610-15#debug h225 asn1 H.225 ASN1 Messages debugging is on ECV-2610-15# *Mar 11 21:54:28.313: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= admissionRequest : { requestSeqNum 970 callType pointToPoint : NULL callModel direct : NULL endpointIdentifier {"8262B76400000019"} destinationInfo { e164 : "1511" } srcInfo { h323-ID : {"gw_3"} } bandWidth 640 callReferenceValue 23 nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '000000'H } conferenceID '00000000000000000000000000000000'H activeMC FALSE answerCall FALSE canMapAlias TRUE callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } willSupplyUUIEs FALSE } *Mar 11 21:54:28.334: H225 NONSTD INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 00 0000 *Mar 11 21:54:28.334: *Mar 11 21:54:28.334: H225 NONSTD INCOMING PDU ::= value ARQnonStandardInfo ::= { sourceAlias { } sourceExtAlias { } } !--- The outgoing RAS message fro GK to GW_3 with permission to start call. *Mar 11 21:54:28.338: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= admissionConfirm : { requestSeqNum 970 bandWidth 640 callModel direct : NULL destCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA2F'H port 1720 } irrFrequency 240 willRespondToIRR FALSE uuiesRequested { setup FALSE callProceeding FALSE connect FALSE alerting FALSE information FALSE releaseComplete FALSE facility FALSE progress FALSE empty FALSE } } *Mar 11 21:54:28.350: RAS OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 2B 0003C940 0280000A 34DA2F06 B800EF14 00C00100 020000 *Mar 11 21:54:28.354: *Mar 11 21:54:28.446: H225.0 INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 20 A0060008 914A0002 01400300 67007700 5F003308 80013C05 04010020 40000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000045 1C07000A 34DA302B 0A110000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000032 02120000 000D4001 800A0400 01000A34 DA3041C5 1D400000 06040100 4D400180 11140001 000A34DA 3041C400 0A34DA30 41C50100 01000680 0100 *Mar 11 21:54:28.466: *Mar 11 21:54:28.470: H225.0 INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The incoming H323(Q931) message from GW_3 to GW_1b on the same router as GK. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body setup : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } sourceAddress { h323-ID : {"gw_3"} } sourceInfo { gateway { protocol { voice : { supportedPrefixes { { prefix e164 : "1#" } } } } } mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } activeMC FALSE conferenceID '00000000000000000000000000000000'H conferenceGoal create : NULL callType pointToPoint : NULL sourceCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA30'H port 11018 } callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } fastStart { '0000000D4001800A040001000A34DA3041C5'H, '400000060401004D40018011140001000A34DA30...'H } mediaWaitForConnect FALSE canOverlapSend FALSE } h245Tunneling FALSE } } *Mar 11 21:54:28.514: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING PDU ::= value ARQnonStandardInfo ::= { sourceAlias { } sourceExtAlias { } } *Mar 11 21:54:28.518: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 00 0000 *Mar 11 21:54:28.518: *Mar 11 21:54:28.518: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1b asks GK if it can accept call from GW_3. value RasMessage ::= admissionRequest : { requestSeqNum 1347 callType pointToPoint : NULL callModel direct : NULL endpointIdentifier {"82717F5C0000001B"} destinationInfo { e164 : "1511" } srcInfo { h323-ID : {"gw_3"} } srcCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA30'H port 11018 } bandWidth 640 callReferenceValue 29 nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '000000'H } conferenceID '00000000000000000000000000000000'H activeMC FALSE answerCall TRUE canMapAlias TRUE callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } willSupplyUUIEs FALSE } *Mar 11 21:54:28.542: RAS OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 27 98054200 F0003800 32003700 31003700 46003500 43003000 30003000 30003000 30003100 42010180 48440140 03006700 77005F00 33000A34 DA302B0A 40028000 1D40B500 00120300 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000044E0 20018011 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000100 *Mar 11 21:54:28.558: *Mar 11 21:54:28.562: RAS INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 27 98054200 F0003800 32003700 31003700 46003500 43003000 30003000 30003000 30003100 42010180 48440140 03006700 77005F00 33000A34 DA302B0A 40028000 1D40B500 00120300 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000044E0 20018011 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000100 *Mar 11 21:54:28.578: *Mar 11 21:54:28.582: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- That is the same RAS message. The GK gets it, and sees the sequence number. !--- The GK is on the same router as GW_1b, so all messages can be seen twice. value RasMessage ::= admissionRequest : { requestSeqNum 1347 callType pointToPoint : NULL callModel direct : NULL endpointIdentifier {"82717F5C0000001B"} destinationInfo { e164 : "1511" } srcInfo { h323-ID : {"gw_3"} } srcCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA30'H port 11018 } bandWidth 640 callReferenceValue 29 nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '000000' } conferenceID '00000000000000000000000000000000'H activeMC FALSE answerCall TRUE canMapAlias TRUE callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } willSupplyUUIEs FALSE } *Mar 11 21:54:28.606: H225 NONSTD INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 00 0000 *Mar 11 21:54:28.606: *Mar 11 21:54:28.606: H225 NONSTD INCOMING PDU ::= value ARQnonStandardInfo ::= { sourceAlias { } sourceExtAlias { } } *Mar 11 21:54:28.610: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GK grants the permission to GW_1b. !--- This is a message in the GK debug outgoing value RasMessage ::= admissionConfirm : { requestSeqNum 1347 bandWidth 640 callModel direct : NULL destCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA2F'H port 1720 } irrFrequency 240 willRespondToIRR FALSE uuiesRequested { setup FALSE callProceeding FALSE connect FALSE alerting FALSE information FALSE releaseComplete FALSE facility FALSE progress FALSE empty FALSE } } *Mar 11 21:54:28.622: RAS OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 2B 00054240 0280000A 34DA2F06 B800EF14 00C00100 020000 *Mar 11 21:54:28.626: *Mar 11 21:54:28.630: RAS INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 2B 00054240 0280000A 34DA2F06 B800EF14 00C00100 020000 *Mar 11 21:54:28.634: *Mar 11 21:54:28.634: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GK grants the permission to GW_1b. !--- This is a message in the GW_1b debug incoming. value RasMessage ::= admissionConfirm : { requestSeqNum 1347 bandWidth 640 callModel direct : NULL destCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA2F'H port 1720 } irrFrequency 240 willRespondToIRR FALSE uuiesRequested { setup FALSE callProceeding FALSE connect FALSE alerting FALSE information FALSE releaseComplete FALSE facility FALSE progress FALSE empty FALSE } } *Mar 11 21:54:28.654: %SYS-3-MGDTIMER: Timer has parent, timer link, timer = 820AE990. -Process= "CC-API_VCM", ipl= 6, pid= 93 -Traceback= 80325850 8032A720 80E74850 8033D818 *Mar 11 21:54:28.666: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1b replies to GW_3 setup message. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body callProceeding : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } destinationInfo { mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } fastStart { '0000000D40018011140001000A34DA2F486E000A...'H, '400000060401004D40018011140001000A34DA30...'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE } } *Mar 11 21:54:28.682: H225.0 OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 21 80060008 914A0002 00048811 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00390219 0000000D 40018011 14000100 0A34DA2F 486E000A 34DA2F48 6F1D4000 00060401 004D4001 80111400 01000A34 DA3041C4 000A34DA 2F486F06 800100 *Mar 11 21:54:28.694: *Mar 11 21:54:28.710: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING PDU ::= value H323_UU_NonStdInfo ::= { version 16 protoParam qsigNonStdInfo : { iei 30 rawMesg '1E028188'H } } *Mar 11 21:54:28.714: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 60 01100001 1E041E02 8188 *Mar 11 21:54:28.714: *Mar 11 21:54:28.714: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1b replies to GW_3 setup message and sends second message. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body progress : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } destinationInfo { mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE nonStandardControl { { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '60011000011E041E028188'H } } } } *Mar 11 21:54:28.734: H225.0 OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 28 001A0006 0008914A 00020000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 06A00100 120140B5 0000120B 60011000 011E041E 028188 *Mar 11 21:54:28.742: *Mar 11 21:54:30.161: RAS INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 27 8803CA00 F0003800 32003600 32004200 37003600 34003000 30003000 30003000 30003100 39010180 4A440140 03006700 77005F00 33400280 001840B5 00001203 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000004 E0200180 11000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 *Mar 11 21:54:30.177: *Mar 11 21:54:30.181: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GK gets ARQ from GW_3 for the second call. value RasMessage ::= admissionRequest: { requestSeqNum 971 callType pointToPoint : NULL callModel direct : NULL endpointIdentifier {"8262B76400000019"} destinationInfo { e164 : "1711" } srcInfo { h323-ID : {"gw_3"} } bandWidth 640 callReferenceValue 24 nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '000000'H } conferenceID '00000000000000000000000000000000'H activeMC FALSE answerCall FALSE canMapAlias TRUE callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } willSupplyUUIEs FALSE } *Mar 11 21:54:30.197: H225 NONSTD INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 00 0000 *Mar 11 21:54:30.201: *Mar 11 21:54:30.201: H225 NONSTD INCOMING PDU ::= value ARQnonStandardInfo ::= { sourceAlias { } sourceExtAlias { } } *Mar 11 21:54:30.205: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GK grants permission to GW_3, as there are no restrictions for zone3. value RasMessage ::= admissionConfirm : { requestSeqNum 971 bandWidth 640 callModel direct : NULL destCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA31'H !--- The hexadecimal number is, IP of GW_1. port 1720 } irrFrequency 240 willRespondToIRR FALSE uuiesRequested { setup FALSE callProceeding FALSE connect FALSE alerting FALSE information FALSE releaseComplete FALSE facility FALSE progress FALSE empty FALSE } } *Mar 11 21:54:30.217: RAS OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 2B 0003CA40 0280000A 34DA3106 B800EF14 00C00100 020000 *Mar 11 21:54:30.221: *Mar 11 21:54:30.429: RAS INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 27 98045F00 F0003800 32003300 38003600 30004400 34003000 30003000 30003000 30003100 41010180 4A440140 03006700 77005F00 33000A34 DA302B0B 40028000 2840B500 00120300 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000044E0 20018011 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000100 *Mar 11 21:54:30.445: *Mar 11 21:54:30.445: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The incoming request from GW_1 asks for permission to accept call from GW_3. value RasMessage ::= admissionRequest : { requestSeqNum 1120 callType pointToPoint : NULL callModel direct : NULL endpointIdentifier {"823860D40000001A"} destinationInfo { e164 : "1711" } srcInfo { h323-ID : {"gw_3"} } srcCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA30'H port 11019 } bandWidth 640 callReferenceValue 40 nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '000000'H } conferenceID '00000000000000000000000000000000'H activeMC FALSE answerCall TRUE canMapAlias TRUE callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } willSupplyUUIEs FALSE } *Mar 11 21:54:30.469: H225 NONSTD INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 00 0000 *Mar 11 21:54:30.469: *Mar 11 21:54:30.469: H225 NONSTD INCOMING PDU ::= value ARQnonStandardInfo ::= { sourceAlias { } sourceExtAlias { } } !--- The GK does not allow the call to come through, and replies with ARJ. *Mar 11 21:54:30.473: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= value RasMessage ::= admissionReject : { requestSeqNum 1120 rejectReason requestDenied : NULL } *Mar 11 21:54:30.477: RAS OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 2C 045F20 *Mar 11 21:54:30.477: *Mar 11 21:54:30.541: RAS INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 3E 03CB1E00 38003200 36003200 42003700 36003400 30003000 30003000 30003000 31003900 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 18216111 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000100 *Mar 11 21:54:30.553: *Mar 11 21:54:30.557: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_3 notifies GK that call does not exist anymore. value RasMessage ::= disengageRequest : { requestSeqNum 972 endpointIdentifier {"8262B76400000019"} conferenceID '00000000000000000000000000000000'H callReferenceValue 24 disengageReason normalDrop : NULL callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } answeredCall FALSE } *Mar 11 21:54:30.565: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !-- The GK confirms the message from GW_3 value RasMessage ::= disengageConfirm : { requestSeqNum 972 } ---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- The call setup from GW_1 perspective. ECV-2610-17#deb h225 asn1 H.225 ASN1 Messages debugging is on ECV-2610-17# *Mar 2 22:55:40: H225.0 INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 20 A0060008 914A0002 01400300 67007700 5F003308 80013C05 04010020 40000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000045 1C07000A 34DA302B 0B110000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000032 02120000 000D4001 800A0400 01000A34 DA30402F 1D400000 06040100 4D400180 11140001 000A34DA 30402E00 0A34DA30 402F0100 01000680 0100 *Mar 2 22:55:40: *Mar 2 22:55:40: H225.0 INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1 gets the H323 (Q931) setup message from GW_3. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body setup : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } sourceAddress { h323-ID : {"gw_3"} } sourceInfo { gateway { protocol { voice : { supportedPrefixes { { prefix e164 : "1#" } } } } } mc FALSE undefinedNode FALSE } activeMC FALSE conferenceID '00000000000000000000000000000000'H conferenceGoal create : NULL callType pointToPoint : NULL sourceCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA30'H port 11019 } callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } fastStart { '0000000D4001800A040001000A34DA30402F'H, '400000060401004D40018011140001000A34DA30...'H } mediaWaitForConnect FALSE canOverlapSend FALSE } h245Tunneling FALSE } } *Mar 2 22:55:40: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING PDU ::= value ARQnonStandardInfo ::= { sourceAlias { } sourceExtAlias { } } *Mar 2 22:55:40: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 00 0000 *Mar 2 22:55:40: *Mar 2 22:55:40: RAS OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1 asks GK for permission to accept the call. value RasMessage ::= admissionRequest : { requestSeqNum 1120 callType pointToPoint : NULL callModel direct : NULL endpointIdentifier {"823860D40000001A"} destinationInfo { e164 : "1711" } srcInfo { h323-ID : {"gw_3"} } srcCallSignalAddress ipAddress : { ip '0A34DA30'H port 11019 } bandWidth 640 callReferenceValue 40 nonStandardData { nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard : { t35CountryCode 181 t35Extension 0 manufacturerCode 18 } data '000000'H } conferenceID '00000000000000000000000000000000'H activeMC FALSE answerCall TRUE canMapAlias TRUE callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } willSupplyUUIEs FALSE } *Mar 2 22:55:40: RAS OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 27 98045F00 F0003800 32003300 38003600 30004400 34003000 30003000 30003000 30003100 41010180 4A440140 03006700 77005F00 33000A34 DA302B0B 40028000 2840B500 00120300 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000044E0 20018011 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000100 *Mar 2 22:55:41: *Mar 2 22:55:41: RAS INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 2C 045F20 *Mar 2 22:55:41: *Mar 2 22:55:41: RAS INCOMING PDU ::= !--- The GK denies permission to accept the call from GW_3 due to bandwidth limit. value RasMessage ::= admissionReject : { requestSeqNum 1120 rejectReason requestDenied : NULL } *Mar 2 22:55:41: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::= !--- The GW_1 rejects call setup from GW_3. value H323_UserInformation ::= { h323-uu-pdu { h323-message-body releaseComplete : { protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 2 } callIdentifier { guid '00000000000000000000000000000000'H } } h245Tunneling FALSE } } *Mar 2 22:55:41: H225.0 OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 25 80060008 914A0002 01110000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000006 800100 *Mar 2 22:55:41: ECV-2610-17# ECV-2610-17# ECV-2610-17#u all All possible debugging has been turned off ----------------------------------------------------------------------
修訂 | 發佈日期 | 意見 |
1.0 |
02-Feb-2006 |
初始版本 |